January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!!

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January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!!

This topic contains 1,551 replies, has 125 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 7 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 1,558 total)

  • Day 1 North Wales FD

    Happy New Year everyone.

    I am in my 62nd year. My goal this year is to continue with this WOL. I do not normally post long posts, but I try to check in every day. I love reading people’s inspirational posts which helps keep me focussed and on track. Last year I lost 2 stone. I started the monthly challenges in June. I feel fitter, my cholesterol levels have dramatically fallen, my clothes fit and my husband thinks I look great 😇.
    I have found that eating one meal a day on my fast days is the best for me. I also drink lots of sparkling water if the hunger dragon 🐉 rears it’s ugly head. It’s great to see so many new and old faces for this challenge.

    This is not a short term diet, but a LONG TERM lifestyle. We can do this.
    Remember we are STRONGER TOGETHER 💪💪💪💪💪💪

    Day 1, Perth WA, CD.

    Hi There, I am almost completely new to this experience. Having rejected the idea of ‘diets’ my whole adult life (watching family and friends struggle through the self hatred that is so often tied up in the constant failure had made them seem much more unhealthy than being a bit fat), but my doctor has made a strong recommendation for this program… so here I am. I am relatively confident in my ability to stick to the ideals of the program, but I am concerned in my ability to control my intake on NFD’s. At this stage my plan is to record all my food in the month of January and then review, posting here and joining this to keep myself accountable and potentially chat out the issues I will likely face to give my partner a break. Planning on using the fitbit app to do that as it does a few calculations for me about how much energy I am burning with my activity monitor.

    Does anyone have any advice on the planning FD’s and alternating your NFD’s between CD’s and NFD’s?

    Cheers for sharing your goals, journeys and knowledge it’s a host of lights in what looks to be a long long tunnel 🙂 (I added myself to the sheet)

    Day 1 UK NFD

    I would like to join the thread again please but don’t want to use the spreadsheet. The tracker here works so well I don’t need another to update. I started using the tracker last January when I was 230 lbs with a BMI of 34.5 and a waist to height ratio of 0.57. I can hardly believe how much I have achieved this past year. I am now 142.6 lbs with a BMI of 21.4 and a waist to height ratio of 0.39. My goal is to get under ten stone this month , BMI 21, and then maintain thereabouts. I have been weighing everyday since about April and recording everything that I eat with estimated calorie totals as well.I can’t be bothered to weigh things to work out exact calories and don’t eat much conveniently labelled food so it is very rough but it has helped me to stay on track and see what works and what doesn’t.

    Here is hoping we all have a good year in 2018. Remember Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD……maybe FD?

    Starting 2018 at 135lbs which is fantastic news for me after the NYE champagne celebration ☺️

    I had planned an FD but DH is talking breakfast/brunch……he goes to work this afternoon so maybe I will fast from then. Or keep it controlled. In a couple of days I fly to Peru for the start of the Dakar Rally so my eating and drinking will be in holiday mode for a few weeks 😨 I will try to post as often as I can for accountability 💃

    My goal for January is to get to 132lbs.

    Happy New Year to you all.

    Day 1, UK, ?

    Happy new year to all! I blew it in December and am starting January on 81.6kg. My goal for the month is to get back to my December 1st weight of 74.8kg. Can’t decide whether I start with a FD today or do a B2B tomorrow and Wednesday.

    I think January will have to be another dry month for me. My food choices are terrible when I drink…

    Hi to everybody new and old, and best wishes for 2018.
    For the first time in my adult life, I didn’t drink ( let’s face it, get drunk) on New Years Eve. That’s a revelation. So January 1st looks a bit different – no hangover and no feeling of regret.
    FD today – I’m one of the people who never weighs myself, and probably won’t. I’m not bothered what I weigh ( I’m 5’11” so I always seem to be heavier than most people anyway), but this WOL makes you feel happy. @ MCNorma – it doesn’t feel like a long tunnel. It’s enjoyable and doable, and the physical results are only part of it. The mental and emotional benefits are enormous. You can relax round food, for one thing. If you’ve spent your life trying to diet and failing, this shows you how to get it right. I’ve recommended Alcohol Explained for those, like me, who struggle with drink, and I really recommend Jason Fung’s The Obesity Code, for an explanation of how insulin resistance and how to resolve it is the key to losing weight. Fasting, basically.
    Dry Januaryers ( that can’t be the right word..). – good luck. We can do it.

    Day 1, London, UK, NFD,

    I’m heading out to cook lunch at my mums’, so I’ll catch up on the December results and set-out my January aims………….& catch-up on the 100+ post (already!!!) a little bit later.

