HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,351 through 2,400 (of 7,330 total)

  • The exact opposite happened to me. I worked as an au pair in the South of France way back when dinosaurs still walked the Earth, and after six months I returned to the UK considerably slimmer. There I learnt about the Mediterranean diet which has influenced my eating patterns ever since. I saw courgettes, the little round ones, for the very first time and learnt to dress salads with a touch of olive oil and wine vinegar. Until then I had hated any form of salad.

    The same thing happened on the two occasions I worked in Spain for a year. The first time I became slim enough to wear a bikini, the second I ended up looking great in a mini-skirt. The problem was that each time, within a month of getting home, I had put on nearly a stone. Someone suggested to me that because during each of the three periods working in Europe I had lived by the sea and maybe the iodine in the air speeded up my metabolism. That probably sounds like gobbledegook to anyone who understands science and I’d be happy if someone could explain.

    Happily, thanks to 16 months of 5:2 I’m on the way back to my ‘continental’ shape with about 20lbs to go.

    Good luck, Femme Anglaise. Sorry to hear about the thyroid problem which must make things difficult. However, I envy you the wonderful array of fruit and veg you have available to you. With the exception of apples, which for some reason seem to be better with nicer varieties this side of La Manche, fruit in France always seemed sweeter, more frangrant, and tastier than it does here.

    A quick hello to Cheeseplease.

    Where did you spend your six weeks in France, you lucky lady?

    Good to see you are hanging on in there. Hope you are finding some nice 5:2-friendly things to eat. One thing I try to do on non-fast days is to prepare stuff from the higher end of the Fast Diet Recipe Book and Fast Cook, i.e. dishes that come to around 400-450 calories. You might be able to work things out so that you can also afford a treat or two. The fact that you aren’t a meat-eater probably gives you a fair bit of leeway.

    There are also a lot of recipes on the Beeb site, to which I gave you the link but just in case

    Some are abstemious enough for fast days, while others are good if you want to push the boat out – at least a little way – on nonfast days.

    Hi hermajtomomi
    We are lucky enough to have a motor home and spent six weeks touring around, mostly the South of France – bliss! France is very motor home friendly, and we were often able to stay for a few Euros or sometimes none at all, so we were able to live more cheaply than at home, with no heating bills! Baguettes, croissants, cheese (of course), wine etc are my downfall, I am afraid, even though we do try and ration ourselves when away.

    Thank you for all the advice, particularly about non fast day meals which I will take on board. I am sure I would be losing faster if I didn’t over indulge. Sigh – white wine is so lovely though! :-))

    I will just keep on keeping on.

    It’s so good to find fellow Francophiles, Cheeseplease. So many Brits are a bit anti – including my OH, for totally baseless reasons, but he’s willing to forgive on account of the food, the landscape, the architecture, etc. Which is just as well, else he would be in big, big trouble. I argue he shouldn’t have got mixed up with a qualified French teacher and translator, who’s even doing a partly French subject for her Art History MA dissertation.

    I hear what you are saying about the cheese. Didn’t some important bod once ask how it was possible to govern a country with however many hundreds of cheese varieties? I’m lactose intolerant, not seriously enough to have to avoid dairy altogether but I have to be a bit wary, so I indulge with care. I believe that (fortunately!) the blue cheeses tend to be the safest, as the process that turns them blue kills off much of the lactose. And I never return from France without a good supply of the lovely Crottin de Chavignol goat cheeses that are so hard to get here. Fortunately many other French cheeses are readily available in the UK, but sadly not the baguettes that they bake fresh at least twice a day.

    In my misspent youth I worked in a Paris travel agency for a while and had a boyfriend who was a member of a Vache Qui Rit sales team. We used to drive around the city in a van with a big, red, laughing cow on the side. Happy days. šŸ™‚

    Cheeseplease, my OH also likes his wine but is now in the habit of cutting it with chilled sparkling mineral water to make a spritzer, thereby cutting the wine calories by half. Could be worth a try, some of the time at least, but not when you have something special in the way of wine, which would be sacreligious.

    I speak as a non-drinker – went off it big time when I stopped smoking – but still use it in cooking and I’m not one to spoil other folk’s fun.

    Hi Cheeseplease

    Can we borrow your motorhome for our visit to Welsh Wales?

