Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,651 through 5,700 (of 7,283 total)

  • Rather than adding suagr, I roast tomatoes (especially when there is a glut!), quartered and spread with basil pesto, garlic and seasalt. At least an hour at 125 deg. They keep really well, but also freeze. Always on hand to add zing, without the added carbs on chutney.
    Good luck with the fast, Happy. P

    Greetings, all, from a beautiful sunny Wellington. There will be overnight lows in single figures for the next few days with the clear skies.

    I’m glad you are reconnected, Wi, and hope to see you in a couple of weeks. Our time might be limited, as we have accepted another offer on the house, and settlement is to be 9th October! Tight, but we should have everything tidied under the house by then ๐Ÿ™‚ And better $ with this offer, will know by the end of the week if it’s a goer.

    I’m still sleeping dreadfully, and the weight is not a subject we will discuss!

    Well done on the kitchen produce. I’m looking forward to being able to grow veggies in a decent garden where the sun shines all day. And hopefully the sparrows don’t eat the lettuce!

    Fingers crossed for you Barbara.
    After some gorgeous warm spring days of mid 20s, snow fell just out of Sydney on Sunday night and we’ve had 36 hours of torrential rain. The garden is loving it, the streets are awash, traffic chaos, trains delayed and cancelled but little west of the mountains where it is desperately needed. There are towns in the state that are running out of water, while it pours out to sea from the coast. ๐Ÿ˜ง

    So glad to hear you are getting rain, P, but a shame it’s not falling where it is desperately needed, with the fire risks so high. But snow?!

    Snow at Goulburn, Marulan, Katoomba and Blackheath. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Not unheard of, but very rare in September, the night after we had 27!!!
    Cooking up a stew today..we are back by the fire!!

    Morning/evwning all,


    Fingers crossed the sale goes through.

    I would love to have a garden large enough to grow vegetables but there’s no hope of that ever happening and my little garden is only just big enough for me to sit in and doesn’t get enough sunshine. I have tried, but it didn’t work out which is one of the reasons I got an allotment. I always miss it this time of year, when every day meant a huge basket of produce. I even enjoyed the headache of wondering what to do with it!

    We are having some lovely September weather, cool early mornings and late evenings, but anywhere between 20 and 25 during the day with plenty of sunshine.
    I’m trying to make the most of it by getting out in the fresh air for long walks.

    B2B FDS accomplished so far this week and I’m hoping to do another on TH/F

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well I need a smaller garden…or fewer working hours…

    Iโ€™m at the end of a fast day. I started fasting on Monday, but it fell over spectacularly at about 3.30 (hormones ๐Ÿ˜ซ). Anyway, itโ€™s gone spectacularly well today and will come in at about 50 calories for the day. If that doesnโ€™t see movement (downwards!) on the scales, well….

    Iโ€™m off for a hot shower to warm up for bed. No food, no central heating โ˜น๏ธ

    One of the tricks of fasting, I’ve found over the years, is to make sure I don’t get cold…plenty of clothes, hot drinks and moving. As soon as I get cold, my fasting resolve crumbles. Keep warm, Happy. P

    Well I cuddled a hot water bottle while I was working and an hour of Pilates this evening warmed me up, but the effect has worn off now. Bed beckons ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Well done Happy ๐Ÿ˜Š

    I try to avoid getting cold too as it is nigh on impossible to get warm on an empty stomach. Several years ago I knitted a long cardigan (knee length) with a shawl collar which despite being made of cotton is very warm and it is very useful on FDs.

    I’ve had a lovely day today. I went for a long walk in Osterley Park this morning which included a NFD scone with jam and clotted cream for brunch. I then raided the park farm shop ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I spent the afternoon in the kitchen making a batch of tomato chutney and also made a really nice salad for dinner which included a raw sweetcorn (from farm shop) salsa style mix. I took it off the cob and mixed it with chopped tomato, sweet pepper, fresh chilli, spring onion (scallion) and lime juice.

    No more preserving this year as I’m almost out of jars ๐Ÿ˜†

    I have just got off the phone with son’s ex-FIL, and he is such a relieved man! They have finally worked out what his ankle problem is, and Wi, it’s veins. So they are to operate in a week or so, and what a weight off to have the cause identified. I think he (and I) were thinking he was going down the road to amputation ๐Ÿ™ as they could not make a diagnosis. Some coincidence, two from Wellington with the same issue.