    Thanks @mjrbcd44 for hosting this month xxxx

    Day 1, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Like @rainbowsmile I kicked my alcohol habit on Boxing Day so last night was the 6th straight day in a row without poisoning my body. @emma Taylor has indeed started a revolution by recommending William Porter’s book ‘Alcohol Explained’. The first 5 chapters of the book can be read on his website at http://www.alcoholexplained.com.

    Welcome to all our new friends and hello again to those who have been away for a while. This is going to be a GREAT year! Thanks again @mjrbcd44 for hosting and setting out the guidelines at the beginning of this month’s forum.

    There are a number of us going on vacation this month, so I’d wondered about setting up a pocket list for that. However, I think the Dry Januarians pocket list covers the job perfectly. So as set up by @emma Taylor, if you want some extra support in kicking the alcohol demon – feel free to add your name to the list. Just copy and paste into your post:

    The Dry Januarians pocket List is growing!.
    Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year? Add your name to the list for extra support!


    A year ago I weighed 151lbs on January 1st. I joined the monthly challenge in February at 147lbs and whilst I have seen a low of 133.3lbs during 2017 I am currently at 138lb as a result of binging on alcohol in December. My goal for January is to get back to 133lbs – ideally before I go off on vacation towards the end of the month.

    This is not a diet. This is a change in lifestyle with weight loss a happy bonus (if needed). I have found both my appetite and food choices have changed dramatically over the year. The only obstacle I had was alcohol. With that out of the picture now, I am totally confident of reaching my target and maintaining. The support of the lovely people on these monthly challenges has and will continue to be invaluable.

    Happy New Year – here’s to each and everyone of us!

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    Firstly a big THANK YOU to @mjrbcd44 for stepping up to host this month 💐

    Good morning to all fellow January 2018 Challengers – the first day of a new year and perhaps for some of us here the start of your journey to a new WOL (Way of Life) – A big WELCOME to all those new to the challenges and/or to this WOL 🤗

    We are a mixed bunch on here from all over the world sharing experiences, some in maintenance, some getting to their target and some totally new but there is always lots of support and no judgement – you can share anything and there will always be someone who will respond with understanding and sound advice!

    I’d like to share my story to encourage anyone new to this WOL to let you know that this WOL works! However I would like to point out that 5:2 is not a DIET but a permanent way of WOL

    I am a 59 y.o. Female – married with a grown up daughter
    Height = 163cm/5ft 4in
    *January 4 2014 = BMI: 28.2 Wt: 75kg/165.3lbs – retired and moved to Cumbria so started fell walking and being more mindful about what I ate. Lost my darling mum in the September so flew back to Australia a couple of times spending several weeks there over 2 visits
    *January 3 2016 = BMI: 25.9 Wt: 68.8kg/151.7lbs – for health reasons started 5:2 WOL on my own
    *October 30 2016 = BMI: 22.4 Wt: 59.5kg/131.2lbs – had plateaued for last 3 months so decided to join the Nov Challenge = best decision I ever made!
    *December 1 2016 = BMI: 20.8 Wt: 55.3k/121.9lbs – so near to that target of 55kg! I achieved it a week later on 7/12/16!!! and have maintained below that since!!!
    *January 1 2018 = BMI: 20.0 Wt: 53kg/116.8lbs

    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL in January 2016:-
    1. Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs and full of energy
    2. Mental health changes = sleeping well, waking up feeling good in myself and happy with my life☺️
    3. My Asthma is so much better controlled – using 1/4 the dose of my preventer inhaler and not required any treatment inhaler for the past 18 months
    4. My blood cholesterol has improved over the past 2 years as follows:
    – Serum cholesterol down by 1.54 mmol/L
    – LDL cholesterol down by 1.81 mmol/L
    – Non HDL cholesterol level down by 1.41 mmol\L

    I still do 2 x FDs each week for the long term health benefits. I follow mainly a Mediterranean style diet with a 16:8 eating pattern daily – no breakfast ever as I never feel hungry on waking; I like to save my calories for when I actually feel hungry so usually break my fast late morning or early afternoon depending on social circumstance or when I feel hungry! This allows me to indulge a bit on my NFD and enjoy some 🍷🥂 without putting weight back on…………

    PLANK CHALLENGE for January – some of you may remember that I started one out in the August Challenge but have let it lapse recently so I’m back on it this month with a vengeance – anyone else interested in joining???
    Here are some useful videos if you are keen to start…..
    *Planks for Beginners: How to do a Plank properly:-

