Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Morning/evening all,

    Back to dull, damp and overcast this morning, but it is only March πŸ™‚

    I really like kefir and look forward to my morning drink.

    I expected to be sore and stiff after my first proper workout for nearly two weeks but it would appear that my body is in a better condition than I give it credit for as apart from the usual early morning back stiffness, all is well.
    I’m going again this morning to do it all again!

    Barata, you have my sympathy as I know what it’s like to wonder what happened to summer. Winter in the South of England has been nothing to complain about. We had a few weeks of cold, cold weather but no snow and enough rain not to cause problems this summer but not enough to depress us.

    Another FD and another new recipe for me today, AJ’s take on Eggs Benedict, slices of sweet potato, spinach, an avocado based sauce and a poached egg.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Barata and Happy,
    Sorry Guys, you know me by now, simply don’t have my quota of patience, never have had it. I have sent an email to Happy Kumbucha and the distributor, no response yet. I bought a thermometer so I can check the temperature. I suspect it may be because I am adding fridge cold milk at the beginning of the process, stressing the grains out with temperature changes. Water Kefir is very active, doubling almost daily, I love the fizzy ginger drink. But I am getting milk drink twice daily and it is sour and slightly creamy so I guess it is working on some level. Using whole milk mostly but a friend brings me raw milk when she can get it because she works near a farm shop. Delivery was expensive and my freezer is full of soup and curries.
    Barata- are you using Demerara sugar for your water grains? Sorry your summer wasn’t great, you may need to do some travelling to find the sun. Wellington is not the best climate, Windiest city in the World I think I heard, even beats Chicago.

    Ate far too much yesterday, leftover party food, God knows what I put on, at least I have time to redress before my weigh in at the end of March, some comfort.

    We have had a mild winter so far but I am desperate for summer again. Outdoor bowls beckons. Dog walks on the beach without a coat, hat, gloves and scarf will be heaven. Sunday morning I got drenched, I looked as if someone had thrown a bucket of water over me. I know you think that would be a good idea Happy, I feel your frustration, Ha Ha! Some of us are just needy.

    Good morning,
    Jo maybe your grains aren’t that good or they are lazy. Kefir making is a very simple process. No need for anything fancy at all. The cold milk won’t kill it. They really don’t die that easy unless you pour hot milk on them.
    I woke up to early today! Still dark outside.
    The plan is to go kayaking with some neighbors, if water isn’t that rough. I hope I don’t aggravate my shoulder tough.
    I did well Fasting yesterday.
    Enjoy your cooler weather downunders.
    See you later 🌺

    Thanks HBC, and I totally agree. Kefir grains are VERY hardy. They survive freezing Jo. Have you considered that what you are making is correct? It isn’t always thick and it is tangy. You probably are just comparing yours with the bought stuff. It’s like comparing coffees.
    It does not require temperature taking or any fancy treatment. After all, it was made in Russia for centuries and I’m pretty sure it was colder there. 😊😊
    Off to bed to snuggle under the doona πŸ™„πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄

    Tell me who doesn’t use fridge cold milk for their kefir?

    Another good workout at the gym this morning and it lifts the spirits which helped as it was pouring with rain when I went out this morning.
    One of my knees is protesting but it’ll just have to deal with it πŸ˜‰

    HCB, enjoy your kayaking and take care of that shoulder.

    Note to self, when starting a vegetarian diet, easy on the pulses 😨😬
    Definitely an egg day……

    Noooo Jo, I wouldn’t want anyone throwing a bucket of cold water on you! Perhaps sitting on you or holding you down though… πŸ˜€

    Well it’s been a lovely spring day here, very mild and wall to wall sunshine. Fingers crossed for more of the same.

    Amazon, I’m using cold milk straight from the fridge and it’s working fine. I did wonder if it would ferment quicker with room temperature milk, but then decided leaving the milk out to warm up would probably mean I was feeding the grains with milk that was starting to turn. Yum.

