July 2017 31 Day Challenge

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July 2017 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,994 replies, has 126 voices, and was last updated by  Chitown Gal 7 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,801 through 1,850 (of 1,996 total)

  • Here’s the link to next month’s challenge.


    Day 28, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    I am feeling so much better on fast days or controlled days with healthy food. Maintaining is also hard work. It is so easy to become complacent once one reaches the weight goal. Happened last weekend to me and I did not feel good after my not so good food choices.
    So, I am below my weight goal for July for the second time this month and I plan to stay there with good food choices over the weekend. 😊😊😊

    Congratulations to all who are on this journey. This WOL/WOE really works!⚘⚘⚘

    Have a great Friday everyone! 😊😊😊

    Day 28 Idaho, USA CD

    Yesterday’s fast went well. Still didn’t feel I had it in me to run. I have read the benefits as well as several other posters sharing how they do better, but either that is not going to be the same for me, or my body needs time to adjust. I did run this morning with only dinner last night in me, so that was roughly 12 hours fasted.

    @steve toon taxi driver, Extremes have always been easier for me. On plan vs. off plan, moderation is what is hard for sure.
    @rainbowsmile, you can do it! Just today, you only have to figure out today.
    @bigviking, that is amazing! Well over the averages I’ve seen so far. Congrats!
    @belfastsink, sorry about your dad. Glad that you had other family there for support.
    @lumat, there are lots of articles about why we self-sabotage on the web. Once you understand it maybe you can defeat it?
    @redrockgirl302, love hearing that you are on maintenance, even if it is hard. I cannot even visualize myself at goal – something I am working on – but I’d love you hear more. Where you started, ended, how long, some of the things that you learned along the way… Inspirational!

    Day 28 NFD St. Louis USA
    Weight 134 BMI 22

    I’ve been doing the daily weigh in and tracking and seems that I may have prematurely thought I had met my goal of 132 pounds. Since my original goal was 136 and my BMI is pretty much where it should be I’m not unhappy. I do plan to stick with it and see if I can get down to 132 and get rid of a bit more belly fat. I wasn’t weighing daily but someone posted about doing a daily check and hooking up to a scale that monitors and tracks. Since I’ve never tried that it seemed reasonable. I’ve been using the tracter here.

    I’m in for the August challenge. Thank you for those of you who have been hosting. I’m going to volunteer one of these days but I need to make sure my work and family schedule allows me to make the commitment and effort that those have done so far.

    I got put on the pocket was today but I’m not fasting. I probably indicated incorrectly that I was going to be fasting. Just thought I needed to be honest about that. The Monday Tuesday back to back and additional Thursday fast day have worked well for me. I’ve lost a solid 16 pounds since I started 1 March. I’m quite pleased with that, I’m not hungry on fast days and seem to have a better understanding and ability to handle when and how I over eat. That feels like a huge benefit.

    Heading off to my kettle bell class soon. It has given me the extra boost and strength building the compliments doing the fast days.

    I want to read up as to the difference between a non-fast day and a control day. I suspect out-of-control day one stays at or under calories needed to maintain rather than lose.

    Congratulations RedRock302.! It’s so encouraging to see success stories and people maintaining their goals.

    Day 28 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Another gorgeous sunny day; over 40 days w/o precipitation. Fortunately no fires in our area.

    Will definitely go for a 16:8 and a controlled day. I have a potluck social event this evening. I’ll be sure to take a healthy, tasty choice.

    @Sirasan – I believe the CD – controlled day, was coined on this forum in a previous month. You know how many of us find NFDs more difficult to control than FDs. I think people felt that a CD expressed how they wanted to be sure to be eating intentionally keeping within the TDEE on NFDs.

    @rainbowsmile – divorce is tough. Will be praying for you as you wrap up the official part. I’d give you a hug in person but (((hugs))) will have to do for today.

    Day 28 NFD North Wales
    Yesterday’s FD was not a successful day unfortunately. Trying not to feel despondent. Wanted to finish the month on a high. Hopefully I will start next months challenge better that I finished this months.

