HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,601 through 2,650 (of 7,330 total)

  • Bonjour everyone – reading all your posts it’s amazing how many of us are still wanting to learn new things and keep the grey cells in top form. Since moving to France I have been learning the language via my daughter who is fluent and loves to correct me; also my 4 year old granddaughter is particularly keen for grandma to get her pronunciation right!; also I have the Rosetta Stone course which I am finding really useful; I have recently joined a mixed-level group of mainly english, but also some dutch who are all keen to improve their french. At the end of an hour-and-a-half my brain is frazzled.
    Also since being here I have finally completed my first children’s novel and am currently seeking a publisher – fingers crossed.
    Now about the FD – yesterday was my 4th fasting day which went ok! This morning I weighed myself and was delighted/amazed to see that I had lost 2 lbs, making 6 lbs in total over 2 weeks. I’m thrilled as since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism I have struggled to lose anything – I wonder if Mike has any thoughts on why the FD might help with such a condition?
    It’s great to hear of the successes of those who have been on the FD a while now, they are a real inspiration.
    Keep the posts coming… Jan

    Hi Jan/Femme Anglaise
    Many congratulations on your fantastic weight loss – getting on for half a stone in total! And on completing your book – fingers crossed re a publisher.

    My French is now less than my original O level standard sadly, although I do improve when we spend a few weeks in France (a good reason for going back repeatedly). I have tried to enrol in evening classes, but they always seem to get cancelled due to lack of interest, grrr. Do you recommend the Rosetta Stone course? I think I need to do a class with other people to get over being too embarrassed to open my mouth!

    Sorry, I don’t know anything at all about hypothyroidism but I am sure there is someone on here who does!

    I am just embarking on the adventure of fast diet with a lot of hope. After my first fast day, I was so happy to see that I’ve lost a little. My husband is doing it with me, even though he has a BMI of just over 25. But that is solidarity.
    It’s good to hear about your experiences.

    Hi tangatawiwi, welcome to the club. I’m intrigued by your ‘handle’, which is as mysterious as my own sometimes seems to be. There must be a story behind it.

    Femme anglaise/Jan, many congratulations on two counts, 1)a very gratifying weight loss and 2)finishing your book. I hope you find a publisher soon. I so admire anyone with the imagination to write fiction.

    I’ve also got a book in the pipeline. As part of the MA course we each had to undertake a research project, the main purpose of which was to test our research skills. I was lucky enough to have my research lead me to a wonderful story.

    My topic was the Glasgow Tenement House, which is a flat in a tenement in Glasgow, that is now a museum. My self-appointed task was to unearth the story of how the change from private home to museum came about. I was so lucky with the people I consulted in Scotland, they were so kind and so generous with their time.

    The place was lived in by one lady for 54 years, during which time she never threw anything away, making the place a socio-historical goldmine. Ten years before she died, she was taken into care but instructed her solicitor to keep paying the rent as she was sure she would return one day. She never did. After her death the flat which had lain empty for 10 years and was in a dreadful condition was bought for a very modest sum by a young actress who restored the property almost single handed before handing it over, also for a relatively modest sum, to the National Trust for Scotland.

    That’s only the broad outline but the project report interwove several very moving human stories. There was a moment when I in London and the now mature actress on an island off the west coast of Scotland were on either end the phone crying out eyes out at something very interesting and also very moving I had just discovered.

    My lovely supervisor was so impressed with my findings that she urged me, once the MA was over, to seriously consider reworking it all as a book for the general reader, i.e. leaving out or watering down the ‘academic’ stuff that was required by the uni. And once the MA is done and dusted that’s what I’m going to do. No great expectations. Such a book would probably sell well at bookshops at National Trust for Scotland properties and a few Glaswegians might like it, but I’m not holding my breath.

    Cheeseplease, I know exactly what you mean about being too embarassed to open your mouth to speak French. I’m like that with German. I work from German all the time and have translated books from German more than any other language. But because it’s a very complex and very orderly language – to make a sentence words have to be in the right order – I’m afraid to open my mouth in case I don’t utter a perfectly-constructed sentence.

    Would I be right in thinking your husband doesn’t have this problem? Mine doesn’t. He speaks the most appalling gibberish but with a very good accent. Comparing notes with other women, I gather it’s a gender thing. We feel under pressure to get things right. They don’t give a monkeys!

