July 2018 Monthly Challenge

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July 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 804 replies, has 57 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 6 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 810 total)

  • Day 11, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    Just checking in.
    Have a good Wednesday everyone! 😊🦋🌻

    2nd post

    I overate. I just had three small pieces from a maltese loaf which I bought today for my pregnant daughter with tomato paste, olive oil and salt. I also ate three apricots. It was yum but got me to around 550!calories more. So it’s 1,150 for today.

    Tomorrow will be another fast day.

    Good evening everyone.

    Day 11- Florida

    NFD. Went out to eat last night. Hope I didn’t overdo it. Brought home leftovers.
    Backing up photos. Quite day.
    Have a good day.

    Day 11 London 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 FD

    Watching the World Cup England v Croatia match while typing this. It’s making me so nervous that I had to do something else!

    Having read the posts left over the last couple of days I feel so fortunate to have found this forum. Each and every person here is strong, brave and an inspiration. I too have a story, and try not to let it define me. I am blessed to have married my love, against my father’s wishes. He disowned me and stopped me seeing my mother when she was dying. It is too painful to write about. Forgiveness is hard, anger is the easier option and I try to do the former but the latter generally wins. I miss my mother so very much. We have a wonderful sweet beautiful son who turns two next month and I want to set a good example for him so I try not to dwell on it. I am a strong independent woman who made my own choices and live by them. They are traits I want to teach him. I am so lucky in so many ways. I love my life, my home, my work, I have truly wonderful in-laws – the whole family. Oh but you only have one mother, and I do so miss her. I wish she could have met her grandson. But this is my life now and I have so much to be thankful for and I think and hope she is watching over us.

    Okay, back to 5:2. I’ve had such a good day. A fast day and also I booked the day off for some “me time” and general “maintenance”!! Went and had a wax (ouch!) then had my hair done (been way too long) followed by a pedicure. It was wonderful! And as it was so busy I managed to stay under 500 cals. Just had a huge delicious salad – mixed 90g rice in for some carbs.

    My mil and fil arrive from Ireland tomorrow for a long weekend so I also did some grocery shopping. Thankfully they love to walk lots and are very healthy eaters so although I won’t have an FD while they are here, I should behave on the calorie front!

    Hope you have all had/are having a great day x

    Sorry so many typos, I have tried to correct them. Blame the football! Never watch a match but I’m obsessed with this World Cup!!

    @basyjames – thanks for the link on artificial sweeteners. Makes sense. I do use them occasionally in my black coffee (too hard without) but that does not stimulate my appetite. Interestingly Diet Coke does. I suspect there is something else in their secret recipe!

    Day 11 London UK FD

    Just wrote a long post but kept needing to edit typos and then it simply disappeared! I copied it but still can’t seem to post it. Will try again later.

    Basically acknowledging all the wonderful people on here and everything you have been through as well as what an inspirational forum this is, not just for the 5:2 but life lessons.

    A strong FD, stayed under 500 cals. Weight loss has been steady and consistent. I’m just 1.9kg away from goal now but this is the hardest but I think! And maintenance of course! No doubt will put a bit on as next four days are NFD but should hopefully stay within TDEE.

    Hope everyone has had a good day x

    hi everyone, I’ve joined late but just started the 5:2 last week – I’ve had good results in the past and working on this again to get to where I was last year before I got glandular fever 🙁

    Hope everyone else has had a good week!

    Day 11 UK NFD

    I enjoyed my body pump workout today and I also did my first run in quite a while so I am feeling pretty chuffed with myself. 😁

    I have decided to step it up a notch and I will be doing AF for the next two weeks before I go away for a few days. While I don’t enjoy AF as I found it hard to maintain in the past as it’s too regimented for me, I do really need to get my NFDs under control and I’d like to make abit more progress with the weight loss. So tomorrow will be a fast day for me.

    Good night and see you all tomorrow.

    Day 10 – NFD
    Day 11 – FD

    Cruella dealt me a low blow today; I did not fast at all last week and I’m up about 4 lbs. Hoping my 2 FDs this week will get me back on course. Consumed about 749 cals. today. Not my usual 500, but when you stop even just for a week, it is hard to get back in gear again, I noticed.

