Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,351 through 2,400 (of 7,283 total)

  • Well I don’t think the bread was low quality per se, but it was white! Crusty, warm and soft, with butter…πŸ‘Ώ I don’t eat much white bread anymore, I’ve been making myself kefir wholemeal spelt soda bread at weekends. So maybe it was just the shock of the white! Lesson learnt…?

    P, interesting that you’ve embraced adf and are enjoying it. Are you seeing results on the scales?

    I found ADF to be succeesful as consecutive non FDs often led to over eating.
    I’m fasting today to compensate for yesterdays pizza then it’s back to 800 calories every day.

    Yes Happy. I’ve gained a good bit of wriggle room, and maintaining it on eat days. The test will be when I go back to 5:2 next week. Watch this space 😊
    I know I need regular fasting to keep healthy and to regularly reset my appetite and food desires. Fasting is such a cheap, easy way to get and stay healthy. 😊 P

    I am down 3.2 lbs! As I told you guys I am terrible with eye balling food. So far is totaling portion control. One thing leads to the other. If I eat bread I need butter and if I drink too much wine it gives sugar cravings. Right now I am very careful with those two mentioned.
    Our garden looks so cute. I believe we need to separate the lettuce and later on I’ll ge cherry tomato to decorate our deck. It’s a raised bed garden… our property is very rocky. It’s a trial and error experience.
    Really sad what is happening in London lately. Last year about this time I was all excited to visit that beautiful City.
    Sending hugs and kisses to everyone 🌺
    Great weather here.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. ~ Groucho Marx
    If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. ~ Dalai Lama
    Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. ~ Martha Graham
    People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily. ~ Zig Ziglar
    You can’t leave footprints in the sands of time if you’re sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave butt prints in the sands of time? ~ Unknown
    Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. ~ Will Rogers
    The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. ~ Steve Jobs
    Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~ Thomas Edison
    If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you. ~ Steven Wright
    When I hear somebody sigh, “Life is hard,” I am always tempted to ask, “Compared to what?” ~ Sydney Harris
    Age is not important unless you’re a cheese. ~ Billie Burke
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. ~ Marilyn Monroe
    Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there. ~ Josh Billings
    Change is not a four letter word, but often your reaction to it is. ~ Jeffrey Gitomer
    You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward. ~ James Thurber
    A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. ~ Unknown
    When something goes wrong in your life just yell “PLOT TWIST”, and move on. ~ Molly Weis
    Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. ~ Mark Twain
    Hope is the little voice you hear whisper “Maybe” when it seems the entire world is shouting “No!” ~ Unknown
    Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. ~ Truman Capote
    When you battle with your conscience and lose, you win. ~ Henny Youngman
    There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. ~ Roger Staubach
    People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing. ~ Will Rogers
    Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen. ~ Unknown

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
    What would I do without a good laugh on a Friday morning?
    For a start, I wouldn’t know it was Friday πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    Thanks mate. Have a good one. P

    Thanks RT,
    Loved every single one Friday’s quote!
    It means it is already Friday somewhere again.

    Yup, Friday here, and well done with the 3.2lbs, HCB. Lovely calm sunny cool winter’s day, appointments met, Wiwi’s company for morning tea, love Fridays off.

    Thanks, RT. Amusing, but lots of serious motivation and inspiration behind those one-liners.

    Morning/evening all

    Thanks RT, lots of amusing and motivating stuff for us all the think about πŸ™‚

    HCB, well done on the weight loss 😎

    Another hot day but with a few clouds and a cooling breeze,

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Another scorcher here and very thankful that my last bowls game this week is this evening. Sadly we have a funeral at the club this afternoon, stroke victim. She was lucky she didn’t kill her husband too as she was driving at the time she had the massive stroke. Her daughter is a fellow ladies team bowler so she has lots of support.
    I am going to a wedding tomorrow so it’s all go here, bridegroom and pals staying here tonight so beds to make up.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Not really focussed on fasting at present just trying to keep it healthy. At least keeping Sugar off the agenda.

    HCB- great e
    Weight loss, well done!

