HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,101 through 2,150 (of 7,330 total)

  • Hi crunchkin
    Good luck and welcome! I started on Monday and am still excited about this new way of life. Have you had a fast day yet?

    Hi Crunchkin

    Welcome! I too started on Monday. I look forward to sharing in your progress on this WOE.

    hello everyone ..i just started.. wed. was my first fast day… hoping to see some progress soon..


    Hello Crunchkin and Lorraine. I joined a week ago and am into my third week of IF. Hope you are not finding it too difficult. Once you get to grips with the fasting it’s such a flexible programme and can be fitted around your social life quite well. And you get results! My big problem has been giving up the demon drink, but I keep telling myself it’s worth it! Good luck!

    Perhaps I’m not up-to-date enough with new coffee machines? I have up until now used a filter and ground coffee or instant! But yesterday I treated meself to a Krups/ Nescafe piccolino, hoping that by drinking more coffee throughout the day I’d up my liquid intake and enjoy an easy to make cuppa!

    So just made my first morning cappuccino and was reading all the bumph about these machines and I found out that every one of the ‘capsules’ contains sugar and sometimes sweetener! What a disappointment!

    So I phoned Nescafe to ask if they had any capsules without sugar and it was no, they don’t. So phoned the shop to arrange to take it back but they refused. They are probably wrong about that because the law here in Holland seems to say you can return items for 2 weeks even if they are OK and have been used. To be continued on that…
    The woman in the shop said I should have asked if it was possibly to make coffee without sugar before I bought it but that hadn’t occured to me; I’d assumed it was!
    A wrong assumption obviously. Is that a naieve assumption?
    I’ve always avoided these machines up uptil now so just assumed you’d add your own sugar!

    Is this something that everyone knows now? Go on, be honest!

    But I also wonder how many diets are scuppered or hindered by this hidden sugar. I thought I knew most places where hidden sugar was but maybe I really am really hopelessly out of date!

    Gosh, Speedy, how absolutely ridiculous! I’ve been toying with the idea of getting one of these myself as my other half doesn’t like fresh coffee and I love it. It would never occur to me that the capsules came with sugar already in – and I thought the general trend was towards encouraging a healthier lifestyle! Words fail me…..and poor you now being lumbered with the machine! Hope you are successful in being able to return it.

    Hi Speedy, I’m not up to date either but my son did give me a coffee machine two years ago, not the sort that takes capsules thank goodness, I just add ground coffee (Melitta Blue Mountain Style medium roast at the moment) and I heat the milk with the steam thingy. I use low fat milk but of course full fat milk froths up best so I have to make sure I have that when he comes to visit! I had no idea the coffee capsules come with added sugar though, and no sugar free capsules available.

    What a pain, Speedy. I just love these smug so-and-sos who tell you what you should have asked and what you should have thought of. Certainly try the legal route.

    There’s another possible solution, if you can be bothered – try selling it on eBay. Do the Dutch have the equivalent of the British custom of putting up a notice in the local newsagent’s window? That also might also be worth a try.

    Thanks all, thought I was going a bit mad!
    I think the shop has to take it back as there seems to be a legal ‘cooling off period’ her of two weeks. It’s a local shop, part of a chain so I suspect the ‘lady’ who answered the phone isn’t familiar with the law. Nescafe said twice they have to take it back.
    We have ebay and a similar thing here Hermaj, but to be honest I just want them to take it back. It cost about 50 pounds and on ebay etc I wouldn’t get that back.
    Just frustrating really. I asked someone in the UK just now and they also didn’t know. So it seems not to be a well known thing but really could have blood sugar consequencies for people who have several cups a day – and raised blood sugar / insulin = reduced weightloss. πŸ™
    Back to my filters I think!

    Taking it back and getting a refund is the ideal solution, Speedy. Let’s hope the shop does the right thing as they jolly well ought!

