HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,501 through 2,550 (of 7,330 total)

  • Welcome Clare, Clara, Lovelifedance and any others I’ve missed
    You are in the right place! Read the books, follow the recipes and STICK TO IT. The rewards are unbelievable.
    I’ve just returned from the tailor (again) and, being an Italian, he raved on and on about how “beautiful” I’m looking. Now you don’t get that every day at 62!!! The rewards are not only the health benefits, there is so much to be said for the improved self esteem as you flaunt your new, slimmer body.
    Go for it! We will support you.
    Cheers PVE

    Hi Smiffy

    Thanks for your kind words. I wrote a medium size post to you and then timed out on the FD website. So, because of that and losing my text for the third time (slow learner!), I taught myself how to cut and paste from iPad notes to emails and FD threads. πŸ™‚ a technology skill I am thrilled to have. So doubly thank you.

    Will post the original later today.

    Hi PVE, we are on 7 C and icy wind and rain. Doing indoors things and keeping warm πŸ™‚ glad to hear you’re enjoying the sunshine.

    Good morning PVE!
    Thanks for the great welcome,, I sometimes feel like my weight loss battle ( and it does feel like a fight is going on, usually all in my head!) is never going to end which is pretty depressing. At least I now really know I am not going through it on my own. πŸ˜€
    I am clareshard59 on mfp if anybody wants to add me ( open diaries only).
    My first proper fast day is Monday but I am planning my menus today.
    I am going on holiday in 3 months and have got at least a stone to lose ( it’s taken me 6 months to lose the first stone I wanted to lose) so I feel under a lot of pressure to get my head in the right place and I hope instead of constantly having low calorie days, I can enjoy some days at my maintainence level.

    It’s scary and exciting!

    Hi Clara, thanks for the warm welcome! I think we are going through similar experiences. I am menopausal but I am not sure where I am with it to be honest. All I know is that I lost 2 stones a couple of years ago in 3 months and it was so easy compared to now. My motivation is precarious to say the least which doesn’t help but reading other peoples experience on here has made me realise that a slow weight loss is more to be expected at my age. Boo hoo, is there nothing good about getting older? Lol!
    I haven’t actually started my fast days as yet, I have been ‘ playing’ around with low calorie days, getting down to 800 quite a few times so 500 will be a big challenge!
    I am starting Monday ( all my diets start on Mondays!) and I have bought a book that is fast day recipes for 1 person as hubby won’t be doing it.
    I have been on mfp for a while and do believe that calorie counting works best for me but I have really struggled the last few months and need to get my act together!
    Any tips or advice will be very gratefully received!
    How have you found it so far?

    Best wishes to you too, Clare

    Hi Smiffy, thanks for your kind words.

    Even though I am in maintenance mode, I am sticking with 5:2 for life. It keeps me from becoming complacent. Having reached my desired weight does make it easier to be flexible with my fast days. My practice is to always have a fast day after an indulgent day, nipping in the bud any tendency for my body to regard indulgence as the norm. πŸ™‚

    It is harder to fast on cold days and on days when sitting around. Generally, I try to be active and out of the house, and away from temptation. Also, I now mostly only have foods in the house that are low (or no) sugar and no wheat. Food in the house is only processed, if I have cooked it.

    That doesn’t stop us having a lovely occasional meal in a restaurant that doesn’t drench food in lots of fatty sauces. We now mostly choose Asian food to dine out. Japanese, Thai, Burmese, Indian. And we have a beer or a glass of red wine.

    Hope that helps to see that the 5:2 habit is for life. I eat about half the amount of food that I did prior to 5:2. The paradox is that I enjoy each mouthful more. Mostly, lean protein and vegetables, with the occasional treat. We have smoked salmon with low cal noodles and greens, for example. Through the day I space out my meals, and tell myself that grazing is not permitted. Very hard when it’s cold and grey. And I try to remember to drink my 8 glasses of water each day.

    I am very grateful to have found this WOL before some ill health caught up with me. I wish you all the best with IF.

    Hi Lovelifedance,
    Most of my previous post was for you. Sorry I didn’t insert your name after the first paragraph. Have a good fast day on Monday. Just say to yourself, it’s only one day. The early fast days are the hardest. After that, your body seems to know it can survive.

