Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • Aren’t we a quiet bunch? I hope it’s because we are all happily engaged with family and friends, keeping warm (in the NH) and lapping up this wonderful nearly-summer weather here in paradise. I can’t really suggest that no news is good news, though, what with the ever-lurking Covid threats around the world. Horrible resurgences around Europe,

    The Christmas cake is finally made, and we are now planning our Christmas gathering – here again for lunch, as last year. Aucklanders will be free to travel again once our new vaccination-based system of protection starts shortly, but my brother and sister-in-law there won’t be coming north, as they have their own biennial family celebrations.

    We are off next week to the northern end of the South Island for a break. OH was keen to make the most of the time before the Aucklanders are let out! 🙂

    I also weigh daily, best to keep a close eye on trends and nip them before they get out of hand. Naturally I keep a graph of my and OH’s weights, being a data nerd. It’s really interesting to look back – I also note when we dined out, or were on holiday, so it’s a kind of a diary too. It’s great to report that I am almost back (within a kg or so) of my lowest ever weight that I got to with 5:2. I might need to buy some new shorts.

    Will we be seeing you travelling north this summer, Wi? Our lawn awaits your tent!

    Stay safe, all.

    Yes, B, very quiet. I think the Northerners are settling in for winter, gathering the acorns, boiling up the puddings etc.
    Over here, my calendar is getting too full again. It seems to be the way of life. Nothing on, or too much.
    I’ve bought, wrapped and posted Christmas presents and ordered the ham and pork for the 25th. Ours will be a big family, everybody bring something, day. I refuse to get stressed or overcater! If the weather remembers to become summer, we’ll be busy swimming anyway. So far we feel more like autumn than the day before summer.
    No success with weight here…but I don’t really care. Life is far too short. 😁😁😆😆 Cheers P

    There’s no good news from this part of the world as things are looking rather grim at the moment and once again the government are reluctant to take stricter measures to help lessen the spread of Covid because many of their MPs are making a fuss as they see wearing a mask as an infringement of their freedom/human rights etc despite the fact they’ve been busy passing laws which are actually infringing our freedoms and rights.

    Last week was tough fasting wise but I’m doing better this week and today is my 2nd FD.

    Winter has arrived but so far it’s not too bad here in London as it’s been cold but mostly dry with plenty of sunshine. I’ve had a few good walks in Hyde Park, along the towpath, round London Wetlands Centre.

    Today the Christmas tree will be decorated before an afternoon trip to the cinema where masks and social distancing are employed to keep us as safe as possible.
    I’m going to see King Richard which is the story of Richard Williams father of Venus and Serena. It’s had some excellent reviews and I’m looking forward to it 🙂

    My Christmas preparations are all going well, gifts all purchased, the diary has a few social events and the only things I need to do such as icing cakes, wrapping gifts etc are all pleasurable.

    Well no Christmas preparations yet here.

    Storm Arwen took out our electricity on Friday evening. It came back on on Monday evening (bliss, hot running water, central heating and a proper cooker!!) but went off again on Tuesday before 5pm. Back on this morning… hopefully for good this time!

    So the weekend was fun. Not. Long detours on Saturday trying to find routes into town not blocked by fallen trees. I ended up leaving the weekly shop outside in bags as the fridges were off, but it was subzero with windchill by day and down to -6 overnight. Oh and it snowed on Sunday… We’ve got a wood burning stove in the lounge, so we had one warm room. Torches and candles for light, and a camping stove for rudimentary cooking. The storm also took out our mobile networks for much of the weekend. The long winter nights were really really long….

    I’m going to have to think about Christmas this weekend though, else it’ll be beans on toast and no cards or gifts or social events….

    Oh Happy that’s awful and thousands of people have been affected by the storm including my friend’s son in North Wales who had no electricity all weekend.
    Thank goodness you have the wood burner and a camping stove.
    In some ways it was good that it was cold enough to keep your food fresh.

    My friends in Herefordshire had a 24 hour power cut once when I was staying with them. We had just finished cooking dinner and ate it by candlelight in front of their wood burner. The next day we cooked Sunday dinner on a two burner camping stove, poached chicken with boiled spuds and steamed vegetables.

    The kids thought it was an adventure!

    And yes you are going to need to think about Christmas this weekend.