    2nd post

    By AF I meant ADF(alternate day fasting). Sorry I was writing on my phone.

    Day 12 – Japan – NFD

    Day 12, Emden Germany, NFD
    Day 11, NFD

    @dykask everything is fine! I’m so glad I’m living my life, I could never do what @rainbowsmile does, she is so brave in everything she does.

    Thanks everyone for sharing your emotional stories, you all turned out to be such wonderful, loving and caring people. I sailed through life without any real struggles and lots of support and people that cared for me. I’m so grateful for that.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 12, Cornwall UK, FD

    Another day, another fast. Interesting to see so many of you working on the non-fast days. I guess most of us are reasonably good at fast days, otherwise we wouldn’t be doing 5:2. So I’m going to celebrate that today!

    I’ve been talking to friends a lot about weight issues in the last few days and its interesting how all of them (even the skinny ones) have weight control issues of one sort or another. I remember my grandmother, who was a dancer, telling me she used to control her weight by fasting one day per week. I was a teenager then and I should have listened to her!

    @strawberriesandcream – I may pick a quiet month and do some 4:3 but I’ve been avoiding it .. i need to take advice sometimes!

    @diana123 – thanks for sharing your story. Its brave and such a difficult issue to talk about. Glad you had counselling so your early experiences do not have to define your life. Live and love well.😊

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Super busy day in work, orders for micro herbs and edible flowers are going through the roof, however this relentless heat means growth is stunted…so we are struggling to fulfill the increased orders. But we always do, with willpower, belief in the plants, and hard work ☺️

    I treated myself to a night of catch up of 2 shows of Gardeners World which I had recorded, and red wine! I really enjoyed it, and I weigh the same today so onwards to my second FD of the week.

    One of my colleagues has started to bring in Green and Black organic chocolate for us to share when the going gets tough. It’s too hard to resist! I know she has bought bars for today but it’s my FD. The dangers, though well meaning, that lurk unsuspecting around life’s corners 😆

    I will try for a liquid fast day, but have found lately that I can’t sustain liquid only all day, so it might turn into an OMAD before early to bed.

    Sorry all my English friends for last nights World Cup result. I was really hoping England would do it this time ☹️

    @diana123 Huge virtual hug to you for sharing your harrowing story. You have come through so much in the past (and recently), yet you are always upbeat and considerate on this forum. Thank you for sharing, thanks for being here every day, thanks for your lovely quotes. You are a very good and kind person and I appreciate how much you have overcome to be who you are today 🤗

    @rainbowsmile aww, thanks, I felt that hug through the iPad ☺️ Thanks for your kind words. My life has completely changed from what it was, and I am a much different and much happier person ….life does try to put us on the right path but we do need to see it. I never consider any of my past as being a waste of time, love, life….now I realise it was life pushing me to be on this path right now.

    And so glad that you guys are here too. Together we are stronger!!!! YES!!

    Pocket list Day 12

    Day 12 London

    A CNFD for me today and the rest of the week as have guests.

    Good luck fasters

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Bit of a disappointing fast day yesterday. I was fine until 7 but then had a craving for toast with butter so ate 2 pieces! I think I’ll try to get out of the house more at night on a fast day as I’m fine when I’m in work.

    Hoping to do 16 :8 today. Starting the day with a run so not sure how that will go.
    Really enjoying all the posts on here.
    Havea good day

    Day12, Guildford UK, WFD

    Day 4 of 7 on WFD, hunger has gone. Will drink mineral water extra today.

    What I want to know is where all the poo comes from if I haven’t eaten for 4 days? Surely not from water?

    Is all that really inside me?

    I am tempted to find out how long this goes on for…….


    Day 12 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Day 12 – NFD; Dublin, Ireland

    I think the whoosh finally came, 3 consecutive days under 71kg, it’s great to see those numbers on the scale.

    Good luck to everyone fasting today.

    Day 12, UK, NFD

    Yesterday’s fast day morphed into an NFD. No matter, I’ll be careful today and try for another FD tomorrow.

