Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Hi Happy,

    I did two really lengthy workouts at the gym this week followed by a very long walk on Wednesday which was when it started to hurt, and I just thought I’d done too much and it would be OK the following morning πŸ˜’

    I’ve already been thwarted so far as exercise is concerned as once I knew I wasn’t going to Norfolk I had decided to go to the gym this morning thinking my knee would be better rather than worse.
    I’ve unearthed a knee support and am hobbling warily around when I need to.
    Hopefully it’ll settle down soon.

    I hope we are both fully fit in the next few days (fingers crossed)

    I didn’t buy any hcbs this morning as I’ve already had some and the cake I baked as a gift for the relatives is sitting in a tin in the kitchen calling to me…..

    Oh no! I’d forgotten you’d said you’d baked a cake to take away! Will it freeze?

    The HCB dough wasn’t rising very well as it’s quite cool here, but I’ve made space in the propagator next to the sweetcorn and it’s now growing nicely!

    It’s a fruit cake and will keep for ages. Freezing it won’t make any difference as 30 seconds in the microwave would defrost it!

    I’m getting much better at managing NFDs as I can no longer cope with the feeling of having overeaten so hopefully self control will win the day.

    I’ve never made HCBs and fortunately I don’t have any dried fruit so can’t be tempted…..

    Phew πŸ˜‰

    Well I still struggle with some non-fast days and, despite knowing that over-full leaves me feeling less than chipper and is not good for the digestion, I do still eat too much on occasion. Generally when I review what I’ve eaten it’s been considerably less and far healthier than pre intermittent fasting…but still. I guess for those of us who couldn’t maintain a healthy weight previously we just need to accept it’s always going to take work!

    Re: the HCB (and cooking from scratch generally). There is only 4g of sugar per HCB. I don’t know how this compares to shop-bought (I suspect shop-bought may be sweeter?). But (and I know you’ll know this Amazon!) making something at home that you would otherwise buy at the supermarket (or eat out) certainly gives you an appreciation of what goes into it, which I don’t think you can necessarily appreciate from the list of ingredients/ nutritional composition.

    Out of interest I’ve just googled HCB’s from the main supermarkets. Most are in the range 13-16g sugar per bun. Wow. I’m pleased I’ve made my own now!!

    I still overdo it on occasion and probably always will, but I guess I’m aiming to make my willpower as strong as possible and become an expert at damage limitation.
    I also find that when I’ve had too much it is nowhere near as much as pre 5:2 and usually much less carb laden.

    As for HCBs, occasionally I buy some good quality sourdough or a bagel or croissant but sweet stuff is always homemade apart from HCBs. I’m certain if I made some they would contain less sugar but I don’t find the variety I buy too sweet. Having said that I must confess to not reading the label 😳 I suspect if I did I might not have bought any this year.
    I never buy them after Easter so won’t be having any more.

    I think making your own is an education in nutrition whatever the dish/recipe and when I look at the finished result I often wonder why shop bought (especially cakes etc) contain so many additives but I guess it is to keep them looking good when they’ve been in the pack for several days. EEK!!!!

    I’ve put the cake in a cupboard. I’ll either be thinking about it until every crumb has gone or will find it in a couple of months time πŸ˜†

    I’ve just seen your latest post.
    I guess I’ll be making my own next year.

    Well I hadn’t allowed for the sugar content in the dried fruit, but mine still come in lower sugar cf 13-16g in supermarket. I guess if you like it stuffed with dried fruit like a fruit cake it will be higher sugar. It’s certainly been an education! Like making my own marzipan and icing for the Xmas cake…talking of sugar!!

    Anyhow, they’re in the oven now. Just hope they were worth the effort!

    I expect they’ll be delicious πŸ™‚

    My roasted veg salad was really tasty. I’ve never roasted purple sprouting broccholi before but’ll be doing so again very soon.

