Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Amazon,

    I agree, the thought of removing some layers and dusting off the summer wear is an incentive!

    I don’t think you’re right about cravings though. Going back for a third or fourth handful of nuts clearly indicates an extreme (and probably dangerous) deficiency in walnuts/ Brazil nuts/ hazelnuts/ pistachios/ pecan/ cashew/ macadamia… 🀣

    I ditched the idea of a 4th FD today but didn’t eat until 3pm when I broke my fast with a handful of cashews. At least I waited until I got home rather than opening them on the bus πŸ˜†

    I had to buy some as I’m giving HF-Ws squash and bean mole recipe a try tomorrow and cashews are required for the sauce…………

    I worked out this morning then went to Kew Gardens and the idea was to walk through to Richmond and do some shopping. I like to wander off the paths as there is so much to see but I lost my bearings due to daydreaming and ended up walking much further than originally planned which was no bad thing but I was flagging by the time I got home. I managed to revive myself with a huge dose of caffeine πŸ˜€

    I’m very pleased with the amount of exercise I’ve done this week and the FDs have gone well, now for the hard bit, getting through the weekend without overdoing it.

    I bought some beautiful yellow stemmed chard which I steamed to go with salmon and new potatoes. I noticed English asparagus on sale but baulked at paying £6.99 for 10 stems 😲

    Cashews are stored in a large Moccona jar, right next to the coffee, in our place. Dangerous positioning, but Mr P’s idea. I find I’m gone if I even look at them. Must be a universal deficiency in cashew nut oil, Happy? Or is it the salt? 😏😏

    It’s the combination of oil and salt. It hypnotises victims so they can’t resist diving in 🀣

    I think you are right. πŸ€ͺ
    Does red wine have a similar chemical reaction? 🍷


    Well it was a beautiful spring day here yesterday, so I couldn’t ignore the weeds in the garden any longer. Lovely to be outside and warm! Today is forecast to be even nicer, so I’ll be making the most of it again. Not that we can make much of a dent in one weekend…who’s stupid idea was it to have a huge garden anyway…?!

    I normally ‘relax’ a bit at the weekend, foodwise, eating a bit more bread, sometimes sneaking in a bit of dark chocolate or similar treat. But I’m serious about getting rid of the couple of kilos I’ve been wearing since xmas, and OH is looking a bit portly, so I’m staying relatively strict… And sitting on my hands 😊

    If its warm up here, I expect it’s like summer down south (UK, not hemisphere 😁).

    Hope you’re all having a great weekend, wherever you are!

    Morning all,
    Weather dull and wind chill distinctly cold.This last few days I have resorted to hat and gloves which have rarely been used this winter. Quite a lot of rain about too. At least the grass is a nice healthy green.
    I don’t keep nuts in the house these days as I find control difficult on any type of snack. I have been eating lots of salad and enjoying rollmops. Herrings in pickled in chilli oil and onion(drained of course). I bought them for my hubby to get him off pork pie but I am the one polishing them off. Still not really consuming meat unless no alternative on the menu I fancy. My stomach is not keen about digesting it any more, night pains if I stray into the meat world.
    My sons girlfriend has joined Slimming world to lose the 2 stones gained throughout and post pregnancy. She is not staying to the lecture, just weighing in and following the plan at home. I wish her luck. My son and husband have given up bread in support. This is good news for me as it is my go to comfort food and now will not be in the house YEAH.
    I am eating healthily on the whole but the occasional biscuit tempts me when I have forgotten to take fruit portion out with me. There are biscuits available at Bridge, bowls, ukulele class, meetings and my husband always has a stash. My will power is decidedly weak some days.
    I was babysitting my wonderful granddaughter yesterday morning while my son and hubby put a path down in my son’s front garden. It was miserable weather, cold and wet, not ideal for such a project but there was a small garden bed right next to the drive that meant getting pricked by vicious roses every time you got in or out of the car. This is made worse when trying to get a baby in the back seat. Previous house owner very elderly so I guess this wasn’t an issue for her at 101. They completed the job in less than 1.5 hours, looked really good and roses now in a new home where they will be seen but not felt. No gardening for me yet but I keep looking at my front garden pots, I am itching to plant them up with something colourful.
    Lots of music on the Agenda this weekend, two on my ukulele band are playing and singing(bass guitar not Uke) in a local pub at lunchtime, 60’’s and 70’s sounds and tonightI am going to the Rotary Club (big band) Charity Concert. Last night it was a Folk Band Barn Dance- exhausting but fun.
    I can play about 10 tunes on my ukulele now after 7 weeks so progress is being made. We are doing mostly rock and popular songs although the occasional sea shanty is making an appearance. It’s fun but not conducive to having nice nails and my finger tips are both numb and sore, strange combination.
    Dogs are whining to go out so I must depart.
    Enjoy your Sunday everyone