    @diana123 – Thank you for your courage in sharing your experience. And @beedoo too. I did see your initial post but by the time I logged onto my PC to answer, it had disappeared. Thank goodness for both forgiveness and hope. xx

    @metatauta – you’ll be back in the groove soon – Cruella is not going to get the better of you!!

    Keep on keeping on. Together we are stronger.

    Day 12 UK FD

    Had a very sleepless night with the baby so not the best start to today’s fast day. But I can do it.

    Today’s pocket list:


    Day 12, UK, FD

    Hoping to get back to where I was before I fell off the wagon, staying strong today but more hoping to stay strong tomorrow and after :). Off to work soon.

    So many lovely posts here, I love this forum and this group ❤

    @fattymessi welcome to our July challenge 🙂 . Its never too late to join. I hope you recovered fully, you will get where you were before no doubt about that. There is some useful info in the opening posts and I added you to our spreadsheet, use it and fill it if you wish 🙂

    @moukinator congrats on the whoosh 💃 😀

    @sarahbob lack of sleep is very hard, but I’m sure you can do your fast today, stay strong 💪

    Pocket list Day 12

    Have a good day everyone 🌹

    Day 12 Akron OH FD

    Vacation starts tomorrow, we are all excited because we need the break.

    @rainbowsmile it’s scary to think we carry so much waste within us. I believe I will embark on a 10 water fast when I return, I am actually relishing the idea

    @metatauta cruella may have landed a blow but I know you will overcome
    Keep on keeping on friends. This will be my last post until I return.

    Day 12 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just checking in. Couple good days, under TDEE, right on maintenance weight.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 12 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    Thank you to everyone who has given me hugs and kind words. All of you have been so supportive, thoughtful and kind on this form,I am grateful I found this form back in mid-Jan 2018.

    As I have said in the past, my 93yr old MIL lives with us and I am her caregiver, it takes a lot of my time and devotion to care for her. I don’t have extra time to get out and about with my friends like I use too. So all of you have filled a void in my life as well as making me accountable by showing up.

    Every morning I show up with the intent to make it a great day, I live in the present and I stay grateful. My life is a wonderful life and I wouldn’t change anything.

    You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great. Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.

    Day 12, FD, US

    I actually look forward to my FDs!

    Day 12 – USA – NFD

    Day 12 Stevensville Maryland CFD

    2nd post I forgot to add myself to the Pocket List

    Pocket list Day 12


    Day 12, USA (Nebraska), FD

    I’ve been watering outside for the last 40 minutes, and still have the front bed to do–we’ve had a number of scorchers in a row, so everything is quite thirsty! I’m longing for a cup of coffee, but need to get the watering done before the sun peeks over the trees and makes it truly miserable, so I’m headed back out to finish it up. Then I’ll head to church where I’m the secretary; my husband is the pastor and he’ll have made a pot by the time I get there, so I’m using that as my carrot to finish the watering…even though I have at least one mosquito bite already, and feel as if bugs are crawling all over me, lol! That’s an active imagination for you!

    Didn’t do too badly on yesterday’s NFD, so feeling much better about who I am. Wish my morning strength were as easily found in the evening! Ah well, being at church all morning will make it easy to ignore food, then I’ll only have the afternoon to get through. Perhaps I’ll go to the quilt shop! 🙂

    Pocket list Day 12


    Day 12-17, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Going to the Red Rocks for my Birthday! Hiking red rock country in Capitol Reef National Park, picking apricots in Fruita, eating apple pie a la mode at the Gifford House, slot canyons to be explored, in short: Serenity now! Yippee! With DH and puppy! 👧👦🐕

    Wishing everybody success with FDs and NFDs.😊🐞🦋🌻🌹

    USA Day 12 NFD

    Good morning, everyone! I’ve been reading everyone’s posts but haven’t been able to reply. My Summer has turned into a hectic one! In any case, I am wishing everyone every success as we move through our WOL, both with the challenges it entails and the happiness when we achieve our goals.

    Today is a NFD, Yesterday was a FD, so tomorrow I will fast again. The Summer heat has helped me keep on track. Heat always suppresses my appetite! LOL I am just checking and hope I will be able to get back to you all later today with a second post. Have a great day!