    It would dispense with all the kipping on the ground all night and going across a muddy field in the middle of the night in your nightie to go to the loo….


    Hello Booboo and all you lovely international LOACA,
    My life at the moment seems to be one long merry go round of lawn green bowls, walking, Nordic walking, and days out.
    Keeps my mind off food a bit. LOL
    Violet May, I donā€™t think youā€™re walking poles are anything like mine. My poles at 105mm they must stay behind you when you start walking and then you propel yourself forward, arms must not bend at a 45 degree; arms must not go above waist level.
    Now about me and Boo meeting up, she has told me what she looks like so I will be looking for Compoā€™s Mum English comedy 1970/80 still being shown on our teles. But just in case your suggestion of the Rosettes sounds good too or we could also carry a copy of Dr Michaelsā€™ 5-2. LOL.
    PVE what are your veggie pattie , do you make them yourself.
    Smiffy your meal sounded lovely. Did you get your ipad sorted? I have to take mine back to store Saturday. I will you all know how I get on.
    Sgj53. My fasting days are changeable; I have Breakfast of fruit about 9 or 10 am. Soup about 2pm is anything. And I eat with hubby at about 5 ā€“ 6pm like you. I tried to do a 24 fast I did about 21 hour which was my second fast day B2B built I lost the 2lb and did not move the next day. I know I can do without food on fast days itā€™s the non-fast I have to get a bit more under control.
    NickyF, the only good thing about getting old, is the lovely retirement time, so we have to get fit and do the 5-2 so we can live a longer and healthy life. LOL

    Boo, sorry to hear your having a frustrating time life is sent to try us. I have just re-read your message (me under 9 stone) I would have even more wrinkles and I have enough now, only a few more pounds to come off and I will be happy.
    My camping experience was 40 years ago and I said never again, I have a good memory for things I did not enjoy. It was the lack of a bed, weather was great, and toilet was miles away if I remember right.
    Hello Femme Anglaise I am going to go on BBC iplayer to find that interview. It is nice to meet you. I have under active thyroid too I take 100 microgram tablet and also steroids for polymyalgia so it can be done, I did it walking and more walking and running for local bus, thatā€™s another story.
    We won at bowls again today, that is three wins this week and we have another game tomorrow. 4 games in 5 days. There will be nothing of me left. Wouldnā€™t that be a great. LOL
    Good night all or good Morning as the case may be. JIP

    Hi JIP!

    Oh I am so sorry I missed your going through a STONE BARRIERā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
    I have had other stuff on my mind and have been a bit distracted.

    But without further a do: I award you a

    MAGICAL MILESTONE MARKER AWARD -no.9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For having the scales now start with a NINE STONE SOMETHING!!!!!!!!

    WEIGH TO GO JIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Letā€™s face it JIP! – you wonā€™t be going down into the eight stone somethingā€™s – at least I hope not! – so this will be your last MMM!

    Well done Matey
    Onwards and Straightwards for you


    Itā€™s nice to hear from you again.

    You are so right; I do need a holiday to get sorted for my holidayā€¦.It is le camping though; hardly the lap of luxury. I need to acclimatize to the privation.

    Iā€™ve seen you on the Recent Posts list – posting on JoJoā€™s thread; are you back Fast Dieting again or are you just gently dipping your toe back in?

    Hope all is going smoothly at home now with extra bodies and two moggiesā€¦.I bet itā€™s nice for you to have some company to cook for again.

    Donā€™t be a stranger yā€™all (if that is the right way to spell it)

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing?
    And no camping tales except from my trusty Deputy Chief Captain JIP! Thank you for that JIP! I do appreciate the effort you make on this thread.

    Hello and Welcome to Femme Anglais –
    Oh I do envy you living in Francais. I have many lovely memories of French holidays. Well done you on starting the FD when you live one of THE gastronomic centres of the world!
    You have my huge sympathy regarding your thyroid from someone who is hypothyroid but untreatedā€¦ā€¦:-(

    Where is Purple Vegie Eater today? Sheā€™s usually regular like clockwork. Please donā€™t abandon this thread for your new fangled Maintainers PVE! Just because we have never had royalty post on this thread!ā€¦.
    (I mean THE Mimi Spencer for the uninitiatedā€¦ā€¦)

    Hi Violet May – Thank you for the suggestion to wear Dr Michael rosettes if JIP! and I get to meet up. What about a small trampoline for when the weather gets too cold for outdoors; do you have barns and outdoor facilities for the cattle? You could do your ā€™stepsā€™ on that; it is fantastic for your lymphatic system and your blood. Google it.

