June 2019 challenge

This topic contains 747 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 5 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 651 through 700 (of 749 total)

  • Day 26 Northumberland NFD

    I’ll definitely need to reset after this holiday!

    @redrockgirl – I’m so interested in your training programme. Our puppy is 21 months old. We were out for a meal in a dog friendly restaurant tonight and she lay and slept the whole meal tucked in at the side of the table. I was so proud of her! England is SO good for dog friendly restaurants, cafes and pubs.
    @michelinme – great article!
    I’m impressed @at at your strength!
    @daffodil2010 – I keep meaning to ask. Is your dad back home now? If so, how’s he doing?
    I’ve definitely taken my eye off the ball this week and thrown caution to the wind! Home on Sunday and back on the wagon.

    Take care everyone.

    Day 26 – Eastern WA USA – NFD – day 5 transition day after 5 day Egg Fast

    Being more careful today on this last day of transition. Had a BPC in the morning, lunch was bacon, 2 eggs and a small keto scone with cheese, supper will be a mandarin and veggie salad with chicken. First 2 days of transition the scale moved down a little each day. Then day 3 and day 4 I wasn’t as careful and the scale was up a little this morning. But what I’m glad about, is that I’ve been eating food all these days. When I did the water fast, after 4 days of eating food I was often up 6 or 8 lbs. This time about 1 1/2 lbs. Think I’ll go for a WFD tomorrow for a change.
    A couple of my favorite recipes on the Egg Fast were the Cream Cheese Pancake and also the Vanilla Shake (except I made it a chocolate one.) There’s no way to get bored with all the recipes available on the sites.
    Oh, and if constipation gets to be an issue, I have a cup of Smooth Move tea before bed on occasion.

    @snowflake56 – glad you’re joining in on an Egg Fast. I wish you well.

    @daffodil2010 – Yay! Sounds like the Egg Fast is helping move the needle. That should be encouraging.

    @basyjames – good for you for making choices according to plan even when you left your prepared food at home. You say you were off for 20 min or so. I read that it’s recommended to have the pink salt ready for electrolyte imbalance on the Egg Fast. Maybe a pinch under the tongue.

    @flourbaby – So glad your procedure went well. I’m glad they caught the infection before you left. Hopefully you’ll be totally ok now.

    @RedRockgirl – your salad sounds so colorful and yummy!

    @songbirdme – What is the usual time for your Silver Sneakers? And what is the class like? I’ve been thinking about checking into one in my area but haven’t yet.

    We’re doing it my forum friends!

    Day 26 Ohio, US — NFD (66 bites)

    This has turned out to be a pretty good NFD so far. Things are still settling down after the house negotiations. The thing that took a lot of time today was trying to get the e-forms that the realtor sent me to work. For some reason the software they’re using doesn’t seem to be compatible with my computer. It took almost all day to get everything done. The thing that amazes me is that if I could have just gone down to the reality office, handwritten what needed to be done on the forms, and gone back home, the whole process would have only taken about 20 minutes. I can hardly wait for them to develop a way of emailing food to our stomachs. Then every day will be a FD! 🙂

    A question — is there anything on the website here about scientific studies on how much autophagy is generated by the 5:2 diet? I’ve looked at a few pages of the “related scientific articles” thread, but couldn’t find anything. Not being able to do a search makes things tricky.

    P.S. I did a google search and did find some discussion on this site from around 2017-18, but again nothing scientific.

    @daffodil2010 That summer evening in your garden sounds so magical! Are there fireflies in Ireland?

    @rabbette Just out of curiosity, what’s your favorite stout? Mine is Guiness.

    Hope everyone has a joyful day coming up!

    @annemarilyn – normally we are at 10 a.m. It’s all retirees of various ages, several into their 80’s. Mine is Silver Sneakers Circuit – https://www.silversneakers.com/class/circuit/

    It’s very doable and even adaptable to your own abilities. Our teacher has worked as a nurse in the pain clinic at the hospital, so she’s always telling us “if you don’t do this, you’ll end up with such-and-such a pain or aliment.”

    I highly recommend the whole regimen!

    Day 27, Canberra, FD

    Sorry all – being a bad host today. really busy day at work so I’ve not caught up on posts. Will do so tonight. Have a good FD for anyone on them on the 27th.

    Day 27: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD:
    @penz: I know what you mean….here am I, as usual in a rush for work, trying to eat my breakfast at the same time as doing a quick post…ha..ha!

    Day 27, Emden Germany, 2nd day of Egg Fast

    first day of the Egg Fast went well, I had 4 hard boiled eggs with mayonnaise, 2 scrambled eggs with 15 g butter, way too much, too greasy. 60 g Camembert and 30 g Gouda with mayonaisse. Weight went down from 62kg/136.7lbs to 61.1kg/134.7lbs. My BP this morning was 160/90 mmHg, so I had to take something to get to normal again. Normal good sleep.