    Another fast day here….they come around again quickly. Autumn and late daylight saving time means a cool dark morning. Very strange how quickly the seasons can change. I must remember to wear extra clothes to keep warm while fasting ☺
    A fellow was talking on the radio about gut bacteria yesterday and, when asked about IF, said fasting forced the gut bacteria and body to work together rather than compete. I can’t remember the exact explanation, only that it was a tick for 5:2. ☺☺P

    Hi everyone,

    Another FD almost over and all went well. I seem to have found my willpower.
    Long may it last πŸ™‚

    I enjoyed the AJ Eggs Benedict alternative but it doesn’t go to the top of my list as it making the avocado sauce was a lot of fiddling around and I would have preferred hollandaise which wouldn’t have taken much longer.

    Chilli on the menu for tomorrow 😎

    Nice to know that kefir and IF work well together.

    Oh dear Amazon, you should not have said that about the pulses, now I am picturing you in embarrassing positions at the gym!!



    At the risk of being indelicate I wasn’t talking about wind!

    Oh dear Amazon, I guess Nama’s mental image of you just got a whole lot worse! πŸ˜€

    I must admit I didn’t really understand the egg day reference…. until now πŸ˜€

    Ha ha, I’m not usually known for being subtle!

    As for Nama’s imagination, I have no control over that πŸ˜‰

    And once a nurse, always a nurse Amazon – bodily functions never far from our minds! 😷
    Hope the eggs worked!

    I’m fine now thanks πŸ™‚

    Definitely there’s something wrong with my kefir, Jo, I have nothing like your reactions. And yes to the demerara sugar this last time.

    Gold Coast trip in July booked. And yes, Wellington is much windier than Chicago. But I gather we’re not talking about wind πŸ™‚

    Well into a fast day here. The building next door at work is leaping up, the lift well is at our level now. It will totally dominate out of the window once the 14 floors are completed πŸ™ We are on level five.

    Hi Barata,
    I will send you a photo of mine later so you can compare. I am going to measure its growth rate, I may actually be over feeding it, if that is possible? Opposite true of milk grains still which haven’t increased since I got them. Still no reply from distributor or Happy Kombucha. Suspect replacement may be necessary. It is very sour even after 8 hour ferment.
    How is the weather there now? Hopefully not as grim?
    Happy- at least anyone sitting on me would have a nice comfy cushion, still plenty of fat covering these old bones.
    Amazon- I think I have caught your plateau, not not weighing so not sure but NOT feeling the ‘lightness’ of weight loss. Like you fasts going well but non fast days not so good. The cold weather not helping. I got the egg reference, as as non meat eater I eat surprisingly few bean recipes because they cause pain and the dreaded embarrasssing body functions, lentils seem ok though. I always found bread caused gas too.
    PVE- apparently ‘Good gut bacteria’ has more chance to multiply during fasting periods but I wonder if ‘bad bacteria’ does the same too. Can’t think of any reason why they both won’t thrive when given a rest from coping with digestion? Hopefully Kefir will help the good kill off the bad.
    Has anyone watched ‘Hatchi’ Richard Gere film. real tear jerker. Based on true story. Much like our ‘Greyfriars Bobby’. Extraordinary Man and dog bonding and loyalty stories.

    Everyone at bowls club is thrilled we now have a hot fish option and there is a 95% take up compared to those choosing salad. Resisting the lovely crumble puddings which is hard but necessary. Keeping sugar out of my food choices most of the time. There are now 3/8 and players refusing chocolate biscuits at Bridge Club instead of just me so I am having a good influence on others. To be fair only 4 of the group are overweight, others quite thin.

    I was awake early today but I might try another hours sleep if I can manage. The dawn chorus is quite loud outside today though. Bless them!

    I have just put on another batch of (water) kefir, and found myself rinsing the grains – under the tap !! So perhaps that’s where I’m going wrong. Everything else is good – sugar, plastic, tap water that’s been sitting on the windowsill for a week to eliminate the chlorine.

    Today turned nice, gloriously clear evening with the moon growing towards full next week. There’s more weather attacking the north in the next day or two – have a look on Stuff for the effects. Lots of flooding, drowned stock, roads out, damage. And the weather system is still circling. πŸ™ It will be a wet weekend for us, too.