    Hi smiffy – Rock those size 16 white trousers that havenā€™t fit for a long time! And you could sit down in them – go girl! Itā€™s the small victories that we have to celebrate. And I agree with you; this thread is a great way for us all to encourage each other.

    Hi sgj53 – You seem to have the FD cracked. Have you gone back to only fasting for the 2 days? I think PVE gave you really good advice re-not doing 3 fasts a week when you are just starting. Save 3 times for when you get to a plateau or youā€™ve been on holiday.

    Hi NickyF – Your job does sound full on; are you going to go back to part-time and allow yourself more time to do the things you want to?
    Fantastic news about the size 16 moleskin trousers now fitting! Ditto what Iā€™ve just said to smiffy.

    Hi Lorraine11 – 4lbs in two weeks is a great start to your FD journey! See how you go if you fast and go spinning on a Thursday; if you feel really weak, I would swap back to another day.

    Hi Gillypoos – Are you still out there? Come back on and let us give you some much needed support. Youā€™ve got a wedding to look good forā€¦

    And the Newbies we never heard back from – jennymc, EatSleepSki, Tallulah53, iouabook and Metchickā€¦.
    Have you all jumped off the Fast Diet Wagon or have you just jumped off the FD LOACA wagon? Let us know how you are doing; itā€™s such early days for you.

    And lastly K8tie – I know you are going to get in touch with me K8tie when you have the time but please donā€™t let that stop you from spending some time on here and letting us know how you are doing FD wise; and tennis wise and baby granddaughter wise!

    Must go – time for cocoa (wow, my life is so excitingā€¦.but it is a fast day and itā€™s something sweet)
    ONwards and Downwards Ladies!

    I discovered these veggie patties in my local small supermarket. I doubt if you can get them in Wales. They are called “Bite Me Veggies patties” and are basically chickpea, peas, corn. onion, capsicum and come in at only 21 cal each. Brilliant with a bit of lettuce and a small tomato as a “take away” on a fast day. Very sustaining. I often have one just before bed to let me sleep on fast nights. I suspect I’m addicted to them!

    So many threads, so much reading, Precious. Can’t spend all day typing!
    BTW, using “long drop” toilets and living in tents is not too bad. Think of all the beautiful stars you see when you get up at night:)
    Cheers PVE

    Hi BooBoo
    Now you know those are the best bits of camping and I couldn’t possibly deprive you ! :-))

    Hi everyone.

    PVE I found your veg patties at our local Woolies yesterday while OH and I were shopping. There was a promotion so we both had a taste and got thumbs up from OH so now have in freezer as another FD dinner option – usually rotate around small grill and salad, veg stir-fry, ham and spring onion omelette or my version of pasta alla matriciana (no pasta for me).

    I love the fact that they’re only 93 calories/pattie and so tasty.

    Thanks for tip.

    Hi Precious, this 68 year-old can only manage a 0.6 working week so can have time with grandchildren and OH.

    happy Friday everyone!

    Hi Nicky
    I’ll have to check Woolies. I got mine at IGA. The patties I buy are only 21 cal per patty. I weighed and did the calculations. 25 gm each @ 355 kj per 100 gm (355 divided by, 4 divided by 4.186 = 21 Kcal) unless my maths has failed me again. I am an art student!!
    They are vegan and gluten free, too, so suit my boys.
    Have them with a bit of hummus, lettuce and tomato. PVE šŸ™‚

    Hi again all LOACAs

    Precious, further to my earlier post about size 16 pants, with my daughter went to the RM Williams sale yesterday (very upmarket and expensive Adelaide clothing brand, other Australian LOACAs will probably know it) and found beautiful pair of size 16 navy stretch wool, tailored trousers for $55 (abt 22 pounds sterling) and looked great, plus bonus that they were originally about 4x that price. Very happy bunny!

    Cold grey day here. OH and I are taking the grandies to our Central Market, they go for the lollies and face-painter, me for the groceries. I have loved the place since childhood – a veritable Aladdin’s cave of edible abundant delights. A non-FD so will enjoy guilt-free lunch out and light evening meal to balance up. Google ‘Adelaide Central Market’ if curious.