    Hi all, well work life has been so consuming that I’ve not been able to get online…. It is Saturday morning and I’m lying in bed with a cuppa!! I was going to read my book club book but decided to browse online when I realized that I should hop on this thread to share my news …… I have been slowly but surely sticking to 5:2 and I am Now 4.9 kilos down since I restarted this WOL…this week I only had one fast day but am learning not to beat myself up about it….I still struggle on weekends so I have to think of other ways to distract myself!!! Of course not having anything in my cupboard helps…..and I just have to resist the honey nougat bars which regularly are on special!!! I read somewhere that when one has cravings for chocolate it could be a magnesium deficiency…..bought the mg powder but it does not compare!!!! Well my book beckons and we have our meeting on Wednesday…. I’m reading the ” The Comfort of Figs” it is set in Brisbane and the metaphor fixation is a little tedious but I figure it is good to read outside ones comfort zone!!!

    Well done Emel!!! πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ Fantastic news!
    Mg is the happiness drug, so it would make sense. Tell yourself that your craving for sweet things is simply the bad gut bacteria craving a feed. Deny them their treat, they die out and allow the healthier ones to flourish. ☺☺
    Enjoy your book. It sounds interesting. P

    Hi Emel that is awesome what fantastic effort congratulations
    “It doesn’t get easier you get stronger”
    Keep on keeping on !!

    Emel – That number is huge. In my head that is 12.8lbs. Happy Dance for your. Relaxing is also part of the journey.
    Waiting a couple more minutes to turn if the burner with a big pot of veggie broth.
    Stay well Folks πŸ₯—

    Morning/evening all,

    A hot sunny morning with clear blue sky. 30C forecast here for the weekend which is cool to some but a heatwave in this neck of the woods 😎🌞😎🌞

    Emel, well done you must be very pleased πŸ˜€

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I did a bit more reading on milk kefir yesterday, and was reminded of the second ferment. The water kefir gets a second one, but I have just done the first second πŸ™‚ for the milk, with a bit of ginger in it. It certainly improves the flavour. And I have finally grown enough grains to put half in the freezer, so it will be interesting to see how the remainder got on with the allocated 200ml of milk. As I am the only one drinking it so far I don’t want to make too much.

    Great result, Emel. How much further until goal?

    I am missing my clothes line, which broke a couple of weeks ago, with all this lovely drying weather.

    Well B, I did a couple of huge washes, hung them out and headed out for the day. Of course the rain now is torrential! !!
    If you only need small quantities of kefir, just use less milk and grains. They don’t like being too overwhelmed. P

    No, that’s why I have divided them. It was a small starting supply, and they have been taking a while to settle in. 200 ml is fine for my purposes. Is 24 hours okay for the second ferment? I really don’t want to be committed to dealing with them on a work-day morning (unless the product is going on my muesli that morning πŸ™‚ ).

    I’m not sure what you mean be a second ferment. Mine gets changed every 24 hours…fresh milk, grains sieved and plonked in. Finished kefir put in the fridge.

    Morning All,
    Very tired today after amazing wedding last night. Four hours on the dance floor having the time of my life. Music range 50’s to noughties. The female guests were as mad as me and the dance floor full all night. The bride there too. The wedding was perfect, the result of one years planning, it was amazing as was the weather. The food was great too, all healthy.

    Water Kefir can have a 2 nd ferment outside the fridge without the grains in it, makes it stronger and more fizzy. Barata- are you leaving them in it for 48 hrs though? Too hot here to do that.

    According to some of the sites I visited when I was looking to make the flavour more palatable, a second ferment is after the grains have been removed, when flavours can also be added. Not refrigerated. Look it up. Certainly this morning’s was nicer. Chocolate next time πŸ™‚

    I LOVE straight milk kefir made on full cream jersey milk. It needs nothing more 😊😊
    Glad you enjoyed dancing the night away Jo. It’s usually the girls, isn’t it? P 😊

    Jo, I do a second ferment for the water kefir, for about 24 hours, give or take… This time I tried not dissolving the sugar in heated water before adding, results were no fizz, so I won’t do that short-cut again πŸ™‚ Sounds like a fabulous time at the wedding, just hope the groom was also there…

    I am just starting to learn what the milk kefir wants, and how to get the best from it. I only have the full-fat supermarket milk. Today’s result seemed to enjoy the extra wriggle-room with the reduced grains. And to think that I will be able to make things like sour cream, ricotta, and even butter from this – I am really looking forward to experimenting. Interesting read, need to sort the wheat from the chaff, though. Note the beautiful young woman and the prince. πŸ™‚

    One of my childhood memories is my mother’s ginger beer plant in summer. I have no idea how she did this, but certainly the results were enjoyed by us all. πŸ™‚

    Do the worms like the excess grains, P?

