If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 2 days, 13 hours ago.

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  • Happy New Year ๐Ÿฅณ

    I have weighed and measured vital statistics. It all feels a little overwhelming, but marginal gains work for me.

    Skipping breakfast this morning and keeping busy with stuff to sort out. Plan is to have one meal which is carb free each day.

    I have put in the statistics into the tracker, which helps me to see when I am going in the right direction.

    Cooked myself a mini roastthis evening, to help use up some of the festive food. Planning to fast tomorrow, going to try skipping breakfast and lunch…

    Hello Iona and Annette!

    Well, I pretty much fell off the fasting wagon sometime in the middle of the fall term. I haven’t been on the scale, but can tell from my clothes that at least 5-8 lbs have come sneaking back. Frustrating how quickly they return, isn’t it.

    I’ve started walking each day again for about 45 minutes. Also fasting from 8 pm till about 11am and trying to eat healthier. Fortunately most of the Christmas goodies are now gone.

    I hope in a week or so I’ll have enough courage to face the scale again. I need to get back to every morning, like you, Iona.

    Carry on everybody, and happy new year!

    Happy New Year MM!

    It’s my birthday in 2 weeks, so likely to be a meal out and chocolate. I always find Christmas and birthday very tricky.

    I am aiming to skip breakfast twice a week in January and aiming to have one meal each day without any carbs. Going ok so far. Hopefully I can see a change soon as my trousers are all very tight ๐Ÿ™

    Happy New Year everyone
    I am now officially ready to get back to a better way of eating! We had a delicious roast dinner on the 1st and the leftovers the following day. As much as I enjoyed it at the time, I felt too full afterwards. Scale up a couple of pounds, jeans feeling more snug. Iโ€™m attempting an 18 fast from 7pm today and hopefully back into a more regular fasting routine.
    I have my 60th next month so I want to have a bit of leeway as various celebrations are pencilled in the diary.
    Good to hear from you, will be back more regularly now. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    How is everyone?

    I am having days when I can do 18 hours fasting and its so easy and then others when it quite the stuggle. Today was both cold and wet after the dentist which meant a ready meal but on the plus side, I didn’t have garlic bread with the pasta.

    I am back at work next week as the new term begins. I shall have to be a paragon of vitue around the biscuits and not even look at them ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning Everyone,
    I have lost 2.5lb this week which I am thrilled about. Skipping breakfast this morning and out for a walk with a friend, so that will help pass the time.

    My trousers are very tight around the waist and there are several that I can’t get into. My focus is on my waist measurement and I know from past experience that longer fasts result in a shrinking waist. I have skipped several breakfasts and aimed for one carb free meal each day.

    How is everyone doing?

    Iโ€™m feeling positive about the week ahead! I will be cutting down on carbs and keeping well away from the biscuit box and drinking plenty of water. Still got quite a bit of chocolate from Christmas but other half will happily plough through those.
    Like you Annette I will be watching the tape measure along with the scale. My trousers are not too tight to wear but they are also not as comfortable as they were. I noticed my step count has dropped off over the last few weeks so I made an effort yesterday and did 22,000. I will try for similar today. I did notice that sunset is after 4pm now, hurrah!
    Have a good week everyone and check back soon.

    Skipping breakfast twice a week and trying to have a carb free meal each day. I caught sight of myself sideways and thought, what the hell happened?

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Hi all!

    Wow, Annette, that’s just my experience. If I look in the mirror head on I think I don’t look too bad. But from the side I’m just a barrel!

    I skip breakfast most days of the week and eat a light lunch. But I do get hungry in the evening, and eat more than I planned many days. I’m adding a bit more to lunch hoping to stave that off. I do fast from about 8 pm till noon each work day, but I can’t say it’s doing much good (though who knows what I would look like if I didn’t ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

    Like you, Iona, my walking really fell off over the holidays and with below zero (Fahrenheit!) weather here in Minnesota. I’ve started walking on a treadmill ๐Ÿ™ again and am doing two miles. I’d like to get that up to three, but right now two is all I (and my dog, who doesn’t understand why I’m not sitting in my chair and petting the dog!) can handle.