    Morning/evening all,


    In these days of austerity even the sunshine is rationed and it’s your turn this weekend as here in London it is overcast and doesn’t feel too warm.
    Tomorrow’s forecast says 15C which is promising as I’m off to Enfield to Myddleton House Gardens which were designed by someone nicknamed the bulb king and the gardens are apparently splendid at this time of year.

    My tiny garden needs a little work and the alley needs a lot of work as the ivy from the other side is turning it into a no-go area so I need to get out and hack it down, which is several hours work.

    I had a nice surprise this morning. I’ve been steering clear of the scales in order to avoid disappointment and had convinced myself I’d probably gained weight after some uncontrolled NFDs. I usually only weigh after a FD rather than after 2 days of “normal” eating but I got on this morning to discover I’m 2lbs less than last time I weighed.
    I’ve come to the conclusion that exercise does contribute to weight loss as it prevents sorties into the kitchen in search of unnecessary handfuls of nuts etc.

    It has put a smile on my face and it means I may actually reach the modest mini goal I set myself by Easter πŸ˜€

    I made HF-Ws squash and bean mole. The sauce ingredients are roasted then blended and poured over the part cooked squash with some beans before another 20 minutes in the oven.
    I changed the method by roasting the sauce ingredients first then blending it after allowing it to cool until less than first degree burns temperature as I didn’t fancy pouring the boiling hot contents of a roasting pan into the blender.

    It also meant I could do it in advance with less last minute faffing.

    A very tasty and filling meal. Hugh suggests rice but I had some sliced avocado and a dollop of yoghurt. Seconds for dinner today and some stashed in the freezer for lazy days.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Amazon so pleased you got a nice surprise when the scales of justice delivered a loss I have to say that I am not that addicted now as previously and I balance that by saying the way of life has to be sustainable now if that is what fits into our daily program fair enough all power to you. I know P and Mr P have travelling scales that is next level commitment right there I do not. I do not go to the gym or swim run ride a bike lift weights goodness gracious me is there really such a thing as β€œA fun run” Happy obviously thinks so and that is also very individual I am very keen to engage in an extended fast but not for any number of high level well researched health and longevity noble causes. But more just because I can or to challenge myself to see if I can, it is not my intention to hijack the fast trackers or give daily updates but just report as the need arises. I have no start or end date but will drop in from time to time. Keep on Keeping On !!
    Eat Fast and Live Longer
    Peace RT

    It’s interesting, RT, how we all have different takes on this health/IF business, And that’s how it should be. We are living organisms, residing in widely varied environments. So many factors impinge on our ability to maintain a healthy life.
    I like the routine of Mon/Thurs fasts, but get bored if I don’t change what I eat. Mr P would eat the same things forever, but likes to keep records (hence the travel scales, which have stayed at home on recent trips to our detriment πŸ™„)
    Amazon, the wonder chef, loves to get out and about and reinvent her menu regularly.
    You, and Wi, seem to enjoy the personal satisfaction of a long fast.
    Happy, being a young ‘un, can experiment and get away with it. Mind you, working and running a large garden helps.
    Jo dips in and out of vegetarianism, Baratta is playing with hypnosis.
    And the list goes on. As you say, RT, works in progress.
    The bottom line is, we need regular exposure to each other’s ideas to keep us fresh and motivated.
    This is not a short term experiment. πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ P

    Morning/evening all,

    Monday again, where does the time go?
    On Saturday I sent a message to a friend who works in a school asking “when is end of term”, she replied “yesterday”

    I had forgotten that as Easter falls late this year it is at the end of the Easter break πŸ˜†

    I’m out for the day today and am not sure if we are going to end the day eating out or not. The plan is to fast until this evening and if I come home for dinner it’ll be a FD.