    A starter plank challenge video which can be built up on:-

    I’m looking forward to starting my 2nd year in maintenance by continuing with this new challenge month, with some long timers and getting to know all those new to this WOL. My personal motto is: “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 1 Belfast FD

    How lovely to see familiar faces and lots of people starting out on this WOL. It really does work. I’m in the tortoise group, but last year I lost 15lbs and overall I’ve lost about 2stone in about 20months. I’m about 8-10 lbs from maintenance. I’ll know when I get there, but my main measure of success is my waist measurement. I’m an apple shape and carry all my weight around my middle so my goal is to lose inches around the waist. So far I’ve despatched 5”. A couple more to go.
    @metatauta – when you teach poetry to 11 year olds, it becomes easy to make up rhymes!
    I miss the creativity.
    @EmmaTaylor – thanks for the great post. I agree totally. The Obesity Code is a fantastic read and there are lots of YouTube videos too. I love the line ‘you can relax around food’. So true.
    Thank you @strawberriesandcream for the pocket list. Adding my name to the list.

    Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year? Add your name to the list for extra support!

    Remember: The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

    Funny @at you read my mind, I’ve not done any planks for a couple of months apart from my Pilates class, which has been off over the holiday period. Count me in!

    Day 1…..Florida…..NFD……but very controlled!

    Happy New Year! Here we are again, the start of a new month in a new year! I can’t say 2017 was a awful year, difficult but rewarding all at the same time. As I began to think about 2018, I need to think about what I wanted to accomplish in 2018. What can I do to become a better version of me, as a mother, wife, daughter and friend.
    In all that contemplating, I’ve only decide on a few things, as always a majority of it will just hang in the air until I either decide or forget about it.
    So, one thing I’ve decided on was my goal to go into full maintenance mode…..125lbs. But let’s be real here, my dip into the 120’s only lasted a day, if that…..so, I’m starting this month at 132…..again!

    Welcome to all the newbies….. please free to ask any questions you may have, we have some old timers here that have been there, done that…..They are so full of knowledge, it will help you over come any hiccup you may encounter. This WOL works not only for the short term but for a life time. I’m in a year and three months, and it’s something I do every day! I have good days, fight dragons in my free time…. they like to escape from their cages……
    I do get on every day…… sometimes I just ramble, some days I’m inspiring but mostly, I get on to put the list in my pocket…… okay it’s actually not my pocket but my bra instead…… I use that thing like a pocket…Yes, I put the list in my pocket everyday, some days just for me but others days to keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers!

    My best advice I can give anyone starting out is get on the forum daily and chew gum!

    Quick update…..I finally finished my master bedroom, pictures and curtains are up. The privacy clings look okay! There’s only one window cling that’s annoying me, I’ve readjusted it at least 20x……until I got fed up and just covered it with the curtain…… it’s still tormenting be from behind it though…….

    Okay, I’m off…..My last day before I head back to work……this break surely wasn’t long enough!

    I’m going outside to stand…….so if anyone asks, tell them I’m OUTSTANDING!

    Hello, returning 5:2er here. Successfully lost weight on the diet about 3 years ago, but have slowly gone back to my big bad ways. I will be 50 in November and am determined to get back into shape before then. Please add me to the monthly challenge. I am also doing dry January – my poor old body won’t know what’s hit it 😀. Looking forward to hearing about the groups progress.

    Google sheets novice here. I have managed to add myself to the bottom of the sheet, rather than alphabetically. Sorry 🙃

    second post.
    @at ,funnily enough just before reading the posts here, I have been downloading some fitness challenges, one of them being the Plank challenge so I will happily join you for January and plank away.
    My goal for This January is simply to stick with this WOL and to do it properly i.e. to actually fast and not to self sabotage.
    Doing some ‘ fooditory penance’ with FDs over the next couple of weeks due to enormous uncontrolled blowout over Christmas.

    DAY 1 – Cardiff UK – NFD

    Starting weight : 152.9lb

    Happy New Year! Not looking to start fasting until eldest daughter returns to uni later this weeks, and hopefully takes the remaining biscuits with her to share with the guys in her student house. It’s a good solution as they’re a sporty bunch and consume a ridiculous number of calories a day and so will vacuum their way through our goodies in no time and with no ill effects.

    May try for one FD later this week, then start in earnest next week when youngest goes back to school and we get back into our usual routine. Lots of jobs planned around the house for the next few weeks should keep me busy on FD and help me get back to being pretty much sugar free.

    Looking forward to getting to know the new joiners and catching up again with returning friends.