    Hang in there, everybody. This is a way of life in constant adjustment!

    I think MM that we don’t know what the changed are under the skin, even when the tape measure and scales fail to move. One of the reasons that I started to try on clothes too, I could see a difference that was often not obvious with the scales. At the start of any change we need positive reinforcement.

    My weight has gone up a little and the tape measure stays the same this week. However I know from experience that this happens sometimes.

    It’s my birthday today, so a roast dinner and pudding for lunch and then out for tea and cake with friends tomorrow. I will get back into the groove on Monday.

    Well done MM. Sounds like you have made positive changes.

    ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰Happy Birthday Annette๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
    Enjoy the weekend!

    Happy birthday, Annette!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
    Hope you’re having a lovely day!!

    Thank you Iona and MM. It has been a lovely weekend.

    Skipping breakfast this morning on this chilly day. Trousers are quite uncomfortable, which is quite an incentive.

    This week, I am going to try to offset the fizz/cake/dessert buy skipping breakfast several times a week.

    How are you both doing?

    Hello Fast Friends,
    I am struggling to eat meals without carbs as its so cold. Apparently -13 in Minnesota, so I feel quite a lightweight in -3:). The big news is that in 3 weeks I have lost 3 lb and nothing where I am measuring BUT the jeans that I couldn’t get on I am wearing!!!

    I am very cross with myself for allowing a stone to whizz back on in a year:( its going to take me until the summer to shift it I suspect. How are you all doing?

    It is so easy to put it on but a lot more difficult to get it off!
    Iโ€™m doing ok, scale and tape are static, Iโ€™m trying to implement portion control and reduce carbs but as we are all well aware, itโ€™s not easy. Iโ€™m hoping for a drop next week.
    Stay strong ~ we can do it. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

    Isn’t it just, Iona. I can’t get my favourite and warm winter trousers done up;(

    It’s going to be slow and steady in my experience. I am planning to skip breakfast Wednesday and Friday, but aim for carb free evening meals. So much easier when the weather is warm.

    I think that my scales must be broken….

    I am going to have to do a longer fast to make the numbers move;(

    How are you doing?

    I am 2 pounds lighter this week and half an inch less around my middle so Iโ€™m very pleased. But I have eaten a lot less this week and had more salad than lately. Not had any bread for ages which hasnโ€™t really bothered me until today when I really fancied it so I had bagel for breakfast, probably a backwards step. More salad for lunch and probably fish and veg this evening.
    Big birthday next week and I have FIVE meals out with various people!! I wonโ€™t be using the scale next week!!
    Stay strong, spring is coming!๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Well done, Iona!

    I was hoping for 4 lb loss this month but it’s going to be 3lb. No shrinkage with the tape measure either.

    But that’s still very good considering the birthday meals/cakes/dessert and bubbles. I have a goal of 8 lb in my sights but also know that I am going to have to make better choices in February.

    How are you doing MM?

    Hi all, congratulations to both of you!

    I haven’t gotten on the scale in weeks. But this morning when I was still lying in bed I noticed that my stomach was completely flat! Now, if only I could get it to stay that way when I stand up! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Like you both, I’m trying to cut back on the bread and the biscuits. And I can sympathize on the bagel, Iona. I manage a few days and then simply have to have a few crackers or piece of toast.


    Hi MM,
    My stomach is more Buddha belly when lying flat;(

    That’s a new goal;) Might take 14lb to look flat when lying down;)

    It’s great when I’m lying on my back. Problem is, I look like I’m at least 6 months along once I stand up. ๐Ÿ™‚ Guess I need to do more planks!

