HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,290 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  HAY34 1 day, 23 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 7,331 total)

  • Aussienow– was thinking someone with more experience would have a better answer.. but here goes… I don’t weigh any non-starchy top grown veggie. Just in terms of fullness, I know I’ll stop before significant calorie damage. For root veg, I am more careful, but have been including some on non-fasting days, because I want to keep my metabolism up. (This has been an issue for me, it’s way too easy to turn “every” day into a fasting day, and for a few days was tasting metal mouth). I think nobody can tell you how much, that it’s up to you and what your own body is telling you.

    Hello All Ladies of a Certain Age!

    Hi browns13 – Like you; I have been looking at the other 5 days and whilst I don’t ‘feast’ like a lot of posters (though I suspect not us LOACA’s) I think the calorie count might be higher than I had supposed.
    Are you managing to exercise? Lots of folk in our particular group; seem to increase their weight loss when they up the anti.

    Hello Bronwyn – Goodness me Bronwyn; you have really been through the mill. We all have stuff to deal with but some of us have much more stressful stuff than others and you seem to be one of them.
    I fervently hope that the fast diet or eating regime (as I think of it) has a huge impact on your weight.

    If you read back at all the posts on this thread; there are lots of LOACA’s, me included, who could not lose weight no matter what they did. And whilst my weight loss is torturously slow; I am still grateful I have lost any at all.
    Let us know how you do. It gives information and encouragement to other women in our particular club.

    Hi BlueOcean and Welcome to the fast diet forum
    The blood tests will be a catergoric measure of improvements in your body; you will probably have lost a whole load of weight by then too! Keep us posted.

    Hi Fastcat – I wiil have a go at drinking more water on my fast days to see if this helps – thanks

    A few people have mentioned the possibility that losing weight if sleeping very badly (or not at all!) is difficult. I have wondered whether I might not be receiving the health improvements many people report on because of my seriously bad insomnia?

    I am 58 and as you know have lost nearly 6 stones so it is possible!! However, that’s been on a calorie counted eating pattern not 5:2, so far!

    Hi, Piper,. Yes, sadly, even when we become thinner our bodies are not going to look like they did at the same weight 20 years ago. Everything either sags or wrinkles! Still, it’s great to be a bit smaller and to feel like I am not as big as I was. I am hoping that my belly will flatten just a little as time goes on. That’s what spanx is for I guess. Thanks for your note.

    And it’s interesting that this topic–LOACA–seems quite popular; there must be a bunch of us, older and not happy with the weight gained over several decades, who are thrilled to finally have something that works for us and that could be a long-term solution. Good for us!!!

    Hi PreciousBooBoo ๐Ÿ™‚

    My friend got the Melatonin from a Health food shop; I see you can purchase online too, but I wouldn’t know how you work out what is the best one. I would think your GP could advise, providing they are ok with supplements. Judging by the info available online, it seems to be a reasonably safe product short term – no studies yet done on those who take it long term. A senior academic colleague of mine always uses it when she travels overseas, and I would trust her judgement on this. So I hope you can source some, and that it works! ๐Ÿ™‚ As others have mentioned, I have heard that good sleep is needed to assist in weight loss – well, good sleep is neded for so much healthy body and mind functioning! Have you been to a sleep clinic at all?

    This certainly is a popular thread. As others have said, there are bound to be many of us LOACA who have tried many things over the years to lose weight. I guess that on average we may be able to make more time to spend on these forums than younger women. And these forums give us access to support that may be easier for us to seek than from other sources. We don’t have to worry how people will react when we tell them about this WOE!

    Here’s to a good week ahead for everyone ๐Ÿ˜€

    PS PreciousBooBoo – I only realized that you had started a topic for me when I read your post in this topic – for various reasons I hadn’t checked new topics for a few days, nor been able to contribute much to the forum. Thanks for noticing that I hadn’t posted in a while ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I am very happy to continue with the thread you started – thanks! Will do that now ๐Ÿ˜€

    Hi PreciousBooBoo and all….