    Sure. So does the cat!
    I remember dad’s gingerbeer bottles exploding. We had a gingerbeer “plant” in a stocking that was fed with sugar from memory. Like all fermented foods…active bacteria needing food

    πŸ™‚ ‘night, dear friends.

    Sleep well πŸ˜ͺ

    I’m with you P, unadulterated kefir for me. If it doesn’t taste nice without flavouring or sweetening, then you’re doing it wrong or your taste buds are broken πŸ˜€

    Another lovely sunny day here, temperature forecast to reach mid-high 20s. The MIL is here today. Would you believe, on perhaps the hottest day of the year so far, she wants a full roast dinner?! Yes, better to spend a couple of hours sweating in a hot kitchen than enjoy the weather and eat COLD FOOD πŸ˜€

    What a saint of a dil you are, Happy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Evening all – you seem to be all going to bed and I am just waking up – after a lovely afternoon nap mind you!
    Barata I did read once about the second ferment, but couldn’t be bothered! I am like Purple, I love my kefir freshly strained, made with full cream milk. As for the excess grains, I also read that they could even be added to the soil around plants – that seems a bit of a waste to me. I have used them in other ways though (excess grains). The last 2 weeks I have had an ongoing sore throat and general sort of lurgie (complements of grandaughter) A few days ago I experimented with some grains and let some sit at the back of my throat for an hour or so – I figure if those good bacteria and yeasts are so powerful, they might chase away the bad guys inflamming my throat. Well, not sure if was mind over matter, but throat much improved after that. Who knows? Think about how penicillin is made and how powerful it is as an antibiotic….

    Hopefully YOU will get some cold leftovers Happy!!!

    I wish I’d thought of that Nama!! I burnt my chest with eucalyptus oil in a desperate attempt to battle the lurgy. Mine’s much improved. I hope your’s is too. P

    Thanks Purple, I am much better. Was just getting over the first one from 2 weeks ago, when brother in law shared his with me at Jamieson last weekend! I survived on Fishermans Friends thru the day and Vicks up the snozz at night! I am certain the grains had a soothing effect, will need to do follow-up research next time though!

    It’s foggy and wet here today. I really don’t mind. I want to make sure our little veggie garden has plenty moisture now while still babies.
    Happy I hope you have plenty left overs as well with your delicious roast. Do you fertilize your vegetables?
    Purple I did second fermentation with berries, orange or lemon rind but it was to much baby sitting. It tastes delicious tough.
    Hope you feel better Nama 🌺
    Stay healthy everyone 🍎

    Hi everyone,

    It’s scorching here 😎

    I got on the scales of truth yesterday, got off, gave myself a good talking to and have decided to stop messing around trying this, that and everything else under the sun and am going back to 3:4 which worked before and will work this time if I stop making excuses eg I’ll have this slice of bread/ice cream/glass of wine and fast tomorrow.

    Happy, so sorry to hear you are slaving over a hot stove. The things we do for love…..

    If my kefir is too sour I know it is either time to decrease the grains or increase the milk. I like it freshly made and at room temperature.

    I was up very early this morning and out of the house before 8 as Kew Gardens opens the gates to members at 8am May-September. Non members have to wait until 10am,
    I arrived at 8.10 and had a wonderful 90 minute walk in the relative peace and quiet as there weren’t too many people up that early on an already hot and sunny Sunday morning.
    The most interesting thing is that everyone says good morning and I even had a couple of conversations with other members, something that doesn’t often happen when the gates are open to all and it is crowded.
    The swans are taking it easy after bringing up 9 cygnets last year, they’ve settled for twins this time round πŸ™‚

    I wandered into the plant sales area and came home with two perennial salvias which are my favourite plants. I bought one last year which has been unintentionally named after me but I neglected it and it didn’t survive. It has bright pink flowers πŸ˜€ and I’ve planted it in a tub just outside the back door so it gets my full attention every time I venture outside. The other one has violet blooms and is in the centre of the flower bed where it cannot be missed.