    Second post
    @mcnorma – most of us find FDs easy once you get the hang of it. I think the key to quick success on this WOL Is in NFD’s. I, like many here, have ditched breakfast and follow a 16:8 routine, my first meal being around lunchtime and my evening meal then around 6.30 to 7pm. I was always brought up to think that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, but if I’m honest, I ate without feeling hungry. Two meals a day works well for me and on a FD, unless I’m particularly hungry, I only eat once, in the evening. You’ve obviously got a good strategy drawn up and counting calories on NFDs is very grounding and makes you focus on healthy choices. There is a tracker section on this web site, which you can access from the top right hand side of the page. You can work out your TDEE there too. Hope this is of some help. Good luck on your journey.

    Preston England Day 1 NFD

    Hello fellow fasters world wide. 🌈🌏

    Very new to not only this forum but forums in general so here goes…..
    All the decorations are away until next year so as far as I’m concerned the festivities are over and not only has a new year begun but hopefully 🤞🏻 Also a new me! None fast day today (I managed my first yesterday) but trying to stick to a controlled 1500 kcal. I am starting this whole new me with a bang and I intend going for a 5k run later ( when its dark and no one can see me ) 😬Loving all the support that is given from this forum and certainly feeling inspired by all you guys. I will try to do my bit in return and hopefully all us newbies can inspire any experienced fasters that have for some reason or another “Fallen off the wagon” so to speak. Good luck and a Happy New year and hopefully New you to everyone,🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️👍

    Day 1 USA (Utah visiting – Illinois is home) – FD ? maybe?

    Welcome to all the newbies! Continued greetings to all who, like me, have been challenging ourselves for many moons. Thanks @mjrbcd44 for taking the reins and being our ‘fearless leader!’ I have so enjoyed getting to know these terrific people here, our international forum, that I’ve kept on these challenges for 21 months now. All thanks to @coda in 2016, I have been able to meet several 5:2’ers in person. Wonderful people here! Maintenance is my game.

    I began 5:2 after reading the book (@joblot44 – also in about 3 hours!) in March 2016 at 193 pounds. I was convinced this would work for me as I had always thought the only way for me to lose weight and keep it off was to starve myself. This was a good controlled way. Over the next 10 months, I lost 30# with little real difficulty. These forum people have been so helpful in keeping it off!

    I’m 69, retired school music teacher who still teaches private piano students, directs a townspeople choir, and do music in my church. At my age, losing too much would make me look too wrinkly, so I am happy at this weight. My BMI is right at 25, but I sure don’t want to gain any of it back. Maintenance means 6:1 for me with exercise 3x per week most weeks. My annual physicals have given me excellent blood numbers, and my doctor is happy with my weight at 5’6″ (have lost 2″ due to compressed spinal discs over the past several years). I visit daughter in UT often and help care for her 2 daughters. This is my second home.

    I look forward to getting to know you newbies and continuing terrific contact with we old-timers.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 1 Sarasota, Florida FD Happy New Year everyone! This is a FD kind of by accident because hubby made hard boiled eggs for breakfast. As long as they’re ridiculously low-cal I might as well fast. @OhNoNearly50
    I did the same thing- lost 16 pounds in 2013 and maintained my ideal weight for about 9 months. By early 2017 I’d put it back on. Now, having used this forum since around May (?) I’m back to my ideal. So this Tim I will not let that happen again. You can do this!!

    Day 1 – Colorado USA – NFD, low-carb, only 2 meals

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, wonderful Fellow Fasters!! I absolutely love fresh starts.

    OH & I did our grocery shopping yesterday. He surprised me with his choices for the week. He advises that he’s junking his daily McDonald’s breakfast routine. Seems he’s now on LCHF (low carb, high fat) lifestyle. Not full-on Keto, but ditching the grains & flours. Makes it easier for me to cook dinners because I can’t eat those myself.
    Now I’ll get to be *creative* in the kitchen to jazz up veggies so he will actually eat some greens. This will be fun!

    Day 1 – USA – NFD

    My DS sent us a pic this morning of his 2 year old sleeping peacefully when the New Year rung in, with one of their huge dogs wide-eyed and huddling alongside him, scared out of her wits at all the hubbub. It was comical.

    Hello to all newbies…I’ll be on this forum for a year in February. So far lost about 25 lbs., a tortoise rather than a hare! My goal is to dispatch about 15-20 more and then maintain. I eat 16:8, LCHF (low-carb, healthy fat, moderate protein); I’ve learned to skip eating in the a.m. until almost lunchtime, as I’m just not hungry. I’m down to 2 meals a day. Not sure of my strategy yet for 2018 – will advise!

