If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,853 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 1 day, 3 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 3,903 total)

  • Hello Everyone,
    It has been quite a week and I am genuinely baffled how I have managed to lose 1 lb in a week when I only managed 1 fast day as my sister was visiting, which meant that we ate cake for lunch on two days and had a meal out!I am delighted.No inches lost.
    Iwant2Bincontrol WELL DONE! Do the measurements.
    Chrissieinbritanny They will, just give it time.
    mommabear Fantastic news. You must be thrilled with all those changes. It is a way of life and not total deprivation, so enjoy.
    Time4change WOW!!!!WELL DONE!!!!!Not a pest at all.You can make your goal what ever you like.You must be sooooooo thrilled with the weight and the amazing inches.
    Hi Suzanne, Well done. I find that sometimes clothes ‘show’ me where the weight has gone from. I started this thread because I could see big differences in my body shape,but found that folk were only focusing on weight loss and forgetting about the HUGE difference that inch loss can make to how you look and clothes fitting. After all, you do not always measure where the fat is shrinking from!

    Thanks!! And WELL DONE to you too!!!

    The reason I have not yet updated my weight or measurements is in the past I have done a diet really well for an entire…. three days or so. I would weigh everyday, feel really good and then reward myself with food. Which if course started a chain reaction in the wrong direction. This time I wanted to give the WOL time to work, so it was a long term change rather than ‘ooooo, what will I weigh tomorrow!!’ So, I am weighing next Monday I think, which will be four weeks into the diet. I know I’m getting smaller but by allowing four weeks I am hoping I will have taken a good step closer to my goal, and won’t feel the desire to sabotage, whatever the result πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Following your explanation, that makes perfect sense. I shall wait with bated breath to see what the changes are…..

    I really admire you being able to wait 4 weeks. I found it really tough to wait for a week to see if the scales had moved in the beginning, when I was hungry and had a headache. I came to ‘see’ that my body was changing shape, which delighted me more than the scales moving.It still does!

    Well done.

    Well done Annette! It can be really tricksy trying to balance time with loved ones and the treats that entails. We don’t want to be saying No to everything (angelic abstinence) but using what we’ve learned to make good choices.That is more realistic for me – I have given my halo away. I don’t want to be constantly talking about “the diet” and what I can/can’t have to others. (I can be a tad obsessive when it’s working)Would rather just get on with it and enjoy time spent with people, have an overview in my head of what I’m consuming. I’ve often read on this forum that some people are just letting the results speak for themselves and choosing who they share more with. It’s great you had a good time with your sister and still lost 1lb. Win Win!
    I’m happy to lose 6lbs from now until Christmas. Might do 4:3 again this week but not sure. Well done all πŸ™‚

    Thank you.I have thought about it and realized that although I had a hefty piece of carrot cake for lunch, nothing else passed my lips until our meal out later that evening.Looking back I ate about half of everything that I would have before….and left the rest, feeling completely stuffed.So I guess that had quite an impact along with the hours out walking around the shops.

    I love to cook, eat and bake. I am making smarter choices, but they are my choices.I am very unlikely to walk passed an Almond Croissant and did regard the news that the local bakery was closing before Christmas and relocating as a bit of a relief!

    I kept quiet about it for months(because I never believed that I would be able to do it)or that it would work. I was forced to ‘come out’ in September by work colleagues who were quizzing me on how I had lost so much weight, it was just more obvious as I was wearing less. I definitely think that letting the results talk for themselves is the way forward. Friends also grilled me and although I have been quite evangelical about it, I never mention it unless they bring it up and ask how it is going.I have attempted the 4:3 about x3 times, but just couldn’t do it, it was too much for me.
    I love all Christmas food and then heard on the news that eating x2 mince pies would take 2 hours walking or 40 minutes running to burn it off!!!!!!!

    I am exactly the same Annette. I have rediscovered my love of cooking too. Think I’d got into the habit of making something quickly, ready meals etc although I always cooked for my sons. One of my unintended consequences started by Roba is having more energy/mojo back. Saw a lovely smoked haddock dish on Saturday Morning kitchen this morning. Well I’ve been having fish about once a week and thought the dish looked good. It was a bit rainy but I checked the ingredients online and set off for a brisk walk to my local Morrisons. Am going to cook it for dinner tomorrow. I haven’t given myself that care for some time and it feels good πŸ™‚
    Happy weekend everyone.