    They definitely don’t like tap water. No need to rinse them at all, just strain and put into a sterilised jar for each making. A friend of mine didn’t sterilise the jar and her grains turned to slime with a vile odour, I think she also used pineapple which is a no no. But she rinsed with mineral water each day and they recovered after 4 days, no smell, no slime. We all make mistakes along the way. I haven’t heated the water to dissolve the sugar as suggested either but it seems to work anyway.
    Haven’t really tried other flavours yet as I love the ginger.
    The weather sounds horrendous, bright and mild here.
    Drank too much fluid yesterday on fast day, must have been up about 7 times in the night, pretty tired this morning. Good day though.
    NFD today- prawn salad planned, sweet chilli dressing yum

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a lovely sunny morning :smile;

    Jo, I’ve gone back to counting calories every day and will continue to do so until my weight starts to move in the right direction. I’ve also decreased the calorie count in my FD dinners to accomodate the kefir calories and cut right back on milk in tea and coffee.

    My kefir jar gets a quick rinse under the hot tap every few days and is then cooled before the grains go back in. The sieve etc are rinsed every day in similar manner. Do water grains need to be treated differently to milk grains?

    Jo, you only have “bad” bacteria in your gut if you have an infection and your gut reacts by making you vomit and/or have diarrhoea in order to eliminate them.
    The point of kefir is to increase and diversify the good bacteria so your system functions properly.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning Amazon
    I always use a fresh clean jar every day for my kefir. It all goes on the dishwasher every day and the cheesecloth gets washed every few days.
    At present mine are doubling every 2 days. Happy little bunnies. πŸ‡ P

    Hi Purple,

    The man in the HK video said that it doesn’t really matter whether everything is washed daily or not and the only important thing is to ensure the detergent is thoroughly rinsed off and a dishwasher is perfect for that.
    I dread to think what a jar that has never been rinsed looks like…….

    I started off with a teaspoonful of grains and I now have 2-3 tablespoons so they are growing well.

    I want to try the sourdough recipe that uses kefir in the starter but I don’t want a delicious loaf calling me from the freezer πŸ˜†

    Definitely rinse the detergent out. I just think it makes more sense to keep the jars clean. I use about 3-4 teaspoons of grains in 300-400 ml of milk. Too much seems as bad as too little, I’ve found.
    I know your pain re bread. I have a FABULOUS loaf taking up freezer space. Every time I open the drawer it begs to be eaten. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ I’ve had 3 slices in the 3 weeks it’s been there. I even dreamt of eating it with feta and antipasto the other night!! πŸ™„ P

    Making kefir is a bit like 5:2 as it would seem there are several ways to approach it πŸ™‚

    I’ve made a batch of blueberry muffins which come in at 220 calories each and if I feel the need for something one of them will suffice. Much less calorific than bread as I can’t stop at one slice, plus there’s whatever I’ve put on top πŸ˜–
    Having said that, I bought a pack of wraps last weekend for my tortillas and the remainder are sitting in the fridge and I’m not tempted to eat them.

    Of course, baking muffins means that 23/1 is out of the window today as I had to try one fresh from the oven with my morning coffee πŸ˜‰

    Good Morning,
    Well! The worst holding wind is at the Yoga class when you can hear a pin drop. Maybe is because we twist and turn much so the air needs to exit πŸ‘
    That movie Hatche made both of us cry a lot. Apparently the statue of the dog the story was based upon is in Japan and it’s quiet famous. We love our little girl so much. My husband way more.
    My kayaking yesterday was one of the nicest experiences a ever had. Those ladies are on their upper 60’s, no children, fit and adventurous. My shoulder didn’t hurt …. just the sciatica. Not funny all of this, really.
    Later on today I am going to meet a separe set of Girls at the annual mother and daughter tea. Mother isn’t here and I can’t bring Sasha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. There are lots os sweets available. We tend to go out for dinner afterwords.
    It’s funny! Seems like I am on maitance mode. Fasting tomorrow again.
    Barata I hope that bad weather won’t turn south where apparently you are.
    My husband wants to go on a River Cruise from Budapest to Passau. I need to hurry and get this organized. To go to Europe I am ready anytime.
    Happy Woman’s Day to you all and Yfee (RT).
    Enjoy your day 🌢

