Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,801 through 1,850 (of 7,283 total)

  • We had a really busy fast day yesterday and ended up having to eat at 2:30 at a pub. We each chose tasty meat and salad dishes and a glass of wine. At 7:30pm we had 1/2 a banana and a tbs of plain yoghurt with black coffee.
    We both slept well and woke significantly lighter than we have been for ages. Mr P’s bloodsugar was low too.
    How to fast and not feel hungry!!!
    Miral of the story? Because you end up with an unexpected social occasion on a fast day, doesn’t mean you can’t just be flexible.
    My throat is fine now, so I guess I’m fairly healthy. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    Enjoy your spring days. P

    Hi Jo,

    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling too bright this morning…another one down!

    On the subject of weighing, and why your very infrequent weigh-ins aren’t particularly useful, these two links are interesting and explain where you’re going wrong.

    I’m pleased you enjoy Nordic walking, but I won’t be joining you…yet. My knees and hips are fine and I find normal walking is better for my back than walking with poles, I suspect because (although there are many benefits to poles!) the very act of using the poles constrains natural movement. They are also just a nuisance when your walk includes numerous styles and gates to be navigated!

    On the subject of my back, it is now much easier. The new lumbar supports and the exercise and stretching are, fingers crossed, helping. I’ll be out running in no time…definitely no poles required πŸ˜€

    Thanks for the links and information on the silo art in Australia RT and everyone! Art on a massive scale…but then I guess you’re a big country!


    I’d seen that episode of TMIAD. As you say, small trials but very interesting. The longer eating window particularly so, since it appears to correspond with my experience πŸ˜€

    On the subject of artificial sweeteners, I’ve never bothered, partly because I’ve never felt the need for a sugar substitute (I’ve never been a fan of fizzy drinks, gave up sugar in tea and coffee at age 13, and now don’t have added sugar from one week to the next…) but also because I tend to think that putting artificial manufactured chemicals into the body is probably not particularly wise… Oh yes, my body’s a temple πŸ˜‡πŸ› Ha ha, not.

    I hope the fingers/ sore throats etc are all improving.

    Have a great day/ evening all.

    Sorry we haven’t been able to provide good weather to our travelling friends. And if you look at the forecast – I don’t like your chances of golf over Easter, Bay πŸ™ Looks like the sodden northeast is going to be hit again, a double whammy this time, with tropical cyclone and westerly low systems. The Far North is my spiritual home, hope to retire there one day.

    No ill-health in the B household. We just keep on keeping on. No weight loss after yesterday’s FD, no breakfast today, who knows what’s going on? Hope all you malingerers bounce back.

    We have resisted the offers of ‘flu jabs, P. My last ‘flu was in the mid-80s, and I cannot remember OH ever having it. So we are “self-insuring” on this.

    Grrr when we reach a new page, and I don’t see it!

    Finger’s doing really well, thanks for the concerns. The nail should grow out in another couple of months. Glad the back is improving, Happy, and the throat, P. πŸ™‚

    We learnt our lesson, Barata, when we arrived back from a long haul from Europe with a shocker of a ‘flu a few years back. We were both very sick for 3 weeks and have had the vaccines ever since. And they work! I’m a great believer in prevention. I do a lot of travel on crowded trains with all those bugs, so, short of not breathing, this is the best thing.
    Our predicted week of rain hasn’t come, so we are enjoying good weather for the kids’ school holidays. P

    Hi all,

    Purple, well done on sticking to the plan on your FD yesterday. I admire your discipleine and determination. I deviated slightly due to catching sight of a hot cross bun in the freezer and completely forgetting that it was a FD until I was eating it but I’ll make up for it tomorrow by foregoing brunch and fasting until dinner. Previously I would have ditched the FD and eaten another so I am pleased that I had sufficient control to stop at one but not enough to throw the half eaten one in the bin….

    I had another good morning at the gym. I’m making the most of it being quiet due to Easter holidays although I didn’t have sufficient energy left for a swim.
    It is a glorious afternoon so I might go for a stroll now I’ve replenished my caffeine levels 😎

    Good afternoon everyone .