    Nyyyee πŸ™ Just been Googling their website. It says stuff has to be unused. So I suspect I will fall inbetween Nestle and the shop.
    Though as there are sample capsules in the box – I’ll give it a go!
    I live and learn. Just find it shocking that every cup from these machines has sugar albeit just a small amount. x

    Hi Speedy

    How ridiculous that they would expect you to know to ask about sweetened capsules.

    If one buys a cup of coffee then the default position is unsweetened, at least here in Australia.

    Stick to your guns!


    Come Tuesday and I’ll do my best. You never know. But you know how hard it is to get money back from big companies. πŸ™

    Another thought Speedy …

    Do speak to the store manager and put your case. After all, you could be diabetic and preference about sugar wouldn’t then come into it.

    As an absolute last resort if they still don’t cooperate you could mention writing a letter to your newspaper or even maybe your current affairs TV programmes – they usually love David and Goliath type stories and the store wouldn’t want the negative publicity over what for them is a trifling amount. Imagine being the local manager and having to answer awkward questions from head office.

    I certainly wouldn’t recommend this strategy unless more diplomatic tactics fail you.

    The quietly reasonable but firm approach with the decision maker usually works for me.

    Good luck!

    We bought a Nespresso Pixie last year. The pods only contain coffee and you can buy a milk frother to make lattes and cappuchinos. I wasn’t a coffee fan (we bought it for my husband) but now I drink one decaf a day. It isn’t the cheapest way to drink coffee but it is worth it I think! We also have a cafetierre….

    I’m going to try that Nicky. My Dutch is OK but I lack the nuances that I can use in English of course!

    Metchick, I was just in the supermarket looking at the variety of ‘capsules’ so I’m also going to check that out to see if any supermatrket brand ones are sugar free.

    I know I’m going on about it so sorry! I wanted to make sure everyone knew this.
    But anyone who has 6 cups, as many easily might, that could be 100 cals – and on a Fast day. πŸ™

    Hi Speedy

    You can get a small range of Nespresso capsules in the supermarket (now that the patent has run out!). We love the decaffeinated ones you get direct from Nespresso.

    Thanks Metchich, at the moment I don’t know which capsules fit which machine! A Krups Piccolo. So far, I don’t think the Nespresso capsules fit it (not 100% mind!)

    Hi Speedy..thanxs for u encouragement. much have u lost and how long have u been on it?

    Hi Lorraine, it’s complicated as they say!
    But I started late last August 2013 and fasted x2 per week but just water dats and kept quite low carb and I lost about 17.5 kilos so about 2.5 stones.
    But I fell off the wagon during winter blues, but kept about the same weight, maybe + 2 kilos so not too bad. But I had inadvertantly, I think, also caused myself to get a kidney stone because I had given up drinking of coke a day but not replaced it with water! That’s my best guess theory anyway!
    Because I’m very overweight I could have an easy zapp treatment for the stone so had to have 2 surgeries and that really, really frightened me and I went back to my old comfort eating patterns πŸ™ and put back about 8 kilos – just over a stone. πŸ™

    During my hospital stay they found I also have a very full gallbaldder – probably, though not definitely of course, because I had lost weight.

    So now I feel a bit stuck, I have to lose the 8 kilos again and a LOT more. I of course want to do that without making more gallstones. I believe – but again am not sure that my way of fasting 30-36 hours on just water (but not enough water!) may have helped me form gallstones because when you don’t eat for extended periods your gallbladder doesn’t empty its bile which gets thick and can form gallstones. So I think I have to fast in future with say 3 small meals per day. But I find it much, much easier not eating at all because once I start it’s hard to stop! But I need to lose about 25 kilos to even get into a still far too high bmi range – in case I needed a gallstone operation.
    Maybe I never will need a gallstone operation? Maybe I have had these gallstones for years and my fasting didn’t cause them? I just can’t tell.

    Sorry, it’s a long story and rather dull but that’s my experience so far.

    How are you finding your first week? I think te first week is quite hard because you are not in a routine. As youhave done i think it’s good to just make the decision which days to fast in advance because if you allow yourself to make that decision each day, it’s easy to decide not to fast today but tomorrow instead!