    I hope you will be approved to fly, Wi.

    Still no final word on the sale, but the purchasers have until Monday for all the conditions to be met. Most done now, just the bank finance for them to confirm, and we can put up the ‘sold’ sign. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The sun has come out again in Tuscany after 3 days of equi-noctal rain.
    I am continuing my very strict 36:12 rรฉgime without too much trouble. since I am not in the kitchen cooking, I just turn off at meal times.
    In the meantime I watch my grandsons who are so easy in their food tastes. Robin doesn’t like artichokes he says, and the little one doesn’t much like cheese fondue. They don’t eat sweet things much. They like what is put in front of them, and with their father who cooks so well, it’s a pleasure for all of us. My son in law works one day in five for 24 hours, so is very present in the lives of his children.
    Last weekend we ate in a country restaurant. They served lots of local seasonal food like wild boar, local venison, forest mushrooms. I am becoming more and more averse to meat, and enjoyed the silverbeet and fresh strawberries most of all. The boar is cooked slowly in red wine.
    I hope it is all going well for all of you and that the house sale is complete, Barata.
    My ankle still has its 2 dressings, but is improving if I keep my feet up as much as possible.
    Bye from Tuscany.

    We leave Italy for the UK where we will spend a few days with the family.

    Sounds like a perfect place to recuperate, Wi. I’m glad the ankle is healing at last.
    36:12? 36 hours fast, 12 hours eating? P

    Good Morning All,
    Great news about the house sale Barata and wishing you good health Wiwi.
    Hope Amazon, Happy and PVE are doing well?

    Wiwi now returning to NZ for summer (time flies) but sure it will be great. My daughter coming here for one month and looking forward to meeting her โ€˜Newโ€™ niece. Just back from the Isle of Wight. It was a short but much needed break. This was the first holiday that I organised for my retirement group. Most of us explored the island by local bus service but weall went to Osborne House on Monday(in the rain sadly). We did manage to go to the beach to see Victoriaโ€™s Bathing Cart/house and the Swiss Cottage in a sunny spell which was great. Impressive buildings and gardens well worth the trip.
    The house seems very empty without my dogs I miss them very much. I looked after a friendโ€™s dog but it was very neurotic, not a wonderful house guest. He enjoyed his long walks along the beach though as did I.
    We are still full on with babysitting and trying to de clutter.
    Fasting an uphill battle which I am losing.
    Still committed to million step challenge and this is really improving general health, especially my back. Average 12,000 steps daily.
    I won Ladies Championship and Champion of Champion (beat menโ€™s champion)at my club this year so itโ€™s โ€˜one for the girlsโ€™ and itโ€™s been my most successful year of bowls. Now looking forward to indoor games. Rain has been pretty persistent this year, my wet gear has seen the light of day most weeks.
    I am loving my pottery classes, doing glazing today.

    Back to Fasting after my birthday, how many times have I said that?
    Hit 64 this week, sing along everyone.
    When I get older losing my head!
    (More likely than losing weight at the moment)

    Happy birthday Jo. 64 is very young ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ
    I’ve been successfully eating 16:8, very low carb, but a wine every day, no fasts. It has brought my weight down to a happy size…even look ok, for an old ‘un, in my swimmers. All set for summer.
    We all need a reboot, occassionally, to keep on top of our health. P

    Happy Birthday Jo! 64 years young ๐Ÿ˜€

    I fasted completely yesterday. After failing to fast on both Monday and Tuesday, it was surprisingly easy. I didnโ€™t sleep too well though โ˜น๏ธ

    Iโ€™m off work tomorrow and had thought about going for an early morning swim (my once a year!), but my shoulders and upper back are killing me after Pilates on Wednesday. Itโ€™ll be a miracle if I can even raise my arms tomorrow! Funny, I started Pilates for my lower back but itโ€™s made me realise that nothing works as well as it used too. I get cramp just pointing and flexing my feet โ˜น๏ธ

    The rot is setting in, Happy ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

    Thanks P ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hi all on a lovely spring Friday.

    Happy birthday, Jo. As P and Happy say, 64 is as young as you feel! And Happy, our spring chicken, is certainly too young to be feeling the aches and pains of old age.

