Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Nama, you’ll have to come up here and join us fasting. We are experiencing stunning winter weather at present. Cold nights. Warm, sunny 19deg days. We went kayaking yesterday. Long long walk today. Life’s good.
    5 hours until some barramundi tonight. 😊
    Keep warm. P

    Nama, your OH’s PSA levels are fascinating. I guess he might not want to run an exclusion experiment to find out whether it’s one/other/both (fasting/kefir), but it would be interesting!

    Well I fasted yesterday. A new one for me, fasting at the weekend. A number of elderly relatives were visiting, and expected (demanded?!) a Sunday roast. It used to be one of my favourite meals, but I just find it heavy and stodgy now and definitely not summer food. OH cooked (and he does make a fine roast dinner…!), but despite expectations that I must eat it too…I thought no b**ger it, I’m nearly 50, I don’t want a roast. They will have toddled off, tutting and commenting on my unsociable, odd habits, and feeling sorry for OH (how ungrateful of me when he had gone to all that trouble!). I held out for a Greek salad 😁

    Go Happy! Good on you girl!!!!! P

    Morning/evening all,

    Another beautiful morning πŸ™‚

    Mr Nama’s PSA levels are very interesting and most importantly excellent news.

    Happy, I agree that roasts are not summer food, and they are very filling.
    I’m sure you thoroughly enjoyed your Greek salad.

    I’m off to the optician for an eye test and I know that my prescription has changed and I’ll be spending all my money on new glasses and sunglasses so I probably won’t be able to afford to eat at all this week……… πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello all,
    What are PSA levels?

    I am no 1 Fan of Kefir- apart from silly muscle injuries due to sport or dancing I Have really benefitted as have many of those to whom I have given grains. My daughter has really noticed the difference working with small germs children, she fights everything off now.

    I have had a great day, walking, dancing, swimming and now watching tennis, Heather Watson at Eastbourne, looking good. Cibulkova ( her opponent) is known for her athleticism around the court so she has her work cut out but she seems to be coping well. Being busy kept my mind ‘off’ food which is great. I will break my fast about 6 pm with a nice prawn salad as I am holding Bridge Club practise evening here tonight. I am finally beginning to feel more confident in my bids and hand playing. Usually they have chocolate biscuits at mid break snack but I have bought easy peel oranges.

    Weather due to change this week, this heatwave has been great but my garden would love some rain.

    Have a good week everyone


    Gorgeous day for us today here. We had a very nice cool night and the air is just right.

    I am with little Sasha right now for her check-up. She is scheduled to see them twice a year mainly for her vaccinations. Thank God she’s very well. Her very favorite food now is a tbsp of full fat Greek everyday.

    I am Fasting today! With all that incentive I couldn’t pass. Giving my digestion a break. I have set aside 1 liter of homemade veggie broth to sip on and for dinner perhaps a lentil soup.

    I’ll be ordering my new kefir today. My sisters want it very much and since I am going down there for a wedding may as well do this health benefit.
    Have also a big batch of saukraut in the making.

    Stay well everyone 🌺

    Afternoon all,

    Jo, it’s prostate specific antigen and rising levels can indicate cancer.

    It’s been a lovely day today and I’ve been busy all day and am now very hungry so my asparagus and cherry tomatoes are in the oven and I’m about to poach an egg.

    Heather Watson hasn’t played this well in singles for 2 years and it’s great to see her doing so. Cibulkova is difficult to beat although not quite at her best, but it would be a huge win for Heather and a real conficence booster.

    Time for dinner πŸ˜€

    Hello All,

    Nice lunch out today and day out visiting a country house and garden tomorrow. It’s good to have a rest from bowling.

    The weather is overcast here but still warm, no rain yet.

    Wimbledon next week so I will be planning to watch some ‘matches’ Hopefully the rain won’t effect much of the programme.

    The Tower block saga continues with more and more buildings failing current fire regulations. It’s a desperate time and many people are frightenened to stay in their homes.

