HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,301 through 2,350 (of 7,330 total)

  • Hi smiffy

    Welcome back! Now you know just how fantastic this WOE can be; you have the proof. We always say, it allows you to live your life, obviously including trips away, holidays, Xmas etc and then you come back and get straight back on the wagon!
    I’m like you; I like to do a few fasts first so the figure on the scales is kinder.

    The important thing is you now know you can be human and tumble off the wagon and there is no lasting damage; magic!

    ONwards and Downwards!

    Hi Violet May

    Wow get you; losing weight and you are not counting ANY calories! Fast days or non-fast days…….Now that is just showing off really
    (I’m just jealous of course!)

    I love the thought of pelicans in your garden; they surely do look prehistoric don’t they? Like pterodactyls or something.


    Hi Purple Vegie Eater

    Thank you for the second verse of that lovely little song; it‘s very sweet.

    Actually re-my slang for Australia; I am right writing Oz! It’s how us Brits shorten the name for your country; we also write Ozzies when referring to you lot!
    I noticed JIP! did it too and also EatSleepSki.
    So Yar Boo to you PVE!

    Anyways PVE; I have another bone to pick with you! Are you now officially maintaining your weight? When did that happen and did you mention it on here? I ask because I saw a post from you on the new maintainers thread and I thought; when did that happen? I don’t usually forget salient facts like that.
    I am delighted you are going to stay with us on here too though because I am always trying to get the lucky LOACA’s who have hit those heady heights to stay with us and tell us IN DETAIL how they achieve it.

    Onwards and Downwards! Or is it now Onwards and Straightwards for you?


    That sounds like a great plan of action. Please don’t obsess about the scales; they will just do your head in. Remember the ‘looser clothes’ thread I used to mention to you a lot in your early days?

    You sound happier and I’m pleased that things are sorting themselves out for you, your son and the moggies!
    Be kind to yourself too LUVTO and don’t place unrealistic demands on yourself.

    Oh and lastly; there are people who post on this forum who aren’t following the FD for one reason or another; but it doesn’t stop them posting! So if you want to chat with us then you are always welcome anytime and you only mention your weight IF YOU WANT TO.
    No pressure on here.

    Take care

    Hi Boo, give me the dates you will be staying and I will see what I can do. We have been talking about going to Aberystwyth for a couple of days, just need to know what days you are going to be in Colwyn and we could meet if there is a half way point.
    I agree I am not worth a 7 hour round trip. Let me know dates. JIP

    Hello and Welcome to this thread Tallulah53

    I’m pleased to see other LOACA’s have already welcomed you.

    And YES, I and the rest of the LOACA’s on here can emphatically say; you can have your cake and eat it! Though as PVE has wisely pointed out in moderation. You perhaps won’t believe it until you prove it to yourself.

    I am a great fan of wine too (in fact I am sitting here now slurping a glass whilst hubby starts our dinner……yum) but I wouldn‘t dream of having some on fast days; I want to keep all my calories for food.

    Let us know how it goes for you this week. You will get a lot of support on this thread but you have to actually post on it!
    ONwards and Downwards!

    Hi JIP!

    You do have a way with words! When you put it like that; it doesn’t sound very nice. I love ROBBIE WILLIAMS to bits but I don’t know if we would do a 7 hour round trip to see him………hhmmmmm…… well in his case……
    I would probably make a big exception! My husband wouldn’t though; so I would have to do all the driving!

    Anyways, we are heading down this Friday (20th) and will definitely stay a week maybe more. Obviously now we are both retired; we can be a bit more spontaneous. So that is our window of opportunity.

    It would be really great if we could meet up; you are definitely WORTH IT!


    Thanks BooBoo. This forum is so encouraging – I’ve done all the slimming clubs in my time but this is a great way to keep us all motivated. Long may we all lose together!