    In the early days, some of us have found that eating sweet foods on nonfast days makes the fast days harder. I gave up all sweet things for at least two weeks, just to embed the fast days as pleasant, rather than face sugar withdrawal twice a week.

    All the best. πŸ™‚

    Hi bayleafoz,, I read your post, what a lot of useful info there was, thanks!
    I am new to the site and have realised I have responded to a couple of people on the main thread, not to their actual post to me, doh!
    Your comment about nipping an indulgent day in the bud really resonated with me, in the past indulgent days have become indulgent weeks ( or months, eek!)
    I am really hoping this eating plan is what I have been searching for, something that suits my metabolism and stops me having to keep to eating low cals every single day as it does get monotonous then I end up having a blow out!
    I was pleasantly surprised to see that my TDee cals were much higher than I have been trying to aim for ( and not sticking to!) so hopefully when I have got to maintainence weight ( I want to lose around 21 lbs) I can enjoy the off blow out but keep right back on track.
    I have lost and gained for, well forever it feels like but hopefully this is way of eating will get my portion control and snacking under control.
    It’s the feeling of being out of control around food that is really distressing for me.
    I know it’s got to be a plan for life, it might take a while to get it right tho!
    Would you mind sharing with me what a typical fasting day is like for you? Do you drink lots of hot drinks to keep warm? I have hypothyroidism ( under active thyroid) so it’s got to be 80+ outside for me to feel hot!
    Thanks so my for taking the time to respond to my post! πŸ™‚ Clare

    Hi PVE, my response to your lovely welcome may have been posted on the main thread ( I am still navigating the site, and if you saw my map reading skills you would know why I am struggling!:-)

    Hi LLD, hope it’s ok to shorten your name. Am happy to post typical fast day later. Going next door for dinner soon. You may have been trying to lower your calories too much on too many days. πŸ™‚

    Good morning everyone, I don’t know what is good about it, it’s raining cats and dogs in South Wales.
    Lovelifedance and Clara H. It’s nice to have you with us on our journey of 5-2 for life as been said on here today sounds right.
    PVE it’s lovely to have the compliments at any age but for LOACA it’s even more so.
    enjoy them all.
    Clare and Clara if you have read back on the 2501 posts on Booboo’s messages you will have read about my friend Mr Will Power, do not forget to say good morning to him every day when you look in the mirror, he is a good bloke to have in your corner I am only lending him to you both we all need him from time to time if not just on fast days, I am at the weight I was at 20 years old (wish the face went with the body) LOL
    I have never been a small person but I am now comfortable in it. It’s 5-2 that got the every stubborn 10 pounds off. I started 5-2 on the 4th of April this year and BooBoo keeps us all going by keeping us like a family, she is on a well deserved holiday but I have checked on the BBC weather app and Colwyn Bay is very wet hope she packed her wellies, camping at our age she must be mad!! I love my home comforts too much or as my other half says ( I have been spoilt) I should be so lucky. Lol
    I am going to brave the rain I am going out with my lovely sister for the day (for the newbies) she is 9 years older than me and she has lost 2 stone 10 lb as she corrected me last week when I said it was 2 and half she is always telling me off but I love her to bits.
    So happy fasting or non-fasting.
    OW’s and DW’s

    Have you read Michael’s books? It is important to understand the health implications of this WOL. It is not just for losing weight (that just happens). Your whole body gets a chance to heal itself. Therefore, it is quite different having fast days to eating less calories all the time. Even if the total deficit of calories are the same. This WOE is trying to replicate what humans evolved to do…cope with famine and feast. As we all eat too much all the time now, these fast days give our bodies the down time to repair. We are built to do it. It becomes second nature and, amazingly, hunger is just a transient feeling.
    Read the books, get the ideas on what to eat and go for it.
    PVE πŸ™‚

    Hi PVE,, I haven’t read the books fully, thanks will do that this weekend. What an amazing supportive site this is! Thank you. X

    Good morning to everybody,, I have been overwhelmed by the wonderful support that is on this site! Duty calls ( I am having mummy time with my daughter, she’s 26 but hates her job and life at the moment. πŸ™ so I need to go and cheer her up if I can) will respond to my posts later today but I wanted to say how grateful I am and appreciative of the time people have taken to respond to me. Have a good day folks! Xx

    ‘Morning all and big hello to Clare, Clara and Lovelifedance. You have found the right place for inspiration and motivation for us LOACA, and the occasional moan!