    It’s very overcast this morning but only a slight chance of showers and I’ve got my fingers crossed it brightens up a bit for my day out.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    On the first day, God created the dog and said, “Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.”
    The dog said, “That’s a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I’ll give you back the other ten?”
    And God saw it was good.
    On the second day, God created the monkey and said, “Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I’ll give you a twenty-year life span.”
    The monkey said, “Monkey tricks for twenty years? That’s a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?”
    And God, again saw it was good.
    On the third day, God created the cow and said, “You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer’s family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years.”
    The cow said, “That’s kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I’ll give back the other forty?”
    And God agreed it was good.
    On the fourth day, God created humans and said, “Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I’ll give you twenty years.”
    But the human said, “Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back,
    the ten the monkey gave back,
    and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?”
    “Okay,” said God, “You asked for it.”
    So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves.
    For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family.
    For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren.
    And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
    Life has now been explained to you.
    There is no need to thank me for this valuable information.
    I’m doing it as a public service.
    If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†

    Ha ha!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€ͺ RT
    I’m obviously in the monkey phase πŸ™‰πŸ™ˆπŸ™Š It DOES explain a lot!
    Same, Amazon. I just realised school holidays started here today (no high school kids parking outside 😊; Easter bonneted children everywhere yesterday after their parades)
    My scales read ‘lo’ this morning. I was very excited, until I realised it referred to battery life, not weight πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    Have a good weekend everyone. P

    Oh, so good, RT. I didn’t see that one coming.

    Shame about the scales reading, P. You would have been dashed to realise the real meaning πŸ™‚

    We are back from a fabulous four nights on Stewart Island / Rakiura. The weather was glorious, the birds were singing, four kiwi showed themselves on our evening jaunt, we hiked (eight km one day on one of NZ’s Great Walks!) And I slept like a baby, getting back to sleep each time I awoke. Back to normal now, though πŸ™ Although last night was good, probably as it’s the beginning of my weekend and I don’t have to think of work until Monday.

    Happy weekend, all.

    Methinks it’s time to retire, B. Then you won’t worry about work. πŸ™ƒ

    Working towards it, P, down to three days now. And our move north will put me on a contract basis so will depend on what’s needed to be done. But I can see the distance and new life might be the motivator to toss it in, especially if I go back to plan A and get an acre or two to play with πŸ™‚

    Sounds a sensible idea, B.
    I’m busy using up all the stuff in my freezer to make a huge pot of veg soup. I LOVE autumn for an opportunity to make soup again. P

    Today was freezer-clearing bone-boiling day, to make my stock that I freeze in blocks for soups and casseroles. After the SI trip the freezer was empty this morning, as left-over lamb chops from summer barbeques are making tonight’s curry! Yum!

    There will always be space in our new home for visitors…

    Hi All,
    Loved the joke RT.
    I really overdid things on Wednesday and suffered for it all night. I led a two hour retirement group walk at 10.30am(in a stiff breeze along the coast which included lots of steps) then played bowls (3 hrs) followed by an hour dance class – result exhausted and shoulder and hip pain plus acute stomach pain most of Wed night from fried meal, fish gougons at bowls club. Serves me right, all due to taking on too much and in poor food choice. To be fair the bowling was not in the original day plan, I was filling in last minute for a friend who was unwell. Must learn to say β€˜no’. In fact I am down – scaling bowls this summer to 3 games per week maximum.
    Cancelled my plans yesterday in order to relax and recover. I couldn’t even walk the dogs as my hip was too sore. Pain between shoulder blades has been with me a few days,not sure what caused it, haven’t done any heavy lifting. So I just did some paperwork and read my book which was a nice change. My stomach would only handle light snacking – soup and crackers but pains have gone.
    I have just closed my retirement group to new members as at 160 (built up in 13 months from scratch). We may add Social Membership only (e.g. attend events/activities only) but monthly meetings are full to bursting. Running this club has become a full time job so it too needs to be reduced down to make room for childcare duties which start this summer.
    Fasting has been taking a back seat to long. It must be moved up the priority list.
    Barrata – Retirement is not that restful for me but I have always liked to be busy.
    PVE – definitely prefer Vegetarianism as a lifestyle choice, my health better when avoiding fried food, meat and bread – it’s a fact for me. Energy levels and comfort better when not exposed to meat/bread. As you say I still have eggs or fish when other choices not available these work well when not fried.
    RT – I like my aerobic dance class and walking but running/cycling are no longer on my list of pain free sports. I used to love the cross trainer though and still swim after each dance class(it’s my thinking time but rarely do more than 30-45 Minutes these days). I doubt that I meet my daily step count these days, I don’t think about it.
    Amazon – good news about the 2 lbs, mini goal sounds like a plan.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another sunny morning and I’m planning a walk later. It’s my second FD of the week and first day of B2B FDs as this week has been full of socialising.

