If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,840 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 12 hours ago.

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  • Hello Cinderella,
    Sounds like your husband is doing well. Don’t worry about BMI-apparently it is a measure designed for populations not individuals. The key is in the waist-around the belly button-measurement. I find that taking a photo of my boy every 3/4 months when he comes to visit is an excellent way of ‘seeing’ where he is shrinking.

    My boy is continuing to shrink and is very much a meat and veg man, who also likes fruit. I suspect that his gut biome is in tip top condition as he eats a wide range of fruit and vegetables. I like salad and prefer some raw veg but really like fruit, so hopefully my gut biome isn’t too bad, certainly much improved with considerably less sugar in my life.

    I really wanted an Indian meal last night and if I had gone to the local restaurant for a take away, it would have been chicken-onion bhaji and a naan. It was very hot/sticky day so bought a ready meal from the supermarket which was mainly rice, a little bit of chicken in a lot of sauce. Result-woke up hungry. Like you cinderella, I feel tired when I have scoffed the wrong stuff too.

    I am in the process of ditching many of my clothes. They either don’t fit/look good and there seems little point in keeping them. Funny, how on a number on a label seems to dictate joy or sadness. Quite a few of them where bought in charity shops, so back they will go. I have also had a little spend on more jolly trousers which I wear all of the time, I love them and they bring me joy.

    Keep going Cinderella. I have often found that my legs get smaller before anything else! Focus on the gut biome and you will see that your body will change. Clothes have always been the key indicator for me, whether it is a roll less of fat in a clingy top(what was I thinking?!) or a waistline that needs hitching up.

    My one regret is never measuring my arms, which were difficult to fit into sleeves of anything and I was convinced that it was the fault of the clothes manufacturers! My arms now slide into any sleeves and the thighs don’t rub together, so all good.

    Hello Everyone,

    Back from a few days away to stay with my friend and her dogs in Devon, which was lovely and much cooler than here! I ate a cake on the train(took 2.5 hours) and then lunch was delayed. She has always been slim and now I know why, she shared a portion of prawn cocktail between 2 of us and then added a little bit of salad….and I wasn’t hungry. Dinner was pizza/garlic bread/beer and ice cream-but we only did that once!

    Back home now in this heat and just seem to live off salad/fruit and fish/avocados. Planning to skip breakfast tomorrow and just keep going until lunch.

    I have started running again but I am struggling in the heat and with sore hamstrings, so off for a sports massage tomorrow. I have all picture frames that I have painted today from orange pine to gloss black-just got to remember which picture fits in which one!

    How is everyone getting on?

    Hi Annette what a time to start running again, but good on yer for making the effort. I’m doing ok cutting carbs and a couple of fasting days each week. I bought a dress for an engagement party and got comfortably into a smaller size and got a few positive comments which is a big boost!
    We had a trip to London last week, overnight bag was so light with just shorts and vests, no jackets or sweaters required-seemed so carefree!!! We are very lucky to have air con at work otherwise I may be tiring off the heat by now!

    Hi Iona,
    I have a half marathon planned in early September but struggling with injury. Trip to a sports massage yesterday so no running until Saturday and then just a couple of miles walk/run.

    I do wish that it would be cooler and rain overnight though, I am finding the constant heat too much. I don’t have a car, so walk everywhere and am completely fed up with waking early as my bedroom is hot despite the fan and nipping out early before it gets hot.

    I have just bought a load of bras in the sales. The boobs show no sign of getting any smaller and goodness the difference to the silhouette a good fitting bra makes!

    Well done on the dress and enjoy the light packing. I went to stay with a friend in Devon for a few days and just took a cardigan which I needed as it got chilly in the evening. The rest of the packing was shorts/t-shirts.

    That is such good advice I will do the measuring as well from now on and not be obsessed with the scales. Yes my clothes are looser too!

    Hi ladies. I’m on holiday in Bermuda which 3 years ago was why I started the FD. My weight has been stable but do wish my belly looked a bit smoother, sure it’s worse now than three years ago. Perhaps at 46 I’m at that certain age. Braving a bikini some days, a lot of people here look a lot worse in theirs! We love snorkelling and it’s a 10 min walk uphill in high humidity so I might get fitter. We have a relative here so know it well, but it is very pricey to live so I bought a suitcase of food! Not much eating out, but I’m happy to compromise that for the colourful fish to see!