    PVE – what a lovely compliment from your tailor and a great ego boost! As you say, we don’t get many like that at our age. We went to a party in our neighbourhood last night (wearing the size 16 white trousers I haven’t been able to get into for ages) and quite a few people I haven’t seen for a while remarked on my weight loss, so I was well chuffed!

    Bayleafoz – well done on mastering cut and paste. It also makes it easier to refer back to the forum as you are writing, especially with so many lovely people to correspond with. You certainly seem to have the maintenance regime sorted. Sorry you are experiencing cold weather – no doubt lots of hot soups (predictive text brought that up as ‘souls’! Lol) are also on the menu, my staple for the miserable winters we have here. The one thing I do have a problem with is drinking enough water – I just forget!

    Lovelifedance – good luck with the Monday fast. It does get easier. That said, I should be fasting today, as I couldn’t do it on my usual day which was Thursday, but put out my usual breakfast and milk in my tea without thinking, so it will just be a ‘careful’ day with a fast on Monday as usual. Had to laugh at ‘diets always start on a Monday’ – they do for all of us, don’t they? I see you use mfp – I couldn’t do this without it, it makes it so much easier to keep an accurate check on the calorie intake. I find it quite fun too, with the scanner. It’s a bit like having a strict leader looking over your shoulder, so I daren’t cheat. And Bayleafoz’s comment about having a ‘lean’ day following a ‘fat day’ really is a good idea and can re-focus the mind.

    Hi JIPWGP – it is certainly a grim day weather wise – almost grim enough to send me searching for the nearest bag of Kettle Chips, but hopefully your Mr Will Power will cast his influence this way too! Poor BooBoo! Hope she’s not having too squelchy a time! Have a good day out with your sister.

    Happy Saturday ladies!

    Smiffy x

    piper – that is amazing news. Well done! Even more impressive considering the health problems you’ve had to confront. You are very nearly slim and your target weight must now be in sight. Give yourself a big reward

    I confess, if and when I get to 134.4 lbs i.e 9 1/2 stone, I shall consider the job done. I know, I know, that would still leave me a tad overweight (BMR 25.5) but I’m not bovvered. I would even be happy with 140 lbs as I know I look good at that weight.

    Cheeseplease, and any other non-meat-eaters who still enjoy fish, some very useful, fast day recipes from Beeb Good Food. The third one is totally veggie:

    All tried and tested chez hermaj and all of them delicious as well as virtuous.

    BTW big welcome to all the newbies. You’ve come to the right place.

    As I’ve said before, if 5:2 works for me it will work for anyone. Don’t worry if the weight loss is slow or even stalls, as PVE so eloquently explains, even if the scales stay static, all sorts of other good thing, e.g. reduction in blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels, are still going on. Good luck!

    Thanks for sending these links – they all sound yummy. I like recipes that I can bulk up for my husband but which are low cal for me – great! And I agree with you, it’s how we feel in our skin that matters.


    hermaj : The virtuous recipes look lovely….will have to try. Thanks for the links. I love fish and the mediterranean parcel one with the rosemary is tempting.

    Happy Saturday to JIP, Smiffy and PVE. And welcome to lovelife and bayleaf.

    Hi Clare,

    A typical fast day for me is as follows. Everyone is different. Some people have no food all day and eat all 500 calories for dinner. I do not count calories on non fast days. Some people have to. I prefer to eat sensibly, maybe 1800 calories. No sweet food, no processed food. No cereals.

    8pm evening before. No eating from now on until 7.30 am on the day after fast day. It is really a 36 hour fast, twice a week. Mondays and Thursdays suit me.

    Fast Day
    7.30 am. Breakfast. Egg, poached or boiled w pepper n salt. Greens, such as rocket, lettuce, or spinach. Water. Coffee (splash milk)

    Water. Make sure you have a measuring device; you need 2 litres a day, 8 glasses.
    Ginger tea or green tea or peppermint are good substitutes, or any black tea.
    Drink water whenever your stomach rumbles. Walk whenever and wherever you can. Keep moving all day. Go out, rather than sit and look at the fridge or pantry.

