Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Yes, back to work for me tomorrow too. At least this weekend’s warm sun should recharge my batteries a bit, but not quite the same as a break at the coast in Australia…Jealous, me?!

    Today the plan is to get a load of seeds sown…Cabbage, squash, lettuce, kale, cucumber, courgette, leek, spinach and chard. I haven’t got my polytunnel beds ready yet for direct sowing of carrots and beetroot, but I might try and get at least one bed prepared today…If my back allows. My spuds are chitting, and I have got their plot dug over. The main veg plot remains undug as yet, but I don’t need it for another few weeks, and I’m hoping the back elves will fix me in time to get it ready. My tomatoes and chillies are germinating, and OH has washed down my glasshouse in readiness for me 😁

    Have a good day/ night all.

    Hi Amazon,

    Our posts crossed.

    I suspect you’re right. Being a competent home cook who’ll try her hand at any dish does tend to lead to high expectations! And frequent disappointment…

    Although having said that. I make sesame prawn toast at home. It’s not particularly technical, so what excuse have the last two restaurants we’ve been to for sending out a) rubbery prawns, b) oily bread with a thin spread of tasteless prawn paste… If they can’t get the basics right then perhaps it isn’t my expectations, it’s their competence?!

    Things like that irritate me immensely and I cannot see the point of running a restaurant if you don’t want to produce good food especially in the current climate as restaurants are going belly up on a daily basis.

    I’ve had my share of poor meals over the years and it is always especially disappointing when I know I could have done better myself.
    There are so many places to eat here that competition is stiff so a bad meal is rare but it happens from time to time and the offending eaterie is given a wide berth forever after.

    You are making me very jealous talking about sowing seeds and preparing vegetable beds. I miss the excitement of doing such things and standing there surveying my work and thinking about all the fantastic veg that will be appearing over the coming months.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    We managed a peaceful successful respectful resolution and happy to let go now and move forward also time for day 2 of a zero calorie 4 day fast the first for the year 2017 a big congratulations to the Adelaide Football Club Woman on winning the Inaugural Grand Final.
    Ok I hope all is well for everyone keep on keeping on
    Eat Fast & Live Longer
    Peace RT

    So pleased there was a mature resolution, RT. Family is the most important thing, why would we let divisions happen? Life’s too short. πŸ™‚

    Peace indeed.

    Great to hear your news RT! Hoping your dear Dad is still happy too…

    We are just home after a lovely few days away. Nice to get away but “no place like home” for me! Some serious fasting coming up….can you believe the owners of the cottage we rented left some Lindt chocolate and other goodies for us? What could I do, I would have hated to seem ungrateful! Need to keep well away from sugar for the rest of the week!

    Ha Nama 😊
    I had the opposite reaction…as soon as I arrived home to reality I wanted to go back to the peace of my seaside idyll. I too enjoyed the food too much, despite IF, but the warm ocean swims and long runs on the beaches must count for something.
    Well done to your family on finally settling matters RT. I hope the long fast euphoria is bringing you some peace now.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Hi Nama Dad has settled in really really well but the positive vibe from his wife is so good at first she was devastated and felt as though she had let Dad down and let the family down she felt the towns people would be talking about her if she went out that she was the one who put her husband in a home etc and all the other sorts of demons that lurk in the mind but now she has a much happier healthy mind set a stronger resolution going forward now goes up and has morning tea with him or lunch not every day at the same time and has adjusted so well to the massive changes I have nothing but love and respect for her. Wow must get off the soapbox very special subject right now
    Eat fast & Live Longer
    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Peace RT

    Great result, RT. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

    Purple, why not live there more often? When I see how short life is, and how abitrary things happen to people, I think it’s a good idea to follow our dreams, once we have met our obligations. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    Cheers, Bay πŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸ’πŸ’πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΈπŸŒΈ

    I very nearly drove straight back. Tempting…

    Why Bowls is better than Sex
    #10… A below par performance is considered damn good.
    #09… You can stop in the middle and have a sandwich and a couple of beers.
    #08… The objective is to touch the kitty.
    #07… Foursomes are encouraged.
    #06… You can still make money doing it as a senior.
    #05… Three times a day is definitely possible.
    #04… Your partner doesn’t hire a lawyer if you play with someone else.
    #03… If you live in Queensland, you can do it almost every day.
    #02… You don’t have to cuddle with your partner when you’re finished.
    And the NUMBER ONE reason why bowls is better than sex…..
    #01… When your equipment gets old you can replace it!

