I need to lose 6 stone. Any big girls want to buddy up?

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I need to lose 6 stone. Any big girls want to buddy up?

This topic contains 944 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by  Lolly_ 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Thanks Skyblue!! It’s brilliant that your hubby is doing it with you. My hubby hasn’t got even a pound to lose, so he’s not doing it and doesn’t have any concerns about his health either. He is really supportive however, apart from when he forgets, which is every Monday and Friday (my fast days), hehe.
    Yeah, that’s a really great way to spend your lunchtime, especially when you’re sat in an office. Have a fab day!!

    YAY, NorthernGal!!! That’s just wonderful!

    I have to laugh at the word “chuffed”. We don’t have that expression in the US and I’ve never heard anyone in Canada use it either (tho they use lots of British conventions). Just based on the sound of the word I’d take it to mean steamed up or annoyed but, clearly, that can’t be the case. So when it appears it amuses me.

    I think the thing about this program is it works *with* our healthy bodies and that’s why it feel so strange to lose weight and burn fat. It runs completely counter to the life long expectation that you have to suffer and stress to lose weight. But who’s complaining, right?

    Wow NorthernGal what a fantastic weight loss! That’s brilliant. Jealous of your 2lb bonus (you should definitely count it). I’ve been thinking of getting some new scales, as mine only weigh in 0.5kg or 1lb increments and I’d like something more exact. Plus fat percentage change would be interesting to see. I also think my starting weight was a bit on the high side as I weighed in pyjamas and didn’t take a corroborating reading. When I weighed in pyjamas a few weeks later I got a high reading (it told me I’d gained about three lbs) until I stripped off and got a much lower one. New scales may give me a similar bonus to you. I remember the doctors scales weighing me lighter than my home ones so I’m optimistic.

    LA: chuffed means pleased in northern English. Like NorthernGal, I’m guessing, I’m also from the north of England although now stuck in London. Hope your move up to Vancouver went ok. I’ve never been but heard it’s a wonderful city.

    I got the sense from the context. Who could be less than thrilled with a 3 pound drop?! Such a great result from brilliant work! But the onomatopoeia of the word just *sounds* very different to my American ear.

    Yes, Vancouver is a fabulous city and that’s why we’re so thrilled to get this opportunity. Since the 2010 Olympics the city itself has grown to a real metropolis but we’re on the North Shore out where the ferries sail to Vancouver Island and a local island. There are sheltering trees and forested mountains and picturesque islands and massive rock outcroppings and lovely, lovely people.

    I’m waiting for a break in the weather to take some more pix to share.

    Can anyone tell me how to embed pictures? Mine are stored on Flick’R.

    Not been to Canada but had a lovely holiday in California a few yrs ago. Started in San Francisco, then hired a car and drove down the coast (my husband studied in Santa Cruz for a year)’ then inland to Kings Canyon and Yosemite then up to the wine country and beyond to Montecito and Fort Bragg, then back to SF. It was great.

    NoCal and, really, all of the Northwest most certainly including BC are really special.

    I’m so glad you enjoyed your time there. Bet you did some good eating in wine country too!

    I’m new. I fasted yesterday & lost two pounds. I’m going for fasting every other day. I would like to buddy up with you. Or anyone else who wishes.

    Thanks everyone! Just to put into perspective a bit, I put on around 3 1/2 stone in just over a year, so I think that’s why I’m losing quickly. Once I hit the 13 1/2 stone mark, I know it’s going to be much, much slower, as that’s the weight that crept on over 15 years (nearly wrote 10 years then, then remembered that I’m much older than my brain thinks I am).

    MmeM, I always weighed a little bit less at the doctor’s too, so yes, I’m guessing your scales may well have added a pound or so on you too. Recommend getting new scales. It made my day! Where are you from. I too lived in London (Brixton, though our posh neighbours said they lived in Clapham, as we were right in the middle) for a few years, before going abroad again. I loved living there, but the daily grind and commute can really get to you in London.

