Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,351 through 5,400 (of 7,283 total)

  • Parents chasing children around playgrounds to get them to eat…usually junk food…staggers me. As kids, our parents never came with us when we played outside and food, outside of mealtimes, didn’t exist.
    Winter has set in. Minus 1 up in the hills the other morning. 6 deg here now. No more swimming. 😉

    Hello Fasters
    I’m back on a roll(not a bread roll). ADF is back! I’m actually enjoying it. 2 kgs lost in 4 weeks, ok if not dramatic.
    However it’s the high I get from fasting which is the extra.
    I am organizing my house to be sold, and there is a lot of work both inside and out.
    It’s so cold here for May – no sun, a lot of rain, and not much more than 10°.

    I said once that I was allergic to bread. French bread made with sourdough and lots of rye flour is absolutely fine. In fact since I have been back on ADF no stomach upsets at all.

    I just saw a question on Quora which is a site for IT people. The question was: How soon do I see results when I start ADF? I thought one answer could be:
    The next day- you will feel wonderful.
    Oh well, it looks like ADF again for the next 10 months for me now.
    I quite like the idea in fact.
    Bye from chilly France

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉

    The Schitt Family History is finally revealed.

    Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says

    “You don’t know Jack Schitt!”

    Read on and you’ll be able to handle the situation intelligently.

    Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, a partner of Kneedeep & Schitt, Inc.

    Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, and the deeply religious couple begat 6 children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins, Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt.

    Against her parents’ wishes, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout.

    After 15 years of marriage, Jack & Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married a Mr. Sherlock, and out of devotion to her children, decided to hyphenate her last name, and became Noe Schitt-Sherlock.

    Dip Schitt married a woman named Loda Dung, who became Loda Schitt. The couple produced a nervous son, Chicken Schitt.

    Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, inseperable thoughout childhood subsequently married the Happens brothers. The local newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding, which was quite an event. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.

    Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He returned from his travels with his Italian bride, Piza Schitt.

    So, now if someone says “You don’t know Jack Schitt”, you can beg to differ. You not only know Jack Schitt, but everyone on the Schitt list!
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    😂😂😂😂😂😂Have a good weekend, RT, and keep warm. ♨️⛄☃️

    Just finished my unique meal of the day – a yummy witlof apple, cheese and walnut salad.
    I do hope this thread survives, and I am doing an Amazon.

    I guess we are all at different stages now. I am pushing Sisphys’s boulder and am managing to make a bit of headway again, whereas as many of you are at maintenance stages.

    This afternoon I have been cutting some grass with my new scrub-cutting toy.
    Only 3000 sq metres to go!

    Happy Fasting,

    Hi Everyone,
    Apologies for not posting, life has been ‘full on’ plus I have been suffering the trials of a bad back for the last week. Additionally my old dog is a constant worry, we are taking it in turns to dog sit, she is not doing well at all. I am coaching new bowlers now plus doing lots of retirement club event planning. I have resigned this post from December as it is far too time consuming, I am switching to Secretary. I think I can handle monthly minutes. Also busy learning ukulele and preparing for another Murder Mystery Evening as (Vicar’s Wife)
    Fasting has been on the back burner but I am trying to eat healthily and controlled portion size. Still avoiding sugar and processed carbs. Not having much alcohol either these days.
    WiFi- we’ll done on the success due to you ADF routine. Any loss is good in my book.
    The weather here has been non stop rain, great for the garden but not bowls. Last three games have been stopped due to heavy rain.
    Promise to post more often
    Keep Fasting

    As I’ve said many times before, Wi, maintenance is every bit as challenging as the initial journey. None of us would ever have gained weight in the first place if staying at our healthy weight was easy.
    I battle every single day to control my eating and limit the damage. 🙄
    I’ve been heavier all summer than I would have liked, and now face the challenge of not overeating over winter. At least it is soup weather.
    We will always need our little support group to keep on the straight and narrow!
    Have fun clearing your block. P

    Well I had to Google it, but yes, Schitt is a real surname. Oh dear 🤣

    I’ve been snowed under with work again. The now not-so-new job isn’t getting any easier. And I’m blaming the stress of that, plus a few other things that aren’t quite right in my life, for my non-fast day issues – fast days are fine so it can only be overeating on the other days that is preventing me from shedding my 2 unwanted kilos.