    Got such a fantastic surprise a few days ago . DIL came to visit ,she just sat down when we heard someone else come in the front door . It was our youngest granddaughter back from 9 months in Australia . I had to look 3 times to make sure I was seeing her right . I just burst into tears and hugged her to death lol .She is home because her big sister ( our eldest granddaughter is getting married in August .
    I have been so good on 5.2 the last few weeks and I am down 5 pounds lower than I have been for over 2 years ( under what I call my fighting weight) I wanted to have some pounds to play with on the cruise . less than 2 weeks to go now .
    I know I am not skinny but I feel really good . Our DIL and youngest Granddaughter took me shopping to a huge outlet last week and for my Mothers day/Birthday bought me a fitted dress and a beautiful dressy tailored jacket . I have always dreamed of a dress like that it is fitted with a mock wrap over skirt .Black background with flowers and 3/4 sleeves . I feel so elegant in it . When I was 6 stone heavier ( before 5.2 I could only dream of ever wearing something like that .
    Excited doesn’t cover how I feel at the moment . Thank you all for being there and supporting me all this time and helping to make a wee woman’s dream come true . I have never seen Jim so excited in almost 60 years ( since we met )

    Wee xx

    I wrote a great big post and it has gone .
    Last week our youngest granddaughter came back from Australia . She just walked through the door and I couldn’t believe it was her . I had to look 3 times to make sure and I BURST INTO TEARS AND JUST HUGGED AND HUGGED HER . sHE HAS BEEN AWAY FOR 9 MONTHS BUT HAS COME HOME BECAUSE HER BIG SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED IN august. I have been really good on 5.2 the last week and I am 5 pounds under what I call my fighting weight . I feel great and I want to have a few pounds to play with when we are on the cruise . 10 days to go . I have never seen Jim this excited in almost 60 years lol .
    Youngest granddaughter and DIL took me shopping on Saturday foe my Mothers day/Birthday . They bought me a beautiful dress and a tailored fancy jacket . It has always been my dream to wear a dress like that . It is fitted ,black background with flowers and a mock wrap skirt and 3/4 sleeves .IT is so elegant . When I was 6 stone heavier before 5.2 I always wore tent style clothes .
    I have our clothes we are taking with us lying on the bed in the spare room and hanging up on the minky drier .Excited just doesn’t explain how we feel lol .
    I wanted to say thanks to all of you for the support you have given me ( especially when I was so anxious about the passports) This holiday is a dream come true in so many ways . Thank you all so much

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee,
    That is weird, because I saw your first post and it has now vanished!! Gremlins!

    How wonderful to get a surprise like that! You must have been incredibly excited when your grandaughter walked in – so lovely she got home before you left for your cruise. I am getting excited for you!! Your new clothes sound gorgeous – Jim is going to have to keep a close eye on you on that ship!

    I need to get to bed (midnight here) as I am going to see my grandaughter tomorrow and an early start is required!

    Hi Wee,
    We are happy when you are happy! Thank God all good news from that end 🌺
    My Fast didn’t go well yesterday!
    Meanwhile my DIL was taken out by my stepdaughter so I did laundry and tidied the entire house 😱
    The weather is beautiful today here.
    Right now after a well deserved shower I have ice on my knee and the leg a bit elevated.
    See you later 😍

    Sorry to hear that knee is such a problem HCB. Take care of it. It won’t get better if you don’t get off it! Be tough. Make the others do the work!!!

    Your too posts are visible on the emaol notification, but only the 2nd on the thread, Wee. I thought it was such a happy post it needed to be said twice! All lovely happy news 😊😊

    Hi Wee, Have a wonderful trip. Cheers, Bay. πŸ’πŸ’πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŒΊπŸŒΊ

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Must be working. Nearly better. . πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ’πŸ’

    Barata, twenty four different ways to report rain or showers or wind or gales. Must be NZ. We are having a lovely holiday, managing to play golf in between the showers, except for today. Bay ⛳️⛳️

    Here we go again, Bay. 20mm out of the rain gauge tonight, batten down the hatches. Glad you are finding some breaks in the weather.