    @penz don’t worry, there are others on here. You’re doing great.

    @rabbette thanks for the notes and numbers on the Egg Fast.

    @basyjames and @daffodil2010 my fellow partners, it’s nice you’re doing so well, it’s motivating me to do well. @basyjames size 4 sounds so small, I’m sure you looked gordious.

    @annemarilyn thanks for all the good information about you Egg Fast and the transition days. Will you ever do the Egg Fast again?

    @betsylee I don’t think the Egg Fast is the healthiest way to lose weight but it’s only five days.

    @ciren2 I like eggs but it will be interesting to see what I’m craving for when it’s the only thing I eat five days in a row.

    @flourbaby good to have you back, I hope you’ll fully recover soon. Take care.

    @debster251 enjoy your holiday!

    Pocket list day 27

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 24 – NFD
    Day 25 – FD
    Day 26 – Ireland – NfD
    Day 27 – NFD
    @at – you sound very rested – seems like you have had a lovely holiday.
    @redrockgirl mick sounds delightful – and sounds like he has landed on his feet with your family 💕
    @michelinme thank you 🥰 yes – definitely so much going on. I’m just putting one foot in front of the other and getting through stuff this week… away to the UK tomorrow and looking forward to that… I don’t tend to lose weight with stress though… as I allow myself all those bad things I shouldn’t eat but I think that the weight loss has just been very very very slow and I’m just noticing the change… so about a stone lost since I started this WOL… I’m happy with that and not much more to go before I hit maintenance…
    A friend of mine has lost a stone in 2 weeks on a shake diet…. part of me thinks “hey! How dare you 😂😂😂” even though I am thrilled for her… but i know that the old adage of easy off/easy on means that the slower the loss the better… 👍👍
    I started reading posts but then got dragged away so am not up to date but will check in later when I’m sitting in the airport …
    Have a lovely day everybody!
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I forgot to put myself on the pocketlist yesterday, as usual. But I did do a FD. And I’ve reached another ATL. 70.3kgs; so just 300g to go.

    @daffodil2010 – wow?! 4.6lbs in two days! I seem to be over my plateau, but an egg fast sounds like something I could do.

    @matpi – Valter Longo’s ‘The Longevity Diet’ talks a bit about autophagy, and he lays out what he calls a ‘fasting mimicking diet’. I didn’t enjoy the book too much, but if you’re into the science side of fasting you might enjoy it.

    Four more days! 🧗‍♂️🥇

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
    Day 4 Egg Fast – last day

    Running total this week so far a loss of 5.6lbs and still one more day to go 😧 Even I am astounded, me who has lost 4lbs on a 2 day LFD, and here I am eating away, no hunger, and nearly 6lb off 👍

    Today I fast until 1.30 as usual (won’t be following that rule of eating 5 times) and have prepared a 2 hard boiled egg salad mashed with mayo and paprika and some mozzarella with a drizzle of olive oil and black pepper for lunch. Tonight might be an egg drop chicken broth soup…if I can find the recipe.

    And with level 3 of shred going so well I have tons of motivation 💃

    @debster251 thanks for asking, Dad is home since 13th April. He has a daily home help who comes in and makes sure all is well, makes his bed, cleans his room, but he is flying!!! Started driving his automatic car after three weeks. On crutches but often just a walking stick, and he can baby step around the house unaided too!! Still needs access as stairs etc are a problem, but considering he was virtually paralysed in the new year it is a remarkable recovery.

    @matpi No, we don’t have fireflies in Ireland, but my sister lives in East Hampton in the US and I remember glorious summer evenings sitting around the fire pit watching those amazing creatures illuminate the garden. Magical. Here in Ireland we have endless twilight this time of year, and not many insects thank God, no mosquitos…but midges, well, they can be a problem in certain places

    Have a great Thursday. Who’s fasting today?


    2nd post

    @penz sorry for not adding you to the pocket list, didn’t notice your’re having a FD, but glad @daffodil2010 did.

    2nd post

    I have a big favour to our spreadsheet savvy members. I had set up the July 2019 spreadsheet on another page of the June 2019 sheet, however I cannot detach it from the sheet and save separately as I have an iPad and a Mac and it won’t let me…or I just don’t have time right now to figure it out!!!

    Can anybody have a look at it and post the link if they can? I will be back on tonight…..many thanks in advance

    Day 27, UK, FD

    Had a good NFD yesterday, had a huge salad for lunch and at dinner time treated myself to a square of 100% chocolate with 3 dates to give it some sweetness. Went to the gym after work.

    Coffee with a dash of milk for breakfast, small feta cheese salad for lunch and small chicken salad for dinner. Will also pop in the gym tonight for a 5km jog.