    Whatever you do – keep drinking lof water! πŸ™‚

    About a million new cases of gallstones are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. For reasons that are still unclear, women are two times more likely than men to be afflicted. Native Americans have the highest rates of gallstones in the U.S. because they have a genetic disposition to secrete high levels of cholesterol in bile (a contributing factor to gallstones.) Mexican-Americans also have high rates of gallstones.

    Gallstones are also more common in people over the age of 60, in those who are obese or have lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, in those who have diabetes, and in women who have had multiple pregnancies and who take hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills.

    Yes indeed Takloo. And happily, most stay unaware of their stones and asymptomatic. πŸ™‚
    Seeing that I have a lot of weight still to lose and already have a full gallbladder, I’m hoping to find a way to lose that weight that would be safer for surgery without growing more gallstones in the meantime.

    BooBoo and fellow followers.
    I am sorry I have not been on duty, only just logged on and seen Boo’s message dated 5th at 8pm, so I did not know I was suppose to be on deputy/duty I have been AWOL. LOL.
    Had a fab time at In-laws Friday night, arriving home at 2am ( Saturday) this morning. By now you have concluded I can hold my rum and um piΓ±a colada, and ummmm my bailey’s diluted with coffee. LOL.
    Me and my sister had a day out shopping, well we had 2 weeks gossip to catch up after her holidays. Left poor hubby nursing his bad hand but I was back to cook his tea so he was happy.
    Hope you had a nice time BooBoo. I am sure your followers will not dessert you.
    I know I could never fill you shoes Boo. I do not know how you keep up with all the threads anyway. So as Boo would say Onwards and Downwards. JIP

    Hi PVE, I still have my cleavage, I have never lost much off my boobs when I have dieted in all my dieting life.
    Trying to be good today I over did it on the alcohol and the lovely cheese and biscuits last night. I must not put on Tuesday at WW.
    I feel in control, I will see.

    Welcome crunchin, BooBoo is on a few days away, she usually recommends reading back threads of the LOACA, we are all in this together and we can do this 5-2. There are a smashing lot of ladies with lots of ideas to get us all slimmer on this thread.
    Onwards and downwards. BooBoo’s sayings. JIP

    Speedy, if it’s any consolation I coincidentally found out that my gallbladder is full of gallstones while getting a bunch of stuff worked up before breast cancer surgery. That was more than ten years ago and I’ve never had any gallstone-related symptoms. I just lost 40 pounds in 40 weeks doing 5:2, fasting either 12 or 23 hours at a stretch. Still no symptoms from gallstones. Still doing 23-hour fasting for maintenance. Probably most middle-aged women in the developed world have a lot of gallstones, fortunately for most, they never get to find out and so never worry about them. Of course, after your kidney stone experience it is harder not to worry.

    Wow Franfit, thank you so much for telling me that. xx That must have been a terribly hard period for you, but 10 years ago. Fantastic. πŸ™‚
    Thats so encouraging. Thank you so much. Obviously we are all different but it’s great to hear a success story.
    Well done on your weightloss. πŸ™‚ I have read that you tend to not get gs trouble if you lose 1.5 or less pounds a week. – So great tip!

    Hi deputy chief captain JIP
    You seem to have picked up the flag and are running well with it! I’m sure Precious will be proud of you. I agree, don’t know how she keeps up with all the posts.
    I had a bit of a wander around the other threads on Friday night and was pretty horrified by some of the ideas expressed. Seems a lot of people have no idea what the Fast Diet is about and are pushing some very odd ideas. I have decided to stick to LOACA and not read the others. I love the chattiness,, supportiveness and warmth of this group.
    Lucky you with the figure! I am more a racing tadpole build, although over the years I began to think I was a more womanly figure. Now know it is called fat;)
    Keep up the good work girls, a lighter, healthier you is there waiting to be revealed.

