Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,101 through 5,150 (of 7,283 total)

  • Good morning All,
    4.30 am here, jet lag sent me to bed at 9 pm last night (exhausted) after I prepared a delicious roast, pork marinated in honey and mustard dressing. Certainly not a meal I would normally cook but my sons favourite. Followed by Thorntons Triple chocolate cake (hubby’s favourite) to celebrate my husband’s birthday which he basically missed due to sleep deprivation (jet lag)the previous day. I had a tiny portion of cake (one desert spoonful). My 3 week old granddaughter was kind enough to sleep through most of the meal being passed around and rocked on various laps. Luckily I finished my small portions first so I got her the most. More cuddles are the benefit of my calorie restriction.

    Barata- yes I am getting weather updates and will chat with my daughter today. I am pleased you are having a great summer. Good idea to cover fruit/veg plot with netting otherwise your efforts will be in vane. I don’t see a strawberry at all if I don’t cover my plots but I grow one pot in the open for the birds, in an old chimney pot. Plus I put out food in the Winter to keep them going. I shall miss the exotic if noisy birds of Wellington.

    My weather experience on return has not been wonderful, wet, windy and feels cold to me but still mild for this country about 9 degrees. I saw blossom growing yesterday, usually only seen in May. Unfortunately II stupidly forgot to put a hat on for dog walk yesterday I was shivering when sun was hiding behind the clouds 90% of the time. Good to be walking though as I have been far too lazy on my holiday, far too much reading and eating ice cream.

    I put off going on the scales yesterday as I knew I had special dinner last night but I will face it today. I did buy the 800 calorie MM book £4 in Argos yesterday. I will shop for it tomorrow but not much room in fridges yet, fully of chocolate and cheese. This will be my first zero fast in over a month. Also not returning to the gym until March as membership frozen for 2 whole months for my long trip to Aus and NZ. From tomorrow I will begin by walking 10,000 steps and I will be bowling every day in February. I begin rehearse for my next appearance in a Murder Mystery Play in early March. Also I cannot wait to return to playing bridge with friends. Playing on the iPad is not the same but has been good practise.

    My son, his girlfriend and granddaughter move to their new house next weekend so we will all be very busy moving furniture and belongings this week. They plan to spend their first night there on Friday night. It has been a long hard slog renovating this property and we are all ‘over it’. It now looks very stylish, neutral colours and minimal furniture with quirky features in every room. They are both artistic with very clear ideas of what they love and it’s always expensive. One fireplace remains 30’s period (Art Deco) and they kept the stained glass front door plus they have added strip carpet and stair rods(all the rage again here) but everything else is super modern, clean lines. We won’t know what to do with all our spacehere after their stuff is moved next week, plan to ‘down size‘ I guess. It will be hard to leave our stunning sea view behind but I won’t miss the huge garden and house maintenance.

    PVE – love you storm description, I also like to watch them over the sea.
    Amazon – Sound like it’s going well. I need to find my Kitchen scales, everything in my kitchen has been moved, cooking was a night mare today. They had a mouse invasion while I was away so cleared out every cupboard and drawer in kitchen. Sadly nothing got put back in the correct place.

    Keep well and fit everyone, let’s get to it!

    Morning/evening all,

    the fast 800 is based on 800 rather than 500 calorie FDs. In the book Michael say people can do as many days per week as they like. Apparently recent research says faster weight loss is not detrimental to us and if people want to stick to it every day for a while that’s fine. I’m planning on 12 weeks doing it as many days as possible but every day isn’t conducive to enjoying life and a glass of wine or a slice of toast now and again 😉

    I’m doing OK but progress has (as expected) slowed down. After 4 weeks of which 20 days (lots of celebrating going on here!!!) have been 800 calories and I’ve lost a similar amount to when I was doing 3 or 4 x 500 calorie FDs per week. I don’t understand it because I’ve eaten more calories but it is working and is easier than doing 4 x 500 calorie days in a single week.

    My main aim is to get used to eating less every day and eating carbs such as bread less often. I also mentioned the other day that I’m not eating enough protein so pulses and tofu are now at the top of my list of go to ingredients.
    As you are all aware, I love cooking so am doing some experimenting and adapting tried and trusted old favourites.