    I sat in the garden for a while reading Bruce Springsteen’s ❀ autobiography but got too hot very quickly as there is no shade until late in the day so I’m now inside in the cool.
    There is a glass of Pimms on the table next to me, I’ve no idea where it came from πŸ˜‰ but it’ll go nicely with lamb tikka kebabs and salad.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello All,
    It’s a scorcher here today, seaside town busting at the seams. I did a 30 minute practise session of bowls but otherwise am staying out of the extreme heat. I think I will head to the swimming pool later when the crowds have left, maybe 6 pm. I could really do with loosening up after all that dancing last night, my feet and legs are very tired today. I haven’t even walked the dogs yet, probably do this around 9 pm tonight.

    Amazon- I had Pimms at the Wedding reception yesterday, so refreshing . I also had a Gin and tonic and half a glass of red wine before going on to plain water.

    I have not been on the scales for a few days but will force myself tomorrow. Far too many sandwiches in my life lately. I really need to make ‘fasting’ my main ‘life focus’ for the next three months. Now I am out of the County Bowls games I can forget about competing, although I have club matches. As these are held at home it’s more relaxing.

    Back to Mon, Wed, Friday fasts next week. Just really need to get to the stage of weekly decrease.

    Happy, I sympathise- my in laws insisted on Sunday Roasts no matter what weather. I think it’s an age thing. I much prefer salad when it’s hot.

    I have a friend undergoing gastric band surgery next week, he is very heavy and has life threatening medical conditions. He needs oxygen every night to get any sleep. His heart is weakened and he has reached the stage where exercise is not ‘doable’ his knees are not strong enough to support his weight. I have suggested swimming but he is too self conscious. It’s such a shame! He is such a nice guy yet his life is ruined by his addiction to food. He has been obese 40 years. He is highly intelligent yet it doesn’t seem to help ‘understanding’ that you have issues with food addiction. I believe depression is often the primary cause of obesity. Trouble with fasting and dieting is ‘ making a constant effort’. It’s much harder if you are on your own, no support. Sounds like an excuse but it isn’t it’s just a fact. It’s really tough exercising constant restraint.

    That said there is no choice if we don’t want to put on weight, keep on fasting!


    I’m just reading Michael Mosley’s latest book Clever Guts. A lot will be familiar from other sources (Gut, for one), and he obviously promotes 5:2 and the 8 week BSD πŸ˜€ However, still an interesting read. It certainly made me think about you and your struggles. It may be that repeated antibiotics etc and former dietary choices have irreversibly altered your gut flora,..or have just made it more of an uphill struggle for you than for many others. And interesting that you make the link between depression and obesity because the book basically makes the link between everything and gut flora.

    Certainly for me after three and a half years intermittent fasting I don’t feel it’s making a ‘constant effort’. It’s part of life now, and I enjoy the days when I don’t eat, and miss fasting if my weight is holding steady without it.

    You do seem to get bored and distracted from fasting quite easily, but maybe it’s your microbes driving you. Not so much the devil on your shoulder as the demons in your intestines πŸ˜€

    I am hoping that my gut bacteria is improving with daily Kefir and live yogurt. My health is significantly better than it was and I believe my immune system is good now.
    How effective my gut bacteria is at helping to process food is another matter. I am investigating getting it tested as it will be helpful.
    I eat healthily most of the time and actually prefer fresh ingredients over processed. I do find that I am challenged with sugary foods like cake and biscuits when I am out socially. Friends constantly suggest I have some yet I remain strong and choose fruit. I do think eating sugar leads to a greater desire to eat more so I don’t have it even on non fast days.
    I think the demons are driven by boredom and loneliness but I wouldn’t rule out microbes.
    I think the journey is different when you have reached goal and can bathe in glory. I have yet to win the battle and continuously dissapoint myself.
    Thank you for you suggestions, I do appreciate your concern.
    I can say one thing for sure, I have every few friends that eat as healthily or exercise as much yet remain overweight. I am proud of the changes I have made thus far.

    I thought about buying Michael’s new book but figured it wouldn’t tell me much I hadn’t gleaned from Brain Maker.

    My mood/state of mind makes a huge difference to my success/failure on the journey to a healthy weight and I’m trying to decide how to get out of the hole I’m currently in. Do I keep digging or wait (im)patiently for enlightenment?

    Answers on a postcard………..