    Oooo Precious….scathing!
    Oz is the place Dorothy visited in the the Wizard of….! Aus or Aust (silent ‘t’)is the abbreviation of Australia. Aussie is the friendly terminology for the residents of this fine country.
    I thought you realised my goal had always been “below 60”, which I hit at the end of April. I didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to still talk to my mates on LOACA. I am still a LOACA who just happens to have reached her goal. 🙁 Hey JIP, I think you are in the same boat??
    I’ll just concentrate on my 24 hour fast today and pull my head in (sob, sob)
    PVE 🙁 🙁 🙁

    Hi Tallulah and Smiffy
    I did a month without alcohol (for charity) a couple of years ago. Lost no weight, didn’t sleep better and definitely didn’t feel as happy. I felt like a social isolate. But I did raise a fair bit as friends couldn’t believe I could do it.
    We have soda water in a wine glass with “dinner” on fast days. Nice with a bit of lime in it too. Seems to compensate for no wine. Otherwise, as I said, we have a glass every night. As we HAVE REACHED OUR GOALS, we can binge a bit now on normal days (someone has to drink the wine and liquor we bought on our recent holiday.
    Keep up the good work. You can do it.
    PVE 😉

    Haha PVE – you are so right about not drinking not making you feel particularly better – just virtuous! I have to confess to a couple of glasses of red tonight but it brought my total calories on a non fast day to just over 1400. Not bad on the standard 5.2 but I am on the fourth week of The Fast Beach Diet and am trying to stay at around 1200. Ah well – tomorrow is another day…..

    Wow Purple Vegie Eater! You are like a dog with a bone:-)

    It makes enormous sense to you for us Brits to abbreviate Australia to Aus but we don’t! We use the letters Oz! And call you fine citizens Ozzies as I already pointed out.
    But no matter; you say potato and we say potato etc……you have to say that with the right pronunciation!

    I repeat; I am delighted that you are staying on here with us to give us your pearls of wisdom on how you maintain your goal weight not to mention your fine company.

    Onwards and Straightwards for you!

    Hi JIP!

    We have had a look at how far away Aberystwyth is and it’s about a 2 hour drive from Colwyn; that is definitely doable.

    But JIP!, I hope you are not thinking of incurring expenses just so we can meet up? If you were really thinking of going there anyway around this time; then fine, we’ll arrange something but if you weren’t, then save your pennies for something nice for you both.

    If we win the lottery anytime soon; I will pay for a big gang of us LOACA’s from all over the world to meet up! But I suppose we cannot hold our breath on that one!

    Speak later – lots to sort out (I mean me there; holiday things…)

    BooBoo I will answer message later, just come in, been out all day Nordic walking etc etc, and I am just going out again bowling. JIP

    Hi Precious
    Wow. The world wide gathering of LOACA at your expense sounds fabulous!
    Our little conversation re what to call things reminds me of a trip we were on in France where a Kiwi (New Zealander) tried to correct me about how to pronounce Sydney. She laughed when I rhymed it with “kidney”, telling me I was saying “seed knee”. She then proceeded to tell me (an Australian) that our largest city is called “sud knee”
    I must be mad sitting up at 4am typing this rubbish.
    All the best with your quest to meet up with the infamous JIP.
    PVE 🙂

    Hi Purple Vegie Eater

    I wondered what on earth you were doing up at 4am typing anyway but then I had a look at the recent posts and see you are having trouble sleeping.
    Well you can join my other club; the ‘I don’t sleep a wink on fast day nights’ club…..

    ONwards and Straightwards for you!

    Hi again JIP!

    I meant to add to my previous message. When I first came up with this suggestion; there was not meant to be any inconvenience or expense caused to you. I hoped you might not live too far away for us just to mosy on over one day and have a coffee and a natter.

    So I repeat; please don’t feel you have to make the effort to get yourself nearer so we can meet up. If you had of had friends/relatives you could have stayed with gratis; then that is somewhat different of course.

    I was going to say to you; I am going to be really busy this week before we go away and I really shouldn’t be on here as much as usual. I have to get some disagreeable tasks, which I have been putting off, out of the way before we go.

    So, only if you feel you have time….do you want to be my Deputy Chief Captain again? I asked you last time not only because you go out of your way anyway to welcome new LOACA’s to the thread but you seem to like being on here more than a lot of our regulars.

    And of course, you did a wonderful job last time!

    Only if you don’t mind JIP!