    I’ve had a great day, the tree looks fab, the film was brilliant and I’ve just eaten 450 calories worth of cheese on toast.
    Not the healthiest FD dinner but exactly what I needed 😆

    Poor you, Happy. I can’t imagine how many layers you had on to sleep! At least your body should have been burning a lot of calories to keep warm. 🙂
    We had a sudden blackout last night here. No storm, they were last week. Obviously widespread, locally, but is on again this morning. I’m looking forward to a shower, it was hot and stuffy all night.
    Thank goodness for the backlit Kindle as my eyes couldn’t possibly read by candlelight. It must have been very hard on our ancestors. My dad lived on a farm and studied for his highschool exams by kerosene lamp after finishing his jobs. He wore glasses!
    You are inspiring me girls. I must dig out the Chrissy decorations today and dust them off. The meats are bought and frozen and the presents all bought, but some need to be wrapped. No stress.
    Fingers crossed your power stays on Happy. P

    My tree and decorations will have to wait until we get back in a couple of weeks, as well as the Christmas cards. At least I have the annual letter almost ready to print off. But so many of these are sent electronically nowadays it’s no wonder our postal delivery is down to three days a week.

    What horrible damage Arwen has wrecked, Happy. I hope you are all warm and snug again now. And of course it had to snow!

    I think our distant ancestors were awake in the daylight and sleeping in the dark, P, unless they were huddled around the fire. Or partying! No reading then, of course 🙂

    Stay warm and well, all.

    I know my educated Scots ancestors read at night, B. They were busy working in the daylight. It would have been sinful to sit and read during daylight hours.
    Interestingly, apparently early humans used to get up in the middle of the night and have a meal. They never expected to sleep all night like we do! ☺☺ Sounds good to me. 😉

    I was thinking more of our caveman / woman ancestors, P. Hence the smiley. And I don’t know how it is proven about the broken nights, something that has puzzled me since I heard about it. Broken nights certainly don’t improve my life!

    Is that simply because we think we should be asleep, B? My daughter suggested doing something mindless (she folds nappies) when awake at night, instead of lying there getting frustrated. 😑
    Thursday fast here. We’ve walked miles up to the local markets (bought nothing) and now deep into reading history. My ancestors would be horrified by my wasting a beautiful day outside to put in some work. 😅😅

    I should be asleep then, P. I don’t operate well on six hours. Usually I get up and watch an episode of Time Team on YouTube, but this morning when I woke at 4am I just stayed in bed until I got back to sleep two hours later 🙁 . Have been busy pruning, but I was chased inside by a shower – 5.4mm, the first precipitation in nearly three weeks. Things are getting dry, but showers are forecast for most days of the next week.

    Screen watching is the worst thing to do when you should be asleep, B.
    We are having our first beautiful day in weeks. We’ve had SO many weeks of rain, the garden is becoming a jungle. I’ve suddenly had to dig out summer clothes! Helps with fasting though. 😉

    Whether it’s screen (with red tint for night), reading a real book, or lying in bed unfortunately makes NO difference, P. But yes, summer has arrived! My favourite season. 🙂 Spring was very wet until recently, so everything is lush and green.

    Then I’d recommend a rest after lunch to catch up. I always sleep better at night if I have some down time about 3pm.

    Oooh, no! If I nap during the day I cannot get to sleep. I have to live with what I have.

    I am fortunate as I sleep well 99% of the time.
    My job involved doing 24 hour shifts and it was usual to only get an hour or so of sleep during that period and it was tough as we worked single handed from 8pm-9am.
    I also did on-call which meant getting out of bed in the middle of the night, driving to work to deal with an emergency then coming home and sleeping for what remained of the night before being back at work for a full day.
    I learnt to sleep at any opportunity and it has helped enormously as I can take a short nap whenever I wish and when travelling long haul I cope well with time changes.

    It’s a frosty and sunny morning here in London and it feels very wintry with shortening days and the need to wrap up well if venturing outside.

    I am contemplating getting started on icing the Christmas cakes and writing some cards.

    I’m fasting again today and I have the last portion of a delicious fish stew to look forward to.

    Lucky you, A. I have nurse friends who can sleep anywhere too.
    And then there’s Mr P, who has always been able to fall asleep..even driving! Not recommended behaviour! 😒

    Yes, I’m very lucky and on the odd occasion when I don’t sleep well it’s usually because I’m not very tired.