    LA – very funny about the word chuffed. The word chuff by itself has a completely different meaning up here (think lady bits!) and chuff off, up your chuff and chuffer are 3 not so nice put downs. Though typing them really makes me laugh, as I’ve not really heard those used for a long time and they remind me of my youth. I remember being at the top of a mountain and someone telling me that the bird we could see was a chough and laughing my pants off (I was still very young!)

    Welcome localc – I’m sure you can buddy up with all of us. You’re going to straight to alternate day fasting. Wow!! Let us know how you get on. I’m trying a 4:3 this week and today is my second fast day of the week and my third will be Friday. So far so good, but I’m going to be lenient on myself as it’s an extra fast day and will eat if I want to.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Ha ha haa!! Afternoon everyone! I’ve just had a good laugh reading about the ‘chuffed’ debate! I too was born in the north of England – Manchester and so that’s why I use the word! I moved to London when I was 16 though and lived there for 16 years so MMe and NortherGal we all have something in common! I lived in West London though – Chiswick, Brentford and Isleworth, before moving to the midlands when I was 32.

    Welcome Localc! Let us know how you get on with fasting every other day – that’s hardcore!!!

    Thanks to all who welcomed me! Fast today going well so far. It’s noon. Any suggestions for when I feel hungry? Like hot coffee? Localc527

    Hi local, when I feel hungry I just drink some water or go and make myself a herbal tea. The process of boiling the kettle, dunking the teabag and waiting for it to cool down can be a good mental distraction.

    Sky blue and NorthernGal, hey I’m also from Manchester. Small world. Well I was born there and grew up in a small town just outside, quite near Stockport. Did my A levels in Manchester. Family still up there. Been in London almost 20 yrs, but we plan to sell up and move back in another couple of years. See if we can be mortgage free.

    MmeMonkey: Thanks for the hot tea idea. I’ll give it a try. Localc

    I would be happy to buddy up with you. I can’t tell when you wrote that though.

    Hi, local. Are you responding to the thread title? Or some individual here?

    I think we’ve *all* buddied up just by sticking around and contributing here to support one another.

    Welcome! And wishing you great success. How’s it going so far?

    It’s going very well. I have temptations, but I keep them out of the house. How about you?

    I actually had the first really good day — in terms of food — I’ve had in several weeks.

    We just made a big move and I think the stress of it got to me more than I guessed. I’ve been snacking more than I should and gotten stalled. But we’re approaching fully settled in and today I had my typical salad with beans for protein at lunch. And soon I’ll have a lentil soup and some grilled salmon for dinner.

    I managed to defer both my meals until the planned time (at least so far with respect to the dinner I plan for 8pm). And I feel good about that so I’m guessing I’ll manage to avoid any snacking after dinner.

    As I said, it’s been possibly 3 weeks since I could say that so it feels like a pretty great day! πŸ˜‰ I like that feeling of success and good relaxed control at least as much as getting smaller!

    Once I get my eating nailed down again I’m going to concentrate on some movement. We have a *killer* driveway in this rented house. It’s at least 45˚ of elevation and a significant distance. I managed to get up it once so far to bring the trash can back in but I ended up with a minor asthma episode as a result. I think if I can work up to climbing it a couple times a day that would be an accomplishment. πŸ˜‰ But first I want to get my eating solidly back on program.

    LA Chubster: I’m glad you feel in control & back on track.

    I actually GAINED 4 pounds after fasting one day. Has anyone out there had a similar experience? Or can anyone help explain this?

    Good morning, local. First of all, you *can’t* gain 4 pounds from fasting. Four pounds represents 14,000 calories. You would have to have sat down and eaten the equivalent of 42 McDonald’s hot fudge sundaes. So you can relax and conclude that there’s some error at play here. πŸ˜…

    What was in your pockets when you stepped on the scale? Was it the same scale? Were the batteries fresh because electronic scales start have erratic results when the batteries begin to fail.