    Sorry to hear you’ve joined the sick list Amazon. I hope it calms down quickly.
    I made our own HBCs for about 30 years…Mr P liked mine best. I don’t any more and the ones I bought were fill of plump sultanas, not mixed fruit. They were from our large supermarket who actually one the award (from someone) for the best buns this year.
    I have a sourdough loaf proving right now. I think I need your seed raising gadget to warm it up a bit. I actually kept waking in the night, wondering how it is rising. Crazy! Homecooking is such a fullon process…even burn calories thinking about it 😊😊P

    That’s really funny P because I dreamt last night that we had guests, one of whom purported not to be fussy and said they’d be happy with yoghurt and watermelon or pineapple (neither of which I have in as standard!). I found myself lying and apologising because it was the end of the week and I’d run out…!! I can’t suss out what that one meant…

    I used currants not sultanas, the fruit isn’t the main event for me in something that’s verging on savory and I’m not a big fan of sultanas. And yep, they are good! I didn’t quite get the second rise right, so they’re a little bit denser than they probably ought to be, but I actually quite like a heavy bread so I’m happy!

    I’d never thought before to use a plant propagator for bread, but it’s probably cheaper than putting the heating on (and actually it was on anyway).

    Right, just time for another set of McKenzie back exercises before bed.

    Well Happy, I came up with a plan…I found a cake tin the same size as the proving basket and carefully turned the dough onto baking paper, then in the tin to control the sideways slump which can happen with basket raised sourdough. I’ll bake it in the tin, inside the cloche. All experimental. 🍞🍞
    You’ve inspired me to go and buy some yeast to make some fruit buns. Sourdough never works well for buns, unless you like rock cakes!
    Hope you get some pain and nightmare free sleep. P

    I have totally forgotten about HCB’s. My husband when he had the bakery sold tons of it on lent. We don’t eat them in Brazil.
    My knee is a bit better! I reduced my exercise, even my 3 mile walking to only taking Sasha to their morning schedule around the neighborhood. Also I am extremely cautious how I turn myself around as well. I keep myself busy doing things around the house and garden. Something went wrong rotating my knee with the exercise videos.
    What’s a Easter meal for you?
    My stepdaughter is hosting Easter for the us, sister in law, them (5) maybe her brother and wife from out of town so 7 of us.
    My portion of the meal will be green beans, salad, wine and hubby will bake an apple tort.
    She’ll be preparing ham, mashed potatoes and appetizer and probably more and more like Thanksgiving lol.
    Hope you all with aches and pain feel well soon and lighter too.

    Well HCB (our own little Hot Cross Buns 😊😊), we had a bbq yesterday. ..I had haggis on a wholemeal roll with so much salad I had to eat it open! Lettuce, avocado, mustard, onion, mayo, semi dried tomatoes and bbq’d capsicum.
    Today..another stunning autumn day…slices of my freshly baked wholemeal sourdough, lettuce, tomato, homemade beetroot chutney, a fabulous Tasmanian crumbly cheese and delicious ham slices. Washed down with a SA white wine sitting by the pool. Live today, for Monday we fast. 😊😊😊
    Take care of that knee…even twisting to get off a chair or out of a car can damage knees. P

    Morning All,
    Freshly made made bread is my idea of heaven but I am afraid I won’t be having any today. I will have a hot cross bun though, shop bought. I remember making Mary Berry’s version once (UK TV Cook), 3 provings in all, crazy, they were sublime though. I bought a pack of 6 to share over 3 days.I haven’t checked out the calorie count but I won’t get any more, probably as bad as chocolate when you include lashings of butter(compulsory).
    My meals this bank holiday weekend are fish and salads so not much different to normal. My husband is threatening to cook tomorrow’s lunch which will mean macaroni cheese, apart from a fry up it’s the only thing he makes, usually about once per year.
    Weather is fair so spending all my time working in the garden, nothing too ambitious, mostly weeding, cuttings and painting. Squeezing in dance class and swim today too, I think my back is more or less back to normal.
    Visiting Leeds Castle(Segway Tour) and theatre to see Al Stewart on Monday, that should round off the weekend nicely.
    Fasting Tuesday and Thursday, Sat next week.

    Hope everyone is on the mend, have a great Saturday/ Sunday everyone

    Ps-wouldn’t a yogurt maker be a good proving device? You can change the temperature on mine

    Morning/evening all,

    Cold, overcast and windy here this morning.

    Happy, pleased to hear the buns are good as yeast cookery involves a fair amount of effort and you need a reward πŸ™‚

    Purple, I made beetroot chutney for the first time last autumn and I love it. I’ll definitely be making more.
    Your weekend food sounds delicious.