    I went out to dinner with a friend on Wednesday and had to return my meal as the veg was cold. They were very apologetic and offered us complimentary dessert which we accepted as we were intending to have it anyway. When the bill arrived they hadn’t charged us for my main course either so we only had to pay for one main course and the wine, so what would have been a fairly expensive dinner turned into a bargain.

    It’s somewhere we’ve been both together and with others on many occasions as we always enjoy the food. They take customer service very seriously and I almost felt guilty for paying so little πŸ˜†

    The weather this week has been cool for this time of year but there has been lots of sunshine apart from Monday which was distinctly wintry but didn’t spoil enjoyment of a very beautiful garden.


    Thanks for the story 🀣


    So you’re making autumn soup and I’m enjoying the first English asparagus and wild garlic from my garden πŸ˜€ both of which will feature in my FD dinner this evening.


    Purple is right, time for you to hang up your abacus and sleep well EVERY night.

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Thanks RT,

    Only another another 10 years or so toiling in the sun… 🀣πŸ˜₯

    I’m not sure I ever said running was fun?! Certainly at the moment I’m not doing it regularly enough so it’s hard and joyless!

    I’ve been living in a hotel again this week. I thought I’d made sensible food choices and I made sure to get at least 10000 steps in, but I didn’t fast, and the scales haven’t been kind…

    This is the worst few months weight-wise since 2013! And I know exactly what the problem is – it’s me! I really need to get a grip, so annoyed with myself 😑


    Sorry to hear you’re struggling, I can empathise.
    I guess you’re going to have to fast while away from home which is difficult when you can’t go home in the evening and make yourself a really healthy meal but I’m sure you can find a way through the minefield of menus.
    My plan to fast yesterday fell foul due to a lack of willpower. I came out of a local manor house that has just been reinstated to former glory and strolled straight across the green and into a pub for a cold beer and a bag of nuts and of course once I’d started eating I decided to carry on. Self destructive habits rearing their ugly heads again ☹

    I’ll try again today.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I don’t understand why it takes SO little, these days, to set the scales moving up. As a young woman, I could eat whatever, and as much, as I wanted to. I stayed thin…54kg. As I “matured” the kilos started to stick. Having shed those extras 6 years ago, I have learnt that I cannot choose to eat when I want. I must restrict my intake to stay healthy. Even eating good homemade, vegetable dense food, if I eat 3 times a day, or indulge in some healthy carb based foods, my weight, and waistband, increases and sticks. Removing these extra kilos again is very tough.
    The dilemma:
    Eat whatever and become obese?
    Feel frustrated that we cannot eat what others seem to do?
    Knuckle down and accept that to stay fit and healthy we DO need to remain vigilant EVERY day?
    P πŸ™„

    One of the above, P. Or two – b and c, if we want to be happy and slim. I am having the same problems, gaining month by month. Currently looking at Optimal Nutrient on FB to see if that is a way forward.

    It MUST be related to a slower metabolism as we age. I was wondering what to do to increase the metabolism? While on a strenuous bushwalk, today, I was wondering about carrying a 20kg wright everywhere to fool my body that I am heavier and need more food? πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
    The autumn weather is stunning at present. We are taking the opportunity to do long bushwalk in our local National Park. Parts of it are raw bushland with overhanging cliffs and a waterway, Aboriginal carvings on the sandstone ledges and shell middens along the tracks. You can imagine the Guringai people enjoying exactly the same bush tens of thousands of years ago, sitting talking and sharing the Sydney rock oysters. P

    I have just finished The Hidden River, P. Most interesting.

