Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 2 months ago.

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  • Jo, my understanding of IF, and from reading such people as Jason Fung, is that you should not do calorie restriction every day. By eating one meal a day, isn’t that what you are doing? Also, eating only one meal has the danger of not learning to eat smaller portions. You must be consuming 1200 to 1300 cals in one sitting.
    The fast, to heal your cells and get your body burning fat, needs to be balanced by feast days. Every day calorie restriction is not sustainable, your body’s metabolism just slows down.
    As Happy says, we older women need less calories, but they can still be incorporated in 2 meals a day x 5, and 1 meal on the 2 fast days.
    Like puppies, this woe is for life, not just for quick weightloss or holidays. P 😊😊

    Our bodies burn fat when we have a calorie deficit regardless of whether someone is employing 5:2 or or using daily calorie restriction, but it is in addition to using the fuel from what we eat rather than as a primary source ie ketosis.

    5:2 is a sustainable way of life with added health benfits AND it helps us change our eating habits for the better. Keeping the weight off is all about what Jason Fung refers to as our set weight and as far as I’m concerned anyone who wants to lose weight should use 5:2

    The problem for most/all of us is temptation and some of us are not as strong willed as others, especially us yo-yo dieters who have previously failed to alter our eating habits. Some of us also have a greater tendency to make the wrong decison when we can’t get a decent cuppa or a salad by opting for something calorific rather than being sensible and either having water and/or not eating until we find something more appropriate which is what I find odd considering we are all capable of fasting. I’ve done it myself often enough and usually when on holiday surrounded by a group of people all tucking in heartily to whatever is on offer.

    Jo, do whatever you think is best but don’t allow it to overshadow your holiday.

    I’m not undermining Jo, Amazon.
    Jason Fung has numerous posts on why the Biggest Loser didn’t work. The problem was that they cut their calories every day, resulting in a drop in their metabolism. The body fights to keep to its perception of set weight.
    Eating one not so small meal a day simply means never learning to eat less and is not IF. P 😊

    Hi Amazon,
    I have tried the green teas, very bitter. I suggested to my OH yesterday that I just order hot water, he thought that would be embarrassing. I carry teabags everywhere now so I think I might try it.

    I switched from 5:2 to 23/1 before Christmas and it was working for me. It has helped me control food intake. Mistake was coffee, ice cream and cheese. My meal is usually soup then low cal meal, small portions protein but lots of veg. Drinking lots of water for the rest of the day. I weighed tonight after fast, no change from last night, await tomorrow. I was controlling calories on 5:2 too as unless I did this I gained after non fast days. We are all differential in the way we burn calories. Years of dieting have left me with a very inefficient system. At this stage I try everything and go with the best results. I am not eating sugar accept in the guise of fruit on non fast days.

    I know you aren’t P, you invariably offer sage advice. I’m just chucking in my tuppence worth.
    I happen to believe that restricting our eating window every day helps with insulin resistance and everything I’ve read including Jason Fung has led me to that conclusion.

    I tried eating a single meal every day and it didn’t work out for me so I’m back to 16:8 on non FDs and it is definitely a better idea for regulating portion control and practising mindfulness.

    The first 15 minutes at the gym was tough going but I talked myself out of stopping and carried on so I’m now drinking a huge mug of coffee and polishing my halo πŸ˜‡

    It’s turned into a beautiful day here. We didn’t get the forecast fog and have yet another clear blue sky with sunshine.
    Makes me feel good to be alive 😎

    Hi Jo,
    tell your husband to look the other way when you dunk your teabag πŸ˜‰

    Jojo I don’t want to sound as if I know everything because I don’t but I personally feel that if we cut more things out all the time then it does seem like a diet and not a way of life . I eat some of everything I fancy BUT I put it all down on my fitnesspoal . I don’t eat pasta ,potatoes or bread very often because they don’t call me to come eat them like they used to ,but I find if I rule something out I start to crave it then I give in and end up eating more . I am eating yoghurt and frozen fruit mixed in more than ice cream but I still have ice cream when I really crave it . Chocolate or sweets seem far to sweet and they don’t tempt me . Jim had toast the other day and it looked great so I had one slice . I think keeping it all written down on myfitnesspal helps a lot because I can see EVERYTHING I have eaten . BUT that is just me . Please don’t let it spoil your holiday as it is AWOL and not a diet . Take care and have lots of fun pal xxxx