    Day 28 🇺🇸FD
    FD going well, so far no food, just 💦 water. Yesterday we picked up our new car, I’m so happy, it’s great. I’m looking at making supplement money by being an Uber driver. I met Uber driver’s in San Diego, while, I and or my hubby and I saw the sights. Quite a few women ages 30’s to 70’s said they liked it and it was good for them.
    Thanks @at, for being so supportive!😊 It’s good to check in with friends! Glad to see you are doing so well on maintaining now, going on 2 years, is it?
    @debster251 @basyjames ✨✨Thank-you for offering to lead August and then September Challenges✨Keeping our group alive😊✨😍
    @steve-toon-taxi-driver NFD’s are harder for me because, I have to be very careful what I eat. If I eat carbs or sugar which can happen mistakenly and easier on a NFD, then it makes my FD Much more difficult. Once I get my mind into the FD, no more choices that could back fire 🤣 So if I haven’t had a drink the day before or sugar and Carbs then FD’s are much better for me. Many times it’s the 2nd FD that it becomes easier. Being willing to eat more tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, squash, zucchini etc., without sugar, wine, carbs makes the next day easier. One step at a time in the right direction, gets me there slowly but surely. 😊Also, Thank-you for sharing, lots of good for information about the revised 5/2 diet. Still wondering about the her information about not fasting b2b, though. I realize she didn’t explain why.
    @metatauta Thank-you for the information about, why bad cholesterol goes up for a short time, while Fasting! I also am watching his other videos on intermittent fasting. This one has a lot of good information. https://youtu.be/SYVvqY-evqQ

    Well it looks like my son, my daughter and I are going to work out 🏋 today. I’ve got leg presses to do for my knees and bike aerobics for now. They are working out on bikes and weights also. 😊
    @fordprefect has gotten a promotion, lately he has been working round the clock getting 5.5 hours of sleep a night mostly. Making it hard to do recreational activities. We try to fit in walking in the evening. He is continuing with his 2 FD’s a week😍, but unable to get the time to check in to the group.😕

    @lilymartin I hope the doctor gives you some insight and news about the increase in your cholesterol, BSL, and platelets going up. Wishing you better news and good health.
    @hannahwatto I have tough times getting off of sugar also. I just hope I remember before I eat sugar and carbs next time. Congratulations on staying away from the sugar. Now is the time to be kind and gently with yourself. It’s a process, many times less is more.✨Good luck and praying that you continue on a feel better.✨
    I’m trying to ✨keep it real✨only real whole veggies, protein, when possible.
    Plenty of water!✨
    Fasting today😊
    Please add yourself if your fasting 😊
    We’ve Got This! 🤝 ✨Together we are Stronget✨✨

    Day 28 – McMinnville Oregon USA NFD
    I had a good FD yesterday. Today is my weigh in day and I’m down 2 lbs for the month. My goal was 4 lbs but the month is not over yet.
    I have to run in to Portland today so I will need to be extra vigilant to stay within TDEE

    @rahul1905 – Good job, I can’t wait to be in your place.

    Day 28 California USA NFD

    Yesterday’s FD seemed a little tough, but I made it through, just under 500 calories. I was rewarded with a .6 lb weight loss, bringing me to 138 lbs or 62.6 kg this morning. This last week has been good, with at least a small drop every day. I think that’s a first except for maybe the very first week of 5:2. There were many more weeks of ups and downs or plateaus, but with still an average of 1.5 pounds or .7 kg loss per week over 11 weeks.

    @rahul1905 – Congrats of being at your monthly goal! This will be incentive to eat mindfully at your dinners out this weekend.

    @redrockgirl302 and @steve-toon-taxi-driver – Congrats at reaching your goal! Setting a new goal that’s a bit lower is exciting! If, once you lose the additional weight it feels like you’re too low, you certainly know how to put it back on. It’s difficult to set a realistic goal when you haven’t seen yourself at that weight for a long time, or maybe ever. Trying on a new weight is like trying on new clothes – you’ll know what looks best!

