I am half a stone heavier and my jeans are tight π
Just 5 days to go and then I am going to be a paragon of virtue for 2 days a week π
How are you getting on?
This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by annette52 2 days, 20 hours ago.
I’m with you both!
I just got back from a week at a cabin on Lake Superior. It was lovely to get out of the house after a year and a half, but no fasting. We only had two meals a day, but pie with cream every night. I haven’t had the heart to stand on the scale, but I can tell from the way my thighs rub together again that several of the pounds are back.
The one redeeming feature is that my face still has definition when I look in the mirror–so I know they are not all back. It’s disheartening how quickly the pounds return when we stop our vigilance.
On Wednesday I head to Slovenia for ten days to give a couple of talks at universities there and renew my EU work permit. I’m a little nervous about travel, though fully vaccinated. It will be a different experience.
Congratulations on the early retirement, Iona! I have two or three more years to go. The hard part is that most of my friends and close colleagues were a bit older than I and have already retired. Work is a more lonely place than it was.
Anyway, I’m with you today, Annette, fasting before the next trip. We do what we can.
Hi there,
I’m a returner to this forum, and sadly just can’t seem to get into the fast days, but am hoping to nail it from Monday. I lost about 15 Ibs on my first attempt, but that was in my pre-menopause stage and have read that the body clings on to fat cells, as it is where the oestrogen is stored π . Lock down has meant work from home, so am trying to get in the steps, and also do yoga, lift weights and dance. I feel so annoyed with myself for another summer looking ‘chubby’ in clothes that cover rather than flatter..:)Anyway here we go! Am hoping for inspiration.
Hi everyone,
Am fasting today, so far ok, last meal was at 7:30pm yest, and intend to eat at around 5 pm-ish..if I eat too early I start wanting to eat, so leaving it as late as possible.
I’ve recorded what I’m going to eat in Net Dairy and so far 630 cals, with a little leeway if I get desperate, I’m going for 800.
I generally try to drink loads of water, some black coffee, and the odd sachet of miso soup (100 cals)
will eat aubergine, tofu, watercress, slice of cheese, some lentils, cherry toms, yoghurt and some protein powder…(helps with hunger pangs)
will repeat on thurs..
Hope everyone is doing ok..
Hi everyone,
I managed 2 fast days, which were ‘relatively’ easy due to hot weather, and I was busy. No weight loss, but that’s ok, I’m pleased to have got the days done, as was not happening over the last few weeks. They were both 24hrs. I tend to lose in a big ‘woosh’ after about 4 fast days, and cos of weather am probably holding on to water, that’s my theory π Only about another 21 fast days to go!, but am breaking them up into mini-goals, so will pause after 6 FDs, to see the results so far..and then continue. I am supposedly going away at the beginning of October..
Have a good weekend!
Hi FF,
I’ve done 4 FDs and have not lost anything, feeling a bit let down,π΅βπ« but won’t let it deter me. I know the pattern, If I give up after these 4 days all the hard work would be lost. On a plus side I feel ‘lighter’ if you know what I mean, and in the mirror can see some loss, so it’s definitely worth it, I will do another 4 FDs and check the results..hopefully by then there will be some visible loss on the scales. I have an under-active thyroid and am on medication, but have noticed others (my sis for example) always lose weight on FD much more quickly π My general diet is pretty much ok, with some treats here and there, but less sugar, no bread/pasta/pizza more veg and salad, proteins, such as plain yoghurt, tuna, eggs lentils and tofu, and healthy fats walnuts, and avocados.. I also use protein powder.
Hope everyone is ok!
Out of the blue I have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease after routine βwell womanβ checks. This has really knocked my sideways, I feel absolutely fine and had no idea about any kidney issue. I have a follow up appointment next week to get more information and to discuss the way forward. Iβm not even sure if fasting will be something I can continue with. I will check back next week with an update βΉοΈ
Hi all!
Iona, I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I’m afraid I have had a similar setback–got diagnosed as prediabetic a few weeks ago. That has given me a renewed impetus to lose a few pounds and cut back on the sugar and carbs, both of which were creeping back into my diet with the lovely summer fruits beguiling me to make pies, cakes, etc.
After a week with my friend at a cabin on Lake Superior and then ten days in Slovenia, the scale was not my friend. I put back on seven of the fifteen pounds I had so painstakingly lost. It’s disheartening how much easier it is to gain than to lose. Though I’ve been pretty careful this week and fasted my two days, I’ve only lost half a pound so far. Oh well, at least the scale is back to going in the right direction, if slowly.