    Wiwi, I am almost…almost…tempted to join you on ADF. I just feel like I really need a kick (start) to get me going again!

    Anyway, it’s a beautiful sunny morning here, allegedly the start of temperatures rising hack to normal from from the recent run of below average days. So, apart from the usual shopping, it will be an outdoor day. I’ve got tomatoes outgrowing their starter pots, and fingers crossed its warm enough to get them in the greenhouse. Courgette and cucumber likewise. I have sowed broadbeans, carrots and beetroot, but need to start other beans, greens and salad. The veg patch needs preparing for onion sets and peas as a priority too. I’m not doing spuds this year as I don’t eat enough…but the slugs do ☹

    Hopefully that will keep me away from the kitchen for a few hours!

    Hello Happy,
    Life does get in the way sometimes, at least you are not gaining weight, well done on that front. I may join Wiwi too, ADF is working for her, and like you I need a kick start.

    From the sound of your gardening projects a career change might be a good option. A friend of mine did it 5 years ago and she hasn’t looked back. She expanded her hobby of gardening and veg growing into a local business delivering weekly veg boxes. She also did a degree in horticulture and grows specialist roses which she sells on the Internet. She does very humourous talks to local groups to boost her income (£100 per 2 hour talk)and this ensures she gets out to meet people. Occasionally she goes to market if she has excess stock. She does not miss her London job as a buyer for a big chain store and certainly does not miss the travel. She says she is happy as a pig in muck listening to her radio and potting. I think she is very brave because she did all this and survived a divorce(long overdue, he was a rat). She spends every morning in the greenhouse or allotment and 3 afternoons on deliveries. But it is 6 days a week, only gets Sundays off. Of course she usually visits gardens on her day off. Ha ha!
    Not sure when she does her housework? Probably never! Much like me – only when visitors due.
    Keep Fasting!
    Holiday coming up and loose clothing may be necessary.

    I just found your Friday funnies, RT. I got very tied up in Schitt!

    Yes, I know, Purple,that maintenance is as difficult as losing, however I haven’t had that first hand experience yet, ( a sad little smile)

    I do think that ADF re-formats the body, and is really not so difficult if life is not too sociable. Your entourage sounds so interesting, Jo. I have problems following ADF in NZ as socializing is a pleasure. Life in rural France is much less interesting. Though living on the continent gives amazing travel opportunities. I am glad that we can live in NZ, now that OH has his NZ resident’s visa.

    Is Amazon on a trip? And where is Barata?

    Off to mow the meadow………. The cumulus clouds are working themselves up to storm clouds so must get it done today. OH has his own strimmer, so we work together.
    xx Wiwi

    Will you move back permanently, once you sell, Wi?
    I didn’t mean to sound too negative. I get sick of letting go for some socialising, only to gain immediately! Mothers Day here tomorrow…more food 🙄🙄 P

    Greetings, all. It is unseasonably mild here, but the rain is about to hit! Mothers’ Day included delivering bouquets for the local florist as she is a big supporter of Inner Wheel, the service organisation I belong to. Most folks were still in bed at 8am – envy, as I am still having such issues with sleep, am awake from 3-4am each morning.

    So your OH has got his residency, Wi? Such good news 🙂 P is totally correct about the struggles with maintenance. Those pesky kgs just won’t budge!

    We have booked our first cruise! Off for ten days to Vanuatu and associated islands next month, really looking forward to it. Apart from all the food, that is. It could be the first of many trips. There is so much to do and see once we are more thoroughly retired, although OH doesn’t plan to ever stop completely.