    Morning/evening all,


    Increasing metabolism through exercise is really hard work and would involve hours of hard exercise on a daily basis.

    It’s really hard to accept that we can no longer eat whatever we like whenever we like but it’s the only way but my brain and body are still fighting that and not wanting to believe it which isn’t very helpful.

    I was doing really well yesterday until the hot cross buns in the freezer started calling 😬

    It’s a glorious morning here, much warmer than yesterday with blue sky and sunshine Maybe it’s finally safe to put the winter woollies away…..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I know, Amazon 😐 I just find it hard to believe we can’t find a simple trick…not 10 hours a day bricklaying or marathon running πŸ€ͺ
    By Goetz, Barata? Don’t know it, just Googled. P

    Or did you mean The Secret River by Kate Grenville, about my Hawkesbury River? It’s a great book!

    Seems we are all struggling, it’s depressing.
    I am going right back to basics today, water fast only today.
    Out all weekend and scales horribly cruel today, probably the worst this year.

    I did have a great weekend though. Babysitting, playing bridge, watching bowls final in which good friends lifted the title. Rounded off last night with Neil Diamond Tribute Band in Canterbury. Really good musicians and vocals, theatre packed to capacity. I had my Meet and Greet and obligatory selfie with the star too, my friend insisted as she is a true fan of Neil which includes wearing gig named clothing so we could not hide in the crowd. Post it later. Not sure his hair is real and eyebrows were eyeliner but his voice was perfect.

    Ditto Jo. Right at the end of water and green tea 24 hours. It really is easier to eat nothing.
    As Everett (George Clooney) said in Oh Brother Whereart Thou, “I fear that gopher will raise my appetite without bedding her back down again.” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚P

    Yes, Kate Grenville, P. A good yarn.

    On the good news front, son has started 5:2, and reports losing 2 kgs in the last week or so. πŸ™‚

    Good on him B 😊😊

    Hi everyone,

    It’s a lovely day here with temperatures set to rise to a more seasonal norm.

    At last πŸŒžπŸ˜€

    I’ve been busy today. I worked out earlier and then went out for a stroll in the sunshine and did some shopping. I’ve found a bulk buy shop that is plastic free and encourages customers to take their own containers, eliminating the need for plastic bags. I bought a few cashews and almond this morning to see if I’m happy with the quality and if I am I’ll be heading there in future for nuts, seeds, dry fruits, oats, flour etc. They also sell goods such as additive free nut butters.

    They have a loyalty scheme and suggested I retain my receipt and if I decide to return and join it they’ll add today’s spend. The customer standing next to me was very enthusiastic about the shop and the loyalty scheme which was good to hear.

    It’s a FD today and I’m fasting until dinner as usual. Today’s menu is roasted cauliflower and carrots with a sauce based on salsa verde and some steamed rainbow chard with ricotta.

    I bought English strawberries (from Kent), the first I’ve seen and I tried one. I wasn’t expecting much as it is so early but they are sweet, juicy and full of flavour. A very healthy dessert methinks.