Welcome Amiya. I hope your scale will kick in and head down as well.
Hi everyone,
Sorry to hear about the various diagnoses, it’s always really worrying ;-/
Feel disappointed as did 6 FDs with no changes on scale nor as far as I can see anywhere on body, someone did say my face looked slimmer though. Anyway I had a week off as felt my metabolism would benefit.
When I originally started fasting 6 yrs ago, I lost a lot of weight but of course was younger, and I always did 500 cals. I’m now on 800. I’m going to return to 500 and see if it makes a difference.
I know my diet is pretty sound on NFDs but even nutritious food can be over eaten, I need to keep a track of what I eat more, I think they say it’s always 30% more than one thinks..π
My life is much more sedentary, I teach, and haven’t gone back to the classroom. I need to think of making some adjustments to bring in more activity, 10, 000 steps used to be enough but alas no longer..
Have a good week
Hey guys good to hear from you. Welcome Amiya , itβs hard work getting older I agree!
MM have you looked at Jason Fung on YouTube he is an advocate of reversing pre-diabetes. Iβm worried that may also be the cause of my kidney disease so Iβm trying to fast more and avoid carbs atm until I have more tests and information.
How are you Annette? Are you out there?
Hi all. Well, I decided to take the bull by the horns and do a five day fast. I’ve thought about it before but it seemed kind of radical and not really necessary. But now I want to really kick things into high gear and thought this might be a good start.
I’m using Prolon, a fasting mimicking diet by Valter Longo. It’s supposed to be good at reducing both cholesterol and blood glucose. I’m on day two. And hungry. If nothing else it’s already told me I’ve been underestimating how many calories I’ve been ingesting each day, as the first day is 1150 kc and I thought that would be similar to what I often eat. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Hang in there everyone.
@minnesotamiss – I would be really interested in how you get on with Prolon – look forward to your progress reports
Hi there!
buuu! just lost a post. My question was also the same, how is the Prolon going?
It made me look up some 5 day fasting regimes, this guy is pretty interesting and at the end he gives some useful apps and stuff..https://www.mrdbourke.com/5-day-fast/. He is however very lean, not a blob of fat in sight.
Also reminded me of the Jason Fung article…scroll down to Controlling Hunger, it’s good to be reminded.https://drjasonfung.medium.com/?p=5cca7562b8fe
I feel like I just can’t get this weight off, and read the body lays down fat to preserve oestrogen in perimenopause. Will have a look at the various fasting regimes..
Onwards and upwards!
Hi all!
I’m on day four and it’s been ok. The first day you’re allowed about 1000 calories, so that day didn’t seem all that different, but on day two I was hungry, tired, and a little “hangry.” Day three I woke up full of energy, really clear headed, which lasted all day and I wasn’t hungry at all. The interesting thing is that the small amounts I’m allowed to eat are starting to feel normal. I’m drinking a ton of cold herbal tea and a glycerol drink they give you, which I think keeps you from being very hungry. Anyway, so far, so good.
I’ve lost one pound so far. Not spectacular, but nice to see the scale shift after two weeks of it not budging one ounce, even with fast days. With two more fasting days to go and a very modest day six, I’m hoping to lose a few more. I’ve scaled my expectations down and will be very happy with a 3 or 4 lb loss. Most folks on-line say they lost more than that. Some say they see the loss on day 6 or 7, so I have hopes.
I’ll let you know how the next few days go. All in all, this is easier than I had expected (especially on day 2 when I wasn’t at all sure I would continue). The hardest part is when I open the refrigerator for the dog’s food and see all the food waiting for me. π
Iβm in the middle of a weekend of birthday parties and a wedding so Iβm not going near the scale for a few days. More test next week then a lifestyle plan drawn up to manage my kidney disease. Iβm still bewildered by the diagnosis and the implications, retirement is now looking rather different to what I imagined.
Hi all.
Well, the five day fasting-mimicking diet is done. It actually wasn’t that hard after the first two days, and by day six, when I was allowed to eat real food again I wasn’t particularly hungry, so ate lightly. I lost a total of 2.5 lbs, which was a bit disappointing since they said people lose an average of 5, but I guess someone needs to be below average. π I’m hoping I lost less water weight than others do since I’d been doing 16:8 before I did the five days.
