Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 2 months ago.

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  • Great to see my nephew on television this evening – he and his wife are the only commercial coffee growers in New Zealand ๐Ÿ™‚

    Life appears much as normal to us in our isolation. We took a ferry across the bay to the original capital of NZ (the “hellhole of the Pacific” in the 1800s due to the drinking and whoring) and walked to the flagpole of historic contention. Back in town met the restaurant manager from the oldest liquor licence holder in the country, who is a fellow sailor, advising that the hotel was closed and she is likely to find other employment on the land – harvesting is in full swing and a lot of the seasonal workers from the Philippines and Pacific islands are unable to come here given current restrictions.


    Glad to hear you’re feeling more positive. I’m not! I share a house with an idiot, who has some idiot mates. I overheard a conversation to the effect that it is a big fuss about nothing, it’s only like the flu, people have to die from something after all, and some old people are fed up of living anyway so it doesn’t matter if they die!!!!

    OH, having had a heart attack and bypass surgery, apparently thinks he’s not at any particular risk and actually he wants to catch it so he’s then immune. He might not think that when there’s no ICU bed for him… And he seems to think his previous near-death experience gives him some moral high ground and greater insight into this!

    The reality of being locked down for months with someone I don’t like and don’t respect, and who will think nothing of putting me at risk, is weighing heavily on me this weekend โ˜น

    At least the sun is shining again….


    I suggest you direct your soon to be ex to the article on the front page of the Observer which informs us 71% of UK patients are/were male. 37% aged under 60.
    Also frighteningly 63% are/were overweight, obese or morbidly obese and surprisingly considering what we’ve previously been told less than 10% had serious co-morbidities. Two of the female patients had recently given birth which also shoots the theory of it only affecting the elderly out of the window.

    Itโ€™s not that he hasnโ€™t read it, he just thinks it doesnโ€™t apply to him. Itโ€™s his particular brand of sociopathy…. I will be entertaining myself now though with thinking about alternative places I could direct him to… cliffs being near the top of my list ๐Ÿคฃ

    There are literally thousands of people out today in London parks. Richmond Park resembles August BH so I expect it’ll be closed tomorrow. Kew Gardens has closed indefinitely and several London boroughs are closing all of their parks as so many people are ignoring advice.

    Lockdown is imminent.

    Well Nicola Sturgeon is more impressive than BoJo at the moment.
    Pubs in Scotland: weโ€™re staying open until weโ€™re legally forced to close? NS: OK, hereโ€™s emergency powers for the police, consider yourself shut down.
    People in England: weโ€™re carrying on as normal. BJ: mmm, OK, but we might need to have some firm words in a few days about that.

    Full lockdown is the only way theyโ€™ll get a grip on this. And sadly, it looks likely to be at least a couple of weeks too late. London is outbreak central, yet theyโ€™ve let people head for their second homes in Gwynedd, Cornwall, the Lake District, Scotland… Not only taking the virus with them, but likely to overwhelm the very local services that have suffered as a result of high levels of second home ownership…!

    I had a conversation with the housemate about distancing. He said he hoped I was joking. When I said erm, not really, he told me where to go…. once a ****** always a ****** ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜‚

    This crisis is certainly sorting the smart and caring from the stupid and selfish.
    It appears to me behaviours are related to the sources of media. If you rely on non fact based social media or certain sectors of the press (I’m looking at you Rupert!), you are living in LaLaLand. This is when critical literacy is vital. Read widely, consider your source and it’s reliability. WHO is a very good start. Compare, think rationally. Then act sensibly.
    Clearly the thousands of young backpackers at Bondi during the weekend don’t care about themselves or anyone else.
    Good luck with the housemate Happy.

    Richmond Park has now been closed to vehicles which means people can walk so it won’t affect the locals who walk their dogs every day.