    Hi Emma thanks for your post, today is my first day and I have spent the last three hours listening to the obesity code on you tube. I’m only up to chapter 8 but it’s really interesting so thanks for the info. Will listen to another chapter when I go to bed. It’s echoing a lot of what dr Moseley is saying – there is also another video on fasting which I’ll get to soon.

    Thanks and happy new year

    Day 1 Pembrokeshire Wales UK NFD

    Happy New Year!!

    I began the Blood Sugar Diet on 5:2 6 months ago at 159 pounds and now weigh 137 pounds. I’ve done the monthly challenges since July and love the company here. The goal weight I initially set myself was 140 pounds, but now I feel I can afford to drop a few more pounds so I’m going to aim for 133 pounds and see how it goes. I’m currently fighting off a horrible cold virus so I’m only going to fast on one day this week on Thursday (Mondays and Thursdays are my FDs).

    My advice to newbies is to check into the challenge everyday…..even if you feel you have nothing to say just post to say if you are having a FD or NFD and read how everyone else is doing…..it really keeps you focused.

    Lets make 2018 the year when we reach the goals we never dreamt we could achieve…..that will be 133 pounds target weight for me!!!!!!!

    Happy new year!

    Day 1-uk-NFD x
    P.s did 4K 🏃‍♀️

    Day 1, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    I’m 56 years old and have started on 5:2 fast diet in June 2016. I was 79.2 kilos. By end October 2016 I got down to 64 kilos. I went on a cruise last August and gained three kilos. I am now 67.4 kilos and wish to be four kilos less to maintain. I’m 163 cm tall and wear size 12 clothes and even size 10 sometimes. This WOL is the best I’ve found to maintain weight at target.

    I’m a mother of three grown up daughters and a son of fifteen years. I’m also a grandmother of four children, two boys under two years and a four year old granddaughter and her sister of two years. I spent most of my time babysitting three of them while their mothers go to work as specialists in the local hospital. My other daughter lives in Malta and send her son to playschool all the time.

    I hope to start fasting this week. Currently I’m sick in bed with a chest infection.

    Happy 😃 New Year everyone. May God bless you with the will to fast to have a healthy year.

    Day 1,Germany, FD (LFD)
    Happy new year to all of you!
    I don’t want to start out whining in the new year, so I won’t tell you about last night’s food desaster 😉
    Yet I must admit that I couldn’t bear to weigh in this morning…
    I am looking forwards though and not backwards and I would like to share with you my goals for January here:
    1. No alcohol in January
    2. Maximum weigh ins once a week!
    3. No binge eating!
    4. Carry on with decluttering a la Marie Kondo! (here my goal is to finish the whole house in 2018 💪😊)
    5. And of course going on with 5:2! This week probably only one FD (today), therefore 4:3 next week!
    5 is a very good number, so that’s it!
    Tomorrow we’ll go skiing for 4 days, there I will eat as controlled as I can and next week everything is back to normal!
    Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year? Add your name to the list for extra support!
    Good luck and a great start in 2018 to all of you!

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    Weighed in this morning and found that the Christmas/New Year Dragon has left an extra 4lbs. But I feel very up-beat as this time of year has often resulted in much more.

    So onto January – 15 NFDs as we are going to warm our bones in Fuertaventura tomorrow. So back to it on the 16th! I have pledged to join Dryjanuary from the 16th and set one of goals to exercise daily (10,000 steps+) and eat mindfully on holiday.

    I have enjoyed the Christmas period. The house has been full of family and we have caught up with friends – I also have enjoyed wearing some clothes not seen out and about for a while as a result of my 10lb loss since I started 5:2 in November.

    Very best wishes to you all for 2018 – onward and downward!

    Day 1 Wisconsin NFD

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    So happy to be back! I am almost 2 pounds down from where I was at the beginning of December 2017, and I give much credit for that to this wonderful group. I have about a stone to go, and I have no time frame in mind for that. Our trip to Costa Rica begins around the middle of January and I would be so happy to be down a few pounds by then, so that is my overall goal right now.

    Specific goals for this month are to avoid sugar and bike daily. If I can’t get to the gym to bike I have other activities I can do at home that will be the equivalent. Our weather is so frigid right now (2° F, up from -5º F overnight). I know I will get to the gym to teach my classes but might not get there on off days.

    I have added myself to the spreadsheet. Thanks to our host for making this all so easy. I am super motivated to continue this way of life and hope to read all the comments that have been posted so far tonight.

    Good luck to everyone today and thanks again for being here and for your support and inspiration. All the best to you in 2018.