    What an adventure, kayaking! My neighbour has a kayak, he uses it in the sea. My son borrowed it one day to travel around the coast. His shoulders ached for days after his trip. He loved it though. Maybe I will try it this summer.
    I hop you sciatica doesn’t give you too much grief. You had better get well before your river cruise, which sounds amazing.
    Amazon- the water Kefir is very different in looks and grows very rapidly. I make ginger Kefir which is very refreshing. No idea how many calories though because it is fermented in brown sugar and mineral water. You also add sultanas, lemon slices and ginger slices. It keeps for days in the fridge and improves in flavour. There are lots of flavour options. Are you adding flavours to your milk? I have added cream, coconut and vanilla to different batches just to experiment. I might make a strawberry smoothie next. I am not going back to calorie counting, life is better without the worry of it. Of course if it looks like my 23/1 is not working I may need to rethink that decision. Shame because I have been doing well since last October, either losing or maintaining through holidays and festivities. Had to buy some new trousers today, still size 16 if I want to breath in them.
    Have you tried cloud bread yet, you can season it to taste, made with eggs, BBC Foods.
    PVE- Bread seems to be a temptation for all of us, I guess it’s ingrained!!!!!
    Last practise at Choir today before we record in London on Saturday, can’t wait! Abbey Road Studios here we come! Rock On!

    Jo, I’ve no desire to add flavouring to kefir, I enjoy it as it is and adding anything adds calories which means less available for eating other things.

    I meant that I don’t know if water kefir grains need to be looked after any differently to milk grains.

    I am struggling to lose any weight despite fasting and as far as I’m concerned not over-eating on non FDs so the way to find out if I am or not is to count calories. Yes it is a bit of a chore at times but if that is how it has to be for me to reach goal then that is what I’ll do.

    Never heard of cloud bread but if it is enriched with bread it’ll be very calorific so I’ll be steering clear of it.

    As for having a weakness for bread, it is the most basic and widely available of comfort foods I can think of so it isn’t really surprising.

    HCB, glad you enjoyed your kayaking πŸ™‚

    I’m with you Amazon, I like the flavour of kefir just as it is. It’s quite similar to my favourite yoghurt, Yeo Valley natural organic unsweetened. I can’t decide whether I’m going to substitute the kefir for yoghurt or have both!

    Jo, just a thought, but rather than your kefir being too sour could it be that you don’t like sour flavours/ have more of a sweet tooth? I guess it would taste very sour cf your water kefir.

    I’m glad you enjoyed the kayaking HCB. We have several kayaks as we have lots of waterways nearby. We invested in good quality attatchable seats for our 2 man sea kayak (that we don’t use in the sea! πŸ˜‰) as we both experienced lower back pain. They make all the difference.
    Funny pun Jo 😊
    Btw, is it wise to be not weighing or counting calories when you are still trying to lose weight? Be careful how much of the water kefir you add to your daily total too. Every bit of sugar will cause insulin spikes.
    After giving up on my Thursday fast, I’ll be super cautious with food choices all weekend. Swings and roundabouts. P

    Yeo Valley was my yoghurt of choice before I started making it and mine tastes very similar.

    I think I’ll manage to include kefir and yoghurt in my diet, I can always make smaller quantities πŸ™‚

    It has been a lovely day here and so mild I’ve had the windows open all day 🌞

    Well I worked at home and had the backdoor open this afternoon. It faces roughly south and the air coming in was WARM!!! Ah, bliss πŸ˜€

    We must be sending the nice weather up your way. Enjoy. 🌞

    I love natural yogurt( all makes) and ‘sour’ flavours, just not ‘really’ strong sour milk.
    I enjoy hot water with lemon slices.

    PVE- I have a small glass of water Kefir just before my evening meal. Since I am meat free, sugar free and complex carb free and have now cut out potatoes my meals are low calorie. Doing 23/1 daily so not too worried about insulin spike before my meal. I am reviewing constantly and will make changes as necessary. Nothing set in concrete. Currently fasting Mon, Wed and Friday with a one pound per week aim.