    @debster251 – Getting calcium without dairy products is easy. I went for over 30 years without drinking milk because of allergies and I’m not a big cheese eater. My doctor was shocked 15 years ago after my bone density scan that my bone density was that of someone many years younger than I was at the time. I do drink kefir now and that doesn’t seem to bother the allergies, but at the time I was getting all of my calcium from leafy greens and plant sources.

    Day 28 – Cumbria UK – FD

    A somewhat damp, windy but not cold walk this morning – good company as usual and a well deserved pot of tea enjoyed afterwards!

    A 500cal FD for me today – fasting since yesterday evening 2000hrs, drinking plenty of water and tea with a dash of skimmed milk – saving my calories for my evening meal and looking forward to it too.

    Baked an apple cake this afternoon for my DD to take with her to work tomorrow – she requested a cake to keep them going!!!! Still in the oven at the moment and smells lovely – I decided to log into the forum to keep me focused on my FD………

    @hannahwatto – great job of dispatching that 4kg this month
    @lindasue – that’s an impressive hold for a plank – do you do straight arm or elbow planks? I can do just about 1min………There is a school of thought that once you can hold a strong plank for 2 mins, “keeping the core tight and not letting the lower back sag or lift, keeping a nice neutral spine throughout.” you should start challenging yourself with different variations – what are your thoughts on this? My core strength certainly still needs some improvement – slowly working on it…….
    @rahul1905 – well done on reaching your lowest weight for 2 years 👍
    @msraven – just in case you don’t log in over the weekend – have a fab birthday on Sunday 🎁🎈🎂🥂
    @steve-toon-taxi-driver – after such an indulgent Wednesday I bet your FD felt wonderful physically and mentally! certainly does for me after a heavy calorie day…..
    @rainbowsmile – well done on getting that final submission in and for your positive way forward with this WOL
    @brightonbelle – I hanged on by my fingernails yesterday and today is a FD so I’m good but hoping that the weekend is controlled with regards to🍷……..
    @songbirdme – 900cal on a NFD is a great CD 😇 Enjoy your weekend
    @okeydokey – I’m relatively new to maintenance – reached goal at the beginning of Dec ’16 and have kept around 0.5 – 1.5kg below goal weight since 💃
    @debster251 – thank you for setting up and taking us forward in the August Challenge 💐

    Remember the 80:20 rule – “It’s OK to give in to cravings. Losing weight and keeping it off means balance, not going without treats for the rest of your life”

    Day 28, Vancouver, NFD.

    I was going to have a FD today, but then realized it’s Friday and I have a wedding, and that’s a bit silly. So I’ll fast Saturday and then maybe do back to back during the week? I’ve been trying to do ADF to speed up weight loss. So far I haven’t lost that much this week, but my scale measures fat percentage and it’s come down a few points, and my clothes all fit much looser — so I’m pretty happy.

    I’ll try to make today fairly controlled, though, and avoid the bar at the wedding as alcohol always makes me eat too much.

    Day 28-29-30, Emden Germany, NFD

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

    @at – A 2000 hour fast! I’m super impressed! How many people can fast for 83 days (in one evening? Quantum Physics?) and still have the strength to be here typing? Hahahaha! I’m sure that was a typo, but still impressed by 20 hours. 🙂

    2nd Post

    @califdreamer – 🤣- meant it to say I started fasting since 8pm (2000hrs) yesterday evening 🤣 Just had my meal which came at just over 300 cals

    Day 28 Nfd south coast uk
    @at agree that when no wine easier to stay on track however have got expenses to do tonight and catching up on notes for work so think i will need a glass or 2! You had a majorly busy day by the look of your post, now relax.
    @brightonbelle – it woulc have been rude not to go and have a drink. I am going to enjoy my tonight believe me.
    @rainbowsmile hope all goes well, take each day as it comes,thinking of you.
    Will be joining the august challenge too just so i keep on with this wol. Good luck all

    @at – Ah, military time! I didn’t even think of that. Makes sense to post that way here with all of the different time zones.

