How much weight is too much weight to lose in a short period of time?

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How much weight is too much weight to lose in a short period of time?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dana_Johnson27 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello Everyone,
    This is my first post here as I am on my second day of fasting (today). That being said here is my story: On Jan. 5th, I had a doctors appointment and weighed in at an astonishingly 212 lbs (my drivers license says 185, so obviously I had no idea what was going on with my body). At 5’5 that put my BMI at 34.

    Since then I have taken numerous steps in the right direction to lose weight, from diet changes to exercise. Nothing too strenuous or extreme though. I discovered The 5:2 Fast Diet, from an NPR article, and ordered the book. I started reading it on Jan. 25th, started the 5:2 diet with my first fast on Jan. 26th. I decided Mondays and Wednesdays would be my Fast days so today is my 2nd day.

    This morning I weighed in at 203 lbs! That’s 9 lbs in 3 weeks of dieting/exercising (not all that strictly might I add), but only one fast. While I’m happy with these results I want to be careful I don’t overdo it on my body. I want permanent results, obviously.

    So how much weight is too much weight to lose in a short period of time? Obviously I know there is no universal answer to this question. But how do I come up with an answer that’s right for me? Or am I asking the wrong question? Basically how do I make sure that I am not overdoing it on my body and will achieve permanent results?

    Thanks, in advance, for your advice! I’m excited to join these forums and I hope I will be the one dishing out advice sometime soon.


    I too have lost 9lb in 3 weeks. I think I’d been overdoing the food and booze so much it didn’t take much for the effects to show from cutting my intake of both. I suppose it varies massively from person to person and so long as you’re doing the right things (which it sounds like you are) I personally don’t think there’s any harm. It’s what your body is ready to easily give up, mainly!

    Fyi I’m down from 151 lb to 143 lb and this is my second time round giving 5:2 a shot having had a baby. First time round I went from 143 lb to 115 lb in approximately 3 months and kept most of it off til 20 weeks of pregnancy when I started to pad out 🙂

    That’s an inspiring story, LittleWing. Really great to hear. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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