    I’m 58 recently divorced getting married again soon !
    I’m fat I hate it but have no willpower and no friends here to help me.
    I’ve moved to a village but people keep themselves to theirselves so I’m doing this alone.
    My man loves to eat choc and bikies at night and I’ve fell into that trap too and I’m disgusted with myself.
    I had a hysterectomy five yrs ago and had my ovaries left in so I suffer badly with sweats palpitations tearfulness then I’m ok for a few days then wham it’s back.
    Eating is a sinful comfort to me and I know all about dieting I have lost big amounts of weight before but put it all back on again.
    Any help/tips would be appreciated

    Hi BooBoo again, I am back from bowling and we lost. Oh well there is always tomorrow’s game, as usual I must do better, in this case play better.
    Can you get on to this 5-2 when you are at Colwyn? I am having a roof job done and I do not have a start date yet but any day with luck, If I know by Friday I can let you know it is possible. I know we should not give out mobile numbers on here but how would we know where to meet etc. I should know by Friday if they start how long it would take
    We have been talking with in the last couple of weeks about going to Aberystwyth for a day or two B and B. Let me know what you think. JIP

    Come on PVE, LOACA cannot get rid of us that easy. I feel sure Boo would miss us we are keeping her going. She has asked me to take the reins for her when she is off holidaying again and I would need your help in keeping up the good work she does. Have you notice we are trying to meet up, I really do hope it comes off.
    I have been Nordic walking 11am to 12 noon, I met my son in town and I had my hair cut, I did not get home until 3.45 and I did not eat anything from 7pm last night I had a whey drink and out bowling at 4.45 so I have just had another whey drink 9 pm and a cappuccino I’m hoping for a good loss at WW in the morning. Good night all. JIP

    Hi and welcome gillypoos, we are your friends on here, we have and are doing it all together at different stages of our journey. I have lost 56lb with WW and I know that 5-2 is going to be my way of keeping it off. It will not cost you a penny. You will not even need good luck just reading back on BooBoo and all the other LOACA threads and you can do. It is worth giving a good try. JIP

    PS Gillypoos, my hubby has hollow legs and can eat anything and everything but he does exercise 5 days a week. On my fasting days he says he feels guilty, that’s nice Ha! but still eats it. LOL JIP.

    Welcome Gillypoos
    JIP is right. Read back through the thread and get the books so that you understand the science behind this. Maybe your man will join you when he realises it is for health results, weight loss is subsidiary.
    It IS hard when your mate keeps snacking. I overcame that by introducing healthy snacks. Men are basically little kids, so will eat what’s in front of them if it is tasty. Try berries, blue and strawberries, with a little plain yoghurt (a tsp), cinnamon and a few bits of sliced almonds as a quick, satisfying snack with coffee in front of the tv. Don’t buy other snacks so they are not in the house.
    Look after yourself, make food tasty with herbs and spices not fat and carbs. Skip potatoes, rice and pasta and replace with lower cal foods such as veg. Read Mimi’s recipe books for ideas.
    All the best

    Hi Boo and everyone, Boo I am one happy bunny, I am under the stone again only by a pound but it’s in the right direction 2lb off at WW. How is the packing going Boo.
    PVE and I will keep the fort going after my bowls and Nordic walking etc, etc.
    bowling this afternoon got to go just had to tell you, cannot tell hubby he’s out bowling this morning, we are like ships in the night. LOL JIP

    Hi JIP!

    Got your message.
    Can you generally get mobile signals alright in Wales? We used to have no signal whatsoever when we came to parts of Scotland on holiday. If we can get a signal alright; I can check the thread to see what you are saying. There’s always the library (with their computers) if we have problems; though there won‘t be one round the corner from a camping site!

    As I said, we are coming down this Friday and plan to stay for a week maybe 10 days. I really don’t want you to give out ANY of your personal details on here JIP; I will have to view the forum to see what you are saying regarding your building work or whether you are definitely coming up to Aberystwyth for a day or so.
    I will do my utmost to reply to you on here if you are heading up there obviously.

    If we end up picking a day; I’m sure there must be some well known beauty spot or touristy bit in the middle of Aberystwyth that we could agree on now. I obviously don’t know anywhere so you would have to pick something.

    It’s all beginning to seem difficult to organise; do you think we are being unrealistic?