    Hello all from Co Down ni day 28 started a fast day ended a nfd 🙁
    Sorry I still havent caught up, have been busy at work and so tired at night. Howver i see at the top of this page Debster251 is leading August thank you so much for putting your hand up much appreciated. I hope to catch up on everyones posts tomorrow when i have a few hours to my self hope all is good with everyone x

    Hi @coda, thank you for hosting July challenge, all your hard work and support really appreciated.

    Day 29 Australia NFD have hurt my back so am confined to bed. Have so much to do around the house to prepare for painters on Monday. It is so frustrating! Had a leaving lunch at a pub yesterday for one of our colleagues followed by drinks for 4 hours – soda water all the way. Very boring but also satisfying in that I didn’t give in. If only I could be so strong around food!

    Day 29 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 82.6kg (Still fasting for a while this morning)

    I’m going to work-out, take a shower and then slowly break my fast. I still have about 90 minutes to go to get in a full 36 hours. Numbers don’t mean that much but I like the numbers.

    @at – If you really want to increase your planking time the way to do it just go 5sec longer each day. If you keep that up for a month you go from 1 minute, to 3.5 minutes. Actually it would be better to take a day off from planking every 3 days or so to let your mid-section heal. That way you could work your self up to 5 minutes in 2 months, about 2 minutes a month. However doing it that way gets very painful, at least it did for me. It got better when I started getting over 4 minutes, but my mid-section burned for days.

    Pocketeers go for the gold!


    Hi there, I’ve only just found this website and joined the forum about 5 minutes ago. How do I go about joining the 31 day challenge? X

    Hello Vicky1!

    @coda is running the challenge but I’m pretty sure anyone is welcome to join in. You will find lots of support here as the challenge isn’t against each other is for ourselves. There are also many different kinds of people here and that makes things interesting.

    The basic format for these monthly challenges is:

    Day ## – general location – FD/NFD

    Then anything you want.

    ## – day of the month where you are located
    FD – Fast day
    NFD – Non Fast day

    @at , Hi – I find the high plank to be too easy, I don’t feel the quivering contraction that I do with the elbow plank. Sometimes I do the high plank for stretching as it does feel good. My husband is my spotter as he used to do physical training at a police academy and is a stickler for proper form to avoid injury to the spine and neck. It has made a world of difference, should have been doing it for years. Seems like it was just too difficult last time I tried it so I dropped it. Funny how at 68 1/2 years old it became easy – must be all the years of physical fitness in between. Haven’t really gotten into the side planks, elbow to knee moves, etc., but probably will.

    But now I love planks – floor planks, counter planks, wall planks, tricep dips, love it all. Your complimentary post inspired me so I just did two more 2 1/2 minute elbow planks ! So – stop it. haha….

    Day 29 FD Country West Australia
    Well July has turned out to be ….. just July really.
    Up 2.5 kgs for the month!
    Seem to have lost my enthusiasm somewhere along the line. Generally feeling a bit ‘ blergh’.
    Off to have coffee with my lovely 92 yo mum who is in Aged Care. I would like to take her for a drive but it is cold and damp and windy so will sit and chat instead.
    Hoping I might find my mojo along the track.
    BTW I’m not giving up on 5:2 , just need to be a bit more serious ( like when I first started in November last year).
    Roll on August!
    @dykask, a 4 minute plank means you have/will develop pretty good abs!
    @hannahwatto, sorry to hear about your bad back. Although not the weather for it, have you tried an ice pack?
    Ice can be really helpful ( but be careful to put something between the pack and your skin so you don’t get an ice burn). Also, taping by a physio and exercises can be really helpful.
    Otherwise, if bed bound, pain relief, heat and a good radio to listen to. Try not to worry about ‘ what I should be doing”. Stress = increased cortisol levels = can lead to increased pain.
    ( A disclaimer, this is generic advice only, if problems persist – see your doctor. I think that’s what the ads all say!)
    @okeydokey, thanks for the shout out. Can’t get to see the doc until the second week of August – the joys of country living!!
    Have a good weekend all. Onward and … just onward at this stage!!