    Good evening to all, especially welcome to tangatowiwi ,, you have just joined an amazing group of woman who are kind , generous and so very supportive!
    I am a newbie too, my first fast was yesterday but I honestly feel like I was carried along by all the support from the group and it wasn’t as half as scary as I thought it would be.
    Jan,, very well done! What a great result, you must be so pleased at such a great weight loss after 4FD’s. I have an underactive thyroid too so I was delighted to see the 5:2 works with this condition. . I was very impressed and fascinated by you and Himanjtomomi with your literary talents ( and I so hope for successes) as I am so in awe of creative people. I am not creative at all and envy that ability to create a tale, or picture, anything of interest or beauty out of your imagination. The story outlined by H was intriguing and I am sure it would make a very interesting book ( or film!).
    I just can’t keep up with all the posts as my job is very time consuming but I hope I can tune in more tomorrow.
    Good night to all. Xx

    Hi Hermaj
    My husband is generally better at languages than I, he “gets by” in French, Spanish and Dutch and doesn’t get embarrassed at all and is happy to give it a go (thank goodness!) – although I do understand more French than I can speak – but understanding the response if I do open my mouth is a nightmare!

    Your Glasgow tenement story is fascinating – what great research, and it sounds like it has all the components for an entertaining read as well. Good luck with that. Before we left the Midlands we set ourselves a quest to visit all the places/buildings/museums etc we never got round to when we lived there, and one of the most interesting were the back to backs in Birmingham, a 19th century court of working peoples’ houses and still furnished with possessions and objects from the times. Similarly the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter, where it is possible to tour round a silver workshop where little has changed since the late 1800’s. These and your Glasgow Tenement House are fascinating and evocative insights into the histories of working people, and I find them far more interesting than yet another National Trust mansion of dubious merit (although some jewels are to be found amongst them of course!).

    What an interesting life you lead Hermaj, rock on!

    ‘Evening ladies, and a superb one it has been too. Summer is truly here. What an interesting input from everyone over the past few days. The posts have been fascinating and what strength we can draw from finding contemporaries who are like-minded/have had similar experiences. This really is a great band of LOACA.

    Well, the good news is that I got on the scales this morning at the end of 6 weeks of The Fast Beach Diet to find I have lost a total of 1st 1lb. I’m so thrilled! I still have a long way to go and will carry on with the standard 5.2, but this has given me a terrific start and means I can get into some summer clothes now the good weather is here instead of the same old 2 pairs of black jeans and shapeless tops. I feel so much better too, and I am convinced that the findings described in the book regarding the effects of fasting on the brain lifting one’s mood is absolutely right.

    JIP – I am now through the stone barrier! I started at 14 st something and now I am 12 st something. It feels so good! Hope you manage to get together with BooBoo.

    Bayleafoz – it’s called pak choi here. I grow it in the garden and had some in a lovely chicken and cashew stir fry on yesterday’s FD, and had the Zero noodles for the first time – I can recommend them. For those who like cooking, I have found a very good app – 5:2 Diet Meal Planner by the makers of ‘Woman’ (I assume the magazine) and it has some great recipes all under 250 cals.

    Hello to all new ladies. This is the place for inspiration and motivation

    Tangatawiwi (love that name!) – doing this with your other half makes it so much easier. Good luck. As I mentioned in an earlier post, mine now has the lowest blood pressure he has had for years.

    Onwards and downwards

    Smiffy x

    Smiffy that’s stunning weight loss – respect!

    Yes! Well done Smiffy
    So pleased for you:) The magic of this WOL is the incredible high you get from taking control of your own life choices. Empowerment is a great drug ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Look forward to reading descriptions of your new summer wardrobe.
    Enjoy PVE

    Good morning/evening everyone.

    Smiffy, such good work. No wonder you’re so pleased.

    Interesting discussion above about bad breath. From what I understand about biochemistry, I doubt that it comes from fasting unless a person eats nothing for >24hours because by then ketosis would be kicking in and ketones on the breath are BAD.

    As others have said, and it seems to me to be more likely in most of our situations, to be due to not drinking enough. With enough hydration, the carbohydrate degradation products would be flushed out in the urine – yet another good reason for ensuring 2L/day of fluid.

    Happy Wednesday all.

    Smiffy, what an amazing result! Great results for your hard work ..

    Hi tangatawiwi, there is also a Southern Hemisphere thread, if you are a New Zealander. Welcome to your new way of living = WOL or WOE = way of eating. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Smiffy: you are Wonderwoman. Amazing loss. You have a right to feel so elated.

    Also congrats to Femme Anglaise on a great 2 week start.

    Lovelifedance: good to hear your first fast wasn’t so scary. It is manageable and after you have one tucked under your belt, it doesn’t seem as radical as it first appeared.

    Good evening to Hermaj, PVE and Cheeseplease. Nice to hear everyone doing so well.