    Hi Cheeseplease, like you I’d lose weight faster if I kept a tighter rein on non FDs as PVE and othershave shown, but for the most part am content that the fat that’s been around my middle for 15 years is gradually disappearing under this WOL unlike anything I’ve tried before. Fortunately I don’t have any significant health issues since my dodgy knees were replaced, so no medical urgency.

    Of course there is the impatient part of me that wants it gone NOW, but that would require more effort and self-discipline (and misery) than I’m prepared to live with. It’s a WOL I plan to keep to for the rest of my life and the tortoise will eventually win the race.

    Have a great Friday everyone.

    Hi again PVE. These are 75g each. I had Googled them after your last post and their website has the same numbers as on my pack. I notice yours have chickpeas whereas these have potato. Needs more research!

    Long drop dunnies! That takes me back. During our field work days, a trowel and roll of paper were our only equipment. If shrubbery was sparse like a lot of Australian desert, then you needed to walk a long way to find a hill to squat down below the horizon. Ahh, now that was civilised! šŸ™‚

    Nicky, mine have 29% chickpeas, 23% potato 20% vegetables, 13% herbs, 11% rice flour. (Bite Me Organic Veggie Patties, 12 per pkt)
    Myfitnesspal site also says 21 cals per pattie. Thank goodness! I can still calculate.
    My son has a long drop on his property. I had a lot of “fun” staying there earlier this year. It is amazing how long you can hold during the night to avoid the long walk and precarious arrangements.
    We also had one on our farm back in the early 80s when we did the “alternative lifestyle” thing. Amazing what you will put up with when you are younger.
    PVE šŸ™‚

    Wow PVE! you did the self-sufficiency thing? I had a hankering but OH wouldn’t countenance it so contented myself with Permaculture-style gardening and chook-keeping. A bit more like Tom and Barbara Good in the BBC comedy.

    Completed my 2nd fast day yesterday. I found it more difficult than the first but got there!! Am feeling pretty positive. Can’t decide what to have for breakfast!

    Yes Nicky
    The full thing….goats, cows, chooks, ducks, guinea fowl, donkeys and horses. Trouble was, we had no rain for the first year! You need water to farm. Lots of fun though, making cheese, bread etc miles from local shops, no electricty, tv or sewer.Lots of home made music and fun.
    We made friends out there you would never make in the city.And we were incredibly healthy and fit!
    PVE šŸ™‚

    PVE, these sound great. Does anyone know if they are available in the UK?

    Wilbersnanna – well done for sticking with it. It does get better and once you start losing the weight and feel the benefits, it will spur you on.

    BooBoo – I did my weigh-in this morning. 2 lbs off, including the lb I put on in Scotland, so very pleased. 2 more and I will qualify for one of your stone barrier awards! So sorry to hear you have a few difficulties at the moment. Life has a habit of throwing things at us just when we don’t need it. Hope you are sorted soon and can finally meet up with JIP. We are in the process of buying a holiday home in S Wales, which is taking forever, but who knows, by the time you get to meet up, I might be there to join you!

    Glad to find this thread….. But I have been on it 1 month now and have lost absolutely nothing at all. I am 56 and have about 10 lbs to lose. I do exercise ( walking and rock climbing) – usually get about 10 hours a week – rarely less, and depending what I’m doing it can also be 16 hours. I stick rigidly to my 500 on fast days, and I have got into the habit of doing 2pm to 2 pm which works best for me. I do eat treats on normal days but don’t stuff all day! I am really disappointed – and puzzled. I had so hoped I could dispense with calorie counting after being a Weight Watcher for the last 2 years, now I know that I will still have to count calories on non fast days to know what’s going on, and I don’t want to! The relief of the freedom on non fast days was immense. Now I’m wondering if I will lose anything at all, ever. Has anyone else had this experience? Should I keep going? Will it just take longer to lose weight if I am overeating? Nonetheless, I can’t believe I am eating an extra 3000 calories on non fast days each week!

    Forgot to say – JIP – once I had found where I had written down my password (!) and logged on again all was Ok with my iPad, though not sure why i had to do it. Hope yours is ok now – they are invaluable!