    I have no idea why everyone flocked to the park this weekend.
    Maybe they’ve already tired of counting their toilet rolls…

    As lots of people aren’t working and entertainment has closed down, pressure is put on outdoor areas. It also explains the run on food items. People who ate out or had takeaways at work, are now having to stock their kitchens, and some of them to actually learn how to feed themselves! Normal is no longer normal.
    At least my local streets are fairly empty, so long walks are possible by simply crossing the road to avoid passing anyone else.

    My local streets are usually quiet too so I’ll be pounding them every morning.

    We are being inventive on our twice daily walks to vary the routes as much as possible. It IS interesting that WE are the ones that have to actively avoid other walkers. Especially young folk glued to their phones.

    Had a long conversation with Dad tonight, talking about what several months โ€˜house arrestโ€™ is going to be like for him. Luckily heโ€™s in a small village and has a garden so he should still be able to get out for fresh air. I didnโ€™t like to tell him he wonโ€™t be going to the barbers any time soon – that would be a deal breaker for him ๐Ÿคฃ

    After going quite short last year, I have been growing my hair a bit longer. Iโ€™ll be knitting jumpers from it by next year! Will you be letting your OH loose on your mane P?!

    I have so many choices including walking along the canal which is fabulous on a fine day.
    I’m hoping tomorrow will be quieter as people will be working from home and children all have school work to do.

    Before anyone had heard of Covid 19 I had stopped getting out of the way of anyone glued to their phone but self preservation has meant a change of tactics.

    My niece’s husband (long-distance Air NZ pilot) has just collected the key to my brother’s empty cottage. He’s going into voluntary self-isolation there, having just returned from Chicago. I am very concerned that our authorities do not require Air NZ staff to self-isolate on return to the country, particularly from somewhere where the virus is as prevalent as Chicago seems to be.

    Happy, I’m more than happy to have long hair again. It is already shoulder length. No way us Mr P getting near it. Mind you, I cut his ๐Ÿ™‚
    Barata, it is amazing how many chinks there are in the armour everywhere. ๐Ÿ˜’ P

    Step one – our new home is bought and paid for! Tomorrow the movers come. They were going to do the shift over two days, but it sounds as though they hope to have the bulk of it done in the one day. So we may be sleeping there tomorrow night – we were to have slept here – or may have to consider a motel room for plan c.

    The country today moved up another level in the fight against the virus, and on Wednesday we go into lock-down. There will only be essential services running. Thank goodness for (semi) retirement! As our son who stayed behind in Wellington is in freight delivery I am sure he will continue to be fully employed.

    As the numbers continue to grow, over 100 now, we have two cases that appear to be from community transmission.

    Just checked wine stocks (okay), and have boosted the whisky supply, so with a little more food I can spend the next four weeks pottering in my new garden ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Another beautiful morning here ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’m watching Sky news and they’ve just announced 5% of the world’s Covid 19 cases are in New York.

    I’ve been trying to grow my hair and it’s reached a stage where it looks fine the day it’s been washed and after that it does whatever it wants. I’ve been pondering on giving up and getting it cut but that isn’t going to be happening now and as I’m now a hermit I guess it doesn’t matter ๐Ÿ˜†

    Keep safe everyone ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Just tie it up, Amazon, and look sophisticated!

    It’s not long enough yet!

    Who’d have thought a pandemic would revive this thread……

    Use combs to hold the sides back?
    Some wit said, in 2 weeks we’ll see everyone’s real hair colour. As I don’t colour mine, I’m still going to look old. ๐Ÿ™„

    I do it myself and once again as no-one will see me it’s getting a holiday.

    Talking of holidays, I’ve managed to cancel my trip to Tanzania to see the Great Migration and rebook for next year without incurring any fees. My travel company are always so helpful.

    If things look up and we are able to travel later this year I’ll try to get away somewhere but if not I’ll have this to look forward to ๐Ÿ˜

    We haven’t been so lucky. Our planned, and partially paid for, big trip will see us considerably out of pocket, but we couldn’t risk not cancelling it.