    Hope your injury is getting better Annette. Hope also the hot weather is not so bad now. It must have been very hard as you are a walker Annette. I was fed up with watering my garden/pots. It had hardly rained for about 6 weeks. So glad that as we were going away I didn’t plant my greenhouse tomatoes this year 🍅

    Hello Everyone,
    Welcome joswba, glad to hear that the clothes are looser too.

    Cinderella, sounds very glamorous to be in Bermuda. I have had a couple of days in Devon staying with my friend and a day out in Kew Gardens yesterday. That is my holiday, waiting for new guttering and the front of the house to be painted. Ho hum.

    I am taking part in a half marathon in just under 3 weeks. It will be a mixture of a slow jog and walking to get round. We are attempting 10 miles tomorrow morning, so the jelly babies are ready along with the pie in the fridge for my lunch with vegetables afterwards. Hopefully, it will go better than I think it will!

    How is everybody getting on?

    Annette52 I hear your pain. I am stuck at 10st 2 and just can not shift. My goal was to be 9.13 by end of August. I’m considering ADF next week to give it a boost. Has anyone added in ADF and not just the two days? I’m only two weeks into the 5:2 and already absolutely love my new lifestyle! (Hate the word diet) 😁

    Hi Jammyred,
    It isn’t a diet but a way of life. Make lots of small changes and they all add up. Don’t get hung up on the numbers on the scales, I can gain/lose 10 lb in a week and know that I am not alone. Look to your clothes and see how they fit. If you think about it, the body is designed to maintain the status quo so that we don’t die.

    I have given up sugar in my tea after 40+ years, have reduced my sugar intake and eat considerably less cake and chocolate, rarely eat pudding and now aim to eat fish/meat with vegetables/salad-which I enjoy.

    Half marathon training is going well, we managed 11 miles fuelled with jelly babies. It is going to be hard to get round and not be last!

    Hello there everyone. We all seem to have drifted off since August! How are you all? Diet wise I’m a couple of pounds heavier. Definitely taken my eye off the ball lately. This week I’ve been skipping breakfast and waiting until the school lunch at 1.20pm as I read that 16 hour fasts are the most effective, not much benefit after that according to my source. But who knows. Have read Perfect Health Diet, it was very technical so need to read again. It boiled down to meat/fish, veg, healthy fats and they recommend some potatoes and white rice. Also supplements which sounded complicated.

    Think I’ve been a bit miserable after nearly 3 weeks in Bermuda (not meaning to sound ungrateful). Brown legs, snorkelling and swimming, evening walks. It is all much more conducive to being fit and slim! We did have to slum it though, if that is possible there, as sooo pricey. I just go for the nature and scenery rather than food etc as we can’t afford it, and we have a relative there.

    Anyway debating my way forward, it was silly not to weigh\measure for months, got to regularly monitor it. Will try to improve before Christmas.

    How was the half marathon Annette?

    Hi Cinderella,
    I had rather thought that this thread had finished and I had been amazed how long it had been going on for. We managed to get round the Half Marathon after just 5 weeks training and we were not last! We have another one lined up in March, so the plan is to do a lot more training in the lead up. I hate running when its cold and grey, so I always need a running buddy to get me out the door!

    I haven’t fasted in the conventional sense for a while, but my eating has completely changed. I don’t own any scales(they broke) and I really don’t believe that weighing is a sensible way to measure success. I can lose and gain 10lb if I weigh myself every day for a week, so I will stick to my clothes as my guide.

    I eat homemade granola with yoghurt for breakfast, whatever is on offer at work for lunch and then very little in the afternoon. My fasting is from around 5pm-7am and it seems to be working as my clothes all fit. At the weekend, it seems to be breakfast, light lunch and something a bit more substantial in the evening. The main goal for me is to eat when I am hungry and avoid eating rubbish. I am no paragon of virtue but its now and again rather than several times a day.

    Read Fung The Obesity Code. He advocate fasts of 24 hour+ fasts. I have done it numerous times and find that skipping breakfast and lunch is quite easy to do, finishing with and evening meal.

    The bottom line is that what we eat and drink and what we choose to avoid, is going to make a huge difference. I love crisps and chocolate, but don’t have them often anymore because I know that they make me feel rubbish and they will make me fat. Left to my own devices now I will opt for fish or meat with salad for a meal because I really enjoy it. But as a treat, there will always be fish and chips or ice cream.

    I think that sugary food is always going to be something to avoid. I am a sugar addict and function much better without the white stuff and know that when I do succumb, I just want more and more. It is far easier, just to avoid it.