    Poor Speedy
    Your story is so sad. It IS very hard to stop eating once you start. I find I carry water with me everywhere and drink a whole glass (even if not thirsty) whenever I have an urge to eat on fast days. You need to choose foods that are very filling and take time to eat (salads, an apple or soup) so that you satisfy your hunger for a while, then go off and do something away from the kitchen… preferably out of the house. Preempt your hunger by making a cuppa before you get the urge to eat, forget about “mealtimes”… they don’t exist.
    You really should eat at least twice a day to keep the system working and drinking huge amounts of fluid as food contains masses. Follow Michael’s recipes for a while to get your head around eating amounts and ideas. Kate Harrison’s 5:2 Diet Book is also an excellent source of simple ideas. Plan ahead and throw out any food that you might be tempted to nibble. We didn’t have bread, milk, cheese, butter, biscuits in the house for 6 months. Keep a supply of berries and salad stuff ready now that it is summer over your side. I find 100g packets of smoked fish (salmon trout etc) brilliant for a quick meal.
    Don’t deny yourself food completely. It can’t be good for anyone. Just limit the calories and drink.
    You can do it, I’m sure.
    Also, if you are an ex Coke addict,never drink sugary carbonated drinks again and you will lose the taste for them.
    Go girl!

    As to coffee machines… I have no advice as I have spent the past nearly 40 years boycotting Nestle. As a proud promoter of breastfeeding, I try my damnedest to keep their products out of my house. It is becoming harder and harder as they swallow up so many other companies. Still, babies the world over deserve to have someone trying to protect them.
    πŸ™‚ PVE

    Speedy, I’m happy to be able to offer a bit of reassurance πŸ™‚ and my best wishes for resuming fasting in a way that works well for you and getting the weight off! Fasting days go better for me if I make sure that I get plenty of protein and at least a little fat each time I eat, whether I have breakfast and dinner, an afternoon snack and dinner, or dinner only (and the fat is what makes the gallbladder empty).

    Speedy – capsules for coffee machines, competitors are producing capsules that fit Nespresso coffee machines so there may be better choices for you – here’s a link to a Wall Street Journal article

    I just tried the link and they want me to Log In so perhaps just searching for “Mondelez Stirs NestlΓ© Challenge” will work better:)

    Hi JIP and PVE and all

    Like you I don’t know how Precious keeps up with everyone here. These last few weeks I haven’t had time to read the thread every day and when I do log in there’s sometimes more than a page of posts to read.

    I was reminded of Jennifer Saunders’ comment in Ab Fab that inside this body there was a thin woman waiting to get out, to which her mother replied (June Whitfield) Only one dear?

    Of course for us 5:2ers not only is there a thin woman inside but also a healthier one.

    Nicky xxx

    A Good Sunday Morning to all the followers of BooBoo and LOACA.
    It’s a smashing day in sunny South Wales ( uk ) not far off places.
    Welcome all the new ladies you have come to the right place like PVE said there lots of threads. It Boo who keeps us all in touch. I am at WW goal but I am here to make sure I have found the place to make sure I have the support to keep the scales reading the correct numbers.
    Out with my sister yesterday and counting the calories just to make sure it was about 1300 to 1400 so I am pleased with that. Fasting to day because I am out all day tomorrow, Nordic walking 11 am to 12 noon home quick change and lawn green bowling in the afternoon buts it’s a special President Day of ladies from surrounding clubs come together to to mark the end of her year, it’s a meal after usually meat, pots and salad so I should be ok, no afters for me. LOL. Got to go ladies have a look at my maintainance thread that I like. So Onwards and downwards all. JIP

    I also don’t know how Precious Boo Boo keep up. I had to turn off email notifications! I am admin of another busy site and that take 2 plus hours each day so if I also kept up here I’d never move!
    Well done deputy chief captain JIP! Great name by the way πŸ™‚ xx

    HI Purple Vegie Eater. it wasn’t meant to be a sad story – just how it is. THings can be much worse I know. I haven’t bought the book just watched the Horizon so that is a good idea to buy the book.
    I sort of think that having been ‘on a diet’ much of my life, buying yet another book can’t tell me much more. Knowing and doing it are different things of course! You certainly do lose the taste for coke – I have done that many times (but found it again later! πŸ™
    You’re right about Nestle, I feel I’m a bit of a jaded campaigner now. Been veggie over 40 yearsfor animal rights – but sometimes it seems futile as animal parts are used in- glue, so in most thing, plastics, fabric softener! Plus the entire medical field – I don’t know how to cope with that.
    So hard to protest in this Global world.

