PVE- lol- I could have sworn you were 5’8. I was worried because I was starting to imagine a skeleton Aussie!
This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by Opal Shine 1 year ago.
PBB, yes I think those cocktails were my undoing and now I’m reaping what I sowed! I’m trying to undo a bit of damage this week by attempting 4:3 (yesterday was a washout but doing back to back today and tomorrow and already did Monday) but it might be next week before I see any benefits. Hey ho, you’re right the wagon will still be there if I fall off it again so not stressing too much about it!
Karen x
Thanks for the alternative exercise; I could not find Aqua Zumba near me. However my local pool, only a 4 minute walk away, does Aqua Walking and Aqua Aerobics. I will try these, as long as they are not always fully booked. Have found Pilates classes at the local private gym and a reasonable price too! Wish me luck.
PVE thanks for the so very nice reply. Good to meet another who loves to cook….a huge help when finding meals to fit in the new way of life. If we can’t have quantity, then quality will have to make up the gap. I am finding I am ok with that. Have been an overeater for much of my life and finding I am ok with smaller portions now (but more protien and fat – glad to have butter cream and olive oil back in my life. Also find I am snacking far less in the evenings than I used to. Hope it lasts…its a bad habit I am happy to break.
BooBoo: its is great that my son and I tend to like the same foods, and he is a really good cook at his age. Fun to have someone to cook with.
Don’t know if you are into Thai but this is one of my favorite easy peasy low cal recipes.
It is 240 cal 8 grm carb per serving ….known as larb on a Thai menu, it is “stir fried” (but no added fat) chicken or turkey with Thai seasonings served in lettuce cups. Just a tiny bit spicy but easy to up the spice level for those that like more of a kick. Very yummy. That and a cup of brothy soup and I am happy. Web address below.
http://www.finecooking.com/recipes/thai-style-spicy-chicken-lettuce-cups.aspx OW & DW
Hi there
I haven’t posted in a while, as now on maintenance rather than weight loss. I was one of the lucky ones who react fast to the FD way of life. I have now lost 14 kgs since January this year, including a 3 week holiday. I walk every day.
I have read many of the lovely supportive posts and agree that goals need to be wider than weight loss. I am happiest of all that I have lost 15 cm from my waist. Two sizes down in trousers, one down in tops. My whole body has resized itself.
I was wanting to make a new recipe I found and then lost. It has cauliflower and red lentils and lots of flavour. Can anyone help?
In the middle of a bracing Winter day I think of cooking lovely vegetable dishes. I wrote a longer post talking to many individual LOACAs. However, the system ate it 🙂 I’m not doing it all again. Just to say I chuckled over the husband who is happiest when his wife doesn’t tell him what to do. :). Mine also.
Even with maintenance I am still doing 5:2 and watching the type of food I eat. No sugars and starchy food. I do eat fats such as olive oil, avocados and olives. I like the feeling of light and clean I get on a fast day.
Have fun on your holidays.
Hi All
Like several others, I wrote this late last night then it disappeared when I scrolled to look at an earlier post. Very frustrating! I am now writing this in the word processing app and will copy it into the box where I hope it will stay.
BooBoo – Thanks for taking the time to reply to everyone, especially when you are preparing for your holiday. I have lost 11 lbs during the 5 weeks of the Fast Beach Diet. I realise it’s not for everyone, as it does mean having to count calories on a non-fast day too, but it has given me the boost I needed, and the weeks have passed very quickly. You are right about not worrying about what the scales say, and it has been fantastic to be able to get into several pairs of summer trousers I thought I would never wear again – plus not to have to buy more in a larger size! Also, as I mentioned in a previous post – I no longer have an extra pair of boobs sticking out of the sides of my bra! It’s a great feeling.
I did measure myself when I started, but haven’t done so since. I’m going to do it at the end of week 6. I have to confess to having a few glasses of red wine last night to celebrate the holiday home, and don’t I know it this morning! Having drunk virtually no alcohol for almost 6 weeks, it has affected me by giving me a ginormous headache. Previously it would just have ‘topped me up’ as we were having a bottle between us every night.
The house we have bought is in Pembrey – just west of the Gower Peninsular, and is on the edge of a National Park which leads to a beautiful 8 mile beach. Very unspoilt and perfect for walking the dogs.