    Hi everybody! Been busy because my elderly mum broke her leg and has been in hospital. I will be even busier from today as they are sending her home and she won’t get out of bed…

    Great news though: I finally got on the scales and surprise, surprise! I have lost nearly 5 kilos…. Down from 86 to 81,5… UNBELIEVABLE. THIS REALLY WORKS. And I love the fact that I can eat whatever I want on non-fast days. My tummy no longer sticks out so much that I look pregnant.

    The vegetable patties sound good. I think I will try to make my own. I will keep you posted if I succeed.

    Have a great weekend everybody!

    šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    P.S. What is LOACA????

    Hi all LOACA

    I did a long post and then lost it must be my age! Wow some of us ladies are really energetic and I wish I had retired and could go off jet setting when ever I liked!

    JIP, well done in your new milestone, just think all those new clothes. Go girl x

    PVE, I loved the sound of your veggie patties, I looked on Google and doesn’t look like they are available here so I will have to find a chickpea based recipe and cook my own. Ladies watch this space for updates.

    FEMME ANGLAIS, I would be in heaven and hell if I lived in France, all that freshly cooked bread, just wouldn’t be able to resist it. My best tips are plan meals for FD in advance so you don’t spend time planning what to eat when you can’t! Also apart from breakfast the idea is just plants and protein when fasting. I like the breakfast beauty shake, it keeps me going for ages. I have a few cruditĆ©s if I can’t last the day between meals.

    NICKYF, good job I don’t live near you, all those stalls I wouldn’t be able to stay away. Love the sound of the new Algerian stall, I wonder if it is food or clothing? Hope you had a great day there with the grandies and well done on going a size down.

    Me? I’m 52 menopausal with a worn out hip so have just had to stop Zumba after 18 months of doing it. Now looking to go back to walking around the lovely Sussex countryside when not working at school. I also want to start either yoga or Pilates to improve the mobility of my hip. Unfortunately bad hips run in the family, female side mostly. I have 1 FD a week and have lost 21lbs over last 18/24 months and follow a low GI diet to prevent snacking. Now a nice 12 rather than a tight 14 borderline 16. BMI down from 27+ to 23.6 so nearly there 0.5 lb off 9 stone! Love to 8.5 but must be realistic! FD are easy as I love the breakfast beauty shake and often eat kebabs or meat cooked on our new gas BBQ with salad in the evening. I even manage to supervise lunchtime at school on a fasting day! It’s easy when the meal doesn’t smell that good, no let’s be honest school meals have improved since my school days.
    Keep losing slowly ladies.
    Must check other posts to see how any lads are doing!
    Love to all x

    Hi iouabook

    LOACA – Ladies Of A Certain Age, I haven’t read it from the start, only started listing sporadically a few weeks ago, but I think it is ladies mostly 50+ and menopausal.
    Fantastic weight loss, keep up the good work. As others would say onward and downward!


    Wow, you guys are great. I admire your enthusiasm and positive attitude. I’m 53 and find that all my friends have failed to reach LOACA status yet so it’s something I feel I’m managing alone. It’s great to hear of others going through the same experiences as it makes me feel a little less ‘weird’.

    I recently heard Michael speak at the Cheltenham Science Festival and it all just seemed to make so much sense. I knew immediately that this was something I wanted to try. As well as the health and weight-loss benefits I feel that this gives me a psychological release. As a woman, I have probably had a good/bad/awful/really terrible value judgement about almost everything that has gone into my mouth since I was a teenager and this approach to eating makes me feel that for 5 days a week I don’t have to be judged. That seems very healthy to me.

    I’ve now done 4 fast days, 3 were pretty easy but 1 was a nightmare – I fasted on the day that I commute for over 3 hours by bicycle and by the evening I felt terrible and continued to feel awful for about 36 hours – lesson learnt to choose a different day.

    But, the good news is that I’ve already lost the stubborn 5lbs that I have been trying to lose for years and have seen numbers on the scales that I had forgotten. I feel great. This really feels like a change in my lifestyle that I can keep to.

    Thanks to all you LOACAs for letting me know that there are others out there šŸ˜‰

    Thank you AliH61… I like the idea of planning FD food ahead. It is very nice to be able to share one’s success and failures with others šŸ™‚

    Well hello everyone. This will be short as I have just lost my first post….! Just to say I have been very inspired by reading some of these posts tonight and have decided to give this diet a go. I’m 54 and hit menopause just after 50. it has taken me a long time coming to grips with it. However in the process I have gained 10kgs and most exercise no longer inspires me because of it. However some of these posts have been really encouraging. Thank you everyone.