    Just completed my 3rd day of fasting (starting week 2) and it was easier than week one! Love it! I kept telling myself that this is how I’m healing my metabolic syndrome and I must do it, which is all true. When I did my yearly physical this year my blood numbers were shockingly bad….not to mention my wearable clothing was becoming a smaller and smaller portion of my closet. And I couldn’t understand why. I was eating low carb, no bread, no sugar, exercising etc etc. Until listening to Dr. Jason Jung, on Youtube, I didn’t understand that what I was eating was keeping my insulin levels high even though it wasn’t necessary spiking my blood glucose. But I couldn’t get my blood sugars in a ‘normal range either, and I didn’t know why. Now I do and I also know, that for me, 5:2, or intermittent fasting, is the answer.

    Today my energy was good, had my morning coffee with a bit of half & half and didn’t eat until dinner. I’m not weighing myself, letting my clothes tell me how I’m doing. I did my exercises this morning and took a long walk through our local botanic garden this afternoon….lovely.

    This way of life gives me hope that I can have a healthy, slim body in my life time. Wow. I’ve been locked in a prison for most of my life in regards to food and how it affects me. Now, through Dr. Mosley and all of you, and reading your experiences, triumphs and failures, I see a bright light at the end of a long dark tunnel. How amazing–something so simple could and is changing so much. Take care all …..

    BlueOcean- that sounds beautiful.

    Hi BlueOcean and all other LOACA’s

    That does indeed sound poignant BlueOcean; we seem to read time and time again that this eating regime can have an incredible affect on people.

    What is the essence of Dr Jung’s theory?

    Thank you Piper and PreciousBooBoo…..

    Dr. Jung’s idea is intermittent fasting, 5:2, is the the way to change, break, cure, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. I learned a lot listening to his 6 part series on YouTube…..I guess he puts his patients on IF/5:2…..well, it’s working for me!

    hi blue ocean

    i think u mean dr jason fung

    he is great isn’t he?

    we have his written blogs and all his u tube series right on this forum u will also c the reviews from our poster please add ur instructive review 2




    everything a newbie/poster might want 2 c, use & read


    reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle (he has written back by email 2 us ๐Ÿ˜€ )


    do a search dr fung u will c many more

    what series did u like best?

    what r u practicing?

    hope this encourages others

    if u have any new tips please put it on r everything site

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) ๐Ÿ˜€

    thanks dr fung & dr mosley

    Yes WiltldnrUSA, that is correct, I was referring to Dr. Jason Fung….was a bit of a typo there for me….

    blue ocean


    so what r ur thoughts

    ooops 4got 2 say

    u may call me usa

    I have a bit to say about the deception of the public that has gone on by the AMA but I feel it’s too political and etc for this forum….shocking though and disappointing….

    I’m just glad I learned so much about the science of what is going on for me and how to reverse it….life changing for me to finally understand…..


    go 2 our reversing site (i always repeat 4 posters/newbies)

    we don’t mind ur views

    say allot
    post ur thoughts

    the only thing if u c our post/topics started

    is when people bully people 4 their views & opinions or get nasty 2 each other

    we do rally then we do not tolerate & we get the moderator 2 stop but never on views u will i’m so ashamed of my country concerning the white coat mafia ๐Ÿ˜€ but it seems that canada australia r just as bad

    this is a nice forum where they let people think think think

    i luv science however only have a right brain

    we welcome ur post drop by

    take care & goodnight 4 now



    4got 2 say i think there r very few type2diabs on that site

    BooBoo- you already know what I said- Gorilla in the room.

    I was a low GI carbohydrate queen with normal blood sugar( lagging about 11 am), normal bp and no meds for ailments except aching arthritis. I’m 53, exercise daily and I have been gradually putting on 0.5 to a kilo a year for the last 10 years whilst eliminating my favourite foods. Every now and then I would limit my intake and lose 2-3 kilos but getting no where fast and feel deprived. The 5 & 2 method has had great results in only 6 weeks. I feel fabulous, no headaches from low blood sugar & excellent energy levels and mental alertness fasting days. Bonus – I have lost weight and the 5 kg which seemed so elusive is now a reality with 10 kg fat loss being something I know I can achieve. Stick with it – the hunger growls do not last! I think the exercising makes a big difference but I’m wondering when/if the weight loss slows.
    Also – I really stick to the 500 C and make sure I eat properly and enough on the feast days

    Hello msDale. Congratulations, it is very encouraging to hear your story.
    I suspect weightloss will stop when you have lost the amount of bady fat your bady wants to lose.
    Maybe it will slow before then – but if you stick to the same regime, your metabolism won’t slow and you will be just burning fat so I don’t see why it should slow.
    I wonder if our preconception of weight slowing comes from calorie counting diets and the consequental convergence of fewer calories / slower metabolism?
    I’m losing about 1 kilo a week, but I have a lot to lose ๐Ÿ™‚

    PreciousBooBoo- I am talking about sleep and do we think that is having an effect on your weight loss. I do and it might be why you’re having a harder time.