    You are not alone, I understand your plight.
    We must keep on striving, there is no choice, nor heavenly intervention, just perseverance.

    Hi Jo,

    I’m just getting very frustrated and annoyed with myself that something which was so easy has become almost impossible.
    I have no intention of giving up as I am determined to succeed.

    When I was doing well I was eating 500 calories on FDs and not counting on non FDs. I was eating a wide variety of foods including bread, potatoes, rice and pasta and had no issues whatsoever. Maybe I should go back to that and see what happens……..

    Try it, you will soon know.
    I have a wide variety of veg and fish but carbs and sugar are off the radar most of the time. I have a wrap if I get the urge for bread but it’s a rarity. Too many meals out are difficult because you don’t really know what is in each dish. I try to stick to fish and veg.
    I wish you well and hope you succeed this time round.
    I don’t think there is a simple solution when you have had a restricted diet for so long, our bodies are used to restrictions. I truely don’t think sugar will help though.

    Enjoy your ‘heatwave’ folk. It saves having to go on an o/s trip!!

    What you eat makes a huge difference. We have moved a long way past calories in/calories out. We do all react very differently to different foods. Some healthy food is genuinely healthy for some, a disaster to others. I guess the only way you’ll know (short of having gut flora tests) is carfully recording your reaction to various foods over time. This requires sticking to a regime for a while to actually see the results.

    Mr P, who has the ‘advantage’ of daily feedback from bloodtests, is staggered how low he can get his bloodsugars (and therefore store less fat) when he eats homemade veg soup. The same ingredients eaten as a casserole do not have the same effect. The same number of calories eaten as fish, rather than other meats, have a similar good effect on him. That does not mean it will be the same for others.

    Sugary foods don’t seem to be an issue for me, but bread and potato is.

    When your gut bacteria is not operating well, you can be tricked into eating exactly what you shouldn’t. Once your gut is healthy again, you should be able to listen to the messages your clever gut is sending you 😊

    The Clever Guts book addresses these issues and encourages us to keep a wide variety of foods that encourage gut health. Kefir is only one part of it. Well worth reading, although I did not find the recipe section inspiring.
    Good luck girls. Giving up is not really an option for any of us, is it?. P 😊
    (Sorry Amazon…it was more an airletter than a postcard size)

    Morning/evening all,

    Another scorcher 😎🌞😎🌞😎

    Jo, I didn’t suggest that sugar is the answer, I was documenting what worked for me before ie a balanced diet which included small amounts of carbs such as rice and pasta, and more frequently, potatoes and bread.

    Rick Stein used to talk about the salt police but the sugar police seem to have taken over.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Just saying sugar is not for me anymore. Luckily I don’t have a sweet tooth but some foods I like ‘too much’ include sugar and they are not foods I have much control over so best avoided. The rule ‘a little of what you fancy does you good’ doesn’t seem to apply in my case, especially bread.
    I think insulin resistance is as relevant as gut bacteria in the fight to get our bodies working efficiently but what do I know? Just listening to the experts including Fung and Dr M.
    Do what ever works for you, it’s the key.
    I am planning 3 fasts this week and controlled non fast days. Luckily no social plans to tempt me off the path.

    Good Luck

    Re sugar police, I think we need more of them!! And they need to be prosecuting Big Food!

    Amazon I think many of us are not finding this plan as easy as when we first started, in terms of weight falling off steadily. Maybe over time we have forgotten what little piggies we actually were before starting 5:2, or maybe the weight loss always slows when there is less to lose?

    I agree Jo, I believe both our Insulin response and our gut bacteria are heavily implicated.

    I am on a “strawberry diet” this week! My dear DIL hand delivered 6 huge punnets to me at 8am this morning, freshly picked at her Mums employer in the Yarra Valley yesterday, well worth getting out of bed for! I cant believe the first of the season are ripe already, they are so sweet the sugar police would definitely ban them. And the first of my bulbs I brought back from Jamieson have flowered today, heavenly perfumed Jonquils – bliss for me!

    Amazon I love perennial Salvias, I have purple ones everywhere. They look really pretty mixed with yellow and orange nasturtiums. Bring on the gardening weather! Much easier to keep out of the kitchen…

    Fast day today started with strawberries and will finish with cauliflower soup, in front of the fire.