    The house has sold, the sign is up, and we now have ten days until the packers come in. OH has been in Kerikeri looking at houses to rent, and thinks he has found the spot. He’s on his way home, another 12 hour drive ๐Ÿ™ . It’s a long island. I will leave the light on ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am off shortly to meet the oldest grandson on the train and to go to the local climate change march. NZ is holding this a week later than the rest of the world, as the school term ends today. I’m so pleased to have this opportunity to spend with him before we depart.

    Because OH is away I invited a neighbour to come with me to the theatre last night, to see a local, well-considered play – most thought-provoking, although she has posted that it wasn’t really her thing. Oh, well. We ate there, so my fast day consisted of two glasses of white wine (no calories in white, of course) and half a chicken and veggie wrap. And I could taste the sugar in the wrap! A few more grammes off on the scales ๐Ÿ™‚

    Enjoy your weekend, all!

    That’s a quick turnaround, B. We have 6 weeks between contract exchange and settlement here. Glad Mr B has found you somewhere to move to.
    School hols start here today too. The point of the strike last week was that we all did it together, all around the world. I signed a petition, this morning, letting the UN know we do not support our moron, coal-supporting PM.

    Yes, we were not happy with the length of the settlement period, which the agent extrapolated from the offers we had had in August! But we are both ready to move, most of the ducks have lined up now ๐Ÿ™‚ , son is in his apartment, downstairs is relatively clean (whew!) and the buyer came in with her carpet man and two small boys and expressed her gratitude again about us allowing her to buy our house ๐Ÿ™‚ . I am cleaning out pots and potplants, deciding what to take (we will have two cars travelling north, so lots of room for stuff like that).

    We have really enjoyed being here, only downsides is loosing the sun in the winter, and being at the top of the hill.


    Itโ€™s not the aches and pains of old age, itโ€™s my masochistic Pilates instructor! Weโ€™re a small mixed ability class, nowhere to hide. She gives the class options on levels of difficulty, but fixes me with a steely eye and pointedly says โ€˜those of you whoโ€™ve been coming a while should be doing x…โ€™. Ow ow.

    Anyway, I felt OK this morning, and it was a miserable wet start to the day, so I went for a swim. I managed 1km, which I was very happy with seeing as itโ€™s probably been 10 months since I last swam. I definitely wonโ€™t be able to pull a T-shirt on over my head tomorrow!

    I hope the march was well attended, even though as P says it wouldnโ€™t have the same vibe or impact being on the wrong day ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hi everyone,

    Where did the week go………

    I’ve been busy socialising this week so my 1st FD was yesterday and my second today.

    I’ve been doing a lot of exercise and walking and am rather tired this afternoon after a big work-out today which involved a 90 minute walk round Kew Gardens first thing, followed by chasing baby great nephew who is now doing a very nifty crawl, round the indoor play area. We then finished off with 90 minutes in the outdoor playground where I spent my time chasing after great nephew no 1, helping him to climb up structures as his little legs aren’t long enough yet but he won’t let that deter him ๐Ÿ˜† and was enticed into climbing as he wanted me to operate the water pump so he could play with the water!

    The result is 9kms walked and sore legs. I was also reminded that my joints aren’t as flexible as they used to be (hip and knee replacements here I come) and am relieved no-one I knew was watching me clambering awkwardly over rocks and onto high platformas at the behest of the 4 year old director of operations ๐Ÿ˜‰
    And thank goodness I opted for jeans this morning……….

    I’ll need to do some stretching tonight or I’ll not be able to stand up straight tomorrow ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Having said that, since I came home I’ve put the Christmas Pud mix into basins and they are steaming away happily, plus Christmas cake no 1 is in the oven.
    I’ve also been inspired by Happy and made cranberry gin ๐Ÿ˜

    Everything has to be done early as my holiday is in Novemeber and I won’t have time when I get back.

    I don’t mind the cooking, preserving and baking but buying presents so early is no fun at all.

