If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 4 days, 8 hours ago.

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  • Like many, Christmas plans have been dashed sadly after I had just made the third trip to the shops and now the number of people eating is halved. So fed up that I have made a start on the festive tarts.

    I am going to try to keep on track but I am very fed up and there is now plenty of lovely food in the house. It may just be a case of picking up the pieces after the madness.

    Oh @annette52, same here. I tried to make smaller amounts of the goodies, but with just immediate family, I’m thinking, “we’re having a meal on Christmas eve, and a breakfast on Christmas day. So where do all of my sausage balls, pigs in a blanket, gingerbread men, and tres leches cake fit in?” They’re just hanging out on my countertop and in my refrigerator calling, “eat me, eat me!” LOL

    At this point, I’m counting Maintenance instead of weight loss in December as a win.

    NorthGeorgia. Its a challenge isn’t it? I have made a start on the Christmas cake, just a small bar, as I am the only one that likes it out of the 3 of us. I have skipped the odd breakfast here and there to help.

    We are having bolognaise with pasta and garlic bread on Christmas Eve, so we wont need breakfast on Christmas Day but will simply wait until lunch which we eat at 1pm. I don’t think that we will eat much in the evening. Boxing Day is going to be cold leftovers and some snacks. Then it will be 2 of us.

    You could freeze the sausage balls and pigs in blankets for Easter. Could you donate the biscuits and cake to neighbours??

    I am going to try to either freeze, save for Easter or give to someone else. I am with you about maintenance but either way we are in a much better place than we were.

    My son came down from Liverpool today, back tomorrow – we’ve just had a lovely early Xmas dinner. I’ve got enough leftovers for a couple of conservative sized portion days.
    Sorry to hear about those that have lost someone, my son’s grieving the loss of his grandad from a month ago.
    Happy Xmas holidays y’ule.

    Happy Christmas ⛄🎄
    We are having a traditional roast but with far too many leftovers as I bought most of it before the rules changed.

    Just the 3 of us rather than the 6 that were coming. My sister and brother-in-law both have Covid and are vulnerable so fingers crossed. Sadly they both feel rubbish too.

    Have a lovely day.

    Hi All,
    Tomorrow is tape measure and scales to see what the damage is. My current plan is to skip breakfast but I may well skip lunch depending on what the numbers are.

    My big goal is to shift another 14 lb by Easter. My focus is on a smaller waist which needs to shrink several inches to be healthy.

    How is everyone?

    Annette, so sorry to hear of your sister and brother-in-law. I hope they get better soon.

    I haven’t had the nerve to get on the scale, but have gone back to my 16-8 schedule of eating my first meal around noon and nothing after 8 pm. Like you, though I only had (who knows now?) 8 pounds to go, I do need to get a few inches off the waistline. So it’s back to work and off the treats.

    I got a little help from a mouse, who got into the tin holding the last of the Christmas cookies, which I had then to throw out. I take that as a sign that when the last bit of eggnog is gone it’s back on the straight and narrow for me.

    I’ll think of you tomorrow morning and see if I can get up the nerve to step on the scale too.

    I have been on the scale today, not too much damage just a couple of pounds, I purposely did not buy too much stuff and although I was disappointed not to get a lot of chocolates etc as gifts this year I know it’s a blessing.
    We have my Father in law’s funeral tomorrow then I plan to get back to normal.
    How are your sister and brother in law doing Annette? It’s such a worry when you know how dangerous Covid can be.
    Good to see this thread is helping us all along. Thanks to all who contribute – it does give me a boost!!

    My brother in law is quadraplegic and has 4 carers in each week who all have Covid. My sister has chronic fatigue and is 4 foot 10. My sister messaged me this morning to say that the torrential headache has finally gone a d she now feels half human do that is a huge improvement. Brother in law is a little better. Tough as they are completely on their own with no help and feel rubbish.

    I stepped on the scales to find that I am 3.5 lbs heavier and the waist is 2 inches bigger. So I am skipping breakfast today to make a start on reigning back the damage.

