HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 11 months ago.

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  • Hi Sylvestra,

    I am sitting outside in sunny Hamilton, NZ catching up on the recent posts. I know this is not to do with the diet but I was interested to see that your nearest town is Kirrimuir. My family emigrated from there in the late 1800s. When we went to Scotland we visited where our families had originated which was much more interesting than doing the tourist bit.

    What a great feeling to have to put another notch in the belt. I am having a fast day after a pre-Christmas family get together. They are all off to the beach for three weeks holiday the moment school breaks up.

    @audrich what a lovely little memoir. Thanks for sharing!
    @sylvestra congratu-jolly-lations! Doesn’t it feel good?! Had to get my hubby to go out in the shed and do the same for my belt a awhile back. Such a good feel moment!

    Feel a bit discouraged today. 🙁
    I’ve been doing really well and lost about 15 kilos sinnce September. Then over the weekend had a bit of a binge. Not really bad – 2 croissants, twix, fruit, fizzy drinks – and put on 2 kilos!
    I suppose much of the 2 kilos will be water stored from the extra carbs, and I know many don’t like to weigh everyday, but I like to, to keep an eye on things and I’m used to smaller ups and downs of course weighing every day.
    I’m just a bit shocked at 2 kilos since Saturday!

    But, onwards and … er … downwards I hope!

    One thing, I have a painter doing some work over the next few weeks and waiting for him to arrive – or often not – is the worst thing eating wise I have ever come across. Sitting at home with a mixture of anticipation, irritation and disappointment is not a good combination. Glad it’s a fast day today 🙂

    Just had to get all that off my chest 🙂

    “Then over the weekend had a bit of a binge. Not really bad – 2 croissants, twix, fruit, fizzy drinks – and put on 2 kilos!”

    It occurred to me that it’s ok to binge provided that you agree with yourself that you drink 2 liters of water first.

    What would happen then?

    WoooHoo, Sylvestra!!

    I’d probably be sick Rockyromero! 😉

    It really wasn’t a binge as such, I have really binged in the past so I know!
    Just a relaxed couple of days. Because I have a lot to lose I haven’t been relaxing that much on feast days. But the relaxed weekend is over now so full steam ahead.

    I also do think it’s very useful to learn (and this is something new for me) how to be relaxed and really feast (call it what you will) – enjoy a good tuck-in. Then stop and go back to fasting and eating normally.
    Learn to get back on the horse if you like.

    That’s always been a problem before, have a feast then going back to frugal so maybe this is something I have to learn and 5:2 is a very good way to do that I think.

    I wouldn’t worry too much, Speedy. Fifteeen kilos since September. Respect!

    So you put on 2 kilos over the weekend? No doubt as you get back to your virtuous ways, the 2 offending kilos will quickly disappear. Your success on the Fast Diet has probably made your metabolism work more efficiently.

    In my own case, time was that a relatively modest binge of the kind you describe – like a 48-hour visit to the ma-in-law who used to stuff one full of goodies, never just one but 4 cupcakes at a time – I would come back half a stone (3+ kilos) heavier and feeling as sick as a pig and pretty well unable to eat for a couple of days. Even so, it would take months to get rid of the flab, if indeed it ever did disappear.

    Conversely, on a recent 12-day holiday, both I and the other half who are following the Fast Diet, took time off from 5:2. Two things happened. Firstly we found that when feasting we could only eat in relative moderation before feeling full. Secondly, although we each gained 2 kilos, which in itself was a vast improvement on the cupcake situation described above, we each lost them within a couple of weeks as we resumed 5:2.

    Hopefully, the same thing will happen for you.

    @speedy – Get back on the horse! The 2kg will probably go fairly quickly after your fasts this week as I’m sure you didn’t eat 2kg of food. Isn’t it annoying how a small amount of certain things can make a big amount of weight?? My weight can vary by 1kg or more in a day (can’t leave these darn scales alone 😀 ) which is why I only record it weekly – too many ups and downs on my chart otherwise.

    @lizy I think I’d trade a warm ocean for cold and frosty Kirriemuir at the moment. Did you manage to find out lots about your family? Do you have any distant relatives still living in Kirriemuir? I believe the local library and museum have loads of old records.