    Just to say hi to all the newbies and the others who have been on the 5:2 since relatively recently.

    All I would say is, if it works for me it will work for anyone! I’m a bit (correction, a lot!) older than most of you and have had a life-long weight problem due largely (no pun intended) to being grossly overfed as a kid – and made to clear my plate – by two overweight parents, not on junk but good home cooking which might have been healthy if the portions hadn’t been quite so ginormous.

    I’ve succeeded in losing weight in the past but have always put it back on again. I’ve been with 5:2 for 16 months and have lost 13 kilos, plus another 3 without even trying when I was taken of nasty steroids prescribed for polymyalgia rheumatica. And even when I’ve fallen off the wagon, e.g. holidays or under work/study stress, I’ve either not put any weight back at all or regained a kilo or so which has quickly disappeared once I started behaving myself. I got stuck on a plateau for 5 months, but then began losing again. I’ve another 10 kilos to go, but 5 or 6 would be just about OK. Even now, I don’t look too bad.

    My loss is modest compared with many of our 5:2 friends, but the fact I’ve lost any at all is well-nigh miraculous. I suppose the only advice I’d give is experiment to discover what works best for you. There is no single way to success. Check out on the forum how other people do it. If there is something naughty that you really can’t live without, rather than totally blow it, leave sufficient calories on your non-fast day to allow you to enjoy your glass of wine, chocolate, chunk of cheese, or the odd cake. I’m lucky enough not to have a sweet tooth, but could eat smoked salmon taramasalata by the bucketful. I try only to give in to temptation a couple of times a year.

    Finally, don’t be discouraged if you lose very slowly. 5:2 wasn’t initially designed as a weight control scheme, but weight loss was a very fortunate side effect. Although the scales might get stuck, almost certainly your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels will be dropping. Also you may find that while your weight stays the same, the way your clothes start to fit – or are suddenly far too big – tells a different story.

    Many thanks for all your responses, it’s lovely to know there are LOACA out there to offer support. I’ve battled with my weight since I got married in 1972 (I weighed 8st 10lbs!)and have been up to 13st following pregnancies. I have lots of willpower until the evening comes and if something triggers me I can eat a 500g bar of dark chocolate (my greatest weakness) in a matter of minutes. Fortunately, I don’t enjoy cheese, and wine I only indulge in occasionally, but a warm baguette can get me any time. I can eat a whole baguette in a day (as you know the french don’t use preservatives in their bread so it would be rock-hard by the next morning – well that’s my excuse!) Also as I live alone in the heart of Burgundy I don’t have anyone to stop me from indulging.
    Yesterday, was my first FD and by 5 p.m. I was ready for my poached egg on toast. It was delicious; but I began to worry that I would not last the evening. Well, to my surprise I did – I knew that today I would be able to eat up to my TDEE.
    Again many thanks to you all

    Following my last post I note that I said I could eat a 500g of dark chocolate – no wonder I am overweight! Actually I meant a 100g bar which is around 500 calories. More to follow …

    Hi Femme Anglaise

    Well done on your first fast, I thought the first would be very hard but I was so chuffed when I managed it. My 18 yr old daughter has a fab figure so I, like you, am watching my weight alone; I find this thread does help. To know you aren’t alone! Being the other side of 50 and menopausal has its challenges. Currently I am adding ground flax seed, linseed, to my breakfast shakes to see if it helps the hot flushes. This current warm spell doesn’t help either. Can’t remember the last time I wore a jumper, I have my own central heating system but the thermostat has gone haywire!

    Any suggestions anyone? Ali x

    Hi Femme Anglaise,

    Having claimed not to have a sweet tooth, I confess dark chocolate is a weakness. We can comfort ourselves with the knowledge that it IS actually quite good for us – antioxidants etc. My particular favourites are Lindt dark chocolate with chili, with sea salt and, a recent discovery, with caramel and sea salt, all of which should be made illegal, to product the likes of us! šŸ™‚

    I see you are in Burgundy. Isn’t that where the lovely film Chocolat was filmed? You could claim merely to be keeping in step with regional culture. šŸ™‚