    Enjoy your weekend, everyone.


    Your friend’s business would suit me down to the ground! I’m not one for housework and am happiest outside in the garden. But, I’ve only just had a career change…so I do need to give it a proper chance to see if it suits! If all goes well with it, it could enable me to retire a bit earlier and/or to reduce my hours/days in a couple of years.


    Sorry to hear your sleep problems continue. I know from years lying awake next to a snoring twitching OH just how debilitating sleep deprivation is.

    It’s another beautiful morning here, after quite a hard frost last night. Luckily I haven’t got a lot of tender seedlings to protect or lose at the moment.

    This morning’s first job is to fit some ‘streamers’ to the bedroom window. The house martins are back and there’s one checking out the deep window recess as a potential nesting site. If it starts next building the window will have to stay shut until at least August and I don’t fancy airless overheated summer nights ☹

    We’ve had a beautiful Mothers’ Day here. Sat around in the sun with the family, enjoying a delicious spit roast and salad. All prepared by our son. Autumn sun is so relaxing. Fast tomorrow 🙄

    Good morning,
    Happy – I hope things work out well at work and your dreams of early retirement workout. I retired at 58 and bless the day. I can certainly recommend this way of life.
    We too have house martins trying to nest. I don’t shut the windows as I don’t mind the noise but the mess is terrible. At one time we had about 5 nests. I hung a model owl with glass eyes, that did the trick. It didn’t work for the pigeons though that nest on a flat roof area, even more mess which the dogs like to eat making them very sick. Watering can constantly at the ready to clean up.

    Barata- oh dear I though your sleep issues had improved after treatment. Have you tried acupuncture? A memory foam mattress? Both helped me with my hip pain which was causing poor sleeping. I hope you enjoy your cruise. I avoided going in to lots of meals, feeding on cruises is ludicrous, the waste is criminal.

    PVE – I get 2 Mother’s Day’s now, my daughter insists on celebrating it from NZ. Fortunately they both know better than to offer me food, I get a good from both kids. Bless them.

    Got another soaking at bowls yesterday so retired to bed early shivering with HWB but feel OK today. Bit fed up with this daily rain at the moment.

    Fasting today and tomorrow – don’t usually do this but next week is very busy with day trips and meals out.

    Ooo…send some rain this way, Jo. It’s terribly dry. Most of NSW has been in drought for many, many months.
    The cruise will be great, B. Mr B will soon discover the joys of retirement 😉😉 Mr P was reluctant, but now can’t understand why 😊


    It isn’t the noise of the martins that’s the problem. If they nest build at the top of the window recess then the window is effectively one of the walls that the nest is attached to. So any movement of the window would break the nest apart. We had two nests a couple of years back, on either end of the window, amazing to watch them from such close quarters flying in and out, feeding young and then the young fledging, but sooo hot and airless in the bedroom over night! There are still 3 nests under the eaves from last year which they will repair and reuse, and plenty more eaves to build under, and at least 2 places where they can access the wall tops to nest. I just wish they’d let go of their obsession with sealing my bedroom window shut!

    Fascinating to watch the birds in their daily rounds from up close, Happy. The best I can do is put grain in the feeder and watch the sparrows quarrelling outside my office window.

    No.1 son provided chocolates for Mothers’ Day 🙁 Has been told flowers next year, please. Just of a video with daughter in Gold Coast and her partner. She’s still job-hunting, but has no pressure applied to find one. Grandson hurt his foot trampolining this week, so was unable to try out for school cross-country – a disappointment for him.

    P, I think the move in that direction might be gaining speed. Certainly on my part, I am wondering if I really want to do any distance work once we move north.

    I haven’t tried acupuncture, Jo. I have re-listened to the hypnotherapist’s recordings of our sessions, and will try again. I know it’s just a matter of re-training the brain, but it is such a stubborn organ!