    Fasting Thursday and Friday this week.

    I woke up this morning at 5am with unexpected rain. This isn’t what Mr. Weatherman said last night. Well, at least I didn’t have to water the plants.
    On the other hand, the outside cleaning and the decks are are cleanned. I’ve already invited a nice couple for dinner Thursday. Our bathroom is becoming a master suite so there’s so much dust all over. Not a big deal really.
    Also I managed to take a gear yoga class. My shoulder or anything didn’t hurt right now and a feel lighter.
    The Fast was okay yesterday! I passed my 5:2 book to a girlfriend since she showed interest.
    Looks like Jo is feeling better.
    Back to work a bit more!

    We finally got some rain last night so the garden is happier, grass less brown.

    Overcast today and more rain expected so taking my mac with me today. Hope it holds off while I visit the gardens.

    Ukelele group went well last night, I am beginning to make progress finally. I can now play a few tunes without looking at the frets to place my fingers for the chords. We had some new guys joined last night. It they are already very good. I really must practise more. There are so many groups down south now, very fashionable. I may even learn guitar in a few years, why not? We play a very broad range of music.

    Not sure what food on offer today, suspect sandwiches and cream tea.

    Have a good day everyone

    Hi everyone,

    Second FD of the week and I was so cold I had to dig out a sweatshirt!
    That and hot drinks didn’t help so I’ve eaten my prawn and avocado salad to fire up the internal combustion engine.

    Only 10 hours until bedtime…………….

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Friday is the beginning of my liver’s work week. ~ Unknown
    I know each day is a gift, but where’s the receipt for Mondays? I want to exchange it for another Friday. ~ Unknown
    I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday. ~ Unknown
    Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, it’s not me, it’s you. ~ Unknown
    Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon. ~ Richard Nelson Bolles
    It’s Friday. Any plan of being a productive member of society is officially thrown out the window. ~ Unknown
    Music always sounds better on Friday. ~ Lou Brutus
    The way I see it, every Friday is Good Friday. ~ Unknown
    Things people say: It’s Friday! Things self-employed people say: It’s Friday? ~ Unknown
    Employers are at their happiest on Mondays. Employees are at their happiest on Fridays. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana
    If my boss knew how unproductive I am on Fridays, he wouldn’t want me here either. ~ Unknown
    There are two tests in life, more important than any other test. On Monday morning, when you wake up, do you feel in the pit of your stomach you can’t wait to go to work? And when you’re ready to go home Friday afternoon, do you say, “I can’t wait to go home?” ~ Chuck Schumer
    Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my co-workers with a keyboard. ~ Unknown
    If you’re playing World of Warcraft on a Friday night & you put your ear up to your monitor, it sounds exactly like having no friends. ~ Unknown
    I am always happy to meet my friend, and my friend is my weekend. ~ Debasish Mridha
    It’s Friday! I can’t wait to be ashamed of what I do this weekend.~ Unknown

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    And the retired person says ‘It’s Friday? Must be, RT’s jokes have been posted!’
    Thanks RT. Have a good one mate. 😁😁P

    Or Thursday evening!

    Love to everyone πŸ€—

    Or Thursday lunch for our friends in the Americas. 😊😊

    Don’t mention food! Boo hoo! Dinner was very inadequate tonight. Early to bed for me too


    Hold strong Jo. Tomorrow will come and you’ll be proud of yourself. ☺☺P

    Hi all

    This has been the only thread the system has allowed me to read over the last 3 months, and I have lurked for long enough. I was forced to redo my password before being allowed back in to post. My existing password was deemed to to be too easy. I trust the system will remember the password, because I doubt that I will.

    Have stayed above my desired weight, by fasting 6:1. I need to begin 5:2 fasting in Spring.

    We had a fantastic holiday in Canada and Alaska, and can thoroughly recommend for dramatic scenery, bears, moose, caribou, and nice people.