    BlueOcean, I’m very impressed by your dedication – although I guess you have all the incentive in the world!

    I just wanted to say that my interpretation of Dr Fung’s standpoint is that the key thing is to eliminate sugar and processed carbohydrates (especially flour), and kick the snacking habit. Fasting is an additional technique to help reset the metabolism, but I don’t think he imagines that one can carry on eating junk food five days a week.

    Not that I am suggesting that you do! But watch out for the milk – very insulinogenic!

    Personally find that cutting out carb rich foods completely makes the world of difference to how I feel, and my weight loss

    Hi Ruthi, thank you, but I don’t drink milk. I use 1/2&1/2 in my coffee and that’s all, and I use 1 or 1.5 ounce. I don’t eat processed foods, processed carbohydrates or sugar.

    I agree about the snacking thing…so interesting to hear why one shouldn’t being doing that. I’m not sure what makes you think I’m eating junk food 5 days a week as I don’t. I don’t even go out to restaurants very often because I don’t know what’s in the food. I may have mentioned that I thought about eating a hamburger at the end of my first day but thinking about something doesn’t mean ones is doing it….I think it was because in the video of Dr. Mosley it showed him eating a hamburger and fries, and ice cream too I think!, on one of his ‘feed’ days when he was in Chicago…..Now on my fast days and feed days I’m finding my appetite to be getting smaller not larger.My last fast day I went until dinner time to have my meal and it was around 400 calories, a bit less. From listening to Dr. Fung I have changed what I’m eating from low-fat cottage cheese w/ a veg to scrambled eggs with a veg. It’s doable for me.

    Thank you for your thoughts….

    Half and half – is that cream? Its not a term we use in the UK.

    And no, I didn’t think you were eating junk – just wanted to say that my interpretation of Dr Fung’s stance was that fasting was a relatively small part of the picture.

    I think that video of Dr Mosley eating the burger etc is very unfortunate. It rather suggests that its OK to eat the junk, whereas I suspect that once at target weight its OK for the occasional treat, but that is about it. Some folk seem to lose weight just fasting 5:2 but there’s never anything quite that easy, is there?

    I don’t eat out that much, but when I do its steak and salad.

    Hi Ruthi, yes, 1/2 & 1/2 is like a light cream….and I understand milk is more insulinogenic but I also need to make 5:2 something I can actually do long term.

    And I’m hoping that fasting is a larger part of the picture. I’ve done everything you can imagine and have not had the success I’m seeking. But I am in my 60’s now…anyway….I’m feeling fabulous doing this, I’m slimming down, my energy is good and I’m enjoying myself, which for me is important. I want to enjoy every day of my life.

    I’m in my 60s too – and somehow, despite a raving sugar addiction I seem to have escaped the worst of its effects so far. It may be helped by the fact that I don’t like cola, or milk (but I do like cheese)

    So are you following the good doc’s programme completely? I think I could probably do anything for a while – and have succeeded in low cal dieting before, but I am not entirely sure how long I can sustain it – even 5:2.

    Hello BlueOcean

    Well it’s good that we got the Jung – Fung misunderstanding sorted out.

    I’m going to have a look at the ‘insulinogenic’ foods that Ruthi mentions. Perhaps that will explain my ultra slow weight loss even within our special club.

    Hello msDale – I never get tired of hearing how this eating regime is working for those in our special club; where we’ve been able to lose some weight with huge effort only to either put it back on or just get tired of being so deprived.
    In the main, it seems to be cutting through the normal obstacles; like unbalanced hormones that prevent us from losing weight and indeed, cause us to gain weight effortlessly.

    Also Piper – got your message about the gorilla in the room….does it relate to Facebook at all? because I might have an incline as to what you mean? I’m not as stupid as I’m cabbage looking (it’s a brit thing).