    Have a good weekend everyone and Happy Birthday Jo ๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฅ‚

    Morning All,
    Wow! Everyone is so busy and things seem to be very positive which is great.
    I had a good birthday, dance class then serenaded in Ukulele Group and finally I attended the Rectors Ball(150 people)Sadly I didnโ€™t win a raffle prize, there were three ยฃ85 bottles of Bollinger in it. The rest of the prizes were of a great standard too. No luck for me but the Church raised ยฃ900 from raffle, not bad.
    There was a huge live jazz band but nearly all the tunes were for couples dancing and my other half was not keen to get up. Food was OK, I had veggie tart tatin with more veg. Avoided pudding and wine. One G &T did me fine.

    Happy- yes I found Pilates too much on my old muscles, those holding twists are evil.
    Surprisingly my extra walking has really helped my back, hip and knee issues. I was worried about increasing to 12,000 steps daily but now it is standard. I find I am sleeping better too, result! Getting back to using nordic poles too as I can increase my pace now I donโ€™t need to hold back for aged dogs. Not sure I will survive this โ€˜no petโ€™ life though. I find it really depressing. Hubby allergic to cats so that not an option. Volunteering at Shelter probably best option but so tempting for a sucker like me.

    Barata – your Climate Change March hit the headlines here which is a miracle with the disaster that is currently our government. Great news on the move- good luck.

    Amazon- no cooking for me this Christmas, hoorah! We are not hosting this year. We have a drinks party but keeping food light. Suspect we may be doing New Years Eve though, again light catering. I do bulk cook all my grand daughters meals though, luckily she loves everything. Mainly I do fish or vegetarian dishes but I have prepared some chicken and red meat meals. No ground meat included though, I donโ€™t trust it. Like you I am getting plenty of exercise carrying/chasing my granddaughter plus I take her swimming weekly, she is super confident in the water and doesnโ€™t even flinch when itโ€™s chilly. I head straight for the warm water outlet as our play area. She has a costume with integral floats, resembles Michelin man, but effective.

    PVE – you continue to set a good example. I have been heading in the wrong direction for many weeks now, clothes are tighter. Time to fight back, not feeling good about my poor self discipline. Planning 3 weekly fasts up to Christmas.

    Pottery classes are on my list for Santa, I really enjoyed my mini course. Worried I might become addicted though. Not sure how my two pots will fire or even if they will survive the kiln as I was quite experimental with glazes. Never mind it the โ€˜processโ€™ not the result.

    Keep well everyone, have fun!

    Hi everyone,


    For me Christmas cooking has little to do with entertaining as I usually spend the day at home alone by choice.
    I love to cook and do not see it as a chore or something that has to be done. I find it relaxing and satisfying and I get a great deal of pleasure from giving edible Christmas gifts to friends and family.

    I also make traditional items such as Christmas Pud because I enjoy eating them and I have no intention any time soon of giving them up, and the reason why is that when I decide to be “good” (for want of a better word) and not have them I end up grazing from the fridge and larder and consuming more calories than if I’d had what I decided not to prepare.

    As for saying you don’t trust ground meat makes me wonder where you shop and what you think it might contain.

    Have a good weekend everyone ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Morning All,
    Itโ€™s been crazy busy lately so apologies for not posting. I seem to be rushing from place to place constantly. Mostly Gym, bowls, babysitting and Bridge. Hardly ever at home. However I now have my BIL staying for 10 days so I will need to cancel a few usual activities and look after my grandaughter(currently full of cold) from here instead of her place. Luckily my son has been flooded with job offers (all in London but that is to be expected)so my DIL has choices now. I suspect she will choose to stay home from January. This suits us very well and is the best solution for baby.

    My pottery bowls survived the kiln so I have booked into acourse for 3 full days at the local college. Hopefully I will make 3 Christmas gifts. Planning coasters, Jug and nibbles bowl.

    I seriously cannot focus on Fasting and am totally out of control. Not sure how I get my mojo back? Possibly getting someone to lock me in my bedroom with a pile of books and jug of water. So cross with myself which isnโ€™t helping.

    Amazon- I admire your enthusiasm for cooking. Apart from the occasional birthday cake I have never prepared food for friends. I assume I will stop cooking for my grandchild too after Christmas. She does love the meals I prepare her though which is great. Amazon – I do buy ground steak but not minced beef to prepare her meals of spaghetti Bol, she loves it.