    If it’s helpful to think about it, I don’t weigh myself at all. It’s just too crazy-making for me. I just stick to my program and buy new smaller jeans when I need to.

    Don’t let this get to you! Hold tight and stick with us and we’ll stick with you while you get your fasting feet under you. 😏

    Dear LA Chubster,
    I loved your response! You are both sweet and entertaining. Yes, it is an electronic scale..
    How are you? How is your fasting going?

    Hi folks….hope you have all had a good day!

    I have bought a few bits so I can cook dinner for Mum on Sunday….for Mothers’ Day…well it’s UK Mothers’ Day…She actually has 2 Mothers’ Day – one UK version on Sunday, and one Continental (German) later in the year….I am planning on lemon chicken, steamed greens, new potatoes – followed by fresh fruit salad…..and her favourite M&S Elderflower Fizz to drink.

    local – if you DO feel the need to weigh yourself, then make sure you place your scales on LEVEL ground. And always use them in the same place, facing the same way, oh and never put the scales on carpet (good plain hard floor is best)…..the same scales can show different weights even in the same room. (I have a wetroom which has a sloping floor – so I weigh myself in the kitchen which has a level tiled floor.

    As to what to drink when hungry…I find water is best!…and I have recently tried Miso soup which is surprisingly satisfying…a cup of stock-soup is warming and ‘filling’…Personally I limit my tea/coffee on a fast day – I can’t tolerate too much caffeine on an empty stomach, so I usually just have my morning cuppa. ….I also no longer indulge in fizzy drinks – even the diet ones. ….Oh and I have recently got a taste for veggie smoothies! (water, spinach, cucumber and a couple of grapes all whizzed up together is terrific!)

    Button boots: Thanks for the tips!!

    Good morning all Happy Friday! The weeks are whizzing by! Buttonboots that dinner your are planning sounds absolutely delicious! I bet your mum will love it!

    Localc that certainly is very puzzling indeed, like LA says stick with it and stick with us as it definitely works. I weigh myself every Friday morning when I first get up in the same place and at the same time – after I’ve been to the loo too!!

    Well, I weighed myself this morning and an absolute miracle happened – I’ve lost 4lbs this week – absolutely cannot believe it. I’m now down to 14st 8lb. That’s 9lbs lost since first weigh in on 5th Feb. I thought I had lost a pound this week, maybe, and was secretly hoping for two – but four – I am so over the moon and happy with that! Last weekend I did go a bit overboard but have been so good the rest of the week and with the added walking I think it has paid off a bit. I log everything into MyFitnessPal and for a bit of perspective here is my calorie intake from last Friday until yesterday:-

    Fri 26th Feb: 1938 cals, 108 burnt off with exercise = 1830 total cals
    Sat 27th Feb: 2850 cals !!! and no exercise!
    Sun 28th Feb: 2654 cals !!!! and no exercise!
    Mon 29th Feb: 1536 cals, 404 burnt off with exercise = 1132 total cals
    Tues 1st Mar: FAST DAY 468 cals, 435 burnt off with exercise = 33 total cals
    Wed 2nd Mar: 1578 cals, 259 burnt off with exercise = 1319 total cals
    Thur 3rd Mar: FAST DAY 574 cals, 399 burnt off with exercise = 175 total cals

    The exercise is just walking. I’m trying to walk between 10,000-14,000 steps a day Monday-Friday and I think this is helping things along. But you can see that I do go overboard on Saturday and Sundays but, it seems not to matter if I’m good during the week too. My TDEE, when I first calculated it, was around 2100 so Mon-Fri I seem to be well within this limit.

    Hubby is doing so well too – the collars on his shirts are getting so loose now – he says he can’t tell anything from around his middle yet and was a bit worried the other day saying he is going to end up with a skinny neck and a big fat gut but we had a good laugh and I told him he will even out eventually! He’s lost about a stone so far and I’m so proud of him!! Well better get on with some work – have a fab Friday all!

