Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 7,283 total)

  • Good Morning Everyone,
    Hopefully this new thread will give us less technical issues.
    I didn’t manage to shift my holiday weight this morning so I am on a mission this week. I will be fasting Mon, Wed and Friday- still 19/5 and 500 cals. I definitely want more food when it’s cold. I was freezing after my afternoon in the garden yesterday but my greenhouse looks amazing now, so tidy and clear. It hasn’t been that way for years. It was a very windy night, talking weather only, dull grey day now. Suspect it will be a wet dog walk this morning.
    Happy- the choking incident in the pool has left me with a sore throat which came on yesterday. Hopefully it won’t develop into a winter cold. I was socialising with lots of germ ridden folk last week. The coach sounded like a doctors waiting room.
    We learnt a new game last night called Skip-Bo based on Spite and Malice card game but simplified, not too complicated, family game. We then played Rumba 10 which is much more challenging.
    I am reading a new book( fiction) but it has a story based upon the language of flowers. The Victorians were very keen to send messages by giving flowers but some appear to have more than one meaning, in fact some have contradictory meanings, complex business. Interesting topic though, remeber the slogan ‘Say it with Flowers’

    Congratulations on your new thread, Jo! Fancy being so popular the system couldn’t cope ๐Ÿ˜Š
    We can all keep on supporting each other in our aim to keep our bodies healthy through fasting.
    Keep happy. Keep fasting P ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    Glad to be part of this new thread, and thanks so much Purple and JoJo for your messages.

    Feel energized for fasting today!

    XX Wiwi

    Good morning all . been raining but I hope the sun comes out . it is only 7 deg today so getting cold . I had put on a few pounds as there is just so much going on family wise . I have lost half of it already . I only allow a few pounds extra to go on then I am very strict again . Doing it that way makes it a lot easier to maintain . We are all human and we have to allow for stress. . I still get stressed when I get heavier but Jim always says ” you know how to do it hen as you have done it before” Bless that man ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope the sun comes out as I still have to finish the front of the new hut for it’s second coat of wood stain . I want to get it finished . I still have some red cedar to do on the fence too . It might be next year before that gets completely done . It all helps the weight loss but not the RA.
    I made yogurt again yesterday . I am getting really good at it now and I don’t have any sweetener in it now either .I have loads of frozen fresh berries and I use that . I made jelly again and had a wee layer of yogurt on top and a few berries . It was just like trifle but a lot healthier . Well I better go get my old togs on to paint in . I love putting them on as I can get my 2 legs in the one leg now and it reminds me of how much I have lost .

    So nice to hear some of you returning to the thread . Well done . I love to read all the posts about your loss your maintenance and your family/life stories.

    Wee xx

    Hi again everyone,

    Jo, I’ve put a link to this thread on the old one for anyone who has mislaid us ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope this thread is as popular and attracts some new fasters to join us on our rollercoaster ride.

    Wiwi, sorry to hear your daughter has been having such a tough time and I hope she recovers soon. I’m sure that being with you will help her. I’m glad you enjoyed Kew Gardens, it is beautiful at any time of year but thE autumn colours are always spectacular. I am planning a visit later in the week.

    I’ve been out shopping this morning and the fridge is now brimming with lots of fresh vegetables, cheeses and treated myself to some smoked salmon which was on offer and I thought it would make a lovely meal with an avocado salad. I also bought some more dried fruit and nuts to make two Christmas cakes in the next few days so that I can forget about the event for the next 8 weeks ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I had the heating on all day yesterday, a combination of temperature difference and tiredness but am pleased that all I need today now that the flat has warmed up and I’ve been home 24 hours is more seasonal attire.
    It’s sock season ๐Ÿ˜†