    Have a Happy Weekend Fast Friends.
    Peace RT

    Brilliant RT. I’m thrilled you are back with your Friday Funnies. So’s Mr P. 😊😊😊😊 Have a good weekend. P

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the Friday Funnies RT πŸ™‚

    I’ve been watching (and worrying about)the Australian weather very closely this week as my friends daughter and her fiance both live and work on Daydream Island.
    Thankfully they are both safe and sound.

    Where has the week gone………

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    I am very enjoy this post

    Morning/evening all,

    Overcast but mild here and I was up with the lark and in the supermarket at 8am!

    I’m now planning what to do with my weekend and the major event will be what I’m going to cook. The Vegetarian Lent Experiment πŸ˜‰ has been a revelation and after going round in circles for such a long time and ending up 12lbs heavier than my lowest, I’ve lost 5lbs and am feeling so much happier knowing that I’m truly back on track.

    I had fish on Monday when out for dinner as the vegetarian option contained fennel πŸ˜– and used some oyster sauce in my veg stir fry the other day without thinking, but as it is about trying different sources of protein and new recipes, I think I’ll forgive myself 😎

    I’ve now got lots of lovely English grown veggies in the rack so I’m thinking roasted roots with cauliflower purΓ©e and steamed kale this evening and tomorrow I’ll make dhal and a mixed veg curry which I’ll calorie count so I can have the leftovers on FDs.

    I’m going away for a few days at Easter to stay with elderly relatives who I’ve not seen for a few years. That means the breaking of my veggie Lent will come early and I’ll have no control over what I’m offered. The good thing is that are both in their 80s and neither of them have ever been an ounce overweight so it won’t be enormous portions πŸ™‚

    Happy, I read the Maintenance thread regularly, and I’m sorry to hear you are still having issues with your back. I hope it gets better soon. Someone else on there mentioned massage and I have a friend who had a really serious back problem 20 years ago and she now has a massage once a month and swears it helps keep her back in good shape so maybe that is worth considering once you recover from this episode.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Amazon,

    Congratulations on losing 5lbs, and enjoying so much tasty vegetarian food! I’ve got a few days alone this week so will be making AJ’s chilli, Yotam’s crushed puy lentils, and I’m thinking maybe some type of aubergine/Moroccan flatbread…

    Thanks for the kind wishes re my back. Perhaps I’ll treat myself to a massage for my birthday. We’ll see. First off though I just need to take it easy and do my stretches and exercises. I’m wondering about finding a yoga class as I definitely need to work on flexibility and range of motion, I know from last year that when it goes there’s a tendency to go into over the top protection mode and stop moving it altogether.


    I’m pleased to things are settling down for you. Hopefully everyone can now start to move on and play nicely together again!

    I understand what you mean about being scared to do anything to make it worse.
    My back was sore after every session at the gym until I realised I wasn’t doing enough of the right kind of exercise. I’ve been working hard on core strength for the past couple of months, including the exercises into my gym routine and it is definitely working as my abs have stopped screaming πŸ˜‰ and I’ve noticed an increase (albeit small) in flexibility, plus no soreness or stiffness after working out. There’s a long way to go but things are moving in the right direction.

    AJs chilli is my current no 1 recipe. I could have it every day. I eat a portion of it with a spoonful of yoghurt on FDs and on non FDs I add guacamole, grated cheese and the occasional flatbread. It is tasty, filling, comforting and most importantly healthy πŸ™‚

    I like her burgers but am having real problems cooking them without them sticking despite using non stick parchment oiled/buttered.

    I am especially pleased with my weight loss as I’ve eaten more non veg carbs since Shrove Tuesday than for a very long time. There have also been a couple of really OTT days when I’ve eaten far too much to deserve to lose any weight. The day after the first one was when I got on the scales to discover 3 lbs had gone!