    I’ve just posted my first comment on the ‘women of a certain age’ thread briefly giving my story so far,but I was attracted to the title of this one. I haven’t read all the comments so I apologise if I repeat things other people have said. I didn’t weigh myself until last week even though I started at the end of July. It wasn’t until my clothes were getting really baggy and friends were commenting that I realised it must be working! Don’t really care what I weigh if I look okay. I’ve never felt better and eat so healthily I no longer crave sweet,fatty food but like Annette52 I don’t always pass on dessert.

    That’ great sonunda. Seeing clothes become baggy is real confirmation that there’s less of you and you wonder – “Where did that go?” Mine are going in dribs and drabs to the charity shop (to be replaced by a smaller size hopefully)My friend asked why I didn’t keep them in case I put the weight back on but I’ve every intention of keeping the weight off as I’m not giving all these benefits up lightly (fingers crossed behind my back :))

    Welcome and Well done sonunda.I never pass on desert.

    My clothes go to the charity shop when they look too big. I have no intention of going back to where I was either in weight or shape.I rather see this as a lifetime change, particularly when I saw Micheal Mosley on a programme recently.He looks very trim.

    I hadn’t given any thought to the notion of taking care of myself, but you are right….and it does feel good.

    This can work. x

    Did you miss me? I haven’t been here for a while. I’m not a happy bunny. I’m bouncing around between 71 and 73kg, feeling fab one day, crap the next, constipated one day, big poo the next, grumpy when I’m hungry, grumpy when I’ve just eaten. I start every day meaning to fast and rarely seem to make it to bed time without something ruining my plan. My back hurts, my knees ache and I my RSI will flare up if I type any more. Yah boo sucks.

    Aw Roba that sounds terrible. Can identify.Sounds like you could use some care and nurturing. One positive small change might just be enough to start things improving. Maybe focus on doing nice things just for you? Hope you feel more like your usual good self soon. Take care x


    Poor you.Have you thought of having a couple of weeks off or maybe start again after Christmas? That would take the pressure and the guilt off.

    I lost my MoJo for a few weeks…it did come back, but I don’t regret the break.

    I wonder if the grey days of the winter and the approach of Christmas is impacting on us? I really struggle with the winter months and the madness/pressure that is Christmas. I really don’t want to undo all of the good work….

    “Did you miss me? I haven’t been here for a while. …Yah boo sucks.”

    What’s the 3 things that you could ask yourself that would immediately have you strongly in the direction that is best for you?


    I have no idea what that means or how to answer that.

    Clearly I am not a philosophical soul!

    Good Luck everyone with the week ahead.

    At some point in the not too distant past, I realized I was already wearing pants that I couldn’t fit into 3 weeks before. And I wouldn’t have noticed without this thread–I know I wouldn’t have because it was such an aha! when the idea dawned! Thanks, Annette. Your idea helped a lot.

    Hi piper,
    Wow, thank you. I had no idea that this thread would have been such a help. Great to be wearing clothes that you couldn’t fit into before.

    It just struck me that so many people were only focusing on the lbs lost on the scales, and that I had noticed that my body shape was changing which was having a HUGE impact on how my clothes were fitting…or not as they started to look ridiculous when they were hanging off me.

    The first thing I noticed on the 5:2, was that I was gaining a waist.It was months later that I realized that the hang of clothes was showing that the fat on my back was much reduced.Then the skirts that slid over my hips without being unzipped.That was an amazing moment.I hated those skirts.

    All this was happening at a loss of either 1 lb a week or no lbs lost but inches lost. Totally amazing. So pleased that I stuck with it.

    Hi everyone

    So far I seem to be losing weight steadily but havent noticed so much change in the fit of my clothes. I tend to carry weight around my middle and that is the most unhealthy shape to be! But I’m optimisitic that that my measurements will improve over time.

    I’m sure Annette and others are right – the waist measurement is far more significant than what the scales say. I’ve just been looking at a couple of medical websites which say that a woman’s waist should be less than 31.5 – and that if it is over 34.5 that is a serious health issue. Well unfortunately, despite shrinking a bit over the last five weeks, Im still in that category – so that is a good incentive to keep going with the 5:2 lifestyle!

    Despite my obstinate waistline, I’ve been impressed by the results so far. You lose weight, for sure, but I think the 5:2 helps to ‘reboot’ your approach to food generally. I dont feel tempted to over-indulge on ‘free days’ and I am more appreciative of what I eat. I’m encouraged by this and by reading so many posts on the forum with positive stories to tell! Thanks to Annette and others!