    I am going to try to off-load the remaining sweet stuff off on the neighbours to get it out of the house. I have frozen turkey and chestnut stuffing into single portions to work my way through over the coming months.

    I hope that the funeral goes as well,Iona. Difficult times.

    MM lovely to hear from you too. Very amused by tales of mice and cookies,feels very festive. As it stands today, I have 17.5 lbs to shift with a goal of Easter. I am hoping that when I stand on the scales on New Years Day, the numbers will be better.

    Back to work on the 4th. It would be great to shift some lard by then.

    Digestion recovering from mince pies, Christmas pudding and cake plus stollen bites and chocolate.

    Hopped into the scales this morning and a pound down plus the tape measure is much better too. Back to eating less processed food and I feel so much better.

    Getting out walking in the morning every day. Daylight is so important for my mental health along with my collection of house plants.

    I will update you on the stats on Friday. How is everyone doing?

    I did stand on the scales and measure this morning and I think that I have 15.5lbs to shift to get a healthy waist measurement. I am aiming at Easter time to reach that goal with a thousand mini goals in between.

    Happy New Year, everyone.

    I haven’t had the nerve to face the scale yet but I did get out the tape measure. Oddly, I’d gained an inch in bust and hips and lost an inch in my waist. Go figure. I’m hoping some of that was water and I’d had a ham dinner the night before.

    I got in one 20 hour fast and one 18 hour fast this week, so that’s a start. Annette, I’ll join you in hoping to get to my goal by Easter. My closer goal is to get below 130 by the time I start teaching again in February. I’m guessing that’s about 5 lbs away, or a lb a week. My plan is two fasting days a week and walking 3 miles each day. Today the dog and I only made two miles, but I cleaned the house and took down all the Christmas decorations so I’m counting that.

    Blessings for a better year ahead.

    Hello All,
    I have spent New Years Day finishing off the few mince pies and chocolate. There is now nothing left. Trying to make a list of the items that I won’t be buying next year.

    My goal has been to get out for a walk every day for at least an hour in the morning. Apart from when the weather has been appalling, I have.

    Hi MM. Scales are only part of the picture but I prefer to see all of the stats so that I know what I am dealing with. Walking is a daily need for me and it all adds up.

    Sadly my brother in law died on New year’s Eve from Covid. My sister lives several hours away and in an area that I can’t visit. She also tested positive and is also vulnerable. Damn virus.

    Annette, I’m so sorry to hear of your brother-in-law’s death. I’ll be holding your sister and you in the Light.

    Thank you.

    Back to work tomorrow which means 90 minutes walking each day. My current plan is to skip breakfast tomorrow and Thursday, with a plan to do a 24 hour fast at the end of the week/weekend.

    How is everyone else? Any new year fasting plans?

    Condolences to you and your family Annette at what must be a difficult and sad time. Hope your sister pulls through.
    We have a lot of chocolates and other stuff still in our house but I feel I can be strong willed. Husband has a sweet tooth and is working it!
    Monday morning tomorrow- back on the straight and narrow, keep in touch and good luck 😉

    Thanks Iona,
    She sounded ok when I spoke to her yesterday. It’s going to be an enormous change for her going from full time carer to on her own. They lived in one room together and didn’t use the upstairs at all.

    I am a bit daunted about going back to work tomorrow. I will be avoiding all questions about the holidays. I have also learned to make Macrame plant hangers which I am finding very soothing and made one this evening when I felt anxious.

    Well a FD didn’t happen yesterday. It was cold and I knew that we were going to be offered a hot lunch and I had a meal that had to be eaten last night. It was grim back at work with the freezing weather and lots of doors open. Finally news of another lockdown with schools closing etc.

    Today I am home on furlough and warm. Skipped breakfast, went out walking for 2 hours, light lunch and then dinner this evening. My boy, 24 barman and now on furlough is here with me, so I think it would be nice to have dinner together several nights a week.

    Its very chilly here, so skipping breakfast several days a week might be the best I can do right now. What’s the situation for you Iona and MM?