    Hi Wee,
    Thanks for your input I really do appreciate it but ‘having a little of what you fancy’ has got me an extra 2 pounds on. I assure you I am in control and not over indulging. I have been fasting too long to let it ruin my holiday, food is not my focus anymore. The only food I ever crave these days is bread(which bloats me)or apple crumble with custard(not so common over here thank goodness)plus the occasional(once per week occasional) gin and tonic. My favourite foods are veg and fruit, I used to eat too much fruit but now control it. I know I should write everything down I am sure it will help, I will try harder. One of the problems I find with travel is sluggishness in body functions even though I am eating lots of fibre at meals. I suspect this is part of my current gain.
    Checked scales and still recording 2 lb up even after a fast day.
    Amazon- I agree with you, 23/1 has been the most successful plan for me and I have felt great on it so far. I am really missing my usual active lifestye though. Good long walk today plus investigate a local swimming pool.

    The sun is shining here which I wasn’t expecting, happy days.

    Fasting is the key to overcoming insulin resistance without a doubt. Mr P knows from daily blood tests and 4 years on IF that simply skipping breakfast will drop back his blood sugar reading if it has been slightly elevated by indulgence. He was able to reveese his insulin dependent T2 diabetes by fasting.Yhe weightloss that came with it was a bonus.

    We are discussing a 2 part thing here:
    Bringing weight down to a healthy goal and learning to maintaon it for life through food choices.

    At 70kg, I was still able to eat more and lose weight than I can at my present (goal) weight of 58kg. To maintain this weight I have to have made a change in what, when and how much I eat permanently.

    Wee has also successfully lost and maintained for the same reason. It is not about being on a diet, deprivation or yoyo dieting, it is just normal everyday eating for the size and age we are.

    When travelling you will try all sorts of interesting, different foods. Some would never be included in your normal menu, but, if they are highly calorific simply use restraint and balance.

    Mr P has proved that years of eating foods that caused damage can be reversed. He weighs up the benefits of the food for his head compared to the disadvantages he will get for the body and chooses. 😊😊

    If it helps Jo, eat however you like, but listen to that tiny voice reminding you of the regret you experienced last year. Having fun on a trip, experiencing great new flavours does not mean you have to gain extra pounds.

    I agree P with you and Mr P . I actually started doing 5.2 because I read it could help or hold back Alzheimers . My mam and dad and ” grans and aunts had Alzheimer’s and I thought if it can help and I can save my family the pain then why not give it a go . Loosing weight was an AMAZING side benefit .
    I sometimes find it hard too and yes I do have the odd few ” floating ” pounds . Then I look at my small size clothes and remember how hard it was to get nice size 22/24 . I love the feeling after a fast and joke with Jim ” can you see my halo shine” . I hope in fact I am sure that I will maintain this forever . I would never have ever dreamt that I would go on a cruise because when I was a 24 I would have felt really uncomfortable in the heat and all covered up . I still won’t wear a swimsuit as at my age the extra skin from a 6 stone loss is very noticeable BUT I am brilliant at disguising it now .
    I LOVE 5.2 . I love being wee-er and I love all you lovely people for supporting me all the way .

    Wee xx

    Good on you Wee. Buy yourself a body holding swimming costume (they are made to hide the folds…Miraclesuit is one brand) and you’ll look fabulous. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š P

    Ha ha pal I wish lol . Its the top of my legs and under the arms . Jim says he isn’t taking trunks/shorts so I won’t need one anyway lol . I want to have a wee suntan though so I will look better for the wedding . Its in Tullibole Castle lo so I can’t let the side down . I will need to look posh lol πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ xx

    Jojo…I too bring my own Green Tea/Jasmine everywhere I go. I tip the ladies at the coffee shop often so they don’t feel deprived.