    Do not have much time to post this evening, but not much to share that is new either. All going well. Have been hungrier than usual the last couple of days…hope that will translate into a better loss come weigh day (I cheat a bit and take the better of my weights on either FRI, SAT or SUN. Not as inflexibly tied to “must lose one pound in 7 days each week” as I had been. If it takes 8 days for the 1 lb to drop off, so be it and sometimes it takes 9 days. I can live with anything in that 7-9 day range because its going to take a while to lose the excess I need to get rid of.

    Hoping to hit a major milestone in the next week or 2. Crossed fingers and toes. Seems easier to do in warmer months when half a meal of salad feel more satifying.

    Go, Smiffy, go ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hermaj, Great story!

    Hi everyone

    Further to my post above about bad breath, forgot to clarify that ketosis results from severe dietary restriction of carbohydrates so the body is forced to burn fats, with ketones being released as the degradation products.

    On the surface it seems attractive but is a very hard diet to maintain for most people (Atkins diet is one version) as it excludes all starchy veg, grain products and sugars.

    Apart from maintaining compliance, the awful breath is another difficult part to deal with.

    IF for me is a routine I can live with forever (as I have said before).

    Well Hello Ladies, if you read the time of this thread you are not miss reading it! I can’t sleep and I had no time to read back yesterday and I have been reading back since 3.30 now 4.15 am (slow reader) LOL.
    I am now going to perform my greatest duty of the week, no, life, so far!!!!!!!!
    It’s is with great pleasure that I award Smiffy with one Precious BooBoo’s wonderful awards. Smiffy You are the first to report that the FBD has worked and how! 1stone 1 lb.
    So the award is the Greatest Barrier Crashing LOACA award.. Hip Hip Hooray. Well done and congratulations on sticking with it for six weeks.
    I can see those black jeans going to be recycled soon and make sure you replace them with coloured ones. One the subject of jeans ladies, you will have read I was in my sixties before I bought my first pair, I bought a pink pair last Saturday my them my 6th pair to date. LOL.
    Do you think I should wear the pink ones to meet up with BooBoo? Or should we stick to carrying a copy of Dr Mosley’s 5-2. LOL.
    It’s warm Welsh welcome to tangalawiwi. if you ever get time to read back the 2614 messages on this thread you will be amazed how 5-2 can get us all talking ( auto type changed talking to sulking) LOL about our different lives and what we have in common and we can talk to our hearts content about our dieting journeys. It will also keep you out of the kitchen for a very long time. LOL. this is not a diet it is a WOL and I feel we can stick at this for life. What’s two days? We can do this, can’t we LOACA together?
    Cheeseplease and hermajtomomi I am not a great reader of books but I love to read recommended ones so when you have your books published and we all purchase our copies you will then have a best seller on your hands. All joking aside I do read these posts and feel ashamed that I cannot even speak my own language. My hobbies are bowling, walking Nordic walking and when I retired I went to computer classes and loved it. I am now known as the (one to ask) by my bowling and other friends if they have a problem with their computers/iPads and if I don’t know the answer I will find out by hook or by crook. My hubby says I am like a dog with a born, I will not give up until I do.
    I played bowls yesterday in an inter-club one to one competition. It’s the first to 21 shots and after 29 ends we were 20 all. Sorry to say she won but it was one of the best games I have played in thirteen years of bowling. I came home on a high and I had lost the game. what does that say about me I wonder?
    It’s now 5.05am and no I am still not a bit tired and I am playing bowls again today at 1 pm in County came ( very special ) so I am going to have a drinking chocolate now and see if that might do the trick
    Also ladies the builders finished yesterday and I was cleaning until 9.30 pm. I should be exhausted but I’m not.
    OW’s and DW’s LOACA.
    Hope Boo got my message with the telephone number to contact me. I will leave it again this evening just I case she missed it.
    Bye for now ladies. JIP

    Jeez JIP, anyone would think you were in the Eastern Hemisphere, like us!
    Did you fast yesterday? I was up on the computer on Tuesday morning at some ridiculous hour after a fast on Monday. Then slept like a baby after a decent dinner and a couple of good WA reds last night. Ah, the ability of alcohol to induce sleep!
    I’m sitting watching whales frolic past in glorious sunshine. Have just walked 6 km and am really worn out.
    Hope the bowls goes ok and you don’t nod off.
    Your NEW SOUTH Wales mate, PVE ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi LOACA and all new Fasters on this thread,

    As promised an update on my first B2B, back to back fasting…I thought it would be hard, but once I had got through day 1, day 2 was remarkably easy. I admit I had a stick of celery and a few cherries, ended up on 550 cals for both days but surely that is acceptable. The great news is I’ve lost an incredible 3.5 lbs, my best yet and I feel fantastic. However I did have a headache after day 2, mind you I had been doing the spotlight at our school production and boy it was hot! Going to look at the 5:2 diet meal planner app When I get home, I use the My Fitness app to record my intake.