    Hello all,
    Congratulations on needing a new thread Jo! I hope your throat is not invaded by too many pool bugs, how horrible that was.
    Welcome home Amazon, have missed your input. I look forward to hearing about your latest adventure.
    Great to hear from you Wiwi. So hard when your children are suffering, I am sure being with her Mum will help your daughter and great that she has put some distance (literally) between herself and her unsuitable partner.
    I have been lurking but too busy to post. Spring cleaning at Jamieson and tidying the garden was a four day job, house now listed for sale so the waiting game begins…. At least I feel much happier about our decision to sell, its just too much work maintaining two houses. I made a rod for my own back by developing the garden so much but could not resist the amazing soil and growing conditions!
    Massive walk this morning and a good fast day, we finally got some blue skies and warmth which was lovely. I don’t envy you Northerners your impending Winter, I really feel the cold these days.
    I had a lovely experience at Jamieson when a neighbour told me that I had inspired her to try 5:2 and she has lost 8kgs. She is the second person there, another has lost 10kgs and still going strong. So nice to see people losing weight successfully and happily, knowing you have helped just by example! A bonus!


    Hi all,
    Just typed a big post and it disappeared – grrr!
    Welcome home Jojo and Amazon. Jo I hope your throat improves, pool bugs yuk!
    Amazon I have missed your inputs, I look forward to hearing about your latest adventures.
    Great to hear from you Wiwi.
    Too tired now to regurgitate what I just said, too much gardening and spring cleaning for the last 4 days!
    Massive walk this morning and good fast day, time for an early night!!

    Hi there, Old cyber friends. It’s lovely to see everyone posting.

    Wiwi, sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope things get better for her soon. ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ

    Amazon, thanks for the link. Glad to hear you enjoyed Burma. We loved it.

    RT, Good to see you back online.

    Happy, the sunshine is for you. โ˜€๏ธโ˜€๏ธโ˜€๏ธโ˜€๏ธโ˜€๏ธ

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜†

    New thread and new start for me. Thanks jojo for keeping us going. best of luck all

    Glad to see you guys here!
    Not Fasting but trying intermittent. My coffee had a 1/4 cup of milk and that keeps me going for hours.
    I want to focus at least not gaining this week.
    Have a good week each one of you!
    Everything is gonna be all right โค๏ธ

    Hi all
    Thanks for the link. Still plugging away and reading all the posts. Chat latee ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

    Hello Jojo,

    I’ve been fasting now for two years and 10 months, and I’d like to keep fasting with Jojo ๐Ÿ˜€

    Hi all,
    My last two posts probably repeat themselves, due to the fact that I got locked out!
    Apparently I got trapped in a spam filter! Thats a new experience for me. Fortunately JJ is on the ball and fixed it for me and posted my posts from last night….
    Sun shining and the garden is calling…
    ps good weight after being so busy at Jamieson (made fasting easy!)

    A big congratulations JOJO good going to bring out the Mark II edition on Join JOJO the shift will mean slimjim and slimnhealthy will need to find us plus a few more who have slipped away quietly. Nama coaching at Jamison itโ€™s a lifestyle and life coach by example what can be more defining you go girl.WiWi thoughts are with you and your daughter at this tough time I wish you well, my third son still has nothing good to say about the fairer sex having been badly burned and scarred he is still young and he will not be that open and vulnerable next time around. Still parenting is a hard caper anywhere in the world and I suspect our grandchildren will have much more to deal with as so many distractions substances and traps now.
    Keep On Keeping On

    Morning/evening all,

    Nama, the word spam still evokes unpleasant memories of that pink tinned item that was apparently edible. As I’m fasting today for the first time in more than two weeks, I’ll use that if I feel hungry…………

    Another good sleep last night and I’m almost back on UK time. I’m really looking forward to a morning at the gym and hopefully a swim.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well I woke to a hard frost and -2. Brrr. I’m going to save my fast for an office day again this week since inside air temperature there is guaranteed zoo reptile house setting.

    Amazon, I’m with you on spam. Not food.

    Re: sleeping. While I do enjoy summer, I’m a very light sleeper now and dark mornings and cooler night time temperatures are definitely more conducive to a decent night’s sleep. I’m also getting an extra hour in bed because the hens aren’t up so early ๐Ÿ™‚

    Spam used to be a staple in my home as a child, disgusting stuff, especially in fritters, yuk. On special occasions we had ham or a tin of red salmon, it was a real luxury. If my mother could see me now eating fish daily, she would have love that. But
    I will never be the cook that she was, to be honest I just don’t have the interest unlike many of our super cooks that post on here. I must try harder, at least at the weekends.
    Happy- my throat infection is horrible today and kept me awake much of last night. Today I am employing the wee dram technique, usually more effective than throat pastels.