    I was socialising yesterday and ate and drank far too much. I have a friend coming over for drinks later so it’s not going to be a FD but I can fast until just beforehand, eat an omelette and drink v-e-r-y slowly 😆
    I’m also out for the day tomorrow but can fast until dinner and hopefully find something very healthy on the menu wherever we decide to eat.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    You are doing REALLY well, Amazon! Faster weight loss is not only not detrimental, it is very rewarding. Seeing fast success makes it much easier to continue. Reaching a desired goal in a short period is SO much easier than looking forward to reaching it WAY down the track, getting sick of trying and giving up. Go girl!
    Busy fast Monday ahead for me in the morning.
    ‘night, P

    Thanks Purple,

    I’ve done the slow, getting sick of trying, giving up, regaining etc far too many times in my life and I’m determined not to give up this time but find a way through which includes fathoming out and dealing with why I over-eat (something that is quite tricky but I’m persevering).
    It’s taken me so long to get this far and one of the things that is helping and is nothing to do with goal weight, longevity or health is the wealth of foods and cuisines out there that I know so little about and am yet to try. IMO food boredom is a lurking killer of successful weight loss and varying what I eat and not falling into habits is paramount to my success. It may not work for everyone but it’s helping me.

    Hi Amazon,
    First 800 calorie day completed and I am in bed at 5.30pm, reading and catching up on emails. I woke at 4am so am feeling it now. I had eggs and asparagus for breakfast and African chickpea vegan curry(353 Cals) for dinner.

    I decided to do eating window too but 6 hours, between 10am and 4pm.
    Breakfast and early dinner, tea drink only at lunchtime.
    From what I have read this should give me maximum benefit.

    I am also adopting the three 10 minute fast walks (with my Nordic poles or the pram), recommended instead of 10,000 step goal daily although on some of my days I will still hit 10,000 steps due to regular activities. My aerobic dance class hit 4000 minimum, dog walk same and bowls about 3000 steps. It’s about making my exercise a bit more intensive.

    Good Luck with finding out why you overeat and when. I really do not think I do think I do anymore but the scales don’t agree with me. I can honestly say I made some bad food choices on holiday (ice cream, bread, chips and too many latte’s) but at home I choose wisely and rarely over indulge in high calorie foods or alcohol. 90% of my diet now is veg and pulses with a little dairy and occasional meat or fish. Probably I still eat too much potato but no other starches, no pasta, rice or bread. Like you I seesaw Weight and am certainly not anywhere near my goal. Looking forward to next 12 weeks and trying lots of new recipes from the book.


    ” I really do not think I do think I do anymore but the scales don’t agree with me.”

    If you choose wisely when at home and rarely over indulge why are you nowhere near goal………..

    You’ve hit the nail on the head. We are all very capable of fooling ourselves and continuing to over-eat. Working out why is the key IMO.

    Stop worrying about how much potato you eat. There is nothing wrong with eating it but the carb police (as opposed to Rick Stein’s enemy no 1 the sugar police) will tell you it’s bad for you due to where it sits on the glycaemic index. If you aren’t diabetic or pre-diabetic it isn’t a concern so eat your spuds and enjoy them, just don’t eat half a plateful every day!

    The other thing I would say is that when on holiday you either continue to fast or you forget about it and eat what you want (within reason).


    Guilt is of no use whatsoever, it is a waste of energy so dispense with it,move on and work out why you ate whatever it was when you didn’t need it.

    All I need to do now is follow my own advice 😉

    As insulin causes all our bodies to store fat, whether diabetic or not, (read Dr Jason Fung), the GI index of foods needs to be understood. If you have no trouble keeping at your healthy goal weight, then clearly you do not need to change. If you are trying to lose weight, and find you are not, then change is necessary. Looking at quantity and timing is important, but understanding the role of insulin is vital too. Continuing to do something, despite all evidence that it is not working, is a sign that change is needed.
    Food for thought. Nice low GI eating 😉😉

    It’s about GL as well as GI. Some quite high GI foods can be low GL. Responses can be quite individual I gather.

    As you say P, if what you’re doing isn’t working then just continuing to do it is akin to bashing your head on a brick wall…

    I’m still carrying my Xmas excess. I know it’s overeating…albeit healthy food…that’s the culprit at the moment. Cold weather and stress is my problem, but neither of those are permanent 😀

    Yes Happy. It’s all about keeping your individual blood sugars level, limiting spikes. Short of constant bloodsugar monitoring, it is up to each of us to be, as RT says, an experiment of one. 😊
    Overeating the wonderful range of tasty, healthy foods is very easy, isn’t it? Still better than pigging out on junk food, I guess. 🙄

    Well today I’m joining Jo on a restricted eating window. I had breakfast and a light lunch, and nothing since 2pm. I’ve been travelling for a work meeting tomorrow, and would have had a latte on the move except my train connection was late and the onward train had no buffet service! At my hotel now and think I’ll stick with water and an early night.