    Never mind MM. You are way ahead of me when you are lying down โ˜บ๏ธ

    I had a good lunch and pudding at work, so the current plan is no evening meal, skip breakfast tomorrow and then eat mid day. It will be my first 24 hour fast in a very long time.

    Very determined to shift another few lbs in February. I have arthritis in my foot which was very painful yesterday. Less lard should mean less pain, hopefully.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends ๐Ÿ˜

    I did it!

    The last couple of hours were the most difficult because it was cold outside and I had run out of things to do. I had lunch which was so good and then just granola with yoghurt for dinner. I wasn’t hungry.

    Lunches at school are carb heavy, so I am having to learn to make different choices in the evening. It would be do much easier if it was summer.

    The tape measure hasn’t moved but the scales have!

    Delayed lunch by 3 hours today. Hopefully that will help offset next week carbs ..

    Hi Everyone,
    I have tried skipping the evening meal this week completely. Lunch at school is carb heavy and no other options. The result is 2 lb off this week. Absolutely delighted. Tape measure hasn’t moved at all but I feel fasting at the end of the day is very doable for the long-term and is also for 18 hours.

    How is everyone doing?

    Congratulations, Annette! I have read that skipping the evening meal is more conducive to weight loss than skipping breakfast. Alas, I find it easy to not eat in the morning, as I am not hungry, and to eat a light lunch after a 16 hour fast. For me, lunch at school is whatever I throw in my bag and I’m usually eating in front of the computer, so a piece of fruit and fiber bar, or cheese stick pretty much do it. And then I’m ravenous for a good meal in the evening.

    Still avoiding the scale, but the mirror has been fairly kind recently. Of course I’m usually looking at myself front on, rather than from the side. Oh well, I think I’m holding my own at least.

    Thanks MM. It was you that inspired me to try skipping the evening meal. I had been thinking about your approach and wondered what I could try. I struggle with morning fasting when its cold and there is not much for me to do at work.

    What is really interesting is that I have had biscuits/dessert at work several times too. There hasn’t been any denial, just stopped eating from lunchtime until breakfast the next day and that has been really easy for me. I am learning to sew, so been busy in the evenings.

    My plan going forward is to have lunch over the weekend and then skip dinner and continue this next week too. I am very curious to see what the impact is next week too.

    I have 3 pairs of trousers that I can wear because I can’t do the others up. I am very keen to wear the others and see if the arthritis in my foot is less painful as I lose weight.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    I am quite delighted with the results of skipping evening meals.I lost 1.7lb last week and 1.9lb this week. I have found it really easy to have a cup of tea after work and then not to eat until breakfast. If there has been a pudding at work that I enjoy, then I have had it but I have also aimed to eat fruit.

    The tape measure is simply not moving but the trousers that I couldn’t get on I can now do up and wear. The running total is 6.6 lbs from New Years Day. I have a long way to go but hope to get there over the summer or into the autumn.

    I could very easily continue to skip and evening meal for the froseable future. So focused on the first 14lb.

    How is everyone doing?

    Well done Annette. I would find it difficult to skip evening meals, we look forward to eating together when my husband finishes work. I donโ€™t think I could sit and watch him eat while I had a cuppa!
    My birthday celebrations are over now so I need to get back on track!! The scale hasnโ€™t moved but the tape measure shows half an inch gain ๐Ÿ˜–
    We have a lot of work to do renovating our kitchen over the next few weeks, not sure my back and knees are up to it but hopefully it will burn some of the lard!

    Hi Iona.
    I live alone now and get fed a free hot lunch with pudding/fruit options in term time. It’s also much cheaper for me to eat whatever I like at work and then nothing in the evening.

    You could experiment ditching breakfast or lunch for a week and then see what the result is, or even breakfast some days and lunch on other days.

    How exciting to renovate a kitchen. Get rid of stuff that you no longer use before it happens.

    Hello fast friends,
    My big news is that I have lost an inch off my hips and my bust. The running total of weight lost is now 7lb which is an average of a lb a week.