    Keep it up ladies, onwards and downwards Ali x

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the encouragement. As we are trying the 4:3 fast at the beginning and we are travelling and staying with people, the only choice is doing 2 fast days in a row. Nevermind we can do it. I am sipping away on my morning green tea, and thinking about Italy on Friday.
    Tangata is the Polynesian word for Tribe
    and maybe the wiwi is not so obvious till you repeat it wi wi wi wi (only the spelling is changed)
    Maybenow it should be tangatafastdiet.
    Have a good day. I am going shopping for fasting food if that is not a contradiction of terms.

    Thank you bayleafoz for your confirmations ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am happy you like my name. In fact, it is a reminder for me to finish writing a novel I started 10 YEARS AGO! However a friend reviewed (funnily enough, she is no longer a friend, I made the unpardonable mistake of not remembering a Skype appointment because I was worried about a medical problem and she has thrown me out of her life. I must admit it happened three times in 10 years, so she was probably right.) and said “it is not my type of literature” and my sister said it was “readable”, so I am not sure it is a very good piece of work ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

    It is true that our stomachs shrink, at least I also have that impression. And I am also more aware of what I eat. The quick weight loss at the beginning was so wonderufl, however, that the slowing down is a bit depressing. Nonetheless, a friend of mine told me she didn’t loose weight for 4 weeks after the initial loss, but braved on and was successful.

    About a high-protein diet. It is not very good for the body in the long run. A friend of mine who is a doctor as well as homeopath has told me it depletes calcium stores in the body in the long run. I followed it for 3 months nearly 4 years ago and lost 13 kilos. And I only put on 4 in all that time. And this was due to the fact that I was consuming many more calories than I should have as I am now aware.

    The problem with exercising is that it makes me feel hungry!

    Tangatawiwi, I love your name. But I don’t know what wiwi means.


    Hi all LOACAs,

    Woohoo, 2cm lost from bust, waist (what waist) and hips and 1 cm off the top of my thighs, I am happy, happy. My scales are not to be trusted but the tape measure doesn’t lie.


    Excellent work, Cheesy! Keep it up girl!

    Hello everyone,
    PVE, I did go back to bed after my hot choc at about 5.30am tossed a bit but I think I had 90 mins I then got up at 8am and cleaned the rest if my house. I do not know were all that dust came from it must have been the builders. LOL
    I did not fast yesterday so the sleepless night was just things on my mind.
    Just had a shower and I am sitting in my conservatory with some melon before I get ready to leave for my afternoon of bowls, I play tomorrow too. So that will be 5 times this week without a break.
    Got to go. No sign of BooBoo checking in yet must be enjoying the sunny Welsh air.Happy fasting.JIP

    Good luck then JIP. Hope you win. My dad used to win chickens for dinner at bowls ๐Ÿ™‚ PVE

    Go Cheeseplease. Atta girl! Incredible shrinking woman ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi PVE and JIP,
    I just read your posts about being awake late. isn’t it interesting how different we are ? I sleep like a log after fasting. It’s one of the days in between that I’m awake into the night. It’s just part of getting older, isn’t it?

    Hope the meet between Boo and JIP goes well.

    Hi everyone and thanks for all your kind comments.

    Thank you very much JIP for my beautiful award which will have pride of place on my virtual mantelpiece. In true award-acceptance-speech style, I would like to thank the LOACA for their support, my other half for joining me on this journey (ultimately to his advantage) and my dear old Mum who keeps trying to force feed me when I visit and is appalled to see me drinking black tea and coffee.

    You should definitely wear those pink jeans to meet up with BooBoo JIP! It’s great that we can wear things at this age that the previous generation would never have dreamed of putting on. (That said, my 88 year old Mum has a leopard print onesie!) My next goal is a pair of pale turquoise crop trousers I bought a few years ago after losing a couple of stone, and only wore about 3 times before the weight started piling on again. It’s the story if my life!

    It’s very strange not having to count calories every day now. I even had an M & S sandwich yesterday – the first bread in weeks – and I SO enjoyed it. True to what Michael says in the book though, I really didn’t want the packet of crisps I would normally have with it, and only fancied chicken and prawn salad for my evening meal, so he is right in saying you eventually automatically eat less on non-fast days. I’m not ruling out the odd indulgence and a glass or two of wine though, just eating what I fancy and hope that with my two fast days a week, the weight continues to come off.

    AliH61 – that’s a fantastic result! I’m not sure if I could manage a back-to-back fast, though with my newly-discovered Zero noodles and the thought of a glass of something at the end if it (I too am partial to W Australian reds!) maybe I will give it a go if things slow up. Like you, I often wake up with a headache, something I thought was a thing if the past now I am not drinking wine every night, but I am pretty sure it’s because I don’t drink enough water. I am trying hard to up it, but so easily forget! I also use Myfitnesspal – it’s a great app.