    @audrich – hold the dream! Achiltibuie will have changed a bit but probably not so much you wouldn’t recognise it. A few more houses perhaps but the beach is still there 🙂

    Thanks everyone for your comments….so encouraging

    Thank you Hermajtomomi 🙂
    I will Sylvestra, 🙂

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age

    I won’t be around for a bit; we are moving house on Thursday this week and won’t be connected for a while. It’s already affecting my fast diet as I will only be able to fast one day this week.

    This is due to drinking copious amount of fizz to celebrate eventually selling our home – it’s taken three long years to do so.

    Anyways, keep our thread going girls. There is so much interesting and helpful information on here.

    And Xmas is coming – we don’t want any LOACA’s getting fat!!

    Good luck with the move PreciousBooBoo.
    I don’t write very often but I often read and I’ll miss your comments so hurry back 🙂

    Yes PreciousBooBoo – hope the move goes well and hurry back 🙂

    Hope your move goes smoothly,PreciousBooBoo. Just think – lovely new home for Xmas.

    All the best with the move & everything, PreciousBooBoo – I hope it goes well and see you on the other side!

    Aud xx

    Good luck in your new home, PreciousBB, hope the move goes smoothly.

    Sylvestra, sorry to lower the tone, but apart from knowing Kirriemuir as the home of JM Barry, from my mis-spent youth I remember a very rude rugby song sung by cousins, colleagues, etc entitled The Ball of Kirriemuir. I won’t go into detail.

    audrich, First time around I missed your charming piece about the Scotland of your childhood. Very evocative and beautifully expressed. Do you happen to write for a living?

    Hi audrich, me again. Another one of yours I missed first time around. You say you dress as if you were going to a funeral. If that means you wear a lot of black, well, so do I, BUT I usually off-set it with a touch of bright colour – quite often it’s red. All black get-up with bright red socks (courtesy of Virgin Atlantic) and big red drop earrings – my two weaknesses, earrings and books. Other than that I’m not in the least acquisitive.

    I’ve worn black since my teens. While all the other kids wanted to be Doris Day or Debbie Reynolds (shows how very ancient I am!) I wanted to be Juliette Greco, hanging out in smoke-filled cellars with a bunch of (preferably very handsome and sexy) French intellectuals. Apart from top-to-toe black I wore white lipstick and enormous quantities of black eye make-up. I probably looked like death warmed-up. I thought I looked great. What a terrible little poseur I was! La Greco is still around. Now 83, she still looks fabulous and can still sing just like she used to.

    @hermajtomomi – haha indeed that is a VERY rude song – and I know have a mental picture of La Greco with white lipstick! But she is still a beautiful woman. Around the same time as you were doing your ‘Greco’ I saw myself as Joan Baez! Hair like a pair of curtains, kaftans, joss sticks and Martin Luther King!

    Hi hermajtomomi,
    Thanks very much for your nice words about one of my posts. No, I don’t write for a living unless writing emails telling people what to do and then telling them off for not doing it, count, lol.
    If you find the words evocative, I say that it was the place and the time that made it come together, it was a convergence of perfection. I’m with sylvestra when she says the West coast of Scotland is a truly wonderful place. My mam died in 2004 and I miss her everyday, so those memories are like precious wee jewels that glint away in those dark days that we all have to cope with.
    She was a slim lady, trim to the end and she was a practical, forthright Scots woman: “Do ye really need another jam piece? That’ll gae straight to yon hips, hen!”

    Right, hermajtomomi, my mini goal is to wear something red tomorrow 😀
    I do have a short, red, size 14 skirt squirrelled away somewhere, it was on the wrong sized hanger & bought by accident, but I keep *hoping* I’ll make do with a scarf for now.

    Juliette Greco? Totally cool, and Joan Baez, too, Sylvestra!
    I wanted to be David Attenborough or Carl Sagan.. I don’t think I had the right idea 😉

    Sylvestra – …and the all-pervasive smell of patchouli oil. Far out, man!