    Day 12, Gozo, Malta, cd

    Today I didn’t fast but was fairly controlled though not much under tdee as I had chocolate this evening.

    I took my youngest pregnant daughter s son to visit my other two granddaughters in another village as his mother is studying for an exam in November. They love playing together but my grandson and younger granddaughter fight too and this afternoon during playing they caught twice. Then it was dinner time and then bath time.

    I weighed at 68.4 kilos this morning up by 0.6 kilos from yesterday. That’s Cruella s verdict for me today.

    Good night everyone, onwards and downwards.

    2nd post

    Diana123 you have so much kindness for your MIL it keeps you home went you take care of an elderly person. I know as I took care of my mother for a time before she passed away. God bless you. Your quotes are a pleasure to read and I look forward to them. Please keep them coming.

    Day 12 – Florida

    FD today. I’ve done pretty good with fasting. I try to save my calories for dinner. I also exercised for 1 1/2 hours today. Hoping to have a bigger loss this Sunday.
    Have a great evening.

    Pocket list Day 12


    Day 13 FD NZ
    Friday 13th
    Am going to need some willpower today I know it already!
    So tired and that always makes me hungry.
    Taught myself to knit recently and I find it really helps when I’m starving to keep my mind off it.
    Might check in later.

    Day 13 London (well late day 12) but I have to put in writing I’m going to do a FD today (tomorrow).

    I’m full from cake & pizza at book club!

    I know my weight is wildly fluctuating in the week and I’m expecting too much too soon.

    What I do get from reading your posts is it’s a WOL and takes time to get into.

    Good luck fasters.


    USA Day 12 NFD
    Second Post

    Just completed a successful NFD. Tomorrow will be my second FD of the week. Have a great evening ! 🙂

    Day 12, Pacific NW USA, FD

    It’s been a long time since I checked in with this forum but 5:2 has ever been my mantra since May 2016! I’m happy to see my log-in still worked! I am here to say I need to combine love of my mate, family, friends and happy life with mindful celebrating. My joy and health with 5:2 gave me a boost in confidence but it is not magic. I need to remember the basics and get back to consistency. Reading your posts will give me the reminders that I need. Thanks everyone!

    Day 12 – USA – NFD

    @backtothefuture, SO good to see you again!

    Day 13 – Japan – FD

    Starting a fasting pocket list for day 13


    Day 12, 2nd post for FD
    Thanks @dykask and @metatauta, you are why I keep coming back to this forum!

    Day 13, Emden Germany, FD

    Good morning everyone,

    this will be my last post to you all. Of course I will continue this WOL, it’s easy to do and it keeps me healthy (I hope). I’m just not an internet person, it’s just not my world. I thank you all for being a part of my life and wish you all the best. Take care!

    Pocket list for day 13


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 13 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, some weight loss….thus was my first attempt at basic 5:2 (I went straight onto 4:3 when I started this WOL last July and vowed to stay until I reached goal). So I am hovering around goal, upper reaches of the Acceptable Weight Range, so that’s why I am moving into semi-maintenance mode and less FD’s.

    Good week so far then, despite some wine and work related chocolate interludes ☺️

    I have to work tomorrow, a 6 day week is so long at my age 😨, and next week is a long week too. Oh well, positives are I won’t be sitting at home snacking and quaffing wine, and all that extra exercise will tone me 😄 Plus, having to get up early tomorrow will put a halt to the usual Friday night kick back and relax time with DH, I will look forward to that tomorrow.

    Question for you guys….can anybody recommend any strengthening exercises for knees? I find lately that when I get down on my hunkers to clean the cats litter tray (for example) I struggle to get back up. 😨 My knees feel sore when I do that. I am on my feet all day long and walk a lot, and now I no longer have excess weight my knees should not be under that much pressure. Is it OLD AGE setting in 😉

    Have a good day everyone.
    @snowflake56 so sorry to see you go. Take care

    Was going to do a FD but due a bad headache, started with a breakfast of avocado, poached egg, goats cheese combo and flat white.