    Hi again
    Sorry, Happy, about your situation. I have lived a similar situation when my ex brought his girlfriend home. I could hear their idiocy( in French)- ex one idiot to 1 pretentious ” Tell me, Claude, how is the word “will” used in English?”
    I didn’t react very well- stupid question, stupid answer.
    Yes your STBOH has a lot to lose and too much bravado.

    So much for my hot air and bravado about driving to London. By leaving here I would risk a fine of up to โ‚ฌ3600. Martial law applies to residents as well as citizens, and I didn’t have a ticket to show. My car is registered in France. All stacked against me. My daughter told me I was mad. You’re 70 she said.
    After the large energy burst on Saturday. I deflated and crashed. Anyway maybe not being locked into 50 square metres for months with OH is a good thing. At least here I can say what I like to my neighbour Gaston the donkey, and he always replies the same thing.

    Interesting comment about hair colour, Purple. I don’t colour either. Too difficult to be consistent. But I must watch out for white roots passing down the lane. Just think about poor French women who so value their image.
    I am trying to work as I do with my OH.
    Very difficult to concentrate.
    The vogue song in Italy now Volare ohoh Cantare ohoh. Please spare a thought for Italy.
    xx Wiwi

    Hi Wiwi,

    Italy has been very much in my thoughts this weekend especially after seeing a heartbreaking interview with a resident of Bergamot.
    I was heartened to see the large team of Cuban doctors who have arrived in Italy to help.

    I didn’t think you would be able to leave and I’m sorry you are stuck there with only the donkey to talk to but needs must.
    I would imagine Happy would swap places with you in an instant ๐Ÿ˜†

    I’m trying really hard to succeed in fasting today. I have your favourite Shakshouka for dinner.

    Dear Amazon
    Are you by any chance laughing at me?
    Glad you are.

    I always say that Gaston is a welcome addition to this village, as he puts up the collective IQ, and doesn’t talk behind your back.

    xx Wiwi


    I am absolutely not laughing at you but this morning was wishing I still had my cats for company. They rarely said anything worthwhile either but at least they answered and occasionally showed appreciation for the attention ๐Ÿ˜†

    Oh Wi, darling, how upsetting for you. Frustrating as it is, at least you are in one of your own homes and Gaston will be good company. I used to have a couple of donkeys…very smart, independent animals, with gorgeous soft muzzles, ears and eyes.
    I’m now busy digging out my old teaching resources to help, online, with homeschooling all my grandkids, who all stopped going to school yesterday.
    This fast moving crisis is leaving noone unaffected.
    Keep safe all. P

    Sorry to hear youโ€™re stuck for the duration Wi. I suspect this thread, and social media, are going to be a lifeline for a lot of us for the next few months!

    Iโ€™m pleased to be living remotely for the time being, with a large garden and access straight into the fields. Thereโ€™s plenty to be doing outside and the weather is picking up nicely. Plenty of wildlife to be watching too. Awful to say, but I would be happier if I was here by myself (with the cats and hens for company@!).

    Iโ€™ve just an email from my hairdresser to say they have now shut up shop, so thatโ€™s that! Long hair and split ends here I come ๐Ÿคฃ

    The UK is now in lockdown.
    We are only allowed to go out to buy food or medication and the PM specified we should do so as infrequently as possible and only buy what is necessary. We can go out once per day for a walk a run or a bike ride either alone or with one other person from the same household.
    Groups of more than two people will be broken up by the police and we could be fined if we do not comply.
    Everywhere apart from food stores and pharmacies to be closed with immediate effect.
    We have also been urged to use food delivery services.

    The problem is many supermarket shelves are empty, many online items are displayed as out of stcok on supermarket websites and if one can find anything to buy it is impossible to get a delivery slot for less than 3 weeks time!