    Audrich – one thing I remember from past visits to the West Coast of Scotland is the light – sort of pearly and luminous. Your mum sounds amazing, with that no-bulls**t attitude mixed with great kindness I found so appealing while I was recently up in Glasgow working on my MA research project (see earlier exchange of posts with Sylvestra). You obviously have wonderful memories of her.

    *peeks at hermajtomomi profile*

    Ooh! MA History of Art! I work at a Uni, but nowhere near as prestigious as Glasgow, were you at the actual School of Art? The Mackintosh building? If so, I hope you had a ball 🙂

    Hi audrich.

    I know and love the School of Art and have visited it several times, always on a tour guided by a student. Sadly this year there wasn’t time but on both research trips I made a point of going to the reconstructed CRM house at the Hunterian. I confess that as soon as I walk in the door I start to fill up and by the time I get to the top of the stairs to that beautiful white room I’m in full blub – that’s how art, architecture and interior design sometimes gets me. I also got the Scotland Street School for the first time. My research topic was the Glasgow Tenement House and how it was acquired by the National Trust for Scotland and became a museum. The lady who was the first property manager there now manages The Hill House so I had a lovely trip there, combining some very useful research with a good wander round. We also made it to the House for an Art Lover, about which I have mixed feelings.

    Very naughtily we have gone right off-topic here. To continue the Scottish theme but to bring us back to diet and weight loss, a few years back we visited the Rare Breeds Park near Oban, where visitors could buy food suitable to feed to the animals. Except one, poor old Giles. Giles was a very, very fat sheep and on his back they had placed a notice. “Please don’t feed me. I’m on a diet”.

    Sorry to all for going OT, but LOL at Giles’ sign, maybe I should fashion one of those 🙂

    PS I LIVED in a Glasgow tenement block with with my Great Aunt Beanie for a while. Now the food she ate would have our eyes a-popping; lard with everything, lol. She lived to 93 though!

    My apologies too for going off topic, although it has been great fun. Maybe we should all wear Giles notices, at least on Fast Days.
    My apologies also go to Sylvestra for misspelling the creator of Peter Pan, JM BarrIE. Too carried away remembering – to my shame – most of the words of the rude rugby song.

    I hope I’m not speaking out of turn here but – Do we really need to worry about going ‘off topic’ occasionally? We all know what the topic is and can return any time.

    Since we are all LOACA we have lots of life experiences and memories and, for me anyway, it’s lovely to hear all your stories and find out a bit more about you all. That’s how friends are made! And we all have the same goal…..and 5:2 in common. 😀

    BooBoo- you’ve got your hands full. I misinterpreted the original purpose of the move- I thought it was more of a trip or vacation. Anyway, good luck and joy!

    Sylvestra, Hermajtomomi, and Audrich– I loved the reminiscing. Makes you all fuller , richer people in my mind. I remember white lipstick being the rage, straight hair, and still like Joan Baez and Carl Sagan, too! I recently discovered a familial Scottish connection lost in the past, so the conversation caught my attention. Nice.


    haha i remember the white lipstick

    remember mood lipstick?

    I enjoyed the meander off topic. It was a path I walked too in an earlier lifetime. I had my days in Scotland when young and wild and free and exploring the planet, and my interest in architecture took me to places you mentioned. Fact is, mid life weight and arthritis issues had me very depressed about my chances of ever having more adventures. So, the path leads back to the topic eventually anyway. I’m needing some really strong motivation to get off this plateau and go below 70 for Christmas. Please send kick up arse, and Giles notice, my way.

    Thank you ladies who have posted. 2 weeks into fasting and weight loss is one pound though clothes feel less tight. I was disappointed and beginning to wonder if I should give up. Will up the exercise and eat less on non fast days and keep going!

    I’m glad others enjoyed the off-topic ramblings. I would argue that by going off at tangents we do, as you say sylvestra, reveal more about ourselves and possibly make it easier for us all to support each other.

    My previous experience of going off-topic on a forum has made me a little wary. On the late-lamented BBC Woman’s Hour message board where I made a lot of cyber friends and even improved my debating skills, the moderators suddenly became very touchy and started moddding (is there such word?) any topic that didn’t relate directly items featured on the programme, even though it was attracting a huge number of posts. In doing so they deprived a lot of intelligent women, and quite a few intelligent men, a lot of fun and often comfort and support. Not too long after that the message board was sadly scrapped, allegedly a victim of Beeb cut-backs.