    Christmas used to be such a huge deal on the food front for me. It was filled with all the usual rubbish x5, I felt rubbish and then there were tears on new years day when I stood on the scales. For my boys it is a huge roast, with loads of different vegetables. They never want pudding but will scoff any chocolates that are around.

    This year, its just a huge roast. A huge relief too which is down to massive mind set change brought about by the 5:2 and learning to make better food choices.

    Hello Ladies , good to hear from you. I’m still fasting at least once a week and it helps keep my weight in check. Lots of dog walking also helps. I’m a big fan of Jason Fung’s books too Annette and this really sums it up for me
    Hope we can catch up a bit more regularly, I will need some support over the festivities!

    Hello All,
    I went to a chocolate festival yesterday and bought chocolate for presents and x3 very rich brownies. It took me all afternoon to eat one and then I shared the other two, so all good. I have been perusing festive food in the shops and have yet to buy anything. If I make the mince pies then I will eat loads when they come out of the oven, but if I buy a box or two, I will eat far less. If I buy a small cake bar, then I will eat far less.

    Life has changed quite a lot for me now. I have adult children who live with me who now all buy and cook their own food. As a result I am having a cooked meal at work with a pudding occasionally and then just eating fruit in the afternoon and then nothing again until breakfast. It is a trial and so far my clothes all fit and I still have a waist, so I will see how that goes.

    Just started a bit of running, but it is hard when it is cold and dark. I have taken up Pilates, just had a lesson of swing dancing and off to Ceroc later in the week. I love to dance and especially when it is cold and dark to early, I find the temptation is to curl up and eat biscuits!

    I must re-read Fung and chuck in some longer fasts over the weekend. How is everyone getting on?

    Hi there. Thanks Iona for the Fung link. I have read his book, as Annette said, I need to re-read it. I’m up a few pounds so need to get a grip in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I have started up my old missing breakfast trick and eat at 1.20pm. I remember a period at work when there were a lot of cakes about so I must have over indulged! As always now it was all too sweet anyway. Even milk chocolate seems quite bland to me now, much prefer dark.

    My husband is my main annoyance, he’s put a lot back on that was lost before our holiday. He is older than me at 55 so I’d like to get him lower as the risks seem to mount up the older we get! If the ‘set weight’ thing is true I can well believe that he creeps back to it gradually. He is his own man of course, but I feel a bit guilty that I took my eye off things, should have regularly measured us or something. He is fighting his parental genes. I think snacking in the evening is definitely a thing for us so I ought to introduce a deadline/eating window.

    We have two new fast food chains just up the road from my house. It is truly depressing now busy they are day and night!

    Have a good week ladies.

    Hi Cinderella,
    It sounds like you have a good plan. I had a measure yesterday and all remains the same although I would like to trim some off around the waist. Just got to get through next week at work(x2 Christmas Dinners) and then food all under my control for the next 3. The plan is to throw in some 24 hour fasts, which feels a bit dauting as I haven’t done that for a while.

    I am going to be 58 next month and while I look at the people around my age there is a distinct thickening of waists and lots of pot bellies amongst the men. I have no doubt that if I hadn’t adopted the 5:2 when I did, I wouldn’t have a waist either. I also know that if I want to trim some more off then I have to go back to the longer fasts and avoid the white stuff.

    I live in a university town with student houses locally. The result is a whole range of takeaways within a 10 minute walk of my house. I have no doubt there is a correlation between fast food outlets and obesity.

    You are not responsible for what your husband eats. It’s his choice. I found that ditching snacking was very easy and it also removes the mindless eating.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Hello everyone just popping by to wish you all a very happy Christmas and prosperous 2019. Hopefully we can chat here more in the new year with renewed enthusiasm for this WOL which I really believe in, but find difficult to maintain at times!!

    Hello Iona,

    I have rather fallen by the wayside. There has been rather a lot of sweet stuff in my life of late which doesn’t make me feel great either. I have a box of festive food goods in the kitchen which is rather alarming for just a couple of days. For us, it is essentially a large roast dinner, but my sweet tooth will shout loud and clear before, during and after.

    My boy(he who was very overweight and is on the autistic spectrum) is coming home tomorrow for the festive season and I am really looking forward to seeing him. I saw him in the summer when he was continuing to shrink and I hope his tummy is smaller now.

    See you all at the other side when we can see how it went and where we want to be in the new year. Have a lovely time everyone!

    Happy New Year Fast Friends!