    Wow Skyblue, that is amazing!!!! Well done you. You must feel fantastic. What a great way to start the weekend. I am sooooo happy for you. Your walking really seems to be paying off.

    Skyblue and MmeM (hope you don’t mind me calling you that!). What a coincidence! I’m from Blackpool, so just up the road. Lived away from the age of 18 and moved back in 2008 – not by choice actually, but it’s worked out great since having a child. I’m sure you’d definitely be able to be mortgage free moving back from London MmeM. Blackpool suddenly seems to be attracting people who would never have dreamt of visiting, since Tim Burton filmed here and Top Gear were here last weekend too, so Matt le Blanc was in town (Matt le Blanc in Blackpool??!!)

    LA – have you settled in OK? Your legs will be aching from walking up and down your drive!

    ButtonBoots – yummy!!!

    Local – nothing for me to add really about the “weight gain” (as LA said, it won’t really be) except keep on going and you will see a loss. I just drink water and the hunger pangs eventually pass. I have read on another forum though that somebody has coffee with cream in. The fat in the cream fills them up (I don’t think it would me!!) and fat is pretty good on this diet.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Ooooh yes, managed to do my second fast of the week fine and on my third one today. I did eat lunch on my second fast and usually I don’t eat at all, but it felt right.

    Hsve a good Friday and great weekend

    Sky Blue, congratulations on your fabulous weight loss!!

    Thank you Localc and NorthernGal! NorthernGal I have relatives in Blackpool and Cleveleys! Such a small world.

    Hello everyone!

    Congratulations on your fab weightless SkyBlue!

    I also weighed in this morning, 8 days since my last weigh in, and I was delighted to see I was 1kg (or 2.2lbs) down. I weigh in kgs as I seem to be more dispassionate about it, but always convert to lbs in my head as you get bigger numbers πŸ™‚ Really pleased, as I thought I’d had a not great week. Had a kebab (although the grilled chicken kind) plus chips on Wednesday night, and then yesterday’s fast day went slightly haywire when I was given a large portion of my lunch instead of the small I’d budgeted for, which probably pushed me 80-100 over for the day.

    So, in total, I’m 19.5lbs or 9kgs down since mid-Jan (I suspect, though, that my start weight may have been a freak reading that put me a bit on the high side). It’s a very good result in any case. I’d like to get 2 stone off in time for my birthday in the middle of next months.

    Keeping up with my running programme and am on week 3 of C25K. Went out this morning and felt great.

    I know Blackpool well. Been there many, many times.

    Ooh well done MMe! That’s a fab loss congratulations! Such a boost to morale and motivation isn’t it!!

    That’s brilliant MmeM!!!! Well done you. You’re very close to losing 1 1/2 stone, so I’m sure you’ll easily make your target for your birthday.

    Skyblue – I actually grew up in Thornton-Cleveleys and my mum is still there. I’m just up the road in Bispham. Small world indeed!! Next it will turn out that I know your relatives!

    Wow NorthernGal such a small world! I have a cousin in Bispham, my aunt and cousins in Cleveleys and a cousin in Blackpool itself. The name Higgins doesn’t ring a bell does it?

    Haha, that’s incredible Skyblue! I went to school with a Tracy Higgins I think, but otherwise no. However, if your cousin has become a mum in the last 2-3 years and goes to groups, then there is a very good chance we have met, as I don’t know any of the mum’s surnames.

    Haha – well I don’t know a Tracy Higgins so not one of my relatives, and none of my cousins have had a baby in the last 3 years – but still it’s a small world!!

    Indeed. It would have been very weird if we both knew someone! Having said that, Bispham isn’t very big and they might be living a few streets away still!! I live up near the Prom. Do you know of they live near the Prom or down in the village?

    She will live in the village as she isn’t that close to the promenade, and I have one cousin who lives at North Shore in Blackpool and my aunt and other cousins live in Cleveleys.