    Welcome to the new thread everyone, transfers have gone mainly without a hitch. I wonder if I will need a third thread before I get to goal.

    No progress again today but not fasting, probably stick to soups though.

    I have a league bowls game to play today against strong opposition so I need all the energy I can get. It’s a bit brighter today so I plan on doing a bit more gardening this afternoon before winter sets in. The house is getting very cold so I am adding layers of clothes rather than heating until the evening.

    Wee- painting outside is not much fun if it’s cold, wrap up well, those big old clothes might let in a few draughts. Don’t do too much honey, look after those joints, this is of course advice I never follow myself.

    Nama- enjoy your retirement, looking after two properties is hard work. Hope the summer ( or was it winter) home sells well and quickly. Lots of my friends are trying to sell properties overseas (mostly Europe) without much success. Brexit effect! I am planning to rent out my flat again, may need it next year, hope the new tennant is as good as the last one, he was perfect, doing a final inspection tonight.

    Keep Fasting Friends!

    Hi everyone,

    I had a good workout at a very quiet gym but did 45 mins rather than my usual 60 as my body is not quite recovered from 15 hours in economy ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I followed it up with a nice long swim. I had the pool to myself for the first 20 minutes.
    I love half term ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    I’ve just put Christmas cake no 2 in the oven and prepped my FD dinner which will be a nice comforting plate of roast vegetables and am now settling down with a big mug of coffee to an afternoon of tennis watching.
    Who said FDs are tough…… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good Morning,
    It’s 45 degrees here right now! I am trying to delays as much as I can to turn on the heat. I actually prefer to sleep in a cold room. My husband is the one who is feeling cold all the time.
    I am on Fast mode today! Set aside 1/4 cup of chickpeas last night for some sort of soup. I’ll be meatless however fiber is my focus otherwise problems.
    To keep my day going it has to start with the right cup of cofffee. So I hope 2 tablespoons of milk it isn’t a big deal. I am so happy and ready to keep going.
    Happy I am so a light sleeper as well. This week I am taking 0,5 dose of lorazepam. It helps me to relax. Also I haven’t realized until you mentioned the birds are quiet here in the morning. In the spring the babies are up around 4:45.
    Spam and eggs was one of the most delicious food under the sun for me. I haven’t had it in decades. I wonder why still on the supermarkets shelves with so much opposition for being so unhealthy.
    RT I see so many young people looking for dating. They date diferente from our time that’s be sure. Some people are just bad by nature. My nice in Brazil can’t find a boyfriend either.
    Cleaning, yoga, blow leaves… keep moving here today.
    Thanks for letting me be part of “keep trying”. Hopefully someday I reach my goal.

    As promised,

    My holiday was wonderful. It exceeded all expectations and my hope for Myanmar is that it doesnโ€™t get spoiled by the inevitable growth of tourism. The people are delightful, polite, friendly, helpful and efficient. The country itself is beautiful, very lush and green and so many interesting places to visit along with hiking through the countryside and cycling around villages and seeing cottage industries. We went to a lot of pagodas (temples to you and me) and stupas. There is an area called Bagan which is similar to Angkor Wat in that there are several hundred temples of all shapes and sizes in a small area. We also stayed in Yangon, Mandalay, in a hill station in Kalaw and near Inle lake where the annual festival was in progress so we were lucky enough to see boat racing very similar to snake boats. The hotels were all of a high standard, some of them had really nice swimming pools, the food was very good everywhere we went and there was beer, cocktails and even home produced wine which was also very good and I may have enjoyed a glass or threeโ€ฆ. We even visited a vineyard for a wine tasting ๐Ÿ™‚ There might also have been some shopping at the markets, silk factory, the jewellery workshop and the lacquer workshopโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ

    It was hot, averaging around 30C but the hotels all had A/C and we were occasionally bathed in a warm shower of rain so managed to keep cool ๐Ÿ™‚

    We were the first guests in a new hotel near the lake and were given a complimentary dinner and free rum sours which is their favourite cocktail.