    LUVTOCOOK – good luck with that milestone barrier !

    Cheeseplease – brilliant! It’s great when you finally see a shape emerging from a mound of blubber (at least, that was me!)

    Femme Anglaise and Lovelife – keep up the good work, and good luck with the book. That’s a wonderful achievement. You too Hermajtomomi – it’s a fascinating story. As Lovelife says, it would make a great film.

    NickyF – thanks for the input on bad breath! Having just had a salad with Spring onions in it, I’m definitely not nice to be near at the moment! It’s reassuring, though, that it seems unlikely to affect us with our way of eating. I must, must, must drink more water!

    Off to do some gardening and hopefully burn off a few calories. Whether you’re fasting of feasting today, have a good one.

    Smiffy x

    Bonjour everyone – just been catching up on the posts and thanks for a lovely response to my last post:
    Smiffy – amazing to lose 1st 1lb in 6 weeks; you writing about your wardrobe reminds me of mine – I have some lovely clothes which I cannot fit into at the moment, and I refuse to buy any more, so this is a great incentive to keep doing the 5:2;
    Hermaj – your work on the Glasgow tenement sounds fascinating and I am sure would make an equally fascinating book;
    Cheeseplease: I have found the Rosetta Stone french to be excellent – there are sections on reading, listening, pronunciation, writing and when you are answering questions or repeating words you are not allowed to move along to the next phrase unless your pronunciation is perfect!;
    Purple Veggie Eater: what a lovely description of you sitting watching whales from your window;
    Lovelifedance (Clare) – I’m so pleased your first FD went well;
    Luvtcook – good luck with your coming milestone.
    Being a longterm dieter I am always keen to watch any TV programme on the subject, and on Monday evening there was a programme on UK TV ‘The Best Diet In The World’ where 50 countries from all around the world were visited, their diets examined, and what had changed over the decades, and not surprisingly the UK came around the 30 mark! The top country for the best diet was Iceland – lots of fish, cheese, etc. but it all looked rather dull. The number 2 and 3 spots were Italy and Greece – their famous Mediterranean Diet. I love Italian food and it’s not all pasta dishes and creamy sauces, but lots of fish, vegetables and red wine. They visited a small village north of Rome where the average length of life is 95, and they are still digging their gardens, picking olives and making their own breads, wine and pastas well into old age – they were remarkable.
    The overall observation of the programme was that we should eat fresh foods, lots of fish, vegetables, fruits, olive oil and wine, prepared and cooked at home – nothing processed from a packet and no fizzy sweet drinks.
    Isn’t it great that we can chat endlessly without boring (hopefully) each other about our weight loss, rather than perhaps boring our relatives and friends!

    Hi not sure if I can post a link in here. But I understand your dilemma. I would go on diets and gain weight. In January a friend gave me the Fast Diet and I read it. I decided to utilize parts of it and utilize Atkins principals to see if that would work. As of today, I have lost 50 pounds … about 150 days. There have been weeks of plateaus, but I persevered and continued to lose. I have coupled this diet with exercise and weight training which together with the diet have produced these results. Here is a link to weekly column I began writing about my journey … which I call Change the Trajectory … hoping to eradicate the words “loss” from my vocabulary because something “lost” can be found again.

    Fastfunfit- you are inspiring. Obviously just so focused. Yes loss is not the right word with its negative connotations.

    Hermajtomomi- Yes your nom de plume is interesting. What does it mean?Mine simply means the French people, the tribe of people who say oui oui. It’s the NZ Maoriword for the French.
    Cheeseplease- So many times people laughed when I spoke French at the beginning. But in turn, other people’s English has made me laugh. Speaking a language is a risk, but if you don’t care about making mistakes- it’s all good fun.

    Lovelifedance Thanks for the welcome.

    Just finished the second fast day, Yes a WA red would be nice, or simply a cรดte de Rhรดne. But the great thing is – that’s not forbidden. Tomorrow anyway!

    Hi and thank you to everyone for your supportive words, what a great bunch you all are!

    Big hugs. Xx

    Thanks to everyone for encouraging me to write the book that started life as an MA assignment. It’s a thumping good story, but in order not to bore you all to death I left out many of the very important twists and turns. The reason I’m telling people I’m going to do it is to make it difficult to chicken out without looking a right charlie. I won’t even think about starting before next spring, though. I’ll need a month or three to get over the MA.

