If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,840 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 2 days, 7 hours ago.

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  • I eat whatever I want to for dinner. Tonight I am having fish and chips, I will skip breakfast and lunch tomorrow, then have homemade beef stew and vegetables for dinner.

    I will probably have scrambled eggs on toast for lunch but then salmon and salad for dinner for example.

    I cannot be bothered to count and log everything, but aim to make sensible choices most of the time.

    Thank you for the replies, after watching a few Dr Fung videos I think I’ll try a 24 hr fast. I don’t get hungry when fasting and when doing the 5:2 found I only ate my evening meals on fasting days “because it was time” not because I was hungry. So tomorrow is my first 24hr fast 😀

    Keep us posted on how it goes.

    I am feeling a bit nervous a out it as I haven’t done it for 6 weeks, which is bonkers as I know it’s completely fine.

    I wouldn’t suggest you open this site! Just a warning……

    You can report a post and tech will remove.

    Well my 24 hr fast lasted 22.5, I had a bit of celery an hour and a half before dinner, but still,pretty chuffed at my effort.I’m having chicken and veggies for dinner 😃

    Looks like the suspect post was removed😀

    Yes. I had reported it when I saw it.It was on several other threads too, which is often the case.

    Well done on the fast. I have plenty to keep me busy today, I just have to decide what I am going to do until I eat again this evening.

    I went out for a walk yesterday with a friend who hasn’t commented on my shrinking self, which was disappointing. However, I had to remind myself that I was covered up as it was chilly and that she has seen me regularly over the weeks.

    How is everyone doing?

    Just under half an hour to go and that will be 24 hours. As usual, it’s the last 2 hours that are the most challenging.

    I do get loads done on a FD! Houseplants divided and re-potted, washing, shopping and clearing up.

    It looks like I will be painting the recently vacated bedroom on the next FD!

    Breaking News!!! 🎉
    Got ready for work today and before I left the house I had to go and put a belt on my trousers!!
    I also have tea/coffee with milk whilst fasting and do not count calories anymore – too much effort required makes me lose interest! 😯
    Feeling good about today, no breakfast then scrambled eggs and bacon at lunchtime, bowl of chilli and a tiny bit of brown rice this evening. Fasting now until dinner tomorrow 👍🏼 Keep up the good work ladies

    It sounds like you ladies follow your own path. That’s fabulous but still having the fast as part of it. What works for one doesn’t always work for others. I found 5:2 worked better for me. I’m going to finish this week of 800 and 24hr fasting , but if only small results might go back to 5:2. I know 5:2 didn’t always work for others either, so finding your own magic is the key. Good luck 🌻

    How fantastic Iona! I have found 3 pairs of trousers that I bought years ago but have never worn. Ignoring the fact that all 3 claim to be the same size(they aren’t) and they were in a pile for charity, I hope to be able to wear them at the end of the year.

    It’s all about trial and error, finding out what works and what doesn’t. I have found that eating less processed carbs is certainly helping the body to shrink and also stops me from over eating. I eat better food and I am not hungry.

    Fasting for 24 hours is fine especially as I am asleep for 8 hours! I know that some people do longer, but it feels enough for me and a huge achievement. I have to remind myself that a third of the population fast for religious reasons.

    Just remember that habits take a while to become habits and that marginal gains all had up to a big change. Some changes show in numbers on s scale or tape measure, but many show in looser sleeves, a skirt that is longer as a waist gets smaller or a jacket that now buttons up. Or arthritis in my foot that is less painful because there is not so much weight to haul around.

    Trouser update. I can now do up the zip of the larger pair! I will see whether they’re wearable in November. How exciting!

    You are so right annette, I find the furst piece of clothing to be loose is my bra 😂😂I done another 24hr fast today by accident! My physio appt was 1:30 and I did a bit of shopping after that, it was just after 3:00 when I-got home and made a cappuccino then the phone rang etc etc, it now 6 :00 and I’m cooking dinner! Be interesting to see if the scales or tape measure notice 😘

    Yep, me too! I am going to need new smaller bras before the end of the year. I knew that I had put on weight, because there were several that I couldn’t do up. The denial was continuing until my son asked me to stand on the scales on July 4th.

    I am now 7.6kg lighter! Just tried on dresses that I haven’t worn in years because I couldn’t get them on. I can now, but perhaps see what they look like at the end of November.

    I have loads of goals and most of them are about clothes that I already own.

    What a fabulous loss for you, I’m hoping to be close to that by Xmas 😃

    After the shock of the scales in July, I ditched anything sweet and crisps. I limited bread to 2 slices maximum a day and x2 24 hour fasts each week.

    I found that reducing processed carbs as had a huge impact too. Have a look at David Unwin he has an Infographic on how many teaspoons of sugar processed carbs revert to. Really shocking. Aseem Malhotra is also very interesting. Both can be followed on twitter and on you tube.