    My scales broke some time ago and I never replaced them. I have been struggling to fit into my trousers so out came the tape measure. Sad news there are 2 inches more of me at both my natural and actual(around the belly button)waist, plus 2 more inches on my hips and another on my thighs. I measured in the summer before the autumn term and the biscuits/puddings and treats on the way home from work.

    This morning I have ditched breakfast and will see how the day goes as to when I will eat again. I have homemade vegetable soup in the freezer which I could have for lunch but I do need to get to the shops for real food.

    The cakes/biscuits have been left out for the others to eat. I have put the other lovely things away for Easter. I am a sugar addict and I need to face the fact that this little piggy is 7 inches bigger!

    How is everyone else?

    Hello Everyone,
    Just to update you, I went off to the supermarket this morning to buy some real food. I came home and stripped the chicken carcass and put that in the fridge, cleaned the fridge out. At lunchtime, I went off into town to look at the sales and buy some walking boots. Home early afternoon, more cleaning and then I decided to break my fast with 3 pieces of fruit and then wait until this evening for my meal. All in all, I went 21 hours on 3 cups of tea, which is rather good on such a chilly day.

    I just need to get back into the habit of fasting regularly and the shrinking body will follow. My nemesis is the free biscuits, so I need to get back to drinking water all morning(I don’t want to dunk biscuits in water) and to get back to mindful eating(AKA avoid the sugary stuff).

    I have signed up for a half marathon mid March, and I have no doubt that a well nourished body will help drag this poor old body round much better than the rubbish that has crept in. I have also had a mouth ulcer and my Psoriasis has flared up again-another reason to avoid the white stuff and get back to fasting.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Happy New Year to all.
    I’ve been on the scales and had the tape out, there has been a gain but nothing too extreme. I’m ready to get back to fast days, no snacking and drinking lots of water again. We have two weddings to attend in the summer so I would love to be slimmer by then. Not quite ready for a half marathon though!!

    Happy New Year ladies. I’ve just had the dreaded measure and weigh-in. The measurements seemed to be about one inch extra so not too bad I thought, but then I weighed, 5lbs up! That’s terrible! Then I measured my ‘pad’ between bra and waist and that has increased 1 and 3/4 inches!

    Hopefully as my diet goes back to normal some might drop off! I’ve missed my daily fasting until 1.30pm, so I look forward to that. As per last year we’ve had bad colds/coughs since Christmas day which are still hanging on. Nearly flu but not quite. So there has been a lot of lounging about, resting, eating. I can see that hubby has gained, that is mostly due to his purchases during the annual visit to the real cider farm!

    Will try am fasting and no evening eating next week on my return to work, then get more serious once my cough has gone. Last year I injured my ribs coughing and it has happened again to a lesser extent. Annoying as all year I struggled to do tummy toning exercises which tend to aggravate my ribs again. Hey ho.

    Well done Annette for the 21 hour fast, don’t think I would have managed that! Well done Iona for not gaining too much! Let’s hope for a good loss a month from now!

    Well, you two have done much better than me. I have had a clothes try on and those that don’t show a waist are fine. I can’t believe how I have packed on 2 inches on both my natural and actual waist since the summer, made from biscuits.

    I have now done x2 fasts one of 21 hours and one of 22. Try it cinderalla, much easier than you think. I am back to eating real food most of the time and I do feel better. The real challenge is back to work tomorrow and those flippin biscuits.

    Back to Pilates tomorrow and swing dance lessons on Tuesday, which is great fun. I am struggling with the running, I hate the cold/grey days. I shall just have to force myself out a couple of days after work as there is 4 weeks until a 10K.

    The plan this week, is 2 skip breakfast for 2 days this week. I will have a look to see what is on offer tomorrow and then choose the days. Hope your cough improves Cinderella, your poor ribs.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Well its definitely the end of the holidays, school starts today so daughter is back to work. I let her persuade us to have Chinese take out last night so I must have a FD today! Just been for my morning dog walk, its still so dark at 8am but good to hear the birds over the din of all the traffic.
    I hurt my ribs lat year too Cinderella, very slow healing process so I sympathise. I think I’m getting a cold now, few at work suffering, not the best timing as we are going away for the weekend. I plan to eat better and eat less until then. Stay strong!!

    It is tough, Iona.

    I have been brilliant…not. Woke up to pitch black morning, sad light on while I eat breakfast. Walked to work and no tea until mid morning and no biscuit. Hurrah! Lunch was stew, a couple of teeny tiny potatoes and then a fruit crumble with custard( I had been marvellous all morning and it was cold and I was tired. After lunch, x2 biscuits dunked into the tea and then somehow x3 Christmas chocolates were eaten. Walking home I realised that I was very hungry/sweating. I managed to avoid stopping at any shops and stuffed a handful of walnuts in my mouth while I compiled a bowl of homemade muesli(oats/nuts/seeds) with copious amounts of yoghurt. I started to feel better as I was eating it but had a small banana and some almonds just to make sure.