    P.S. I love it Piper when you shorten my username because I would shorten it too when I used to talk to our precious booboo (our dog xx)

    Hi Ruthi, I’m not sure who you are referring to when you say ‘the good doc’s programme’, meaning Dr. Mosley or Dr. Fung? Right now I’m doing 5:2 and trying to do one meal a day on fast days, other than my coffee w/ cream, and keep that meal to 400 calories. But I’m new to this way of living so I don’t have much history so far.

    Yesterday, an eat day, I fasted until the evening meal, which I shared with a friend. I keep my meals pretty simple. Yesterday morning I measured my blood glucose and it was under 100 (US measurement, may be different in UK)for the first time in years. I think the fasting is doing a lot to help get my blood glucose down whereas eating low carb, moderate protein did nothing to help reduce blood glucose. I’m not measuring insulin, just hoping if my blood glucose is in the correct range my insulin will be ok? (Maybe I need to look into that…)

    Thank you for being online and involved in this forum, it helps me so much.

    I meant the good Dr Fung. He has a programme for diabetics.

    If your sugars are coming down and you feel good then you must be doing something right! Just keep it up!

    Hi Ruthi,

    I’m not diabetic yet, just on my way. I’m insulin resistant and have metabolic syndrome. So far 5:2 is working for me but I won’t know for a number of months, really until I have my next blood work-up.

    Yes, let’s keep it going!

    How are you doing?

    BooBoo- didn’t ever think you were as stupid as cabbage looking! Lol! About facebook, maybe. The gorilla is something big , but because you are focused on something else, goes unnoticed. Not that you weren’t noticing your lack of sleep, but may not have put it together with weight loss. Not advocating pills. Heck, sleeplessness could be a sign of something else, like allergies or hormones, and not the root cause at all. Would get checked and/or read up on things you could try.

    BlueOcean, I have also been concerned with metabolic syndrome. Had previously lost 17 lbs and kept off for a few years, but waist started growing out of bounds in the last year. I could only button a few pants. Blood sugar was supposed to be okay, but only get tested about once a year. Already had high BP. I just want to stop it before it gets out of hand.

    BooBoo- facebook comment referred to the gorilla, not vegging ๐Ÿ™‚

    Dra57- wow, on the previous weight loss, hope 5-2 is easier!

    Hi Ladies, I’ve just completed week 2 of 5:2. I find I’m having trouble sleeping through the night of fast days. I’m hoping this will change, but here I am, 4 a.m. reading the forums!

    I found this last fast day to be a bit more difficult but I think it was because I had a big dinner this week which included wine and cake. Oh well, I have to allow for that in my life every once in a while. So–woke at 3:30 this morning, couldn’t get back to sleep so I tried on a pair of pants that are to small and they are a bit looser! I think another month or so and I’ll be able to wear them which is a goal of mine, to be able to wear them by Christmas.

    I find these forums so helpful. I’ve read another book on IF that suggest 4:3 but I don’t think I could do that. I find 5:2 hard enough but I can do it. I’m also thinking of all the health benefits. Okay, now I’m going to try and get some sleep!

    Sweet dreams, BlueOcean. You’re doing a grand job!

    I sleep badly on fast days too! I find getting up for an hour or so is better than lying awake!

    Hello all
    Now, I don’t belong to your elite group, but I have gone through many periods of not sleeping. 5-htp helped, but most successful was black cherry concentrate. It wasn’t a quick fix but it got me back into a good sleeping pattern. What a relief it was too!
    5htp might be better for the situations of not sleeping on fast days, and (in my unmedically informed opinion) black cherry is worth a try for anyone who has trouble getting to or staying asleep aaaall the time.

    2B- I’ve also heard of tart cherry juice being good.

    Thank you! I did get back to sleep for two more hours, so that was great. I think I remember Dr. Jason Fung saying that when we fast our body becomes flooded with adrenaline….

    Hello All Ladies of a Certain Age!

    But particularly the following:-

    Hi iwant2Bincontrol – What is 5-htp? I’ve never heard of it. And is black cherry concentrate something you can buy from any good health food shop?
    Thank you for pitching in with suggestions for those of us who can’t sleep very well.
    And, ahem, I would thank your lucky stars that you don’t (yet!) belong to our elite club! My menopause has been just as bad as the absolutely horrendous PMT I endured for the majority of my life….It’s great being a woman….it just depends which woman!