    Morning/evening all,

    I very much enjoyed the Schitt story……….

    Barata, sorry to hear you are still having problems sleeping, I hope you are able to find the cause soon and able to rest properly at night.

    We used to have swifts nesting in the eaves of the house I grew up in. Mum used to watch out for their arrival every spring and always announced what she took as a sign of the end of summer by telling us “the birds have gone”

    I think the rain has finally taken leave as I am greeted this morning by a clear blue sky, sunshine and not even a whisper of a breeze. The forecast is looking good across the country for the next couple of weeks so I might be able to leave my jacket behind 😀

    I’ve had a busy and very sociable week and fasting has taken a back seat so today is my first FD for a while and I’m aiming for a very disciplined week of fasting as I’m going away for a few days the following week. I’m off to Liverpool, somewhere I’ve wanted to visit for many years. I was prompted to get organised when I read about a Charles Rennie Mackintosh exhibition in one of the city art galleries.

    I went to the Thames Barrier on Friday. They have a visitor centre with lots of interesting information about how the barrier was constructed and how it works. It was a fine morning so we started by sitting in the sun with a coffee before looking round. We then walked further east along the towpath to Woolwich where we got a train back into the city, then walked across London Bridge and along the towpath. I was very pleased to note that we had walked 10k and I wasn’t in pain.

    We had dinner in an Anatolian restaurant we’ve visited before and had a somewhat eventful meal. When the waiter came to the table with our main courses he knocked my glass of red wine over and it went everywhere! Thankfully the linen tablecloth soaked up most of it and I escaped with a small amount on my jeans which I was able to blot with my napkin.

    We were immediately moved to the adjacent table in order to continue with our meal. We were given another bottle of wine and I think every member of staff in the restaurant apart from the chef apologised to me at least twice. We were also given coffee on the house but it did little to mitigate the effects of the second bottle of wine 😬😆😋
    I blame the free wine for the decision to have dessert but I have to admit good baklava is hard to resist.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Sometimes, you just must, Amazon. We HAD to check out the desserts in a country pub the other day. I can report the rhubarb crumble and the bread and butter pudding (we shared 😊) were both brilliant!!

    Wow I envy you the trip to Liverpool and that exhibition, just my cup of tea. I have also been meaning to go to the barrier exhibit for some while. I think I might plan a trip soon. Your meal sounds just the ticket too but afraid baklava is just too sweet for me.
    PVE – Now rhubarb or gooseberry crumble with custard – irrestible.

    I will be in Weymouth next week hopefully enjoying some sunshine. It’s glorious day here today so heading out in a moment to enjoy a walk in the park. I may head along the coast later, seems a crime not to really because the sea looks so inviting. I think a cuppa overlooking it is the order of the day, no latte on a fast day.

    Surprise, surprise but not a book for Mother’s Day at all. In fact I got a ‘Day Clay Pigeon Shooting’ in Dover. I am thrilled, another tick on my bucket list. I am also planning a day at the dogs in Sittingbourne. Greyhound Racing used to be very popular in the UK but I think Bingo and On Line betting has generally replacedit. I have never been before, not sure I even agree with it, we will see but we get a roast dinner included in the cost. Sounds very civilised but I hope dogs are well cared for by their owners. They arrange to collect our bets(I need to read up on the dogs form). Hopefully I won’t lose too much.

    Keep Fasting and trying new pursuits, keeps us young(not necessarily fit but active)

    If I gave up the occasional dessert, slice of cake, ice cream and especially slice of good bread, I would be miserable. I live to eat and want every meal I have to be exciting and interesting which is why I make so much effort in trying new recipes and different foods.