    @lilymartin, yes I have abs, I can even feel them, but I can’t see them yet. I’m finding it doesn’t take much fat to cover them up.

    Day 29 NFD North Wales

    Day 29 UK NFD

    Managed to stay reasonably controlled yesterday, and have stayed inside the healthy range and under 75kg. I want to do the same again today, although it is always more difficult for me on Saturdays.

    Day 29 – Woking, UK – NFD
    Okay day yesterday again. Off up to London to do the Freecycle this morning.

    Day 28 UK FD 🌈

    Redemption three days! I have 3 days of this month to turn it around. Lots of leaving do’s, big birthdays (0 birthdays) , celebratory drinks/meals/breakfast – quite an accomplishment staying the same it will be for me this month.

    Really need to start challenging myself though.

    @rainbowsmile and @belfastsink feel that same.

    Keep on keeping on! 👊🏻

    Day 29, Wales, NFD

    I’m finding everything tastes better since starting 5:2, perhaps It’s eating mindfully and appreciating food more after a FD.

    Have a great weekend everyone x

    Day 29. Belfast NFD

    @belfastsink – sorry to hear your dad’s not well. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
    @okeydokey enjoy your new wheels!
    @at – I’m impressed that you can bake on a FD. You must have a willpower of iron!
    @lindasue I find that the elbow plank puts a strain on my lower back, so I always do the high plank. However, I can do the side plank, although not very well. Now I have to increase my time. You’ve inspired me!
    @hannahwatto – from one back sufferer to another, hope your back heals soon.
    @lilymartin – August is a new month – just press the reset button!

    I read an interesting thing today. To calculate the daily calorie intake for a moderately active person, take your weight in lbs and add a ‘0’. So in my case, I weigh 155 approx, so I should aim to eat 1550 kcals. Interestingly, my MFP is set for a daily intake of 1560 calls.

    My exercise routine has gone to the dogs during July. Reading about all you active folks has made me take stock, so I’m going to start next month with a new resolve, both with exercise and of course my food intake.

    Onwards and downwards!

    Hello all day 29 Co Down NI aiming for a controlled day no breakfast, lunch with Dad and fish and salad for tea or is that dinner ha ha

    So I have just read page 34 so three pages to go but I just had to post and say WOW! what a wonderful group this is. I have just read @xrox‘s very honest post and the reply from @liathanail -I actual left myself well up.

    @xrox the response from @liathanail was so well put it was like an arm going round your shoulders and giving you a hug. I am also sure that the posts that followed on the next pages were equally supporting, I just haven’t got to them yet. Believe me you are not alone – it only feels like that and I really feel for you or anyone during those moments because we all have them – I do not for one moment believe you are the only one to ever have done or thought what you have felt. But let me tell you you should be very proud – sorry let me shout that BE VERY PROUD OF YOURSELF, why? – because when others joined this challenge, they gave up but you are still here and still posting – ok you may have had a bit of a wake up call – but that is all it is – you will get the determination to go on and I and all the others on this exceptional group will be here with you. Our minds can be so cruel and say things we would not even dream of saying to anyone else but when your mind says bad things you have to change it – look into the mirror and tell yourself you are worth it, you are special and you will do it, just watch me!! We continuously repeat negative things to ourselves – if we did that to a child we would be up for neglect and cruelty. So why do it to ourselves? I too look on enviously at others who have lost all their weight and I am still here plodding on, questioning exactly what @liathanail said. But this is my journey and I must find my own path.

    This group reminds me of the story of the man walking in the sand and as he looked at his life he can see God’s footsteps in the sand walking beside him. However when he sees a chapter in his life which was difficult he only saw one set of footprints. Why? he asked did you leave me. The answer was he didn’t leave, that was when I carried you. Sometimes when we hit a wall and admit we are getting it tough the members in this group lift you up and carry you along.