    I have prawns with avocado for lunch and sea bass for dinner on my menu today and am very much looking forward to a fishy feast πŸ˜‰

    I slept really well last night, didn’t even wake for a bathroom break which is very unusual.

    I’ll be going to the newsagent shortly which will test my knee. I’ve only had one twinge but haven’t walked very far so it’s too soon to tell if there has been an improvement.
    I’ll do some exercises and stretches later and omit any that might make it worse.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I don’t use a yoghurt maker Jo. I simply make mine in an insulated container. The warm milk stays warm by itself ocernight.

    Actually, simply putting the dough in the cloche in the sun is sufficient. I’d tried to prove on a cold night. The sourdough loaf was delicious.

    I also made my fruit, nut and spice loaf with yeast (not sourdough starter) in the breadmaker this morning. It had all sorts of extras like egg, milk, fruit juice, apricots, dates and tasted like HCBs in a loaf. Yummo. Thank goodness Easter is only once a year. I don’t eat chocolate ao the bunny needn’t call tomorrow. 🐰🐰

    Homemade Thai fish cakes tonight.

    Enjoy your birthday Happy. P ☺

    Hi Amazon. ..we crossed over. Your prawns and avo sound great too! I made mountains of beetroot chutney as Xmas presents and kept a few jars for me.
    Today we harvested our lillipilli bush and made it into jam after Mr P spent about an hour depipping them! We ended up with one tiny pot. Still. It IS home produce. ☺
    Keep that knee up and supported as much as possible Amazon. Don’t push it too early. P

    Morning Purple,
    I am afraid my kitchen doesn’t get any sun, coldest room in the house. Lounge gets the sun but I wouldn’t trust food fermenting in there, smell would drive me and my dogs crazy. Bread is still off the agenda for me at the moment, until I reach goal.

    A friend has just announced she is going to start the BSD so I am going to join her and try it again. I have just done the survey in it and my eating habits have dramatically improved since my last attempt. Lots of cooking in it and variety, I will adapt it to fish only and see how I get on. It’s mostly meditteranean which fits in well.

    Happy Birthday Happy πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I’m not going to be doing anything, other than the minimum, to give my back a rest. OH will be cooking tonight, I’m not fit for sitting in a restaurant at the moment. It’s still a treat to have a night off cooking duties though πŸ˜€

    Amazon, I hope the knee holds out.

    Jo, good luck with the BSD. You’ll have to stick with it to support your friend?!

    Thanks Happy,
    Fortunately my diet is already 90 % within the plan. It will mean cutting milk in tea but I already drink quite a bit of green tea. Not really an issue cutting carbs and sugar as these are rarities for me. The shopping and cooking will be the biggest hurdle but we are going to share the the burden for at least one meal per week and I will include chicken as well as fish to add variety. The exercise is no problem at all, neither is the non alcohol. I will need to start recording everything on fitness pal for 8 weeks, we are going to buddy on line. My stomach wasn’t too good last time but now it has all that good bacteria it should stronger.
    This friend has a history of yoyo dieting too and she likes the good things in life, especially chocolate and wine so it will be much harder for her. I was very surprised she chose this plan.
    Sounds like a nice birthday plan. My other half just cancelled cooking tomorrow and booked a restaurant that serves good fish. Honestly!

    Hi again,

    The knee is much improved but TLC will continue which unfortunately means no walking πŸ˜• I need a padlock for the kitchen door………

    …………I don’t have a kitchen door 😝🀣

    Happy Birthday Happy πŸ˜€ πŸΎπŸ’

    Thanks Amazon.

    Well there’s nothing for it then but to build a wall/ put up an electric fence/razor wire between you and the kitchen!

    I’m trying not to make eye contact with the HCB. I have just inventoried our two small house freezers, and culled some very old things found lurking at the back. There is now room for the HCB…but they seem strangely reluctant… πŸ˜€

    Well I suggested we might just test 1/2 a slice each, with butter of course, of the fruit and nut loaf now that it is cold, to be sure it is ok to keep. You’ve never seen any man move quicker into the kitchen to get it! It doesn’t take much to lead him off the straight and narrow. πŸ˜‰ Or is that up the garden path? πŸ˜‰
    Good luck with resisting the kitchen Amazon. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ P

    Well I really enjoyed my toasted HCB, but it was brunch. Salad for dinner.