    I find Christmas holidays are bovril moments, love or hate them according to personal experiences in the past. Most of my memories are good – not so much about the food, basically roasts, but I enjoy family getting together to play games. I have several friends who have had very grim experiences and cannot wait until New Year. I did spend one Christmas in hospital on โ€˜no foodโ€™ schedule awaiting emergency surgery, that was a low point. Although my brother did visit dressed as Santa, caused quite a stir in the ward.

    I bought a Christmas cd of the Three Tenors yesterday, very uplifting.
    Still trying to lift spirits after losing dogs – I miss them so much, crying as I write, guess it will take awhile. I visited another rescue centre (to donate dog beds and toys) but I canโ€™t face becoming a volunteer, it really upset me. I would be stealing all the homeless pets. Hubby would not be happy with me as he really doesnโ€™t want more pets.

    Barrata – guess you are up north now? Hope the move went well?
    Happy, PVE and Amazon – keep up the good work on the Fasting front. Maybe 2020 will be my year for shedding my excess weight. I feel another NY Resolution coming on.
    I am also planning to move next year, down sizing. Lots of decluttering first though.

    Off for along walk this morning, blow away the cobwebs and give myself a good talking to.

    Jo, we all have hectic lives and could indulge our wants, but it is not an excuse for overeating and undermining your long term health. Eating wisely is not a wishlist, a New Year’s Resolution, or something to do soon, it is an every day, life long practice.
    Btw, what is the difference between ground beef and minced meat? I thought the former was simply the U.S. name for the latter?


    Another fine autmn day here and I spent the morning out in the fresh air.
    Nothing much to report, I’ve not lost any weight in the last week due to a busy social calendar but I now have a couple of quiet weeks so I can get it moving again.

    I hope everyone is well.


    In the UK the difference between ground steak and minced beef is that the former uses more expensive cuts of meat which usually means a lower percentage of fat. It is good for fast cooked dishes such as burgers. Minced beef contains less tender/more fatty cuts of meat which give up more flavour when cooked slowly so is ideal for dishes such as ragu Bolognese.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Here, the term ‘mince’ covers the lot, beef, turkey, chicken, pork, etc, and the fat quantity is listed.
    I love the way we all nominally share a language, but are often applying quite different meanings to words ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคญ

    I think when we’re talking food it’s more about the rules and regulations each country has regarding definitions of certain terms and food labelling regulations.

    We also use the word mince to cover all meats and prepacked meat has the fat content displayed.

    Slightly late to the discussion! But I think of ground beef as being the Americanism, I buy good old British mince ๐Ÿ˜

    On the subject of buying, I have a bag full of dried fruit for making Christmas cake for Dad this weekend. Luckily the fruit will be marinating in brandy until tomorrow so I won’t be tasting the mix today! I’m planning on fasting as my second fast of the week failed. I was just hungry and couldn’t concentrate on my work.

    The sun is shining and it’s supposed to be dry all day, which will be a welcome change. Its been grey skies and light rain for…ooh…seems like ever. Mind you, at least we don’t get typhoons! Although it is interfering with the rugby โ˜น

    Hi Happy,

    Not sure how “ground” steak is made as what I think of as a culinary grinder would turn it into pap.

    I’ve made all my cakes, puddings, mincemeat and chutneys so no temptation to participate in dried fruit nibbling for me ๐Ÿ˜‡

    I struggled yesterday so my FD was nearer 800 than 500. I’ve made adjustments to today’s NFD to compensate and hope to do better tomorrow. Only another 4 weeks until my holiday so I really need to stick to the plan.

    It’s wet and miserable here and has been so on and off for about a week. It rained for most of last night and all morning, the only let-up being the 10 minutes when I went out for a newspaper. We have had some fine weather in between the rain, I had a lovely walk on Thursday morning and it was so warm I had to remove my fleece.

    I was talking to the farmer at Osterley farm shop on Thursday and she said it’s so wet she couldn’t turn the horses out as the ground was too heavy.
    The vegetables are all looking good though. I had some delicious corn on the cob and the fridge and veg rack are full of local produce at least twice as fresh and half the price of the supermarket.

    After such a dry summer the rain is welcome but I have to say I’m glad I am free to pick and choose when I go out.

    Despite the wet weather my exercise regime is going very well and it would be really good if the weight loss plan could be executed as efficiently………….

    I’ve got the holiday trousers out and on display so I have to walk past them every time I go to the kitchen.