    6 pm (or 7 pm if I can last till then) the longer the better.
    Dinner. Lean protein, eg, small portion of salmon, chicken, or beef. Much smaller than I used to eat before 5:2. Green vegetables or salads w homemade dressing of lemon, pepper, herbs, small amount of olive oil. I eat lots of broccoli, green beans, capsicum, zucchini (courgette). Can also dress greens w pepper, olive oil, lemon, herbs, chili flakes. Lots of flavour and variation.

    Warm drink of ginger tea or something you like with no calories in it. Go to bed and sleep well. I am tired and usually sleep very well after my fast day.

    If your stomach keeps you awake, I would have a warm water.

    7.30 am Breakfast of egg or half an avocado or lean protein w Gluten Free toast, no butter. Greens as above. Fresh cherry tomatoes. Shaving of Parmesan cheese.

    An alternative fast day:
    Breakfast: egg, greens, coffee.
    Water all day.
    Dinner: Vegetable soup with shavings of Parmesan cheese.

    Vegetable soup consists of diced carrots, celery, parsley, Spring onions or shallots, capsicum, water and one spoon of GF stock powder, chili, fresh ginger, herbs. Cook 20 minutes or until the texture you like.

    I make soup and have it ready for my fast day. Either cook first thing in morning or, if no time in the morning, then prepare the night before. If you get too hungry in middle of day, you can always have a small bowl of soup. No cheese. I dice or julienne the vegetables to retain the crunch, as I need texture to feel satisfied.

    I hope this helps. We are all different and you will find what suits you. You can see that my fast day is very simple. I may not even get to 500 calories on a soup day. I think the 36 hour restriction is what jolts my body into taking notice.

    Then I relax and eat sensibly the next day. The point of 5:2 is in the book, that daily calorie restriction isn’t sustainable for most people. So just follow the book for your first 3 months, and then slowly work out what suits you for the long haul.

    Best endeavours. πŸ™‚ we will all support you. Sorry for the long post.

    Hi LLD, totally endorse PVE. You have to read the book to have the framework for the Fast Diet. There are also daily menus for fast days in the book. That is where I started.

    The trouble with writing posts offline is that you don’t see all the new posts until after you’ve posted. If you get my drift. Off to bed. Live to fight another day !

    Hi lovelifedance (love your name!) – I’ve only been on the FD a short while and have done 3 fast days – my 4th will be on Monday. After my first two fasts I lost 4 lbs, but I guess most of that could be water!
    I’ve found the FDs quite difficult, but knowing that the next day I can eat up to my TDEE is a real incentive to hang on in there.
    I moved to France to be near my daughter, her french husband (a chef) and my grandchildren in 2011 and have since put on 2 stones – partly due to the patisseries and baguettes, but also my GP diagnosed hypothyroidism a year ago. I am taking tablets for this and am just about at the right level now, so now I’ve no excuse!
    I look forward to hearing how you go on the FD, and good luck


    Hi everyone. Good to see that there are more joining in all the time. I’m finding that after a fast day I don’t want as much to eat. Just had an encouraging experience. A friend asked me join her for a coffee out and we ordered a coffee+ walnut cake to go with it. I could only manage about half and felt so full!! Normally it would have all disappeared. The big plus is that I dont feel guilty and know I haven’t ruined my diet. I can live like this !!!!!!!

    Hello ladies, I am back from my day out with big Sis. ( only in age now) LOL
    Smiffy I drink my water by the pint and first thing in the morning I drink it as hot as I can, in the day when it’s hot I have it with ice, but still the pint. You will be surprised how easy it is.
    Hermajtomomi hope you are keeping well, what is this MFP? I am always afraid I am missing out on something. LOL
    Wilbersnanna I went one better out with my sister today, called back in Costa cafe waiting for the bus home we had two skinny cappuccino’s and one piece of carrot cake I asked for 2 plates and two spoons. well the cake had our name on it. LOL
    Still better than a piece each. After buying two pairs of shoes I had to cut a few corners. Hehehe.
    Hi new ladies, reading back through the threads will keep you from thinking of food and also it’s great you have done a profile for us. There so many on here now I am forgetting who’s who and where we are all from.
    Or is it me being nosey again? All joking aside it is great to meet you all, this is the in place to be. I know that with your help I will not be putting on any of my 58 lb lose.
    I still go to WW every Tuesday morning and on Tuesday I will have been within my 5 lb of goal for 3 years. It means they give me another gold (plated) star for my key ring I intend to be going to collect them on a Zimmer LOL Hubby has the footy on so I don’t think he missed me or even noticed I am back. Only that he has been fed and watered now by me of course. LOL
    OW’s and DW’s JIP joint Deputy Captain ( I think is my title?)