    Our news tonight is covering the latest (van) incident in London, I do think you have had your fair share lately! Also horrifying news re the bushfires in Portugal, those poor people didn’t stand a chance.

    Nama, I agree regarding processed and pre packaged food.

    I’m not entirely convinced with regard to rice and pasta, not that I eat either of them often. Pasta used to be my go to meal until I developed IBS and once I recovered sufficiently to be able to eat anything made from wheat it went from several times a week to several times a year. I love risotto and paella but they ae also several times a year meals. A pile of steamed/boiled rice is one of the most boring things I can think of eating so I don’t. I had problems in SE Asia as waiters were incredulous at me not wanting any!

    My point was that eating such things occasionally and in small quantities didn’t stall my weight loss but since I stepped onto the low carb wagon it has been much more difficult because compliance has been more difficult. If my diet had previously contained a large amount of carbs on a daily basis I could understand it but it makes no sense.
    The answer to that may well be that there is too much navel gazing going on and I should stop thinking about it!

    It’s the hottest day of the year and I’ve spent the morning doing laundry and housework. I shall now sit in the cool and relax with a good book, a cold drink and maybe watch some tennis πŸ˜€

    When I went to Kew Gardens yesterday I walked along the Salvia border. Quite a few of the smaller varieties are in blooom but the others are not even in bud yet. In another month it will be glorious.
    If I had a larger garden I would have many more. I have a really nice bright blue variety with tiny flowers which is my current favourite but that will change as the others flower πŸ™‚

    As for the latest attack on innocent people, I’m very upset that the press are calling it a terrorist attack as no information has been released to support labelling it as such and could make matters far worse than they are already.

    Meanwhile the headline stating that 79 people died in the devastating fire that would never have happened if the government and councils had done their jobs properly has now taken second place.

    Good Morning,
    It’s a bit cloudy here today and rain coming a little later.
    Our little looks so good already. I believe I need to space out the lettuce.
    I totally feel that frustration of getting nowhere! I’ve been there many times. Everything goes well till certain point then I get distracted and forget my hard work.
    I believe Purple who said once “eternal vigilance”. It’s true tough.
    I don’t think carbohydrates should be ignorares at all. Of course by now we all know here the ones we should be away from.
    Amazon rice is part of heritage and I agree with your with that steamed tasteless rice. Mine is called rice primavera. I know you hate celery … I sometimes substitute for green peas.
    Potatoes is not really a Brazillian thing but a swiss potato salad I really like.
    Rice and potatoes are my resistant starch. Also a crusty baguette and butter is my weakness.
    Let’s keep trying! It’s good to feel lighter πŸ’‹
    The above link is about resistant starch. I am sure everybody knows it. Just a motivation reminder.


    Theresa May has referred to it as a terrorist attack.

    At face value it appears to fit the definition of terrorism, ‘the unlawful use of violence and intimidation…in the pursuit of political aims.’ As you say though, we don’t know the true motives yet… although it was clearly anti-Muslim.

    Re: Grenfell. The likely outcome is that no one will be properly held to account. And the victims, and community, are likely to be split up and re-homed in far-flung places (deliberately, to diffuse tensions?), and the inquiry will drag on and find multiple failings but no one person or organisation to blame, but ‘lessons will need to be learned’, and then the tower will be demolished and the gentrification of Kensington can continue….

    And meanwhile in LaLaLand…sorry….the Brexiteers in Brussels…

    I can’t say I’m seeing many reasons to be proud of being British just at the moment.


    I do fertilise the vegetable patch. It gets a load of manure or home-made compost dug in between years, then individual crops get fertilised as need be during the year. It can be a bit hit and miss, and I sometimes realise I’ve forgotten to feed things but usually only when it hasn’t cropped well, by which time it’s too late!


    To me it sounds like a racist/sectarian attack, and I think the media should exercise more caution. We don’t need added drama.

    As for the Grenfell victims, they are already being told if they accept temporary accomodation their names will be removed from the housing list. One woman with a small child has been moved 3 times since the fire and another who lived on the 16th floor was placed in a 14th floor hotel room.
    So much for support and sensitivity.

    David Davis seems keen to negotiate the worst possible deal he can manage although after the Chancellor’s remarks yesterday I wonder how much longer Theresa can cling onto power.

    I’m not proud to be British right now, and I never thought I would feel that way.

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