    Hi BlueOcean – it is interesting what you said about Dr Fung (not Jung!) and your body becoming filled with adrenaline – I suffer from (yawn, yawn for those who are already aware of this fact…) horrendous insomnia (if you read back some of my posts on this thread).

    I have commented to my husband that sometimes I feel like I’m on SPEED when I’m lying in bed trying to go to sleep (I’ve never taken SPEED – not my scene man – but you get the inference).
    Does Dr Jung suggest any anti-dote to this?

    Hi piper – you are just being too cryptic for me without me coming right out and saying what I’m imagining when you mention gorillas…
    It’s a real pity I couldn’t contact you directly by email.

    Anyways to all of us LOACA’s

    Living la vida LOACA!
    (unashamedly pinched from RoBa)

    Hello there, I’m 65 and I’ve been using my version of the 5:2 plan since Sept. 2013. I’ve lost 20 pounds. I eat nothing on Monday and Thursday. I find this to be a consistent way of losing. I also only eat between 10AM and 6PM.

    Hello again all LOACA’s

    I posted the below information on ‘Sassy’s Story’ and thought; really I should be sharing this with my special club.

    (I have added some salient information I didn’t have when originally posting)

    “I am going to research Melatonin but Iโ€™m already wary of it being only suitable for short term use. If it doesnโ€™t sort out your problem short term then what do you do? I can totally understand your colleague taking it for jet lag etc but that is only sporadic.

    No, I havenโ€™t tried asking about a sleep clinic; I usually only go to my G.P if I am seriously worried about something otherwise I avoid them. Though I might give it a look see.

    Looking at your posts Dumpling (though I prefer Dumpy!) and many other posts usually from women; I would recommend reading a book called โ€˜Fat, Fuzzy and Frazzledโ€™ โ€“ by Richard Shames (MD) and Karilee Shames (Nurse).

    Itโ€™s a book by an Amercian doctor about the affect of unbalanced hormones on women. The book is packed away so I cannot consult it, but the bit I always remember is he likens the three main hormone types to a three legged stool; and when one type is out of sync then the other two are automatically too.

    He profiles three types of women to illustrate his theories; one menopausal, one with very bad PMT and I canโ€™t remember the other example.
    Itโ€™s a while since I bought it but I would think itโ€™s still worth a read.

    I feel, and this is my personal theory, that most weight problems people have are due to unbalanced hormones. I feel strongly that some womenโ€™s menopausal symptoms are much worse and harder to bear than others due to exactly the same thing.

    Denise Welch in England (an actress); famously suffered for about 20 years from depression amongst other things. In order to function she turned to drugs, alcohol and food for most of those years.
    Then someone told her about a Doctor in London who specialises in treating women with hormonal problems and she is a new woman. He is called Professor John Studd and practices in Harley Street.
    You have to have mighty deep pockets to consult him but he changes womenโ€™s lives as Denise will attest.

    I am just thinking this post should really have gone on to my
    โ€˜Help โ€“ All Ladies of a Certain Age โ€“ Please respond!โ€™ thread!”


    I’ve since had a look at the Amazon write up and it says the following:

    A 3 step programme to:

    – restore thyroid, adrenal and reproductive balance
    – beat hormone havoc
    – feel better fast

    It states:-

    ‘This book can reverse years of unnecessary suffering’.

    ….Recent studies have confirmed that at least 10% of our general

    population (in USA) and up to 25% of menopausal women suffer; causing them

    to feel tired, listless, unmotivated, overwhelmed, out of control, spacey

    and fearful…..

    (Yup, that’s me most days now)

    It goes on to state:-

    ….Many of these same metabolism impaired people are dealing with heart

    disease, diabetes, arthritis, infertility or SEVERE MENOPAUSE (!!)

    commonly caused by the imbalance in the first place….

    It goes on:-

    ….Often neither patient nor their doctors, realize that beneath these

    more severe diagnoses lurks an easily (not sure about that claim) treated

    hormonal problem that could be making everything worse…..


    I’d like to add; I wish to goodness someone had flagged up this book to me about 30 odd years ago (though it wasn’t written then but you get my point)

    Hi Precious and everyone…

    I am reviewing Dr. Fung’s 6 part series on YouTube again, titled, ‘The Aetiology of Obesity’.