    Thank you again to each and everyone for the support offered – this has been a somewhat busy month for me and have been a little behind in reading posts but I will get there. The best thing is the group just works itself and the support is second to none. No where in all the slimming groups I have ever been part of has the support (24/7) been as good as here.

    If anyone joined and not posted in a while but is lurking in the background please post now – if I don’t hear from you, you may miss out on your virtual medal. Now back to page 35

    Day 29, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Confession time. My lovely friend arrived on Thursday afternoon with two mini bottles of champagne especially for us to toast our reunion. I just didn’t have the heart to say no. We then went out with all our school friends for a lovely meal and I just went with the flow and had another half bottle of wine over the course of the evening. I did feel bad about letting down my fellow pocket winos, but it wasn’t out of being weak willed – it felt like the right thing to do in the circumstances. Now yesterday was a different story. It was so manic, I didn’t get time to post, and finally got home at 8.45pm after overseeing the ‘deep clean’ of my Dad’s new home. Four lovely people worked nonstop and the place is gleaming. I came home, poured a glass of red wine and then another. Fortunately the bottle was empty after that as OH also imbibed. I hope I am forgiven. Maybe I could have just avoided telling you, but what would be the point in being part of the forum? It only works when we are honest – and that is what I love about being here – so much honesty – and so much love and support in return.

    @at – yes, I found my abstinence since a week on Monday until Thursday certainly made a big difference (although not on the scales it seems) and I will carry on the routine into August.
    @belfastsink – sorry to hear your Dad’s in hospital – big hug coming your way.
    Thanks @debster251 and @basyjames for offering your leadership for August and September – that’s great news.

    The seagulls are going mad outside – I think maybe a predator is trying to grab one of the youngsters and they are mobbing it. It’s a lovely day – for a change – so I’m off to tackle my Dad’s new garden and get the garden wheelie bin filled before it’s emptied later this morning.

    Keep on keeping on – Together we are Stronger.

    day29 cornwall uk

    my fast day yesterday went totally askew so I’m having the weekend off to sort myself out, give my OH a talking to about tempting me with goodies and will see you all on the August challenge. Thank you Debster251 for hosting it.

    Day 29 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Another damp start to the day but OH and I were up and about early as we decided to get the shopping out of the way before the shops got too busy – now back home enjoying my second cup of tea whilst catching up on the forum before going out for brunch to break my fast from yesterday1

    It was an interesting week my “Pocket Winos” @strawberriesandcream @brightonbelle @debster251 @matron65 @rocy65 @missybear @awilson – tempted on a couple of evenings to have a glass, either with a lovely meal that deserved 🍷 or on Thursday after a busy day marshalling at a fell race but I managed to hold firm thinking of you all!!! The main thing I discovered was the lack of temptation to snack or eat more and I lost weight without trying to – did I eat less than I would when having a glass or two of wine????? but if I stop drinking wine during the week I will need to make sure that I increase my food intake as I don’t want to lose anymore weight…….but not sure if I will stick to wine on Sat and Sun only ……..as life is too short not to enjoy some the food/drink pleasures…….but in moderation of course!!
    Mon – NFD – 54.7kg
    Tues – FD – 54.6kg
    Wed – NFD – 53.7kg
    Thurs – NFD – 53.5kg
    Fri – FD – 53.5kg
    Sat NFD – 53.1kg