JIP – thanks for the welcome in the hillside, tho’ my late Dad and all my grandparents will be turning in their graves at the national anthem being called ‘a welsh song’ ! And I daren’t tell my mother, who can sing it in the native tongue. Lol.
PVE and LUVTOCOOK – I love cooking too, and am really enjoying the challenge of finding nice tasty low-cal recipes, especially on a fast day, when I only have 300 calories to play with. Stir fries are great – I love the sound of the Thai served in lettuce cups. I’ve just bought some Zero Noodles (7 cals) but haven’t used them yet – anyone tried them?
Well enough of this ramble – got a trip to Wales to do to collect our keys.
Have a good day everyone and a great holiday BooBoo.
Smiffy x
Aw gee, Precious. That’s ok. Now look after that award, they don’t come easy!
Been out all day (7am until 6pm) and fasting. Only 1 apple and a small latte. By the time I was home, I was DESPERATE. Hubby was OK and he’d had eaten nothing.
Have just finished eating and have not read all the posts yet, will later.
Thanks LUVTCOOK, we need to swap recipes.
Smiffy, I use miracle noodles for dinner most fast nights at the moment (it is winter here and we need the extra warm bulk)
For dinner tonight: steamed onion, garlic, shallot, chopped carrot, chopped bok choy, celery, 50g each of smoked salmon, chopped up and thrown in on top. A dash of soy sauce, grated ginger and tumeric (I have a tumour on my arm and it is meant to help), some lime leaves. Then I rinse a packet of miracle noodles well in a colander and toss them in on top. Warm it all through and serve in a pasta bowl with a glass of soda water. Very satisfying and low low cal. We usually have a couple of strawberries, a teaspoon of plain yoghurt and a few slivered almonds with cinnamon as “desert” to get rid of the fishy tasty. Always sleep well after this feast.
I also use the miracle noodles as pasta with a tasty homemade pasata: onions, garlic, tomatoes, oregano, basil etc, some leafy veg and grated carrot. You can add a small amount of shaved Parmesan on top if you can spare the cals.
Good luck, PVE
Smiffy, I am hanging my head in shame “song” no excuses. Hope your move go smoothly I have moved so many times from my 20’s to my 40’s one tip would be make the bed up as early as possible in the day, so can fall into it when your ready.
I am going to get on to BooBoo now to arrange about next week.
Have a lovely time picking your keys up. JIP
Don’t give up. I’m 60, 5′ tall and have been on the diet for one year now. I have lost 3 stone and gone down 4 dress sizes. It takes time and some weeks you might feel that nothing is happening and you are stuck. This has happened several times to me. My advise is to ignore the scales. Buy yourself a belt with lots of holes and mark on it today’s fastening. Then use it in a month’s time.
The only disadvantage is I’ve had to have a whole new wardrobe and given away bags and bags of clothes!
Hi BooBoo, now you are talking a long drive and with the weather, it does look like you are going right out of your way and with driving home the next day would be exhausting. I am so not worth it. I am bitterly disappointed but there is always another time and you never know I could come to Scotland before September. I haven’t told the other half but he owes me one. so I hope you have a nice time and the weather is kind to you both. Thank your other half for even considering driving any amount of hours for our little get together. I will hold the fort with PVE’s help.
We may still go to Aberystwyth on the 4th staying until Monday. JIP
Welcome Springer spaniel, Welcome to lovely LOACA. You have done well. I think we all deserve the new wardrobes, to hell with the expense. (We are worth it.) remember. I read you profile, you are like me fighting all or most of our adult lives to get that perfect body. It’s also never to late we have proved it. Keep us informed. JIP
Hi AliH61, I did not get to the Aqua Zumba today I have had an upset stomach all last evening and the night so I thought I would give it a miss this week hope to get there next week. I played bowls yesterday and today in competition and I won both games so I am pleased and it puts steps on the old pedometer. LOL JIP
Hi bayleafoz, welcome back. PVE is also maintaining and I want to lose another couple of pounds even if I did say I would be happy just be under the 10’s..
LUVTCOOK I wish I could cook like you and PVE. I can do the very basics and hubby eats all I put in front of him so can’t be that bad.
He’s out playing bowls now and I have just come home from playing so I am having a bit of me time, feet up and a bit of tennis, what more can girl ask for? JIP
Good morning all.
Firstly Precious, I hope the weather is kind for your camping holiday. I’m sure your able deputy and deputy-deputy will do well.