    Well I have some way to go with my waist too. I have gone from 38″ in January to 34″ and if my waist should be less than half my height then I have another 4″ to go.

    I am getting rather worried about the Christmas food. I love it all, but perhaps like the recent meal out, I will eat far less than I think.

    Hello annette52, rocky et al. Sorry for my little outburst the other day. I’m back on track and feeling much happier. You know, with me a lot of my mood boils down to getting a good night’s sleep. I’m still not under 70kg, and I’m still not wearing that red dress, but I did get a good eight hours last night, and I’m looking forward to fasting tomorrow.

    Hey – I’ve got a definite sure fire thing to lose a few pounds tomorrow! I’m going to shave my legs. It is the beginning of the summer here and time to get my pins out of hibernation.

    Hi Everybody,

    I have been way in Dubai for 8 days landed today, now panicking. Weigh in day Friday or should I give it a week before my weigh in?
    Nightmare living at someone else’s house eating their food, eating out, Halloween party and eating grandchildrens sweets! A really naughty week. Tried to miss some meals to compensate and did some extra swimming.

    I really have missed not fasting on my two days, strangely. Back on track tomorrow.

    Hubby also not done very well, he was left at home to do his own food, fish and chips and eating out! He won’t be on the scales this week he says.

    First time we have gone off track since 1st July. So not too bad…back on track tomorrow.

    Everybody else on here seems to have done really well.

    Wow, 8 days in Dubai! An experience worth any hiccups on the scales in my opinion! Congratulations on skipping the odd meal, and fitting in some exercise – sounds like you reached an excellent balance for a holiday!

    I would leave weighing for a week if you might feel glum if you have gained. Use it as motivation to have a really successful week in order to get the numbers moving in the right direction. Also though you might feel proud if you haven’t gained like you suspect you have?

    Careful, hiccoughs on the electronic scales could add a couple of pounds!
    Good to see people doing well!
    House sale, of what is meant to be an empty house completes this week, can’t believe how much stuff was still there – trips to storage, trips to dump – so stressed – but at least I’ve somehow done my 10k steps today. No chance of fasting – need extra physical and emotional energy from food.
    Will catch up next week πŸ™‚

    I’m losing my willpower today…. Today is a fast day for me. I’ve been down in my back since Monday (this has never happened before!!!). Today I went to the doctor & after multiple vials of blood & X-rays (where they had to place me on the exam table because I can’t move!) I’m home & starving. I’m guessing losing all that blood has me famished!! I just want a tall glass of Coke. And one of my muscle relaxers. {ha}

    And someone please tell me why we can’t weigh naked at the doctor’s office?!?! I had on 4 pounds of clothes today. Blast all these warm layers!!

    But before all the back issues started, I had trouble keeping up my yoga pants at the gym Monday morning. My husband has requested I just wear those at home now. Bwahaha!!!!

    RoBa, loved your comment about shaving your legs. Hilarious!!! I fell out laughing…& most definitely must concur. I make sure I shave Thursday nights before my Friday weigh ins. πŸ˜‰ Where do you live??? It’s Fall here in the States…& getting cold in my neck of the woods!!

    Hello, this is my first post, although I’ve been using the forum since I started 5.2 10 weeks ago. I have found all your comments incredibly informative and supportive . They have helped me to lose 22.5lbs in that time so I think I owe you all a very big thank you. I have been very moved by the way you show such care and support to each other. I still have a very long way to go, but after giving up on trying to lose weight after many years of fighting a losing battle, I am now thrilled at my progress and really think I can keep going for the long haul, with the support of this forum. Annette , I found your post about BIG body changes on 1lb per week or less, to be one of the most encouraging posts I have read. thank you.

    Wow!!! 22.5 pounds in 10 weeks? Good for you!! Way to go. That’s awesome!

    Thank you Mommabear. It does seem to be slowing down now, as to be expected. I can’t help being a little impatient but I know the message is ‘slow and steady wins the race’. It’s just gonna have to be a marathon for me…

    wow Aphrodite, that is incredible, well done you, you have every right to be thrilled !

    i love the fact that we are all from far flung corners of the world – thinking of RoBa in the summer heat, MommaBear in beautiful fall colours, etc.