    Hello everyone me again.
    I have just been going through the profiles of all you lovely ladies (well I did tell you I was nosey). But did you know that you can get on to (created replies) from that page so you can see what (that LOACA) had to say from the first message all in one place.
    What a good thing to have and of course it keeps us up to date with everyone.
    I am now going to do a ‘Precious BooBoo’ now and ask where are you LOACA! VonnieB, Karen250463, Violet May, and Paintpaper, hope you are all reading if not coming on to keep us informed but we must not lose you while BooBoo is away or we will get into trouble, you know what she is like. If fact she reminds me of my sister. LOL. This time I am really going to get off this iPad before it blows up or runs out of battery.
    Good night or good morning happy fasting JIP

    Hi BooBoo, JIPWPG and everyone,
    I decided I had to turn my email notifications off for a while so have been away for a while. I just couldnrt keep up with both – I’m an admin on a large (6000 member) dog fb group that takes up several hours every day and was sitting here at the PC most of the day rather than living and moving – and had started overeating again. But had a dream about LOACA and thought I’d just pop in to see you all!
    BooBoo, I hope you are feeling better and congrats on your richly deserved award. πŸ™‚
    Yes, my coffee machine drama was solved – by my extravagantly treating myself first to a simple stove top moka pot that makes delish coffee and then (I’m not sure why!) to an espresso machine + milk steamer. It’s a simple thing but makes good coffee. πŸ™‚ But one thing’s for sure, I have adequate coffee making facilities now!

    I desperately need to get back onto the 5:2 bandwagon. My reason / excuse is that I’m afraid of setting off my newly discovered gall stones by fasting. (Didn’t even know I had them till I had a CT scan – talk about mind over matter! Demonstrates how placebos work though – but in reverse!)
    I know I just have to close my eyes and lose weight. The weight is making me feel ill again. Have put back on 12 of the 18 kilos I lost last year. πŸ™
    Loneliness is a invasive thing. It gets everywhere. I probably told you about how, when I was in hospital, amid the strong fear I felt, there was this amazing warm coating of being cared for and kindness. Nurses and doctors doing their job I suppose you could say – but just being asked if you want a cup of tea. It was an amazing feeling I’ve missed so much. I have friends enough, I get out enough but that’s not what loneliness is really.

    I hear Glastonbury calling on the nice tv. How spoilt am I lately all this new stuff!
    A year old thread is amazing. And you keep up fabulously Boo Boo.

    Best wishes everyone and keep drinking the water JIPWPG! 2 litres a day plus tea and coffee etc. extra!
    Speedy πŸ™‚

    JIPWGP, doh typing is baaaaaad these days in the dark! πŸ™‚

    Big apology to piper. I mistook you for someone else, which was why I mentioned health problems. The congratulations on reaching your best weight in a decade still hold good, though.

    Well, I’m definitely a woman of a certain age, so here I am.

    Starting tomorrow, and I have to ask you: Are you folks counting calories EVERY SINGLE DAY? I have The Fast Diet book, which recommends counting only 2 days a week, but if you post stalk me from the other three posts I’ve just written, I am fearing the new recommendations is to count EVERY DAY what with the TDEE business I just read about on the home page (which is not in The Fast Diet, by the way).

    So please, anyone just counting 2 days a week? I just can’t do this counting calories every single day of my life. I thought I’d ask now, because I don’t want to waste my time. Thanks.

    Hi PVE I have got Michael’s book and I have just started to read it. I am determined to do it this time and I know it have to understand the theory to get it right. Thanks for the advice!