    How is everyone doing?

    You are making good progress Annette ~ keep up the good work.
    My life is pretty chaotic at present I have not been fasting or paying much attention to how much Iโ€™m eating. Must get back on track, Spring is on the way!

    Thanks. I have an orthopedic appointment in about a month and would love to be within shouting distance of a stone. My foot and the limitations of the pain are motivating me to have which ever 2 meals I want to have each day. Usually it’s breakfast and lunch. Less carbs has taken an inch off my waist this week

    I know that I could continue eating like this for the foreseeable. I don’t mind skipping a meal but equally if I want a pudding for lunch, then I have one.

    Hopefully life will calm down and you can get back in to the groove.

    Hi all. Good work Annette! I do find skipping a meal easier than trying to cut back on each of them. But for me, it’s really laying off the carbs that seems to make the biggest difference.

    Iona, like you, I find dinner hard to skip since that is the meal that I tend to eat with others three or four days a week. Breakfast is pretty easy for me to miss. I teach in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On those days it’s easy to rush to the office and into the classroom, and by the time class is over and students ask questions, etc. it’s almost time for lunch. Harder on weekends not to want a bite mid-morning.

    I haven’t been on the scale, but my clothes are feeling pretty good. I think I’m pretty much holding steady right now. I’d still like to lose 5-10 more pounds, and hope to do another five day fast, perhaps over our spring break.

    Carry on, everyone.

    Thank you.
    I have no doubt that less carbs make all the difference. School lunches are generally pasta or rice based, so no chance of less carbs then. By either having nothing or some fruit/ nuts in the evening I am fasting every evening until breakfast.
    The Buddha belly is shrinking and I can wear my favourite jeans that I couldn’t a month ago. It’s been half term this week and without biscuits at home, looks like I will be 2 lb down this week which is thrilling.

    I much prefer this way of fasting, it works much better for me and I feel that I could eat this way without any problems into the future. Nothing is banned and if I don’t feel deprived. If I want crumble and custard at school, then I have it but it’s not every day either.

    My very overweight friend is struggling with a painful knee walking. I told here what I was doing, so it will be interesting to see if she tries less carbs and less meals.

    So excited, the trousers that I couldn’t get on at all in January, I can now wear and they look good. Quite a boost to keep going.

    How are you Iona and MM?

    Plodding along, managing to maintain although more bread seems to creeping in.
    Had a lot of preoccupation lately and need to find focus on my health.
    Hope you are all doing ok??

    Slow progress here
    I have been chipping away at the first stone since 1st January. I am now 10lb down and an inch off waist, hips and bust. Really struggling to shift the next 4 lbs, they seem quite impossible to shift but I know that I just have to keep going.
    Perhaps unsurprisingly, my arthritis is less painful now. Finally have an orthopeadic appointment in a couple of weeks. If I can avoid surgery by losing weight, that would be great.

    Lost half an inch from my neck this week, would have preferred it off Mt waist….

    Hello Fast friends,
    I am guessing that you are all doing very well as it’s been so quiet on here. My big news is that I have now lost 14lb which is an average of just over a lb a week. I have also lost 2 inches off my hips and an inch off my waist plus that half an inch off my neck.

    I have no doubt that hauling rather less of me has helped my foot feel less painful. Off work now for 3 weeks so no biscuits or cake, but there is chocolate and guests staying too, do hopefully I can maintain.
    My plan going forward is simply to carry on eating breakfast and lunch, but then skipping an evening meal or eating something that isn’t pasta, rice, potatoes or bread. I am finding this very easy, which is just as well as there is another 21 lb to go…So going forward I should reach my goal before term starts in September.

    How are you doing?

    Hello Annette
    That’s marvellous news, well done! So glad to hear you are finding it easy, you have got your goal in sight now.
    I’m pretty much maintaining which is okay but I need to be losing! I’ve just finished the chocolates from Mother’s Day and as it is Monday I’m resolving to make more effort and hopefully make April count.