    @daffodil2010 – it depends if you want to do it at home or at the gym. I used to be in a running club and got to see different injuries, including my own, hence decided to stop. I think leg presses, knee lifts, leg raises standing or laying down etc all help as they strengthen surrounding muscles. I think it is about experimenting and finding what feels ok for you. I also think too much being on one’s feet or even walking too much can lead to issues for some people as the body needs a balance.

    Day 13, UK, ?

    Happy birthday @redrockgirl302 – sounds like you had a wonderful day planned.
    Wishing you a lovely vacation @basyjames – look forward to hearing about it.
    @snowflake56 – I thank you for being part of my life the last year and a half. Love and best wishes. You will be missed. xx
    Welcome back @back2thefuture!
    You can do it @slacknz 🙂
    @marsupial – I have to admit to having had the most wonderful slice of lemon cheesecake yesterday whilst out visiting a lovely garden in the Scottish Borders. I just remind myself constantly that the flexibility of this WOL means ‘we can have our cake and eat it!’ – because there’s always tomorrow…

    OH has an irrational fear of Friday the 13th. Having said that, I have known him lose his bank card and get a puncture on the same day. I tell him he brings it on himself because he expects something to go wrong. And that reminds me of Henry Ford’s quote which seems quite apt right now.

    “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

    Day 13 North Wales FD

    Had a day out with my sister yesterday, so fast day is a day late.

    Pocket list for day 13


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 13, Guildford UK, WFD

    Funnily I feel so full,…

    A little bit fuzzy headed today and my sinuses are working flat out.

    @diana123, thank you for your sharing. These things are all part of our life and influence how we are. An amazing caring person like Diana is a rare find, big respect.


    Day 13 UK FD

    Weighed this morning and haven’t lost weight this week, but unlike on previous diets I’m fine about that. I have a confidence in this WOL and know that it works. Patience is all I need.

    Lots of socialising in the next few days but will be doing 16 :8 or OMAD. Love that flexibility too.
    Have a good day

    Day 13 – FD; Dublin, Ireland

    Had a bit of a feast day yesterday, bbq with work friends. Not feeling any guilt whatsoever though, the food was delicious and the company was great. The scales are up this morning, but I know now that is just water retention and it will be down again tomorrow morning.

    That being said, my FD is off to a bit of a calorific start, at 500kcal already. Will try to do a run tonight to counter-act the slight excess.

    Good luck to everyone fasting today!

    Adding myself to the pocket list:


    Day 13, Surrey (UK), NFD, 154.2lb

    Finally, finally off the plateau with a WHOOSH! Just over 4lb to lose to get to my target weight at 150lb. Just a stone’s throw from 10-stone-something land now, my mini-target for July!

    Not sure what to do when I get there. Weight-wise, I’m already in a much better place than when I started this WOE 7 months ago. My BMI is now 24 and WHR (waist-height ratio) an acceptable 0.47. However, I have some loose skin and pockets of fat in odd places. I have bingo ballasts rather than wings. My knees have their own individual muffin-tops and measure 16.5″ each. (Compare that to my stringy-looking neck at 14″!) My fingers remain resolutely fat and, even though I can now wear my wedding and eternity rings, I have to fold the skin below the last knuckle to squeeze them on. I think I may be the opposite of Dr MM’s TOFI (thin on outside, fat on inside). I’m a FOTI!

    So, whilst the 5:2 has been going well, if a little slowly at times, I confess I’ve been neglectful of the exercise regime lately. I think this is where I need to concentrate my efforts, to tone up the muscles and – maybe – burn up some of those pockets. Any advice on skin tightening would be welcome, too!

    By the way – when I said ’10-stone-something-land’ I meant 10 stone plus a few (generous) pounds – NOT 140lb! I’m really not sure if I could get that low with my large frame. Last time I was that weight, I think I was in primary school and maybe 2″ away from my full adult height.

    Keep on keeping on, everyone. Don’t let the odd binge, sideswipe from life or nasty Cruella scale measurement put you off. Just take a deep breath, climb back on that wagon, and carry on….you know you’re worth it!

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 810 total)

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