    The workings of the body are a mystery πŸ™„

    Good morning and welcome to a Fast day Monday i got my walk on early today so black coffee and water and maybe a cheeky green tea is me today it can not possibly get anymore simpler or user friendly and the health benefits of a good true fast day are working quietly behind the scenes fasting is not only for weight management but for long term health.
    Eat fast and Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Greetings, all. I am having a day of leisure today, in exchange for working last Friday, and completing (nearly) the end-of-financial year rush then. A little bit of on-line shopping, which isn’t my usual method, a bit of bookkeeping, a good book and maybe some television.

    It’s a FD, but have had eggs and avocado for lunch so am not being as strict as usual. Calories will still be low, as Monday is soup day.

    I looked up Chef AJ, and are planning to use her chili recipe. Teamed with nachos and sour cream, it will be enough to make any family member happy. And it will be an insidious way of introducing another vegetarian meal into the culinary repertoire.

    It’s April, Jo. Where are you?

    And any improvement with that back, Happy?

    Mmmm….now I’m salivating Barata. Eggs and avocado….yum.
    It’s cold and wet here. Not conducive to a fast, but I’m determined.
    Do you have more than one egg? Is it hard boiled? I’m visualising so that I can have a virtual lunch πŸ˜‰
    Jo seems to be MIA. Must be busy.
    Keep determined fasters. P 😊😊

    Hi all,

    Well it is just as well that Purple and RT are fasting, I too succumbed and decided to postpone Mondays fast till Tuesday! My friend who left her mean husband after 44 years has finally come out of her shell and is shaking off the hold he had over her. She is flying back to see her family in Bristol and the Isle of Wight this Sat so we had a farewell brunch this morning. And guess what I chose (before reading any posts on here) – poached eggs with avocado!! But I went one step further, this cafe also serves a generous helping of persian fetta alongside – so yum! Sorry Purple, your turn will come tomorrow when I am having a virtual lunch! It was actually too heavy for me so early in the day, I think my tum has gotten used to eating much later… I enjoyed it at the time but felt a bit yuck afterwards!

    Amazon well done on losing those pounds!! Your persistence is paying off. I wonder how you will feel about meat at the end of Lent?

    Happy I am another one who subscribes to the power of a good massage – as long as the practitioner is skilled. Since having a monthly ‘remedial’ massage, I have hardly needed to see the usual chiropractor. I always feels a bit self indulgent, but justify it as ‘remedial’!! I hope your back is much better, you are too young to be in pain.

    Gardening now, we are having some glorious autumn weather at last and I have some jobs lined up…..

    Enjoy your lunch Nama. I had a salmon patty with avo and haloumi for lunch in Canberra yesterday, so I won’t starve. I’ve chopped the veg for a blackbean/ passata/veg on miracle noodles fast meal in 4 hours 😊😊
    Now for another black coffee. This change back from daylight saving time doesn’t help. P 😊😊

    Two eggs, fried in butter, P. Then half an avo sliced on top. Yum. Didn’t think of feta.

    I’m not calling it succumbing, Nama, rather spreading (and slightly increasing the calories, a la MM recently) on a cold, wet day without the distraction of being at work. And I don’t have any miso soup at home for the midday salt hit. Debbie is making her approach.

    Jo had announced she was signing off for the rest of last month, but she’s late back. Search party required?

    Hello fasters

    Well the Monday Oz fasters are just about over. Like Nama, I start tomorrow. I hope to last 72 hours without food. I did a 3 day last week and lasted 66 hours without food.
    The first day is still the most difficult and I have organized a busy day for tomorrow.

    I have an inflammed tendon? on my foot and some days it’s hard to walk. I find that the inflammation goes away after 24 hours fasting.

    Holidays have now finished for a month, so the job pf getting on with music is on the menu.
    Will update on 3 day fast tomorrow.

    xx Wiwi

    Sorry to hear about the sore foot Wi. That’s fascinating that a 24 hr fast helps. Amazing!
    5pm here…I can really visualize dinner now. I’ve resorted to a ski jacket to keep warm. Snow is predicted on the alps tonight!!! Keep warm Bay. P

    Good Morning All,

    Barrata, no need for an intervention or search party.