    Hello fellow LOACAs

    Booboo ā€“ I was brought low by a cold foggy morning that turned into a cold gloomy day, today at work the sun was shining again. I have a jump on my kids mini trampoline (1980s present from someone), itā€™s stored outside on the ā€œpatioā€ but the step exerciser is inside. This evening I stepped while starting an entrelac scarf (knitting) and listened to Griff Rhys Jones as he wandered around Gower/ Pembrokeshire on TV. Managed to get up to 10k steps so my FitBit gave me a hooray and a happy smiley face ā€“ much better than a chocolate digestive (I keep telling myself that anyway). I had lots of camping holidays as teenager with my parents, we camper vanned around Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy and even Yugoslavia before it disappeared. Dad only drove the wrong way round a roundabout once but that was in Brussels or Bruges. A few years ago my daughter took me camping in New Zealand. We mostly slept in tents on a thin mat but my hips ached no more than they usually did at home in my own bed. One thing I really wanted was a chair, logs and rocks were just not comfortable.

    JIP ā€“ Iā€™ve done a bit of research and trekking poles are not suitable for Nordic walking. Iā€™ve watched a few YouTube videos and now I want to give it a try.

    Nicky ā€“ what a win to find R.M. Williams pants at a bargain price. Last year a local frock shop was closing down and I got quite a few bargains but now my green denim wool jeans are decidedly baggy, not falling down yet because they were very old stock (high waisted not more fashionable low rise ones). Some of the other bargains may go straight to the Op Shop.

    I really enjoy dark chilli chocolate too…

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing? Well I hope.
    Iā€™ve just been reading an interesting article about yet another ā€˜dietā€˜ but this one sounds really interesting. However you may all be clued up on it anyways as the low carbs approach is often mentioned on here. Will tell you about it tomorrow.

    A very quick Hello and Welcome to wilbersnanna, SallyM, BtnJane and coffee54.

    Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found our thread Ladies; get involved and tell us about yourselves. As many LOACAā€™s say; you can get very motivated reading the success stories but also the examples of struggling, most of us, sometimes go through.
    The best thing of all is to know that, as btnJane says, you are not alone in this and importantly there is always someone to tell about your little or big victories!

    Have a great weekend! Be Good
    ONwards and Downwards!

    P.S. JIP! Where are you? Are you away enjoying yourself again at the seaside? ā€™Speak tomorrowā€™.

    Hello. Am trying hard not to exceed estimated calorie needs on non fast days. Is this the right way to go about it? Not got much appetite ?due to fasting or it may be the hay fever + a cold I’vecaught from a grandson!

    Boo: yes am back on the wagon, and going well. The good news is my son is following the plan with me. So much easier when everyone on the same page, all eating the same meals.

    Glad you are surviving your holiday. That must be a bit of challenge wih 5:2.

    JIP: gal, you are just going to be way to skinny to hang around with the rest of us. Well done.

    Hello – I’m 72 and have dieted all my life it seems. A friend recommended the 5/2 diet and I started on April 1st 2014 – so far I am down 20 pounds, I feel better, my clothes fit better and I have discontinued my two medications for high blood pressure! I still have 20 pounds to goal. I exercise in front of my computer rotating between Leslie Sansone’s 4 mile, 4 Mile Walk Slim and her 5 mile Fat Burning Walk – usually take one day off a week. I try to keep under 500 calories on my fast days (twice a week) but not always successful. I have Ā¼ of a papaya with lime juice every morning. My test will be July 1 to 15 when I go on holidays – wish me luck!!

    Hello ladies of a certain age. How the devil are you all? I have taken my ipad to John Lewis in Cardiff today to sort out the problem I am having with logging into 5-2 forum. I had pressed something called a key? in icloud, they unticked it and I had to wait 210 minutes before I could try again with my new password. Had coffee in their very nice cafe, guess what? it would still not let me in. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
    I went back to the Techno assistant but they could not figure it out, so I am going to try to have a go myself when I finish on this desk top computer.
    I hope you had a nice day, we have been walking again 20k wow and itā€™s a fast day for me. I had two cappo’s with skimmed milk and I took 100 grams of melon consumed while we were out. I have just had a nice salad with 2 boiled eggs and some salad cream, plus Weight watchers yoghurt. Thatā€™s it for me now and its 20.30pm. Do you think I should have an early night? LOL. Well I have had a hard day. JIP

    Hello again, I am using my ipad. Yipeeeeeeee.
    I had to download google chrome. I thought I would let you know just in case it happens to anyone else on here. JIP

    Hi everyone and..