    The supermarkets are all working hard to remedy the issues with food supply by employing large numbers of temporary staff to work in distribution hubs, warehouses and as delivery drivers and the lockdown should give them breathing space to get supermarkets shelves and warehouses fully stocked.

    This will be reviewed in three weeks time.

    Well so far the only difference for me is that I’m working from home for 5 days a week instead of 4.

    Sadly my housemate is also here… although today he has announced he is going into town because he wants to get out of the house! Really, I don’t know why I should be surprised that he never fails to disappoint (and in this case alarm) me.

    Anyway, I fasted yesterday. Although I am not yet seeing any downward progress on the scales, at least I’m maintaining.

    Hope everyone is well, including Gaston ๐Ÿ˜

    A beautiful spring day here.
    Feeling a bit down as OH set up WhatsApp using my NZ number on his phone, and it was obviously what my WhatsApp here in France was on, and I am locked out of my contacts.
    I will have to set up a new account and find all my contacts again.
    Food-wise, it will be two meals today – a witlof salad for one, and as I have the slow cooker on all the time. I had onion soup yesterday, and today more of the same.
    Nearly at the end of my invoice writing, next job, cut 2000 square metres of grass.
    I hear Gaston, but he is in a different field.
    xx Wiwi

    We have had on a graph tonight, on the news, indicating that if 90% of people followed isolation, the numbers would drop to very low numbers. If only 70% comply, the graph is horrific.
    What is wrong with people????? Simple exponential maths.

    Hi everyone,

    The police were out in West London yesterday armed with a megaphone telling people on Shepherds Bush Green it’s not a Bank Holiday, it’s a lockdown, GO HOME NOW!
    The video which was aired on the TV news showed around 20 people all hanging around not social distancing.

    Why do these people think the rules don’t apply to them?

    I’ve not been out since Monday so decided as I did yesterday to stand on my little balcony in the sun and drink my morning coffee. The man next door came out and lit a cigarette ๐Ÿคฌ
    I went in and came out 5 minutes later and he was still smoking so I said oh, still smoking I’ll come out later.
    He is a tenant and not permitted to smoke inside the flat. They have access to the garden and could easily walk down the stairs and sit on the bench but no they stand on the doorstep so the smoke comes through the air vent above my door, or straight in if I have the door open. It is so thoughtless.

    Anyway I’ve spent the last 48 hours training for the new Olympic event of eating for Britain. Now the Games have been postponed for a year I have plenty of time to get into peak condition…….

    I was up very early this morning and did my workout and am now considering a walk. I would like some fresh air but if there are too many people about I guess I’ll be home very soon.


    Can you not access your contacts via your email account?

    Keep safe everyone ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Cigarette smokers are social pariahs.
    The people ignoring the need to isolate obviously don’t read the data. It requires 90% compliance to be quickly effective. Drop that to 70% and the stats are appalling.
    I’ll join the Aussie Olympic team, if that’s what training involves, Amazon.

    I’ve actually done much better today, two meals and no extras, a workout and a walk.
    Fingers crossed I can fast tomorrow.

    I used to smoke and I think it makes me less tolerant than people who’ve never done so.

    If there’s one thing this pandemic has done it’s give people a nudge to make contact with those they’ve not spoken to for a while. I’ve received so many text messages, emails, and a couple of calls one of which was from my friend in Perth WA, whose opening line was “thought I should call to see if you’re alive” ๐Ÿ˜†

    The weather here has been wonderful this week but winter is apparently returning tomorrow.
    Thankfully I’ve not put the thermal underwear away yet…….