    Great news and a lovely surprise, Wee. So glad you have your granddaughter to put your arms around again. πŸ™‚ I hope this cruise is the start of a series. There are so many exciting and fascinating places to visit.

    Take care of that knee, HCB.

    We are both among the public, P, me on the trains and OH with his passengers. It’s based on personal experience – yours of having had a bad bout, and us of having had a charmed passage over the last few decades. OH says he will reconsider if he gets it. Not sure of the logic there.

    Morning All,
    Wow yesterday turned out to be the busiest day ever so having a lay in this morning. Worked through my slump yesterday with bowls, stretch and relax class, swim in the sunshine( heaven), dog walk, shopping and capped off with Ukelele class, Phew!

    Happy- so back to daily weighing at the same time, same hard tile but not naked I am afraid, too chilly in my bathroom. So a 10 day average is accurate as can be? Well who knew? Probably who really would bother? Most important is that it helps sticking to goal so I will do it. Infrequent weighing has not trailed well.
    Glad to hear you are on the mend.

    PVE- no doubt that you are the Queen of control. I am still a work in progress but improving.

    Wee- How great to hear your news. Well done on the 5 lbs. you and hubby will love the cruise.

    Bay- glad to hear you are enjoying your trip and getting some good weather. Golf must be good exercise too.

    Finger still totally numb but blackness fading now and less sausage appearance.not really effecting me but quite odd sensation.

    Now to tackle cleaning my πŸš— poor old thing has been very neglected for a very long time.

    Have a great day everyone, fasting today will hopefully make you smile tomorrow.

    Morning/evening all,

    As a health service worker I had flu vaccinations every year but now I have to pay if I want them as they are only free to over 65s. I decided that I would see how it goes and so far so good but I’ll be in the queue in a couple of years time.
    I had flu when I was in my 20s and was in bed for a week, an experience I never want to repeat.

    Wee, you must be so excited. Your dress and jacket sounds lovely.

    It’s a nice bright morning here with the sun peeping through cloud.

    FD today.
    I had a lie-in this morning and am going to think about which clothes to take this weekend as I’m out most of the day tomorrow and need to get organised.
    A long walk in Richmond Park is on the agenda this afternoon πŸ™‚

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Your weather, like ours at the moment, requires layers Amazon?
    We get free ‘flu vaccines from 60 (I think) as I haven’t paid for a while 😊
    I think teachers should get it free, too. I picked up every disease known while teaching…including head lice! Don’t you just love parents that send sick kids to school?
    Just had my “refeed” day ready for Thursday fast. I really think it helps with maintenance.
    And as to weighing. scales are the first thing I see in the bathroom. I don’t see them as threatening, more as a friend who helps me to not slide into being overweight ever again. 😊😊
    Cheers all, P

    Hello HCB,
    Sorry I missed your post, skimming too quickly. What have you done to it? Or is it long term joint issues?

    I did a stretch class yesterday and discovered a few new, now sore, muscles today. So much for swimming, walking with poles and dance plus yoga using all my muscles.

    PVE- I am at that point again where I am wondering ‘what more can I do to lose weight’ it really is an uphill battle. 3 fast days, healthy Mediterranean fish only diet, no white carbs, no sugar, enough water to sink a battleship and loads of exercise to keep myself toned. Plus daily minimum hour of fresh air to keep mood good and oxygenate lungs and finally improving gut bacteria. Apart from cutting off a body part I think I have now tried everything.

    Yet – stuck fast again! It really is getting me down! I do try to be positive but I can only maintain that if I lose consistently. I can’t complain about my health and fitness because it is really good, I have loads of energy and keep very busy. Recently I have tried to take the focus off weight loss and just enjoy my life, of course that led to a gain. I guess there isn’t an answer except to keep on trying because at least maintaining is better than gaining.