    I have been doing ADF and even my Husband is adjusting to my patterns, what is a safe amount of time to continue…forever? Just wondering…cause I feel great & have lost weight.

    Wee…let it all out, everyone else is too worried about their own bodies to notice yours. Vitamin D this time of year is good!

    Tullibone looks a gorgeous venue Wee, and quite close too! You’ll look lovely with your soft Scottish skin 😊😊😊

    Hi WellMe. I see fasting, of some sort, as life long. We have been doing 5:2 for nearly 4 years. ADF would need to stop when you are at your goal healthy weight and change to a lower key fasting regime. P

    Hi wellme .it’s 3 or 4 years for me but I think the FD is what makes me feel so good . I think of this now as AWOL .( A Way Of Life) and not a diet . I have been going to the FANCY shops and looking at all the Granny of the bride outfits and I am so happy that I am not still at a size 22/24 and only buy what they have in the bigger sizes . It is brilliant looking at 12/14’s . I love that feeling . I am going to try alternate fast days for a wee while so I can enjoy trying different foods on the cruise xx

    Purple, Wee, Bay, Happy, RT, Nama (sorry if I forget you) I believe you are maintainers! I absolutely appreciate and treasure any pice of advice and encouragement. It’s proven and down to science. Well reminded that after a fast get to fest. No starvation. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    The movie La La Land was beautiful. No sex, killing, cursing, greed, yelling, speeding. From time to time we need to remind ourselves to be happy. That simple.
    See you soon

    Good evening everyone,

    What a glorious day it is here, the promised storms did not arrive so we have been enjoying a really hot day walking around Christchurch. Still lots of building work going on from the September Earthquake 2010 but there is much progress from when I saw it last year. We did a City Tour on a tram and visited the Cardboard Cathedral. Had a cuppa(Twinings)in Regent Street which is a beautiful Spanish Architectural delight, pastel walls, Moroccan tiles and lots of street cafe’s. Strangely trams ride right through the middle which is odd.

    PVE- I always choose healthy options on menus, I prefer them to fatty, sugary options. As you know I have tried most fasting methods now and ‘change it up’ regularly. Trust me if it works, I will do it. My diet here is mainly salad which I love in summer. They do some very interesting salads here too which is great. Actually I very rarely feel hungry these days, usually only if I haven’t been drinking enough water or didn’t eat protein at the last meal. My meals are small now because 23/1 has helped me retrain my appetite and shrink my stomach.

    Walked 16,547 steps today and feeling great. I used my Nordic Poles and was accosted by a man shouting at me saying ‘using those things will give you arthritis of the wrists’. I hope he is wrong on that front.

    I did enjoy La La Land but I wouldn’t see it again, ashamed to say I found it a bit slow.
    Looking forward to seeing ‘Lion’ next week.

    Quiet evening with boiled egg salad on the menu- home made.

    Amazon- I watched some singles and mixed pairs tennis last evening on Sky Sports, very enjoyable. Saw the repeat of Andy’s game-looked a close game on some sets.

    Fasting tomorrow as another long car journey from here to Dunedin.

    Barrata- I just found a Tracy H glass jewelry stand, big mistake, bought earrings and necklace to match. I love her designs.

    Weemam- I agree it was horrible being 22/24 size, frumpy tent style clothes. Much better to wear smaller sizes. I think you will be surprised at the size of your fellow Cruisers. I am certain they will be exposing lots of flesh without a care in the world. My mother used to have a costume with a little skirt on it, these are in fashion again, you might like one? Shame to miss out on swimming, I couldn’t do it, a real water baby I am.

    Wellme- I am carrying green and black tea. I was refused hot water at the Botanical Garden(for health and safety reasons) so I tried their tea. Not good, I think some of the teas here have chicory in them. Next time I will stick to water.