    The plan for this week is to fast for 4 days B2B.
    I have bought some lamb for the Easter weekend which should feed me for a week and I’ve already worked out what I’m going to do with every scrap but I need to make some space in the freezer for portions of shepherds pie.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    It is unusually warm here today 32 deg the expected high and the country around here is burnt dry Easter was always the turning point and a break in the season with the rain but alas not this year. πŸ˜₯ Interesting that the forum for whatever reason continue to evolve with different fasting protocols different food choices or different eating windows Fasting is the intervention we all use. My Monday fast was hijacked by a mate of dropping around with a six pack of Corona Beers which we shared and where delicious. Rather than being down I did that I did not succeed I will simply re-set and go again today.
    It also reminded me of the philosophy of life please find 3 minutes to watch this simple explanation. Here
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Morning All,
    Well I almost got through my zero cal fast yesterday, fell at the last hurdle. I went to a meeting last night and accepted tea with tiny bit of milk, I don’t drink black β€˜builders’ tea and they had no β€˜green’ (why didn’t I go prepared?). Two hours later and satisfactory meeting completed I accepted half a glass of wine which of course was served full. Who needs friends? Well it would be rude to leave it?
    Straight home to bed before I did any more damage.
    Sleep was poor last night, very hungry and headachy plus water consumed led to usual disturbances.
    I thought after 1 hour aerobic dance class, 45 mins swimming lengths and 44 min dog walk I would sleep like a baby. I did, a very young baby, awake every couple of hours. Still in bed so haven’t hit the scales yet. Skipping breakfast to get more sleep, Salad and cottage cheese planned for lunch, possibly veg curry for dinner.
    Other half down with man flu so avoiding him whilst offering sympathy and tea plus the odd comment β€˜should have been taking your Kefir everyday’, it’s always in the fridge. Unless I serve it to him he doesn’t bother. I am fed up with waitressing and refuse to do it anymore.

    Morning/evening all,

    1 FD done and dusted, 3 more to go. Fingers crossed I can keep it up.


    I’m not surprised you couldn’t sleep after starving yourself all day then drinking a glass of wine.

    Don’t you think you should consider giving up breakfast? If you’re gaining weight you don’t need the calories.

    Hi Fasters,
    Back after a long absence, but at least for a few weeks we won’t be moving internationally, and having the golden opportunity of concentrating on getting my eating habits in order again.
    I am working up to a longer fast, but at least this week on ADF.
    I am back in France again. It’s early spring here at 1000m. The sun is warm, the air is cold and it freezes at night. Since arriving in Europe, I’ve been in the UK and Italy. It’s great fasting here, no bread = no gut ache.
    I think I must have got myself gluten intolerant without meaning to.
    My weight fluctuations are very bad – lost 25kg, put back 12 kgs. I am so annoyed with myself, that it is difficult to admit this. Somehow admitting it is the incentive to get those kilos off again, and my head at least is in a good space again. New Zealand is not easy for me from the food point of view, though I am feeling a bit there as I am listening to the charity concert in Christchurch for the Mosque massacre victims.
    The scales show an immediate response to my ADFing again, so that is positive.
    I will read the thread which I have lost the gist of, and start being present.
    xx Wiwi

    Good to hear you are back in France,Wi, and settled down to fasting again. I don’t think you have developed gluten intolerance. Many of us complain about stomach aches after eating bread based carbs. I also find they make me hungrier and less willing to restrain my eating. None of this is easy, mate, but we need to keep our eye on the ball. I know, if I don’t check the scales at least once a day, I WILL put on weight! Enjoy your European spring. P

    Morning/evening all,

    A beautiful warm and sunny day with more of the same forecast for the Easter weekend.

    I was up early this morning and out of house. Groceries purchased and I now have a fridge full of asparagus, spring greens and lots of other yummy healthy veggies. I also have more English strawberries and some English tomatoes. I’m not one for buying tomatoes to eat fresh out of season but in the Isle of Wight they seem to have mastered growing tomatoes that taste like tomatoes should under glass/polytunnels out of the usual season and they are very good.

    Hopefully all this delicious produce will assist me in sticking to the plan.

    Welcome back Wiwi.
    Gluten intolerance is very rare but as Purple says, eating bread can cause all manner of issues and it definitely makes us really hungry the next morning.

    This week is going well for me and I’m feeling optimistic that I can get through days 3 and 4 of my B2B FDs.

    I’ve worked out and cleaned the flat so it’s now time to get myself ready to get out into this beautiful sunshine.

    Have a good one everybody 😜🌞

    Sounds as if we are all lucky, weatherwise. We are experiencing lovely weather and predicted to continue through the long weekend. Most Aussies head off for the 4 days, often camping in the rain.πŸ™„ We are staying home this year. The quiet city, with everyone gone is marvellous. 😊
    I bought 6 good hot cross buns. That’s it. No chocolate in this house!!! P

    Hi Purple,

    The quiet city with everyone gone is my Christmas treat πŸ˜€

    I have HCBs in the freezer, out of sight but not quite out of mind πŸ˜†
    I do have chocolate but it is for my great nephew.