    Take care, Markie

    Day 1 McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    I’m having a moment of truth with myself this morning. In the spirit of a new year I‘ve been thinking over my commitment to this WOL since I started participating in this forum last June. My weight has been up and down to the point of a zero sum result. My goal of loosing 15 pounds before my 70th birthday in March is now 2 and a half months away. So am I going to do this or not? I could slip off into oblivion with my tail between my legs, but that seems like such a (word we don’t us on this forum) failure. I believe my goal is still attainable but only with a full out commitment to this WOL. I don’t want to give up, I want my goal of health and feeling good about myself. So…..the things I know that work based on others successes on this forum: eating a Mediterranean style diet, tracking what I eat every day, drinking lots of water, joining the dry Januarians and actually DOING the FD/CD and finally accountability. I’m recommitting to making this WOL work for me. I will need all the support and accountability I can get from this group!!

    Day 1 NFD Las Vegas NV.

    Starting the new year at my all time low of 160.4 lbs at 5′ 10″. This is 79.6 lbs less than my peak weight.

    I’m still recovering from an epic cold so I’m holding off on getting back to the gym.

    Day1 – 🇬🇧- FD

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

    Looking to get back on track after 5lb gain in Dec- pleased to still be 10 stone something 😊 so onwards and downwards with all you good people.

    Joining Dry Jan too!

    Day 1 — Georgia, USA — NFD

    I’m new to this, but would like to join the January challenge.
    My daughter-in-law has lost 25 pounds eating this way, so I decided to join her. I would like to lose around 65 pounds in all. I understand this isn’t a quick fix. I have dieted in some form or another for my entire adult life. I am looking forward to learnihg how I can attain a healthy weight and maintain it with this plan.

    I wish you all much success along your journey.

    Day 1 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Happy New Year Everyone! 😀

    Today is a controlled NFD. I’m away from home and return tomorrow. I will weigh and measure myself on Wednesday morning. I intend to do minimum of 2 fast days a week.

    The last time I posted on this forum was May 2017. I managed to stay with this WOL for sometime after but then gradually I fell off the wagon until I was no longer being conscious of this WOL.

    My first fast day will be Wednesday.

    My goal for this year is to become fitter and toned.

    Btw….I’m became a grandma for the first time to twins, Lily and Leo, in October! I’m in love in a way that I’ve not experienced before…..my heart is so full of joy when I see them. 😍
    @fatrabbit – excellent news of your success! You are an inspiration!

    Good luck everyone! 😀

    day 1 non fasting guys wish me luck, have my breakfast and lunch all calory countered for work and have planned a nice walk after work wish me luck here in Sydney Australia 🇦🇺 have a good day “eat to live not live to eat”

    Day 1 – SW WA USA – NFD

    It’s a new month; a new beginning. I ended 2017 at 201.4 lbs having gone the wrong direction in December. But I’m encouraged that I ended the year down at least 8 lbs from the year before. I began at 245 in fall of 2016 and lost fairly quickly at first. When things slowed down so much in 2017, I believe this forum really helped me not to quit. It was good to check back and see that there had actually been a downward trend rather than just a plateau. So for 2018, I want to be sure to stick to 5:2 and maybe some weeks 4:3 – but I want to remember that this is a WOL. When I do too many B2Bs, I sometimes feel too deprived… and that’s not sustainable for me. I will be planning to take sugar out for January as well.

    @mcnorma – welcome. That’s great that your doctor recommended 5:2. Planning is important for FDs. Different folks work things out differently on FDs. I usually leave most of the calories for an evening meal with cream or nut milk in coffee and water during the day.
    @bigviking – December wasn’t the best for me either. January’s a new month. A new beginning for all of us.
    @toddybear – enjoy Fuerteventura! You’ll love the people. I love the Canaries! I’m happy for you that you get to go visit.
    @markie99 – and you’re off to Costa Rica soon. Enjoy! I so enjoyed my stay there 2 summers ago.
    @sassyfast & @mickyd – welcome to a wonderfully supportive international forum
    @goldensun – Welcome back!

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 1 – Colorado USA – NFD (2nd post)

    My goals for this month
    1- follow the Basic 5:2 guidelines w/ 2 solid, fully committed Fast Days per week.
    If feeling frisky & strong, make it a 4:3.
    2- perform my morning calisthenics while my coffee prepares each day.
    3- consistently Run x3 and Lift Weights x3 each week.
    4- Lose 4 pounds (2 kg.)
    5- stay true to my Dry Januarian pledge.

    The Dry Januarians pocket List is growing!.
    Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year? Add your name to the list for extra support!