    Well done to all the successful fasters, and to the enjoyers of life. 🌺🌺🌺

    Cheers, Bay

    Hi Bay! Welcome back 😊 Your trip sounds wonderful. You’ll need that ‘little extra’ to keep you warm in the sub zero temps your town has been experiencing. Keep warm. P 😊

    Hi Bay you have been missed i assure you keep on keeping on
    “Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn’t smile back ”
    Peace RT

    And I love that Thursday is my Friday ! Poor old Monday gets such a bad rap.

    Welcome back, Bay. Sounds like a fabulous trip – now back to freezing Canberra πŸ™

    I too was cold during yesterday’s FD, Amazon – but then it is the middle of winter here.

    Doctor’s visit for OH first thing this morning, and we all agreed that the important thing for him is to lose weight. The cholesterol is not important, and the weight increases his cardiovascular risk, especially with family heart problems. He’s happy to go full fat, it’s the cutting down on the carbs that is the difficulty. What can we substitute the bread with, when he’s not keen at all on fruit & veggies? I am doing as much as I can, further changes have to be up to him. 5:2 hasn’t been a complete failure, but it has not provided the solution for him.

    Our boys are a trial, aren’t they Barata? I blame their mothers!
    After over 4 years on this wol, I can’t believe the things my non veg eating husband now eats. The trick seemed to be to find the most flavoursome combinations I could find and gradually I introduced more and more variety. Other than tomatoes, there are very few things he won’t at least try now. And I can use passata, so life is easier than it has been for 46 years!!
    Keep experimenting with new recipes and go cold turkey with breads. P 😘

    I wish! If I was in control, and didn’t have to have bread in the house for son and (now back again) step-grandson! Plus he’s on the road all day, so lunch is tricky for him. We need to find something that fills him, that he likes. I don’t think it exists. πŸ™

    Thanks Purple and RT. β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ

    Bay, you lurker! Good that you’ve emerged from behind the net curtain! I’ve not been to Alaska, but did holiday in Calgary/ Lake Louise/ Banff/ Vancouver many years ago. Good memories.

    I’ve done three 24 hour fasts this week. Don’t know what’s been going on, but non-fast days have been a nightmare. Not so much that I’ve been hungry, but just not felt full at all! Calorie wise, the fast days won’t come in at quarter TDEE (but MM suggests we can have 800 now anyway). I’m wondering if, for me at least, an 800 cal allowance isn’t actually easier (particularly if they’re mostly saved for an evening meal). Or maybe it’s hormones… who knows. The unexpected cold snap hasn’t helped! I’ve reisted the heating, but resorted to winter layers!

    How disappointing on so many levels Happy. πŸ˜‘ So sorry to hear you aren’t basking in summer sun (we are still under the doona with 3 deg outside, but it IS winter β›„)
    I found it took a while for the scales to stabilise after our ADF trial. It DID reduce our appetite on non fast days. We also eat relatively larger portions on fast nights. Rarely 1/4 TDEE any more. That was definitely necessary while in the weightloss phase, but does not seem vital in long term maintenance. The fast itself is the important factor.
    Mr P has had the lowest daily bloodsugars ever since we did the ADF. As Jason Fung keeps saying…it is the fast that matters.
    Good luck with getting a grip on the hunger. I’d blame the sudden change in temp. P 😊

    Happy sorry to hear you are stuck right now. Fasting on cold weather is horrible.
    My new kefir grains arrived yesterday! They are no wasting time on making babies. From the microscopic amount I’ve ordered it’s doubled already. It’s called Hungarian type whatever that means.
    Meanwhile I am not sure what happened with the sauerkraut. It isn’t fermented much. Maybe salt was missing.
    Very hot and humid! We had lots of rain last night and most likely again this afternoon.
    One pound lighter this week. Well! I am trying hard the last days to carefully watch what I eat.
    Too much getting together with lots of drinks and food. A great BBQ to attend tomorrow and another Tuesday.
    Stay well everyone 🌼🌞🌻