    Hi Gillypoos

    I am pleased that JIP! And Purple Vegie Eater have welcomed you to this thread and already given you some good advice.

    Now if ever anyone had a good reason to succeed on the FD; it’s someone like you who is getting married. Everyone wants to look the best they can on their wedding day; especially the bride.

    The trouble with dieting alone; is that you can think that you are the only person who thinks/acts/struggles with keeping to it. That is one of the best things about this forum and this thread; there is always someone to talk to and ask advice of – you might have to wait a bit for an answer but one or more will come.
    And I cannot overestimate looking back at the thread to see the hundreds of success stories… could be started on your own successful journey in a week or so.

    Most LOACA’s on here have been dieting all their lives and have usually (JIP! is the exception) put it all back on and then some more for good measure.

    Most people, who are honest, would admit that they have ate for comfort at times of stress etc; so you are not alone there either.

    I totally agree with PVE about buying the book/s regarding Fast Dieting; with me and I‘m sure others, it made it much ‘easier’ for me to stick to the WOE (way of eating), when I took on board the science behind it. It’s very easy to understand and it explains how the potential health benefits can occur. Which is a huge bonus because with most diets; there are not usually health related benefits that can be quantified.

    I think your partner could do with being a lot more supportive of you at this time; surely he realises you want to look and feel good on your wedding day? Again PVE has great advice; try to get him to come on this with you and then he won’t be sitting there eating chocolate biscuits whilst you are starving hungry on your fast days (which is good believe me).
    It would be far easier if you could both go on it; does he have any spare weight to lose? Most people do nowadays.

    My advice; buy the book, read it and pass it to him to read and then do your level best to get him to join you on it. That should make it a hell of a lot easier for you to stick to.

    Secondly, get to know people on here; you have to make a bit of an effort but it is well worth it in terms of support, advice, encouragement etc.

    It’s up to you now

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all? Well, I hope.

    What has happened to all our Newbies? How are you all doing?

    I’m thinking Cheeseplease, Metchick, jennymc, EatSleepSki, Tallulah53, iouabook, sgj53, Lorraine11 and smiffy! (Forgive me if I have missed someone new out)
    Let us know how it’s going for you.

    Hi JIP! And Purple Vegie Eater – You are right JIP! You and PVE are the only ones posting regularly at the moment apart from me.

    JIP! Obviously you are busy too at the moment with your house and all your exercise and the nice weather… if you can get on here to welcome new LOACA’s then great; if not, that’s okay, hopefully someone else will.

    Thank you too PVE; you always make an effort to welcome new folks and encourage them and I appreciate it.

    Well I’m having a frustrating week; I’ve been scrabbling around looking for clothes to take on our camping holiday and it’s not been very successful. I should have tried on my ‘summer’ clothes a lot sooner than a few days before we go away!

    A lot of my casual trousers are too big now; which is good but not if I have to find something to take with me in the next few days….I definitely don’t have time to go shopping either. So I think I will just be looking like a dishevelled tramp for most of the time; which is usually the case, whatever the fit of my clothes, because once I have slept for one night in a field then all attempts to look anything other than clean go right out the window!

    We haven’t camped for a good few years; so I think I’m going to be in for a rude awakening – literally. Rampant insomnia and a bad back…….
    I’ll probably need a holiday when we get home!

    A quick Hello to Lulu01 – are you still looking at the thread Lulu? Are you still off the LOACA FD wagon? Other people post on this forum a lot who don’t follow the FD; so don’t let that preclude you coming on for a chat even if it’s just to tell us how you are doing.

    Anyways ONWards and Downwards!

    Hi BooBoo
    Yes, I am still here,and still going. I do well on fast days but find it hard to stick to my TDEE on no fast days. My digital scales have a mind of their own, if I move them from one floor tile to another in my bathroom I can gain or lose four pounds! So difficult to chart progress. I am also taking high dose anti inflammatories which lead to bloating etc etc.

    Have had my fifth fast day on Monday and got on well. But today we went to the pub and ….. Well, a few white wines and packets of crisps later …… Ho hum, fasting probably tomorrow – although my freshly baked sourdough bread will be ready at lunchtime – help!