    Absolutely Jo😊
    As Happy has said…we are all yoyo dieting, maintenance is simply within a smaller range. The trick is not to go too far backwards. Monitoring really is the solution. Not knowing if we are gaining weight is simply ignoring reality.
    You have come a long long way. You have changed much of your old lifestyle to get where you are. You are looking and feeling healthy. All this has been done by you. Noone else. Feel proud of what you have achieved. Stay firm. It is not easy, but then it is much better than the alternative. ..overweight and all the self esteem and health issues that go with it.
    Stick with healthy Jo. Think of the future and remember we are all in this together. 😊😊P

    Hi Purple,

    The weather is good at the moment with average temperatures for this time of year apart from a couple of very warm days last week, and unusually it is dry. No sign of April showers so far……

    I’m warm enough with a lightweight top and a jacket but I’m taking a vest and a sweater away with me this weekend as it’ll be cooler near the East coast.

    Jo, you need to be patient, weight loss is neither linear or fast.

    Amazon and PVE, thanks for the wise words.

    I have just booked an appointment for the Well Woman clinic, we have this available annually. I really need some inspiration at the moment, not sure this will be the source but it’s worth a try.

    Patience as you know is not a virtue of mine, but persistence and stubbornness I have in spades so I will keep with the programme.

    Maybe I should try RT’s meat only diet? Change is as good as a rest?

    Fast day going well today and car now looks like new, apart from the dents Ha Ha!

    Maybe I just need to go shopping? May leave early for bowls and hit M & S.

    Chat tomorrow.

    Happy shopping πŸŽπŸ‘πŸ‘—πŸ‘™πŸ‘œπŸ‘‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘’


    Sorry to hear you’re getting frustrated with your (perceived) lack of progress.

    Shall I tell you what it looks like from the perspective of someone reading your posts?

    In February you lost ? lbs (at least 4 I think, possibly more?).
    You weighed yourself at the start of March (and then not for another 5 weeks).
    You went on a bender for at least two weeks in March (not sure how much fasting..).
    You got back to fasting and watching what you eat at the start of April, but didn’t weigh yourself until we were 9 days into April – you were then 1 lb up from start March. Who knows what you put on in total in March/ how much of it you then lost in the first 9 days of April?
    In the 3 days since your first weigh in for 5 weeks you have not lost any weight.

    Does that sound like weight loss stalled or a plateau?! Or just someone who’s outrageously impatient and with the memory of a goldfish?!

    Enjoy your retail therapy! And don’t come back until you have regained a proper sense of perspective πŸ˜€

    Love you too happy

    Ditto Jo! 😘

    Hi Jo.
    “Patience is not a virtue of mine, ….. but persistence I have in spades” I think they are just two sides of the same coin, what you see depends on your perspective. You have proved over and over again that you have the persistence Jo, if you were patient it would just mean you enjoyed the ride more!
    Dont confuse your poor body by trying RTs all meat diet, unless you stick with it long enough to really test it. From a self declared “Pescatarian/vegetarian” to a pure carnivore is a big jump!
    I think your last idea is the best, some retail therapy to momentarily distract yourself. All the people I know that have always been seriously slim simply dont put food at the top of their list of needs. We on this forum all have an overdeveloped interest in it and it would be useful to reduce this. That is one of my goals, just to eat what I need to be healthy and not focus on the pleasure of food so much! I think it is Amazon who claims to be ‘a work in progress’ – hopefully we all are!

    Good afternoon everyone . sun is shining but still a cold wind . I just wanted to apologise for not saying get well to the people who are under the weather . I was caught up in my own excitement BUT you all know I care .

    I have never really cut anything out of my diet . I don’t eat bread or pasta because I felt I needed to use the calories for nicer things . I have never lost my sweet tooth BUT chocolate or sweets don’t call ” eat me now” I still love my ice cream but found I really like greek yogurt and frozen Raspberries and they are about a 10th of the calories of ice cream . So I suppose I have educated my pallet in some ways . I look at the calories a lot more now and think to myself ” not worth it” . I love the way I feel now and I love that I can go into any shop and pick something nice to wear and not just buy what the have in a 22/24 .
    I eat what I like just not as much of it as I used to .
    The only thing I don’t like is the wavy fat under my arms and the wrinkled fat on the inside of my thighs but Jim says I should be proud of it because that is the result of 6 stone lost . We were both in kinks last night when I tried on my first bathing suit for about 50 years . I stood up straight put my legs tight together and my arms tight at my said and said “if I keep like this and walk like Charlie Chaplin I will be fine ”

    I agree with you all about the scales and I am afraid I do weigh every morning naked . If I have gone up a pound then I know to be more strict that day . If I have gone down I shout yippee !! lol . I bless the day I found 5.2 and all of you lovely people .