    Three cakes now covered with marzipan and the kitchen and myself now icing sugar free zones. I’m not a tidy worker in the kitchen and the stuff gets everywhere 😆

    I’m the opposite…I tidy up as I go. My kids have all learnt it from me, but my live-in side kick somehow seems to be oblivious. 😏
    I haven’t had marzipan since the last wedding I went to…years ago…but can still taste it! Is it difficult to manage?
    I almost never ice cakes any more as it makes them too sweet. The years of 5:2 have allowed my taste buds to enjoy the natural sweetness in fruit and nuts without added sugar.
    I had a good fast yesterday, with slaw and smoked salmon for dinner. I hope you enjoyed your meal too Amazon. P

    I tidy up as I go but I make a lot of mess 😆

    I love marzipan. I used to make it but I’ve found some which tastes as good as homemade.
    It’s easy to roll out but more delicate to handle than pastry or icing but if it tears it’s easy to push it back together.

    I don’t usually ice my own cake but this year the cake I chose for myself goes better with marzipan and icing than the nut topping I usually favour.

    The recipients of the other two cakes both love a traditional cake covered with marzipan and icing so that’s what they get.

    My fish stew was fab thanks as I knew it would be as I’ve already eaten the other 3 portions from the batch I made.

    I’m watching an old Rick Stein show and he’s visiting the farm where I bought my Christmas goose 🙂

    I’ve been on Zoom since 6am watching a talk about the Outer Hebrides. It feels like lunchtime already, and it’s only 8.30am.

    Well the power has been on solidly now for 36 hours, so hopefully that’s our storm damaged power lines repaired. We’ve been fortunate as I know there are a lot of people still without power (nearly a week) and some have been told it won’t be fixed until after the weekend. What a nightmare. That’s 5 days I never want to re-live!!

    I very often wake up at 4am, sometimes dropping off again quickly, sometimes not. I used to stress about it (thinking how tired I’d be the next day if I only had 5 hours sleep etc) but now I just lie in bed and practice clearing my mind. 9 times out of 10 that works. The key for me seems to be not making a fuss about it and just quietly going with it, like my ancestors 😂

    I haven’t decided yet whether to marzipan and ice the cake. I might make my own marzipan and add a thin layer of bought fondant. Not sure I can be bothered with Royal… Would it be weird to marzipan the cake but not ice it?!

    I’m with you P, I tidy up as I go too. Nice to get to the end and not have much to do!

    Amazon, I will make some Christmas plans this weekend. Unlike last weekend, when we were too busy trying to survive, I hope to have time (and light and warmth 😁)

    I’m glad you are able to keep warm and clean now Happy, not to mention being able to cook food too! Luxury!! (With a Yorkshire accent 😉😉)
    A few years ago, we had a big storm. A tree took out our neighbours’ power supply. They waited nearly a week for the repair team. When they came, they chopped down the limb that caused the problem…and let it fall on their water meter! Now they had electricity, but no water! 😏😏

    Oh no, you couldn’t make it up. Your poor neighbours!

    No, you couldn’t! And that’s life in the suburbs 😒😒


    You could put a layer of marzipan on and toast it under the grill in the same way as with Simnel cakes. If you’ve not done it before and want to try it I suggest you look up Mary Berry’s Simnel cake recipe on line.
    You could leave off the 11 balls of marzipan and maybe cut out a few holy shaped leaves to decorate.

    Toasted marzipan tastes fab.

    I’m not a tidy worker in the kitchen wasn’t the most accurate description of what I was trying to convey, I should have said when rolling out marzipan and icing I always manage to get icing sugar everywhere and it’s a similar story with pastry and flour. I do tidy as I go along.

    It’s a dull wet day here today, a good one for catching up on the never ending list of things to be done.

    Have a good weekend everyone 🤪🎄

    It intrigues me what different food you eat “over there”. Simnel cake? Hmmm… this thread is so educational! 🙂
    I’ve been cooking all day, myself. Gingerbread men to take to a friend, quiche for Mr P (special diet), stewed fruit (no sugar, just vanilla) for the fridge (instant desert with plain yoghurt) and an “I need to use up things in the fridge for dinner” parmesan flan…delicious! I LOVE cooking, especially after a fast day. 🙂
    Oh, and a wonderful vegetable heavy pizza cooked up for lunch in the pizza oven on the deck. It was a stunning sunny day.
    Ah, food. So good! P 🙂🙂

    Simnel cake has it’s history in Mothering Sunday which is/was the 4th Sunday of Lent when people visited their Mothers bearing the cake as a gift. It was a respite from Lenten fasting. At some point it became associated with Easter.