    Apart from unpacking and packing our bags we didn’t touch them from when we arrived in Yangon until we left. Eeverywhere we went which included 3 internal flights our luggage was collected by porters and transferred from plane to bus to hotel room. Our tour leader also checked us in for internal flights so we didn’t have to queue, I’ve never had such service anywhere.

    On our last evening we all dressed up in the clothes, jewellery etc we had bought and met for Mandalay rum sours which our tour leader made for us before going out to dinner. I had bought a traditional long skirt and some silver jewellery and it was great to get dressed up. We certainly attracted a lot of attention as we walked down the road to the restaurant.
    The next morning he gave each of us a jade bracelet as a memento of our tour before we left for the airport. He was a brilliant tour leader and it was so obvious that he loved his job.

    I would say to anyone thinking about visiting Myanmar to go as it was one of my best holidays.

    Good afternoon everyone
    It is so lovely to see the thread so busy and seeing old ( previous) friends back again . Glad the SPAM was cleared too :).
    . Amazon your holiday sounds amazing pal .I love to read about peoples travels .

    Jojo Please try chewing raw onion or garlic . It really does work . Don’t breathe on anyone though lol .

    I got the garden shed finished . That’s 2 good coats of stain on now for the winter . It looks lovely with all the pansies beside it now .

    I was chuffed to bits that my dads overalls fitted me and I know its a bit daft but I felt he was with me while I was painting . It has a hood on it and when I was finished I hung it up by the hood on the corner of the back kitchen door . I was doing wee bits and bobs in the kitchen later and when I turned round I was right next to the overalls . I nearly had a heart attack lol and I am sure I jumped right of the floor . After I realized what it was I went into fits of laughter . Silly auld sod that I am . I couldn’t wait for Jim to come home so I could tell him about it . he was laughing too .

    Good thing is when I am busy I don’t even think about food .

    I was going to vacuum and dust downstairs but I think I have worked enough for today and it can wait for tomorrow .

    The sun is shining for a change and it was really nice working outside .
    have a great day everyone and please keep posting . I love to read them all first thing in the morning .

    Wee xx

    Nama I forgot to say well done on the new recruits pal . xx

    Hi All, I was planning to start the Fast diet in August and life got away on me. So, here I am, ready to get this going! Any advice will be appreciated and I love to read you r posts. Thanks!

    Hi Twin and welcome:

    Here is most of the information you will need to be successful on 5:2: If you have any other questions, I answer them on that thread.

    Good Luck!

    Hi Twin,

    Welcome! No need to go anywhere else for advice on fasting, there’s plenty of real life experience right here!

    Have you got much to lose? And what are your particular weaknesses? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Good evening All,
    Ok so not the best day. After a disturbed night the throat infection decided to go of full whack throughout the day. High temperature and even dizzy spells so I have retreated to my bed with copious water and a couple of painkillers. I am thinking that a day of rest is due tomorrow, give the body a fighting chance to get well.
    Amazon- the trip sounds incredible so will be added to my bucket list. What company do you use, I know they are escorted tours. Do you spend much time on coaches or buses, not a big fan of these types of holidays. What are snake boat races? I only know of Dragon Boat Races. Both my husband and daughter have raced in charity teams using these boats. It’s just rowing but it’s done either on a lake or in a Bay.
    Wee- I will try your remedy tomorrow if my throat is still as grim as today.
    Welcome Twinmom2016-Ask any questions you like but definitely read the book before you start, it’s invaluable.
    HCB- I have milk in my tea on non fast days and occasionally in weak moments on fast days. Definitely helps if you need to forestall hunger.
    Nama- are you still having problems posting on here?