    The issues with the rugby schedule are hardly a surprise considering it’s typhoon season but World Rugby should have ensured that the back-up plans in case of adverse weather were fit for purpose rather than cancelling matches.

    Hi Amazon,

    No, I associate the word ‘ground’ with things like flour and coffee, not meat.

    The Christmas cake is made. I have some pork pie tins, just debating whether to make myself a mini cake in case I don’t get to see Dad at Christmas… There has been no discussion here about what we’ll do. Obviously playing happy families isn’t an option, so perhaps one of us away over xmas, the other NY.

    I too have made chutney and piccalilli. I still have chillies in the greenhouse to deal with. The jalapenos are ripening at the moment and its surprising how much hotter they are red than green, so I’m holding off on pickling for a while yet.

    Yesterday’s fast went well and I had a good 9km walk in the afternoon as it was a rare dry day. I’m just stuck a couple of kilos heavier than I’d like to be. Most frustrating as I know what the problem is. Its me โ˜น


    It’s no surprise you’re not in the right frame of mind to lose a couple of kilos. Maybe you should settle on maintaining for now and when things get better you can get rid of them.

    If you usually make a Christmas cake and you enjoy eating it then you should make one.

    My cupboards are full of home made preserves, sufficient to last a couple of years. The chilli jam isn’t as punchy as the previous batch but still hot ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    The weather this weekend hasn’t been great and tomorrow a monsoon is forecast so I guess a walk is out of the question until Tuesday. Being stuck inside with not enough to do is not condusive to successful fasting and if it continues I’ll be taking excess baggage on holiday ๐Ÿ˜ก

    I recommend hordes of house guests, Amazon. I gained nothing while catering for a huge family group for a fortnight. Woohoo!!! P

    Morning All,
    Spending the day cleaning which is not my favourite pursuit but effective for Fasting. Lots of water on hand and green tea when hunger strikes.
    PVE – Wise words indeed I will try to take them aboard. I have a visitor staying which is a real strain on my nerves. Itโ€™s my BIL and he and my hubby rub each other up the wrong way. Itโ€™s going to be a long week. Both prefer high carb meals and high fat so I will not be preparing food. Leaving them to their own devices.
    Happy – I too find it hard to make good choices when I am feeling stress, easier said than done. Maybe you should treat yourself to a weekend away?
    Amazon – sounds like you have completed all your Xmas cooking, well done. Sounds like a plan having a trip just before Xmas. Enjoy!
    So many jobs to do, list never ending, finding it very hard to motivate myself.
    Still walking daily and doing classes but not really enjoying much at the moment. One day at a time.
    Went to a MacMillan Fundraiser yesterday – played eggbox ping pong on dining table. It was fun and a good fundraiser – simple idea. Lots of home made cakes so took a very small portion of carrot cake, very good. Raised ยฃ267 for Cancer Charity which funds nurses who support patients and their families. Several people at function have been through cancer treatment and are now advocates of choosing healthy lifestyle whilst others say โ€˜live each as if itโ€™s your lastโ€™. One lady in middle of treatment for lung cancer but in the garden smoking – always been a heavy smoker, she simply canโ€™t give it up, she has been trying for months. She lost her sister last month to cancer, also a heavy smoker. Thank goodness that is one habit I kicked many years ago.

    Good morning/evening
    It’s good to hear all your news from around the globe.
    Last week we farewelled Barata and her OH, and hoping that life in the north is suiting. There are reports of a tropical cyclone up there with heavy rain in the next few days.

    Your talk of Christmas preparations is interesting. Here in NZ Christmas is low key in my family. We will prepare on 24th December if at all.

    My 36:12 is continuing reasonably well, and I am 24 hours through now. In fact because breakfast is not a meal I have, it becomes 40:8. I do find 36:12 easier to maintain than ADF with 400 calories. The hunger dragon is not awakened. A neighbour today noted I am slimmer again, but not yet back at my low of 2 years ago. My knee is deteriorating fast and I want to be back at that low before any operation on the knee. Recovery will be quicker like that. I get a bit cold on fast days which come rather often.

    Sounds like house cleaning is a good activity, Jojo, and conducive to fasting.
    For us, it’s leaving the car at home and walking.