    It’s basically a fruit cake with a layer of marzipan in the middle of the batter and then covered in marzipan.
    It is delicious, lighter and less rich than a Christmas cake.

    The only warning is not to step away from the grill because if you do you’ll have burnt marzipan 😆

    I often cook fruit which needs to be used with a splash of vanilla and I like it at room temperature with yoghurt.

    I’ve changed my mind three times regarding what to cook for dinner and I’m going to make chili and garlic prawns but instead of pasta mix them into stir fried veggies.

    I had to rearrange the larder this morning as I needed another large container for a Christmas cake which won’t fit a tin once it has been iced and I found several things I had forgotten about and need to be used soon plus a huge bag of dried chick peas which are now crossed off the shopping list…….

    Ah, now I understand. No history of Lent in my background, so I have no experience with such customs.
    We imported the Christmas roast (minus Brussel sprouts 😕) and Christmas pudding, fruit mince tarts and Xmas cake (almonds on top only).No Christmas jumpers either. Thank goodness! 😅😅
    You have reminded me, I have some chickpeas and lentils lurking in the pantry. Mr P can’t eat them any more, so they have been ignored. P

    No history of Lent in my background but I’m very interested in the history of food and how/why recipes and traditions were formed.
    I like brussel sprouts but too many people overcook them which makes them bitter. They are great raw in slaw, something I discovered one Christmas when I wanted slaw to go with my ham but had no cabbage so experimented by using sprouts and they were really good.

    It’s a beautiful bright sunny but cold morning here and with the sun so low in the sky I was almost blinded on my trip to the newsagent 😆

    I was up early this morning and have already prepared a veggie lasagne style dish which has made me want to eat but I’m holding off and filling up with coffee.

    I usually have cooked chick peas etc in the freezer but I’ve used up the last batch and there’s no room at the moment. Not that I’m complaining about having a full freezer.


    Thanks for the tip re marzipan. I can only assume I’ve never tried Simnel cake as I had no idea you could toast marzipan! I’ll definitely check it out as it will make the cake a little more special without risking an icing sugar coma…

    I like Brussels sprouts too. I don’t know why so many people, who like other brassicas, dislike them so much. Obviously overcooked they aren’t good, and if you happen to get a bad one… well, enough said! But fresh and prepared well they’re great.

    Cold here, just 4 degrees, and rain showers. Not that it matters seeing as I have plenty of indoor jobs to do. Christmas preparation obvs! Also, having emptied the airing cupboard earlier in the week to try and find a leak, I find I have a stack of bedding much of which is only fit for dust sheets. I’m determined not to just put it all back in the cupboard unsorted… And after last weeks prolonged power cut, the house is well overdue a vacuum, wipe down and tidy up… Hmm, which of the things I really don’t want to do should I do first?! 😂

    I can recommend toasted marzipan but you have to keep an eye as burnt marzipan is a 2 second loss of concentration away 😆

    I have a sack of clothing on my bedroom floor waiting to go to a charity shop.
    I’ve been walking round it for a month but I’m going to pack it into a bag and take it next week when I collect my new glasses as I’m tired of having to walk round it!

    Well Amazon, you’ve sold me on a toasted marzipan topping. And who knows, maybe even a simnel cake at Easter 😂

    I’m terrible at letting go of old clothes! Maybe they will fit me again… maybe they will come back into fashion… 😂

    We have enough cupboard space in our house to keep all sizes of clothes. I have jeans in Sizes 8 to 14. Of course it depends on the brands, but I just can’t give them to charity in case I can rewear them. Also, it’s rather fun to open a drawer in a spare room and find something different to wear. P

    Most of the clothes I’m giving to the charity shop have been in my possession for 10-20 years. Around 50% are of a size I’m never going to allow myself to be again and the others are either I’m never going to be that skinny again or why did I buy that.

    They are now packed in the suitcase I’m also donating.

    Welll, middle of another week already, where does the time go?!