    Wee xx

    Evening all,

    The weather was much sunnier and warmer than the forecast indicated. We had a lovely walk in Richmond Park, saw lots of deer including the latest babies which was really nice as considering how many deer there are in the park we often go and don’t see one whereas today it was nearer to 100!
    We ended our afternoon in Pembroke Lodge café. We were both hungry so decided to have something to eat. They have a terrace which has lovely views and we sat in the sun eating delicious open sandwiches which were served with a huge green salad all washed down with mugs of tea 😎

    I have to say that the food in there is very nice and fairly healthy. They serve a hot lunch every day and there is always a vegetarian option, plus the usual (very good) sandwiches, cakes and cream teas and a huge salad bar. There is also plenty of fresh fruit and drinks that don’t come in cans and not a single packet of crisps/snacks/biscuits in sight.

    My legs are sore and I’m very tired so should sleep well tonight.

    Wee, wear your swimming costume with pride!


    Prove your persistence to us by sticking to what you are doing at the moment and not chopping and changing every 5 minutes. The weight will come off when your body is ready to lose it so relax and give it a chance.

    Good advice Amazon.
    I’m jealous of your visit to Richmond Park. Quite the opposite to our experience last time. No deer at all. Mud everywhere. Appalling food and dirty toilets. Not the experience I had remembered from earlier trips πŸ˜‘
    We are looking forward to a very quiet home stay this Easter while all the crowds pour out of Sydney, from today, to sit in traffic jams, for the obligatory Easter getaway. ☺
    Enjoy P

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    10. Question: If a blonde and a brunette fell off a building, who would hit the ground first?
    Answer: The brunette – the blonde would have to stop for directions!
    9. The assistant asked the blonde if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve.
    β€œSix please” she said, β€œI could never eat twelve!”
    8. A blonde was walking down the road with a healthy looking pig under her arm. As she passed the bus stop, someone asked,
    β€œWhere did you get that?”
    The pig replied,
    β€œI won her in a raffle!”
    7. A person went into the office kitchen one morning and found a new blonde girl painting the walls. She was wearing a new fur coat and a nice denim jacket.
    Thinking this was a little strange, he asked her why she was wearing them rather than old clothes or an overall.
    She showed him the instructions on the tin:
    β€œFor best results, put on two coats”.
    6. Two blondes were in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their car with a coat hanger.
    First Blonde:
    β€œI can’t seem to get this door unlocked!
    Second Blonde:
    Well you better hurry up. It’s starting to rain and the top is down!
    5.Three blondes were walking through a field when they came across a set of tracks.
    The first blonde looked down at the tracks and said,
    β€œI think they could be bird tracks.”
    The second blonde went to look and said,
    β€œNo, I think these are deer tracks.”
    They stepped aside and the third blonde went over to the tracks. She looked down, then got run over by the train!
    4. A blonde asked someone what time it was, and they told her it was 4:45. The blonde, with a puzzled look on her face replied,
    β€œYou know, it’s the weirdest thing, I have been asking that question all day, and each time I get a different answer.”
    3. A blonde was driving down the road listening to the radio and was quite upset when she heard blonde joke after blonde joke. A little way down the road, she saw another blonde out in a field rowing a boat. The blonde stopped her car and angrily jumped out yelling:
    β€œYou dumb blonde bimbo! It’s blondes like you that give the rest of us a bad name! If I could swim I’d come out there and give you what’s coming to you!”
    2. A blonde and a redhead went to the bar after work for a drink, and sat on stools watching the 6 O’clock news. A man was shown threatening to jump from the Brooklyn Bridge, and the blonde bet the redhead $50 that he wouldn’t jump.
    Sure enough, he jumped, so the blonde gave the redhead $50. The redhead said,
    β€œI can’t take this, you’re my friend.”
    But the blonde insisted saying,
    β€œNo. A bet’s a bet.”
    Then the redhead said
    β€œListen, I have to tell you that I saw this on the 5 O’clock news, so I can’t take your money.”
    The blonde replied
    β€œWell, so did I, but I didn’t think he would jump again!”
    1. A dumb blonde was really tired of being made fun of, so she decided to have her hair she would look like a brunette.
    When she had brown hair, she decided to take a drive in the country.
    After she had been driving for a while, she saw a farmer and a flock of sheep and thought,
    β€œOh! Those sheep are so adorable!”
    She got out and walked over to the farmer and said,
    β€œIf I can guess how many sheep you have, can I take one home?”
    The farmer, being a bit of a gambler himself, said she could have a try.
    The blonde looked at the flock and guessed, β€œ157.”
    The farmer was amazed – she was right! So the blonde, (who looked like a brunette), picked one out and got back into her car.
    Before she left, farmer walked up to her and said.
    β€œIf I can guess the real color of your hair, can I have my dog back?”