    Glad you are enjoying the salads Jo. There are so many lovely low carb ones available everywhere these days.
    I just had a great salmon and prawn salad with a friend by a river. Thoroughly enjoyable and doesn’t break the weight bank 😊😊P

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Congratulations Bay on 3 years of IF and 5-2 you lead by example it’s good to be on your team don’t worry I will be listening to my body regards the no vegetables and will be most careful thanks Barata same same I don’t see it as a problem at all truth be told after all water fasting has zero of any carbohydrate protein or fat. Happy I know we all have our own version of what a healthy diet is or balanced diet is and we would have all seen Images for the Healthy Plate at some stage. And to some water fasting only for example is far from healthy to a fair percentage of the human race and to others vegetarians and vegans are quite radical food ideas and lifestyle choices and indeed vegan diet contains only plant like vegetables grains nuts and fruits no food that come from animals including dairy products and eggs. Is it doable ? well they say yes now fasting is our chosen WOL many are not so enthusiastic Stephen Phinney is one who does not share our enthusiasm πŸ’‘ and that puts him at logger heads with Dr Jason Fung and Dr Allan Goldhammer to name two again we need differing views to give a complete overview IMO however way we chose to go to build that profile to suit us is the best option for each and every one of us? 19/5 suits my life style just fine and is a good fit for me. Eat stop eat is a good option some around here are on the 23/1 eating window. others the original 5-2 fast mon/thurs or 16/8 18/6 19/5 20/4 the warrior diet and all helping better their health outcomes and longevity in good health that is working well for them so zero carb for me will be meat water tea coffee and bone broth. Fascinating and challenging beliefs with quite radical food ideas can all be found here.
    This is very doable for me on a 30 day trial another study of one and I will again become my own evidence looking forward to the challenge actually. It’s not my intention to take supplements I never have As for being healthy and require careful planning well I’m not so sure
    Peace RT.

    Hi RT,

    I’m aware that there are native peoples who’s diets are wholly based on eating animals, and they derive all their nutritional needs that way.

    However they are eating wild animals, not farmed. I wonder whether the restricted feedstuffs (sometimes unnatural, if stories of USA farmers feeding defective M&Ms are to be believed!) and hormones/antibiotics/chemicals fed to industrially farmed livestock, and often housed not free range in native diverse habits, similarly result in a product that meets all our nutritional requirememts.

    Also, unless you are from one of these peoples evolved on an animal diet then it may not suit. Your gut bacteria might not thank you for it!

    I know it wouldn’t be for me. I don’t like the texture of animal fat so eating it in large quantities would make me wretch (I’d be like the first USA settlers getting sick on eating muscle only!), and too much meat over time for me results in a sluggish digestion and lethargy 😒

    Good luck though! Good job we’ve got you to do all the fasting and dietary experiments… We can just watch from the sidelines!

    Sorry! Forgot to say I don’t like offal either πŸ™

    And not forgetting the generations of genetic selection resulting in our farmed animals of today – quick to bulk up for maximum meat/ short life, not slow growing and relatively lean from leading an extensive wild existence.

    I did think if I was going to go native I’d rather be a hunter-gatherer, but I don’t think that’s at all realistic in unnatural Britain, and I’m not sure that shop-foraged produce (again, a long way from its wild relatives) would fit the bill πŸ˜€

    Morning/evening all,

    RT, as Happy says, good that we have you to try such diets out and report back. Good luck πŸ™‚

    Here we are in the UK, in the middle of winter with cold, frosty and foggy weather and Purple is talking about sitting by the river eating salmon and prawn salad. Sounds idyllic and delicious.

    Jo, I’m going to see Lion next week and am really looking forward to it especially since I read an interview with Dev Patel.

    Next time you are refused hot water for health and safety reasons give them a teabag and ask them to put some water on it for you. That is a daft thing to say because a teabag or a spoonful of tea isn’t going to change the water temperature enough to stop it scalding you if you spilt it or tried to drink it immediately…..
    Glad to hear the weather has cheered up for you. I did a virtual walk round Wellington on the treadmill yesterday and was thinking of you 😎

    I’m not paying too much attention to the tennis now that all my favourites have been knocked out.

    This weighing every day is already making me πŸ˜–πŸ˜¬ The fluctuations of our bodies are like a magical mystery tour, we never know which direction they’ll take. I also think I should buy a decent set of scales.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello fasters
    Sorry been AWOL for too log, but not shirking- still 4:3.
    We have 30cm of snow and the internet link here went down for nearly a week.