    I had a good no food fast yesterday, helped through by peanut butter and marmite. I sort of feel I should do 2 fasts per week in the run up to Christmas to buy a bit of wriggle room in case of overindulge… there’s no way I’m not eating cake and mince pies when I slaved to make them 😂 Also, I have a few social events in my calendar now too, so that’s more incentive to try for a bit of rigour in advance!

    This week’s storm was thankfully nothing here, although I was a bit disappointed we didn’t get snow. It would be preferable to the damp dark days we’re currently enjoying.

    I can’t recall what I did on Monday….
    Yesterday I visited the charity shop with my donations and then collected my new glasses and today has been mostly taken up doing tedious household chores.

    The storm missed us apart from a strong wind and one heavy bout of rain yesterday afternoon. Fingers crossed there’ll be no more in the near future.
    The thing I hate at this time of year are the short days when the sky is overcast/full of rain and it doesn’t get properly light.

    There’s no way I would bake Christmas goodies and not have any myself and I’ve no intention of changing that any time soon especially after the awful time we’ve all had since March 2020.
    I am going to enjoy myself and eat what I want even if it means having to work harder in January.

    I’m still trying to lose some more weight before Christmas and tomorrow will be my 2nd FD of the week.
    I’m off to Christmas at Kew on Friday and we’ve booked dinner after the trail.
    It’s the 4th year they’ve offered dinner and it’ll be our 4th time as it is so good, then I’m planning on doing a 3rd FD on Saturday and hoping to do 2xB2Bs next week before the madness of the the Christmas social whirl really gets going the following week.

    Fingers crossed the willpower holds out.

    I’m meant to be fasting today, but really don’t feel like it! We’ll see. 🤭🤭
    We’ve had storms every afternoon this week. Very noisy thunder and heavy rain. The garden is now soaked. We managed a quick swim, but had to get out as the thunder rolled in. It really doesn’t feel like summer! Yesterday was so dull and wet, we resorted to watching a movie.

    Hi all,

    It’s day 5 of 10 days of a pre-Christmas Fast800 and both the scales and my jeans inform me it’s working.

    I’ve been struggling on NFDs so decided the way forward is to eliminate them for a while and thought a trial run before Christmas would be a good idea.
    I’m meeting friends for lunch on Monday and have decided to limit myself to 500 calories on Sunday and depending on what I choose from the menu I might do similar on Tuesday.

    Things here aren’t wonderful but I’m determined to rise above it and enjoy the festive season while continuing to follow scientific and medical advice regarding limiting risk with regards to Covid.

    I received a Christmas card from my aunt last week which made me very happy to know she’s still alive and kicking. She is my Dad’s youngest sister and the sole survivor of that generation of Dad’s side of the family.
    I’m very much hoping to be able to visit her next year.

    I am VERY HUNGRY today but am determined not to put as much as a toe off the wagon 😆

    Have a good weekend everyone 🤪🎄🎅

    Superb work, Amazon! You are a champion!
    Taking control ourselves, using rational, educated knowledge to guide our behaviours is the sensible way to move through this. Why would we ever trust politicians to give us health advice? Their only interest is to stay in power.
    Most people here are also ignoring the new eased restrictions, continuing to wear masks, hunkering down and distancing when we MUST go near others, while cases increase at a massive rate and there is a growing risk of losing yet another Christmas! This would be our 3rd in a row, as bushfires raged in 2019. 😐 We have a vax rate of 95% here, but this isn’t stopping the rapid transmission among the young people attending crowded pubs and indoor dance concerts. Madness.
    My weight sits at too high, but steady, and a first visit to the GP since April shows good healthy levels of vitals. With my booster in my arm, I’m sitting tight until the 25th, 2 fasts a week and mindful eating otherwise.🙂🙂
    🌲🌲 P

    Thanks Purple,

    I am feeling so much better after a few days of eating very little but very healthy food.
    I’ve prepped a Nigella Lawson fish stew for dinner today and tomorrow as it’s currently one of my favourites and it’ll help me get through to Monday without straying.

    I always find fasting on a Saturday or Sunday really difficult which is 100% mental rather than physical and I’m determined to sail through and meet my friends for lunch on Monday with a smug grin on my face 😆

    The Covid situation is bad across the world but some countries are fortunate to have a government who actually care about the welfare of the population while here, despite their protestations of the opposite our government appear to be discussing selling off the NHS to US healthcare providers 🤬

    People here are taking matters into their own hands regarding taking precautions and the number of those wearing masks has increased dramatically in the past few days which is very encouraging.

