Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 3 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • Polly,

    I am holding onto the fact that good things do happen sometimes and the best thing that could happen right now is for Liz Truss as she’ll be absolutely terrible.

    Hi Wi,

    Good to hear you’re spending time with the family. I’m sorry to hear your ankle is causing you further problems and even sorrier to hear you and Mr Wi ๐Ÿ˜‰ are once again separated by burocracy.

    Oh dear, Wi. You have really been in the wars. At least you are getting to see the grandies. I’m sure they have grown.
    We finally visited ours after all the shut-downs. It was wonderful to spend time with the rapidly maturing young people. Covid has robbed us all of a lot of precious time.
    All the best with your ankle. Px

    Amazon, I wouldn’t be surprised if Penny Mordant gets the leadership. she is superficially plausible and will be harder to beat in. GE.

    I am delighted to announce that I’ve lost 4lbs in 6 days. It’s not a week because I always record weight on 1st and 15th of the month. Bit of discipline re ice cream and wine seems to have worked.

    I’m so envious of you able tp see your grandchildren.

    Well done Polly,

    I’ve not had a good week but I’ve made a better start to the day.

    I’m not having any alcohol as the NHS advice on my foot issue states alcohol is contraindicated which is a good thing………… ๐Ÿ™ƒ

    I bought a tub of ice cream a few days ago and it’s still unopened.
    I might need it when the temperature hits 41C on Monday ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    That’s interesting with the wine, A. I worked out, back in 2013 when I started this caper, that I’d always rather have 110cal of wine than something sweet, and much higher cals.
    I find I’m happy to have a glass of wine instead of food. Mind you, a glass of water, and nothing else would obviously be preferable. ๐Ÿ˜

    Yea, I can’t have a small wine. I end up with 250mls. ๐Ÿ˜Œ.

    Aren’t we just in the woes, Wi and Amazon. Fellow thoughts through the ether to you both, along with cwtches.

    I’m sorry to report that there has been no improvement with my foot, and my ribs on the other side have started complaining. I don’t see any point in going to the doctor, though, as it’s a given that at our age we heal more slowly. And I am trying very hard not to fall again, Happy. I can only work outside in OH’s gumboots as mine are too tight.

    We are halfway through winter, the sun is shining and its 17 degrees. Must get back in the garden before rain later. Now, where are those boots?…

    Not so sure B. As long as you are not just ignoring the injury, as I did with my first break. The second one, I took great care to keep it up and the healing has been much quicker.

    So out of the garden, back to the library book and the family history? I can live with that, most of the time. Especially as the predicted showers have arrived. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yep. I’ve done a LOT of reading as an invalid lately. ๐Ÿ˜

    Oh,you poor thing,Barata. Don’t go pottering in the garden,though. Give it time.

    We’re waiting for this extreme heat that been forecast. A lovely 28 yesterday. I’m have difficulty in eating more on non fast days. I know science says IF works best to shock your system. Stuck on130.

    Oh poor you Polly! I NEVER have trouble eating too much!
    Just devoured my salmon and veg stir up after a 24 hr fast. Freezing cold and desperately hungry. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

    My thoughts are with you in the NH, dear friends. Keep cool and hydrated!

    Too much sitting and resting the foot is not good for my back, Polly. I’m not doing any heavy stuff out there, just pottering and weeding.

    As a VERY experienced foot injury person, B, I suggest lying down, flat on your back, with a cushion, or rolled up towel, under your knees and regularly doing leg movements from that position…there are lots of leg exercises you can do (Google them ๐Ÿ˜‰) Too much sitting really destroys your back.
    I’ve now progressed to a stationary bicycle. Brilliant for the back, knees, ankles and even bruised toes!
    Aging is really fun, isn’t it? ๐Ÿค” P

    Yup! Certainly better than the alternative, P. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I see someone has designated 30th July as International Friendship Day, so a big hello to you all! Wherever you are hibernating.

    The foot is finally noticeably improving, so I am hoping to get back to the gym on Monday. It’s mostly strength workout that I do, so shouldn’t strain it. And I can fit into my own gumboots again! Not for long periods, though, still a bit sore.