    I’m just back from Kew Gardens. I walked over the bridge and decided to walk along the towpath and go in at the gate next to the car park. When I got there I saw a long queue of vehicles waiting for someone to leave so they could park, which meant the gardens would be packed.

    As I was in the mood for peace and quiet I went off the path and took a route that not many apart from other regulars might walk. It was bliss, birds singing, the sound of boats from the river, the occasional peal of laughter or voices, and it was so warm I had to remove my jacket.

    I’m home in time to watch Rafa’s match in Monte Carlo with coffee and water to keep me going until dinner.

    A very pleasant morning, Amazon. I love spring and autumn for walks. Autumn has a soft, settled feel and spring a fresh vibrance. Both seem to call me outside for most of the day. I’ve been cleaning external woodwork, which has suffered from mildew with all the heavy rain we had a month ago. Quite an enjoyable task, along with gardening, in this weather.
    Today’s fast will be interrupted by a family dinner tonight. I’ll have to work something about it during the weekend. Life must be lived. πŸ˜‰ P

    Morning/evening all,

    Another sunny morning greets me 😊

    Day 4 and all is well.
    This afternoon I’m going to an exhibition entitled Van Gogh and Britain and I thought that as I’m in the area I’ll also take a stroll along Southbank as the views across the Thames will be wonderful on such a lovely day.

    Have a good one and Happy Easter to all 🐰🐣🍫πŸ₯‚

    Enjoy the exhibition, Amazon. I love his works. In fact his French paintings are of places not too far from here.
    Funny story- with my daughter, I had a competition painting Starry Starry night and my multicolored version was on their noticeboard. My grandson phoned one day very excited to tell me that he had found a painting like mine in his school book. He said: “Someone has copied your picture, Nonnabel, and put it in my book.”
    Interesting your exchange on spring. This is my first spring for 3 years. I find it lovely to look at, but so raw to be out in. Mountain Climate with snow still around.
    FAST day today. Feeling good about reining in my bad habits.

    Morning All,
    Sound like a good day out Amazon, enjoy!

    Hi Wiwi,
    We are in the same boat, it’s very depressing, I am a long way from my lowest since fasting several stone off but just need to keep working on it. One day at a time!

    Yesterday I went out for lunch, French onion soup – delicious then Mediterranean Cougette as veg option. It was pretty bland for my taste but gave me the idea to put veg curry on top of sliced baked courgette, much more interesting. Also served baked Hal bulb of garlic on top of brown coloured couscous, interesting! I only had one spoonful of couscous, it was also bland and not worth the calories. In fact the gin and slimline tonic was the best option in the main course. Apparently the puddings were good but I chose to have a cuppa instead.

    Quiet morning here, just a dog walk and ukulele practise then bowls roll up followed by babysitting. So a perfect day to fast.

    Good luck and health to you all.


    Try slicing courgettes and cooking them layered with a spicy tomato sauce and some black olives if you like them. If you want to add some mozzarella it works well but if you’re aiming for vegan leave it out.

    I make batches of tomato sauce and freeze it in small portions but you could use a jar of passata and as Jamie Oliver says, pimp it up with some extra flavour.

    The other thing to do is get yourself a griddle pan and spend five minutes charring the courgette slices which gives them plenty of flavour. If you’ve time to make veg curry, you’ve time to do it and it’s not difficult.

    If I make couscous (not very often these days) I use stock containing North African spices such as Ras el Hanout to give it some flavour and mix it with chopped mint and parsley or coriander and roasted veg such as courgette, aubergine, onions and whatever else is in the house. It is easy to roast veg in a very small amount of oil by putting everything in a bowl and tossing it before putting it in a baking tray.I also occasionally add some dried apricots or dates when I add the stock, and sprinkle in a few chopped nuts.

    I used to make a batch for work lunches and reheat in the winter or eat it cold with some salad leaves in the summer.

    I might make a small batch next week to go with my leftover roast lamb.

    You should be writing your own cookery book
    Sounds great, I will definitely be trying your suggestions.

    I have vegan curry in my freezer at all times. My current favourite is red bean and cashew nut curry.

    Hmmm.Vincent appropriating your work, Wi! Cheeky! πŸ˜‰

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