Hi Springer spaniel, I read your profile and totally agree with your comment about not outlaying money on special foods, meetings &c. Great work on the weight loss and inches/cms lost. Even setting aside the pride factor in being slim again, the health benefits are worth the effort, and knowing this way of living works in the long term means we are unlikely to regain, as has happened to most of us in the past.
Hi Smiffy, love the sound of your new (holiday?) home. Wales is so beautiful. My OH’s forebears came from there so we spent a while stooging around when we were in UK last.
Another typical winter day here, cold, windy and wet; planning mushroom soup for lunch. It’s not yet 7am so haven’t had breakfast either. OH still asleep but rubbish blown off gum trees onto roof woke me up.
Happy Friday all!
Hi Piper,
I finally got to read through all yesterday’s posts.
I am far from an Aussie skeleton! Still “cuddly” around the waistline, but, if you read the Thank You Dr M thread, I fit the pancake description!
It IS sad that the fat doesn’t just slip off to leave our 16 year old bodies:(
C’est la vie
Congratulations JIP and a WOW to Springer Spaniel. Remember …it’s not bragging it’s validation and motivation for all of us slogging along at a lb a week. Slow and steady can work. Thanks for sharing. Please ladies, share your successes with us. Its the fuel we need to keep moving onward.
Especially when you hit plateaus and come out the other end. That is always sooooo very discouraging. So far I am chugging along. Will let you know when I hit my next milestone.
And add me to the list that feels buying new clothes is worth every penny. I will give the old ones away as fast as I can so I don’t have them to fall back on if I start to regain the weight. I want my clothes to start feeling uncomfortable if I put a few lbs back on….more motivation to get things turned around earlier than later. Plus I won’t be able to afford to re-buy fat clothes.
JIP – haha – you are forgiven. Thanks for the moving tip – sounds as if you have led quite a nomadic life in your early years! As this is a second home, we are lucky in that we can take time to move bits and pieces in. Well done on losing another pound. You, PVE are Bayleafoz are an inspiration to us all and it will be interesting to see how the 6.1 works for maintaining. It could be the answer to all our prayers. Most of us have spent our lives having successful weight losses but have been unable to keep it off. You three seem to have cracked it.
Thanks NickyF – it’s fascinating how many people scattered around the world have their origins here. Glad you have been able to visit.
PVE – thanks for the input on the noodles, your meal sounds lovely and I might give it a go. I grow pak choi in the garden and have everything else (except lime leaves! ) and your pasta sauce is very similar to the one I make. Can’t wait to give the noodles a go – a godsend on fast days and there’s one coming up tomorrow. Sorry to hear of the problem with your arm. I too have heard of the benefits of turmeric. Do hope it works.
Cheeseplease and Wilbersnanna – thanks, the Gower is beautiful but we are just a bit further west, near Kidwelly. The beach is, in my opinion, as lovely as Rossilli, but less well known. Keep up the good work Wilbersnanna. It helps tremendously having your other half on board. Thanks for your comments on my progress with the FBD, Cheeseplease. A bit of a faux pas yesterday – packed a lovely selection of low cal goodies for lunch on our trip to Wales and forgot to pack the Ryvitas to have them with so other half was dispatched to the local shop and returned with a french stick! I have to say it was delicious but we demolished the lot, and when we eventually got home it didn’t take much to persuade ourselves that an Indian takeaway was what we needed after a 2 hour drive each way. Hence it’s a very low calorie day today and a fast tomorrow!
Springer Spaniel – what a fantastic year’s achievement! Having a whole new wardrobe is a disadvantage??? Oh no!!!
Have a good day y’all.
Smiffy x
Hello Booboo’s (Friday morning)how could you think I would not back to you. I have answered you honest, but it does look like we were both typing at the same time my messages were 10.31 and 4.15 both about our meeting.
We are hoping to go to Aberystwyth getting there about 3.30 Friday the 4th and staying until Monday as soon as we book the hostel I will put the name and telephone number on here.
I hope you have a good journey down and will be rain free. Like I said I do hope we get to meet I will check out If there is a place between Colwyn and Aberystwyth so you will not have so far to drive. I am not sure when you will get this message now.
Hello LOACA, I hope you are having a good day fasting or non fasting? Battery on this iPad just said it only got 10% left, so it has stopped raining so I am plugging it in and going for a walk and hope to beet the rain, that should make me walk faster anyway. Message later.