    Was it the chocolates that made me go hypo? I don’t suppose that they helped. Off out to Pilates now and glad to feel fine. Hopefully I will have a better day tomorrow..

    Thanks annette52 for your post. I’ve been on the fast diet for two weeks now and the scales haven’t moved. Other diets I have been on previously would produce a weight loss which was measurable on scales by two weeks. But this one, no. I believe I have lost some width around my waist, though. It appears to be 2cm less than it was the day I started the 5:2. I wonder if other people have had such difficulty over the first weeks. But thanks again for giving me some hope. I started to think that this 5:2 pattern just doesn’t work on me.

    Welcome Nileswimmer,
    I have learned that the scales are a really poor indicator of success, instead look to a decreasing waist measurement. When I started the 5:2 I was religious with 500 calories for 2 fast days but I wasn’t looking at the rubbish that I was scoffing the other 5!The scales moved very slowly but I could see that my body shape was changing and how my clothes were fitting were a fantastic indicator that there was a change. I was struggling when I was hearing about all of these 2lb weekly losses which certainly wasn’t happening to me. There was a woman on the forum that said that she had lost 3 dress sizes but that the scales were not moving and that kept me going. My experience was that in the first 8 months I lost 26lb and 26 inches all over. I have made changes, given up sugar in my tea, stopped buying and hiding family packs of chocolate and then eating it all myself. Look at what you eat on a non fast day and see if there is a better choice that you could make, so small changes all add up.

    My top tip would be to measure upper arms, thighs, hips, around the belly button, chest/bust once a week and try on your clothes and put the scales away for a month. A healthy waist for a man is 37 inches and a woman is 34 inches-make that your goal and leave the tyranny of the scales with the misery that they can bring.

    I am very pleased to have helped you keep going. Don’t give up and remember that this is not a diet but a way of life and the biggest change is your mind set. Do pop in and let us know how you are getting on.


    thank you for your encouraging words. I started this journey January 30th. I was skeptical but although those first few weeks were rough I managed to loose 6 lbs:)

    then last week the discouragement hit somehow i put 3 of those lbs back on? i tried to push it away as ups/downs and trying to stay positive. i do my fasts mon/thurs. and tomorrow morning is weigh in day for me so hopefully they are gone. I want to loose about 20 lbs so I know aprrox. 10 weeks isn’t enough.

    Hello Everyone,
    Sorry not to have replied djdad, I have not been on this site for a while. A combination of training for a half marathon, struggling with the training and then very disappointed with the outcome. It turns out that I have arthritis in my foot which explains why I have found it so hard to get round the course at all.

    The combination of hi carb food pre and post run with some serious sugar consumption and no fasting, has resulted in more inches on the body. I had been in denial about the tightness of the jeans or the struggle to get into some clothes but the tape measure has provided the proof.

    I have decided to learn to sew, which has meant that the body has been measured and I am pretty fed up with the numbers there too. Although I still have a waist, I have rather less of one than I did before and more curves than I used to.

    On the plus side, I know what to do to get back to where I used to be. I know that its back to the 5:2, that fasting for longer will trim the inches off and so back to re-read Jason Fung and The Obesity Myth.

    I have found that skipping breakfast and lunch on a FD has been fine in the past, so that’s the plan for Monday. I will eat an evening meal on Sunday, skip breakfast and lunch on Monday and then have an evening meal. I find that I need to keep busy and distracted which is easy when I have a full list of jobs when I am home.

    I have found djdad that picking a time frame for a loss has always resulted in disappointment. I did a trial one week and weighed myself every day and found that I could gain and lose 10lb in a day. As a result, the scales don’t hold any interest for me. I look towards my clothes, how the feel and look when I try them on. My focus is on my waist measurement (which has expanded by 2 inches!) The aim is for a man to have a waist of 37inches and a woman of 34 inches(around the belly button, not what the trousers say!). I know that if my waist has expanded then so too have the hips and the bust, but at least I am consistent.

    Meals for me will be protein and either salad or vegetables or home made soup. Back to food that is simple, doesn’t come in a box/packet. I do love the sweet stuff, but I also know that after a week or two, I don’t miss it.