    I am furloughed at the moment, I was going in for the odd week here and there but not sure if that will still happen in lockdown, hopefully not!!
    I started a fast yesterday but the last of the champagne truffles were calling me so it was a failure. I have skipped breakfast today and had a poached egg on toast at lunchtime (and a tiny bit of Christmas cake) so I feel I’m doing better. After dinner I intend to fast for 16 hours, I know I will feel better physically for it and it will be a good boost mentally too, knowing I can get back into the fasting way of life.
    The weather is cold up north too Annette, lots of heavy showers of rain/hail here today – but I managed to dodge them on my daily dog walk.
    Stay strong, onwards and downwards!!

    Its very chilly in the South West too, Iona. I am looking forward to the days getting a bit brighter for a bit longer.

    I am with you, Iona. If I can manage a few fasts that are 16 hours then I am pleased. Its just too cold and not enough to do at the moment.

    News from my employer is that I will probably be furloughed until end of March, (unless the scheme is extended again perhaps). I can’t really take it in at the moment!
    Other news {Fanfare}…… 18 hour fast completed!!! It started out as a 16 hour but seemed so easy I add a couple of extra hours. Broke the fast with homemade veg soup so feeling quite smug right now! Such a long way to go though so I’m enjoying it while it lasts!
    Off out for my long dog walk now while there is still daylight, I think each week adds about 10 mins to the length of the day time. A welcome improvement to the dark days of December.

    I am furloghed now too. No idea until when, but I don’t imagine that schools are going to be open in March, perhaps after Easter…

    Well done you! The boy and I are having a roast this evening from some frozen left over turkey and stuffing etc. I would like to make some space in the freezer and my boy has been low, so I think a cooked meal together will help. Also gives me something to do!

    May well skip breakfast tomorrow and go out for a good walk in the morning. I am trying to get out in the morning every day for exercise and lifting my mood. I am not gloomy but I know that fresh air and walking helps me enormously.

    Just looking forward now…

    I bought some frozen roast potatoes for dinner and despite cooking them for the correct time, they were hard and inedible. We enjoy the rest of the meal but it wasn’t a meal full of carbs.

    Woke up late today and still feel full so skipping breakfast and may skip lunch too. I am going to see how I get on.

    Freezing fog here. Not rushing to go out for a walk but wondering how to fill the time too.

    How is everyone doing today?

    Perishing. Popped out to shop and came home again. Ate scrambled eggs on toast. So that’s another 18 hours in the bag.

    We have freezing fog here too. It has made the woods look lovely.

    I’m down to the last two Christmas cookies. Will be glad to no longer have them calling to me from the cupboard. Though part of my plan was to drink less wine, I have to admit to a bit of crisis drinking last night as we watched a coup attempt unfold in our capital.

    I skipped breakfast this morning and, Annette, your 18 hour fast has given my the encouragement to do likewise and skip lunch as well. I’m at 14 hours now, so will do at least four more, maybe six.


    Hello MM,

    Good to hear from you. Scary news everywhere it feels like at the moment.

    Mine was more of a delayed lunch rather than a skipped one, but still 18 hours.

    Just cooked and eaten pasta bolognaise with garlic bread. The boy is only eating with me in the evening so its carb loaded but I don’t have much for lunch.

    Hard to comprehend the TV pictures from Washington, what is happening in the world?
    Good work MM, I find fasting easier to do once you commit rather than just thinking about it and procrastinating!! Not much left from the holiday treats now, thankfully. I’m hoping for good scale results at the weekend!

    Very shocking. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

    I think the same too. Once you decide, just get on with it! I am in a bit of a dilemma, feeding the boy and me means that I am eating more carbs than I would normally, but its very cold and lovely to eat hot filling food together in the evenings.

    I will try the scales in the morning and the tape measure but I am not confident that there is going to be a loss anywhere. Might be related to garlic bread…

    As a total surprise, I have lost 1 lb. I am delighted that I have lost an inch off my hips, which is more exciting. However, the three inches that I had lost off my waist are now only two, so that is another goal going forward.

    Going forward, the plan is skip breakfast or lunch, or both a couple of times a week.

    How is everyone today?