    I have been resting it more, P. Lying on the bed doesn’t appeal – I spend too much time awake there during the night as it is. ๐Ÿ™ At least there’s plenty on the telly for the next couple of weeks.

    I am seriously considering an alcohol-free August, to see if I can improve my sleep, the current dizziness, and improve general well-being. We shall see how that works out…

    cwtches, all.

    Happy Friendship Day gang. ๐Ÿฅฐ
    I have a range of places to lie prone, B…spare beds, couches, Jason recliner,
    a great camping chair with a legrest for out in the sun. I agree, getting back on the bed that didn’t work during the night just doesn’t work.๐Ÿ˜’
    We’ve had a week of stunning sunny days and very cold nights. Real winter for us. Perfect for long walks (on flat, even ground).
    My weight is in a holding pattern, far too high, but at least not continuing to rise. The last 3 years of trauma have left their mark. ๐Ÿคจ At least I am alive and can enjoy the sunlight outside again! Always look for the rainbows. ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ P

    We have had WET -about three times the July average, and more forecast for tonight! The ground is drying with this lovely volcanic soil, though, after Tuesday’s deluge.

    My weight is in a great zone – just a kg higher than my lowest with 5:2, and maintaining well. I have also given myself a little leeway over winter, but it doesn’t seem to be needed. I’m very pleased.

    Lucky you.
    We had months and months of that rain and with clay soils, we might as well wear gumboots everywhere, even now that it’s dry weather. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    No luck involved, P. Two meals a day, no wheat or sugar (almost), very careful. I eat mostly protein and veggies (with wine! ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Fortunately the wine seems to have little effect.

    Although I do count myself very lucky to have found 5:2, and when that was failing me, Optimising Nutrition.

    Yes. Yes. I know! Physical and stress traumas don’t help, no matter how much you understand.
    Life’s short. Live every day the best way we can. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m ambivalent – does that include wine?

    5 days a week.

    I can do that!

    Happy friendship day to all my 5:2 friends. It’s not been publicised here in the U.K. papers full of Truss and Sunak. ๐Ÿ˜–.

    We’re continuing to have a lousy summer. The weather man said we’re back to average temperatures – not in blooming Flintshire. The house is so well-insulated that it’s cold in the summer. Thank goodness for the conservatory which does give a solar input.

    I could not get down to my target of 129, 130 was my lowest last week and I’ve been steady on 131 all this week. It’s not bad, but there is flab around my waist which pushed up by my jeans. I’ve gone back to my nightly wine. Life’s too short. OH is being very careful and showing more discipline than I. He’s got a long way to go in reducing that gut, though.

    Very good news on your foot, Barata. I like the sound of feet up on a recliner in the sun and a good book.

    Take care, everyone. ๐Ÿ˜„

    We have managed to elude the dreaded Covid so far, but at 3 am yesterday I was aware of cold symptoms coming on. I wouldn’t have tested except that daughter is also afflicted. She woke up in horrible pain – legs, back, migraine – but tested negative. After listening to her for hours screaming and sobbing, I got an ambulance to take her to hospital. They were able to stablise everything and we brought her home in the evening. So she has a serious bout of it. The paramedics said they had not seen such symptoms.

    Fortunately mine is like a mild cold, but of course the household is required to isolate for week. Next door has already offered to collect anything we need – no doubt I will be calling on her next week for things like milk.

    OH and grandson have no symptoms or positive test results.

    So after one day in the garden, with my healing foot, I am now resting. Grrrr, it’s ideal gardening weather, too.

    Your poor daughter, B. I hope she improves quickly.
    I caught it last weekend from a grandy, neg RAT, followed straight away by a positive PCR. Mr P is still neg, so I’m having to isolate in the bedroom to protect him. 4 vaccines and anti-virals and it is more like a mild cold. Just frustrating to be stuck alone in my room.
    At least he is learning, fast, how to cook! ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    I have discovered the source. My nephew and his wife, who came for lunch on Sunday, have tested positive. My brother, who flew in from Florida on Monday and came for a cup of tea before going on to their home further north, is most upset that I could have suspected them of being the carriers. Silly man. It had to have come from somewhere, and they were an obvious possibility.