    Cloud bread is made of eggs, cream cheese, cream of tarter and nigella seeds. Recipe on bbcgoodfood, I found it when I was looking at low carb foods. My son now has it frequently as he has Reaction to white bread.

    You must be better than me, Jo. I know if I don’t monitor carefully, the weight, and Mr P’s bloodsugars, will rise slowly. I put too much effort in, back in 2013, to get to this, so no way I don’t keep a careful eye on it.
    You seem to have found your way. Good on you. P


    My milk kefir doesn’t taste like strong sour milk, it tastes like natural yoghurt. If it tasted like milk I wouldn’t be drinking it without chocolate nesquik πŸ˜€

    I am intrigued by what you’re doing different to the rest of us, but I’m a kefir newbie too so can’t offer any advice.

    Cloud bread sounds like something I can live without…..

    Jo, why are you not eating any complex carbs? They are the good guys.

    Beans give me stomach ache, always had an issue with them. Pulses, quinoa, nuts are fine, I use them in curries and salad. Not keen on rice or pasta, never have been, much prefer cauliflower rice and noodles.

    Cut potatoes this month as a trial, replaced with zero noodles to reduce calorie intake. Still love them in every shape and form.

    Cloud bread is delicious, pesto on top, then sun dried tomatoes, maybe even a sprinkling of melted cheese. They look like small naans. Excellent replacement for bread or crackers.

    The powder version Kefir was lovely, like yogurt too but my grains are not similar in flavour. That’s why I have been complaining non stop about my grains and having to add single cream or coconut, definitely doesn’t taste like yogurt. Chasing up the distributor to replace my grains tomorrow, I am certain they are defective. Tried another friends Kefir today, so much nicer yet she follows exactly the same instructions as me. She has offered me some of her grains when she has some to spare, early days for her too. She has a very poor immune system( been ill for 4 years)so she hopes to improve it, she has geographic tongue, ulcerated, she is very unwell. She is a former surgical nurse and is now discovering alternative medicines and nutrition to get some relief from her afflictions. At least she is very slim so doesn’t have to worry about weight, if anything she is too thin, no appetite as she can only eat very bland foods. It’s a misery for her.

    PVE- not counting my chickens yet, not until I get to goal. But I may finally be on the right path for my body. I guess we all need something different. Luckily I am not a great foodie so am happy with simple meals of fish and veg most of the time. I may not be weighing at the moment or counting calories but I am measuring.

    The waist seems to go first 😐
    Getting grains from your friend is a much more traditional way of starting off with kefir. A lovely sharing activity. P

    HCB, today ended up glorious – sunshine and no wind (!!). However, the rain radar shows the weekend’s downpours on their way. There might be a gap tomorrow evening for OH to put a steak or two on the barbeque. He doesn’t mind cooking in the rain!

    I’m not sure why, but I feel shattered tonight. I will take a sleeping pill to make sure I get to get a good night.

    My kefir grains must be moderately happy, as they do bubble away and ferment the sugar. Need to keep on keeping on with them. I still don’t know where to get milk grains, but since it’s just me, I am okay buying greek yoghurt for my muesli four mornings a week.

    OH gets lower back pains kayaking as well, but being a sedentary fellow it’s unlikely we will take this any further. We haven’t had the bicycles out for about three years πŸ™ πŸ™ and because we are at the top of a steep hill we always drive to where we are going to ride, so want/need his input.

    Glad to hear you have a brief gap in the Welly weather. Roll on retirement and a house move to a flat location. I live on the flat yet very rarely get my bike out due to adverse weather. Fair weather cyclist.

    I have some great news, my son is moving to a new part of London, much cheaper rent and a spare room. Happy days! He is also adopting a cat which has had a horrible life so far. I will be the new cat sitter when they are on holiday. Looks like I will be spending lots more time in London. I don’t know Walthamstow very well but I understand it has a village feel with lots of cafes(more temptation).