    I had a day yesterday when my common sense went missing. 3 meals, a spot of baking and snacking on and off, how I wish I could start yesterday again!!
    I have missed breakfast today and thinking of skipping lunch despite the fact I will have to rustle something up for OH in his 30 min break from work. Scales going the wrong way unsurprisingly. I’m trying to keep upbeat despite Lockdown but I can feel it pulling me down. Roll on Spring!

    I feel the same, Iona. I jumped on the scales this morning to see what a carb heavy meal each night was doing and I am holding steady. But there is some shrinkage on the body.

    I have been out digging compost in a very stony garden border, and then transferring plants that were in pots, into this space. I have been out there in hour chunks in chill wind and rain, but it feeds my soul.

    It’s my birthday tomorrow and I am 60. There will be fish and chips for lunch and carrot cake for tea. There will be a roast dinner at the weekend. Then next week, I need to get back to 24 hour fasts.

    For me, gardening and plants feed my soul along with a daily walk of an hour or so.i have bag handles to try and make a Macramé tote bag but as I can only do 2 knots, it looks quite a challenge. That is something that I am saving for a wet or cold day.

    My friend is breaking her day up into 30 minute slots. She doesn’t look past the slot. It’s keeping her sane, which I think is a win.

    Try something for a short time that will absorb and get out in daylight for s walk, whether it’s wet or not. Makes all the difference to my mood.

    Best wishes for tomorrow Annette, I hope you have a lovely birthday. Enjoy those fish and chips!
    I did a bit of pruning in the garden yesterday before the rain/snow, I need to get out to tidy it all up now but the forecast is rain all day. I will go out for an hour this afternoon regardless.
    I started a new knitting project too so I’m enjoying that at the moment.
    I had a better eating day yesterday, had breakfast at 2pm then dinner at 7pm, no snacking in between just water or tea. I shall follow a similar pattern today. If only I had a holiday to look forward to, then weight loss might be easier!!

    Hi all!

    Best wishes for your birthday tomorrow, Annette. Enjoy fish, chips, and cake without worrying. Birthdays only come once a year.

    I envy you all the gardening and long walks. We had freezing rain this morning and now snow is pelting down. They say we’ll get 5-8″ by tomorrow afternoon. Won’t be much walking till the plows come through.

    Yesterday a coyote walked through the edge of my front yard. I was working on the computer and happened to glance up and thought “how’d that German Shepherd get such a bushy tail?” Then went to the window and saw it was not a German Shepherd. I hear them howling and yipping at night sometimes.

    I’m back on schedule with breakfast at 11, dinner at 6 and one high fiber bar for tea. Dinner mostly veggies. Hoping a few days of that will give me the courage to face the old scale again.

    Carry on, everyone!

    Thank you both for the birthday wishes.

    I had a lovely time. I have lots of flowers which are beautiful.

    Just cooking a small roast for dinner. The plan is then to skip breakfast and possibly lunch. Off out walking with a friend in the morning, so that should help pass the time.

    I have been given a large pile of upholstery off cuts from a friend, so the plan is to learn to make bags. Should keep me busy on a FD.

    MM I had to have a look at Minnesota to see why it was so cold and how big a coyote is. They look terrifying and I can now understand why all of the snow.

    I have spent the morning out in the garden digging up borders to fill with plants that are no longer happy in a pot. Hard work but great to be outside when its cold and dry.

    My plan is to stand on the scales next Saturday morning and see what the damage is after 2 FD and then see what I am going to do to shift more lard by Easter. How is everyone getting on?

    I managed 20 hours today which was a huge achievement considering my friend spoke all about food when we went out for a walk and when I got home someone had been frying bacon. Goodness, it was hard to hold off eating.

    The boy and I are trying to find meals that we both like that are not pasta/rice or have garlic bread. We have agreed that we need to reduce the rice and pasta and ditch the bread.

    Off out walking for several hours this morning, so not a complete disaster.

    I am going to try to get to 24 hours on Thursday.