    Welcome to the group and I hope you succeed like many others in this group. The mutual support it provides encourages those who fast alone and gives you the will to succeed.

    Good luck with the holiday, I have to try hard on holiday as I eat a low GI diet which can be difficult on holiday as it is mostly white rice and pasta at holiday resorts. Try and be good but also let your hair down a little whilst on holiday, a few FDs once home and you should be back on track. That’s what I am hoping!

    Hi JIP

    The only problem I have with my ipad is periodically I lose anything I’ve typed into the notes app. After checking on google it seems to be a fairly common problem šŸ™ On the subject of fasting, I had to buy some buttonhole elastic today so I can adjust my trousers, 12 is too loose and I’m def not a 10! Don’t want to be any smaller, just to feel comfortable and have my clothes fitting nicely. X

    Good morning, Good morning all.
    BooBoo I went to the Capital of Wales yesterday (Cardiff) iPad problem sorted now I had to download Google Chrome and John Lewis techno showed how to get off something called Keychain that I did not know I was on anyway.
    Back to business, God I love these messages, I have just read two days of them to get back up to date.
    I did 20k yesterday on a fast day and am very pleased with the scales this morning they are talking my language. LOL. Under 10 stone.
    AliH61, try copying your thread so if you do lose it you can paste most or all of it back in. It’s is infuriating.
    All our stories tell we have been eating wrongly most of our lives, I have been on every diet going since I was 16 years, what a waste of a life. When I was 20 I was 10stone and wanted to lose a stone, 40, 50′ etc. I can honestly say 5-2 will be the way to go and I have only lost about 7 or 8 pound but they were stubborn pounds that would not come off after losing 4 stone with WW. I put it down to my steroids and underactive thyroid. 5-2 got it off when weight watchers could not. 26 PP’s and an extra 49 (about 50 calories a point) which were for me to eat as and when I liked gave me free hand to eat all the wrong things.
    Hubby is up and out of bed so I better move. Speak later happy fasting or not it is worth it. JIP

    Hi all…..thought it would be good to report in and let you all know how my first fast day went….lol….started by googling some sites to let me know how to count calories and how to convert kilojoules to calories. Found two good ones which are now easy for me to access. 500c….wow not much…started off the day with my fav espresso coffee…….later on before I went out to mow the lawns i thought I’d better have an egg on toast but when i saw how many calories was in a slice of bread that was dropped and instead i had my egg on steamed silver beet along with my vitamins. Out to do the lawns. Couldn’t finish them all (mowed for an hour)as I got hungry and tired. So inside I came and relaxed for the rest of the day. (Have had a stressy/busy month so was pretty tired in general). Made some pumpkin soup late afternoon and a couple of pieces of fruit and that was my 500 used up. However after a couple of frustrating hours on the computer in the evening I ended up having a yummy bowl of mince!!! However the scales this morning gave me a nice result so I’m still counting that as a fast day. One thing I have realised is the calorie value of the food I’m eating and this forum is really encouraging.

    I missed your post about the hundreds of cheeses of France – I believe it was Charles de Gaulle that coined that phrase, although I stand to be corrected …. Anyway, yes we are real Francophiles, and since having the motor home have been able to go more frequently. French supermarkets are wonderful, such a range of produce.

    Lucky you to live in Paris, it sounds so romantic!

    Hi folks, about 50 years ago I gave up full time PE to look after my children. Since then I have always had to battle to keep my weight down. I had been used to eating and enjoying a really big calorie intake and easily working it off. I found it hard to reduce my intake. I’ve tried all sorts of diets and regimes but never really successfully- TILL NOW!! On the 5/2 diet I have lost an average of a pound a week and over seven months I now weigh a couple of pounds over my college days weight. True it was all muscle and now its not!! However I could not be more pleased with myself and grateful to everyone who has brought the concept into the public domain. If you’re wondering if its too late to start don’t worry, its not difficult so just get going and I hope you will be as chuffed as I am with the results. I’m looking forward to losing that last couple of pounds and continuing with a 1/6 fast regime for the rest of my life. Wishing good luck to anyone yet to give it a go.

    Good for you, Jeff5! So good to hear of long-term success on IF.

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