    JIP, I may be able to speak a foreign language or two and produce quite elegant and stylish translations. I’m also a good cook. But that’s it. I couldn’t do either of the physical activities you excel at – bowling and Nordic walking. I’m dyspraxic – the posh word for someone who is ham-fisted, badly co-ordinated, bashes into things and trips over her own feet. It’s not a sign of age, I’ve always been like it. Sadly, when I was a kid it was seen as naughtiness and punished with a smacked bum, or worse, a dose of Syrup of Figs, which some parents regarded as the cure for everything.

    As for you being the ‘go-to’ person for computer problems, what can I say? I’m full of admiration, being the person who is asked to keep away from other people’s computers as I’ve only got to stand nearby and the perishers seize up completely.

    Fastfunfit, many congratulations on your spectacular results. You must be delighted.

    Cheeseplease, I couldn’t agree more that the homes of ordinary people are much more interesting that the stately ones. I haven’t yet had the chance to go to the Birmingham Back to Backs, although I did intend to include them in the research report as a similar National Trust property to the Tenement House. When I do go there, as I intend to before too long, I hope never to come face-to-face with the very rude property manager. Not only did she fail to answer my emails, when I finally caught up with her she accused me of ‘not doing my research’. What the expletive deleted did she think I was doing, trying to sell insurance? Such a contrast to the Scottish NT people who couldn’t have been more helpful. BTW if you are ever in Worksop, don’t miss Mr Straw’s House, home to two bachelor brothers who lived in total chaos. The NT have left it pretty well as it is. Great fun.

    Finally, tangatawiwi, thank you for explaining your nom de plume. Would Germans be tangatayaya or Spaniards tangatasisi? My own combines a beautiful little Japanese girl and a much-missed, very naughty, black and white puss-cat. While accompanying my then partner, now hubby, to Zurich, where he had been offered a job, I earned a modest living teaching English to the children of the very large Japanese community. I had two favourite pupils. Maiko was a very bright 12-year-old who was good company and great fun who spoke almost perfect English because her parents just sent her to the local primary school in South London when her dad was posted there. She loved to write stories so our lessons were spent discussing them. Tomomi was a beautiful little 6-year-old, who I used to teach using picture books.

    When we returned to London we acquired twin kittens and named them Maiko and Tomomi. Maiko was very sweet but not the brightest moggie on the block. We called her Nice-But-Dim. Tomomi was mad, bad and dangerous to know, with a very bad attitude – something yours truly has frequently been accused of ๐Ÿ™‚ – which was why we loved her and still miss her. She outlived her twin by six years. After her misspent youth, in her latter years she would sit about the place looking queenly and wise. Hence hermajtomomi. She lived to see her 21st birthday.

    Hello everyone. Precious BooBoo has been in touch. We only had a few minutes and we will be back in touch tomorrow.
    BooBoo found my message with the telephone number of the Hotel we are staying at on Friday.
    I did not get my confirmation email so I had not let them know that someone would be asking for my mobile number so poor BooBoo had to explain about our meeting. The lady from the hotel phoned me and asked if I was meeting up with someone and should she give my number. Well I have spoken to BooBoo and and she sounds very nice which I always knew she would. I am so looking forward to us meeting up please keep your fingers crossed for us. weather is not going to be very nice in Wales over the weekend but we won’t mind. Battery running out on iPad. Happy fasting back tomorrow. JIP

    Good morning from the east, girls. What a fantastic bunch of posts to wake up to this sunny Thursday morning.
    Thanks Hermaj and Tangata for explaining your names. I thought Hermaj was an avid royalist. So great to hear you are a fellow cat lover (and lover of history). Tangata, would a Kiwi be Tangatayeahbro? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Jan, if you watch Dr Fungโ€™s lectures he suggests the Mediterranean diet is so successful because, as Greek Orthodox, many of them fast regularly!
    Hey, Fastfunfit. Great to have you on board for your journey towards a new self. You CAN do it!
    Femme Anglais, I play around with learning French. Always much better in France, but it IS a 23 hour flight away. Nouvelle Caledonie is only 2 ยฝ hours. When we were there, my husband who learnt both French and German at school, was trying to speak German to the locals! It is incredibly difficult to become fluent when you live SO far from native speakers. I use Duolingo on my phone as a fun way to practice.
    Great news, JIP. Iโ€™d love to be a fly on the wall when you two DO get together. I hope the OHs have plenty to do while you two chat!
    Smiffy, I have continued to drink a glass of wine every night except fast days. After a night of 2 reds I slept very well. No point in being miserable. Iโ€™d cut out the cake or desert any day for wine ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Iโ€™m also a sucker for cheese, so, Cheeseplease, I start salivating every time I see your handle.
    Lucky you, sleeping on fast nights, Bayleaf. And by the way, whoโ€™s old? That is just a state of mind! My Fitbit indicates I wake at least 15 times every night. If I am not too conscious of it, I say I slept like a baby. ๏Š
    So, other than Nicky, Lovelifedance, LUVTCOOK and the absent Precious, I think Iโ€™ve covered most presently active posters.
    Better get up, greet the rising sun, smile at the whales and face another fast day. Easy!
    Sleep well my western mates, have a good day my eastern crowd.
    Cheers, PVE