    Hello..I have lost 4 pds and I just started week 3 doing good not sure if fasting m and ok …I am thinking of maybe mon and Thursday. Not sure if its a bad idea since I spin on Thursday and it takes a lot out of me…hope everyone else is doing great. .

    Lorraine xxxoooxxoo

    Well done Cheesie and Lorraine. Keep it up ( or down as Precious would say)
    Precious, have you thought of just using a belt (or piece of string) to hold the over large pants up? Remember mine falling down? It IS exciting for you that they don’t fit, though. Good work. 🙂
    Slept well last night. Feeling much better.
    Cheers PVE

    hello everyone, Lorraine you are doing well keep up the good work.I still do my walking and now my Nordic walking on my fast days and get in about 20K steps in. i am 68 years young LOL. so try it and see, if you feel a bit shaky eat something and fast the next day, it is good that 5 -2 is flexable.
    I usually get on these thresds with an ipad and it would not let me sign in, so here I am late as usual. ( could read but not reply) I was hoping to catch Booboo before she calapses into bed. Lol.
    Booboo if we do meet up, shall i look for a clean lady a bit worse for wear? hobbling around. I think you are right, I am sure you would be able to get on 5-2 at a library and I can say if we can get there before you leave Colwyn to go home. I can let you know where we are staying that would not be any use to anyone else, would it? you could then ring me there. I am realy looking forward to it now, its just my luck that this roof job is going to take longer than we think, something to do with the load bearing of walls etc.
    well good night all. JIP

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Sorry Ladies if I don’t respond to you individually but we are heading for bed after a frustrating day.
    Thank you to our Newbies for responding though; it’s nice to know how you are getting along and if you tell us, you get some encouragement! Though not from me tonight….

    However PVE! A piece of string! I’ll look like Compo; an old bloke from one of our popular comedy programmes. All I need is my wellies and I’ll look like his mother!

    And JIP! – it’s getting worse! We have only just started to look at campsites and they are looking pretty booked up! Have the kids down there broke up for the summer holidays yet?
    We thought it would be pretty quiet at this time of year…..

    Lordy I need a holiday already and we haven’t got there yet!

    Thank you and Good Night (as someone said)

    Lorraine, I find Mon and Thurs work better for me (I’ve been fasting for over a year now). With two days between, I feel more normal and can eat up any leftovers from Tuesday. But the wonderful thing about IF is that you can be flexible. We tend to look at our diaries and plan around social occasions. When I am forced to do the days with only one between I definitely find it harder. Funnily enough, I then find I get confused on the day after (Friday) and think I’m still fasting…weird!
    I also try to plan busy things on fast days (non eating activities). I also used to avoid any shopping malls but now I can cook, shop, even sit with others eating and cope. The smell of food is ok now.
    It really does become a way of life and should be. Many traditional societies included fasting as part of their calendars.
    All the best
    PVE 🙂

    Boo you sound like you need a vacation just getting ready for your vacation.

    So sorry to hear your insomnia is still rampant. No fun. I don’t know how you do it, fasting on no sleep. Getting to sleep is the worst for me when I am fasting….find I need to save up some food and have some hot tea and a scambled egg to make me feel a bit full. Not sure if it is just all in my head but I sure feel the “empties” last at night with nothing else to distract me.

    Hope you have a wonderful camping trip.

    I am with you on saving calories for just before sleep.
    If you read my little adventure into 24 fasting on Monday (Thanks Dr M thread), you will see I had no trouble not eating all day until “dinnertime”, but only ate a bowl of soup, then felt dreadful all night and snacked all day yesterday. I never do that after my normal 16:8 fasts. I find I definitely need something in my stomach or I can’t sleep. We eat about 250 cal at 7pm, then I often just have a little vegie pattie (21 cal)just before bed and it is enough to settle the tummy for the night.
    Cheer PVE

    I cant thank everyone here for the great advice. .PVE. I think ur amazing for doing it for over a year thats impressive! And jip wow 68 yr young..u must be in great condition. ..all u ladies r such an inspiration! !! Luv to read