    Hi femme englaise,, thanks for the message. An under active thyroid sucks doesn’t it! The last thing you want with a weight problem is a slow metabolism πŸ™
    Where about do you live in France? I have been to the south a couple of times and loved it ( eye wateringly expensive tho!) the patisseries are out of this world tho, very hard to resist!
    My user name is one I use on other sites that are linked to the music I love called Northern Soul,, I go dancing to Soul clubs on a regular basis,, it’s about the only excercize I get!
    It’s nice you are newish too, my first day is Monday ( I have to admit I am nervous) but having the support of others is going to be so helpful. I may cry the first few days! Lol!
    I will post what I am eating when I have decided. I am doing my menu for the week tomorrow. Eeek!
    We can support each other ( I have visions of me wanting to eat my own arm by the end of the day!) very best wishes Clare

    Hi daisy flowers. Read and follow the book. It’s where we all began. Most of us don’t count calories on five days. However, we also don’t gorge on processed and sweet foods on the five days. Go for it! It’s only scary for the first few fasts. πŸ™‚

    Hi bayleafoz. Thank you so much for taking the time to type such a detailed breakdown of a fasting day, and the advice of how to survive it! I am going to post my first attempt so let me know what you think. πŸ™‚

    Daisy flowers, I do count cals every day ( when I am being good) but my ultimate aim is to learn how to portion control by sight and if this eating plan suits me ( I haven’t started yet , Monday is my first day) then I would love to get to a place where I fast and portion control the other days without having to log my cals every day, which I find really tedious and time consuming. My weight problems at the mo are all linked to losing the plot and over indulging on rubbish so cal counting keeps me on the right track for
    Good luck if you decide to give it a go,, πŸ™‚

    Hello Speedy,, I hope you have enjoyed watching Glastonbury,, I like the idea of going but toilets and mud keep putting me off! You sound very busy with your other site, it’s nice to meet you! πŸ™‚

    Hermij,,,, Thank you for the recipes,,, I like the look of the spicy frittata, will definitely give that a whirl!

    daisyflowers: no I do NOT count 5 days a week. Yikes, what a pain that would be.

    You do need to count on the fast days because there is so little margin for error….but if you repeat menus from those days, you already know the calorie count if you just stick to it (or at least count the subtitutions made on those days).

    I did count the “normal” days until I got a feel for what 1700 – 1800 calorie day would look like. But after you do a couple weeks and do repeats, you won’t need to count any more. You will know that the 5 breakfasts you typically have have 250-300 calories, and the 7-8 lunches you like best are 350 – 400, what a snack typically runs. You will probably have a broader list of dinners, but you get the drift. When ever you find something new you like for dinner, if its under 450 -500 cal you know you are good. If more, you may have to cut back a smidge the next day or not have wine or dessert that night.

    Its all about flexibility….as long as you make it even out for you over the coarse of a week, you should be just fine.

    Hi the ever growing (in number but shrinking is size) LOACA gang.
    It’s been a miserable cold damp day here, the maximum temp just over 10 degrees. I went for a 6km walk with my friend this morning (7 degrees but with wind chill it was 4), it was nice to get home but I’m glad I made the effort and only got a bit wet. I now have the FitBit app on my tablet which also logs water intake – great, I really need that to prod me to drink more water. I’m fine in summer, drink it by the litre but in the cold of winter or frigid air conditioned office I just forget. Can I count my coffees and teas in my water intake? It starts off as mostly water. I’ve been doing 5:2 for nearly eight weeks now, lost about 3kg and will have a weigh in before the start of the 9th week on Thursday. I’ll be working full time all week, a nasty shock to the system as one and a half days is my usual working β€œweek”.
    Hi Daisy Flowers – I’m another non counter of calories. I do check on the calories in various items and use the fast day recipes in The Book. I started a spreadsheet to log calories of my often eaten foods but ran out of puff.