    He states on his blog: ‘Obesity is a hormonal dysregulation resulting in fat accumulation. Our job is to find the hormonal imbalance and devise treatments strategies to correct it. Since obesity is predominantly (not the only)an insulin excess, treatments to reduce insulin will be successful in reducing the imbalance and restoring weight. Low carb high fat diets is one strategy to reduce insulin. Intermittent fasting is another. Ketotic diets is yet another. All are similar in reducing insulin and all can be successful.’ Dr. Jason Fung

    Every time I get frustrated with taking off the kilos, or if they are not coming off fast enough for me, I have to remember /re-read the above–so thought I would send it along. (Ya know, I’ve only been doing this for 2 weeks! ‘Are we there yet?’) I find doing IF (intermittent fasting) and pretty much keeping it low carb, just about the easiest for me. I can’t do low carb, high fat consistently enough for it to make much difference for me because even when I eat protein it turns to sugar quickly in my system because I’m insulin resistant, which means just about everything I put in my mouth turns to sugar. IF is one way of breaking that cycle…and I really like the way I feel doing it, so that’s huge for me. I don’t feel deprived.(I remember in Fung’s lecture he said a few sentences about the importance of NOT eating between meals for some of us with insulin resistance– so I think fasting helps me the most because I refrain from nibbling…but we are all different..)

    I just finished my first two weeks of IF and yesterday was harder but I’m continuing on with this way of eating/life because of the long term & short term health benefits….

    that said….

    Precious, does doing a bit more exercise help with your insomnia? I’ve tried taking coconut oil before I go to bed and I think it helped but maybe I was just tired? Since I’m watching how many calories I’m eating on ‘eat’ days I’ve stopped doing that.

    When I come across Dr. Fung’s comments on adrenaline I’ll take note and let you know where in his lecture he mentions it…but he doesn’t say anything more about it, just that it happens when we fast…. but Mimi,co-author of The Fast Diet, said in her blog that she can easily sleep through the night…so maybe with time our bodies will adjust…?…hopefully.

    Hi preciousbooboo
    5-htp is a natural aaaahm… thing! interesting that it is often also cited as a weight loss aid. It would just relax me somewhat and help my brain calm down enough to sleep. Might actually get some again.
    The black cherry was available in the two health shops (with natural options, not chemists) that I went to looking for it (in NZ). Look for it in the fridge. It was close to $70 for a bottle, and I used two. I’m pretty tight with my money, but definitely considered it money well spent!.
    Very true about not yet – hopefully a few adventures (like kids!!) can happen before I join ya’ll ๐Ÿ˜€

    Since hormones control all the chemical processes in our bodies, you could consider obesity and all that goes with it as hormonal. But I think that is rather missing the point – the big question is not which hormones we can tweak, so much as how can we allow/enable our systems to operate in balance.

    Our mothers and grandmothers weren’t overweight, so there has to be something that has made things change.

    Dr Fung reckons its primarily sugar – and eating habits! I think that in the long run we probably should stay away from refined carbs, and definitely from sugar on all but very special occasions. But I am hoping that I won’t have to stay quite so strict forever!

    Hi Ruthi,

    Yes, I think you are right but so many things have changed….I remember my Mom serving us new ‘margarine’ better than butter, TV dinners, adding MSG to everything, even veg, giving us lots of sodas in the 1950s. She didn’t eat that way growing up, nor did her mother…and also wheat was hybridized and genetically modified so for those of us who are sensitive it really created a tsunami of adverse chemical reactions mixed in with growing hormonal changes as we approached puberty. Not to mention the stress levels in my crazy family with having a violent father and a mom who didn’t want to deal with his mood swings and alcoholism so nothing was talked about, and I know I’m not the only one on this forum that had to deal with stuff, or at least duck and make yourself scarce because kids weren’t really valued as they are today. And then came the ‘fat is bad’ calories in, calories out concept and if you were over weight it was your fault because you were eating too much….

    Yes, you are right, lots of things have changed but I think IF/5:2 is a pretty good way of putting things back together again…at least I hope it is, I hope I can have the results others are having….

    Gosh! it wasn’t like that in UK! I think it took us a long time to catch up with the USA after the war!

    My feeling is that the younger, and less compromised who are doing 5:2 get brilliant results with just fasting. But I suspect its not that easy for those of us who have been abusing our bodies for so much longer.

    And in particular I think fasting is a good way of resetting things, but it will only work long term for me if I kick the damaging habits.