    I have surprised myself this week – normally my non-fast days are not exactly indulgent, but certainly not as sensible as they should be. I just love food…. but as my weight loss has plateaued i thought I should be really making sure I am not over-doing the TDEE which I fear was happening.

    My biggest hurdle this week is having my ex-husband to stay for 5 days to celebrate our son’s birthday. This normally drives me to drink a gallon of wine a day and stuff myself with chocolate cake ! But I have amazed myself by my new found self control, and that actually has been an even bigger boost to my new found drive & determination to be making the right choices for me. It feels good!

    Today is a fast day, and I will be having an almost invisible slice of birthday cake for tea rather than half the cake like last year….

    Hi Everyone,

    Seems like most of us are making progress toward our goals. Even those in plateau mode right now. Your body has to have some time to adjust.

    Snedger: I am surprised that there haven’t been any comments about electronic scales before now. Sometimes I can weigh myself on my ES and get off and step right back on and I will be up or down by as much as a pound.

    Same goes for the tape measure: You can suck your gut in or not. The tape may not be in the exact same place as last time. It can be easily fudged.

    I feel that the only true measurement are our clothes. And of course an average drop in weight and measurements over time.

    I can’t decide if I over ate yesterday or not. But not to worry, Fast day for me today. I’ll do weigh and measure tomorrow morning.

    Annette52: how is everyone doing on their goals?

    Hope we all keep being losers.


    Hi Snedger,
    Not much success in folk posting their results on here.I was wondering whether everyone who wants to take part would like to post their weight/waist loss results on Saturday 30th November? That would give those who have been away/ill/off grid, time to have another 6 fast days(not including this week). What do you all think?

    tomtommum why does your ex have to stay with you for 5 days? You are amazing.

    Aphrodite Thank you so much for such lovely comments. I really appreciate it.Well done on such an amazing weight loss.

    Well done everyone.

    Hello everyone. thanks so much for all your great comments.
    Just wondering, has anyone returned to 5.2 after doing 4.3? Do you still lose weight ? I was wondering whether a short stint on 4.3 to help toward short term goals would be a good idea, but don’t want my body to ‘get used’ to fewer calories.

    Hi Annette,

    Have not forgotten, will weigh and post week 2 results on Saturday. I’m happy to keep posting every Saturday but if others want to leave until Sat 30th November am happy to fit in with that. Having a good week, hope it’s going well for you, all our challengers and everyone else too. Success all. x

    Just wanted to ask is it a usual 5:2 experience when you get a bit of a plateau on the weight and measurements front? I’ve been on a healthy eating drive since the start of September and started the 5:2 about 6 weeks ago.

    Up until this week, Ive been losing weight very steadily and the measurements have been going down as well, although progress hasnt been so marked. My clothes are now comfortable rather than tight. So my next aim is to find my trousers are too loose!

    However, this week I havent seen any progress on weight or measurements, even though Ive done two fasts and upped my exercise programme to do more running. I dont go overboard on ‘free’ (non-fast) days as Im using MyFitnessPal to track my calorie intake. I’m eating well on those days and enjoying my food but I’m making careful choices so that I keep under my 1800 calorie limit (I used the calculator on this website to work out that I shouldnt be eating 2000 calories a day as my standard intake).

    I’m probably being too impatient and unrealistic. But its so much easier to feel good about fast days if you see an improvement each week! Any advice? – apart from keep going of course!!!

    Hi Annette 52,

    Sorry Annette are you meaning waist and weight loss from when we started, for logging on 30th November?

    I’ m fine for that.

    Aphrodite, I’ve never done the 4:3 but I’ve considered it a few times. It just never has fit into my schedule very well. But I’ve read on the boards where others do it, then switch back to 5:2. Do you ever just fast a meal on your regular days? I skip dinner almost every night, eating my calories during the day but skipping an evening meal. It works for me & I just feel better the next day.

    Reluctant multi-tasker, I think plateaus are very normal. If you go back & read some of the previous comments on this thread you’ll feel better about it!! Keep plugging along because those trousers will be loose soon!

    Annette et al, I only lost 0.2 pounds this week. But a loss is a loss!!!! And I’m excited because it put me down into the next tens, which is where my goal weight lies! So now I’m 9.8 pounds to goal. Woohoo!! Under 10 to go. And considering I still have an injured back & haven’t gotten to work out or even move very much, I’m excited about that loss.