    Back with you and fasting today. I have been very focussed on my bowling for two weeks and this resulted in winning the Ladies Pairs Final. Very stressful time of playing knockout rounds most days but a personal ‘life goal’ achieved. Also I have been very busy socially, attended a spectacular wedding Saturday night and there has been lots of dancing. My husband has agreed to take classes when he retires in July. it will be good to learn Ballroom and Latin with a partner plus I want to learn the man’s steps so I can practise more partner work at my class, we are always short of leads.

    Of course the last week has been a disaster foodwise and I have definitely gained. Not weighing until 3 fasts are under my belt. Head definitely in the sand, deeply buried. Every food I usually avoid has been consumed this weekend, even chocolate, a real crazy time. I realised I over indulge as much when celebrating as when I am fed up.

    I will catch up on posts later today, hope everyone is well and happy.

    I saw Beauty and the Beast last night (we won’t mention the bag of toffee popcorn) seriously lost control and reason. Good film but not one I would see again in a hurry, weird really because I usually love musicals.

    Barata- my daughter has very overactive milk Kefir grains, do you want some? She is now putting them in scrambled egg to use them up. Your milk must be very good over there, mine is still very slow growing. The yogurt making is a huge success though, making them twice per week, in fact too good, almost addicted to them. I love adding berries and linseed with a few nuts, yummy.

    Off to the gym this morning for an induction into using the new equipment (after a refit). May need to take my notepad, so much technology to grasp. Followed up by my usual Ballroom Fitness class and a nice long dog walk. Hopefully the fog will lift, at the moment we have very little visibility, maybe 20 feet.

    Last Friday a body was discovered in my local park, quite an unusual dog walk that lunch time, coast guard rescue crew(about 20 of them)and 6 police cars. A local man with long term mental health issues had climbed over the railing and fallen off the cliff top. Another case of lack of support in the community I suspect.

    Must get some gardening done, lots of plugs need repotting. Busy day ahead!

    Not sure about the milk kefir grains, Jo, as I would be the only one in the house to eat the result. Let me think on it. Welcome back.

    Morning/evening all from sunny London β˜€πŸ˜Ž

    FD for me today, the first day of B2B as I’m going out for lunch with the girls on Wednesday. We are meeting in Windsor at a gastropub on the river. I looked at the menu on their website and they have some very nice looking vegetarian options that don’t contain celery or fennel (sighs with relief)

    I had a really nice alternative Sunday roast yesterday. I roasted some root veg tossed in fresh herbs and garlic made into a paste with some oil and I also roasted cauliflower florets with bay, lemon zest and juice and a small amount of oil plus a couple of whole garlic cloves.
    The cauliflower and garlic cloves were blended with some butter and milk and the result was delicious. It would be great as an alternative to polenta topped with a mushroom ragu or meat but I settled for steamed kale, or instead of potato mash with just about anything.

    I still feel full this morning so I don’t think fasting will be a problem πŸ™‚

    I’m in full domestic goddess mode this morning as I could write my name in the dust if I wished and it’s getting to the stage where I can’t find an item of clothing I want to wear as it is in the ironing pile πŸ˜–
    Cue a pot of coffee and some lively music to iron along to!

    Nama, I was only eating meat a couple of times a week but was getting into a rut on the other days and overeating as I was bored with what was on the plate. I got into a bad habit of snacking on cheese and nuts which would have been very high in calories and it wasn’t because I was hungry but because I wasn’t satisfied with what I’d just eaten.
    I intend to continue trying new veggie recipes after Easter which should keep me on track especially with the prospect of asparagus, broad beans, peas, lettuce and other leafy greens all due to hit the shops in the next couple of months.
    I am surprised that I’m not missing meat but that might be because I’ve chosen not to eat it for a while.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    Just caught up on the thread

    RT- loved the bowls funny, copied it for friends, may need some minor adjustments. Not many people I know could or would play three games per day as most last 2.5 hours even without compulsory meal with visiting teams. I have managed two games before, that was quite enough.