    Well, as I’m busy video teaching grandkids and preparing lessons, I have insisted we share the cooking. One meal each every day. My rules are the meals MUST be well rounded and varied, with plenty of veg. That meant he couldn’t just resort to bbqed pork sausages! Day 1 was pretty good, but, of course, his involved bread. I dug out some old “magic noodles” to make an Asian (Indonesian satay- we don’t call Indian food Asian, btw) flavoured chicken stir fry. He made turkey mince burgers. All happy.
    We are having difficulty getting fresh fish, as I can’t order it online, and the only fish shops are in very crowded shopping malls.
    My dad smoked, Amazon. He died of cancer. I have never smoked, but have always reacted very badly to it and can smell it from long distances away. Ghastly stuff! I’m glad I live in a house. I only have to put up with the tradies from a large local building site, standing at my front fence, having a “ciggy” when they knock off!
    Grey and overcast here, and considerably darker in the mornings now. Roll on the end of Daylight Saving in April. P

    Oh no Amazon! Sorry to hear about your eatathon, but these are unusual times so I guess we can cut you a bit of slack ๐Ÿ˜€

    Iโ€™m sensitive to cigarette smoke too, and the people who think itโ€™s OK to smoke next to your door/ window really wind me up. Have you got a fire extinguisher you could turn on your neighbour…?

    It was a lovely day here today too, sunny and warm!! Winter returns for us just in time for the weekend – at least BoJo will be pleased if it keeps people inside!

    So the annoying one went shopping this morning, without the shopping list, and bought about 3 things โ˜น๏ธ He could have saved me a journey at the weekend…but he didnโ€™t. And now heโ€™s barely speaking to me for daring to suggest his modifies his behaviour during a pandemic….๐Ÿคฃ How long are we going to be in lockdown for?!!


    Glad to hear you are finding things to occupy Mr P at home! The annoying one has cooked the last 2 nights, which is a rare treat for me. His meals tend to be meat-based and heavy, and not what I would choose, but itโ€™s still nice to have a night off every now and then.

    I’ve pointed out that if I get sick, who will feed us both. Time to raise the anti. ๐Ÿ™„
    At least living costs have plummeted, along with incomes. ๐Ÿ˜ถ


    Good luck with Mr P’s home schooling ๐Ÿคฃ

    I’ll prove you can teach an old dog new tricks yet!!!

    Morning/evening all,

    I’ve completely given up on the idea of fasting but I’m going to try really hard not to overeat.
    Vegetarian Lent has also been cancelled as I bought my self a mini pepperami stick rather than the chocolate tempting me yesterday and had prawns for dinner then remembered I was supposed to be a temporary veggie ๐Ÿ˜†


    I am so sorry your housemate is such a nightmare. If I lived nearer I would break all rules to come round and kick his backside!

    We’ve got the army on the streets delivering much needed hospital supplies and they are also helping to build the 4,000 bed temporary hospital in London Docklands. I’m pleased they’ve got involved in the supply chain as it’ll vastly improve the speed at which essential items can be transported and delivered.

    Unfortunately some of the UK population still think they’re on holiday and I’m sure the police will be exercising their newly legislated right to make people go home and stay there.

    Keep safe everyone ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well the police are stopping people in the Lake District with camper vans and caravans, mad that people think it’s a good time to have a holiday!

    And I don’t think the government are helping by massaging the death figures, it will only give people a false sense of security…

    Amazon, I would rather be here alone, but the housemate isn’t too troublesome! We have enough space to mostly avoid one another ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ท

    I am fasting today, as it’s about the only thing I can control at the moment!


    This thread has an excellent pressure valve allowing us to let off steam and carry on.

    I’m sitting on the sofa wanting something to do but looking for reasons not to do anything. I’ve put some music on as otherwise it’s so quiet I can hear the downstairs neighbour talking on the phone (or maybe to himself). He’s not noisy, his deep voice carries so I can hear a rumble when he talks but not what he’s saying although I’m unlikley to understand it as his first language isn’t English.
    It’s weirdly comforting there’s someone else close by but at the same time at a distance.