    My plan is for the next 2 weeks to avoid the rubbish and do 2 longer fasts twice a week and then whip the tape measure out to see the proof that I am starting to shrink. Everything that I have read about managing arthritis points to a good and simple diet with rest, so it seems to be a win all round.

    Off out for an afternoon of Lindy hop this afternoon. Dancing feeds my soul.

    How is everyone getting on?

    It may sound strange, but it’s possible to get thinner without actually seeing a change in your weight. This happens when you lose body fat while gaining muscle. Your weight may stay the same, even as you lose inches, a sign that you’re moving in the right direction.

    Hello Everyone,
    I am back to the 5:2 after a summer of denial, but tight trousers don’t lie. I was also struggling to do up jackets too. I have started by ditching cakes/biscuits/sweets and my great favourite, ice cream. I managed 4 days without and was feeling very smug until I ate my final ice cream on that evening and then found myself looking for more sweet stuff. The next day I was scoffing biscuits like a mad woman and then had a flap jack on the next day. Result? I felt absolutely lousy and had to go to bed for a nap.

    Lesson learned, so back in the groove this week, none of the sugar filled rubbish and x2 FD and I am sleeping so much better, eczema on my fingers has cleared up but , but most of all there is 2 inches less of me!!!

    I am not aiming to lose another 26lb and 26 inches, but the sweet stuff has been creeping in and needs to stop. The plan is to measure the vital statistics once a week, not eat any of the nonsense and to keep to 2 FDs a week until Christmas, when I will see overall where I am.

    Anyone going to join me?

    Late reply – but yes, I’m in, am seriously intent on following a 4:3 way of life – again.
    Since I moved to the East Midlands in mid 2014 I have struggled with 4:3 way of life.
    Must have retried dozens of times, but don’t think that I’ve managed more than a week!
    Recent family bereavement has made me look at myself.
    In second week and I’ve been impressed with my resolve in ignoring desires to cancel a fast day. Last night would have been so easy to give in.
    On top of 4:3, I’m self imposing not drinking alcohol from Sunday to Thursday – looking forward to Friday 🙂 and Saturday. Having a drink after a stressful work day ruined so many fast days – not any more!
    Jeans less tight and I feel healthier.

    How are you managing Annette?

    I’ve just started IF again in earnest and I’m feeling great on it up to now. Trousers feeling much more comfortable but still a good way to go and the small matter of Christmas to negotiate! Hope all you others are still checking in occasionally, it would be good to reignite this thread??

    Hello Everyone!

    I have been ill for the past week(one of the joys of working in a senior school) and have been living on crisps/ice cream/satsumas and chocolate! So a very balanced diet..

    One of the results is that eczema on my fingers has returned. I am planning to get back to the 5:2 next week, now that I am so much better.

    Lovely to hear from you, I thought that it was just me that had fallen by the wayside. To update you, I have been rather sad and food has been a salve. I now have arthritis in the foot/neck and thumb which has meant that I can no longer run ever again. I have been rather sad and used chocolate to help. The only result has been tight trousers!

    However, my 59th Birthday is in a few weeks and there is lots to be grateful for. I still have a waist and can walk/garden. I just need to find a new tribe.

    The plan is to FD on Monday and Thursday next week. I might try x3 days the following week as there are x3 Christmas Dinners!!!

    Seasons Greetings everyone
    I am feeling a renewed enthusiasm for fasting after so many days of eating and drinking! I’ have fasted for 17 hours so far today and aiming for at least 20 hours. We have a few more parties before the holidays are over then back to it in January with vim and vigour!!

    Hello Iona, lovely to hear from you. I have been working my way through the left over lovely things from Christmas and its my birthday on Wednesday, so I will get back into the groove soon. I thought that I was doing OK until I got out the tape measure and it just confirmed what my rather uncomfortable jeans had been shouting, but I chose to ignore.

    My initial plan is to ditch breakfast for 3 mornings next week. So lets see how that goes…

    Happy Belated Birthday Annette! Hope you had a good one. How is the fasting going? I’ve had a disappointing week, just got the munchies and couldn’t stop eating yesterday. I’m just starting a 16 hour fast and WILL do better from here on.

    I heard Michael Mosley talking about this on a podcast recently.
    He cited a test where people who weighed themselves everyday over a year were more likely to loose weight than those who weighed once a week or less. Apparently it helped them stay motivated.

    He also cited a study that compared fitbit users to non fitbit users. They found those in the group that wore fitbits often put on weight or didn’t loose it. Apparently this was down to the mindset that said “I’ve done my 10,000 steps so I deserve that extra chocolate muffin.”