    Onwards and downwards 😊

    Second post

    Nice to have you back FlourBaby. You must be so happy to be home – a hospital is no good for sick people!

    Welcome back to you too @georgia83 and glad to note your absence was for much happier reasons.

    Size 4 sundress @basyjames! I bet you deserved every one of those flattering compliments.

    V glad to hear you’re finally getting some treatment that’s working for you @ciren2 but the weather does not appear to be improving in a similar fashion.

    @daffodil2010 “was sated from my egg lunch that passing rows of bread and pastries and all sorts of goodies was not a bother.” – sounds like a win to me!!

    Glad the stress of your house sale seems to have settled for you @matpi. Hope the rest of the process goes smoothly (I did laugh at the notion of emailing food straight to our stomachs but where’s the fun in that!)

    I’m really enjoying reading about people’s egg fasting experience. I might kick off July that way.

    My FD is going well – two coffees, one mug of chicken stock and I’m feeling good. Nothing like a busy day in the office to bolster against (false) food cravings

    Pocket list (no worries for missing me Snowflake56!) for day 27:

    Day 27 – UK – CD 🤞
    Day 25 – 26 – UK – NFDs 😈

    Went off the rails a bit over the past 2 days after getting below the top of my maintenance range once more when I weighed in on the morning of Day 25 but aiming to reign it in today with a CD followed by 500cals B2B FDs to end the month on a positive note!

    @daffodil2010 – I have set up the July spreadsheet for you and posted the link on the July Challenge, hopefully it works!

    Been busy so no time to read and comment on the posts properly but have glimpsed through the posts briefly – going out to do my volunteer stint in the FareShares Kitchen so will try to catch up properly on the forum this afternoon. Lovely sunny and hot day here so might be a bit warm in that kitchen!!!!

    Day 27 Melb Aust FD

    Doing okay for the first of my B2B2B2B; 3 more to go! Even after 2 CDs, this morning I had dropped 0.6 of the extra 1.6 kg I’d accumulated since the start of the month. Wonder if I might actually score a minor loss for the month? Here’s hoping!

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Just on the train to London off to see a Leonardo da Vinci exhibition Then off for lunch /drinks so aiming to be restrained @daffodil2010 – wow ! will have to look into the egg thing a bit more 🥚🥚

    Day 27, London, UK, NFD,

    Still stretching the fasting muscle, today may just be a CD, but I’ll log a NFD at the moment. Thanks for the welcome backs, I’ve been so out of everything for the last week!! Finally, I’ve caught up with posts …………………. EGGS Galore!!! Wow @daffodil2010 & @basyjames, congrats on launching yourselves off of the plateau, I would love to try, but I’m not really an egg fan, however, the prospect of -4.6lbs might convert me!! Are you guys combining it with TRE? I really like the control of an 18:6 day.

    I had no appetite for the first couple of days but although not Cordon Bleu, hospital food isn’t that bad, just not particularly vibrant, for example, the veg with my salmon fillet supper – lovely new potatoes, but overcooked, inedible carrots & broccoli…………….. sad!!! Of course, we Brits are famed for one thing, unfortunately …………………. Pudding, I mean the steamed variety served with custard (this was always my favourite part of school dinners too!!) the menu contained 3 choices, lemon, chocolate or jam. I had the jam sponge one day, it was the size of Neptune……………………….. I opted for the plain yoghurt on subsequent days!!!! Life really is ALL about making the correct choices!!!

    These last 10lbs are, as everyone says, the hardest to shift, Ive been bouncing up, down & around them for a while now, perhaps it’s time to shake things up a bit with making my NFDs more LCHF, this salad-weather calls out for LC rather than No-carb, but I’ll check out the Egg Fast to see if I could adapt it to suit me since I’m THAT person who can’t even look at a runny egg without wanting to hurl, & that eggy smell …………………….. Oeuf indeed!!!

    Anyway, onward to July, I’ll be on my summer hols from the 12th (perhaps an egg fast on my return??) which will be fuelled by red wine ……………. I make no excuses, it’s my summer holiday!!

    Day 27 Canton OH Egg Fast Day 3

    4.9lbs down as of this morning’s weigh in

    @annemarilyn good job being mindful and that you for sharing your tips for success.

    @daffodil2010 I am just as astounded as you are; I feel very comfortable, no hunger, no cravings and the scale is responding!