    Great news about your Dad and his wife, transitions like this can be very tough on carer’s. Guilt is a horrible feeling, I broke my heart when I put my mother in a home yet she loved it.

    Amazon- Fantastic weight loss, well done and so glad you enjoyed vegetarianism. I am still mainly eating fish, seafood, eggs and cheese but have the occasional foray into meat dishes if I don’t like other options on the menu. I don’t find my digestion is as happy eating meat but I still like the taste.

    Happy- So sorry to hear that you have back problems again. Like Amazon I have been working on specific exercises and ‘retraining on technique’ to do my ‘regular exercises’ properly to strengthen and avoid further injury. It seems my kettle swing was very poor technique which explains past issues. Bowls doesn’t help as it’s all one sided. I also discovered that my non dominant arm (shoulder) has very poor mobility even with regular swimming, clicks joint and quite sore. The induction at the gym this morning was really good, excellent sports coach. Hoping all the equipment will help me to resolve my own niggling back issues and improve general fitness.

    My month of using a hula hoop was very successful, I can now keep it in motion for ages provided I have space. Waist only went down 1.5 inches though.

    March fast was ruined by two weeks of eating all sorts of rubbish at bowls club daily whilst playing knock out rounds. Just couldn’t focus on fasting at all. Feeling very fat and bloated so enjoying no cal fast today. Hopefully this weeks fast will reinstate a better attitude and some control.

    Barrata, Wiwi, PVE and Nama- I hope you Autumn is mild and there is less catastrophes with the weather. Just a little rain, no more flooding or storms. Peace would be nice for a while.

    HBC- hope you are enjoying your trip to Brazil, I am very jealous, freezing fog here still today. BRRRHH

    Freezing fog……. eek!!!
    It’s been lovely here, I’ve had doors and windows open all day and got all the washing dry in the sun which is good as rain is forecast later and for tomorrow.

    Jo, I’ve been combining cardio vascular work with sit-ups crunches etc for a while now and it has made a difference. I intend to get back to using some of the resistance machines again but they’ve been doing a lot of work in that area and it’s akin to exercising in the middle of a building site. Hopefully they’ve finished now so I can get started tomorrow.
    I’ve also received a letter from the gym informing me that they are adding some extra daytime classes including Pilates which is very tempting as most of them are in the evening apart from the 9am Tuesday class which is always packed.
    Having said that, what I’m looking forward to most is getting out in the fresh air more often and doing some decent walks.

    Interesting to hear that your kettlebell technique was poor, I guess that is one of the pitfalls of home exercise as there is no-one to correct you. At least you know what the problem was and can now do something about it.
    I tried Yoga at home in front of a full length mirror but every time I looked in the mirror I overbalanced………..πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    As for the weight loss, it’s about time and now I need to keep it up so I can get into all of my summer clothes.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    That’s a solid effort Wiwi fantastic I do a 4 day fast four times a year and find them empowering I won’t bang on about too much but in my opinion the longer it goes the easier it becomes which is fantastic. Amazon Jojo Happy Nama Purple Barata Bay and to the lurkers yes you guys have a groovy day poached this article from another forum but sharing is caring right πŸ˜‰

    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Peace RT

    Hi All,

    Thanks for thinking about me and my back! I’ve been taking it easy for the last few days, light duties interspersed with regular stretch/ exercises, and it is improving. Hopefully a few more days of being sensible and I’ll be right.

    I fasted today, and luckily didn’t see the flurry of posts about eggs, avocado and feta until this evening! Three of my favourite things…now I’m salivating 🀀 Best go to bed before I get too hungry!


    congratulations on the bowls win. And toning your waist by 1.5 inches with the hh! Given that you think you may have put on weight, that sounds like a really good result from exercise. So are you doing the April challenge/ weighing again to get back on the straight and narrow?

    Hey all

    New faster here just saying hello any tips, tricks are welcome.Rice is my weakness.

    RT-Thanks for the article, nothing that hasn’t been said by MM. I am really interested in getting the insulin resistance test done though, may ask my Doctor next time I visit. Not sure it’s available via NHS.

