Evening BooBoo and everyone,
Hi Jeff5 well done I want another couple of pounds to come off and then I am going to try 6-1 but I am going to be very careful. I find the 500-5 550 calories easy to do and I think I could do this for life with the odd holiday off from 5-2 when I go on my holidays. if you know what I mean.
coffee54 the 500 adds up very quickly. Buy a calorie book to keep on you at all times but you will find that the food you eat most will stick in our mind.
Ali I think it’s Boo who types her message in Word and copy and paste into here.
At least we would not lose them, it’s when I go up the page to read a few messages that I wanted to comment on and all my typing use to disappear. JIP
6:40 pm
22 Jun 14