    Sorry to disappoint you PVE, but a royalist I ain’t. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve no great objection to Hermaj at Buck House, but I lean towards republicanism – not republicanism as in the USA, with George Dubya and his right-wing playmates – but the idea of GB being ruled by a democratically-elected president rather than by the royals with their so-called divine right. Now, if one of them was elected and won, provided s/he knew what they were at…

    Meanwhile, Hermaj isn’t a bad role model showing how women in their late 80s can still hack it, but I wish someone would tell her the truth about the hairdo. A decent cut would take years of the good lady.

    Ha ha:) So, Hermaj, imagine what it’s like having the old girl with the out of date “do”, being your Queen, but never representing you. At Olympics etc she is there supporting the UK. I’ve never heard her yell “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi”. Hey, why is she still on our money???
    We had a skewed referendum about 15 years ago…the PM didn’t want a republic, so worded it to fail.
    SUCH a strange idea, divine right, in these modern times, but at least we have stable(ish) government. Just a pity even the elected representatives think they have a “divine right”. Enough politics.
    Happy fasting
    PVE ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Smiffy

    Many thanks, I haven’t tried zero noodles I’ll have to look for them, and I do have some rice noodles. I also managed yesterday to get into a pair of Betty Barclay designer jeans I haven’t worn for over 4 years, felt really great. I think I didn’t drink enough yesterday and I got rather hot at school as I was in charge of one of the spit lights for the production. Was there again tonight but they managed to get a bit of a through draught for ventilation and I took along bottled water and a fan!! I’ll probably go a B2B fast again next week as then I have the rest of the week to eat what I like but sensibly. Will need to feel it up as in a couple of weeks we have a fish and chip lunch at school and then a BBQ In the evening!

    Femme Anglais

    I to watched that programme, however I did find the clip about the Inuits rather queasy. The top diet was full of fresh fruit and vegetables with little meat, mainly because they couldn’t afford it. I did try some of the local food when in Iceland earlier this year, and I can recommend the Kjotsupa, a lamb soup. I made it when we came back home and it was delicious. The Icelandic diet had little fruit or vegetables! I agree the best diets had little processed food and plenty of anti oxidant foods.

    Ali x

    Congratulations, Ali. Isn’t it fantastic to fit into lovely clothes. What a bonus, they were in your wardrobe. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Ali
    Be a bit careful with rice noodles. They have about 100 cals per serve whereas miracle/Shiritaki/zero noodles have about 7. Make sure you rinse them well and stir them in with whatever low cal veg/fish/pasata. But make sure you use lots of flavour. They are brilliant for bulking up on fast nights without the cals.

    Hi everyone,

    You girls are a chatty lot–did someone say we’d get to 2600? And evidently busy too. Congratulations Smiffy (15 lbs in 6 weeks,- way to go!)and Cheeseplease, losing inches is a really great feeling! AliH, ditto on clothes that you can now get into! Fastfunfit- you caused my jaw to drop. I’d like to say you all lit a fire under my bottom, but alas, no. My sis is visiting from 450 miles away and it’s been a fun but tough few days, as far as fasting goes. Oh the things we put up with for family. I “had” to take a few days off work, have to attend a cookout Friday, then a baby shower on Saturday. Next week it’s my sister-in-law’s turn! It’s been great, LOL. So I might need a teensy bit of time to catch up.

    Hope everyone is doing fine, that Boo and Jip have a good meet, and all the new people are having a blast also and get past the jitters.

    PVE- I’m still reading through the maintainers thread. I like it very much and never too soon to prepare.


    Oooo. Exciting! Are you within cooee of goal, Piper?

    Hi PVE

    I wasn’t 100% sure that you were an Aussie, although the ungodly hour (for us in the UK) your post appeared was kind of a clue. I’m well aware that for you guys Her Indoors at Buck House in more a pain in the arse than a beloved monarch. A bit like being stuck with an elderly relative with whom you have nothing in common but is harmless enough, who threatens to live to be 101, just like her old mum. I’ll probably get arrested on suspicion of high treason, but in the words of a song sung by an amusing and very rude Austrialian whose name escapes me – DILIGAF.

    I wrote about a month ago. I am a lady of a “certain age” too!! I wrote about my fantastic inch loss after being very fit and “in control” of my body, but since going through menopause found I was putting on weight particularly around my middle!