    Have A Happy Easter All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    RT! You confused me…What day is it?! I forgive you though because some of those are just too funny 😁

    P/ Amazon, deer numbers in parts of the UK are causing real problems for a lot of our declining wildlife. I hope the cafe menu features lots of venison?!

    Jo, I hope the retail therapy helped yesterday? Did you buy or just browse? I did a bit online, ordered a summer dress, to cheer me up as I twinged my back AGAIN yesterday. Not happy at all πŸ™ Shame I can’t buy a couple of new discs off Amazon (the retailer!).

    I’m fasting again today. I’ve been overeating on non-fast days this week and am still above my upper weight trigger. Grrr. Hungry already!

    Happy, is that like “eat a grey squirrel to save a red squirrel “? Or is it the other way round? πŸ˜‰P

    Definitely eat a grey squirrel, P!

    It would be an offence to kill or injure a red squirrel, punishable by up to Β£5000 fine or 6 months in prison….

    They sell grey squirrels in the market in Edinburgh with that sign…every bit counts 😊😊

    I’m not sure I’d really relish eating a grey squirrel. We could send them all to RT!!

    Morning/evening all,

    I thought I pressed snooze but apparently turned the alarm off so I’ve only been out of bed for 10 minutes πŸ˜†
    Must have been tired.

    Thanks for the funnies RT, although it would have been better if some of the dumbs were blond rather than blonde πŸ˜‰

    Happy, Richmond Park is an enclosed space so the deer can’t go anywhere. As a result they are culled regularly and a local butcher sells the venison.
    There is also a butcher near here I used to work that gets the venison it sells from Windsor Great Park.
    As for their increasing numbers elsewhere, we need some wolves and soon (I know there are plans to re-introduce them and apparently bears too……..)

    Purple, I’ve never had bad food or experienced unhygienic facilities in all the years I’ve been going to RP and I’m sorry to hear you had a bad experience last time.

    I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time at home this weekend. It is more than 20 years since I last went away for Easter and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m leaving tomorrow morning before the roads get too busy and will be halfway there by the time they do and not returning until Tuesday so should miss most of the traffic.

    The sky has lots of dark clouds but the sun is shining and it is very breezy.
    I need to water everything before I go as we’ve not had any rain for a while.

    Apparently squirrel is quite tasty but I think I’ll pass πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Happy EasterπŸ’πŸΎπŸ°πŸ£πŸΏ

    Hi all
    Happy I am so sorry to read your back is still so sore – maybe less gardening over the weekend? How frustrating for you!!

    The only thing I remember about Richmond Park is being bombed with acorns from above by squirrels, not sure if they were red or grey!! Learn something every day on this thread.

    Some of your finest today RT, thanks! Obviously they had to be a day early as you wont be at work tomorrow (therefore wont have time to research!)

    Purple we are having a quiet Easter too, we got our mini break in early this year and beat the rush…. the traffic in Melbourne was hideous all day today. And as for the supermarket – one would think rationing was coming in, instead of just one day of the shops being closed. I went out to get some photos printed, bad decision!

    I am planning some Easter reading – two new books today – ‘Death by Dim Sim’ which looks pretty entertaining, plus “What the Fat?” – more reading about the LCHF lifestyle. Family lunch Sunday, first time not at Jamieson for Easter in many years. A bit sad as there is fabulous Autumn colour there at this time, we may visit next weekend for their Autumn Festival.