    Firstly, I was devastated to read about the attack in Melbourne. I know the attacks in France affected me even though they were not in my back yard. Sorry to all you, Australians.

    Glad NZ is going well, Jojo. We leave home next week for London via Rome to catch our flight to NZ. I just hope that the snow does not affect this. We have 4km of semi-unsealed track to join the road and it’s often very difficult in snow.

    One great bonus of fasting is that on a fast day, I notice that my mind gets very sharp. Wee, you spoke of fasting to avoid alzheimers. The clarity fasting brings is amazing.

    Just about to have my third cup of green tea for the day.

    Happy Fasting.

    Good morning,
    I just woke up a little earlier than usual today. If checking the forum is always I good idea as a remo se for proper behavior.

    I love to have a marbled meat sometimes but I am concerned, the way my plumbing works, I eat to much meat I would have a serious problem. Also I think that diet is problably expensive … I am curious with your experiment RT.
    Good to hear from you Wiwi! Are you runnnibg away from winter?
    Yeap! There’s a love hate relationship with the scale until we reach peace with it! Same here Amazon πŸ’ͺ🏻
    I am glad to hear your trip is great Jo.
    See you later πŸ’‹

    Morning All,
    Sun is up and blue sky on the horizon but my destination Dunedin is due to be wet. Another long car journey today so taking advantage of opportunity to fast. Still 2 lb up from pre trip today but determined to shift it. Basically sticking to salads until the end of January.

    RT- sorry mate, can’t join you on meat only diet, my digestion would not handle it after being vegetarian for so long. It already complains when I have the occasional foray into the meat eating world. Good Luck though. I used to love fatty meat but that was before I had gall bladder issues. Crackling and chops plus bacon used to be favourites. I think the lack of vegetables would be an issue for me too, I rely on the roughage. I am sure your system will adjust to it though especially as you already eat meat. But I will be avoiding bread, pasta, rice and potatoes for the rest of my trip. I may have pastry on occasion as in some places vegetarian tart is the only food option available. I have noted that even soup of the day tends to be meat version here. I bought some tins of vegetable soup, red salmon and mackerel yesterday as a stand by. I prefer fresh but it’s better than nothing. Local dairy near my motel had no fresh fruit or veg at all yesterday.

    Amazon-your gym walk sounds fun and will prepare you for a visit to Welly some day. Do you have Christchurch on it, sans all the roadworks I hope. The noise of building work everywhere is horrendous it’s why we chose to get the tram around the City. We walked up to the Cardboard Cathedral afterwards, still very inspiring, so light and cheerful. Can’t really understand why there are not more buildings of this type.

    Time is going so fast but enjoying every moment thanks everyone. Avoiding watching TV entirely and enjoying reading my book in the evenings. Bliss.

    Hi everyone,

    Nama this is for you as promised

    Jo, if you go to Akaroa, that’s where my grandfather lived. A gorgeous little town.
    Buy fresh smoked fish in NZ. It is STUNNING and available everywhere. We travel with a few small freezy bricks and little freezy bag and freeze them in the motel room fridge. That is the huge advantage of travelling in NZ and Aus…motels always have little fridges and kettles and usually microwaves so you can easily feed and water independently. 😊😊
    Seafood and salad is definitely the wisest choice. Enjoy Dunedin. ..great music scene as it is a uni city. P

    Morning all,
    Thanks Wiwi for your wishes, Melbourne has been really rocked by the senseless tragedy last week. Especially when an innocent 2month old babe and a little 10yr old girl were involved. It is not known yet, but the assumption is that the driver was psychotic on drugs … such a senseless act that has ripples affecting so many people.

    Amazon thankyou so much for that link – I wish Melbourne had such a comprehensive public transport system. Our roads are choked with cars, we now say Melb traffic has caught up to Sydneys!!

    Good luck RT, cant wait to hear how your experiment goes. I love meat too, but would really miss my salad and veggies. I read your links, interesting..makes me realize how lucky I am that my system seems to cope with whatever I eat. Better have a good laxative on standby (once a nurse, always a nurse!) Hopefully you get your meat at a good price from your workplace!