    @hannahwatto – poor you – sore backs are not much fun – hope you feel better soon and great willpower sticking to the soda water xx
    @dykask and @lindasue – I can feel a plank challenge coming on for August – my regular yoga/pilates classes have closed down for the summer break so it may be just what I need – Thanks for the inspiration and advice!
    @belfastsink – hope your dad makes a good recovery – take care xx
    @vicky1 – Welcome and it’s never too late to join – there is an August Challenge starting – the link is at the top of Page 37 and @debster251 is pulling us together for that one
    @lilymartin @rainbowsmile @belfastsink @lynzm – August is a new month so ready for a new start – Stick with us as TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER and you will all find your mojo again 🤗
    @liathanail – Enjoy your morning in London doing the Freecycle – how many km does the event cover?
    @debster251 – LOL……my OH did not have the same willpower as he had 2 big slices out of the cake last night and DD took the rest to work early this morning so no chance for me to have some today but I’m out to brunch soon and will really enjoy that after my 😇fast….
    @Strawberriesandcream – I would have done the same – so glad that you enjoyed yourself with no guilt – sometimes we just have to adjust what we set out to do to fit in with our lives BUT that is the beauty of this WOL as it allows for just such events!! What a relief to get things sorted out for your Dad – he will really appreciate all the effort you put in making sure everything is sorted out for him 🤗

    @coda – Thank you for looking out for us during this July 2017 31 Day Challenge; but especially a huge thanks for setting up these challenges way back in May 2016. I wonder if you realised how far it would go and how many people it would affect positively when you started the initial challenge back in May 2016………….THANK YOU 🤗💐

    To lose the weight and keep it off we cannot go back to doing what we did before when we gained the weight! “IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT LOSING THE WEIGHT; IT’S ABOUT LOSING THE LIFESTYLE AND MINDSET THAT GOT YOU THERE” Steve Maraboli

    Day 29 UK Oxford- just weighed myself for last time in July. I lost one pound and I’ll take that most happily because this month has had lots ups and downs.

    Thanks group for being there!

    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    Went over TDEE yesterday traveling to a conference, but did enjoy the Wendy’s burger and fries on the road. Today probably won’t be much better, but I will make up for this weekend next week and into August.

    Onward and downward!

    2nd post
    @at – the Freecycle is 12.87km for the basic route and 16km for the extended route. Basically they close the roads to make a circuit which is open from 9am until 4pm. You can join the route at any point and leave at any point so it’s a great way to ride around London and see the sights without having to worry about traffic. It goes over Waterloo Bridge, round by Lincolns Inn and St. Paul’s then down along the Embankment and round Green Park and Buckingham Palace and down the Mall, under Admiralty Arch and through Trafalgar Square and back down the Strand to Waterloo Bridge again. I did 20km this morning then bailed out as it was just starting to rain.
    It’s a great fun event, lots of families with little kids on bikes and some music bikes with full stereo systems cycling around. You also get choirs and bands at various points and there are festival zones where you can stop and get food and drink. It’s the 2nd year I’ve done it. Just headed up to London on the train and hired a Santander bike when I got there.

    @at I’ll be traveling the first seven days of August but it has been a while since I was planking. Maybe I should start and work myself back up to 5 minutes. I better find a good book to read!

    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    Great fast days all month, yesterday not even 400 and I was satisfied. Had House Foods shiratake noodles with a stir fry sauce for dinner – delicious! Drank ACV w/water all day. Final July weight 175.4 – only dispatched 1 lb. but lost a few inches overall this month, so I’m down to a comfortable size 14 (US) again…woo hoo.

    We got a new chicken to replace the one who was hurt by the raccoon…we are acclimating her to a cage side-by-side with the other girls. She comes from a free-range home and was not fed, had to scrabble for herself. She now finds herself in the Chicken Waldorf Astoria with food and water aplenty, and nice accommodations to lay! We also got a rooster, who was also a free range bachelor. I’m sure he will love having 6 girls for a harem soon. The injured girls are healing well, acting normal. We also trapped the raccoon, and despite talk about making jerky out of him, or a hat, he was SO cute and docile in the live trap that we took him to a park about 9 miles away, and he probably will live happily ever after.

    Day 29 USA NFD

    Day 29, UK, FD
    A big night out with my oldest boy yesterday. Alcohol was taken, and not in moderation. So today I atone.