    There’s no isolation from family members. OH and I will still share a bed – the house is full – and he just has to take his chances.

    We had had our fourth vaccination last week, possibly why I am having a mild bout. Daughter has only had two (source of contention that she was putting us at risk), plus her job has been very stressful, so I am not surprised that she’s been hit so badly.

    OH’s cooking skills are limited, and his desire to learn even more so, so he’s on barbeque duty this evening ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sorry to hear about the Covid in the family Barata. I hope your daughter is improving quickly. I got the 7th French wave a few weeks ago. I slept for 72 hours. I still don’t have 100% of my taste and smell back.
    We are in Singapore airport. An 11 hour wait for the next leg to Christchurch.
    After 30ยฐ+ everyday for the past 2 months, winter will be a shock.
    Keep well everyone.

    Hi Wi, that explains the time – I thought 4.30 am was a bit early for you. I hope we can catch up with you this trip.

    Barata, your daughter’s Covid is the worst I’ve heard since vaccinations were available. The poor thing. I hope she feels better soon and that you and your husband are not too bad, either. Like Wiwi, I slept for the weekend, or rather in the day, because I couldn’t sleep at night.

    There was an article in the Observer on Sunday saying that immunity seems to be shrinking with BA 4 and 5. That’s probably why daughter and partner caught it a second time.

    We went out a lovely, family run Indian restaurant last night. I was nervous stepping on scales but still 131lbs.

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry to hear some of you are suffering with Covid. I’ve not had it and continue to take precautions to prevent catching it.

    Wi, good to hear you’re on your way to your Southern hemisphere home.

    We’re having a very nice summer weather wise which I’m enjoying but now there are the inevitable conversations regarding water supplies with hosepipe bans imposed in parts of the country but no talk of water companies doing something about the millions of gallons lost every day due to ancient leaky pipes.
    They aren’t poor as their shareholders can confirm and they should be held to account and forced into action rather than telling us to sacrifice water use due to their profligacy with the supply.

    My annual trip to Herefordshire is coming up and I filled the car with petrol in preparation. My car is 15 years old and it now costs four times as much to fill the tank as when I bought it.
    No dent in the profit margin and all of the increase passed on to the consumer……

    I’m very much looking forward to getting out of the city for a few days especially as the forecast is looking good for days spent outside in the fresh air.

    My foot is still sore but once I get moving it’s not preventing me from working out or walking. I’m still massaging, icing, stretching etc in the hope it resolves soon.

    Take care everyone.

    Thanks, Polly. My niece-in-law was delirious for a day, has no memory of that day. So the symptoms are all over the place.

    We haven’t had the virus in the household before, and OH is still resisting being brought down! So only daughter is feeling the full effects.

    Yay, I’ve finished Covid isolation, and am able to re-join the world! OH got it a couple of days later, so is still not allowed out. Symptoms have been mild for us, and I am just happy to have been able to put that behind me (for now). We have no lingering effects, smell and taste returning to normal.

    I was in the gym this morning, foot complaining as it’s not fully recovered, so it is good that I have four days until the next session. After a full day in the garden yesterday perhaps I’m not surprised to feel some twinges. At least the apple trees are pruned!

    Stay well, everyone, and enjoy your country visit, Amazon.

    Hello everyone,

    A quick question, when we say we are fasting are we doing 3 full days without food???
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™

    Oh, so quiet! Where is everyone?

    We had so much rain in August, over two days more than the monthly average. I just wished I could send it north to Europe. Springtime now, though, and new leaves, blossoms and gambolling lambs to be seen as we travelled up the country at the weekend.

    Unfortunately I came home with a nasty cold. Just one thing after another, but I may get out into the garden this afternoon, foot is nearly better – after eight weeks!

    Stay safe, everyone.

    Good morning, Barata and all my fasting friends. Time flies and we’ve been working hard in the garden, aiming for low-maintenance. Ha-ha. We have eventually had some lovely weather. That’s meant I’ve been quaffing lots of water, hence transition has been regular and easy. Result – a steady 129.

    Last week we had son and grandsons from America! We hadn’t seen them since February 2020. They’re big now., but still great fun. Yesterday I had to pack up two jackets, two pairs of joggers and a football shirt which were left behind. My fault,as I packed for them. On the other hand, DIL packed far too many clothes for them.