    Good morning or evening LOACA. I have to catchup already on here today.
    Hi Speedy nice to see you here again. Sorry to hear you have gallstones I had my gallbladder removed in the early 80’s before keyhole and I have a large 13 stitch scar to show for it. I was about 12 stone then and I had 8 weeks off work. The pain was awful, it was nuts and pastries that set off the pains so you have my sympathy.
    I also unticked my email for 5-2 because my inbox could not cope I now just note the day and time I last read or see my last post and read from there’s it’s much easier.
    I wish we could help with you loneliness! I am so lucky with my sister and WW friends bowling etc. etc. but I do not have to work.
    I know this is not the case in many countries but in Wales we are suppose to be a friendly nation, when I am out walking I say good morning to everyone I pass if they do not reply it’s OK I did my bit and it makes me feel better for doing it. Some people do not speak to anyone all day and that is sad. Do not forget to smile. I think I am known around in the village as that woman who is always running for the bus or out working. Smile, smile, smile, if you cry you cry along. Speedy come here and talk to us, I know I cannot give you a welsh cwtch (cuddle) but they are here in virtual ness .
    Not sure if there is such a word but you know what I mean.
    Daisy flower I do not count calories on non fast days but I don’t go mad but have a little of what you fancy dose you good and it’s good that you can get back on fasting the next time, I have played around with it. Doing b2b and 3-4 but that was to get the stubborn few pounds but it’s about 10 lbs in 10 weeks but not 1 a week if you know what I mean. I drink my water by the pint and boiling hot, I drink my tea black or I should say very very light brown(weak).
    Got to go ladies, I have a colour on my hair well I do my own high lights have done for years. It needs to be washed off. Got to look good to meet BooBoo, hope she’s try this morning. happy FD or NFD. JIP

    Hi JIP, you ask me ‘what is this MFP?’ I haven’t a clue but it looks suspiciously like a hermaj typo, of which there are embarassingly many. Before the days of word processors and spell checkers I must have been one of Tippex’s best customers. If you tell me where you found this latest bit of weirdery I might be able to explain.

    On the subject of things Welsh, one of the best things ever to come out of Wales must be Under Milk Wood. ‘Too begin at the beginning…’, especially the Richard Burton version sends shivers down my spine and brings tears to my eyes every time. However, my favorite quote is: ‘No Good Boyo gave me three pennies yesterday, but I wouldn’t.’

    Dylan Thomas also helped me out four years ago when my ex-sister-in-law with great generosity of spirit asked me to say a few words at my ex’s funeral. I declined to say a few words but I did read ‘And Death Shall Have No Dominion'(my ex was half-Welsh). I gather that this poem along with ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ are very popular choices for funerals.

    Hi Clare (Lovelifedance) – thanks for your chatty reply and yes we can definitely support each other. I am originally from ‘up north’, Bradford but lived for many years on the Lancashire/Yorkshire border. I now live in southern Burgundy and moved here in 2011 to be near my daughter and grandchildren, although I have a son in the UK and a lovely grandson there too.
    When you mentioned Northern Soul I thought Clare is younger than me (I’m 62) as I was part of the 60’s Tamla and Soul scene and visited The Twisted Wheel in Manchester for their all-nighters, but then I got married in 1972 and life changed. Where do you go dancing – you are so lucky as I love the music.
    Now, about the FD, the fast days have been hard so far (3 to date, 4th tomorrow); I love a cup of tea with milk so I set aside 100 calories for that, which leaves me 400. So far I have split the 400 into 2 meals – early afternoon and as late as I can make it into the evening (around 6.30 p.m. so far). I have sent for the Fast Diet Recipe Book for more ideas for the fast days.
    Ideas from experienced followers would be much appreciated.
    All the best Clare for tomorrow, I’ll let you know how I get on!

    Hi daisy flowers and all the other new LOACAs out there, welcome. I think you will find that we are all doing variations on a theme so to speak with our 5 and 2’s. The fast days are a scary thought initially, but quickly become part of life. For myself, I don’t count calories on non fast days, but I do try and limit my carb intake. Also, drink water whenever you feel hungry on a fast day, it really works. – at least temporarily. And the fast is only one day. This is a new way of eating and way of life – enjoy it!

    Hi Daisy Flowers,

    I’m another one who doesn’t count on non-fast days. However, what I quite often do is to take one of the higher-calorie recipes from The Fast Diet Recipe Book or Fast Cook, some of which are a bit too high for a woman on a fast day, and build a meal around it.

    Also have a look on It’s starting to look as though I work for the Beeb, so often do a mention the Good Food site. I assure you I don’t. However, it really is a useful source. You’ll find a whole lot of recipes that are good for fast days as well as middling calorie ones of 400-700ish that are great for non-fast days. And yes, I and Him Indoors who is also on 5:2, do have the odd very naughty sod-the-calories day, but after 17 months of Fast Dieting blow-outs ain’t what they used to be. It’s impossible to eat what we did in the bad old days without feeling rather Moby Dick (Cockney rhyming slang for ‘sick’!).