    Hi Everyone,

    Plateaus around 7 weeks are fairly usual. Don’t despair.

    Good for you MamaBear. Just sticking with the 5:2 is most of the battle.

    Annette52: I’m reporting now as I am usually busy on weekends and weigh and measure on Fri. mornings.

    I did NOT lose any weight this week but I did not gain any either. I was talking to my friend yesterday and she said, “just think how much we would weigh if we were not living 5:2.

    My waist measurement has remained the same for weeks. At this rate fitting into my “test pants” is going to take longer than I thought.

    Next week I’m going on vacation and I don’t plan to Fast. It will be the first time since I started 5:2 last May. Hope it won’t be too hard getting back into the routine when I return.


    Hello everyone, i hope your all well this week. i just wanted to respond to Aphrodite’s question.

    “Just wondering, has anyone returned to 5.2 after doing 4.3? Do you still lose weight ?”
    ive done 4 3 for about four months and just switched back to 5 2, the first week i gained 1 lb, this week i lost .75lb i did expect to stay the same or even gain again, so it was lovely to lose a bit, i do belive i will keep losing but it will be at a slower rate than 4 3, its not the first time ive up’ed to 4 3 to get over a plataue, and last time i did continue to still lose weight and inches, best of luck whatever you decide to try x

    What ever you each want to do is fine. I just thought from various comments that it might take the pressure off those who have been away/ill/moving house/having a wobble to look at the end of the month.

    I will keep posting every Saturday with weight and inches hopefully lost.I am focusing on my waist size, but each to their own.

    Got to dash.Will log in tomorrow and catch up then.

    I started on 4:3 and tried 5:2 for a month and a bit, no gain and no change to my plateau since January.
    I’ve switched back to 4:3 to allow for pragmatic flexibility e.g. this week I’ve managed one fast day, if I was on 5:2 then it would have been a total holiday.
    I’ve found out that total stress plus fasting is not a good idea – just sensible eating has got me through my house move, my anxiety level dropped so quickly when I chose to eat half way through a fast day.
    A good food experience, rather than bad fast day fuss up.
    Happily enjoying a pint post successful house sale, culmination of divorce, so much relief.
    Maybe I should take a trip to Vegas and put it all on red, or maybe black?
    Have a good weekend, for me, business shall be resumed as usual on Monday.

    thanks Mommabear.Good idea, actually I have fasted part days, during an inspection at school when I was too stressed to do 5.2 and it helped me maintain my weight. But combined with 5.2- that might be a good compromise . Fantastic that you are so near to goal – what an achievement !
    Thanks Fastforlife , it’s good to know switching between the two is ok. It’s weigh day tomorrow, so I will wait and see how I’ve done before deciding how to get to my short term goal for end of November.
    Snedger, sorry to hear you’ve been going through such a difficult time but I really admire you for sticking with it. Best of luck in your new home.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Hello Everyone,
    I have lost another 1 lb and no inches, but my face looks slimmer and I have 2 definite concave ares on my abs which are getting bigger-hurray!I am now back to my pre race weight with a total of 23 lb and 23 inches less of me!!!!!!
    Symba7 how ever you want to do it is fine.
    Quick have a lovely time and you may well find that you eat less than you would have before anyway. I love the notion of the test pants!
    Snedger Congratulations that all of those major life changes are completed.I remember the relief of the Decree Absolute and the house move. You will be fine.
    Aphrodite I have attempted the 4:3 a couple of times, but found it too hard to do.
    reluctant multi tasker Just be patient, remember that you will be shrinking in areas that you are not measuring either.
    mommabear Well done on your weight loss.fastforlife thanks for your comments.

    Abs Annette! And another lb lost! Congratulations again πŸ™‚

    I did my first 4:3 week, with my third fast day yesterday. The fast days were fairly easy, I made a giant pot of soup for an entire 300cals which I ate as late as I could.
    This morning was definitely a bit hard, but I really enjoyed my two cauliflower tortillas with light Philadelphia and smoked salmon, and a coffee (yay for a splash of milk today!!) and am feeling pretty proud of myself for allowing my body to catch up with the fact I had eaten breakfast, rather than heading for the cupboard too soon!! I was super tempted to weigh this morning, but will hold off for Monday as I agreed with myself.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend all over the world!!