    Water fasts were always a chore, mind over matter and all that. This is a breeze.
    It has been a revelation to realize that we do not need as much food as society tells us that we need. I feel my best on a low calorie diet, I sleep better, am more alert and have more time to do other things. It’s crazy! I am also premenopausal and eating this way makes me feel my best and eliminates night sweats and other unpleasant symptoms of “the change”

    Although I have not been as regular as I usually am, I have not experienced the same issues with constipation like some of my other egg-fasters, I did take one tablet of alka seltzer and it moved things along nicely and I feel even better!
    @flourbaby, I am combining the egg fast with 16:8 TRE. My go tos have been hard boiled eggs with chees cubes, and cheesy omelets. I can’t do runny eggs either although I do not mind the smell of eggs
    Gotta run, piles of work a-calling

    Day 27 pocket list

    Day 27 UK FD

    The egg fasters have me intrigued too. @daffodil2010 & @basyjames have made some great moves downwards and inspired me to kick-off July with a 3 day egg fast. I’m in the middle of a cheesey 2 egg omelette for lunch as I write 🙂 just to practice.

    I’ve seen there are ‘rules’ out there for an egg fast. They seem a bit made up to me. Is there any evidence that the rules must be followed? Does it work by not killing your metabolism?

    Yesterday’s fast was OK, but 900kcal not the 800kcal I aim for. But sometimes you have to do it to remain sane and not just jack it all in.

    Day 27 pocket list

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday ended up as a FD as I got too busy to eat much. Just grabbed my daily apple, some cheese and meat. Probably should have taken time to make a salad, but time was all used up with other things.

    Funny how “accidental” FD’s don’t throw me for a loop like they used to. Just take them in stride.

    They are finally coming today to replace our backyard pool liner – weather (they say) has put them behind schedule on such replacements and installations. Finally yesterday, I had to turn on the air conditioning as we got some hot weather! Can’t say we have missed the pool yet this summer, but looking forward to it being up and working.

    Hope to read posts later on –

    Onward and downward.

    second post

    @johnnyr I don’t follow all the rules. The rules state to eat at least 30 minutes to 1 hour after waking, to eat at least 6 eggs a day and to accompany your eggs with butter and cheese, artificial sweeteners allowed.

    I don’t eat until I am either 1) within my feeding window or 2) hungry. I was hungry one day and I ate earlier than usual, but after that I was able to stay within my TRE window

    I ate 5 eggs one Tuesday when I was really hungry, otherwise I usually have 4 eggs a day. 2 to break my fast and 2 in the afternoon when I get home. My morning eggs are usually hard boiled accompanied by cubes of cheese and a cup of black coffee – no artificial sweeteners for me; thank you very much

    My evening eggs are usually pretty decadent; 1 TBS of butter, about 2 oz of cream cheese, and sprinkles of grated cheese. I grate my own cheese to stay away from that anticaking stuff they put in the prepackaged ones in the store.

    Finally, I drink tons of water of course 🙂

    Day 27 – Iceland – FD
    Day 1 of Egg Fast

    Back from a week of traveling, didn’t manage to fast but kept to TDEE and haven’t checked the scales yet…

    Very inspired to hear about @annemarilyn s @daffodil2010 s @basyjames @snowflake56 good results with the egg fast – well done all! So I am not going to postpone it any further – hopefully there will be some positive movement on the scales before the month is over.

    Day 27 pocket list

    Day 27, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    Yesterday’s FD morphed into a NFD. So I plan to fast today.

    @debster251: What a well behaved puppy! Glad you can take your dog to restaurants. Mick also behaves very well on the patio. Tonight is second class of puppy school. 🐕🎓❤

    @jaifaim: Yes, Mick is a wonderful dog! Somehow we found each other! 🐕❤😊

    Have a good Thursday everyone! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 27 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Going for a WFD mostly today, had a little cream in coffee as I finished up at Family Promise overnight, this morning. Otherwise planning to stick to water, black coffee, iced herbal tea…

    Interesting to see all the Egg Faster experiences. @snowflake56, yes I think I’ll be doing the egg fast periodically. Definitely some interludes with some low carb veggies involved. @betsylee – it was interesting to read some of the information regarding the egg fast at the ibreatheimhungry.com (an American living in Belise). She explains some of the health benefits.

    @johnnyr – the egg fast diet is part of things ketogenic. Jimmy Moore was the originator (he worked on The Complete Guide to Fasting with Dr. Jason Fung) but others have taken and run with it. I think some of the guidelines have come about from people’s experiences with the diet and also from macros etc, part of the keto way.

    Someone asked about TRE and the egg fast. Yes, I saw that encouraged; the snacks were also not mandatory – just there for if needed. I mostly did a 18:6 schedule. I did have the BPC (which I’d never had until the Egg Fast) in the morning but then didn’t eat until late morning or later. I did see the guideline that the minimum number of eggs in a day were to be 6; as it was to cover minimum protein needs in a day. It is definitely not a CICO model (Calories in Calories out).

    @matpi – you were asking about autophagy and the 5:2. There really isn’t a lot of research yet. As @funshipfreddie mentioned, Dr.Longo’s fasting mimicking diet information speaks to it somewhat. If you want to see some autophagy info, Dr. Jason Fung has YouTube videos on fasting and autophagy.