    I’ve stayed here before, and the breakfasts aren’t up to much, so I might just start tomorrow with coffee…although I did bring a Tupperware tub of emergency nuts and seeds 😀

    I LOCE enforced travel fasting. Doing similar today…off to hit the public transport on a fasting Monday. 😊😉

    I like the idea of “emergency” nuts and seeds” 😆

    I read an interesting article this weekend discussing fermented foods

    Thanks Amazon,

    That was an interesting read. I must admit I don’t drink kefir every day now. I have natural yoghurt most mornings, and its that that I miss and crave if I have more than one or two mornings without it. I still make kefir, just use it for soda bread, buckwheat pancakes, etc and feed it to the hens (their digestive system is somewhat different to ours and I think it may help with healthy crop functioning).

    I hadn’t thought of drinking pickling juice by itself 😀

    Morning/evening all,


    What I found most interesting in the article was the suggestion that there may be a beneficial action on the immune system.

    I’m doing my best not to drown in kefir. It’s very difficult to make it in small amounts and I’m not baking or making much bread at the moment, although there will be pancakes on Shrove Tuesday 😀

    It’s a lovely sunny morning here and I’m going to the Guildhall to take a look at their collection of Victorian and pre Rapaelite art, plus have a good look at the building. I’ve been before as it is where my 2005 graduation ceremony was held but I didn’t have a chance to walk round.

    The aim for today is to fast until early evening and if we decide to eat out, choose somewhere with a menu that has some healthy(ish) options.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Amazon, I slowed down production of kefir by leaving it for 36 hours in winter. You CAN make quite small quantities and can slow it in the fridge. Another technique, if you have too much, is to just keep the grains in the fridge, not in lots of milk, for up to a week. Freeze the grains if you need to hybernate for longer.
    Monday fast done and dusted. Time for reading before bed. P

    Hi Purple,

    I’m already doing all of those things. I’ve taken to making it for a few days until I have a bottle full and then hibernating it in the fridge until I need more. Maybe I should drink more of it but I prefer to spend my calories elsewhere 😉

    I’m just home from a very nice day out. The Guildhall art gallery is a hidden gem, a small collection of really interesting art work plus a Roman amphitheatre that has recently been excavated!
    We also took the opportunity to look in the Guildhall which is a very beautiful building and one of the oldest buildings of its kind in the UK.

    We followed it up with a walk along the Southbank and a very healthy (…..) pizza washed down with 🍷

    Such a nice way to spend Monday 😀

    Mr P drinks most of our kefir. I probably only have about 200ml, twice a week. I find it really helpful if I have been lying awake for hours, it seems to settle my stomach and let me sleep.
    Your Guildhall visit sounds interesting. Another one to add for my next trip?

    The art gallery has a small but very interesting collection of Victorian and pre Raphaelite and we really enjoyed spending a good hour looking at the exhibits plus wandering downstairs to the Roman ruins.
    The entrance to the Guildhall is across the courtyard and it is free to look around if there is nothing going on. There is also a small Police museum near the Guildhall library, but we left that for another day.

    It is very close to St Pauls and the Bank of England (which has a small but interesting museum), plus there is the Museum of London nearby which charts civilisation from before London existed as a city and is very informative and interesting, so there is a lot to do in a very small area.

    I am of the opinion that kefir is beneficial to my digestive system. I used to suffer from IBS and at best my system was “delicate” but since I’ve been taking kefir it has been much more robust so I’m loathe to stop.

    I want to visit St Pauls but it is ridiculously expensive and the Catholic church isn’t exactly poor, so I’m yet to step over the threshold……

    That’s why Mr P has kefir, Amazon. 😉
    We did a lot of wandering along the Thames, this last trip. We did a couple of London Walks, excellent and informative. They take you to little known places. We also revisited Westminster Abbey, doing the guided tour which gave us access to non public areas, and finally, after 3 previous attempts, entered St Paul’s (not Catholic, btw, Anglican). Actually, I was disappointed. I have done so many studies of it’s art and architecture and left feeling flat. Westminster Abbey, however, is wonderful.
    Westminster Cathedral, in Frances Street, is the Catholic one. Never been there or into St Peter’s Rome, for the same reason. 😉 P

    Morning All,
    Well I already feel amazing after 2 days of 800 calorie restriction, mainly pescatarian at the moment. Avoiding meats now and glad to do it, much more comfortable on my digestion. The healthy meals from the MM book are great, filling and enjoyable.