    Life’s too short to deny ourselves the occasional treat which is why I treated my hangover yesterday with a restorative plate of roasted veggie salad followed by a bowl of comforting rice pudding 🤣

    Great stories here Dear Amazon if only I had a passport to come over and help manipulate and ease the hangover with some more fatty yummy goodness 😆 as for the ADF Wiwi I agree it is a valuable fasting weapon however i have ratcheted it up just a wee bit with 48 hour this coming week and zero calories. Staying at 70kg is not in line with my current regime of 3-4 so will engage some more aggressive protocol just because I can 😉

    We tried ADF for a month last year. The result? No appreciable drop in weight, long term, and Mr P’s bloodsugars went up the creek for the first time in 5 years. We won’t be doing that again! Each to his /her own.
    5pm. Monday fast at the ‘I could eat a horse’ stage!! 🙄🙄P

    Morning everyone,
    Very difficult fast day yesterday with two lots of surprise visitors (my son dropped by for a hour with my grand daughter(now 4 months old)and after that a late meet up with friends, unplanned dinner out last night. I didn’t eat but others did. It was a pub meal, but we had just planned on going out for a drink. I had broken my fast at 5 pm with salmon salad so had to watch others eat, I wasn’t hungry so didn’t mind watching them consume burgers, fish and chips and mackerel dish with Kumara. I just had a gin and slimline then water. I did indulge in 10 grapes last evening upon return but it could have been worse for a sociable fast day.
    Hopefully today will go according to plan, water only until 5 pm then Vegan Curry. I am sorting clothes tidying my bedroom and packing for a my holiday. Rest of my week is going to be very busy so planning ahead for once. Might manage some weeding today too, the rain has given them a good start this year. PVE – Hopefully the rain is headed your way.
    Bright day again, forecast good from now on sailing into summer I hope. My daughter reports a change in weather in NZ but she now has the benefit of double glazing, installed recently, should improve her life a great deal. It was quite noisy in windy Welington with single glazed metal rattling windows.
    RT – 48 hours with zero calories is definitely a winner but in my case leads to a binge on day 3 so not worth the effort. Going for 450 cal fasts these days.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another beautiful morning 😜

    Jo, did you know that grapes contain the largest percentage of sugar than almost any other fruit?
    I read an interesting article recently talking about how in recent years grapes have been bred to be seedless as pips are so inconvenient (seriously…..) and to be sweeter. Basically they now all taste the same and we’ve actually lost out rather than gained, and they aren’t as good for us as before because they contain more sugar.
    I buy them at Christmas to have with cheese but throughout the year I buy whatever is in season which is English strawberries at present.

    My FD went well yesterday and I’m full of enthusiasm for another one today.

    I need to empty the fridge this week so have concocted a menu plan that will enable using everything up by the time I go away.

    The forecast is for sunshine all day so once I’ve worked out I’m going out for a nice long walk.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I did know thanks. Also that 16 equals a fruit portion of 69 calories which is why I had 10. It was the only fruit I had at home. Shopping today. My other half buys them to go with his cheese but I only eat them once per week at most.
    Have a good walk in the sunshine I am just off to walk the dogs too.


    I was surprised when I found out about the amount of sugar in grapes but when I read the article about how they’ve been bred to be sweeter it all made sense.
    It’s rather like bananas, 90% of what is available worldwide is one variety and the rest are grown in small numbers and only available locally.

    I love the tiny varieties one can get in India and Africa, but they don’t keep well so I guess exporting them is impossible.

    The walk was good as it is a glorious day.
    I was surprised to see so many people dressed up for winter on such a warm day while I was in shirtsleeves.
    Almost half of Kew Gardens was closed off today as they have an infestation of oak processionary moth and they are spraying all the oak trees.
    I was a bit put out as I had already planned my walk but it meant I chose a less familiar route which was very enjoyable 😀

    My one bugbear with Kew is that none of their catering outlets are capable of producing a decent cup of coffee. One outlet used to serve a good cup but it closed for refurbishment about 18 months ago. It has now reopened as a “bar and grill” but still serves teas and coffees. I saw a proper coffee machine with barista in situ and had high hopes but it was the same weak brew with uncanny similarities to dishwater that they serve elsewhere.