    Clare and femme anglaise, your conversation about Northern Soul more than confirms that LOACAs, including those like me – of a VERY mature age – are not the poor old things that are so often depicted in the media – the Beeb being among the worst offenders with images like this:

    Is this what we and our lives are like at 55,60,70 and upwards? They forget that most of us grew up with sex’n’drug’n’rock’n’roll, or Northern Soul etc., and aren’t suddenly going to morph into sweet little old men and women.

    If I – like a lot of other more mature people who have a life and a few brain cells left – really believed I looked and behaved like this bunch I would go away somewhere quiet and slit my wrists!

    Rant over! Shoot me down in flames if you think I’m wrong.

    Well, hermajtomomi, I quite agree with you. Love rock music! Been watching a bit of Glastonberry on TV. Don’t think I could cope with going there and camping though. I like my comforts these days!!

    Hi Jan

    I haven’t been to the Dordogne but it’s certainly an area of France I know to be very beautiful. Do you speak French? my attempts are pretty dismal but I am good at gestures and mime as I am British Sign Language Interpreter so have rely on a mixture of bad French and gestures to make myself understood.

    You are the same age as my husband ( I am 55). He didn’t go to the Wheel as his mum wouldn’t let him ( lol!) but he did go to a club in Stoke known as the Torch. I started to go to Soul clubs in 1976 ( Wigan, Casino Club) and I have been going ever since ( with a brief break when I was building up my career, having young children etc).
    I met my husband in a Soul club and it’s still a huge part of our lives, I hope to be out dancing for many years to come ( until my knees finally give up!) I have hurt my left knee dancing in my living room to one of my favourite soul records ( I had over indulged on the gin and was showing off) but this was only 3 years after I had torn my right calf muscle dancing to the same soul record dancing in my kitchen ( yes, gin was involved again!) I must learn not to dance in the house! .We are going to Spain with friends in September to a four day Soul event ( called the Hitsville weekender in honour of Tamla Motown)

    Thanks for the advice re the fasting days, my TDee indicates that I should have 420 on a fasting day as that is 25% of my total number but I am going to aim for 500 initially as the thought of 420 cals is really scary!
    I have bought a few books and I really like one that is just recipes for one as hubby isn’t joining me ( can’t think why!)

    Good luck for tomorrow too!

    I am just about to go and make a lemon meringue pie, I will have a sliver today but hubby will,have demolished it by Tuesday!

    Hi LLD and Daisy
    The biggest thrill is to see yourself shrinking. Please measure your waist, hips, upper arms and upper legs as a minimum. You will be so pleased when you begin to reshape. Some weeks no weight is lost, but you lose cms off some part of your body. It’s so enjoyable πŸ™‚
    Violet May
    Are you with us in the Southern Hemisphere? There is also a Thread of SH people. Today the dog and I went walking in 7 C windy weather. Glad to get home. It’s hard to drink 2 litres. I’m going to try what others have done and drink silver tea = hot water.

    Hermajtomomi and Wilbersnanna peeking at your profile s you are incredible versatile in your activities and range of knowledge,, life is for living in the here and now and I think we are proof of that!

    I do blame some of my weight problems on loving life too much at times, who can resist a beautiful day, a glass of wine and some yummy snacks? I just wish I could get my head around sticking to being occasionally indulgent rather than being regularly over indulgent!

    MFP is an app and website called My Fitness Pal and is a calorie counting programme where you can log your food, weight loss and join an online community. It’s useful as your foods are stored so you just click on regular foods. I log in every day ( when I am being good) and it does help a lot to keep me on track as it has 1000’s of foods that are calorie counted in its data base so if I am not sure of the calorie content of a food I look it up and that helps me decide if I am going to eat it or not.

    This is by far the best weight management site I have seen!

    Hello bayleafoz ,, I do measure my waist but haven’t measured the other bits! I will do that, my waist fluctuates a lot for some reason, I wondered if it was fluid retention?

    It’s weird as I have only lost 14 lbs so far but I have lost 4 inches off my waist which I am delighted with ( but can go up an inch for no apparent reason).

    Good advice, thank you.

    I mean that THIS site is the best one around, not the MFP site!

    Hi bayleafoz, yes I a southern hemispherite too and I think I will try the silver tea tomorrow.

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