    My stomach is happy with the restriction after my holiday in which I gained 8 lbs, roughly 2 lbs per week. Cutting the window has been a bit more challenging but just keeping busy and drinking lots of water.

    I am really enjoying the three 10 minute fast walks. My old dogs are wondering what is going on but they are keeping up with me for last 10 mins of walk which is up hill. We are all panting which is quite funny. Why have I never done this before? It’s really useful too for getting odd items at the local shop. I have taken the baby with me too, she loves it in her springy coach pram whic is easy to push.

    I have resisted all the biscuits, chocolate, cakes and toast on offer and am enjoying more green tea. I am sleeping well in between night waking due to time changes between world zones. Last night I slept 12 hours duration with four one hour wakings. These were useful for planning, reading and clearing a huge number of admin emails to do with my retirement club and other groups I attend plus catching up on here of course. Of course more water means more trips to the small room at night but it has cleared my post travel headache which was a Doozie.

    The window is suiting me well as I am currently in charge of the early morning feed 6.30am and baby play time. I am loving having her to myself. I can honestly say I have returned to mothering like a duck to water. We understand each other and settling has been easy but that is often the case in first few weeks. I have dug out rattles, songs and music and she loves them. I have passed on tips to my son so that he too can learn to keep her calm during night feeds. Avoiding TV and bright lights is a good start.
    I am back to playing bowls(after a Fashion) Practise has not been perfect by any means but improving.

    Amazon- I attended a conference and lunch at the Guild Hall, I was very impressed too. You are lucky to live near so many interesting buildings and exhibits. I don’t think I will be spending much time in London this year, now my son is local. I need to find other excuses to visit.

    I am a daily Kefir maker and drinker and swear by its immune system improvements. I am definitely much healthier in terms of resisting colds, mild stomach upsets and sore throats that plague my Bowling and choral buddies. My hubby is a reluctant convert too. My Kefir survived its holiday in the fridge but is not yet up to strength yet, very mild. We take a shot of it every morning. I have a friend who experiments with fermenting foods, he is very impressed with health benefits. He is a former nurse with a sugar addiction that is now under control. Healthy Weight now too. He has lost 2 stone in 18 months by just cutting sugar during last year. I think he misses his beer though. It pays off when he gets compliments from his women admirers, quite the six pack evident.

    I give friends Kefir, always pushing it onto friends with colds. Otherwise my birds or dogs love it.

    Time for some more sleep.

    Keep well and relaxed everyone. Hope you are finding ‘eating in 6 hour window’ suits you Happy. Must be harder when working and getting stressed!

    I am also back to recording calories, boring but control needed.

    Morning/evening all,


    the article I posted tells us that there is no scientific evidence to support fermented products having any effect on the immune system but they are still investigating s it is thought that any of the bacteria from such products that survive stomach acid and reach the small intestine may interact with immune cells.
    I doubt there will be a definitive answer for many years.

    I found that the first couple of 800 calorie days were incredibly easy and it didn’t become difficult until 7 days in but I’m working it out. It is definitely easier than 500 calorie FDs but I’ll return to them at some point.

    I’m making some bean burgers today to eat through this week with various accompaniments, guacamole, baba ghanoush, salsa etc. No bun but I’ll top them with grilled veggies, goat cheese or Stilton.

    I’ve been following 16:8 for so long now I rarely think about it, and recently it’s been a narrower window as I’m eating dinner early.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    My husband and myself swear by Kefir. We have never been as resistant to everyday colds as we have been since we started having Kefir daily. Not too worried about what scientists prove or disprove, it works for us.

    I was hit by severe hunger today before my dinner. I was food shopping mid afternoon, huge mistake. Literally ravenous which is a state I rarely suffer from after years of fasting.
    Not sure what the cause is as 800 Cala generous for me. Just going to bed hungry too.
    I am on the 2o/c and 5 o/c feed for my grand daughter in the morning which might make it hard to get through to 10am breakfast tomorrow. Lots of tea and water to be consumed.
    Apart from hunger I am feeling good and strong willed. Temptation is constant as we have guests here. Usually survive Week One of a new diet regime, it’s week 3 my strength starts to fail.