    I’ll have to continue to go outside of the gardens for my caffeine fix or drink wine instead……. 😆

    I know what you mean, when I moved to this area I had to give up coffee for 6 years but happily we now have several quality cafe’s selling drinkable coffee, although I am a one shot girl. Our bowls club only do 2 shot coffee, they cannot figure out how to do less, I suggested they tip half ground coffee out but that was treated with derision. So now I ask for two cups (one empty) and extra milk jug and make it myself or I have tea.
    Actually like you I went for my walk without a coat, I regretted it, bloody chilly on the top of the cliff this morning. I had to walk very briskly which my poor old pooch was not happy about.
    I bought lots of berries today, looking forward to my picnic tomorrow. My first coach outing for my retirement group, hope it goes well. River trip and guided tour of Allington Castle and gardens. I was kept awake last night thinking about losing people, it’s a responsibility. All I can do is get everyone’s phone number and give them mine, I can do no more. At least if any fall in the river it will be down to the boat crew.
    Amazon – you may not be eating grapes but it sounds like you are drinking them Ha Ha! I stick to G & T.
    Off to do some shopping now, I am buying an Accident Book, May be needed tomorrow.

    I’ve just noticed RT’s most recent post.

    Fatty yummy goodness……

    Is that Australian for a fry up? 🤣🤣🤣

    There’s always grapes in our fridge… the hens are very partial to them 🤣 We have to cut them up of course so they don’t block their crops… Some people say our hens are spoilt, they say it’s nothing less than they deserve for pushing out eggs every day…!

    Fast day today, made easier by a day spent travelling and in meetings. Tomorrow is the reverse, meetings then travelling home, so it should at least be a light eating day if not a fast.

    Jo I hope you don’t need that accident book! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed!

    Jo, it’s the same as taking kids on a school excursion. Do a risk assessment first, give everyone a buddy to keep an eue on, or hold hand with. 😊😊 Have fun.
    And, yes, Happy, your chooks ARE spoilt, but, why not? 🐤🐣 P

    Morning All,

    Waiting for the vet, I fear the worst, my 16 year old dog is very poorly. She hasn’t really made a good recovery from a bout of gastroenteritis two weeks ago. Very weak confused and depressed. I cannot let her suffer any more, her life has been getting worse for over a year now. Although pain free due to medications, she has become very thin now even though eating more than before, her body is not benefitting from the nourishment. I hope my other dog who is one year younger will cope without his best doggy friend. Tilly has been a perfect dog and companion it’s very, very sad.

    Spoil your pets Happy, they do deserve it.

    Hi Jo,

    Sorry to hear about Tilly. You are at the sharp end of keeping animals but you have to do what’s best for her.
    Your younger dog will miss his companion but he’ll love being top dog. My boy cat showed a side to his personality I had never seen after his sister had gone and he absolutely loved being the sole focus of my attention.


    I’m so sorry to hear about poor Tilly. It’s the most difficult decision I know, but in the end we do what’s best for them. 16 is a very big age for a companion animal, and you have given her many good years and vice versa.

    Be brave.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. She says hello. He’s rather taken aback because he can’t place where he knows her from. So he says, “Do you know me?” To which she replies, “I think you’re the father of one of my kids.” Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, “My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery?” She looks into his eyes and says calmly, “No, I’m your son’s teacher.”
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    Serves him right, RT! 😂😂

    Australia lost a progressive old Prime Minister to death last night. Let’s hope the country votes in a new one with vision tomorrow. We need leaders willing to actually make decisions for a decent future.
    Have a good weekend everyone and enjoy your Democracy Sausages, Aussies. 😉😉

    P, I don’t think Hawke will be replaced by any of the current round – you have lost a statesman.

    So sorry to hear about Tilly, Jo. It’s very hard when they get to that place in their lives, but she’s had a good one with you.