    C πŸ™‚

    Hi Everybody,

    What a suprise, back off holiday flew in Wednesday weigh in Friday, didn’t know whether to leave it a week but I had to get on the scales!
    I have got 1 lb off …4 lb to go.
    Hubby stayed the same but he’s OK with that…..4 lb to go.

    A very steady week ahead for us, getting back on track and no alcohol . Plenty of homemade soup in the pot. Really must move this 4 lbs for Xmas, nice to be level pegging with husband again.

    Congratulations to Annette on your 1 lb. Good luck to others who have a few personel problems, it can only get better.

    Well done everybody. Do the dark nights affect anyone? I haven’t got full-on SAD but I have to push myself more and sometimes struggle with mood. I just focused on being on track this week and upping my activity on the hunt for endorphins :)Have lost 4lbs this week (the last of the recent fluid gain I think plus 2lbs of weight)with 1″ off my waist. Feel back to more or less fitness after 2 weeks with respiratory infection so proud and pleased – I find I can get back into this lifestyle more easily and quickly after a break than other things I’ve tried.I see my positive experiences echoed on this forum and get a lot of motivation and inspiration from what I see on here. Thanks x

    Well done time4change, 4 lbs is great, I wish once in a while I could do that! But never do.

    I think this time of year and possibly to the end of February, dark and wet must get to everybody. I think the two Fast Days, I now need to think of something away from salads, not sure what yet. Our two morning swims sessions getting up at 7am in the dark is taking a lot of doing, but nice when it’s done. It seems other people are struggling in winter as the pool is lovely and empty.

    Thanks Symba7 and well done on the swimming. Shows great discipline and commitment and can imagine how good you must feel when you’ve done it, especially having lots of space too πŸ™‚ I do like swimming for enjoyment and relaxation. I’m just not very good at it/a strong enough swimmer. Well done on your weightloss while having been on holiday. Only 4lbs to go for you both? That’s fantastic! Wish it was me! (I’ve got about 50 pounds to go)That’s the first time I’ve worked it out – gosh it feels like at a lot. Have lost 24lbs since end July. I know I can do it if I just keep on track. Birthdays and Christmas coming up so not expecting to lose lots before the end of the year but will keep doing my best. Enjoy your weekend and all the best in reaching your goal. πŸ™‚

    Time4change 4lbs and 1″ off your waist! That is amazing. Well done.You must be thrilled with a weight loss of 24lb in such a short time.Rather than look at 50 lb to go, which is rather daunting, why not focus on much smaller amounts with a non food reward when you achieve that goal?

    I loathe the winter and find it a real struggle to get out when it is grey. Braved the rain to go out for a 5 mile run with my son this morning, no choice really as a 10K race next week. It does cheer me up when I have been out.

    Symba7 Well done on the swimming. You are going to be very toned(if you’re not already).

    Thanks for the congrats on the 1 lb loss.I am a women on a mission!

    Thanks Annette,
    Well done on your run, getting out like Symba and just doing it shows great strength and determination. Good luck for your 10K.

    I am delighted with my results. Thanks for your advice re future loss. I think I’ll focus on the good amount I’ve lost rather than what I still have to lose. I’m of the mind that “The Future arrives a day at a time” so will try to be mindful of the day to day journey, do my best and hopefully keep enjoying good progress overall. I know we credit this WOL with all sorts of things and some people we know might find it a bit too good to be true when we are so enthusiastic but I genuinely feel that I am learning things about myself, my health and wellbeing, my motivations and emotions for the first time which feels good. I’ve always been an “all or nothing” kind of person – either being really strict and disciplined dietwise or throwing in the towel and eating what I like to another extreme. For me the 5:2 offers another way which actually works and allows me more balance and room to make mistakes without it feeling I’ve failed and should give up.I now have Hope that I can have some control. That’s huge. Success all. x

    Hi Time4change,

    You have done very well from July about the same as us. Its a slow progress but comes off and hopefully stays off. I agree with Annette look at smaller goals maybe breaking it down to 10 lb at a time. Think what you will be at this time next year. Maybe another 3 stone off! Good Luck.

    I agree Christmas is coming, I was discussing it with my hubby we have decided we will have 14 days of Christmas off the plan, starting Monday 23rd December as we are going away for 5 days, until Sunday 5th January. Back on track Monday 6th January. We have told everybody no sweets or chocolates as presents. We are going to choose three of our favourite chocolates/sweets, small size and totally enjoy. Wine is non negotiable!

    Good luck everybody to the next few weeks.

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