    Gritting my teeth and holding fast

    Morning/evening all,


    The problem with taking kefir and then feeling better/being more resistant to cold viruses is that it’s purely anecdotal and may be down to something else for example, giving up travelling on a bus, working with children or in an office, or simply being more healthier due to lifestyle changes made over time.

    Why is your granddaughter’s mother not caring for her child, is she unwell?

    Do you think your hunger attack may be part of your body trying to adjust itself to UK time?

    I was out for the day yesterday. I had more than 800 calories but less than TDEE so I’ll settle for that.

    I now have a couple of weeks with not much planned so it’s back to 88 calories per day. The bean burgers I made on Monday are very tasty so I’m having another for dinner today.

    I spent some time on Tuesday evening looking at my vegetarian cookery books and have made another list of recipes to try which I’m looking forward to.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Got through night babysitting session, she was very good. I drank lots of tea. Breakfast was early but only because I am going out early today. Didn’t think I would survive until 12 0/C when I get back from a Choir Rehearsal.

    I understand your point about life changes but I retired a long time before I started taking Kefir and mainly I am comparing my health to my retired friends who all seem to suffer more common illnesses. I have two friends who also take Kefir daily and report the same health benefits, so I am not alone. My lifestyle changes started immediately I retired and Fasting started 6 months before retirement.

    My son and his girlfriend were exhausted when we returned. New babies take their toll. 2-3 hours feeds for first 3 weeks. My son returned to work this week had to give up helping with night feeds. I was happy to help this week. Some good bonding time for me and a good 6 hours continuous sleep for new mum.

    They will be on their own next week as they move into their own place.

    I seem to have adjusted quickly to the jet lag this time but I did get some sleep on the long flight home. I have had bad headaches but I put that down to drafty seat on plane. It was freezing even with a blanket. I hate window seats but we wanted leg room so accepted it.

    Hunger could be down to time zone changes I guess but I have been home 7 days now. More likely just several days of 800 calories after holiday lack of diet and fasting.
    At least I don’t feel bloated anymore, holiday and airplane food not my usual diet.

    Eating plenty of veg and small qty of protein, tiny portions of berries.


    Once again you’ve spectacularly missed my point, what am I going to do with you 😉

    I mentioned the content of the article on fermented products, I did not suggest that I agreed and in fact I was very surprised to discover that as yet no benefit has been scientifically demonstrated.

    As for your personal anecdotal evidence, if you think your health has improved due to kefir then keep taking it. You don’t need to persuade me that it is beneficial as I take it every day myself.

    As for your hunger, it could be anything but is most likely a combination of different time zone, back to healthy eating and being more active again.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉

    • 1/ At my age, the only pole dancing I do is holding on to the safety bar in the bathtub.
    • 2/ We all get heavier as we get older because there’s a lot more information in our heads. I’m just really intelligent and my head couldn’t hold any more, so I started filling up the rest of my body.
    • 3/ A nice thing about aging and losing your memory is you meet new friends every day.
    • 4/ A nice thing about aging is you can hide your own Easter eggs.
    • 5/ A nice thing about aging is when you lose your glasses they’re usually close by, like on your forehead.
    • 6/ Did you hear about the 83 year old woman who talked herself out of a speeding ticket by telling the young officer that she had to get there before she forgot where she was going?
    • 7/ This old guy was talking to his neighbour telling him about the new hearing aid he just got. “It cost a fortune, but it was worth it. It works perfectly.” “Really,” said the neighbour. “What kind is it?” “Ten thirty.”
    • 8/ You know you’re old when you take a nap to get ready for bed.
    • 9/ You know you’re old when your head makes dates your body can’t keep.
    • 10/ You know you’re old when you use valet parking to avoid losing your car.
    • 11/ A 84-year-old man went to the doctor for a physical. A few days later the doctor saw him walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. The next time the doctor saw him he asked how he was doing. “Great,” said the old guy. “I did just what you told me, ‘Get a hot momma and be cheerful’.” “I didn’t say that,” said the doctor. “I said, ‘You’ve got a heart murmur. Be careful’.”
    • 12/ A man has reached middle age when he is cautioned to slow down by his doctor instead of by the police.
    • 13/ Don’t worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you.
    • 14/ You know you’re getting old when you wake up with that morning-after feeling, and you didn’t do anything the night before.
    • 15/ You know you’re getting old when you lean over to pick something up off the floor, you ask yourself if there is anything else you need to do while you are down there.
    • Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    • Peace RT

    Thanks RT 😆

    Good stuff, thanks, RT. A future for us all, if we live long enough 🙂 Early up today?