    It’s been very busy here, two planes have flown over ๐Ÿ˜†

    Middle of the night here and a large helicopter has flown over. Very odd at this time as we have a flight curfew over Sydney between 11pm and 6am. In the last week it has been bliss with no rush of landing planes either end of the curfew. We are well away from the airport, but on the flight path.
    I spent part of yesterday listening to an art lecture and drawing a very detailed Matisse from the computer screen. An excellent way to free the mind. Also lots of playing music on the piano. Tomorrow I might start a sewing project. I greatly doubt the call of dusting and vacuuming will be strong enough. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Happy, they are closing caravan parks to non locals in Australia, especially WA, to limit exactly that. Spain had a huge spread of the virus from people going off to country areas. Medical services are very limited if they do get ill, and in more remote areas, the indigenous mobs are extremely vulnerable. More thoughtless behaviour. ๐Ÿคจ
    There’s a steady drizzle here. Lovely to hear it pattering on the tin roof. Good luck with the fasting girls, I just don’t have the will at present.


    I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who will find too many other things to do to get round to cleaning ๐Ÿคฃ

    Today’s fast went well and I have been out for a walk/run this afternoon after work. Its been another lovely sunny warm day, but maybe the last one for a while.

    I’ll be sowing seeds at the weekend and getting the polytunnel ready. Funny how much I’m looking forward to doing things I had absolutely no enthusiasm for only a couple of weeks ago!

    I shouted at the neighbours from several feet away earlier on, and facetimed my Dad and a friend today too, so I have spoken to someone other than the hens today ๐Ÿ˜

    Amazon, I’m guessing London must be very weird at the moment being so quiet. Did you join in the NHS applause this evening? I didn’t go outside as there is no one nearby to hear whether I did or didn’t…

    Dear team, I am in an Internet- free zone in the new house until 1 April – vendors’ISP didn’t get the changes set up! So in lockdown without benefits. Second day of isolation, so grateful we managed to get into our new house before it started.

    My sleep is in tatters – with you there, P ๐Ÿ˜•. Exhausted from unpacking boxes, makes me feel old. I have managed one circuit of the garden with the secateurs, dead-heading the agapanthus and reinga lilies. Unfortunately I am unable to start a winter veggie garden as there is no access to seedlings, so stuck until I unearth my seed packs.

    I am in agreement about insensitive smokers – I have never smoked myself. Stay safe, all.

    Morning/evening all,


    The applause was wonderful. I was surprised at the number of people across the UK who participated.

    London is emptier and quieter than any time in my memory but there are pockets where people are congregating with no concern for their safety. I saw a photo yesterday of a canteen on a huge construction site in London. There must have been 200 men all squeezed together eating lunch. These men are working with each other all day at close quarters ands then go home on public transport to their families. It is absolute madness to allow it to continue.

    The government have dodged every question regarding closing down construction and in the next breath insist on telling how social distancing will “flatten the curve” if we all comply…………

    And if Boris Johnson says the government are “putting their arms round everyone” once more I think I might puke.

    Another lovely morning but today is the last day of this fine spell as winter is coming back this weekend for it’s final kick.


    I’m very jealous of your lovely new house and enormous garden, I hope you and Mr B will be very happy there.

    Maybe you should buy Michael Mosley’s book about beating insomnia.

    Keep safe everyone ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well key workers, and the NHS staff in particular, will deserve a bonus at the end of this. It will be exceedingly shabby of the government if they revert to underfunding and salary squeezes after this.

    It’s a lovely day here again too. The forecast is decidedly cool for the weekend and with windchill will apparently feel more like 2 degrees on Sunday than the respectable 14s we’ve enjoyed this week. Brrr.

    Yesterday’s fast went well and I am focussing today on consolidating, i.e. not overeating!

    Barata, I hope your sleep improves now you’re safely installed in your new home.

    Well done on the fast, Happy.
    We are sticking to 16:8, with unlimited wine, at present. Well, not really, but certainly feeling a bit like passengers on the Titanic. ๐Ÿค”
    It is dark in the morning here now, and a definite chill in the air. I think my swimming days are gone until next Spring. Soup making happening again tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

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