    We live over 1 km from the train, and the walk up is challenging at the beginning. In the next few days I will climb to the ridge above Wellington, and look at the view. I wake up early at present to listen to the bird chorus. We live on the edge of the city (there are many edges here) and since the opossums have been eradicated here the birds are thriving.
    It’s bed time, and thus a way to escape the hunger pangs.
    xx Wiwi

    Hi everyone,

    Heavy rain forecast for most of the day but it hasn’t arrived yet which meant I managed to go out and get a few things done without getting wet.


    I made a plan to get my pre Christmas cooking etc done early as I don’t want come back from my holiday and become stressed from having so much to do, the majority of which I thoroughly enjoy so don’t want it to turn into a chore.

    Christmas itself is usually low key for me as I’m surrounded by party poopers and members of the Bah Scrooge Humbug brigade. I would prefer to be partying but it’s simply not possible.

    Hi Wiwi,

    Good to hear from you, I was thinking yesterday that you’d not posted for a while and it’s good to hear you’re OK and fasting is going well.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Nice to hear all the happenings of our busy group.
    I’m with you, Wi, walking is a preferable food diversion to house cleaning! Ever since my guests left, I have done nothing but clean, vacuum, scrub and wash, constantly running in and out as the showers threaten to wet the nearly dry washing. I’m totally exhausted, but also too tired to eat!
    We’ve had an unusually chilly October so we have had to pull out jumpers, warm doonas etc, that should be away until March. ๐Ÿ™„ Luckily Mr P and I will flit off for a brief sojourn in the tropical North shortly. A bit of R & R, and snorkling will be perfect. Keep well gang. P

    Here we are now settled in the sunny North – or will be, once the current tropical storm passes. Thursday should be nice ๐Ÿ™‚

    All went well with the move. Movers came in at the beginning of last week, and we travelled north over Wednesday and Thursday, staying the night with my brother and SIL in Auckland. It’s good to know we will be closer to them for more frequent visits. Then here for the furniture to arrive on Friday afternoon. Since then we have been unpacking boxes. Many will be left until we find a home of our own; as great as this apartment is, it doesn’t have enough storage space for our tools, books etc. And things like tax papers also need not see the light of day. We took a day off on Sunday to relax, and then the rain arrived so indoor stuff since, and shopping for necessary items. My computer is up and running with its two screens, ready for when the techie can sort out my remote access issues with the work’s computer. Then back into employment!

    The temperature is normally about five degrees warmer than Wellington – but not today! However, it will seem like holiday every day, living by the beach for the summer.

    Naturally one of the first things I did was to put some veggie plants in pots in my tiny courtyard. You can’t keep a good gardener down. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have decided to give 5:2 a rest, just eating two healthy meals a day, to see if my weight can stabilise – or even reduce, she says hopefully? I have been following the regime for six years, and something changed in my metabolism in the last couple of years and 5:2 is not now maintaining.

    Hi everyone,


    Glad to hear the move went smoothly, and such a smart idea to rent first and give yourselves time to find the right home.

    It’s so much harder to lose weight and/or keep it off as we get older what with our bodies needing less to sustain them. I hope you manage to find a way that works for you.

    I’m very jealous of you living so close to the beach and I hope you’re going to take advantage with a daily walk, I know I would ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    I’m trying to get myself motivated and get ready to go out in an hour but my brain and body don’t want to wake up this morning. I may have to forget the tea and go straight to strong coffee ๐Ÿ˜†

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Good news that the move went well B. Like you, over 6 years of 5:2 needed a revamp. I’m finding the 16:8, lowish white carb, regimin quite successful. I feel it has dropped my appetite significantly, and I don’t never feel deprived. Worth giving it a try. P

    I’m almost through a really easy FD.
    It is a complete mystery to me why some days are so tough and others are sailed through.

    Let’s hope tomorrow is also plain sailing…….

    It IS odd, Amazon, isn’t it? I guess it proves that we only eat through want not need most of the time! ๐Ÿ˜

    Yes Purple, I agree.
    I remained convinced that the idea of eating being a pleasurable activity which is so negative to that closed mind protestant outlook, has been detrimental to my eating habits in the past. I have got over that thanks in part to living in France, but more especially to fasting. I no longer eat covertly, and sugar (the forbidden fruit) holds little interest to me.
    I had another good 36:12 fast and am in the feeding window. However a dinner date tomorrow will ruin tomorrow’s fast. I will instead go onto another 30 hour fast today after a lovely brunch just finished. I love eggs Benedict.
    Good news on the weight front. I am approaching the low limit again, after 9 kgs lost since April.
    I am a happy bunny today and the sun is shining too.
    xx Wiwi

    BTW Purple, did you pop into the thread while coming up for air while snorkeling?