    Hi Franfit – yes the fat is so important! I’m getting up to speed on all the tips πŸ™‚ xx

    Hi Violet May, also many thanks for the info. πŸ™‚ I don’t think I have a Nespresso but a Krups Piccolo it’s Nestles but not a Netspresso !?? – maybe they use the same capsules? Really it’s an entire world of complexity where finding out what (also) fits which machine is almost impossible so I’m glad there is starting to be some cross-over.
    Reminds me of the old days of Betamax & VHS – or printers now where the machine itself is quite cheap and but the inks (or coffee capsules) are quite expensive and rarely interchangable.
    To be honest I’m thinking back of going back to strong instant plus foamed milk!

    Hi NickyF, that’s such a good point. Until now I’ve been lucky enough to mostly feel very well and I thought of being overweight as a cosmetic thing or relating as you so often hear to cancer or heart disease and I managed not to think too deeply. Now I’ve suddenly realised that it effects everything! I know that probably sounds a but stupid but really I had never thought about it much despite being overweight much of my life.

    Keep on drinking lots of water!
    Happy Sunday LOACA πŸ™‚

    I am almost 64 and want to lose 12 to 15 lbs.
    I ran into this forum and was super excited and already did 2 fast days.
    I felt so much support by reading all the posts that fasting days were much easy than I ancipitated.Today in my no fasting day and surprisingly I feel very mindful of everything Iambic eating today so that’s the good thing.

    Just wrote a whole essay to you Speedy and it deleted itself!
    Have a son who is a vegan. He makes me feel guilty about all the calves weaned early from their the mums. I agree, but love my cheese and yoghurt. At th moment, I’m busy trying to save the environment and try to overcome some of the stupid decisions our current Government is making.
    As to books, I have 5 Fast Diet and 5:2 (Kate Harrison) books that I refer to regularly to keep my head around this.
    With the great results my husband has experienced with diabetes, we will be on this for life. It is not a weight loss program (although it works) it is to allow your cells to heal twice a week with 36 hour blocks of very low calories to process.
    I find the books keep me inspired. They are scattered all around the house.

    I hate non fast days, I just don’t know what to eat, and have no self control. I have just polished off two Cadbury fruit and nut bars and about eight almond biscuits. I know it’s not good, but once I start I can’t stop. I badly need to retrain myself and my attitude to food. Going through a stressful time at the mo, and this is how I react. Not feeling great about my stupid self.

    Hey JIP,
    Go on… skip the potatoes and have the afters.
    I cooked roast pork (a la Jamie Oliver) and veg for Sunday lunch today. (remember, it is winter here now) I used a huge variety of veg (onions, capsicum, beetroot, fennel, sweet potato, garlic, whole red apples with only one tiny potato each. Tasted fabulous and we didn’t overdo it. Had left over roast veg and cous cous with a dash of feta for supper and kept the rest of the meat to make pork buns tomorrow. I watched Jamie on the plane cooking them when I flew home this week. Thought I could try a treat as, like you, I am at goal and can splurge a bit on non fast days.
    I love the challenge of getting my husband to try as many vegies as possible (he would only eat meat if I left him to it).
    Keep up the good work, Deputy Chief JIP

    Cheeseplease: You are not alone! This happens to me fairly often. I finally am starting to deal with the emotional eating problem I have. I gorge when I have too much to do – part of me simply protests and I overeat.

    I found chapter four of the Fast Beach Diet book particularly helpful to get my head straight.