    Happy- Yes I will keep up the Hula hooping, it’s in my routine now and is helping build up those core muscles which need working on. Yes I am doing the April Challenge, same goal 4 lbs. hopefully this week will see off any damage done. It’s been a while since I fell off the wagon, I certainly needed a break from restrictions. I am also back on 23/1 as it seems to work best for me. Once I start eating at lunchtime I find the hunger dragon wakes up and nags me. Guess two small meals may need to wait until I reach goal. Hope your back gets better quickly.

    Amazon- the kettle bell technique I used was as set by my video and was correct per that instruction. My gym instructor said the technique has been changed since I bought the package. After the bell is swung between the legs you basically do a pelvic thrust, very weird action but it protects the back, you also have to keep your head up which is very strange and feels wrong. I guess I will get used to it. She did strongly recommend doing all exercises in front of a mirror. Luckily I have very good balance, years of Yoga have paid off on that front.

    Bowlofpetunias- first advice is to exchange rice for grated cauliflower. I add fried/boiled onion into that as it is a better flavour. Drink lots of water too, one glass every hour. Hopefully you have read MM’s books. Good Luck!

    Jo, “I hope your Autumn is mild and there is less catastrophes with the weather. Just a little rain, no more flooding or storms.”

    We are very good at sharing with our Kiwi cousins Barata. Enjoy the downpour. 😊 Our garden and lawns have gone crazy with this much water after SUCH an overwhelming hot summer.

    I am back!
    Visiting my family is priceless. We had a great time and the weather was warm with some late summer showers.
    Next time hubby comes along I need to travel with him. There’s so much sight seeing, cows and whatever in a land to big and everything far apart. He was bored the last days. Not my fault 😑
    We arrived in Miami at 4am today then we rented a car to get back home. I am exhausted.
    Could manage food shopping and laundry.
    My sister in law arrives tomorrow. I need to get my act together and back to my Fast.
    Happy glad to hear you are feeling better.
    Looks like the vegetarian WOL is showing results. Congrats to you Amazon! You have delicious recipes even I would have no problem sticking with vegetables for a month.
    Good job on your competition Jo.
    Another post I’ll tell you about my pains… I am very tired.

    Hello Fasters

    Just got through the first 24 hours of the less than 100 cals per day fast- only 48 hours to go.Tomorrow will be easy, and Thursday will be quite difficult to go the whole way through, so I’ve organized activities through to 6pm. My only sustenance today was a tsp of almond milk in my morning teas. Otherwise water. I did my 10k steps today on Wellington hills.
    The foot feels better after a physio session and no inflammatory foods (no food full stop). On Friday I will try no grains until next week, but eat dairy, and the next week the contrary to see which to give up or both.
    I like these 3 day fasts, and maybe go up to 4 days soon, RT. I am going to do 3 day fasts every week while we are at home during April-(social events being a possible problem). I think they are easier to do than ADF (for me anyway)

    Good to have a busy thread again, and it’s great not to be on holiday.
    Thanks for the Wgtn wetness, Aussie cousins, I’m quite enjoying it.
    I must say the strength of this thread is to read how you all organize food issues- Amazon, your veg WOE is interesting, and I may experiment with that, but probably not when on 3 day fasts.
    I have just about lost the South American bulge, so back to needing to lose the last 10 kilos.

    Will sign in tomorrow at the two thirds point.
    xx Wiwi

    Go Wiwi! Dodge those raindrops πŸ™‚ Let me know when you can spare a few minutes for me on a Friday. I have never attempted more than 5:2 (24-hour fast), so really admire those who do.

    I have just emptied 50mm from the rain gauge, ready for the deluge.

    Stay well, HCB.

    Wow Wi! I am SO impressed! I’m like a bear with a sore head at the end of the 24 hours. Mr P couldn’t live with me fasting longer. Like you, he seems to get on a roll and not notice. We are all so different. Well done on your loss so far. The hills of Welly and the SH air will soon see that other 10kg slip away. ☺P

    Morning/evening all,

    Happy, good to hear your back is getting better, and Wiwi I hope your foor continues to improve. Weekly three day water fasts sounds a bit drastic to me, are you sure? I read an article about fasting at the weekend regarding the health benefits of IF and it advised against such fasts which I found interesting and am not sure how long a water fast would need to be before the body starts to break down its own proteins when there is a ready supply of fat, but maybe breaking down protein is easier?