    Glad to hear your foot is improving at last, Barata. Hopefully Amazon is also doing well.
    Take care, everyone.

    I realised, after reading your post on Maintenance Poll, that I wasn’t getting notifications for this thread. I’ve caught up now! Always an interesting read.
    Re your queries, Jules, most of us fast a couple of times a week, usually all day from the night before, with a light, low carb dinner after 24 hours. Read Michael Moseley’s Eat Fast and Live to understand why.
    Cheers P

    RIP Elizabeth II. ๐Ÿ™ You have served us magnificently.

    Hi everyone,

    Apologies for a long absence I’ve had some health issues, tests, tests, surgery etc now much better and getting back to IF and exercising.

    I hope all is well with everyone.
    Commiserations to other UK dwellers suffering from the worst govt in modern history.

    We’ve been having some fine weather here recently and today is sunny and mild although the breeze has an autumn chill.
    I’ve been to Syon Park Gardens and Kew Gardens in the past 10 days and both are looking beautiful.

    I’ve recently had my Covid booster and am working hard to continue to be one of the few who’ve never had it.

    Sorry to hear you haven’t been well, Amazon. I hope you are definitely on the mend now.
    Despite 4 vaccines and extreme caution, I finally caught the lurgy from a grandie…and didn’t share it around! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anti-virals immediately and I was barely ill. Isolating was the biggest downside.
    My various other health issues in the past couple of years have left me quite unfit and carrying extra kilos. The most frustrating thing is my clothes are tight. ๐Ÿ˜ But, having just reached another birthday, it’s better than the alternative.
    Keep well and good luck with your rehabilitation. P

    Amazon and Purple, I hope you’re both feeling better by now. It does look as if we’re heading for a winter of Covid again. We don’t have our boosters until 29th and we’re having a city break in Birmingham next week. It’s a place we hardly know, do why not. Cheaper than going abroad, no queuing in an airport and no exchanging pounds for euros at an appalling rate.

    For the last two months, I’ve done very well, keeping under 130 lbs but mainly because of hard work in the garden. Now I can’t stop thinking about food and comfort food at that! Yesterday I had so many roast potatoes with dinner, then apple tart and loads of custard.

    Just expended some energy cleaning windows, but discipline needed!

    Hi Pol
    We’ve only done local jaunts in the last couple of years too, but with the exchange rate, it would almost be worth visiting the UK at present, but with summer coming here, I’ll stick to swimming and kayaking. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Oh, you don’t want to come here now. Settling in for a cold,damp winter. And having to cut down on heating. Some councils are setting up ‘warm hubs’ where people can go in the day!

    Boris Johnson was a mendacious, flippant idler, but this Liz Truss is the epitome of incompetence. God help us!

    Enjoy your summer.

    We over wintered, way up North, a few years ago, staying with a relative that barely turned the heater on. We know what cold houses are…we specialise in them here. ๐Ÿ˜‘
    Between Putin and Truss, there isn’t much appealing. ๐Ÿค” Safer over this side of the globe…I hope. P

    It’s great to pop in and find the thread has sprung to life! Good to hear from you all. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope you are over your untimely complaints, Amazon and P, and well on the roads to health.

    I am so grateful to be at this end of the globe. What a horrible person Putin is! And why are only such dreadful candidates standing to lead the Conservatives? Actually, there is a connection, when you know how the Russians manipulated the Brexit vote.

    Barata, the situation is so bad here that Labour supporters, like me, can’t even gloat because we’re so worried about the way the Tories are trashing the country. We had a self-serving liar, followed by an incompetent libertarian. Furthermore, Putin is the scapegoat for the government.

    I can understand how it must sicken you to the core, Polly. I think we have done fairly well here, over the last two and a half years, but listening to the right-wing misogynists in the bar last night was so depressing. Apparently Jacinda will bring out a wedding and a baby next year to try and seal the next election! So no country is immune from the idealogues. ๐Ÿ™

    Sad, eh? I’m also totally fed up with criticism of the BBC in particular and the media in general. Apparently it’s all the fault of the left-wing media.

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