    Yes, Amazon, it is mostly mind games, no matter how many years you’ve done fasting. 😑 I can see your smug face on Monday already. 😏
    This weekend is finally a typical Aussie summer…mid 30s, hanging around the pool and The Ashes on TV! Only the sound of cicadas missing. 😄 I packed the heavy winter jackets and gloves away in the spare wardrobe (we were still wearing them last week…unheard of!) and pulled the pool umbrella out of the garage. It’s full on Xmas weather at last!
    The UK double vaxxed rate of only 70% and the very late decision to vax teens must have a significant impact on the cases. Combine that with winter and clearly very poor transmission of public health advice (from the Govt) and you get the inevitable. It is incredible how Govts can starve public facilities for years and then decide they need to privatise them. Hmm..I wonder why that is? And we all know how well the lack of a publically funded medical system has worked in the US. 🤕

    We have got to 90% double-vaxxed for the 12s and over, but there are parts of the country, such as here in the North, and among Maori, where the rate is still too low. We will be adding the 5 – 11 age group, probably next month.

    Well done you on being so determined, Amazon. I hope yesterday’s lunch lived up to expectations, and the weekend worked as planned. Final details of Saturday’s lunch are falling into place as I see what family members are planning to bring. The weather will be fine for it – in fact things are getting a bit dry already, last week’s rain has disappeared through our lovely fertile soil.

    I hope you didn’t feel yesterday’s storm too directly, P. It looked so damaging on the coast. Son in Lane Cove said that Sunday was worse for them!

    Thanks B. The storm cut a very narrow, fast swathe through the Northern Beaches. We had heavy rain, very briefly and some strong winds and a short blackout. Nothing extraordinary for here. This IS our storm season. 😒
    The weather has been very hot and steamy, including sticky, hot nights this week, so the meats on Christmas Day will have to be pre-cooked and served cold with salads. We’ll all pitch in, so I don’t have to do too much.

    We are planning ham, glazed and cooked that morning, and a rotisserie chicken cold – along with mostly salads too. It’s that time of year! Temperatures mid-twenties so I need to get gardening done before that.

    We often have turkey, but this year we will just have roast pork instead (with the addition of all the usual Christmas meal accompaniments!). We had been forecast a white Christmas, but that’s now changed to rain ☹️

    I did a fast at the weekend. I know I ought to try and do another one this week, but my thoughts are turning to mince pies and other seasonal treats 😊 Amazon, I need some of your determination!

    I have eaten 3 fruit mince pies and no Chrissy cake yet. Oh, I had a piece of stollen though. 🙂🙂
    The hot weather means less hunger…that’s always a good thing.

    I got through 6 days of fasting but day 7 things didn’t go well.
    I went out to lunch with friends yesterday and am at home today baking cookies and making Rocky Road and despite all the temptation I’m aiming for another 800 calorie day.
    I would like to fast tomorrow and will do my best but I’m visiting family on the afternoon which might make it tricky.

    The mains menu at the pub was carb laden and the best option was steak and chips with béarnaise sauce which was hardly a disappointment as their steaks are always perfectly cooked. I’d like to be able to tell you I left the crispy piping hot big fat chips but that would be a lie 😆

    I am awaiting a cheese order which is due to be delivered today. So far I’ve not received any shipping information and the company are not answering their phone.
    I’m trying to be patient as I know they are busy and the new variant is causing issues with staff calling in sick but it’s frustrating not knowing if it is on the way but there are far worse problems to have right now….

    I hope your cheese has arrived Amazon! Personally I can’t imagine many worse problems than being devoid of cheese 😊

    And it would have been practically criminal to have left those chips… my mouth is watering at the thought!

    It hasn’t arrived. When I called this morning I left a message and someone called me back at 6pm.
    She was really helpful and when I said I’m out most of tomorrow and from mid afternoon on Thursday she arranged a “by noon” delivery for Thursday.
    Apparently they have so many orders to complete they’ve got behind with packing and delivery which is actually good to hear as so many businesses are struggling.

    Christmas without cheese would be a DIS-AS-TER 😆

    The chips were fab. My friends both had burgers which came with skinny fries and I caught more than one avaricious glance in the direction of my fat chips 🤣

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