    Hello everyone,
    Cold winter weather has arrived here in Australia and I’ve gone into hibernation mode – when I have always added kgs thanks to sitting by the fire and drinking hot drinks (to warm my hands) usually with something to nibble on. When I started FD in May we had fantastic late autumn weather and I was outside being very active. So now I need find a way to get outside, get active and warm before the cold puts a real crimp in my FD.
    JIP, I’m interested to know about your Nordic walking. I have poles bought for a NZ holiday with my daughter five years ago. We walked the Routeburn track in the South Island – it was fantastic, we crossed the snow covered Harris Saddle in sunshine which we were told only happens about once in five years. Could these trekking poles, which extend to my shoulder height, be used for Nordic walking? My nearest Nordic walking classes are about 5 hours drive away, so I’ll have to be self taught but my nearest sports equipment shop will probably sell me more poles.
    I’m very excited about the possible meeting up of BooBoo and JIP, maybe you can both wear Dr. Michael rosettes to recognize each other 🙂

    Hello all – yes I’m still around. I had the same problem as JIP in that my iPad wouldn’t let me in without re-logging, and I had forgotten my password. I am definitely of a certain age! Especially when I found I had made a note if it on my phone! I have been very good since getting back from Scotland…..until last night! We were out to friends for a meal and I was over the moon that I could wear a pair of white size 16 trousers (and sit down in them!) that I certainly wouldn’t have got on a few weeks ago. The meal was lovely and not too damaging – dips and crudités, coronation chicken, couscous and salads, with a small amount of apple crumble, but I did have a few glasses of chilled white – how could I not when we were sitting in the garden on a sunny evening?! I should be weighing this morning but have decided to have a low cal day today, a fast tomorrow, and weigh on Friday, otherwise I could get disheartened. I will just keep looking at those white trousers that I have left hanging on the wardrobe……..

    Morning All! Just been catching up on all your posts. IF is going well for me so far. No weigh in yet, but I’m not having any problems sticking to my fast days. I’m having my evening meal at about 5pm as usual, then nothing until about 11.30 next morning. Once or twice I’ve had a snack of salad with an egg, or something similar at about 3pm, then I have my evening meal a little later than our usual 5pm. Am I doing it right, or should I be missing my 5pm meal at the end of my fast day? I’m eating less at this meal than I used to. Any thoughts, folks? Good to hear from the newbies! May the fast be with you!!

    Hello Ladies and thank to the Newbies who have given us an up-date; will hopefully respond more later.

    An important message for JIP! though.

    Something has come up JIP! which I don’t want to go into on here; which means we are not sure we can get away to Wales this Friday as planned. I am sorry to seem so inconsistent but this is beyond our control. We thought ‘taking off’ spontaneously, when we are no longer shackled with work, would be a lot more simple but in this instance – no.

    I did say in my last post, the sites seem ultra busy anyway; which we were surprised at….Anyways, I’ll keep you posted.


    Smiffy..funny I also have a certain piece of clothing I like to admire. .except I have not tried it on yet..maybeI I should. .a few months ago I tried it on and it didnt fit me..I feel like trying it on today. .u kinda inspired keep u posted

    Lorraine xxxoooxxoo

    Do that Lorraine – you may be surprised! I have read on other posts that this WOE often loses inches even when the scales appear to say otherwise. There are few things more inspiring than getting into something you haven’t been able to wear for a long time. Let us know how you get on xxxxxx

    PS I’ve also noticed I no longer have an extra pair of boobs hanging out of the sides of my bra!!!!!

    Hi LOACAs everywhere.

    This thread is to busy! Precious, you’ll soon be boasting of 3000 posts.

    Have just finished my torrid 3-day work week 🙂 except it has been pretty full on for the last 5 weeks, teaching 6-9pm on Tuesdays then having to front up for a full teaching day on Wednesdays too, with Monday and Tuesday pretty well consumed with preparation. Today was my last class for this module so am very happy. Enjoy occasional teaching but this was a bit much.

    Almost recovered from my cold (that didn’t help either) so fasted Monday and yesterday. Scale reading the same as my last weigh-in two weeks ago (didn’t fast last week because I was crook – that’s for your benefit Precious hehe).

    Interestingly though, the size 16 moleskins that I haven’t been able to wear for a long time fitted fine this morning and I didn’t have to lie down to do the zip up! very happy.

    Precious and JIP: sorry it looks like your rendezvous has to be postponed.