    @brightonbelle – before embarking on the Egg Fast, get some good guidelines, plan & recipes at the ready. It makes for a greater chance of success. The earlier link I mentioned is excellent and also Ketogenicwoman.com (a Canadian in BC)

    Enjoy the journey forum friends!

    Whoops, forgot to add my name

    Day 27 pocket list

    Day 27 VA, US, CD

    Today, I’m not sure FD or CD. Had a FD yesterday, scales are still on the downward trend *exciting* however, I am noticing my favorite pants (which I have 4 pair in different colors for teaching yoga) are getting saggy. While I’m excited about this, I am also kinda bummed! I know I should not be bummed, but I guess its because I don’t have that many clothes under the size I am now. I’ve been about this size for a good portion of life.

    Anyone else have the bummed feeling over clothes?

    I had no time to eat breakfast (which I find I’m less inclined to eat breakfast anymore b/c it seems to make me hungrier the rest of the day.) The part that makes me sad is …. <sniff, sniff, whimper cry> I love breakfast foods. Breakfast was always my favorite meal of the day. C’est la vie

    No time to eat supper either because we are going to see “Weird Al” Yankovic – Strings Attached Tour with the Richmond Symphony! I will be getting out of class from teaching, change real quick then hit the road to go to the show.

    Only lunch today

    Egg Fasters – Question? about how many eggs are you eating a day?
    I see that @basyjames you only eat 4 (that actually sounds better, I was stuffed at 6+ 1 more b/c of working out!)
    I read I was suppose to eat 6 a day! Of course with butter/fat. However I did not feel like I wanted that many and maybe thats why I didn’t lose as much when I did the fast.
    Well Done to the other Egg Fasters too!

    @matpi – Favorite Stout, all time Favorite would be Choklat Oranj by: Southern Tier Brewing Company *Since I don’t think that stout is not available all year long, then I usually will go for ANY stout made by Hardywood, Their Gingerbread stout is awesome – but I also love their Pancakes one too.

    Oh and autophagy @matpi – here try this article. https://lifeapps.io/fasting/the-5-stages-of-intermittent-fasting/. I take the timing as a “guesstimate” because each person is surly different depending on genetics/exercise/metabolism. There are also more articles here that are pretty interesting. https://lifeapps.io/fasting/ – I actually use their Life App to track my fasting days especially my extended Fast, keeps me motivated to see how far I’ve gone. And its free, no strings attached.

    May you keep your Fasting – Egg-citing!

    3rd post

    Thanking @at so much for setting up the July spreadsheet and posting the link in the July Challenge forum,it’s so much appreciated. 💐

    We seem to have gone egg mad the past few days ha ha. So I consume up to 6 eggs daily, with cheese mostly, or olive oil, not keen on butter on its own and don’t like the smell of it cooking, so haven’t really used that as the fat. It’s going well.

    Sneaky weigh in at 7pm when I got home and down another 0.2lbs since this morning……super excited to see what the final weigh in will be. I have not suffered with constipation.

    @matpi Guinness stout is my favourite too, though I am Irish so it’s part of our genes 😄……plus, I did work in the actual brewery so I guess I have to enjoy it. And no, I don’t know the secret ingredient 😆😆

    Have a great rest of Day 27, catch up in the morning my time for final June weigh in. Ohhhh I can’t wait 🐣🐣🐣🐣

    Day 27 UK FD

    Another ‘on-shakes head – off – shakes head’ x3 scale moment this morning, but I’ll wait and check tomorrow at my weekly weigh day. Today’s been an effortless FD bc pushing thru to finish project and drinking lots of water in the hot weather.

    Worked til v late yesterday and from early this morning, one huge project is almost in the bag! Sadly all the backlog has bubbled up now – like concentrating on lthe front garden for a few months and then realising the back garden has grown thru the kitchen window!!

    Lovely to read posts but exhausted and heading for early night – too tired to think about food. Heading for PJs and early night now.

    @flourbaby welcome back! Go gently and get well soon. So sorry you’ve been sick and stuck in land of steamed puddings & custard – tho that has to be the upside! Just how big is Neptune when pudding-shaped? 😀
    @jaifaim one foot in front of the other is good enough sometimes. Hope you have a lovely weekend in the UK – whereabouts are you?
    @daffodil2010 @snowflake56 @basyjames @borealis way to go with the egg fast and great results! I love both eggs and cheese and have been missing them a lot in my vegan era 🙁
    @betsylee sounds like you’re off to a great start on your B2B marathon
    @rabbette i’ve felt v bummed indeed about clothes… saying sad goodbye to some old faves, and not yet acquiring new wardrobe xc dribs and drabs. A couple of lovely things that i fit back into from 15 yrs ago but more aware of the gaps. But I’ve been enjoying letting things go on to new homes where they’ll be a better fit – feels good:)

    Day 27 pocket list

    Day 28 – Japan – WFD #47 in 2019

    This might be a hard one, I woke up hungry and it hasn’t improved. Right now my sleeping is a mess.