    RT, that one snuck up on me, well done 🙂

    The moon is nearly full, the sky is clear, and the temperature is 5 degrees c and dropping. Stay warm and dry, all you fellow fasters. 🙂

    Hi All,
    Still feeling pretty low which is never good on the fasting front. My other dog is doing OK but wandering a lot. Wearing him out with long walks and spoiling him with treats.
    He had been waking us very early 6 ish but he hasn’t done this since his companion left, now 7.30 ish, much better. We thought he would be disturbing us earlier, just shows, maybe she was disturbing his sleep.
    Barata – yes Tilly did have a charmed life, always happy and enjoyed her daily walks and often swum in the sea. Charlie kept her company too, never alone. She loved people and other dogs. We are planting her a beautiful red rose called ‘One in a million’, she always had a red leather collar and she particularly liked red balls(supposedly dogs are colour blind but she chose red over any other colour every time).
    I am performing in a Murder Mystery Play tonight, really not feeling like it but it’s a big Charity fundraiser so ‘the show must go on’. I admit I prefer to be out of the house at the moment, seems so weird without her at my feet constantly. Miserable weather today meets my current mood. Fasting not on the Agenda for the next week but I will control food intake to healthy and size appropriate.

    We had a full moon last night, very bright in my garden at 10 pm with the sea glistening in the background. Very therapeutic.
    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Ah, Tilly in the past tense – so sorry, Jo. Love the rose memorial, to remind you every time you look at it. The show – and life – must go on. Kia kaha.

    A rose is a lovely memory, Jo. Take care. P

    Hi Jo,

    A rose is a lovely memorial for Tilly.
    Look after yourself and I hope the play goes well this evening.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜

    Hi Jo,

    I hope your play went well, and that you and Charlie are doing OK. We have several ‘headstones’ and memorial trees in the garden. Of course the longer we live, the more companion animals we have… always hard to say goodbye, but I couldn’t imagine coming home to an empty house.

    It’s another lovely morning here, we’re certainly generating plenty of electricity at the moment, although it can still feel quite cool at times.

    I’m fasting today, it’s not my usual day, but my head wasn’t in the right place earlier this week. I do need to be strict though if I’m going to get back to my arbitrarily determined maintenance weight!

    Morning All,
    I am away at the moment which is doing me good as all my dog memories are at my home. My friend is living at my place with Charlie, she is spoiling him horribly which of course he loves. He is doing OK in general but his behaviour is clingy now which is to be expected. He was always the less needy dog generally. Glad he is sleeping later now, I was concerned he would be waking my friend up at 6am, she is not an early bird. We are enjoying fabulous weather and cream teas in Dorset(I only had one – I promise). It seemed to be the thing to do sitting in the National Trust Cafe looking at Corfe Castle ruins. Today we are going to the Swanery at Abottsbury. Lots of walking and dancing in the evenings so my knee and hip are making life difficult at night but dancing and walking are very therapeutic to me.
    We go home tomorrow and I am dreading Tilly not being there here to welcome me but at least I know she is not suffering anymore. She had a good life and was very well loved. I won’t be getting another dog. With our travel plans it is not really a consideration. I will walk do voluntary dog walks for elderly people who need my services. I already have someone in mind, she is in her 90’s and has a very chubby young dog. Currently she just throws a ball for him on a very small green outside her Flat. It’s all she can manage as she is very frail. Charlie would enjoy the company too, he is still fit and lively although his jumping onto high walls sometimes leads him into trouble. He doesn’t know his limits anymore.
    Happy- sometimes that ‘will power’ is very difficult to find and work stress or grieving will definitely make fasting harder. I am not even trying to fast until I feel happier. I am making good food choices ‘fish mainly’ as vegetarian offerings at hotel are all pasta sauce based. No ‘fry up’ for me either. I have really enjoyed the early morning grapefruit, delicious. No lunch either since dinner is 2 Courses for me. But occasion treats are allowed on holiday so it is either an ice cream, tea cake or scone. Not sure what it will be next. Maximum 1 per day is the best I can do at the moment. Still observing those around me that eat huge breakfasts, never miss lunch and the huge 3 course dinners plus treats. Then they complain about weight gain, we used to do this but not anymore. Mostly the slimmer ones always know when they have had enough although there are a few exceptions that ‘seem’ to eat what they like without putting on the pounds.
    I have gone upa size in trousers which is irritating but comfort is essential for coach travel.
    Keep Fasting and keep moving everyone.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉

    While riding his Harley, a man swerved to avoid hitting a deer, lost control and landed in a ditch, severely banging his head.

    Dazed and confused he crawled out of the ditch to the edge of the road.
    Just then a shiny new convertible pulled up with a very beautiful woman who asked, “Are you okay?

    “As he looked up, he noticed she was wearing a low-cut blouse and was well endowed …

    “I’m okay I think,” he replied as he pulled himself up to the side of the car to get a closer look.

    She said, “Get in and I’ll take you home, so I can clean and bandage that nasty scrape on your head.”

    “That’s nice of you,” he answered, “but I don’t think my wife will like me doing that!”

    “Oh, come now, I’m a nurse,” she insisted. “I need to see if you have any more scrapes and then treat them properly.”

    Well, she was really pretty and very persuasive. Being sort of shaken and weak, he agreed, but repeated, “I’m sure my wife won’t like this.”

    They arrived at her place which was just few miles away and, after the bandaging and a couple of cold beers, he thanked her and said, “I feel a lot better but I know my wife is going to be really upset so I’d better go now.”

    “Don’t be silly!” she said with a smile. “Stay for a while. She won’t know anything. By the way, where is she?”

    He replied, “Still in the ditch with the Harley, I guess.”

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆

    Jeez, RT, that’s cruel! He’ll be more than dazed after that.

    Evening All,
    RT – that joke is very mean indeed.

    I enjoyed my holiday in Weymouth, great weather everyday, very restful too. I have since my return visited Guildford and Wisley Gardens. The gardens are going through a huge expansion of their facilities and we had a behind the scenes early viewing before it is opened to the public. Huge new area for shop, restaurant and plat sales.

    Back home and now able to focus on weight loss so here goes again. My other half and daughter are also hoping to lose some weight so I may get some support.

    Hope Everyone is well and happy. I see it’s very quiet on the thread so I assume everyone is very busy. I spent my Bank Holiday Monday replanting large pots in my front garden so looking forward to a colourful display of geraniums and impatients. The small pots a did a few weeks ago are looking wonderful.

    Still missing my Tilly but it gets easier each day, Charlie is not eating well and sleeping lots so I guess he is missing her too. He is still keen to walk everyday though so I am not too worried at the moment.

    Hi Jo
    Sounds like a nice trip south. We had friends at Weymouth and spent a great time, a couple of yeas ago, being shown the sights. I particularly love the thatched roofs down there.
    As to the lack of posts…it happens every year as the Northern Hemisphere moves into better weather and you all get out and about, while we Southerners start getting ready for winter activity. Autumn is the ideal time, here, for long walks in the lower temperatures.
    Monday fast done and dusted. I find it so much easier to simply stick with the 2 traditional days and not play around with fasting too much. Variety comes on the eating days 😊😊👍
    Good luck with your new start, Jo. P

    Pushing yesterday’s fast out to 12pm to day last meal 6pm Sunday evening 42 hours fasted
    Breaking fast with 1 rasher of bacon 1 onion and garlic fried in duck fat ‘delicious’ and 500grams of steamed Brussel Sprouts pan fried for 5 minutes three favourite things plus a treat from the pantry and fridge.
    I have 2 weeks off so we pack up the van and head to the sunny Riverland it is always a revitalizing experience for mind body and soul see you all again..
    “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Not so sure about the brussell sprouts, but the bacon will help 😉
    Enjoy your getaway, RT.

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