    Hi Twin
    This thread has many many successful fasters from all over the world. We are all here to share our experiences and nurture each other.
    I’d suggest reading Dr M’s original book The Fast Diet and refer to it often. Simply jump in with both feet and start immediately. Fasting takes time to become a habit, but will only happen by doing it. Nothing simpler. Just stop eating ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
    Play around with what works for you but here are a few ideas developed over years of fasting:
    Try to put off eating anything for as long as you can
    Drink lots of water
    If hungry, try a big drink of water and getting busy to distract
    When you do break your fast, stick to low gi foods…leafy veg, some protein, full fat dairy (eg natural unsweetened yoghurt) and berries.
    All the best. We have all done it, and gained new bodies for the effort. ๐Ÿ˜Š PVE


    Sorry to hear your throat is worse. Perhaps it wasn’t just the pool water? Hopefully not! I hope you shake it off soon.


    As always, I loved hearing about your trip. Maybe one day (if I’ve ever got the time and money!) I’ll follow in your footsteps!

    Wee told us she loves to get up in the morning and hear from us. I normally like to read and post as well. Mrs Wee you did a great job with your shed. Also you are so sweet when referring to you Dad. Mine left us without giving us the chance of saying good bye.
    Jo I hope by tomorrow you feel better! Sometimes I think the body just wants to stay quiet.
    Your trip sounds awesome Amazon. You had fun, ate, drank and came back home with only 2 extra pounds. The best!
    Hi to everyone else there… you know who you are ๐Ÿ˜
    Fasting is been easy because I was very busy. Now off to have my soup.

    Morning/evening all,

    Jo, I use Exodus. Some of the trips involve more time on buses than others, it really depends on the trip. We had 3 short internal flights and one long bus journey (5 hours) which was broken up by visiting pagodas etc along the route. Apart from that there were just short trips to and from airports or to drop us off at the starting point of a walk.
    Lots of travelling is inevitable with tours as places of interest are so often many miles apart. There are nearly always stops along the way to see places of interest and I love sitting on a bus taking in the changing scenery. I can never understand why so many people sleep on the bus as they miss so much. Our bus journey took us from the city of Mandalay up into the mountains so the scenery was spectacular.
    When I was in South Africa our journey to Mozambique involved driving through Kruger National Park!

    Inle lake is famous for leg rowing fishermen. They stand up in the boat and use one leg to control the oar giving them both hands free for handling nets and fishing baskets, which is very clever as most of us have trouble standing up on two legs in a small flat boat ๐Ÿ˜†
    The boat races use huge long flat boats and there are 60 men leg rowing, so they are all standing apart from the guy in the middle whose job is to furiously bail out the water which gets in due to the flat design of the boat. There were about 20 boats so we saw lots of races and it was very exciting, definitely a highlight of the trip.

    I’m still struggling with a bit of jet lag so am going to have a quiet day at home. I’ve plenty to do including making the last Christmas cake and doing some less interesting stuff such as housework and ironing which will keep me busy.
    After two weeks of eating some very different and often fabulous food I am enjoying getting back into my routine including fasting. Yesterday was so easy and I wasn’t hungry at all. I guess I will be on my next FD after a couple of days of more sensible eating and smaller portions.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi all,
    Jo I hope your throat has started to improve, goodness knows what was in that water! My posting is sorted thanks, JJ fixed it promptly when I asked for help.
    Amazon your trip sounds wonderful, lots of incredible experiences and memories. I agree re the assistance of a good tour guide, especially in a non-westernised country with big language and cultural differences to our own. The personal guide we had in Vietnam was just for a day trip to Ha Long Bay (DIL couldnt make it due to wedding preparations), but he made our day so much more interesting and enjoyable.
    I had a lovely swim today, nice to get out of the pool and not instantly freeze. Its finally warming up a bit, next I will be watering the garden!
    I also started soaking the fruit, nuts and spices for a Sri Lankan Christmas cake. It was successful last year so I will make it again – the flavour is amazing – cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, plus brandy and rosewater. I still need to add the preserved pumpkin, chokoes and ginger, need to go to specialist shop tomorrow. My Sri Lankan hairdresser was so impressed last time that he has given me his mothers original recipe. that their cook used to use when he was a child in Colombo, I feel very honoured! His mum is in her nineties and still dances in heels, maybe there is something in those spices!! The hardest part will be not to ‘taste test’ this magic brew that has to macerate in my fridge for 6 weeks!
    Interesting that you slipped so easily back into fasting Amazon. Isn’t it lovely to crave healthy food now?
    Wee I did laugh at your description of frightening yourself with your Dad’s overalls, glad I am not the only one who gets a bit vague sometimes in the kitchen! Husband says its a race (b/w us) to the bottom…..