    Day 27 Ohio, US — NFD (66 bites)

    The NFD has gone well. Thanks @funshipfreddie, @annemarilyn, and @rabbette for the info about autophagy and 5:2. While I’ve read some things to indicate that there is a whole spectrum of autophagy induction — it appears that it isn’t just a matter of throwing a switch. While some autophagy occurs for everyone, apparently vegetarians have more of it going on than do meat-eaters. Fasting completely for at least 13-16 hours seems to be the master way of doing it, but there are intermediate grades also. My guess is that 5:2 fasting is someplace in that intermediate zone.

    @rabbette While I do enjoy Guinness straight up, here are a couple other pleasant ways I’ve found to enjoy stout —- I don’t know how well-known they are: “Black Velvet”: equal parts of Guinness and champagne and the “Ale Flip” which is basically a vanilla milkshake, but instead of milk you use Guinness. Both of those can be fun, though with the flip you have to be careful when you add the sugar!

    @rabbette Also, how was the concert? I didn’t know that Weird Al was still going strong. He’s destroyed a couple of songs for me, since now when I hear the songs, I think instead of his parodies, which are almost always spot on.

    Day 27 – Melbourne Aus – NFD

    So I weighed myself this morning, lo and behold the number read 69.2, almost at my maintenance of 69! I did have a few drinks at a work function last night, so might have been a little dehydrated, but I was expecting something 2-3kg higher than that, so I’m glad.

    The extra carefulness while i’m not able to hit the gym, along with the extra CD this week has paid off.

    Lots of posts to catch up on, but must run – will try check back later, hope everyone is having a great friday 🙂

    Day 28, Emden Germany, 3rd day of Egg Fast

    weight down to 60.5kg/133.4lbs, not a great loss, 1.5kg/3.3lbs so far. My weight on June 21st was 59.5kg/131.4lbs, not easy to get back there. Had 5 eggs with mayonnaise and 90g Camembert in a 6h eating window. Downside is high BP and water retention so back to medication.

    @borealis go for it, it’s really easy!

    @rabbette I started with 6 eggs, yesterday I had 5. I don’t like the too full feeling so today I plan to eat 4 eggs with butter/mayonnaise/cheese. Two years ago, when I went into maintenance I took some of my favourite clothes to the charity shop, since then I slowly gained half of the lost weight back so could have kept them. But I’m sure the new owners enjoy them as much as I did.

    @betsylee I hope the wound on your back will recover soon and doesn’t bother you too much.

    Pocket list day 28

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    4 days egg fast —–running loss total……..6.4lbs!!

    So it does work. I am amazed.

    However, now I face into the the big party weekend and celebrating starts tonight with a “last of the 40’s dinner” at our favourite restaurant, then tomorrow is party central. Won’t even be able to think about the transition phase from egg fasting, so let’s see how quickly the loss becomes a gain 😱

    Not sure how much I will be able to post here this weekend, so hang on in there for the last few days (even though I am not 😄) and definitely see you all on Monday in the July 2019 Challenge.

    Day 28, Canberra, NFD

    Another busy day at work. I do love a busy one as it (usually) keeps my mind off food. But we had a working lunch where I had a too-big bowl of risotto. That would be ok except we’re going out to dinner tonight which I know will involve EFS!

    There’s still 3 days to go @betsylee – anything is possible esp with mammoth B2Bs!!

    V envious re your Leonardo exhibition, @brightonbelle. I heard the gun he used to kill himself was recently sold at auction – not sure if it will end up in a public gallery somewhere.

    @FlourBaby- think of an egg fast as a cake fast (but without the sugar and flour)!

    Way to go @basyjames. Lots of good examples here for the egg fast. Will we need a new acronym..?

    I love an accidental FD @songbirdme, tho I experience them rarely.

    @rabbette – baggy clothes means justifiable excuse to go shopping! Or, if you’re that way skilled, time to get out the sewing machine to bring in hems.

    Have a fab celebratory weekend @daffodil2010 – enjoy yourself fully because a new month and the reset button is always there on Monday if you need it.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    2nd post

    @daffodil2010 what a great loss, well done! Enjoy your weekend!

    Day 28: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD:

    My day off today, so I slept an extra TWO hours! Nice to get up when you feel like it, rather than forcing yourself up.
    This egg-fasting challenge seems to be catching on. I notice the participants are racking up some very good losses. One question; (maybe it’s been mentioned already, if so, sorry…) do eggs, and eggs only, make you….er….constipated?
    Also, it will be interesting to see if these weight losses are maintained afterwards. Keep the info coming…it’s fascinating.
    Have a good day everyone out there xx

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @gretta – great result! We’re both just a whisker away from our goals!