    Thanks annette, I’ve done well all day, extremely low carbs, till I had my evening cappuccino….with two chocolate biscuits, grrrr 😡not that I think they wipe my day out,, just cross I gave in being greedy, not at all hungry.

    I love to dunk biscuits in tea but I don’t have them in the house. At work there are biscuits and I find it really difficult to walk past them. So I drink lots of water instead.

    Try something different in the evening and don’t have biscuits in the house.

    I haven’t had biscuits in the house for a few weeks now, especially cutting out carbs, but my daughter sent down two pkts (plus a few other things) with my Son last week. They have been calling and I ignored them, but tonight…..just gave in 😡weak! But lesson learnt, chocolate is addictive to me, so not going down that path for a long while I hope, I’ll keep the biscuits for visitors who often call in for a coffee 😂 and watch them get fat 😂😂😂

    Your not weak. Biscuits taste good.

    I always thought of was sugar that was addictive but apparently it’s dopamine. Makes us feel good.

    The food Industry spend millions on making us by their sugary foods by all manner of means. I see it as a personal victory if they fail.

    Met up with same friend that I was disappointed hadn’t noticed that I had lost weight. Conversation turned to her weight loss after her GP recommended that she lost weight and she followed this on-line programme. She has lost 7lb and is happy with that and improved blood results. She was totally pole axed when I told her that I had lost 16.7lb as she had no idea that I had put on the weight and then lost it!

    Wow annette that’s a phenomenal amount. I lost 30K in 6 months with 5:2 but still not as much as you. Gaining back the 15K was easy over a very slow progress and it was just over 4 years when I think about it. I’m trying the 800 for a start, and 24 hr fasting bbut might go back to 5:2 , life gets in the way of good intentions 🤔

    Haha, just converted lbs to K’s, my mistake 🤔🤔

    It’s easy to get muddled!

    That’s a huge loss in 6 months. I just had to convert kilos to pounds and then to stones!

    You must feel so much better. I can feel a huge improvement in the arthritis in my foot already.i am hoping that by the end of the year that it will feel even better with less of me.

    Marginal gains.

    Hi annette, yes it was a huge loss, but a bit quick, if that’s Possible because it left me with a lot of loose skin. I was always around 60-65K but a bad marriage and comfort food, plus wine, just stacked the weight on.I got to 100K One day the penny dropped and I totally change my way of eating. More like we did growing up, before any such thing as an Obesity Epidemic. I actually sat around 67K but I moved recently and with the build up then change in my life threw any sensible eating out the window. But now, I’m content and settled I am taking control of my “diet” 😃 I have almost finished another 24 hr fast and finding it quite easy. So, like they say, one day at a time, and feeling positive, I should lose the extra 10-15K I put on….grrrr……

    Be kind to yourself. You have achieved a great deal and should be very proud of yourself.

    I think it’s very important that we talk to ourselves the same supportive way that we would talk to our friends.

    I am looking at any decrease as a win. Looser clothes or numbers on the scale or a smaller waist measurement.

    I am aiming for a healthy waist measurement by the end of the year. I need to shift 3 inches. It’s going to be interesting to see where we are.

    Stay positive, anything is possible if you put your mind to it ☺️Annette. Talking to yourself is something I do quite often 😂Be it praise or disappointment, but most of the time we’re our own worst enemies. I lost the weight, or should I say went back to normal, was for the health of my back. Carrying around all that excess was no good on my joints. Yes it was lovely getting compliments and getting new clothes, but it really was for my own sake, and I DID feel the difference on my spine.

    I am a glass half full person and right from early July, it was clear to me that the change in the body may be slow but I needed to educate myself so that I can look forward to a future of maintaining.

    I am really interested to see what the effect on my foot will be on less of me by the end of the year. I can’t run anymore which I really miss but love to walk and to garden.

    Now that my friend knows that I have gained and lost that weight, she may choose to lose a bit more herself as she has real problems with her back. She knows that I am aiming for a healthy waistline by the end of the year with a hope of helping my foot be less sore.

    It will be interesting to see what happens all round. Losing weight is one thing, changing habits to keep it off is quite another.

    You are so right, the novelty wears off eventually yet we tell ourself it is for life. Maintenance is an absolute must, it’s also hard when you come to a plateau when the scales don’t move for weeks, but hang in there, things are going on we can’t see 😊having support is a huge plus too 😘

    I agree with you. Changing habits is paramount. I feel that I can continue to live like this forever.

    Friend is having a birthday celebration next week which will be afternoon tea in a posh hotel. I can now wear my dress and enjoy it too. I have yet to decide when to fast next week.

    Another FD for me tomorrow.