    Hi Nama,

    I am surprised that my FD was so easy yesterday. I had originally intended to start on Monday but when I got up on Monday morning I knew it wasn’t going to happen.
    There is no fresh milk in Myanmar so I was looking forward to a nice cuppa, but apart from that I really enjoyed the food available, and there was always a wide choice. One of our group was vegan and she had no problems getting tasty food everywhere she went, she just stated no fish paste or fish sauce and they produced something for her.
    I wouldn’t say I crave healthy food I just crave the unhealthy stuff less often.
    Having eaten many new dishes, and consumed much more alcohol than usual, I was ready to get back to my normal diet. As for fasting as I’m tired of going round in circles and want to get a grip between now and the end of the year.

    The last cake is on the cooling rack and looks and smells delicious. I can forget about them now until a couple of weeks beforehand when I’ll need to decorate them.
    The Sri Lankan cake sounds very interesting. You’ll have to give us the recipe ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi All,
    Managed some sleep last night and had a quiet day today. My throat is better than yesterday but still quite sore. I suspect there are quite a lot of germs and high levels of chorine in the very warm water at the holiday resort. It was a severe choking incident, took me a good 10 minutes to recover. Lots of people that went on the trip are ill now, coughs and colds galore.

    Good news, my holiday gain has gone so I hope to press on down now. I must admit to a bit of post holiday blues so I didn’t fast today. I will step up to the plate on Friday.

    Amazon- good luck in the run up to Christmas. I don’t know about you but I have lots of meals planned. The 19/5 fasting takes care of my planning though.

    Wee- hope you are enjoying the summer weather, unbelievable here today, not even a cardigan needed on my walk.

    Shall we have a November Challenge?

    Jo, my social life is nowhere near as busy as yours. I have one lunch planned next week and nothing else as yet.

    My challenge for November is to fast 3 times every week and not overdo it on non FDs and if I succeed at that I’ll be very pleased with myself.

    I’ve just spent 2 hours sorting out my holiday photos. I didn’t realise I had taken so many ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Aww I love to hear about all the cakes BUT I am not baking any . I might make Ross a microwave dumpling I make it then take it straight over to him so it is out of my way lol .

    Jojo I did the shed in the sun yesterday but it was still cold but not too bad as I was in the sun. It is really cold today . I had socks and a fleece on Brr.

    Please try the raw onion or garlic pal it really does work .
    When I got up this morning Dads overalls were away in the hut . Jim must have been worried I went into the kitchen during the night and thought there was someone robbing our kitchen cupboards lol.

    I bought Quark for the first time . Our local dairy farm supplies it to all the local shops ( Graham’s Dairy ) It was amazing . I love to try new things .
    What are chic peas like? Are they worth buying? I have never tried couscous either .

    Tomorrow will be another FD for me . I have crotched so many fingerless mitts and I have loads of them to sew up so I will do that and keep myself busy . I am going to see Dad again tomorrow . I get quite anxious now on my way down there because I don’t know what to expect BUT he is my lovely dad and He always will be no matter how fast his memory goes .

    Take care and be good . You know it is all worth it .

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee,
    I ate the raw onion and garlic tonight after I had returned from the cinema, saw Briget Jones Baby. I really enjoyed the film, I wasn’t expecting to as I found the others a bit dreary. Guess I needed a comedy to lift my spirits. I had a huge icecream ( thinking of you) which was heaven for my throat, then drank cold water by the shed load.

    Out to lunch tomorrow, probably salad. Apart from nordic dog walking I am not doing any other exercise this week. No energy at all.

    Amazon- I will join you on the three fasts, 500 or zero calories?