    It was freezing in the sunny but windy garden, I was doing some painting but given up now, so I am putting on extra layers for outdoor bowls this afternoon. First day back, be lucky if I can bowl it halfway up the green after all that indoor bowls all winter.

    Amazon- could you post the cake to your poorly hostess, it would be the charitable thing to do plus save you the temptation. At the very least you could put it in a tin a sellotape it to death.

    Happy- it’s your birthday, have one HCB then freeze the rest. I have accepted that mine ‘have’ to be eaten before BSD starts. You have reminded me to clear out my freezer though, goodness knows what’s lurking in there. Suspect there might be emergency supplies of goodies I bought for Christmas guests.

    PVE, my other half would snort with derision at half a slice of anything. Like Joey from Friends he ‘does not share food’. Ha Ha woe behind anyone pinching a chip from his plate.

    Mr P knows it’s the only way I’ll agree to “naughty” food! Funny how he never says no 😊😊

    Not a bad quality in a man! Never saying ‘No’ to being naughty

    He’s a keeper πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Good Morning,
    Happy Birthday to Happy πŸŽ‚πŸΎ
    Happy Easter to our Friends in the Southern Hemisphere.
    Enjoy your day everyone

    Happy Easter Health C B ( not to be confused with Hot CB.) Hope the knee improves soon.

    By the time I visit my relatives in a couple of months a replacement cake will have been baked.
    I am more than happy to actually get to eat a cake I have baked as 95% of them are given away, the only issue is not eating too much at a time. It will test my willpower.

    Wanting my knee to recover asap is stopping me from wandering into the kitchen looking for trouble (phew)

    I don’t share food either, I hate it when someone suggests sharing a dessert in a restaurant or doesn’t want an ice cream but would like a lick of mine. Either have your own or go without and weep as you watch me eat all of mine 😈

    The only exception is my great nephew ❀

    Hi all,
    Just saying hi and a very, very Happy Birthday Happy!! I am so sorry your back is still dodgy, but pleased you are at least getting a night off cooking!

    One retired couple, friends of ours, have developed the habit of taking in turns cooking dinner every night, wouldn’t that be lovely – to only cook every second night! My husband is worse than useless in the kitchen, but as he is working less hours lately, I have been encouraging him – I suggested he do a cooking course for men (you know the type, for old guys recently widowed etc who cant cook) We have tried me teaching him and that doesn’t work – his engineers brain is too precise and I don’t follow recipes much after cooking for 50 yrs!! When I suggested it would be useful for him too, in case I got hit by a bus or fell off my perch before him, he just went quiet. Then the eyes filled up with tears….. he is such a softie!!

    We have just watched That Sugar Film (?) again, quite depressing really. I do fear for the future of the human race!!

    Death by Dim Sim has been one of those books I can’t put down, I read half of it in bed last night in one sitting. Nothing we don’t know about LCHF eating, but very entertaining writing….

    Hi Nama
    That’s an excellent explanation! I get really frustrated trying to encourage my offsider to do some of the cooking. He has the same issue. Fanatical about removing any blemish. Cutting everything perfectly. Wanting tp know exact quantities and timings. And takes FOREVER doing the simplest task. The worst is the not cleaning up as he works.
    I always saw it as a clever way to get me to take over!

    Amazon, I love sharing food when out. Not the “give me a lick of your ice cream” style sharing, but after a careful discussion with the participants, we each choose a dish and hygenically distribute it onto individual plates first. Many restaurants assume people want to eat less these days and offer 2 sets of plates and cutlery whenever only one dessert or cake is purchased between 2.
    It seems a shame to have to eat all or nothing. 😐

    Happy Easter Fast Trackers πŸ™‚ P

    Forgot to say, I have had one breakthrough Purple, he is now in charge of kefir making, he loves drinking it so much I suggested that could be his job..the “rules” appeal to him!
    Happy Easter all.

    Mine can do it too…but doesn’t wash up!