    And I bet, BigViking hat your boy is feeling better than you this morning!
    @metatauta I would love chickens but we don’t really havethe room and when I suggest it OH rolls his eyes. Ah well……
    @liathanail – that sound like fun. The reason I don’t really cycle is the traffic. Well, that’s my excuse. Lol
    @Strawberriesandcream – so glad your dad is settled in. We’re going down next Thursday to help with YS’s new house. I’m SO excited! As we speak, my ‘no alcohol till the end of the week’. Is coming under duress….contemplating a couple of sneaky gins in the pub this evening with a couple of good friends. I’ve had none since last Saturday, and will abstain tomorrow and Monday..honest! As @at says, life is too short.
    Onwards and downwards everyone.

    Day 29, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Good FD yesterday. Maintaining.

    @foodfreedomgirl: I will talk about my journey on Aug 1st. 😊😊😊

    Have a good Saturday everyone!🌺🌻🌼

    Day 29, N. Idaho, USA. NFD

    @redrockgirl302 I look forward to it!

    Yesterday was a good CD. Under TDEE by almost 200. Trying to eat only 3 meals no snacking on CD.

    @debster251, do you use that number (weigh w an extra 0) instead of calculated TDEE? My TDEE is 1866, but your calculations would put me at 1480. Pretty sizeable difference.

    Love reading all the conversations, even though I don’t have many responses.

    OH? That’s one abbreviation I haven’t seen yet. ______ husband? After a post about tempting with treats I mentally turn it into. “Ornery Husband” Hehe.

    Day 29, London, UK, NFD

    I’ve returned from my hols, thanks for the many good holiday wishes.

    Unfortunately my father passed away last Sunday, whilst I was on holiday, he was taken into hospital the night before I left and slowly deteriorated. I’m sure many of you remember the epic NFD BBQ we had in celebration of his 92nd birthday in June, he had a fab day then and a week later celebrating his sisters 90th, another day the pocket winos may recall.

    I may be able to contribute sporadically and I’m not sure about the August challenge yet, but I’ll try to log in and read posts as the mental benefits of fasting are much needed during this difficult time, and this is only bolstered by your stories and support.

    See you soon guys, whether August or September xxx

    Day 29 NFD St. Louis USA

    FlourBaby Sorry for your loss.

    All my best to all of you.

    Day 29 California USA NFD

    Ack! I gained 1 kg overnight! Yesterday was a NFD and I didn’t eat any unhealthy foods but I ate way too many healthy ones over several hours in the evening into the night. It’s old habit, grazing late at night while reading, that I thought I had left behind. Stress, boredom and feeling a little “off” fueled the flames. So now I have a kg to lose to get back to my 62.6 weight from yesterday morning, or at least half of that to meet my July Challenge goal. Why do I do that? How can I feel stressed and bored at the same time?

    So today will be a CD with no food until I actually feel hungry. I know I can do it, but just annoyed at myself.

    @liathanail – The Freecycle event sounds amazing! All of the places you mention riding by sound exotic to me, living on the other side of the pond. What a great event!

    @metatauta – Glad to hear your injured chickens are recovering and the new ones are starting to settle in. Also happy to hear that you didn’t turn that raccoon into jerky!

    @Strawberriesandcream – I would have done the same thing with a friend visiting. That’s the beauty of this plan, that it’s flexible and you can switch FD around to one that’s more appropriate.

    Day 29 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    Today should be a fast day but I don’t have it in me. Also I’m allowing my self some wine this weekend so there you have it. My goal is to have a CD and keep the calories as low as possible.

    @Strawberriesandcream – I’m glad you gave yourself permission to enjoy the champagne and your time with your friend.

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Looking forward to enjoying a little of the Hawaiian festival going on in a nearby park as well as a lavendar festival. All kinds of fun things to do while I stay mindful in my food choices.

    @metatauta – TY for the next chapter at the Chicken Waldorf Astoria!

    @flourbaby – so sorry for the loss of your father.

    @liathanail – the Freecycle even sounds wonderful! What a great event!

    @foodfreedomgirl – I believe OH stands for Other Half. I know a lot of initials are thrown around.

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