    20 hours is great Annette, you go girl!!! Glad to hear you had a good birthday. I love fresh flowers in the house. I’m aiming to grow more in the garden for cutting this summer.
    I’m with you on ditching some carbs, I really love bread but must not eat so much of it going forward if I’m to make any progress. The tape measure has gone down half an inch, I thought my trousers felt “less tight” (not quite loose yet) so I’m over the moon about that and I will check on the scale on Friday.
    I’ve skipped breakfast this week, had a fairly light lunch, then just eaten the usual dinner, but made an effort not to nibble after dinner, which has produced a fast of 16+ hours each day. The next step is to skip lunch a couple of days next week and get myself back into a fasting routine.
    It’s forecast to be very wet for a few days here so walks are shorter! I’m getting on with my knitting and doing some stretches in the evening. Roll on spring.

    I have 5 vases of flowers which is lovely, but it does mean that I can’t sew as there isn’t any room. I have been trying to make a macramé tote bag from a you tube video. There has been a lot of untying knots and pausing videos but the third attempt doesn’t look too bad.

    Today I am ditching breakfast and will see how long I can go. I am making lasagne for dinner and now that we had our last garlic bread, it will be with vegetables. Its the only meal that the boy is eating all day as he is sleeping when I am awake. So its a combination of avoiding shopping/finding something that we both like/using up food in the freezer.

    Excellent news of the tape measure, Iona. I have recovered that inch off my waist that was the Christmas bulge. I have been out walking every day for several hours apart from when the weather is torrential and popping plants in the new borders to free up a few more pots. Spring is on the way, I have a narcissus in flower.

    Hello All,
    I popped on the scales yesterday and it won’t be a surprise to anyone that I have put on a several pounds after the garlic bread and pasta or rice. Thank goodness for the fasts or the damage would have been considerably worse.

    So I need to re-think what meals we can share that we both like. Its more of a challenge that I had first thought! I am having salmon and salad for my tea this evening which could also be for lunch tomorrow too. I am looking forward to not eating processed carbs today.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends. How are you getting on?

    About to make a 24 hourfast for the first time in ages. It’s been fine with several mugs of tea and Macrame to keep me busy.

    How is everyone doing today?

    Hi all. Annette, congratulations on the 24 hour fast! You’ve inspired me to skip lunch myself today and see how far I can get myself. I’m at 17 hours right now so I’ll aim for at least 20.

    I finally got up the nerve to step on the scale this morning. I gained three pounds over the holidays. I had hoped for only two and was amazed at how downcast I felt about pound number 3. I’m still ten down from where I was this time last year, so there is that, but I’m now ten from my goal, which looks like a lot more than when it was in the single digits.

    So I am recommitting to two fasting days a week of 20 hours and a 500 calorie dinner. And no more cookies after dinner.

    I made potato leek soup this weekend. I went heavy on the leeks and light on the potatoes, so I hope it isn’t too bad. Tasted heavenly. But for the next few weeks, no more potatoes, rice, or bread. And the cookies . . .

    Hang in there friends.

    Hi MM,
    How did you get on?

    I was very disappointed with a gain of several pounds too, but scales are a blunt tool. So I am looking at some of the changes that I need to make to get back on track.

    Bread is finished and I didn’t buy anymore, salmon and salad bought for lunch and menu planning with the boy.

    Planning another 24 hours on Friday, followed by tape measure, scales and a skirt try on at the weekend.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    I managed 20 hour fasts both Monday and today. Down half a pound after Monday, so hoping to be down another half after today. That puts me just back over the line from being “overweight” on the BMI chart. Though I’m still ten pounds above my goal.

    Will take your advice, Annette, and try a few skirts this weekend.

    Hang in there, everyone.

    Well done MM. Going forward, lets look at what we have achieved and be proud. I was over 17lb heavier this time last year and in complete denial. So while I do have another 15 lb to shift, I know that I can do it and I know what I need to do.

    I couldn’t wait for Saturday and the scales, so jumped on them today and I am very pleased. I have lost 2 lbs of the 3lb that I put on. So planning another 24 hours again today which will mean skipping breakfast and lunch. I am off out walking with a friend this morning and planning to sort and clear the cellar this afternoon. Making a Shepherds pie with vegetables for dinner this evening.