    Thanks Girls! But sympathy may be misplaced… Today, hunger (and satiation) has been normal, and weight has dropped back into my maintenance range πŸ˜€

    I have celebrated with burger and chips… Anna Jones (vegetarian) burger, on a slice of homemade spelt/kefir sodabread, with oven roast sweet potato chips. Ha ha, the 20 year old me would never have believed this possible πŸ˜€

    I wish I had one of those burgers to put on top of my salad right now. The last frozen veggie burger bought flactulence was very bad. Probably was the black beans.
    Anna Jones is a new one for me. I just looked her up. Great food πŸ‘

    I’d never heard of Anna Jones either HCB. I just Googled her and found polenta recipes. Amazing! I taught Mr P how to make it last night (had it as a stack on eggplant, under baked Mediterranean fish…pasatta, olives, capers, roast capsicum, leeks, garlic, basil and parmesan). Yum. We set the leftover polenta in a shallow dish to use today. I plan to fry it up with mushrooms and bacon…I’ll see how it goes. I’ll do more investigation of AJ’s recipes. Cheers Happy! P

    Morning evening all,

    Fried polenta is also really nice with a spicy tomato sauce. Very comforting on a cold night. It will be very good with mushrooms and bacon or an egg. I sometimes make polenta as a bed for mushroom ragout and add a side of something green, cabbage, kale or spinach.

    I’m an AJ fangirl!

    I made pulled pork yesterday and served it up with new potatoes and summer veg with a lemon, herb and garlic dressing. It was delicious.
    I’m fasting today so it’ll be served cold with a salad which will go down well on a perfect summer day πŸ™‚

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Yes Amazon! The polenta was excellent. ..did it all on the bbq as the sun was gorgeous. ..eggplant, fried polenta, bacon and chorizo, mushrooms, leek, kale and capsicum. The colours looked terrific in the sunlight too 😊😊

    Good Morning All

    Life has been very, very busy and food choices not good all the time. I have become addicted to eating a wrap, usually garlic on non fast days but it is not a sensible thing to bring carbs back into my life even in a controlled way. Still avoiding sugar though. Have not been daily weighing which is always bad thing for me.
    Saying all that ‘life is good’ despite my weight control issues. My bad back is OK now. It is lurking as stiffness and ache when I wake. I have bought a special lifter to use at bowls and changed my stretches at Dance Class, both have helped.
    The sun is shining daily, very little rain so added watering is vital, grass brown permanently but veg and flowers surviving.
    Try cloud bread Barata, made with eggs, add a little chilli, good bread replacement. Or switch to Soda Bread?
    Hope everyone is well and busy too unless you prefer not being busy of course.

    I’ve just come across a nut and seed loaf, Jo, that OH is happy for me to try. No carbs, which we are trying to decrease in his diet. Will look for cloud bread.

    Glad that life is good and the sun is shining on you. It was 4 degrees when I came home from meditation this evening – but the moon and stars were bright !

    Hi Barrata,
    Cloud bread on the BBC Food website, good luck.
    Let me know how the nut and seed loaf goes.

    I had to attend another funeral today, 3 rd in 4 weeks, very sad, a dear friend. He has suffered greatly over the last two years with many health issues. But he survived to late 70’s after having a massive heart attack at age 34. It was a huge turn out and the feelings ran deep in this big hearted family.

    I have just been watching Wimbledon, 2 UK players just get through to the next round. I am just about to watch Murray and Dustin Brown which should be great. It’s 30 degrees there today, a real scorcher for us. Glad I live on the coast.

    I think a gin and tonic is warranted today.

    Not losing weight at the moment but at least maintaining.