    Precious and PVE: thanks again for the cold remedy suggestions.

    It’s nearly midnight here so time to shut down.

    Goodnight all
    Nicky xxx

    Hi JIP!

    We are definitley not going to be able to get away this Friday; so I wanted to let you know so you don’t go incurring any unnecessary expense.

    We are going to put it back a whole week which should allow us to sort out our issues; here’s hoping.

    ‘Speak later’

    Hi Booboo, Do not have any worries, we are going to go sometime anyway. it is better,conservatory roof having to come off and a new one fitted and I still do not have a start date I needed more time. Hubby is saying ( I am NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL THE ROOF IT COMPLETED !!!!!!!!!!!! MEN).
    We are only postponing our date.
    Thank you everyone for putting up with our little tete-a-tete
    I am sure you will all get to read about our meeting.
    Got to go, I have been out all day to the seaside. Anyone heard of it is a well known holiday place in South Wales called Porthcawl.
    Good night all. JIP

    Hi JIP!

    Glad you got my message.

    Sorry to hear about your conservatory roof problems; it’s all go on here. I do frequently say; that there is often a lot going on in people’s lives that we don’t usually hear about on here.
    Normally I want to come on here so I can forget about how hungry I am and/or to distract myself from the problems we are currently dealing with….

    Anyways, did I imagine that I read in one of your posts only this week that you had managed to get 1lb BELOW NINE STONES?
    I’ve just had a look back and I cannot find where I read that?
    Am I dreaming about this thread now?!


    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing?

    I second JIP! in thanking you for putting up with our protracted attempt to meet up and it’s had to be postponed; so you might have to go through it all again!

    Thank you to all the Newbies who have posted to tell us how they are doing; I’m sorry I haven’t been able to respond in detail to your progress like I normally do.

    Hopefully tomorrow; if it’s not been as upsetting and frustrating as this last week has been.

    Do come on to tell us all some good news if you have some and I particularly would appreciate if anyone has any good camping tales to get me in the mood for kipping in a field, on the hard ground, in the middle of the night. Or should I say, in my case ‘trying’ to kip in the middle of a field…..

    Oh and let’s not forget, going to the toilet across muddy fields in your nightie and wellies; also in the middle of the night.

    What’s not to like?!
    ONwards and Downwards!

    Hi Booboo and Everyone, what a wonderful morning here in South Wales, sorry to rub it in. if you are shivering in other parts of our worldwide threads.
    My ipad has got a problem and I have to take to Apple store. So it’s my desktop for a while. I love my ipad its going to be a bind.
    Booboo, I did leave my good news (2 lbs off and into the 9’s ) on Tuesday between WW and going bowling, I thought you may have run out of awards (If I did qualify for it) LOL, now we have the newbie’s wondering what this is all about. Then again I thought it may be you did not want to show favouritism because of our intended meeting.
    I will get back to answer others this evening, I have Doc appointment at 10.20am and bowling this afternoon. One more bit of good news if you do not mind we blowing my own trumpet again on Tuesday my bowls team got a “ Hot Shot “ this mean all four players got nearer the Jack ( small yellow ball) than the other team and we get an award for that too. Yipppeeee.
    Got to Go onwards and downwards. JIP.

    I was prompted to take a look at the 5:2 Fast Diet website following Michael Mosley’s interview on June 18 on ‘This Morning’. I’ve also seen his Horizon programmes and like the advice he gives, so HELLO to all other LOACA, and I look forward to receiving your helpful tips to succeed. I’ve a minimum of two stones to lose (although three would be wonderful); this is partly due to a recently diagnosed defunct thyroid gland, so I have a bit of an excuse for the weight gain; but also having moved to France in 2011 I have had my fair share of macarons, tart tatin, etc. So I’ve made a start today and had a bowl of porridge with fresh apricots and a sprinkling of cinnamon for lunch – poached egg on toast for tea/dinner!

    Hi Femme Anglaise
    We were in France for six weeks earlier this year and it played havoc with the waist line, so you have my sympathy on that score – how lovely to be there permanently, however. It sounds like you have done your research and good luck on your fast diet weight loss journey. Everyone is very supportive on this thread and have lots of good advice to give.

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