    Try to eat healthy – get rid of the cadbury bars and the biscuits. They are tempting to eat if in the house, but you can’t eat them if they aren’t there!

    I plan out my meals for the day – including snacks!

    Hi Amy C
    Thanks for your support. Yes, the little evil part of my brain says why not, go on, and under stress or when not feeling on top of things I give in. I have hidden this from my husband for years – where is that jar of peanut butter? Oh, it fell onto the floor and broke etc etc. I agree, it’s best not to have these things in the house, but there is always something – I’ve been known to eat marmalade straight from the jar!

    Must try harder!

    Cheeseplease – it can be very hard at times. Probably most of us here can be described as ’emotional eaters’ and finding ways of dealing with it is enough to send us straight to the biscuit barrel. Amy C is right – not having temptation around is often the only way. I find having the low calorie things around that I would normally think are a bit extravagant helps – I love smoked salmon, prawns, feta cheese and olives (on non-fast days – and even a little on fasting days can be counted into the allowance) and there are wonderful strawberries around at the moment which I keep in the fridge with blueberries to pick at when the pangs attack. As a former regular wine drinker, I feel I am justified in spending the money I am saving on low calorie ‘luxuries’, and I don’t feel so resentful and deprived. Luckily I don’t have much of a sweet tooth but I do find Cadburys Highlights invaluable for those times when nothing but chocolate will do. Stick with it !

    hello everyone! I am a complete newbie, just started with my first fast yesterday, and i have to say it went ok! kept myself occupied with sorting out a load of mail thats been waiting for months to be filed, so i hardly thought of food all day. plan to fast again on tues, which is always a busy day for me, so food shouldnt be too much in mind. been very interested to read all your posts. you all seem to be doing so well.cheeseplease and amyc…when i get the munchies, i use the tapping technique from thought field therapy, and that usually stops me from nibbling. its a bit strange to do, but if it helps…..
    looking forward to reading more of your comments. just hope i can find time to get on the site as im always so busy with work.

    Hi Smiffy and sgj53
    Thank you for your helpful suggestions and support, I really do appreciate it. sgj53, not heard of the tapping technique, I will research it on google. Good luck on your 5:2 journey. I find fasting days are ok, I know what I am eating and when. I don’t really want to calorie count on non fast days, but I guess by planning everything out this May help me. Thank you both! X

    from wiki

    Thought Field Therapy, or TFT, is a fringe psychological treatment developed by an American psychologist, Roger Callahan.[2] Its proponents say that it can heal a variety of mental and physical ailments through specialized “tapping” with the fingers at meridian points on the upper body and hands. There is no scientific evidence that TFT is effective, and the American Psychological Association has stated that it “lacks a scientific basis.

    Callahan terms his treatment “Thought Field Therapy” because he theorizes that when a person thinks about an experience or thought associated with an emotional problem, they are tuning into a “thought field.” He describes this field as “the most fundamental concept in the TFT system,” stating that it “creates an imaginary, though quite real scaffold, upon which we may erect our explanatory notions”.[3]

    Perturbations are said to be precisely encoded information contained in the thought field; each deformation of a person’s thought field is connected to a particular problem, and is activated by thinking about that problem. Callahan maintains that these perturbations are the root cause of negative emotions and that each perturbation corresponds to a meridian point on the body. In order to eliminate the emotional upset, Callahan says that a precise sequence of meridian points must be tapped. He posits that tapping unblocks or balances the flow of qi.[4]

    Callahan states that the process can relieve a wide variety of psychological issues, including posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, addiction, and phobia.[2] A typical treatment session lasts up to fifteen minutes, and is not repeated.[2] Callahan has also stated that TFT can treat or prevent physical problems, including atrial fibrillation.[5] In 1985 in his first book on TFT, he wrote that specific phobias could be cured in as little as five minutes.[6]

    There is concern by clinical psychologists of the adoption of TFT as an unvalidated and pseudoscientific therapy by government bodies and the public at large.[2][9]