    I need to spend today practising my songs for tomorrow, word and note perfect for recording. Really looking forward to my day in London. Busy weekend planned as I am attending a classical concert on Sunday, a friend’s daughter is playing saxophone in the performance so we are all going out for a meal after it has finished. Checked menu, lots of fish on offer.

    The weather here yesterday was amazing, no coat necessary, warm and sunny, not bad for March. Looks fair today too.

    Focussing on making NFD’s better as we are heading into summer early by the looks of things. I really, really want to get to goal this year. No more backsliding.

    Morning/evening all,

    Dull and mizzly here but a mild 11C.

    Another week has zoomed by 😱

    FD today, and looking forward to dinner already, I guess it’s time to do some cleaning……….

    Where is Bay? πŸ˜†

    Have a good weekend everybody😜

    Good Morning
    Beautiful hot weather here 24C and going up to 28C later one. Little Sasha didn’t want to walk long this morning. She was seeking shade all the time.
    Jo you the only person I know with the most filled schedule. Have fun this weekend. Abbey Rd was very crowded when o visited last years
    Since your son have an extra room looks like you and Amazon have an excuse to get together in London πŸ‘
    I am already overwhelmed with the amount of paper work to prepare our annual taxes.
    Lately there’s the need from my part to be more present on my husband’s burocratic life.
    Enjoy your weekend Fastind Buddies πŸ•ΊπŸ€ 

    Hello everyone . Still a busy thread I am glad to say . I read it every day . Ross hasn’t been to great the last couple of weeks but OK now . Sent for new passports as the other one was over 30 years old . sent everything away ( we thought) after 2 weeks the needed my birth certificate then about another 2 weeks the needed out marriage certificate . Getting bit anxious but 6 six weeks to go :).
    Diet is going really well I am lower than I have been for a long time and I have 3 dresses for the holiday . I haven’t worn a dress for about 30 years . I also have a bathing suit . getting quite excited now .

    Jojo sent me some water kefir grains and I am having great fun trying different things . Today I have strawberries in it and it is going lovely and fizzy . Its fun trying different things . Thanks again Jo xx.
    It was Jims birthday the other day and I bought him a good set of Binoculars and he is looking forward to using them .
    I would never have imagined going a holiday like this when I was size 22/24 .I am having so much fun buying nice things to wear . So much easier when there is so much variety in smaller sizes .

    Thank you all for the support and making this dream come true

    Wee xx

    Glad the Kefir is going well, lots of my friends are on it now. I am really looking forward to seeing your snaps on Facebook, you will look gorgeous. It will be so special to have such an exciting holiday overseas after so many years. My mother only had one holiday abroad and she talked of it for 50 years. My generation don’t know they are born with the travelling they get to do. I used to teach preschoolers, many of whom had visited more than 20 countries, seems unbelievable. My first holiday abroad was age 15, but it got me hooked.
    Amazon and Purple- how many countries have you visited? Most of my travel has been in Europe in particular Spain, Greece, Portugal, Turkey and Rhodes. I have also been to New York, Australia and New Zealand. So there are who,e continents for me to explore still- Asia is next on my list followed by South America and Canada. So it’s important to keep fit and well to enjoy these trips.

    Wee, I know you look fabulous in your swimsuit and your frocks. Lucky Jim to be escorting such a beauty.

    Jo, I didn’t travel overseas until I was 43. I’ve only been to 13 other countries …in Europe, the Pacific, Asia and North America. Ooo…sounds a lot. I’m making up for lost time 😊😊 P

    It is quite a lot. I guess we are lucky being so close to Europe, lots of places to visit within a few hours plane trip. Those marathon flights do take the edge off journeys. But I loved visiting Australia and NZ and will doubtless make many more trips as my daughter does not plan to return unless they chuck her out.

    I am at the station waiting for my train to London to do record at Abbey Road, very excited. They said we must not take any photos on the zebra crossing, health and safety risk.
    So our Record won’t have the iconic Beatles image, shame!

    Treated myself to a latte, special day, I plan to enjoy it. Tea just won’t hit the spot this morning.
    Perfect fast day yesterday so feeling great.

    Just had a thought, I will photograph empty zebra crossing and get my son to photoshop it

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