    I continue to take my milk kefir daily (the water kefir gave up after we were out of our kitchen for 13 weeks last summer while it was being re-built). I do not notice any benefits, but will continue. Jo, I am putting my spare grains aside for your daughter, will get her address from you.

    We are expecting some colourful sunrises and sunsets in the next day or so as the Australian dust storm passes our way, but this morning’s low cloud is covering anything that might be on display.

    A good fast day yesterday, and up 200gm 🙁

    Have a good Friday, everyone.

    Hi Barata,
    Sorry but my daughter won’t need the Kefir as she has switched to tablet probiotics. She can’t be bothered to buy milk just for Kefir as she doesn’t use it for anything else. Mostly dairy free.
    I think Wiwi wanted some though.

    Maybe my mainly veg diet helps but my other half rarely touches them. He lives in cheese and pork pie plus Fry ups. He does fast too though. Usually eats once per day, often in the evening(worse time).

    Fantastic RT! 😉😉 We LOVED the full brain one. Thanks for giving us a giggle on Friday mornings. ☺☺🙂🤗
    The dust storm didn’t result in glorious sunsets or sunrises here, Barata. Just a fine film, day after day, of brick coloured grime on everything. Imagine what it’s doing to our lungs?
    We’ve also had bushfires burning down at least 20 houses in northern NSW and a very long, over 20 hour, blackout here after a fire in a sub station. Luckily it happened on a cooler day, so our food in the fridge wasn’t ruined. It does remind us how reliant we city dwellers become on power. When we lived in the bush, we were much more self reliant.
    Our Thursday fast disappeared as the evening of Valentine’s Day arrived. Our special, home cooked, dinner was, for us, a party, but quite restrained compared to past gastronomic gluttony. 😉🙄
    I hope you all have a happy weekend. P

    No problem, Jo, it was just that my grains originally came from your daughter, so she had first call on my excess. I will check with Wi, she did mention this.

    You may have heard about our fire near Nelson, P, now nearly out fortunately, which has become our biggest wildfire in history. Still a few people not permitted back into their homes, but great work by the firefighters.

    Who could have predicted the increase in frequency and scale of weather induced catastrophies? 🙄🙄

    Morning/evening all,

    We are having a very mild and fairly dry winter in London. It bears little comparison to last year which was very cold and we had snow more than once, something very rare for this part of the country, and the last snowfall was at the beginning of March and we were all wondering if winter was ever going to end.
    It was followed by a fabulous summer.

    As always with British weather, it is impossible to predict what is next, but this morning we have a cold, frosty start with clear blue sky and sunshine.
    That’ll do 😀

    I’ve been busy writing my own version of fast 800 menus and today’s offering is roasted cauliflower with Puy lentil puree based on a HF-W recipe but with some extra flavourings in the lentils.

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Amazon your food adventures are always fresh and enticing full of fantastic flavours.!! yfee does not have that gene that is interested enough to explore she has feed us very well if not too well but no free style here which is really good for me because i love to cook i am not a alpha male who is a shed dweller my happy place is in the kitchen looking forward taking the caravan away for a few days the small space and limited equipment is always fun to see just how a minimalist lifestyle I can manage. I still think mixing up the fasting protocol is important for me this week fast Mon Tue re feed Wed fast Thursday and Friday then enjoy the weekend..

    RT, I love the challenge of producing gourmet food with minimal equipment and resources. 😊
    We lived, years ago, way off in the bush with no running water or electricity. We still ate very well.
    We are ‘camping’ this week, producing some fun healthy food.
    Enjoy your week in the van. P


    Thank you. I am on a lifelong food adventure and at present it’s about eating fabulous food with a lower calorie count.

    I’m not sure if I would still love cooking if I had spent the past 25 years having to feed a husband and 5 growing boys every night!

    The cauliflower with lentil puree was a success.
    The recipe called for a whole cauliflower to be rubbed with oil, seasoned and roasted in one piece. I took a quarter, sliced it into wedges and cooked it for much less time. It was delicious, especially the bits at the edges that were browned and crispy.