    I hope your Easter trip is fun Amazon, one of the perks of retirement being able to avoid the traffic!
    Have a lovely, safe Easter everyone, wherever you are xx

    Good Evening All,

    Suffering with back and side pain today as I pulled several muscles yesterday moving some large garden containers. I was protecting two low long wooden containers from my dogs digging up newly planted pansies. I realised they were very heavy but didn’t know I had injured myself at the time. I managed to keep moving today including leading my Nordic Walking Group, it was so exciting to see the progress in fitness even after one week. They did 5000 steps without complaint. I needed to wear two freezer patches but really helped. The worst pain today was getting out of bed this morning and putting my socks on, ouch!

    I decided not to go shopping yesterday because my wardrobe and drawers are still too full. Not feeling the urge for a clear out.

    Green Thai Curry for dinner tonight, delicious!

    Have a great weekend Amazon.

    I hope your back gets better soon Happy(see I remembered that)

    My weekend away has been postponed as the lady of the house had a fall today and has broken her wrist which is a shame for me but really tough for her so it looks like Easter in London and a trip to see them in June when she has recovered.
    I can cope with that πŸ™‚

    Hi Jo!

    Sorry to hear you’re in pain today. I’m the same, shift something heavy because I’m strong enough (and perhaps don’t want to admit there are some things we need men for!) but then suffer for it! Hopefully it’s just muscular and you’ll be fighting fit again soon.

    Thanks for remembering about my back! Now you just need to work on remembering how much progress you’ve made…πŸ˜€ Focus on your achievements, not your failures.


    Yes, it’s going to be light duties only this weekend. Very frustrating, but the forecast isn’t overly inspiring (ooh, dry and 10 degrees…) so maybe I’ll just light the fire and read a book! I’ll have to google your books, I’ve not heard of either,

    I hope you enjoy your Easter. I guess at the end of the day it’s about getting the family together, with the location less important?


    Sorry to hear your plans have fallen through. Looks like most of us are at home this year? I must admit I do try and avoid travelling when everyone else is!

    Yes, we’re tucked up at home, avoiding the traffic and the weather. As the internet has been down for a lot of it, it’s been a day of filing, un-filing and shredding, scanning and shredding. There’s a large bag of paper for the rubbish collection from earlier years now. At work we have gone almost paperless – it’s a bad day if I have to print something. And now I am trying to start the same processes at home. I won’t be going back through past years though, just dealing with documents as stuff comes in, and tossing once the seven years are up. Can you wonder at future generations, holding up a stapler or a paper clip, and asking what on earth this was for?

    One of the downsides of going paperless is less opportunities to jump up to the printer and stretch those muscles. Too much sitting πŸ™

    Sorry to hear you northern ladies have been punished with pain for trying to be productive and creative. Take care.

    And RT, those poor blonds! Thank goodness I’m a redhead (for now!)

    I must see if some of these recommended books are available in e-form through the library.

    Happy Easter, all. πŸ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s mild but overcast. The sun was shining when I went out this morning but anyone getting up later than 7.45 will have missed it!

    As I was going away for the weekend the cupboards and fridge were bare so I went shopping early this morning to find a very quiet and peaceful supermarket so am now home with everything stored, yoghurt making in progress, drinking coffee and reading the paper.

    Have a good one everybody πŸ˜œβ˜•

    In Australia, virtually every shuts on Good Friday. The shops were chaotic yesterday with people scrambling to buy food before the one day of no shops!!!
    Today, a stunning warm autumnal day, it has been SO quiet and peaceful, really only disturbed by screeching cockatoos. If only the city was always this quiet.
    Have a relaxing weekend everyone. 😊P

    Nothing open today here either. Must admit the supermarket at the railway station was unusually busy yesterday, strange how folks cannot plan more than a few days ahead. I was there too, but often take advantage of passing through to my train to pick up a few fresh items on my way home from work.

    It’s pretty dreary today, but looks like tomorrow might be water-blaster day πŸ™‚

    Good Morning All,
    My back is feeling much better today but it did give me a disturbed night. Cancelled Dance today.