    @toddybear (beginning on the 16th)

    For a not-so-subtle reminder, I’ve stuck up a post-it note on my fridge to slow me down & ask, “WILL THIS BRING ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?”

    🎉May your New Year be healthy, and your extra pounds melty 💦

    Day 1 California NFD

    I’m counting myself officially in maintenance since 59 kg or 130 lb was my original goal, and the 58 kg or 128 was my wiggle room. My skinny jeans fit comfortably and I feel good at this weight. It puts my BMI at 21.2.

    I’m going to continue 5:2 because this is how I reached my goal, it was pretty easy, just 2 days per week of 500 calories and I don’t count calories the other 5 days. I eat whatever I want and the whole thing feels pretty normal after doing it for almost 8 months. In the coming year I may eat a little more on NFDs but still plan to weigh each morning. I’m certain that I would gain all the weight back if I went back to ‘life before 5:2’.

    Thank you for all the support on these forums. I hope I have been a help to some of you. Being here is a big part of the reason I’ve been able to stick with this WOL.

    Still Day 1 –

    @califdreamer – good for you to getting to maintenance in 8 months. Thanks for sharing your story; it encourages me. How much weight did you lose in the 8 months?

    @diverdog Congratulations on a new low! Impressive to do it over the holiday season!

    2nd Post
    I see my name twice on the Dry Januarians pocket List 😀 probably a sign of how much I need to be on it!!
    The Dry Januarians pocket List
    @toddybear (beginning on the 16th)

    Day 1, Caloundra in Qld Australia, FD
    I’m a Newbie, wanting to build good long term health benefits rather than my usual ‘flash-in-the-pan’ short term fad diet which I quickly abandon and gain more weight than I started with. This has left me feeling confused & hopeless.

    I am 64 and my goals for this WHOLE YEAR and beyond are to :
    PLAN (actually this was supposed to be 1)
    1. BE ACCOUNTBLE by recording each day
    SELF BELIEF into each day
    3. REFLECT on my progress each day/week/Month.
    4. CONNECT with the 5:2 & 16:8 community for support & inspiration.

    Specifically, my goals for January are:l
    1. To exercise every day in some way…no days off.
    2. To have 2 fast days and 5 days of eating ‘normally’ not exceeding my TDEE, preferably keeping to 80% of it.
    3. Choose low carb foods where possible.
    4. To have a DRY January
    5. To record each day in my diary.

    Wishing all of you as much success as I’m hoping will come my way. Enrica

    Second post. @annemarilyn I started on May 10, 2017 at 70.7 kg or 155.8 lbs. Yesterday I was at my lowest which was 58.3 or 128.5. I’ll be aiming toward 58 as “wiggle room”. So I lost about 12.4 kg or 27.2 lbs. I never missed doing 2 FD per week. I very occasionally did 3 per week to break a plateau or for an upcoming special occasion. I eat lots of whole grains, bread, fiber, veggies, fruit, some fish and poultry, and fats. I try to limit sweets but am not always successful. My FDs seem to make up for that. I drink alcohol but not on a regular basis, maybe once every couple of weeks I’ll have wine at dinner or at a party. I’m 68.

    I didn’t lose very fast. It was less than a pound per week if you average it out, faster in the beginning and slower as I approached my goal. There were several plateaus. But it was easy. And it is sustainable.

    Reading everyone’s success stories from @songbirdme @onahealthyhigh @fatrabbit @diverdog @bigviking @at @bert1802 @califdreamer (and many more!) is really lighting a fire under me.
    I’m excited to commit to my FD. And not over-think or stress-out on my NFD (as I may have done in the past.) 😜

    When I’ve stuck to the forums here, I’ve met with success. The accountability of checking in daily is the reminder of my path that I need. When I drift from checking in, I get too sloppy with intermittent fasting. It loses its effectiveness when *every* day becomes a NFD. Haha!

    The Dry Januarians pocket List is growing!.
    Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year? Add your name to the list for extra support!

    @toddybear (beginning on the 16th)

    For a not-so-subtle reminder, I’ve stuck up a post-it note on my fridge to slow me down & ask, “WILL THIS BRING ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?”

    🎉May your New Year be healthy, and your extra pounds melty 💦

    Hi, I am new to 5:2, live in 🇬🇧

    Would welcome any tips on FD, what is everyone’s typical FD look like?

    My BMI is 37.2 😢

    @oddsocks15 – everyone’s FD looks a little different.