    Off to Jamieson for 5 days, still clearing out 16 yrs worth of “stuff”
    Australia Day public holiday today so not in a rush to join the traffic exiting the city…….

    Good evening from overcast Dunedin. Good journey here, lots of beautiful scenery in parts of the route. Nice hotel room even though it is part of the same group as the one we were not happy with in Wellington. No pool but it has a gym I will check it out later. We are walking to the railway station, a must see building. I won’t be visiting Cadburys World as once is enough, I went last year. Lots of shops and restaurants. May revisit the Chinese Garden, I remember it being stunning last time. We may even search for a cinema tonight, why not, nothing good ever on TV.
    Nama- the incident in Melbourne was truely horrible. I think every city has to worry about senseless violence these days. My friend’s son was killed by a junkie in London last year, just 26 years old. Luckily they caught the offender and he went to prison, out of harms way for a while after destroying a family. His father is a shadow of his former happy self, it’s very sad.
    Fast has gone well today but it was difficult drinking lots and needing to stop. Not too many cafe’s on that road. One cafe had a very rustic outdoor toilet in what appeared to be a shed. I checked the seat for creepy crawlies first, thankfully no deadly spiders in NZ. Crazy big cobwebs on the ceiling though.
    Barrata- I found another good tea make ‘Harney and Sons’

    Happy Australia Day to us I have been to a very nice Australia Day Presentation in the town square and two of my Vietnamese co-workers and their families became Australian Citizens very happy n proud moment I am having them all here for lunch so I am Master of the grill and the wizard of the weber full of Australian Beef and Lamb with the One day cricket from Adelaide Oval on the telly it surely doesn’t get any more aussie than that πŸ˜‰
    Spoiler Alert I am biased towards our Australian Red Meat Export Industry and product very proud of our Industry…
    W need to source good produce I have access to grass fed Black Angus beef which is certified non HGP hormone growth promotant free range and free to roam. I do work at a beef processing plant and naturally raised quality lamb I can get from DIL who runs the boning room of an export plant 85km down the road I’m not from one of the people or natives eating wild animals with no regard to food safety standards and refrigeration temperature controls πŸ˜‰ but I take your point Happy. In Australia with have full trace ability to the farm gate and verified by the Government Department of Agriculture. The families farmers who are involved in the program get paid a premium price for their stock and us consumers have to pay a premium price for the product but you get what you pay for do take the time to have a wee look at these sites its truly fantastic.
    I think clearly our Animal Welfare programs and processing with government inspection is assurance in our export programs do work well it’s fairly clear you have your views on this Happy and from motors cars and meat processing to animal welfare as do I but perhaps the Unnatural Britain experience can be improved upon with the above links here are really good and do deliver best practice with a positive message.
    Enjoy Have a great Australia Day
    Bon Appetite.
    Peace RT

    Today I was craving a scone…I drove past Starbucks and did not get a scone. Maybe another day…

    FD tomorrow, no more thinking about scones!

    I find that when I do eat; it better be AWESOME … oops … here I go …
    (scone, soft & warm inside, SLIGHTLY crunchy on the edges) or I’m pissed off!

    Things I hate:
    Overcooked prawns
    Overcooked steak
    Soggy/rusty salad
    Bitter coffee

    Things I hate:
    Bitter overstrong coffee
    Cold burnt toast
    Soggy scrambled eggs
    Salads full of latge strips of stinking raw onion
    Huge pieces of tough bbq’d meat

    Our Aust Day bbq tonight will be a top quality, very small piece of eye fillet beef each. You are absolutely right with ‘you get what you pay for’, RT. We’d rather have quality, environmentally sound meat, rather than huge amounts of cheap unsustainable food. Mushroom and onion topping, lettuce, aoli, spiralised carrot, capsicum and Bay’s apple coleslaw, washed down with a quality Clare Valley riesling. Sitting overlooking the ocean. Luuuxury!
    Hope you enjoyed your holiday RT. What a lovely way to welcome some of our latest citizens. 😊😊P

    Jo, your spiders have moved north. I came up the stairs just now and at the top of a riser was a massive one. No panic, took a plastic jug of water down the stairs (watering the hanging plants outside the front door), hung up the jacket from work, scooped up the offender and tossed her out the back. Fortunately they are all harmless (apart from a couple that can cause pain). You are ahead of us seeing the Chinese Garden, and the re-vamped railway station. Must have another trip south.