    Hope everyone is well and happy

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    When I say I am fasting for me that means zero calories in.And not 500 calories a 400 calorie meal and a 100 calorie snack on the EOOD not 600 calories for men in the original 5-2 book taken as two meals or one main meal and not the BSD of 800 calories over the day, so it intrigues me that over time some feel the need to revert back to calorie restriction as opposed to having a fast day this is a Jason Fung quote that I just love.
    β€œThe difference is between restricting some foods all the time (CER) and restricting all foods some of the time (IER). This is the difference between failure and success.”
    Another gem of an atricle from Jason Fung here
    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Agree RT.
    We do 24 hour fasts, twice a week. Absolutely no calories over that period.
    It Is easier to eat nothing. P πŸ€—

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called his client.
    “I have some good news, and I have some bad news.”
    The art collector replied, “I’ve had an awful day. Give me the good news first.”
    The lawyer said, “Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she

    just invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15 million

    to $20 million, and I think she could be right.”
    Saul replied enthusiastically, “Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You’ve

    just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?”
    The lawyer replied, “The pictures are of you and your secretary.”

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    RT 😱😱😱😱😱🀣🀣🀣🀣 – no comments!
    Jo I would say that 1 wrap it isn’t a big sin if not eaten everyday. Lettuce/kale wraps are fantastic.
    I missed my scale day Wednesday! We were not in Town and lots of festivities. I’ll skip one week and back to my daily allowances.
    I hope every one is doing well πŸ’‹

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Good one RT.
    Have a top Friday ☺ P

    Great start to the day, RT, chuckles all round. You two are up early.

    We are off for a weekend break in Nelson today, really looking forward to a change of scene. The weather looks reasonable – for the middle of winter πŸ™‚

    Both OH and I have had a satisfying drop on the scales this morning.

    Go the ABs !!

    Morning all,
    No sympathy for that fellow RT!
    Have a lovely weekend break Barata, hope the weather is kind too you.
    Assuming Amazon is enjoying Wimbledon this week, I am so embarrassed by Tomic’s
    pathetic comments again! You will be so pleased with Andy!
    Off for a big walk around the Botanical Gardens with fur grandson this morning, hoping the rain holds off for us! Half hour drive home, wet poodle in the car I hope not! Last fast for the week today.
    Have a great weekend all, wherever you are!

    Morning/evening all,

    Another beautiful day 🌞😎

    I’ve had a really and enjoyable week and today I’m heading off for a few days. I’ll be fasting while I’m on the road

    Nama, I feel really sorry for Tomic. He has been raised by a nasty bully and as a consequence has absolutely no idea how to behave and has few friends in the world of tennis. He is a very unhappy young man who is wasting his considerable talent. I really hope he finds his way before it is too late, or he’ll waste the rest of his life and it’ll be a miserable one.

    Andy is doing much better than the majority of the usual “experts” thought and I hope he continues to do so. I saw his match on Monday but I won’t bee seeing ny more unless he reaches the QFs.

    Have a good one everbody 😜

    Good Morning All,
    I have really been enjoying the tennis but alas will miss ‘live’ version for next few days as I will be bowling or partying. It’s all go here activities and events filling up everyday. My choir lunch out was very good yesterday, just one course of cod and chips with peas in a Seaview pub, just the job, perfect cod, very white, very hot, just cooked( left the batter of course) but ate the chips. We are just planning our next trip to sing in Paris at Nortre Dame and Disneyland. Well that should be ‘fun’, 600 of us going for 4 days.

    Thanks for the laugh RT and I agree, no food fasting is the only way forward. Still doesn’t compensate for over eating on non fast days. Basically if preparing my own food it’s always fresh and healthy. Eating out or with friends is more of a problem in BBQ season. I found some mushroom, spinach and garlic burgers yesterday, these are going on the grill tonight, fingers crossed.

    It’s still very hot here, Kefir takes no time to go ‘over’, totally separate, in less than 10 hours in coolest cupboard, but I just strain it and shake it up then put it in the fridge, seems to taste OK. After all it’s only ‘good’ bacteria.