    Jo, I think the kettlebell craze was started by people who were already very fit and I’m wondering if their very toned and strong bodies naturally adopted a safe posture and the fact that beginners and the less fit wouldn’t do similar was overlooked.

    Another FD for me and I’m off to the gym this morning.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good Morning World,
    A good night sleep is wonderful! A feel very rested. Just sipping my coffee and planning IF because today is no good. Left over spinach salmon and eggs.
    This morning I had “the nerve” to step on my BFF and the damage wasn’t that bad. This makes me more motivated.
    Kiwi Girl I had the same South American bulge as well 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣. We’ll deal with it together.
    Did MM change the 500 cal on a DF.
    Talk to you later… busy day πŸ’‹

    Hi HCB,

    MM has suggested that 700/800 calories would work for those finding 500/600 too tough. We all know that’ll work but weight loss will be a bit slower.
    It is an excellent idea if it gets more people making an effort to lose weight and sticking to it but for those of us who are already used to 500/600 it probably isn’t worth thinking about.
    Although it might make us feel better if we overdo it a little on FDs.
    Good to hear that you aren’t depressed by a weight gain. You’ll soon be back into your fasting routine πŸ™‚

    I am really tired after a long, hard workout. I’m trying to push myelf a bit and go faster for longer on the cardio equipment. I managed 15 minutes on the cross trainer this morning which made me very happy as I don’t like it very much and have avoided using it until a couple of weeks ago.
    I think my improved fitness has made it easier to use so I’ll incorporate it into my workout from now on.

    I also had a 15 minute swim in a near empty pool. The whole place was quiet due to Easter holidays which is fine by me 😎

    I’m very hungry today but determined to stick to my FD especially as I’m going out for lunch tomorrow.

    Good Morning All,

    Back into routine and stomach already thanking me for no carbs. I will weigh weekly on Sunday mornings now. I did like less emphasis on the scales in my month long test but sadly it coincided with a backslide which would have happened even if weighing. I just needed a break. I remember Sam used to build these into his complicated plan, not a bad idea, I might follow his lead. A week off in every 12.

    Fast went well Monday, lots of green tea and salad dinner. Yesterday similar but added other drinks into the day plus miso soup at lunchtime and a yogurt pudding. Also some new ‘chilli coated almonds’ these are far too good so I will resist them in future. Fasting today and Friday.

    Young at heart fitness class today, then bowls match. Only one more week indoors, can’t wait to transfer to outside. Entered lots of competitions including County Games.

    Booked into a kettlebell class tomorrow, hopefully new technique will help.

    Barata – sorry about the storm, I definitely spoke too soon. We had s little rain yesterday and we’re grateful for it. A day off from watering garden pots. My daughter said they have had to keep the children in for three days, no gum boots or protective clothing plus decks are too slippery and the field next door is flooding into their garden. What a shame for them! When I ran my nursery we got the children togged up and out, only high winds stopped us getting out.
    Bad timing for her as they are going through their version of Ofsted.

    Wiwi- Good Luck on your long fast especially if it is benefitting your inflammation. Are you taking Kefir daily? It has really helped my immune system, firing on all cylinders.
    Sun is shining so I am heading out with the dogs.

    the BSD of 800 cal for 12 weeks that was last years new thing how many continued on with that? Its my view that on balance its still the fasting that is the big hammer here so whilst calorie counting slash restriction is a factor and TDEE on non fast days “the less you eat the more you lose”
    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Are still my best.
    Thursday lets get our fast on.
    some light reading here
    Peace RT

    Thanks for the link RT.
    Jumping up and heading out into the world with just my water. So much easier to get out the door.
    Roll on Thursday fast. Enjoy everyone. 😊😊P

    RT Thanks for the link! MM eats quite a lot on his FD. Mediterranean WOL is my favorite. I should practice more recipes from that side of the world. Olive oil, seeds is on my menu.
    Too hot is not funny! Since Monday the mercury is up to 94… The weatherman says that the next couple days should be a little lower. Also we need rain badly. Our grass looks burnt.
    I am waiting for a day when my sister in law is not around so I can Fast. So far, IF is working and yes turning my head away for certain things as all pastas, bread and too many glasses of vino this week.
    Have a good one Folks 🌺

    Morning/evening all

    It’s a lovely sunny morning here. Apparently it isn’t going to last but no rain forecast so I’m going to have to water all my new/relocated plants when I get back from the gym.