    I don’t know Harney.

    Nothing like a pasture-fed beef, RT. And scotch fillet is our cut of choice, P. πŸ™‚ Happy Australia Day, neighbours.

    And stay warm, Wiwi. We are working on getting some summer ordered!

    Morning/evening all,

    Happy Australia Day RT, Purple, Nama, Bay,and any other lurking Aussies πŸ˜‰

    Things I hate

    celery (shudder)
    anything overcooked, especially eggs and steak
    milky tea

    I buy smaller amounts of best quality meat as I prefer mine without anti-biotics and growth hormones (plus all the other stuff that gets into the system of intensively reared animals).

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning Fasters

    Happy Australia Day!

    Was your grandfather who lived in Akaroa French, Purple?

    My hate list is not like yours, Amazon. My only item is Trump, after an hour listening to the BBC World Service!

    20 cm more snow fell overnight, and is falling hard now. We are running out of food.
    Tomorrow’s fast will be easy. Miso soup. We have plenty of wine so no worries.

    Thanks for ordering summer weather, Barata. I just hope we can get out of here to get the plane.

    Hi Wi
    He was a Kiwi of Scottish parents. The French influence in Akaroa is one of the appeals for me ☺
    Good luck with the evacuation! !!!!
    We were talking to some local women here today about life on the water access only shore of the river. Apparently when it floods, and they are cut off, the emergency people will bring food, but not alcohol or cigarettes! P πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

    PVE- sorry Purple, missed Akaroa as I didn’t get your message in time, 75 km from Christchurch I believe? Googled it just now, looks great though.

    Just been to the cinema to see Lion, absolutely loved it. Now want to see ‘Fences’ with Denzil Washington. Probably catch it in Wellington.

    Salmon salad for dinner after fasting all day. Thank goodness for Subway 7 dollar salad and tinned salmon.

    Happy Australia Day, albeit belated.

    Barata- I will fetch you some tea back with me. Summer is not here in Dunedin. Off to Te Anau tomorrow and Milford Sound the next day. Then a couple of day in Queenstown before returning to Wellington.

    Ah well, another time Jo 😊 P

    Morning All,
    Finally lost one of the two pounds gained but it took two fasts to do it. My system still sluggish and two more days of long journey to go before break so can’t really increase the water quantity whilst on the move, trying to bump it up on arrival. Of course it’s all relative 4-5 hours is deemed a long journey in the U.K. But I know many of you would consider that ‘just around the corner’. My daughter has met two girls who are also on a weight loss quest so she is thrilled plus she has restarted Dragon Boat practise which is pretty full on.
    I did an hour in the gym this morning, treadmill/bike/cross trainer, I was only one there, freezing air conditioning. Felt good.
    Really want to get some walking done this afternoon at Te Anau so heading off early.
    Hope everyone is well and happy.
    Barrata- didn’t notice anything different from my last visit to the station, was the refit before last year? I really like Dunedin, theatre, cinema, so many bars and restaurants, Jethro Tull playing here in April, what’s not to like? Why oh why do all the shops close at 5 pm when the place is heaving with tourists looking to spend money? Just saying?

    Purple how amazing your evening meal sounds absolutely magnificent and way too good to share πŸ˜‰ Barata yes scotch fillet is our favourite also that eye of fat is delishes currently with a homemade garlic butter and sea salt OMG I want one right now πŸ˜†
    Have a great weekend all you efficient fat burners
    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Urrggg…I’d just decided today is the catchup fast day and your description of red meat, salt and garlic butter set me salivating RT!
    Must don my togs and get into the surf πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰P

    Jo, it’s been over thirty years since we spent a night in Dunedin – definitely overdue for another visit. The railway station was probably still a railway station back then.