    My daughter is home for Xmas again this year so I am going to set an example by trying harder to get some more weight off. Setting yet another goal for December. To achieve this I will need to control non fast days better. As my choir is finished for the summer I am going to replace it with a ‘line dancing’ class. Ye Ha! Actually they don’t use Western music now but ‘pop’, should be fun!

    I have two ‘retirement’ parties to organise at the end of the month, but they will both be BBQ’s as large numbers so lots of salad and fish(meat)with strawberries and cream for dessert. Lots of wine too but at least that doesn’t tempt me. Happy on a Gin and slimline tonic, not ideal but only one.

    Amazon and Barata
    Have a great trip. I need to get away again but nothing planned until Autumn. Living is a seaside town in summer has its compensations, everyday feels like a holiday.

    I wonder how Wee and Wiwi are doing? all quiet on that front. Hope you are OK guys and ‘in control’.

    Nama- walking my dogs is one of my biggest pleasures, they are suffering in the heat now though. Woodland walks are essential. Beaches too busy most of the time.

    Have a great weekend everyone, think of my sweating on the bowls green.

    We are in (not) sunny Nelson, just had a fab breakfast and about to wander the local market. Wiwi, after coping with a cold, is now suffering win ‘flu, suggests the endless summers have caught up with her being still in NZ for the winter. She says she’s not even keeping up with the thread, poor thing. They are due to leave in the next week or two.

    Sorry to hear you are under the weather Wi. Get better before the long trip back to France. X
    Enjoy your trips Barata and Amazon. P


    If you look at the Happy Kombucha website, you’ll see that the separation that you’re seeing is what you’d expect. Mine does it. You should start to get a feel for the quantity of grains to milk you need, as that is principally what drives the taste/sourness.

    Nothing to report here. Still maintaining. Busy time in the garden. Back continues to improve.

    Agree Happy. Separation takes place when the kefir is well and truly ready to sieve. Never a problem.
    Jo, getting to grips with the reality of how little food people need (especially at our age) to sustain a realistic healthy weight, is the most important lesson that needs to be learned. Without this understanding, it is very easy to slip back into old, well established overeating habits. It is not a case of deprivation, more realising that most of us have been practising gluttony for too long. πŸ˜‘ Start the rethink now. It will be well established by Christmas.
    I too will have my girl home too. 😊😊😊P

    Good Morning All,
    It’s an overcast day here so I can finally get into the garden to get some weeding done. Why is it that weeds grow twice as quickly as flowers. Guess we will finally get some rain today, long overdue, my grass is very brown now.
    Wiwi- sorry to hear that you have flu, hope you make a quick recovery. Back to sunny France soon, that should perk you up.
    PVE- I don’t think I over eat these days. I always skip breakfast and frequently lunch the have a salad with controlled portion of protein, usually 3 ounces. I now control the amount of fruit I eat and carbs are minimal. Sugar is avoided most of the time too, special occasions only, average monthly. Luckily not tempted by sweet foods. I could probably cut down on nuts which are my go to treat.
    Exercise is still good level, 3 hours aerobic weekly (dance class) plus lots of swimming, walking, bowling- mid or low level energy output. Back problem better now I have changed some extreme stretches that were causing me grief. I am using a ‘lifter’ at bowls now to reduce stress on back, seems to be helping.
    We have all come a long way and my food choices are good these days. Healthy and nutritious 90% of the time. I don’t think 100% is doable without being pretty miserable. Occasional Gin and Tonic or bread roll are pleasures for me.
    Happy- Glad your back is better, look after it. So debilitating when it’s bad. Until summer I hadn’t had total separation of my Kefir but its regular now. I will check out the site again. Still making it daily. Routine now. Many friends are benefitting from my grains too.

    Forget Me Not: Australians living with dementia.
    Janine Cohen, Producer
    06 Jul 2017
    In this touching and brave program, three families have opened their lives to Four Corners to tell their stories about living with Dementia. (video)
    Just a heads up to everyone this is on Monday night ABC 8.30pm
    Always learning the journey never ends πŸ˜‰
    Peace RT

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