    Hi Wee,

    I really like chickpeas, and they are good for you – high protein and fibre and nutrients, and low GI/GL too. They’re a bit bland by themselves but feature in Mediterranean and middle Eastern cookery. They’re best bought dried and cooked from scratch, but tinned is more convenient and what I often use to make hummus.

    I’m sorry that your Dad is deteriorating. I hope he’s still happy though.

    On the subject of ice cream, a scientist has created an ice cream that’s good for you!

    Wee will be thrilled with a healthy icecream, but I am not a fan of chocolate, I hope they do a berry version next. Good research though, using foods with antioxidants like green tea and dark chocolate, replacing unhealthy treats in our luxury foods sounds like a gear idea. I wonder how they sweetened it though? They compared performance after different types of ice cream and placebo’s.
    Another sunny day here making food intake a little bit easier to handle. Have a great day everyone, try to do your 10,000 steps and drink lots of water.

    Morning/evening all,

    Jo I’m thinking about making at least one FD per week food free and see how it goes for the other days. I have lots of 350 calorie home cooked meals in the freezer so I’ll always have something healthy and satisfying on hand.
    I’m going to try to ensure that my FDs are gym days as that takes care of the morning and by the time I’ve had my huge mug of coffee I’m rarely hungry until mid afternoon and as I have a hall, bathroom and kitchen that need re-decorating I can keep myself busy.
    My plan for non FDs is to eat the food I want to be eating for the rest of my life and not denying myself something I want because that leads to failure so if that means I have a slice of cake for lunch that’s what I’ll do. I want to be healthy AND happy. I’ve never been one for processed foods so I’m not going to worry about the sugar in my splash of maple syrup on my muesli or the fruit I’m eating. In other words I’m going to permanently sever the link between eating and guilt as the last few months have been making me miserable and my failure to lose weight and keep it off prove that I need to change something, so following the old adage “a little of what you fancy does you good” I’m going to try a different approach.
    It’s amazing how a holiday has made me see things more clearly, I just have to execute the plan now……….

    To anyone who is lurking and is tempted to post regarding the evils of sugar, please don’t bother, one slice of cake per week and some fresh and dried fruit won’t kill me ๐Ÿ˜‰
    To the regular fasttrackers, I’d be interested to know what you think?

    Time to hit the gym, have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi all,
    Amazon I think you are onto something – sever the guilt and you will be more relaxed. I think all of us longer term fasters have figured out what we did wrong in the past and we wont make that mistake again as we have our ‘secret weapon’ of fasting. What you propose is what I do, more or less. I still have my treats, just far fewer than previously. I enjoy them more than I ever used to. If I go overboard (special occasions etc), I just fast strictly until I reset my weight to what I want. I never did get those last few kilos off, I think at my age now I wont ever achieve what I did at 30! I really don’t want to be scrawny! But I am happy at 72kgs and size 12 jeans, and I have managed to maintain that for 6 months despite several big events.


    That sounds like a sensible approach to me. You have to find what works for you and what you can sustain. Intermittent fasting isn’t daily calorie restriction and it’s not cutting out/ demonising whole food groups. You shouldn’t be miserable!

    I’ve found my happy balance, which just happens to be minimal added sugar during the week, but often homemade biscuits at weekends (a treat is something you have occasionally that brings great pleasure; done every day it’s just habit/ addiction); I eat bread (refined) much less frequently, perhaps 4 slices a week cf 4 slices a day; I make healthier carb choices too; and I drink alcohol at weekends only (except rarely, special occasions). I snack on nuts by the bucketful, and enjoy a (shock horror) bag of mixed fruit and nut occasionally ๐Ÿ˜€ I eat too many corn cakes with marmite at 3pm…. yep, can’t break that diversion-from-work snacking habit! But hey, I’m maintaining my weight….

    Keeping the working week as healthier and weekends as treats works for me as I’m still working full time. Hopefully by the time I retire it will be a well ingrained habit!

    I don’t count calories. I monitor my weight daily. I fast when I need or want to.

    It’s been a long journey for you. Sounds like it’s time to relax a bit and mindfully enjoy your achievements!