    Summer’s still postponed – sun but wind today.

    FD yesterday, and the scales are creeping up. Not sure why, still strictly adhering to 5:2, but now two kg over the weight I have been for the last year or two.

    What I hate:
    Wellington weather
    Being overweight !!
    Donald Trump and all he stands for. A really good article in the paper this morning equating his behaviour to that of a three-year-old.
    People being casually late. And tailgaters!
    Foods – I can eat pretty much anything, but am happy to leave the oysters for someone who will enjoy them more.

    Enjoy your surf, P. Not swimming weather here yet.

    Well we tend to eat ribeye steak which, having googled scotch fillet, is apparently the same πŸ˜€ Since beginning 5:2, and losing weight, I have found that my appetite for red meat has declined though. We used to have a steak each, now he has 3/4 and I have 1/4.

    Thanks for the links RT, a nice advert! …and maybe coming soon to a shop near me…if we do a trade deal post-Brexit. I’m afraid I’ll be sticking with our locally produced free range meat though. We like to support ethical UK farming. I’m hoping we don’t do a deal with Trump though as I understand their welfare standards and regulations aren’t like ours and there’s a concern we’d then have to relax our standards πŸ™

    Well I’m working on trying to not hate anything. I’m hoping I’ll be a happier person! It’s definitely a work in progress…

    The only thing I really hate is celery……….

    I don’t enjoy celery as much as some other crunchy salad vegetables πŸ˜€

    The thought of it makes me feel sick.

    The only think I hate or am afraid, I don’t know… Is cochroach. Here in Florida they are huge and it is called palmetto bug.
    The news is nothing but Trump and his special friend Theresa May. If you want to avoid any arguvation don’t even bring any politics up on Facebook. It’s a ware zone.
    Whatever happen in Melbourne was not on the news. You know where the focus is right now.
    Wiwi don’t reach for your wine thinking about that best. Not worth it.
    Barata Harney & Sons is an American tea company, very well known and lately they became very fancy and very diverse in blend. I actually have driven by they factory which is not far from us.
    All this talk about this good meat! Well good meat is expensive, so fish and chicken. We are focusing a lot on veggies, salads and I love legumes.
    Today was 4fd17! I ate one whole romaine lettuce a thigh/leg rotisserie chicken. I feel stuffed up, it was too much all at once.
    Tomorrow we are having company. They are not staying too long. I don’t want to be rude but my guests mess up my life a little. So far whoever is coming is for a short time.
    Have a great weekend my friends.

    Happy, I though after I posted that hate is too strong. Dislike would be better, as we mellow with age (sorry, maturity!)

    I have just done the grocery shopping for the week, and was so impressed by the contents of my trolley – fruit & veggies, meat, milk, cheeses and wine. Just a few biscuits and icecream for adult son, almost nothing processed πŸ™‚ .

    Yet another beautiful scenery drive but the weather has been pretty grotty. Lots of rain and very overcast. Our hotel in Te Anau overlooks the lake if you hang out of the window because it’s at a right angle. Driving to Milford Sound in the morning, hope it’s a clear day, fingers crossed, report fair. Booked a trip on steam boat in Queenstown, Lady of the Lake, I think Purple had a trip on it last year. Sadly they were fully booked for lunch on Monday so we will do our own thing.
    Barata- took some photos of the station for you this morning, post on a Facebook shortly. Sorry to hear you have gained weight, can you pinch an inch now, I doubt it Skinny Mini, must be something in the NZ air. You are probably getting fed up with the weather, maybe your hair is sucking in all that moisture. I really hope to lose the other pound by Monday.

    Pet Hates

    Celery (so agree Amazon)
    Cream of tomato soup
    Hotels that charge parking at Β£20 per night
    Body Fat
    Tea that taste of chicory
    The weighing scales
    Commercial television that has 10 minute adverts
    People who don’t pay their way
    Judgemental people (live and let live)
    White van drivers that think they own the road
    Commercial convenience food and chain restaurants that serve it up.
    Showers that drip rather than spray water.
    Quite a lot of politicians

    Quite a big list for someone that thinks she is easy going

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