    And @daffodil2010 & all you egg fasters – you must be egg-static! (sorry, couldn’t resist) Fascinating to read about your experiences and results.

    Pocket list day 28

    Day 28, UK, FD

    Quick check in as off to work. Scales pointing downwards again. Another FD for me today:
    Breakfast: 2 crackers+small portion of cheese+coffee with almond milk (200cals)
    Lunch: chicken salad (200cals)
    Dinner:WW chicken soup (100 cals)

    Have a few carrots and cherry tomatoes for an emergency, but day should go well.

    Have a good friday everyone!

    Day 28 UK CD

    Weekly weigh day so month end stats for me show…. I have hit my goal 🙂 After 19 months and a 10 mth plateau I’ve arrived at the upper end of my destination station – woop woop!

    Stats – because I’m always so encouraged to read other people’s numbers:

    1Dec2017 179lb /81kg B41 W36 H45 BMI 28.7
    28Jun2019 140lb /63kg B35 W28.5 H38.5 BMI 22.6

    This is the top of what will be my range so a little way to go & other goals lined up, but for the next few days I’m going to bask in achievement and enjoy where I am 🙂

    We’re definitely stronger together xx

    Day 28, London, UK, FD

    Finally a FD and I really am craving the discipline!!! Prawn salad OMAD, yes please!!!

    @annemarilyn, you and @dykask are our resident condensers!!! As in, you both read and digest all the research & details behind all of the many aspects of this WOL, then you condense it all into manageable easily understood bite-sized pieces for some of us who like me, just need a summary ………………….so, Thankyou!!!!

    @rabbette, I only felt bad about clothes when I skipped an entire size and missed out on wearing some lovely (practically new!!) items that went from tight to baggy overnight!!! I always advise people to wear ‘that’ ballgown to the supermarket if you have to just so you don’t miss out. The real downer for me has been shoes!!! When you’re a little on the plump (?) side there’s nothing stopping you rocking fabulous shoes even if you couldn’t get one leg into a size 10 dress!! However, weight loss has meant my feet have shrunk from ½ to a full size, as my shoe collection is quite an investment, I refuse to lose out so I now invest in super gel insoles & inserts to keep things in place!!…………………………….. By the way, by definition you can eat break-fast ‘foods’ at any time of the day, the time you break your own fast is yours to decide, as is what you eat, don’t fall into the breakfast is in the morning trap ……………………. I usually have breakfast at 3-4pm!!!!!

    @penz, it’s like you were in my mind ………………………., when I wrote ‘I’m not really an egg fan’ I actually deleted the next line where I wrote ‘unless you mix it with butter, flour, sugar & shove it in an oven for a while!!’……………….. Great minds & all that!!

    @michelinme, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! This month has been successful for so many, you must be patting yourself on the back knowing the plateau & virus were just stumbling blocks along your journey …………. Well hurdled, perseverance is the key!!! I’m still on a rather bouncy-bouncy plateau (?), but it’s not such a bad journey when I learn something new every day!!!

    Happy fasting everyone!!!

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Almost the end of the month and a successful June for so many of us 😊
    @penz thanks for hosting us 💐

    Egg fasters please keep the information coming, so interesting and your weight loss is amazing.

    Weight this morning 131.8 pounds. BMI 21.9. Goal achieved……happy to be back in my maintenance weight range. The extra few pounds I gained had all gone onto my waist and felt uncomfortable…..feel so much better now than I did at the end of May.

    Wishing everyone health and happiness. Happy Friday 😎🍷😉

    Day 28 UK NFD

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Pretty good day yesterday. I celebrated the pool liner replacement and repair with a Long Island Iced Tea. My favorite summer beverage, although I seldom have one. They are a blend of 7 different liquids and none of them tea. 🙂 (If you don’t know it, 5 of the 7 are alcoholic)

    Going to try to get some things accomplished here at the house as the pool is still filling. Hope I can read some posts –

    Onward and downward.