    A 2006 Delphi poll of psychologists on discredited therapies, published in an APA journal, indicated that on average, participants rated TFT as “probably discredited.”[10] The sample included both practicing clinical psychologists and academic psychologists. Devilly states that there is no evidence for the claimed efficacy of power therapies including TFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and others such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and they all exhibit the characteristics of pseudoscience.[11] Lilienfeld, Lynn & Lohr also use TFT as an example of a therapy that contains some of the hallmark indicators of a pseudoscience. Specifically, they note its evasion of the peer review system and absence of boundary conditions.[12]

    Previous studies performed on TFT have received criticism in the medical literature.

    I am trying a new technique. Instead of labeling this little sabotager as evil, I am trying to listen to what it is trying to say to me.

    “Too busy!” was its message this weekend. I have to acknowledge that this “other” side of me has valid points and should try to incorporate what this little sabotager wants to do into my life.

    Hi ladies and all newbies, BooBoo is going to have you job cut out to catch up with us. Let’s hope she has a coffee machine handy, one cup is not going to do it. LOL
    Things to do to stop us eating or going for the wrong thing that a known from years ago, I try it every so often, put a coloured elastic band on your wrist and when temped with the wine, cake chocolate erc, give it a good old bing a few times. the pain is what makes us say no thanks, I’ll have what ever it is that is not fattening. Fruit etc. hope you got all that. LOL
    PVE, you are suppose to keep me on the straight and narrow, What would Booboo say. LOL
    I think we are all better at keeping to fasting days, it means we are getting the hang of things, we only have to get the non fast days under control and we will beat this Yoyo dieting business.
    Did I tell you about my gentleman friend, his name is Will Power and I will share him with you but remember to say good morning to him everyday. He’s a lovely guy when you get to know him. If only he would not get lost when I am thinking of having another Rum and diet coke. No I am not having one now it is my fasting day. Good night LOACA.
    Onwards and downwards
    From Booboo’s deputy JIP.

    Hello Cheeseplease – and anyone else feeling guilty about eating forbidden fruit, for which read chocolate, biscuits, or indeed chocolate biscuits.

    Don’t stress about it, there can’t be one person posting on the forum who has never done it – and any would-be virtuous individual who says s/he has never fallen off the wagon with a mighty crash is telling big fat porkies (translation for anyone not acquainted with Cockney rhyming slang,porkie pies = lies).

    I did it last night. Neither I nor hubby were under sort of stress, nothing emotional was involved. It was just that I had baked a cake, quite a plain one, in fact, I don’t like the heavily-iced creamy things, but it turned out extraordinarily well and we both ate rather a lot of it.

    Today – not a fast day – I found it very easy to fast all day until dinner time so I guess my body naturally adjusts to any misdemeanors. One of the desirable effects of 5:2 is that after you’ve been doing it for a while you find you can’t put away nearly as much as you used to. So not to worry, Cheeseplease, you might find the problem solves itself. Could you maybe set aside some calories on a non-fast day to allow yourself a little treat without going over the top?

    Purple Veggie Eater, it’s interesting that you mention the good 5:2 has done for your husband’s diabetes. It’s a reminder that 5:2 wasn’t initially intended to be a weight-loss programme. I think I’m correct in saying that it targeted diabetes and was also believed to prolong healthy longevity. Weight loss was a very fortunate side effect. It’s comforting to know that even when the scales don’t budge this WOE is still doing a lot of good things to your body.

    I personally don’t like fruit and nut milk chocolate, but I could imagine showing very little restraint with dark chocolate which is supposed to be good for you – that’s my excuse anyway! I have to say, though, that two large bars of Lindt dark stuff have been sitting untouched in the fridge since the Friday before last, so I must be learning.

    I am trying a new technique. Instead of labeling this little sabotager as evil, I am trying to listen to what it is trying to say to me.

    “Too busy!” was its message this weekend. I have to acknowledge that and incorporate what this little sabotager wants to do into my life.

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