    I think Id be trying to locate the original article. The “science writer” appears to have it the wrong way around with regards to low medium and high carb intake.

    Well this purports to be reprinted from The DNA restart (the source) and is the same way round…

    Good morning all .

    It is biddy miserable again today cold and wet .

    Happy thanks for the link pal I have saved it and will read it in detail when I come back from visiting my Dad .

    Jo I hope your throat is a bit better today
    Everyone else a very good morning to you all xxxx

    I don’t really cut out anything intentionally BUT I choose more carefully what I have . Just like Amazon I have a little bit of what I fancy . A DIET is when you cut out all of ( the dangerous foods) . This is a Way Of Life AWOL and I always feel that if you have to do without something you will crave it than have a huge blow out.
    I do sometimes eat too much and I must admit I panic a wee bit when I see that BUT I just get back on track and it goes again .

    I find it a lot harder when I have to do it for a special occasion .
    My fast days I don’t do on certain days in the week . I get up in the morning and depending what I am going to do that day and how I feel I decide if it is a FD or not .

    The other day when I was doing the garden shed with wood stain it was a doddle doing my FD .
    Yesterday was harder as I was in all day so it was a ” normal day” . Today I am off to visit my lovely Dad so this will be a FD too.

    I think I am a lot more relaxed about it as I used to be BUTI do hate to see the weight going up .I get a mental image of when I was size 22/24 in my head and panic BUT I WILL NEVER go back there

    Mind you I often see the scales go up but my clothes seem looser . I AM addicted to the scales but I wish I wasn’t BECAUSE your clothes being tighter or looser are a far better way of measuring weight loss.

    OK I will shut up now and go and see Dad

    Catch up with all of you lovely people later

    Wee xx


    I’m with you girls.
    I was very strict for the first year. It worked well for me as the faster I got to goal, the less chance I had of backsliding. I lost 30kg (66lbs) and then went into maintenence. For the past 2 1/2 years, I’ve managed to stay under 60kg by enjoying life, but monitoring my weight and total intake. I’ll often eat a piece of cake (or share one), but not as well as a meal. It’s all about balance, but never deprivation. Life is for enjoying, not beating yourself up. ๐Ÿ˜Š You CAN have that cake or extra wine, but it cannot be as well as something else or you will undo everything you have strived for.
    As Apollo said, ‘All things in moderation.’ ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š P

    Hi Amazon,
    That sounds like a good plan Amazon. My treat food is bread and butter so I have it when I go out for a meal(which as you know is quite frequently). It’s still a sugar based food much like your cake treat. I used to eat four slices of bread daily and now it’s a weekly treat only. I do eat rice cakes when I need that carb rush but not on a fast day.
    As you say we do need to be happy with our eating plans to enjoy success. I will join you on non food on Mondays, redress the weekend treats. 500 cals on Wed and Friday. I have never cut fruit, it’s a daily must for me, but I do eat more berries these days.
    Let’s go Amazon, power to our plans

    Thanks everyone,

    It suddenly dawned on me why I was overeating on non FDs, I was having the protein and veg when I really wanted cheese on toast or a slice of cake and then eating everything in sight because I wasn’t satisfied. Stepping away from fasting and being obsessed with food for a couple of weeks made me realise what the problem was and I now feel that I can get on and lose this last bit of weight. I’m not planning on eating things like that every day, just being mindful of the fact that if I don’t have what I really want, disaster looms. Telling myself I can have it tomorrow is for FDs.
    I had another good workout at the gym today and also did 20 minutes of stretching and my body feels back to normal after an uncomfortable journey home from holiday. I seem to be back on UK time which will last for all of 2 days and then the clocks go back ๐Ÿ˜†

    I’m fasting today and dinner will be avocado salad with some smoked salmon which I couldn’t resist as it was on special offer ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve posted some holiday photos on FB.

    Jo, sounds like a plan ๐Ÿ™‚

    Amazon the pictures are amazing . Jim asked me where you were but I forgot lol . He wants to see them later . Thanks for sharing pal …Wee xx

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