I’m new too!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • At the beginning of December I caught a re-run of Dr MMs original Horizon prog. at the end I thought “I could do that”. I knew I could do with losing some weight but the main attraction was the overall health benefits. Although just before Christmas might not seem the best time to start, I thought, “I’ll try it for a fortnight to see if I think I could sustain it.” (Not worth starting if you can’t!)

    Apart from consciously cheating on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve – naturally – I have maintained it continuously so far. I was stunned to find I had lost 2.4kgs after the 1st week and I am now down from nearly 15 stone to 14 stone for the first time for a long time. I do 2 consecutive days – Monday and Tuesday – and on those days have just one 600cal meal in the early evening, which suits my current lifestyle.

    I do not find it as difficult as I had anticipated and I am feeling better already in a general sense. The worst moments I find, in terms of temptation, are the Sunday evening before my first fast day, and now the late evening of my second fast day.

    I’m looking forward to becoming a part of the ‘Community’.


    Welcome aboard and well done, If you can drop weight during the festive season when temptation is at the highest, then you can lose it any time. I’m coming up on one year of this way of life and I’ve really found the support you get on these forums to be extremely helpful.

    Welcome from me too, Poltegeist.
    What an excellent start to 5:2 you have had.
    I found it suits me too, and still do 5:2, if a bit more leniently, three years after I got to the lower end of my healthy weight range. It just suits me.

    This is a good place for community, you might like to check out the most popular threads, as they are the ones that work in the most ‘community’ way. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/view/popular/ I am sure you will be welcomed in whichever one attracts you, even the ‘Southern Hemispherites’ one, no matter if you are in the Northern hemisphere. There is also a monthly challenge group: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/january-new-year-new-resolutions-join-this-great-group/

    Best wishes and all good things.

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