    When I started, I tried to spread out the 500 calories. But it seemed *any* taste of food at all would just awaken the dragons. 🐉 For me personally, I’ve found that sticking to liquids all day and saving up the 500 all for my dinner works the best. I don’t kick-start my hunger earlier & my dinner feels more like a real meal.

    Eventually, I’ll get back to my FD being a full LFD (liquid fast day.) My liquids typically contain zero calories like hot herbal or green tea, plain black coffee or fizzy water.
    Sometimes if I get headachey, a little salt in the form of bouillon cube (7 cals) or a miso soup sachet (30 cals) saves the day!

    Once you get enough practice with FD under your belt, you’ll find what works best for you!

    Day 1 NFD Oregon USA

    Hello hello hello friends! Wow this was a fantastic way to start the new year reading all of your posts.

    While I may be the “host” this month, as the newbies will soon learn, all that really means is I set up and maintain the spreadsheet. 😳😄 From there, we are all in this together and there are many here with months and years more experience! Happily, everyone is welcome and encouraged to jump in and share. New, old, young, “mature”…you name it–we are committed to supporting each other in this WOL and the challenges are a great way to keep you on track.

    As for me, this is my third month of 5:2 and overall I’ve lost 5.5 pounds. But if you look at the December challenge, you’ll see that I actually counted all the “party” type scenarios between November 1 and January 1 for me and quite frankly, this WOL clearly works!!

    I’m 53, about 5 foot 6 1/2 inches and I currently weigh 177. (Sigh). This is up from a post-menopause low of about 135 in 2010. My current goal is 147, and after reaching that I’ll re-evaluate. I’m expecting to be a “tortoise” and as someone (I believe @at) pointed out when I first started. If you only averaged .5 pounds lost every week, after a year you’d be down 26 pounds! Since that is close to my overall goal, it really has set the tone for my expectations and vision. I want to fully adopt this as a WOL and be able to maintain just as many of our “long-timers” have here.

    As I am on the West coast of the US, I’m usually toward the end of the days posts so hopefully I have caught up the spreadsheet with everyone who wants to be on it.
    If not just ping me and I’ll get you set up!

    @Oddsocks15–I can tell you that my tip for FD’s (and I think many others feel the same) is to try not to eat until dinner. Or only a small snack and focus on coffee, tea, water, fizzy water throughout the day. I find if I do that it’s much easier than when I eat something early in the day. Miso soup and broth are also favorites for FD’s.

    I would love to welcome all of the new people by name, but honestly I’ve lost track and the spreadsheet is now up to 83 people!! So exciting and so grateful for all of the long-timers who continue to show up and support the monthly challenges. Special thanks to @coda for dropping in and for your brilliant inspiration to start these challenges. 100% agree with @bigviking about if you never have another good idea in your life this one will be more than enough!!❤️️

    Last thing for the day–I am still not 100% healthy, but for those of you that were in December group, I DID get out of my house on NYE. More symbolic for me than anything, as I still didn’t make it up until midnight, but hey, we had fun and I am not starting the new year out feeling depressed about my lack of “zeal”. 🎉

    I wanted to find a new tag for January that really resonates and here it is. It’s from one of the great “health” gurus of his time, Jack LaLanne.

    “Figure out what’s good for you, then create a liking for it. You have to work at living!”

    Keep working. 💪🏼

    Day 1 – USA – NFD

    @oddsocks15 – my typical FD started with making a list of very low cal things to eat. In the beginning, I was eating 3x a day. Protein would keep me satiated, so I opted for an egg in the a.m. with a low carb 50 calorie tortilla with no cheese, but lots of herb flavor. I also found that 8 oz. of House Foods Shiratake Noodles made with a homemade low-cal, low-carb red sauce would satiate me at dinner. For lunch, I would have some fresh lettuce w/steamed broccoli, lemon juice, salt and pepper, and intermittently, I would drink lots of ACV (apple cider vinegar with the “mother”) and water (1 tsp. to 8-10 ounces of water), as well as decaf herbal tea, decaf green tea. I usually was very cold on fast days, so I bundled up. I made sure I scheduled my household chores for fast days so I would be busy. I also made it a point to read a lot and call friends to use up time on fast days. I hope this helps.

    Thanks for the tips, I think I will have my first FD at the weekend when I’m at home. Not ready mentally or practically for FD at work yet.

    Day 1 – Iceland – NFD

    Thanks @mjrbcd44 for hosting the January challenge, much truth in your new tag!
    I haven’t been active on the forum for the past two weeks because of the holidays + travelling abroad, so now I hope to get back on track and “enjoy” many good FDs this month 🙂
    Good luck and happy new year to all of you!

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