    How wonderful Annette. Fasting can be done on any day that suits your life style, maybe after the party? Good luck with the new dress, you’ll feel lovely. Stay strong with tomorrow’s fast too, it’s only one day ☺️😀

    Not a new dress, just one that I can now wear! I am painting walls tomorrow so that should keep me busy.

    I have a new mantra to help when I’m tempted by junk
    “It’s just a chemical carbohydrate concoction”
    I know in 10 minutes I will have forgotten about it, so don’t be weak -AVOID! As happened today when a colleague offered me carrot cake. To be polite I said I would have it later but it never crossed my mind again until now. So pleased I resisted! Marginal gains!

    Brilliant! Iona. Great strategy to avoid unwanted cake.
    There are routes that I took in supermarkets to avoid all those processed goods that got me in this position at the start, but I suspect that I could walk past them all now and not be bothered.

    Going forward, it looks like I shall have to take my own lunch in after half term. The upside is that it will give me complete control over what I am eating each day. I am just going to need to be more organised!

    I am doing another 24 hour fast today. The plan is to paint the walls of the room that the boy has vacated, which should keep me busy today.

    I have lost an inch off my waist! Just another 3 to go…

    I think I need to shed more than 3 inches😟 I don’t think I’m too bad in most places except around the middle!
    Enjoy your painting it’s a good idea, I did some in lockdown but still have more places that could do with a fresh coat.

    I have decorated most of the house during lockdown, Iona. I had to wait for my eldest to move out before I could do anything in his room. It was crammed to the rafters! I have made a start on 2 walls which look so much better already, which I will leave to dry today, before I move the furniture to the other side of the room. It needs new carpet which can’t happen until December as the carpet shop is so busy!

    I keep reading that your waist should be less than half your height. That seems a tad ambitious to me at the moment, so I am aiming for a 34 inch waist(around the belly button) measurement, as that is deemed in some quarters as a healthy waist size for a woman and also one I have been. I was shocked that it was 40 inches in July and is now a much better 37 inches which is a healthy waist measurement for a man!!!

    I am hoping that I can get close to that waist measurement by the end of the year. It may be sensible when I am back at work to do a 24 hour fast after my homemade packed lunch on a Friday until lunchtime on Saturday. That seems doable and not too onerous.

    Marginal gains.

    Annette if you get bored, my kitchen,dining, family room area needs a new coat of paint too 😂😂wish my back would let me do it, and painters are too expensive. Waist measurements have never worried me, I have a sporty type figure when slim, Not a figure 8…….and everyones shape is different. I think, if you feel healthy, look good in YOUR eyes, and know you are eating mostly healthy meals, the rest follows. The scales are only numbers, but a good reference to keep tabs on.Positive thinking goes a long way to a good outcome 😃

    I will be over later!

    The idea behind the waist measurement is that it is an indicator of health. Visceral fat is often abdominal fat which is unhealthy, so a smaller waist equals less visceral fat.

    My pot belly is no more and apart from the obvious vanity, I know that I am healthier now. The goal waistline is brilliant to aim for and I suspect will correlate with another 14 lb loss. It will be interesting to see.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    I’m sure sticking to this way of life and eating, that 14 lbs will soon be a thing of the past ☺️

    It will be interesting to see where all are at the end of the year.

    That’s my second 24 hour fast for this week in the bag.

    Well done annette 😃I’m doing one today, but decided after my milky coffee but ignoring that 😂😂

    My natural waist is above the belly button and the widest part of me is below. Maybe I should be checking all 3! I find a loss on the tape more encouraging than the scales which are more likely to fluctuate. I got a bit off track yesterday had a couple of Jaffa cakes and a bowl of rice pudding – even a glass of wine! Back on track today I hope🤨

    It does your mentality good to have a treat or two Iona, I did the same yesterday, but today, my 24hr fast has been a breeze. Scales are only number Iona, as long as the tape measure shows a drop in clothing size it’s a win situation 😃

    I am the same Iona. I measure my natural waist as well as my actual waistline (around the belly button).

    I have lost a other lb which is great considering that there were 2 pieces of birthday 🍰.

    I am now in a lower stone boundary which is completely thrilling and I can see the finish line now. Plus I also have the healthy waist measurement of a man!!!

    Just been to the shops and bought myself some salmon and prawns with salad for the next few days to help counteract the birthday afternoon tea next week.

    You have your tunnel vision going well annette. I had a prawn salad for dinner, yumm. I’m going to weigh in the morning So fingers crossed. Good luck reaching your goal 😀

    Its not luck, puppyluv, its not eating rubbish that is key. Hope the scales are kind.

    Treated myself to some houseplants as a reward. Very pleased with progress and an eye on the next almost 10 weeks until the end of the year.

    I love fish and salad, so its not a hardship.

    Marginal gains.

    Hi annette, weigh in was good, now down 2.5K so going in the right direction, my head is in the right place too, for me that is a big factor, positive thinking goes a long way to staying on track.

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