    Hello Everyone!
    I am back in the groove. There has been some creeping denial that the rubbish has crept back in along with the increasing inches, but nothing like catching a glance of yourself when not wearing much for the scales to fall from the eyes.

    I have never been very impressed with the use of scales or BMI. I don’t think that they are a useful measure and I have always found that the tape measure is far more accurate of the shrinking body. I actually don’t own any scales.

    I have measured bust, under bust, natural waist, waist(around the belly button), hips, thighs, and calves. Now comparing where I was and where I am now certainly makes sobering reading, I have increased my bust and hips by 4 inches each for example!!

    The other driver is that my psoriasis has flared up and also has the arthritis that I have in my thumb and foot. I know that that the psoriasis disappeared when I fasted and I am hoping that the arthritis may well calm down too.

    My plan is to measure the body just once a week and to fast twice a week. I have found that shipping breakfast and lunch but then having an evening meal, is something that I can do more easily than having lunch.

    I am planning beans on toast for tea because I have them in the cupboard and I know that it is very filling. I will then be more mindful for the other days. Sadly crisps, chocolate and cake have become a daily part of my diet, in the rather misguided notion that I it will calm the soul. Its not helping me feel good about myself and comfortable in my clothes.

    I know this works, so just a case of keeping the mind and body busy until 6 pm when I will eat. I will drink tea with milk throughout the day and will not count any calories because I find it boring and all consuming.

    Anyone with me?

    Hi anette52,
    No, I’m not with you 😜 I’m on the fast 800 at the moment but I love, love, love your post. Thank you for that good advice. I’ll hope you find your way back because you sound so incredible reasonably. Maintaining our body’s is a working progress without retirement 😎

    Thanks Springer. How kind of you to comment.
    I managed to get to lunchtime and then caved in to beans on toast, but it was lovely and I haven’t eaten any of the rubbish since the tape measure came out.

    What I might try is to have lunch, but no evening meal and then skip breakfast, then eat lunch the following day. Its all a bit trial and error, getting back into the groove and also stuck at home most of the time trying to find things to do to fill the time.

    I know that fasting helps not only to trim the inches and quell the psoriasis, but also to focus the mind on not eating rubbish. If it can also help to reduce the arthritis on my foot/ankle then that would be a real game changer for me.

    Morning All,
    I have been eating rubbish along with the good stuff. The trousers and bras have been getting tight and finally the kick up the backside has just happened. My son has these fancy scales that measure fat% which didn’t have much impact. What really hit home was my metabolic age in comparison to my actual age as I am 5 years older than my actual age!

    So back in the groove this morning. I have measured the body and plan to look at a reducing body and decreasing fat% as my guide to improving the body beautiful. Scalp psoriasis has been bad and I am convinced that there is a link between the sweet stuff and flare ups. Ditching breakfast today with a plan to make some homemade soup as its cool and grey here for the next couple of weeks.

    I have 10 weeks before school is planning to open and I want my clothes to look better which means a smaller waist. So that will be x2 FD a week and no rubbish.

    Good to hear that you’ve found some motivation – use any that you can find!!!
    Those scales are fun – I did a nutrition course about 13 years ago and everyone weighed in each week and got a print out of their stats. I was fitter then and my metabolic age was younger than my actual – it did not go down well with others 🙂
    I would not like to stand on those scales today.
    I did see your post from May and I wrote a reply, don’t know why it didn’t go through.
    I’ve tried fasting a few times in lockdown – sometimes it’s the easiest thing in the world and at other times, I just cannot finish a day’s fast.
    Not eating brilliantly, but then not too badly – if I could get rid of covid anxiety and get out to do daily exercise then I’d probably be in much better shape.
    At least I won’t be going to the pub on Saturday – pretty sure that there is going to be a ruling that Leicester pubs can’t reopen on July 4th – probably a 2 week extension of the existing rules.
    Bought a Virtual Reality fitness app at the weekend – Oh Shape – not used it yet – really must do something!!!!!!
    Enjoy your wholesome soup – I can almost smell it from here 🙂
    Good luck and try and stay safe

    Hi Annette, you are not alone, lockdown has not been good for my weight, too much tea and biscuits, home baking and alcohol. But I have loved being furloughed and really don’t want to go back to work! How I wish I also had 10 more weeks! Alas only 2.
    The tape measure has been hidden away for months but you have persuaded me to seek it out. I’ve measured around the widest part between waist and knees, as I used to, and have seen an increase of 2 inches. The scale just goes up every time I step on it. My husband kindly pointed out that it is me that is going up!!! I have decided to try a combination of fasting and calorie counting and just being a lot more mindful of what (and how much) I’m putting into my body. I have been out walking every day with the dog but I need to add some weight training as I have noticed on my Fitbit that my resting heartbeat has been slowly increasing over the last few months.