    Hey everyone me too wana lose 8 stone .love to buddy up & join the journey .

    Hello gals,
    I’m a newbie to IF and the forum. I’ve got 4 stone to lose and hoping to buddy up to help me stick to the plan…starting to get to the stage where I don’t truly believe I can so really hoping to gain inspiration from your stories. Have successfully done two fast days Monday and Thursday, but found the 2nd fast really tough and I wonder if I’m overdoing the normal eating on non fast days. Night time is the danger time as I eat quite healthily during the day. My other half had been doing IF for the last few months and has lost over 12 pounds. Anyways really new to going on a forum as naturally quite a shy retiring sort. Reading through the forum today has been inspiring.

    Hi Slim, welcome! You will find a lot of inspiring stories here. I do IF every other day. When hungry drink water or hot tea. It really helps! Sincerely, local

    Local: I’m going for a two day fast. Anyone wish to join me?

    I’m now convinced we must know somebody in common Skyblue!! I’d PM you, but I don’t think we can on this forum.

    Welcome Wish and Slim at last! All the best on your weight loss journey and for what is, for many of us now, a new way of life and eating. We’re a friendly bunch Slim at last, so no need to be shy. Any questions, just ask away.

    I usually weigh in on a Tuesday, but after my 4:3 this week, I decided to start Saturday weigh ins instead. I’ve lost another 3lbs!!! I’ve now lost just over 2 stone and am 15 stone and 1/4 lb. Which means (drum roll) that hopefully, hopefully at my next weigh in, I’ll weigh 14 something (I’m joining you Skyblue I hope!). That is a massive milestone for me and huge psychological barrier out of the way.

    Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to all you mums

    That’s amazing, well done! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
    2 stone is a fantastic milestone. How long has it taken you to get there?

    Welcome to the Forum Wish and Slim at Last! As NorthernGal says we are a friendly bunch and the more the merrier on the forum!

    NorthernGal WOW!! That’s amazing!!! Well done and congratulations! Bet you feel fab and I know you are going to be in the 14s at the next weigh in!! We must be doing something right and long may it continue!! I too think we may indeed know someone in common! How strange!

    Happy Saturday all!!

    I do my fasting on Sat & Sun each week so I’m there with you. Tea and gardening this morning as we’ve got our first dry day in 2 weeks and a bit of sun.

    I tend to get hungry an hour or 2 before lunch and stay hungry for 2-3 hours. Then it’s mostly done. I may get another lighter wave of it around dinner time or else I don’t and then I’m homefree for the day. I push off Mon lunch to 2pm. That’s my usual lunchtime, actually.

    Have you got a plan yet or are you going to see how it goes and adapt? Let me know how it goes for you. Bet you’ll do fine and by your third week you’ll have it nailed. 😏 There really is a rhythm to it that works for you once you establish it.

    Wow, NorthernGal!!!! You are the pace to match, to be sure! Hooray for you and I wish everyone else an equal measure of success!

    What would you say has contributed most to keeping you on the program? Did you learn things about yourself in the process that came to your aid?

    LA Chubster,
    I don’t really have a plan yet. I just saw your post & had already made it a regular day. But, I’ll do it tomorrow. I’m in Beauty School & do not always have the same schedule. So I’m not sure what my ” rhythm ” will be yet.

    Well, know for the future if you ever want company over the weekend, Sat & Sun are my regular fasts.

    If I get a really good clean week (hasn’t happened since I found out we were moving and then getting settled in) I try to keep to a single dinner on Wed too.

    LA Chubster,
    Thank you!

    I’ve begun my Sunday fast as promised. If you are on the West coast, you might not be up yet…Have you ever tried the 2-4-6-8 diet?

    LA Chubster,
    Why did you have to move?

    For my husband’s work. It’s just a temporary thing. We’ll be back in LA in time for the Summer.

    Do you mean Los Angelas?

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