As BooBoo would say
Onwards and downwards. JIP
Good morning everyone,
Congratulations wilbersnanna! on the 2 lb. loss.
Boo and Jip- I hope you do get a chance to meet. If your weather forecasters are anything like ours, it may not even rain at all. Here’s to wishing you both sunny skies and a great time!
I hit 134.4 lbs. this morning, which is easily the least I have weighed in a decade. And… if I may have a drum roll, please…my waist is under 30″, which is half my height and hips coming in under 38″. LOL! If I stand like an Egyptian, I’m starting to like what I see. Now I only have two rolls to lose, not three.
PVE- pancake-shaped? I did look, but I’ll have to do some more reading. I feel for all the people going through winter. I think it really is harder to stick to a fast when the weather is glum. I did have to laugh, when I translated your low temps to Farenheit, but you all must be steaming in summer. It’s all relative- my sister from the south thinks winter can’t be worse than here, but the northerners laugh at what we think is cold.
Have a good day, All! xxP
Piper…well done! You must be over the moon with that….a decade’s all time low! That is a huge accomplishment. I see my complexion turning green with envy as I type.
Wilbersnanna….hurray to you as well, off to a great start. Congrats.
PVE….I also am a fan of the zero noodles. To anyone trying them for the first time, I have followed other’s suggestions and rinse them in a couple changes of water before using them. I find I like them best in Asian dishes. They are a good sub for most things calling for rice noodles. I don’t find them as satisfactory for Italian dishes as the texture is a bit off to my taste from traditional pasta and the sauce doesn’t cling as it does to pasta. But that is fussy old me. I love love love pasta and that is the one thing I don’t find an adequate substitue for to my taste…..so that is my celebration carb meal once a month (cut down to 2 oz versus the normal 3-4. That or 2 slices of Pizza Margherita ). But that is what this eating plan is all about….fast days and sensible days allowing the occassional splurge.
It just occured to me that the zeros might work nicley in an Italian frittata….zero noodles with Italian herbs, beaten eggs (maybe some sauteed zucchini slices and/or mushrooms for low cal bulk), some parmesan and a couple dollops of ricotta. Baked in a small skillet and served in wedges topped with tomato sauce. I will give that a go and let you all know if it worked. I think that could be really good. My project for the weekend.
Have a great weekend all. OW & DW
Mmmmmm, French stick and Indian takeaway – very intercontinental of you! Yummy too – isn’t it great that we can have a day like that and then have a fast day without beating ourselves up about it – just love this WOE!
LUVTCOOK I have a packet of zero noodles in the cupboard but have been reluctant to try them out on other half in case they are disgusting – I have heard mixed reports about them. However I like the sound of your frittata – let us know how it turns out. I made the River Cottage bream parcels with Asian spices last night from the FD recipe book and it was so easy and really tasty and filling – I had a few steamed mange tout from the allotment, all for under 300 calories – recommended!
Good evening everyone, I am hoping BooBoo is now safely tucked up in her tent. I have booked the hostel and I am waiting for confirmation email. Thanks for your support and putting up with our threads I am sure you will be interested in our meeting .
Smiffy I have taken to buying a French stick on my home from WW having half for lunch and the rest in the evening much nicer if eaten the same day as purchased.
Lvutocook and cheeseplease, I have tried the zero noodles but as I said I am not much of a cook and still having a few amounts at the sauce.
Smiffy I hope you have arrived safe and sound.
I picked my friend from Cardiff airport today after a holiday in Spain and she is going to come and join us on here. She is a lovely friend and I know you will welcome her. She has been back packing in Australia, New Zealand, U.S etc. etc, I wish I had her get up and go.
any way everyone. Take care. Onwards and downwards all
Hello ladies,, I am a newbie but I feel like I know a few of you quite well as I have just spent an hour reading this thread from the beginning ( for once not being great at technology worked in my favour, I couldn’t work out how to get to the most recent posts!)
I have bought the books, actually read some of them and feel ready to ‘ jump in’!
As a lady of a certain age ( 55) and having weight problems all my adult life I know it’s time to stop making excuses ( as identified in previous posts) and step up to the plate, so to speak!
I have been on MFP for a while but the lack of conversation as there seems to be on here makes it difficult to keep me motivated at times.
I look forward to getting to know you all! Clare 🙂
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12:08 pm
25 Jun 14