    Good to hear from you, keep going…..downwards!!

    Hello Iona.
    Lovely to hear from you. I wonder how MM is getting on.

    I find skipping an evening meal or a simple something perfect for me. But guests arrive at the end of the week so that’s feeding them 3 times a day, they leave and then some of the boys arrive for the chocolate fest and more food provision.

    I thought it wise that I aimed for a lb a week as some weeks the scales are broken;(

    Some trousers are rather tight still but another inch off my waist should allow me to breathe and move;) so hopefully carrying on before and after the guest’s will help to limit the damage.

    Happy Easter ๐Ÿ‡
    I have 2 small Easter eggs and a tin of chocolate to share. Weight and inches is the same but I am finding it hard to make any difference.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Happy Easter to you too! ๐Ÿฃ
    I donโ€™t have any chocolates yet but suspect my daughter will bring some tomorrow, along with an Easter cheesecake she has made today ๐Ÿ˜‹ itโ€™s going to be a tough day.
    Iโ€™ve done well the last couple of weeks, been very busy with DIY, got lots of steps in while painting -up and down the ladder! (new kitchen arrives next week).
    Iโ€™ve been snacking at irregular intervals rather than eating regular meals and the scale has dropped a few pounds. No doubt it will be up again when I get back to my normal routine. Although I have a lot to do in the garden too!
    Iโ€™ve quite enjoyed having breakfast and skipping lunch, usually itโ€™s the other way around for me.
    Keep going friends, we can do it!

    Hi Iona,
    Hopefully you have had a lovely time.

    My boys have just left so the food fest is now over. Sadly quite a few chocolate have been left here which were from Christmas. I have put them in a box and in a cupboard, so hopefully l will forget them….

    I am not going near the scales or the tape measure until the weekend.

    Morning Fast Friends,
    Just recovering from Covid and then discover that my blood pressure is too high and there is discussion of BP meds. We reach an agreement that I have 3 months to lose a stone and submit blood pressure readings.

    My first trip outside involves all of the lovely healthy food choices that I like. Skipped break fast yesterday and now that I feel better, to get more walking in each day as I am now on half term.

    How are you all getting on?

    Hi Annette, sorry to hear you had Covid, not good. Hopefully you will feel better once you get back to a normal routine. Scary to have the BP discussion, I hope you can manage to get it down without intervention. Makes weight loss more urgent I guess, but not any easier.
    We are just back from a weekend in London so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I caught Covid there, very busy everywhere, no masks, no social distancing – awful on the Underground.
    I have my annual review for my Kidney disease soon so feeling a bit anxious about that, otherwise I’m plodding along on an even keel.
    Keep in touch and stay strong!

    Hi Annette! So sorry to hear you had Covid and about the blood pressure. Mine is also a little high. I do take a low dose of meds for it. Not happy about that, but it is what it is.

    Iona, I hope the weekend is London was more fun than scary. We just got back from a week in a cabin on the north shore of Lake Superior. Hardly say a soul, which still felt good as Covid seems to be rebounding. It was barely spring there, but I came home to what looks like full summer! I can no longer see any of the neighbor’s houses, nor the lake across the road. Just a sea of green leaves.

    Sorry to have been AWOL for so long. The end of our term just got really really hectic for me with student papers, grading, and two conferences to present at and a book chapter to complete. Whew! All that is done now, though I have two more conferences in June. Anyway, with the work the fasting went by the board. I’m starting up again this week with five days of the “fasting-mimicking” diet and then hoping I can get back to two meals a day and two 800 cal days a week. I haven’t recouped all the weight I lost, but much of it. ๐Ÿ™ The “skirt of truth” goes on but has turned into the “straight-jacket of truth”! Once zipped (with difficulty) I cannot move!

    So glad you two are still out here. Take care!

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