    Wishing Happy Easter now to our European friends.
    I recently went out for lunch and I shared a salad and the shrimp my my SIL. Knowing how big our portions are here, the happy hour that brought 2 glasses of Pinot Grigio and the lobster dig for appertizer … I couldn’t resist and ask for an extra plate.
    I don’t have the culinary skill of many of you but there’s no way my husband could step into my territory. He feels intimidated and very comfortable after so many years. He never showed any interest to be next to me anyway.
    He likes to wash the dishes.
    I am thinking about a previous squirrel talk. Do people eat them? 😱

    Hi HCB
    It is just Easter morning here now in Eastern Australia. The mob in the UK are still late Saturday night. 😐
    Yes.They sell grey squurrels in a market in Edinburgh as they are pests and destroying the habitat of their native reds. We have a similar problem with English rabbits and foxes here… although I don’t know anyone who eats foxes.
    There has been a shift here, over quite a few years, for people to give chocolate bilbies intsead of chocolate rabbits at Easter. The Lesser Bilby, a native marsupial, has become extinct, and the Greater Bilby is endangered. One of the factors is rabbits taking over their burrows. They are also eaten by foxes and feral cats.
    This year, in WA, you can also buy a Chocca Quokka…another endangered marsupial. It is a great way to spread the message.
    Happy Easter 🐿 (btw no Aussie marsupial icons on Samsung)

    Morning All,
    Cloudy day here which is a shame but we could do with the rain when it arrives later.

    My kids are organising an Easter Hunt for my partner this year, first time ever. He usually does one for them, even as adults, it’s a tradition. There is usually one of them home for Easter to take part in this bit of fun. So I am hiding Ferero Roche all over the house and garden. Objective to get him running up and down the stairs between clues to the next one. Let’s see how fit he is?

    Finished re-reading BSD, definitely need to go shopping, may do it on line as I am out today and tomorrow and limited opening hours. If not it will have to be Tuesday which is the day I start it. I had forgotten about the Hiit exercise in that book.

    Lots of bowls to play this week as I am in my first competition next Saturday. The change to outdoors didn’t go too smoothly yesterday, grass had not been used so very hard going. Great turn out of members though, over 60 of us.

    HCB- I have never seen squirrel meat on sale in the South, nor do I fancy it. Red Squirrels are very rare in the South of England, some in midlands I think, but there are always plans to re-introduce them. Rabbit is still popular at butchers, my sister offen makes rabbit stew. Pigeon is still eaten too, we call them Sky Rats.

    Morning/evening all,

    Purple, I wasn’t talking about mezze meals or food designed/ordered to be shared, I often share dishes in restaurants so we can all have some of everything. What I meant was when someone says they don’t want anything and then wants some of mine.

    It is a beautiful morning here with blue sky and sunshine.
    My knee is improving but still sore so I’ll contine to take things easy.

    Red squirrels are endangered and as there habitat is destroyedand the numbers of grey squirrels in the UK rising, life is very difficult for them.
    There are too many of them, too many deer and not enough predators.
    I read an article a few months ago about an idea of re-introducing wolves in Scotland which was very interesting, but the waters have been muddied recently as someone put out an April Fool article regarding re-introducing them in the Home Counties or somewhere else unsuitable which as you can imagine caused a furore until people remembered the date!
    As for pigeons, wood pigeon is delicious but only a peregrine would eat one of the mangy city dwellers that Jo is referring to. These pigeons are unwittingly providing a great service to conservation as the number of rural peregrines are dropping but city dwellers rising. They are finding the tall buildings and numerous pigeons perfect habitat for rearing chicks.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    I had a friend when I was younger who would always order the simplest thing on the menu, and say she didn’t want a pudding, then when everyone else’s food arrived would look over and say ‘oh, yours looks nice…could I try a bit..?’ Very irritating!

    Re: red squirrels. It isn’t habitat loss as there are plenty of woodlands still. Grey squirrels are non-native, and reds have not evolved with them. Greys have the competitive advantage in broad-leaves woodland (but not coniferous, where reds can take better advantage of smaller nuts). Greys also carry squirrel pox, which reds don’t have natural immunity to.