    I had a lovely time yesterday on a cold but sunny day, meeting the girls πŸ˜‰ in Windsor. We had lunch in a riverside pub sat at a table in the conservatory which overlooked the river and Eton bridge which was perfect as it allowed the sun in and kept the cold breeze out 😎

    The vegetarian option was pasta with spinach and asparagus in a cream sauce and it was very good with some salad on the side and a glass or two of rosΓ© and of course great company.

    Back to fasting today.

    All the fuss about 800 calories is crazy. Firstly it is inaccurate as Mosley states in the article “extra 200 calories” meaning it is 700 for women and 800 for men. Is it only me that gets the idea that some don’t understand that calorie deficit is what produces weight loss and fasting isn’t magic……

    Time to get moving (puts soapbox away)

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good Morning All,

    RT- I am in your camp but not the prolonged fasts for several days, daily 23/1 is my choice, it seems to suit me well. I went ‘off plan’ last month as a trial, it was not good.

    Like you it’s better for me not to start eating early. One meal is good, fast day- one small meal, non fast day – two courses, which these days is yogurt pudding. Two small meals is a battle for me to conquer later down the line. I am still addicted to food and have a long way to go concerning control but I have made significant long term changes to my diet and am thankful for that strength. If I can lose 1 lb per week I am a happy bunny, it keeps me motivated.

    Amazon- yes calorie restriction is essential too, I still have a very low maximum calorie level which I can’t exceed without a gain. The prospect of eat healthily but as much as you want on NFD’s simply would not work for me. 1200 calls is top marker for me. So I continue with lots of veg, limited fruit and small portion of protein.

    Luckily my daily exercise routine keeps me active too, no rest for the wicked.

    I am mostly carb, sugar, processed food free but make occasional exceptions when eating out. I eat a lot of salad now with balsamic and virgin oil dressing. I make my own dressing and take it with me to bowls club because they only offer salad cream which I have never enjoyed. When asked about my food choices by other bowlers, most of whom seem to be sugar addicts I proudly say I have chosen a healthy vegetarian plan and it works, I have high energy levels and no aches and pains(unless I get a sports injury or do too much gardening).

    My immune system is fantastic these days so I must be doing something right. I am surrounded by germy people at my clubs and seem to avoid catching their bugs, of course, I don’t kiss any of them (well not on the mouth, maybe the occasional cheek kisses) Ha Ha! I also seem to avoid the frequent colds my husband gets from work. He refuses the ‘pond water’ and ‘off milk’ (water and milk Kefir) I make daily but he will eat the occasional yogurt. He is trying to reduce carbs himself as he is concerned that when he retires he will eat all day at home. Personally I think he will get more physical exercise than his current life stuck in front of a computer. I am hoping we will do a bit more travel. Scotland first on the list Wee.

    I start my Nordic Walking Course today, I hope my 14 students are keen! We hope to form a regular weekend Walking Group at the end of 6 weeks preparation.

    Don’t worry, Jo, no blame for the weather is attached. I emptied 30mm yesterday evening, and 90mm today, but fortunately the rain is easing, and the weekend will be sunny! There has been dreadful flooding in some parts of the country, though.

    Nice to catch up with Wiwi this afternoon between her commitments and the raindrops.

    It’s the end of a FD here, and I am back to no-work Fridays !! πŸ™‚ Neither of us is interested in increasing the calories on FDs – as Amazon says, keeping the numbers low is what has worked for me in the past. Not working for OH, drat it. I am wondering about insulin resistance – but to get past that I need to conquer OH resistance to further changes in his diet. Ideas, anyone?

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