    Just returned from a very busy Garden Centre which includes lots of franchises for clothes, books, gifts and toys plus Shuropody Clinic and shoe shop. A delightful Spanish Podiatrist took charge of my corns on the ball of one foot, she suspects these are caused by dancing rather than walking. So the Charleston, Twist and some Latin dances are hazardous to feet. Must look into better insoles in my Dance shoes. We had a lovely conversation in my limited Spanish about her home-Seville. Sadly no work there so she has accepted that she has to stay in the U.K. Luckily she has an English boyfriend now so she is not too homesick.

    I didn’t purchase any shoes but was sorely tempted, I did indulge in some bright pink crop trousers. Sun is shining here so more ‘light’ gardening planned after my walk.

    Luckily it is salad weather which suits my limited cooking skills. Must get some more calamari today.

    You are very lucky as Chiropody clinics are few and far between.

    I’m having problems with my right knee and I think I’ve either got tendinitis or I’ve sprained or torn something. It’s a good thing my trip was cancelled so I can rest it. I’ve got an ice pack on it at the moment and I’m hoping that helps.

    I’ve made guacamole and hummus to nibble on with some carrot sticks and am having a roasted veg salad for dinner, asparagus,purple sprouting broccholi, spring onions and squash on top of green salad with a nice dressing and some blue cheese plus a couple of Jersey Royals on the side. I’ve based it on something I saw in HF-Ws book Veg.
    I bought some sea bass for tomorrow and spring lamb for Sunday which will last a few days.
    It was great to have such a choice of home grown veg in the supermarket and the new season asparagus and PSB looks fab πŸ™‚ I had to stop myself from buying too much.
    I’m looking forward to my sea bass and roast lamb but I’ve still got a huge list of flesh free recipes that I want to try and with all the new seson veg coming in it would be silly not to!

    Sea bass-drool, so no fast day for you? I could’nt get any calamari so settled for smoked haddock, it will make a nice change. I decided To indulge in a hot cross bun to have later, no chocolate this weekend. They have flavoured ones now, cranberry and orange! I stuck to original.

    Sunshine vanished leaving us a mild but overcast sky. Gardening not much fun as flies everywhere, they were loving my lime green top, now covered with a black fleece.

    I bought 2 DVD’s today, Philomena and Albert Nobbs to watch later on my laptop. Judy Dench and Glen Close- two of my favourite actresses. Missed both when they did the rounds, only Β£5 each. My friends and I swap dvd’s frequently, I think these will be popular.

    I also bought a set of caravan steps so my dog can get in my car boot again, she tried them all, warily, but success. They have wide rubber covered steps and solidly made so all good. Might be useful for me to stand on to trim my hedge too. Only Β£16 in Aldi, bargain. Of course they might tempt me to buy a caravan and travel the country, could be fun?

    Knees are sensitive things, one of my Walking Group pulled out yesterday, she had put her knee out pushing a shopping trolley that had a wonky wheel. I injured mine in an aquarobics class years ago and it took about 12 months and electrical treatment from a physio to sort it out. I think she said it was a common cyclist injury. Good Luck with it and enjoy the restful weekend.

    I don’t usually fast on a Saturday……

    Well it’s mostly been a damping day, some sun early afternoon so I got a short walk in, and now just beginning to rain ☹️

    I’m avoiding sitting, and driving as little as possible over the weekend, to give my back a chance to heal. At least I no longer have to worry about digging the veg patch (6 x 6 m) as my man who does did πŸ˜€

    I haven’t bought any hot cross buns this year, OH hates them and I didn’t really want a pack of four. I was wondering if I could buy one singly if I went into town over the weekend…but then what’s a girl to do on a rainy afternoon except some baking! I’ve done a half quantity, but it will still make 6… so much for only wanting one! Ah well, if they’re nice I will gift some to my MIL..or eat them all πŸ–πŸ– And who knew? The cross is just flour and water…


    I hope the knee improves quickly. You’ll be really frustrated if you have to ease back on exercise.


    My OH made a set of steps, carpet-covered, so our old arthritic cat can get on and off the bed without jumping. She loves them!

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