    It is not a beautiful morning here, it is dull and raining but supposed to brighten up later. I am still on light duties, doing my McKenzie back exercises at regular intervals. Having re-read the book, I think I was even doing too much in the back exercise department, attempting to increase spine flexibility and range of motion before I’d healed the acute problem. Look at me doing a Jo and bring impatient πŸ˜€


    I hope your OH enjoys his chocolate hunt! OH would probably ransack the house for a bottle of wine, but never chocolate!


    I found a koala on my phone. Surprised there’s not even a kangaroo though!

    Morning UK 😊
    I think we are all agreed on people who beg food. I don’t regard that as sharing!!
    Your back is still problematic Happy, but what about the birthday dinner? I hope it was good.
    While on birthdays, I wonder if Wee is hoeing in to ice cream on hers? Happy birthday Wee 😊😊
    Another beautiful autumn day here. They had predicted rain all week and it’s been stunning.
    Experimenting with a sourdough loaf in the breadmaker tonight. Won’t be able to test it for 36 hours though. started…
    P 😊


    My birthday meal was very nice thank you…but I still had to clear up!! There wasn’t a huge amount, OH is very good at washing up as he goes along but still… He came into the kitchen as I was washing up and just said ‘oh I thought you would have used the dishwasher’ !!

    My back isn’t really bothering me, but I’m taking no chances. I need to correct the postural / disc problem so I’m taking it right back to basics and implementing the McKenzie program to the letter.

    And yes, happy birthday Wee! πŸŽ‚πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦

    Yes. The basic approach, be it Robin Mackenzie or 5:2, is always the wisest. P

    I’ve incorporated some of the McKenzie stretches into my gym routine and they have really helped. I am relieved my back is good at the moment as the knee is causing enough trouble without having to contend with anything else.
    I don’t want to miss time at the gym though as regular exercise has helped all of my aches and pains and improved muscle strength.
    I’ve done my core exercises this morning πŸ˜‡ and am about to prepare an ice pack for my knee. While I’m at it I might put some ice in a glass and cover it with something refreshing πŸ˜‰

    Good evening all,
    Well the weather turned out better than expected so I made the most of it.

    Lunch at the restaurant was OK but service was a little amateur which is bad as they get their staff from the onsite Catering College. Most errors were down to poor organisation or clumsiness. Music was fabulous though, radio station playing Smooth Music which ranged from Neil Diamond to Bob Marley, lots of 60’s/70’s stuff. Trip down memory lane for me.

    Had last HCB for tea, yummy.

    My partner took over one hour to find hidden chocolates, I left him to it and went to play bowls. Some of the clues were quite bizarre though, pixilated photographs etc.

    Next fast day Tuesday. Enjoy Bank Holiday Monday everyone

    If they are catering students would you not expect the service to be amateur? I know I would……….

    I’ve just had my first meat for six weeks. I roasted a shoulder of spring lamb and had a traditional roast dinner. It was very good, I prefer shoulder as I think it has more flavour than leg especially when studded with slivers of garlic and sprigs of rosemary.

    My vegetarian Lent has proved beyond doubt that a meat free diet can be tasty and satisfying but I’ll still be eating meat once or twice a week and enjoying it.
    Crispy lamb salad is on the menu tomorrow and shepherds pie with squash and potato topping to use the remainder which will freeze nicely.

    The cake is very good and a great alternative to pudding πŸ˜‰

    Hi Amazon,
    The staff at the restaurant are not employed until they are qualified, when they have completed their studies. There is a separate dining area in the college which students practise on the public, very much cheaper prices than the hotel restaurant. The student restaurant is open term time only.

    Glad you enjoyed your vegetarian experiment.

    I actually chose lamb today, very traditional at Easter, it made a nice change to have a roast dinner. Thought I would have a last carb splurge for a while, roast potatoes, yummy.

    Hope your knee improves quickly

    Hi fasters

    Happy Easter to all from dull Wellington (weather only).
    I am a bit of a lurker at present, and paying the penalty of shirking.

    I think changing the successful fasting formula I was doing was not good. As from tomorrow I am back on ADF with 400 cals, anticipating all social commitments.

    Will be back asap.

    Happy Easter Wi. ☺
    You can do it…back to basics. We are with you. P ☺☺

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