    PS I think the expression “Giles notice” should become part of the English language. Giles was lovely. Another example of “big is beautiful”.

    This is a lovely thread and I hope the web editors don’t get all huffy about people going off topic. Seems to me that the support people get from meeting others – even if it is electronically – means that they feel less alone. There is so much information and advice over the whole site that a chat is a welcome interlude.

    Sylvestra we didn’t get time to see if we had relatives still in Kirrimuir. We Kiwis do these flying visits to the home of our fathers but further searching is difficult in the timeframe. Got a photo of Grant’s Pend which was a reference to the family. Made me feel a bit connected.

    We’re LOACA ,what do they expect? Ramble on ladies!

    OK still rambling off topic…..@lizy – if you are on Facebook there is a group called ‘Old Kirrie’..quite a few people with family connections to Kirriemuir post on there asking questions. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll find a way to let you join.
    I don’t think anyone will object to our ramblings, we do get ‘on topic’ too but as sonunda says, we’re LOACA so we ramble 😀

    I am on Facebook but only to ‘stalk’ my friends and family. Tee Hee. actually I am a bit paranoid about the jolly thing given the stuff you hear about it. It would be interesting to explore a bit so if you can be bothered, that would be lovely.

    Oh and join the club!! I have put on 1.5 pounds today as well. Sh-e-e-e-e-esh.

    Good luck Speedy !

    Thank you Beadybliss 🙂

    audrich, I’ve just realised I didn’t answer your question about which uni I’m at. It’s Birkbeck, University of London, famous for offering part-time and evening under- and post-grad courses, and populated by students of all ages including large numbers of mature – some of them very mature – students.

    I’m tempted here to start my favourite rant about the patronisation of older people. B’beck is a perfect example of how there is absolutely no need for this. Here no one makes an issue of age or addresses you as “darling” or “sweetheart” or speaks to you very loudly and very slowly on the assumption that you must be deaf and/or daft when you have a bit of mileage on the clock. However, I’ll leave it there, unless someone else wants to pick up on a subject that I feel passionately about.

    5 Pounds in 3.5 weeks!!

    Wow, I am sooo amazed, really didn’t think this would happen for me….but it is!! I’m just thrilled. And I feel great except for like, Ms Precious Boo-Boo, the sleep thing. My goodness. I go to sleep easily but at 3 a.m. I’m wide awake. Then I get back to sleep around 5:30 for about another hour. This is happening even on my ‘feed day nights’….

    I’m comfortably wearing one of my smaller size jeans this morning. I’m just so happy that I’ve found something that is working for me and I’ve been drinking wine some nights as well.

    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, that’s why I weighed myself this morning, and so will go another month without weighing until just before Christmas–then I’ll see where I’m at….

    Good luck to everyone, keep on…..Precious, I was reviewing Dr. Fung’s talk and in Part 4 of 6, about an hour in he very quickly references how adrenaline floods our bodies when we are fasting….so maybe that’s why we can’t sleep! Hopefully I’ll be able to take a nap this afternoon! Happy Thanksgiving everyone, even if you aren’t celebrating it….

    WOO HOO well done BlueOcean!! What a great feeling to get into smaller clothes.

    On the sleep thing – once I get to sleep I’m fine, it’s the falling asleep I have a problem with but now I use a hypnosis track through earbuds when I go to bed. I find it relaxes me and then I fall into a natural sleep.

    Many of the self hypnosis tracks wake you up at the end but I have ‘Weight Loss Hypnosis’ by Steve G Jones – he’s an American Clinical Hypno-therapist who has a lovely soothing voice. His tracks are designed for bed time and at the end he tells you to go to sleep, which i usually do. the weight loss part does no harm either 😀

    Hi.i am 54 and going through the menopause since 45,I am nearly through the whole 12 months of not having a period since feb this year so hopefully i will be post menopausal weight has gone up nearly three stone ,i am 12stone7lb and i need to be alot less,my eating habits are terrible,chocolate,biscuits cakes,all the bad stuff,that has to change now,i do not want to start health issues as we ladies of a certain age do have to be careful i am sure you would the 5.2 diet i will try,been on it 3 days now and already i have lost 5Lb as when i started i was good luck to all us ladies of a certain age,and good luck to everyone else who is trying this….