    Day 28 Canton OH final day of 5 day egg fast

    5lbs donated to charity as of 7am this morning

    I planned to put a little pink salt under my tongue this morning and forgot. I will have to make do with regular salt from the cafeteria

    @gretta awesome job – you are almost there

    @snowflake56 I can relate to the bitter sweet feeling of fav clothes not fitting anymore, on the one hand being overjoyed at successfully meeting goals and on the other hand, mourning clothes that don’t fit and have to be given away. I cleaned out my closet when I reached maintenance 2 years ago and I think it’s time for another closet clean out not because of a drastic size change but to account for the change in my aesthetic

    @penz good one “think of an egg fast as a cake fast but without the sugar and flour”

    @ciren2 I felt a little fuller on the 3rd day but one tablet of alka seltzer took care of it. I am curious to see if my 5 pound loss (so far) sticks around after I terminate on Saturday. I actually prefer to think about it as a reset, we have all fallen off the wagon and this has given me a relatively pain free way to get my head back in the game. I enjoy water fasting and will still engage in those regularly for autophagy reasons, but egg fasts are so much easier to accomplish (IMHO) if you are looking to break a plateau or shake things up

    @michelinme Woop! Woop! party in the house!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

    @missybear welcome back to maintenance!!!

    So many people celebrating success just in time for summer and warm weather, this is awesome. I am so proud of all of us, and @flourbaby said it “Perseverance is key….it’s not such a bad journey when we are learning something new every day!!!”
    Keep it going everyone – and see you in July 

    @missybear and @michelinme: Congratulations to both of you for getting to maintenance. WELL DONE xx
    @daffodil2010: Is there a link to the July Challenge…have I missed it?
    @songbirdme: A pool? How lovely…we’re having a brief heatwave at the moment here.

    Day 28, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Congrats to all who have reached their maintenance range! 😊😊😊

    The 5 day egg diet 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 seems interesting. I might try it sometime in July.

    @daffodil2010: Have a fun party weekend! 😊

    Walking with Mick 🐕 to campus shortly, meeting DH for coffee.☕

    Have a good Friday everyone! ⚘⚘⚘

    @ciren2 I’m not Daffodil but here it is: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/july-2019-monthly-challenge/

    I already started last week but I was planning on joining you all in the July thread.

    Day 28 second post

    Caught up with posts.
    @flourbaby and @basyjames – thank you! it feels like an epic achievement after 19 months esp the 10 months on the plateau. But goodness how i shrank in that time!
    @ciren2 @redrockgirl302 I’m definitely not at maintenance yet!! But a step closer having hit my original goal – and that’s worth celebrating 🙂
    @basyjames @rabbette @flourbaby closet clear outs are like gardening – pruning is painful but important to make space for new life 🙂
    @missybear congratulations on getting back into maintenance
    @stardustdream welcome 🙂

    June 28, VA, USA, FD

    Its HOT! I drank my 20zo of water while I was out, apparently that was not enough for the 4+ hours only about 40 minutes were in the heat, the rest was in 2 different stores.
    I came home had salt under the tongue with my 8oz of water. Didn’t quite do it, I was craving pickle juice. So I drank the dang pickle juice… now I feel better and I”m having more water.

    @ciren2 – I’m still at a size 12-14 I’m 5’3”, I’ve only been close to a size 8-10 at my lowest adult life, but I’m going for it. I want it dang it…. You can do it too!

    @annemarilyn – I was intrigued by the Vanilla Shake – had to look that one up, I somehow skipped that one, maybe b/c I saw raw eggs, I’m pretty adventurous tho.

    @michelinme – yes goodwill is right around the corner and they will be receiving quite a few things. I’m inclined to figure out how to make these pants smaller. They are so comfortable for hot weather. I do like your garden reference. AND Love the sharing of the numbers!
    *•.¸♡*•.¸♡*•.¸♡*•.¸♡*•.¸♡ Congratulations! ♡¸.•*♡¸.•*♡¸.•*♡¸.•*♡¸.•*

    @dykask – My sleep is a mess too, so sorry to hear that. Handful of cashews? Maybe? I’m not restrained enough most days (although I did try it on my NFD and I was surprised it worked. I feel asleep easier – I didn’t stay asleep, but it was a start.

    @matpi – I’ve never tried either of those stout variations, they sound delightful. Concert was quite fun – a bit HOT as it was outdoors, but lots of fun. I laughed quite a bit. And yes Weird Al is still running about the stage kicking his legs up and all kinds of motions, I was quite surprised he was still so agile.

    @gretta – Yay! So close, great job.

    @snowflake56 – I feel like if I take on the egg fast again I’ll eat prob only about 4 eggs a day, that seem more reasonable for my body. I hear maintenance is its own challenge, and we are all here for each other. Hope the egg fast treats you well.

    @daffodil2010 – well at least you can go into the party party party mode with a loss already in your pocket. Go have fun and come back to another egg fast in a week or two, since you know it works!

    @penz – I tried a little bit of goodwill today, looking at smaller sizes.

    @flourbaby – Thank you about the ballgown advice… I think that is on my mind, as I have wore my sequin shirt to every thing. The movies, a concert, out for drinks… I know that it will not fit soon. So that is the BEST advice ever. Oh my about the shoes! I could totally see that happening…

    I added some of you folks that I saw were fasting! Cheers.

    Pocket list day 28

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