    The lentils were supposed to be cooked with a clove of garlic and water. I decided to spice them up a bit and added some ground coriander, smoked paprika and fresh parsley, then pureed them and added some salt and lemon juice. I was a little heavy with the paprika but the result was nonetheless very tasty. They worked really well with the cauliflower and I would definitely make it again. Cauliflowers grow well here and as a result are plentiful and inexpensive, so it was a very cheap dinner!

    I’m planning on making cauliflower cheese with the remainder. It’s one of my favourite things, so easy to make and very filling.

    Morning/evening all,

    Overcast and mild here today. I keep waking up and expecting wither to have arrived but so far we’ve been very lucky in this part of the UK, a few cold days, a couple of smatterings of snow and that’s about it. Fingers crossed that’s all we get and that spring arrives soon.
    It certainly looks like spring with bulbs showing their faces everywhere, snowdrops, crocii, daffodils and I even have hyacinths in bloom on my window ledge 😀

    Cue a post from Happy informing us she’s trapped at home by six feet of snow in the drive……..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Ha, no! It’s unseasonably mild here too Amazon! While it’s nice to be warm(er), I find these temperatures at this time of the year quite worrying. It SHOULD be winter still….

    My OH is away this week, always my cue to breathe a sigh of relief that I can have a few days meat-free, For some reason, I was inspired to buy a cauliflower and roast it with spices 😊. Teamed last night with a lentil dhal, and tonight (a fast night) with fish.

    I’ve had a good fast day today, been busy and avoided food no problem. I’ve been a greedy guts lately on non-fast days though (how many nuts can I eat in a stress-fuelled work day…? 😊). Why is stopping eating so much harder than not eating at all?!

    It IS such a peculiar thing, isn’t it, Happy? And when you tell people how much easier it is to cut back eating by skipping breakfast, you are usually treated to a horrified reaction! P


    It’s not exactly hot here but when I think back to last February (although I admit that I spent the last 2 weeks of the month in South America) it bears no comparison.
    Having said that I don’t want a repeat of last year with a blizzard in March….

    Roasted cauliflower is the new sexy food 😉

    I admit to being slightly obsessed with dhal and lentils in general at the moment.

    I made a dish based on cauliflower cheese yesterday. Cauliflower, swede and carrot in an onion sauce, topped with cheese. Enough for 3 dinners and very tasty 😀

    I’m going to make falafel later in the week and oven cook rather than fry them so I can use less oil.

    It is definitely easier not to eat rather than employ moderation once I start.

    I’ve stopped telling people about not eating breakfast as I don’t want to hear the usual responses any more.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target. Unfortunately, like most men; I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women – she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter, from the local Target:

    Dear Mrs. Harris:

    Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion, in our store.
    We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to, ban both of you from the store.

    Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Harris, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras:

    1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people’s carts when they weren’t looking.

    2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

    3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women’s restroom.

    4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, ‘Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away’. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time and costing the company money. We don’t have a Code 3.

    5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.

    6. August 14: Moved a, ‘CAUTION – WET FLOOR’ sign to a carpeted area.

    7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he’d invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.

    8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, ‘Why can’t you people just leave me alone?’ EMTs were called.

    9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.

    10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.

    11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while, loudly humming the, ‘Mission Impossible’ theme.

    12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his, ‘Madonna Look’ using different sizes of funnels.

    13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled ‘PICK ME! PICK ME!’

    14. October 22: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed;

    15. Took a box of condoms to the checkout clerk and asked where is the fitting room?

    And last, but not least:

    16. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile; then yelled very loudly, ‘Hey! There’s no toilet paper in here.’ One of the clerks passed out.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    Oh, dear, what a sad man. I think Mrs Harris can leave him at home in future. 🙁 In fact, he’s likely to be banned from Target. And why did the letter go to her??

    Weight is up after yesterday’s FD. That will be from the sugar in Wednesday’s desserts! I need more control, but when in a social environment…

    I love it RT! I’m not a browser, I’m an in-and-outer. Unfortunately you’ve now given me ideas of how to entertain myself while I’m waiting for my MIL…😀.

    I like the sound of Mr Harris 😆

    Thanks RT.