    Hi Ladybird – nice to see you here. I felt as I was going through the menopause forever but thankfully it all gone now but trying get rid of the weight is another tale.
    There’s loads of support here though as everyone is in the same boat – so just grab an oar and we’ll all get there together ….with a few meanders up side streams as you can see. 😀

    Hello sylvestra, ladybird, blueocean and all the old stalwart LOACA’s. I’ve been nursing my teenage daughter post-tonsillectomy and I keep urging her to eat things, and when she won’t or can’t, I eat them. So no fasts this week. Poor lass is really suffering, and I’m packing in the ice cream, custard, stewed fruit, soup …

    Oh well, back on the wagon next week. ‘We fail! But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we’ll not fail.’

    A little aside is that I keep reassuring my daughter that she won’t starve to death even if she doesn’t get much food to her stomach. So long as she can drink enough to stay hydrated she will be fine. I learned that from 5:2.

    I sympathise RoBa. I have painters and builders in and have bought biscuits for them.
    Guess who has snaffled most, them or me? 🙁

    Roba, not only will your daughter not starve, but fasting is probably promoting healing. We (and lets face it, especially we LOACA’a with a food issue) are so afraid of hunger, that we forget to listen to the body. I do hope she feels better, if not hungrier, soon!

    @roba – I hope your daughter feels better soon. As you say she won’t come to any harm if she doesn’t eat much as long as she has plenty of fluids.

    Has she tried smoothies – easy for her to swallow…and they won’t make you feel so guilty if you have them!!! 😀

    And we’ll help you back on the wagon when you’re ready


    🙂 I’ve put them in a tupperware box, upstairs where the builders are rather than taking them some with every cuppa. See! I am trying 🙂

    When I was buying them I tred to find a variety that I didn’t like.
    Ha! Fat chance – I liked them all 🙂

    Hi Lyn, I hope your 5:2 is going well, all the best, let us know how you get on?

    RoBa, I hope your daughter feels better soon and I’m sure she’ll bounce back with all that love and care, and quotes from The Scottish Play on a Friday? *loves*

    Never mind, Speedy, back in the saddle when the builders are out of your hair. I’ve got an enforced Chinese takeaway tomorrow, god help me, lol.

    Here’s to the weekend, happy Friday, everyone!
    Aud x

    Ha ha, aud – an ‘enforced’ Chinese takeaway!!!! The vision that that conjures up 😀 😀

    Hope it’s not an ‘all you can eat!

    Thank you sylvestra, sorry I haven’t responded sooner but yesterday was Thanksgiving at my house so was very busy … we had a lovely time and my sister-in-law commented on how well I looked and asked me where I was going to workout! She’s doesn’t have any insulin issues and is quite petite and slender. I’m glad….being insulin resistant is a tough go but I’m learning how to change that. My nephew was surfing all morning, had Thanksgiving late lunch with us and was going back to surfing again! Love his enthusiasm and energy.

    Yep, ate dessert, how could I not as my niece and I made it together and I didn’t want to be too rude, and more food than normal, even for a ‘feed/feast’ day so today it’s a fast day. And then on to Christmas! It’s only 3 weeks away so don’t know how much I can take off by then….was sorta hoping to be able to fit into my smaller black slacks but it’s it mainly my spare tire that I’d like to see shrink. I’d love to have a waist again and I will in 2014, maybe for my birthday at the end of February!–hey, miracles do happen! (That one may be a best fast..!)

    It’s raining here now, something we definitely need as it’s been so dry in Southern CA, so I’ll do my exercises at home and not take a walk…..maybe later when it has stopped….

    A couple of days ago I was driving behind a woman in her SUV/station wagon type vehicle and in the back seat on the passenger side she had a horned owl! I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was fascinated….the owl looked quite happy, turning his head from side to side and completely around to look at me! I was tail-gating her with delight to see this amazing creature sitting so happily in his car taking in the view….charming…..

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