    Hi Ruthi,

    Yes, I understand; here in California, after the war,it was a big party and the parents were out 24/7….after all they had just won the war, had a super economy, jobs, nothing rationed, dressed to the nines, drinking, had the beach and were having a swell time.

    So, what ‘damaging habits’ are you dealing with, or are willing to share about? ….I know it took me a bit to get off using sugar although there are times I still want it…or something just as weird like french fries….or rice…of course my one true love is bread, preferably white sourdough….but that is one item I’m not fooling with because it is literally like a drug for me….

    I am originally from the north of England and spent 23 years there before moving to NZ.
    I remember when I was young that such things as pop (fizzy drinks), chocolates, biscuits, take aways etc were treats – not the norm. It was a time when milk was milk and bread was bread and these were heaps cheaper than the treats.
    Not so anymore. We now have processed milk and bread and fizzy drinks are cheaper than milk and water, white yucky bread is cheaper than the good whole meal breads I was brought up with.
    But some people buy the cheaper stuff because of just that it’s cheaper and most don’t know or care that it’s bad, because all the bad things that might happen aren’t going to happen to them.
    We should turn back the clock and make the bad things like fizzy drinks, chocolates etc. be put back in the higher price bracket, so that they are treats once again.
    I would like to know why now, things that are good for you are so expensive and visa versa for the rubbish????

    For me its sugar and snacks. I don’t smoke, hardly drink, and generally dislike junk and prefer good quality food.

    I’ve been sugar free for several days, but this afternoon I had three pieces of fruit, and that was enough to set off the cravings, so the rest of the day has been a bit of a disaster. And even when off sugar, the need to put something – anything – in my mouth is there almost all the time!

    On a note about international tact, here in Britian I think we imagine that we won the war – with a lot of help from our allies, of course. And we certainly paid a far higher economic price than other countries (except probably France). While Germany and Japan had money (quite a lot of it ours) poured into reconstruction Britain, and the British people just ground along in relative poverty for a very long time! I was shocked to see how many Americans lost their lives in the fighting, though!

    Maureen its cheap because its rubbish. Easy to disguise poor ingredients, to store and distribute. Whereas, in general, if its healthy it needs relatively good/costly raw materials and needs to be distributed quickly, often with a lot of careful storage. And, of course, they can charge more, because the middle classes will pay more for what they perceive as good.

    Hi everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wow, what a lot to catch up on in this topic, after not having read it for a couple if days!

    I am about to go out, so no time for one of my usual essays (!) but just thought I would throw a couple of things into the mix.

    Re cost of foods – even tho fruit, veg, meat can seem expensive, if you only buy raw ingredients I expect your food bill will be a lot less than when you buy the usual array of processed goods. One of my many theories for why obesity is more of an issue now is that there is a lot less home cooking nowadays. I wrote in another topic (Sabotaged, maybe?) about this. When young, we ate cakes, puddings, etc, but all was home made. We only occasionally had chocolate, potato crisps, and never any other type of snack food. And the only take away was the occasional fish and chips… And we were all average weight. (Well, I was until I binged for 6 weeks during early puberty……!!!!!!)

    Re different rates etc of weight loss. As some of you know, I have done pretty well on this WOE – see Sassy’s story that PreciousBooBoo started for me for details. A theory I have begun to form relates to the hormonal issues that have been discussed. I never suffered PMT and sailed thru menopause with the very occasional hot flush – has less hormones running riot thru my system helped with ability to lose weight?

    Anyhow, gotta go!
    Enjoy the weekend ๐Ÿ˜€

    Hi Ruthi,

    Yes, I understand what you mean by England having won the war but we also had quite a go in the Pacific so that was a big part of our experience here as well. And of course we were allies and knew we made a huge difference in the outcome. So that was a win for us, and as you know, we’re not shy about taking credit, for just about anything. Of course, due to our location, the war was never on our doorstep as it was for you.

    Sugar, got it. It’s totally addicting. I have the same reaction with bread as well. I’m also learning how much snacking, eating between meals, keeps my insulin levels high and causes insulin resistance, and also causes me to want to eat more, it’s a vicious circle. I think that’s why IF is so good for me…I know that’s a big part of my picture and I’m just learning this! Feels good to be breaking the cycle even if I’m not always successful. I have to learn new habits…we can do this!

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