    I’m just home from visiting a friend. We had a nice evening but both ate too much bread and paté.
    I got to the bus stop for my journey home, checked the timetable on my phone app and it said 15 minutes for the next bus so I walked home. I’ve probably worked off half a slice of bread 😉

    Oh RT!!! 😂😂🤣🤣
    I’m no browser either. Mr P is the shopper in our place. I’m more likely to get up to pranks in Bunnings or Auto One 😉😉

    Hi everyone,

    Another glorious day here 🌞

    I’ve not done much this morning as I got up feeling sore and stiff in too many places to mention and my knee is very unhappy and painful. I took a nice hot bath which has cured everything apart from the knee which is now raised on a cushion to reduce swelling.

    I’ve made the falafel mix and it smells divine so I’m very much looking forward to dinner this evening. I’m going to brush them with a little oil and bake them in order to keep the calorie count down. I’ve made a sauce from yoghurt, tahini, LJ and some chopped mint which will also act as salad dressing.


    I find there is a time lag between fasting and weight loss, mine often didn’t move after a 500 calorie FD which I found very depressing and it goes up every time I eat bread ☹

    I’m still battling to get to grips with fast800. I really want to follow it every day for 3 months but my willpower seems to come in fits and starts.

    Success isn’t always straightforward but I guess if we keep trying it’ll happen eventually.

    Have a good weekend everyone 😜


    800 calories a day for 3 months is a big ask, especially when you haven’t got that much to lose. Have you thought about doing 5 days on/ 2 off (or 6:1)? You wouldn’t be permanently restricting, but the rest day(s) might help with compliance?

    I hope your knee settles. I don’t think there’s any tennis on at the moment… 😊

    It was a lovely day here yesterday. I did get out for a quick walk at lunch. Today is set fair too, so hopefully I can pick myself up out of my recent doldrums with some fresh air and sunshine.

    Good Morninf Everyone,
    I have been very busy this last week. I discovered last week the group I had hired for an event tonight had cancelled. Local group of Harmony Singers specialising in 40’s and 50’s songs. I had to find another act then tell all the ticket holders. 20 cancellations later it was resolved. I was furious with the group and the Agency. Ruined my week that’s for sure. 800 cal diet went out the window too.
    So back to work with it today, shame because it had been going well.
    I have two friends that have just lost over 2 stone each with Slimming World, they look fabulous, they are dance teachers. I do think dieting on your own is harder but I really don’t enjoy the clubs so it’s difficult.
    No choice but to keep plugging away at it.
    My other half down with tummy bug, so far I am OK, hopefully Kefir protecting me, he hasn’t taken it since our trip but he said he will when eating again, currently water fast only.
    Keep well and cheerful everyone. Bad moods and boredom usually result in bad food choices.

    Morning/evening all,


    I am erring towards doing 800 calories for 5/6 days and relaxing a bit 1/2 days as it is very tough after the way I’ve been eating for the past 5 years and if I can’t comply it’s a waste of time and effort.

    As for tennis, there are 5 tournaments in progress at the moment and I’ve been watching the women battling it out in Dubai. There have been some cracking matches.

    The falafel was OK, there were so many recipes to choose from, I opted for the one without potato or flour. It was nice but difficult to get the mix to stick together, and the spice mix wasn’t quite right. Every recipe had a different mix of spices so I’m going to do some research to find the most authentic but I guess if it is made in several countries there will be many versions.
    I’m going to add a bit more water to the remainder before I cook them today to see if that helps them stay together.

    My body has responded to TLC and my knee is much less painful this morning so the knee replacement is on hold 😉
    A combination of not wanting to walk on it, sport on TV and my knitting kept me out of the kitchen yesterday. More of the same today as there might be some interesting rugby going on………

    It’s so mild I went out without a coat this morning and the forecast says 16C which is madness as in recent years February has been the coldest winter month with the most severe weather.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    Does your knee conveniently flare up when there’s sport on telly…?!

    And yes, I didn’t like to mention the oval ball… I am of course singing Bread of Heaven this afternoon 😀

    I’ve had similar problems with falafel mix, and ended up sticking all the mix that won’t stick into a burger press. The degree to which I blitz it seems to be the critical factor with stickiness.

    Jo, sorry to hear you’ve had a frustrating week and fallen off the fasting wagon again!

    Gorgeous day here, 17c, far too warm for February…nice though 😀 Just back from being fitted with varifocal contact lenses and now really looking forward to some lunch and a cup of tea.

    Have a good weekend all.

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