So I still need to shift 10 lbs. and 2.5 inches from my waist. The fast got me drinking more water, and less wine. I’m also hoping to stick with a more plant based diet now. Determined not to put those pounds back on and to send some of their companions packing as well.
Will I do a five day fast again? Maybe. It did get me off the plateau I seemed stranded on. So if I plateau again, I probably will.
With my health in mind I have made better choices lately which has resulted in a 2 pound loss. Next week I’m cutting carbs as much as I can to see how I get on. Still fasting most days for 12-14 hours, basically skipping breakfast or delaying lunch.
I’ve worked my last day now and I am on holiday until the end of the month when I will officially retire. Everyone has been so kind, and generous with their praise so I’m feeling pretty good!
I hope everybody is well and living life to the full as I intend to!!
Hi all! Sorry I haven’t been posting for awhile. Our term began two weeks ago and I had a major talk to give last Friday, so it’s just been one big rush.
Haven’t done much on the fasting front except now that I’m in the office, and teaching over the lunch hour three days a week, on those days I skip breakfast and grab a fiber bar before class. I haven’t gotten on the scale for a few weeks but my clothes tell me that I’m probably in a holding pattern, neither gaining or losing. I’m hoping to do the five day fast again, but it’s hard to find five days in a row without any social commitments. I may do better by doing as Iona, and doing time-restricted eating almost every day. Annette, you seem to be moving in that direction as well?
Congratulations on the approaching retirement, Iona! I’ve been considering when to retire and decided just a few weeks ago not to apply for a sabbatical semester for next year, since that would compel me to return the following year. I have the feeling two more years (and maybe some part time teaching after that) will be enough.
Take care, everybody.
Hi all!
I haven’t gotten on the scale for weeks. But I think being back at work is working for me. I notice little things like more definition in my legs and a dress that used to be a little tight that now fits like a glove. Looking in the mirror this morning I thought “Not bad. Maybe five more pounds?” I’m on my feet all day and have generally skipped breakfast Monday-Thursday and had just a piece of fruit and a fiber bar for lunch. Then whatever I want for dinner so long as I am done eating by 8. Seems to be working. But we’ll see what the scale says one of these days.
Our fall break begins for me on Friday and my love and I are going to the shore of Lake Superior for five days. We generally only eat two meals–brunch and dinner, but we do have wine and dessert each day when on holiday so I might undo some of the progress. We used to walk it all off hiking the trails, but he’s older and not so steady on his feet anymore. I’m trying to plan some healthy meals. . . and some fun ones.
Hope you’re all doing well.
Good to hear from you.
I’m doing ok, just managing to maintain, although I really need to lose! I’ve noticed a few biscuits creeping in with coffee lately so I will stop that now and be more careful with the meal planning.
Hope you are doing ok on your own Annette, no one to tempt you with forbidden fruit!!
The trip to the Lake sounds great MM, have fun.
We had a weekend away with friends which was great but it did mean we made a visit to the pub a couple of times, but its nice to let your hair down once in a a while especially after the pandemic. It’s just a small matter of finding the right balance!
Have a good week, onwards and downwards.
How are you?
We had a trip to London last week, went to the Royal Albert Hall for the first time and had such a good few days away. These last few days though Iβve been full of cold (thankfully not covid) and feeling pretty rough. I guess mixing with lots of people again has its drawbacks.
The scale and tape measure are holding steady but I am aware that old habits are creeping in so Iβm making a big effort to get back to low carb and IF. I have lots to do in the garden when I feel a bit more perky so that will keep me away from the kitchen!
Iβve been watching a few videos on YouTube about pre-diabetes, and it is quite scary. Iβm still waiting for further tests with my GP to determine the extent of my kidney disease and the way forward – but blood tests are not available at the moment due to the shortage of bottles.
Hope things are okay with you all, check in if you get a chance.
Hi there
Hope everyone is doing ok. I’m fasting today, 20/4 so it might be a long day. I’m going to try 3 fasts this week, and then the rest of the time use recipes from the 800, which I find quick and really healthy.
I’m using a tracking App (it’s free, but there is a paid version) which is quite helpful, it just counts the hours for you so makes it a bit more bearable..:) and there are a few useful insights.
Onwards and upwards!
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8:50 pm
4 Jul 21