    Well done, Wi. That is fantastic.
    Still home recovering.. Snorkling is next week.
    I no longer stress about special occassions. If I eat, I eat. I have a small appetite now, and tend to choose protein and veg based foods. I’m not a sweet tooth.
    Mr P, who hasn’t eaten a fresh apple in months due to medical reasons, had a grated one with yoghurt and couldn’t believe how sweet it was. Who needs sugar? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    Barata great news on the smooth move.

    I am off to a Bowls Club presentation lunch today. I am thrilled to get cups for Ladies Club Champ and Champion of Champions. This justifies my decision to change clubs last year. Smaller club meant more games and therefore better form for competitions. Sometimes it is better to be in a smaller pond. I truly believe anyone can play bowls and get what they want from the sport. Itโ€™s a very sociable game without too much physical effort. Itโ€™s playing indoors for the winter now but I do find it too warm. Canโ€™t have everything.

    I still prefer Vegan Food to any other type but mostly I choose what looks best on the menu when out for a meal which is usually fish/seafood. I find only specialist restaurants offer the best vegetarian/vegan meals. This area does not have many good options. I have found that visiting London there is so much more on offer, not surprising really.

    My grand daughter just headed off to sunny climes so we have one week off babysitting. Happy lazy days. Of course this does mean doing some housework and de cluttering. Sold my old car, some bowls and some musical instruments yesterday so itโ€™s a positive start.

    Focus this week is Gym/ swim time and Fasting.

    Hi everyone,

    We had a lovely start to the day with warm sunshine and blue sky but it’s now raining hard.
    I am so pleased with my decision to get up and out early ๐Ÿ˜

    Second FD of the week today, out for lunch tomorrow followed by a weekend B2B.

    I’m still several kgs heavier than my lowest on 5:2 and was feeling quite miserable about it. I opened the wardrobe and spied a fitted dress I wore back then and I decided to try it on. It still fits though would hang better without the extra weight and it has made me feel much more positive and boosted my determination.

    I’m also much happier as the hip pain I’ve been suffering from has responded well to a course of anti-inflammatories which is great news as I can walk longer distances now without discomfort.

    Well done Wiwi ๐Ÿ˜Š

    It’s about mindset and getting into a routine isn’t it.
    Hunger is irrelevant but old habits die hard and our own bodies tell us we need to eat because they don’t want to give up their fat reserves.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi everyone,

    It’s a dull and damp Monday here in London, with more than a hint of autumnal chill. The good news is dry weather forecast for the next few days.

    I had a great time last Friday when I met up with some old friends for lunch. Lots to catch up on as we’d not seen each other since March, and lots of laughs.
    We usually meet in Windsor in the only pub by the river which has a lovely conservatory which affords view towards Eton bridge.

    The weekend was spent at home watching rugby and tennis. I was so pleased to see Andy Murray win a title yesterday and more than a little emotional when the final point was played. I’d not really had time before last weekend to watch any of the rugby World Cup and this was the first match I saw from start to finish and for an English fan it was a great result against an always tough opponent but I fear next weekend the test will be much sterner.

    I’m still working hard at losing more weight before my holiday. This morning I received the final joining instructions for my tour which reminded me how important it is to stick to the plan. The weekend didn’t go as well as I’d hoped as I only managed one FD but I’m fasting today and will almost certainly do so tomorrow as I’ve a very busy day planned and it should keep me away from temptation.

    I’m also getting excited at the thought of visiting somewhere I’ve not been before and am so looking forward to spending a couple of weeks somewhere without reliable wi-fi so I can ignore what’s going on elsewhere (especially here ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿค ) and fully immerse myself in Nepalese culture.

    It’s the time of year to get out into the fresh air and marvel at the trees changing from green to yellow, gold, red, orange and brown. Trips to Kew Gardens, Syon Park and Richmond Park all planned for this week providing the rain stays away.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

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