    Keep us updated with your progress, you always inspire me.

    So lovely to hear from you both!

    Snedger-its my reaction to my metabolic age that I find fascinating. My goal has always been to be a fit and active older person. Sadly I can no longer run, I have arthritis in my foot now(slipped off a kerb and twisted my ankle several years ago) which I suspect didn’t help. Some days its really stiff and sore but I also know that if there was less of me, it would probably be better.

    I have found that Covid anxiety has me running to the crisps and chocolate, there has been rather a lot of chocolate spread on toast when I have been sleeping badly.

    My eldest son and I ran a half marathon together almost 18 months ago. We struggled round, my foot/ankle very painful before I knew what the problem was. His ankle also very painful. The finish line photos were very much a wake up call for him and that was the start of him changing what and how much he ate and the purchase of these scales. He has lost 50lb and his ankle is now longer a problem.

    My youngest is trying to improve his fitness, so has started using the scales too. He made me stand on them yesterday and that was when I decided that I have to act now. I am going to be 60 in January and my metabolic age is 65. Hell of a shock. My aim is to get to my actual age, I hadn’t thought about trying to get less.

    I haven’t been baking or drinking alcohol but there have been cakes, chocolates and crisps, regularly. Now its in inches, actually 20 more than there should be from the usual measurements that I take.

    App sounds interesting. I look forward to hearing about your progress.

    Iona72. Its tough isn’t it. I have 4 more inches on the bust, waist and hips! Its a bit of a car crash but then I also know that I can make a huge impact by fasting.

    I have no idea how long it will take to claw back the years or reduce may fat %, so my progress tracker is going to be reducing inches for now with faith that positive changes will show.

    I am going to skip breakfast again on Thursday and stay away from the rubbish. Can we keep in touch? I really value your encouragement and support.

    Annette – it would be great to keep in touch, help us both be more accountable! I’ve had two fasts of 16+ hours and feel so much better for taking control again. Today I did some digging in the garden ready for paving, so that should burn some fat. I know when I get back to work there will be less temptation so that will help and it will mean I can’t drink wine if I’m driving the next morning. Every cloud…….
    Have a good week and check in soon.

    Brilliant Iona72!

    I have looked at my nemesis(ice cream, crisps and chocolate)in the shops and walked past, which has in turn ensured that I have bought good food that I enjoy. I keep thinking 65 as my metabolic age, which is really helping me stay on track. I haven’t eaten much today, so I am having a decent meal very soon. Skipping breakfast tomorrow, light lunch and a light evening meal should be another 16 hour fast.

    I have skipped breakfast and lunch in the past but I think I will have a couple of weeks like this before I try one of those. They always result in a waist shrinkage.

    I measured waist and bust which of course, are exactly the same. I was disappointed but an obvious change after 2 FD was totally unrealistic. I do feel better though having had 5 days without any rubbish. Psoriasis is already improved.

    Sunday morning is the weigh in on the posh scales, curious to see if there is any difference on fat %-I suspect not yet. But there will now be a tech record week to week which should help to see a trend downwards.

    How are you getting on?

    Isn’t it amazing that after all these years of watching our weight we still expect a miracle!! I weighed exactly the same this morning despite all my efforts this week. Know i must be patient. I’ve been doing 18:6 time restricted fasting 3 or 4 days a week, so basically I don’t eat after 7pm and have my next meal after 1pm so I only have a 6 hour window for 2 meals. Also I have been challenging myself via Fitbit to walk further and faster, got over 5km today so making slow progress, but I’m hungry now – roll on lunch. I even dug out the dumbbells and did a bit with them yesterday.
    Good luck for the Sunday weigh in.

    Yes, quite mad that after a little bit of denial, we expect miracles. I didn’t think that I was alone!

    I have been really hungry today after a FD yesterday. I have managed to stall lunch with a banana, had a full meal for lunch and then fruit this afternoon. The contents of the kitchen are looking great, no rubbish in sight.

    It will be interesting to see what the changes are over the coming weeks. I know that when I do start to see changes, it will help me to continue on the straight and narrow.

    Although scalp and skin is already much improved…

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