    I started this diet at the end of January and since then have lost a total of 15 inches off my body. I have just returned from an eight day holiday in Spain, where I did not do any low days but actually found my ability to eat even a two course restaurant meal GONE !

    My husband was so impressed he is now thinking of joining me. He is not over weight but has thickened around his stomach and is anxious to lose a couple of inches of his waist line.

    At 57, I have been feeling very uncomfortable in a bikini the last three or four years but this last week my husband has commented that I have the figure, I had when I was 30! I do exercise too, more toning than running as knees are not what they used to be.

    What was a suprise after a week home and two low days I thought I would weigh myself, I have stayed the same weight for about 10 weeks, which has not bothered me as I know I have lost inches but suddenly the scales show I have lost 4 pounds!

    That makes 10 since January. Not a huge amount of weight but I am very petite any way but feel Just right now at 5ft 2inches and 8stone 6 pounds.

    My advice to everyone is be patient, maybe not rely on scales so much as thetape measure, particularly if you are hormonally all over the place like me.

    Hello everyone. Just been reading all the latest posts. Am trying not to think of food as this is my 6th fast day. No breakfast then a large mushroom topped with a dry fried egg at 1pm. Haddock and veg planned for 7pm. Weigh day tomorrow! Here’s hoping Precious voodoo and JIP manage their intended meet. Can’t wait to read about it !!

    Good evening to you all,, I can’t keep up with the posts on a daily basis but will pop in whenever I can ( work is crazy at the mo !)

    I hope every body is doing well, I did my second day yesterday and hardly slept all night as my energy levels have gone through the roof!

    The advice on here is so useful,, slowly but surely seems to be the message.

    There is a well loved song called ‘ a quitter never wins’ by Williams and Watson. That’s us, winners not quitters!

    Good night to all xx

    Good evening or good morning as the case may be. I am off for a nice Weekend away and I have spoken to Precious BooBoo again tonight and hope to meet up on Saturday. I am phoning her when I get to our Hostel tomorrow late afternoon.
    PVE BooBoo said you are in charge so take over the reigns while we are away Boo said our thread would be left in good hands.
    I have been out all day. I went to my first Aqua Zumba class this morning 11 til 12 noon it was great for one hour none stop movement if you cannot keep up with the steps it does not matter as long as you keep moving. I think I did OK I found it a bit of a rush because I was playing bowls this afternoon with the coach leaving the bowls club at 1.45 and I did not get home until 12.45 but we won our bowls match so it was a good day all round I bet I should sleep tonight.
    We leave home in the morning at 8.30 going by the ordinary bus service it’s 4 buses but we love it we see the sights and we will still be married when we get there. LOL I don’t like his driving and he does not like my driving other than that we get on very well LOL.
    Weather looks like it’s changing but I am sure these weather people do not always get it right so here’s hoping they get it wrong for the weekend.
    I have decided to wear my pink trainers to meeting BooBoo I thought the pink jeans might have been a bit much for our first meeting. BooBoo sounds lovely I love her accent and am looking forward to it. We will both let you know I am sure how we get on.
    So I am going to pack a few things for tomorrow.
    Welcome to all the newbies, sorry I do not have time to read back this last 24 hours but I should be able to log on in on the bus because they have free wifi.
    Good night all
    OW’s and DW’s. JIP

    Well, I am very glad that fast day is over. I don’t know why but today’s fast has been particularly hard, which I am finding a bit odd as I have now done ten of them. I was just hungry all day, could have gnawed my arm off! I kept busy, drank loads of water, kept reminding myself I can eat tomorrow but none of it seemed to work – although I still kept below 500 calories so that’s good. I feel like I have hit a brick wall – does this sound familiar to anyone? Maybe the novelty is wearing off? I hope not, as I am really chuffed with the disappearing me.

    Thanks JIP
    As an Aussie, we are very egalitarian. No one in charge here!, but I’ll try to keep up with all the posts:)
    Have fun swapping yarns with Precious.
    Cheers PVE

    Hi Cheesy
    I find it happens often. Sometimes I just cancel and start again the next day , others I find I need to change something (either the fast day food, when I eat it, or what I’m doing as eating avoidance)
    I think it’s important not to get into a rut. Mimi suggests in the Beach Book that changing habits in any day to day task is integral to rethinking. Walk a different way home, sit in a different chair..helps to eat differently too.
    Other times I just struggle on knowing I can eat whatever tomorrow. Amazingly I don’t.
    I also don’t have temptation present. I actually threw some crisps out in the bin yesterday as I knew I would weaken….then I kept seeing them in the bin ๐Ÿ™‚
    Keep it up. Some good days, some tough, but great rewards.
    Cheers PVE

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