    Looking forward, I am aiming for a decrease in either the scales, waistline or fat percentage(now in the healthy zone, but aiming for mid way).So the goals are simple, to see the improvement that I can make at then end of the each month. We can do this fast friends.

    Thanks, Annette. The scale was kind this morning, down another half pound. I’m back in a more comfortable place. I’m going to get on the scale each day from now on. Though I know many say we should not weigh ourselves so often, it’s the best way for me to keep from becoming afraid of the scale as I was for the last two months!

    You’ve done well to lose those 2 lbs and 17 all told. We’re both just past the half way point to our goals. And we know what works. These longer fast days (20-24 hours) really do seem to make a difference. I am doing another today, then will ease up over the weekend. Today will be easy, as I will be out and about, taking the dog in for a haircut (I haven’t had one during the pandemic, but she can’t see without one!), picking up a few books from the library for the book I’m writing, and popping into the office to water the plants.

    Iona, are you out there?

    Onward and downward!

    Hi MM,
    Each to his own with the scales. I stood on them ever day for a week a while ago, as an experiment, and I found that I could lose and gain 10 lbs over those 7 days. I use scales as a snapshot in time along with the clothes try on and now reducing fat percentage, courtesy of the scales.

    I did another 24 hours yesterday and I know that it works trimming the lard off my waist. I am just deciding whether I will treat myself to a small fish and chips for lunch from a local shop. I will then eat very little, or nothing this evening.

    What are you writing?

    Hello there, yes I’m still out here!
    I’ve been feeling a bit miserable this week. My daughter is having some issues and I’m finding it hard that I can’t drive down to be with her. However she sounds a bit more positive today.
    I have done no fasting this week and eaten things I definitely should not. The scale was down today but the tape was up. I’m more inclined to go with the tape and certainly need to shed some inches.
    It’s my birthday on Monday, my youngest daughter has arranged an afternoon tea to be delivered today as we can’t go out to celebrate so although I’m looking forward to it, I’m groaning inside!
    Next week will be better, I am ready to put more effort in I think!!
    Good to hear from you both, have a good weekend.

    Hi Iona,
    Enjoy your Birthday I hope that you enjoyed the cream tea. It’s hard not being able to go to family when they need support. My sister seems to be doing okay but had gone from being on call 24/7 with carers in several times a week to now being on her own, apart from 2 elderly small dogs and a parrot that hates my sister.

    I find food choices much easier when it’s warmer and more sunshine. Hopefully Spring will be glorious.

    I am planning to do another 24 hour fast tomorrow and later in the week. Just thinking about what tasks I can fill the time with.

    Happy Birthday, Iona! I hope you had a lovely birthday, or at least as lovely as it can be in these pandemic times. Next year will be better.

    Annette, how is the 24 hour fast going? I’m fasting today as well. It really does help to know someone else is doing so–even if we are out of sync by six hours. Your fast will be almost done by now. I have four hours to go to make it to 20, which is what I usually manage. Then I eat one of the two fiber bars my doctor wants me to eat for my cholesterol. It’s actually kind of a nice way to break the fast, with a cup of tea. I’m hoping to stay on a Monday-Thursday schedule now.

    The scale crept up a few tenths. Nothing significant, as you noted, Annette. The tape simply refuses to budge. Instead I notice that my ankles and wrists are thinner, my watch and rings looser, my face thinner. Not exactly where I hoped to lose weight. . . Let’s hope the next batch comes off the torso!

    Let me know how the fasting’s going.

    Happy birthday Iona. I hope that you have had a lovely day.

    Hi MM,
    Fasted for 24 hours and it was really easy. Some days it just is, no idea why. I had ordered 3 large plastic trunks which have wheels to sort out the cellar and organize the stuff. It took all morning and then on this grey cold raw day, I went out for an hour walk via a small super market for several meals. I have no problems food shopping on a FD. An afternoon of Macrame kept me busy until dinner.

    How did it go MM?

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