HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 12 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,851 through 1,900 (of 7,330 total)

  • Hi again Karen and JIP!

    I will definitely give the CS a go; if they cost a great deal more I would have to consider it but it’s such a small sum of money that it’s worth a punt.
    I was looking at Amazon and was just reminded of one of the, in my opinion, expensive remedies called Threelac; that had some fantastic reviews but it didn’t help me at all and I had to stop shelling out for it.

    The most annoying thing about this is; I haven’t tried any new remedies for Candida in the last ten months that I have been on the fast diet and my out of proportion stomach had definitely gone down a bit!
    I haven’t changed what I eat and drink on my non-fast days; so it had to be the fast diet having a positive affect on it. Which is really saying something where my body is concerned.
    And literally, in one fell swoop, I took myself right back to square one by trying the fermented cider vinegar with manuka honey drink. I was trying it generally as a tonic as it too has some really great write ups but also for arthritis; thinking it might help my foot problem. But I could tell within a week that my stomach was pumping up again and of course, the fact that I stopped taking the tonic doesn’t mean it has gone back down.
    Oh no, it’s much worse than it had been lately and now I would have to go another ten months for it to reduce again if I wasn’t going to give the CS a go. I can but try.

    As I said JIP in my earlier post; my Candida has turned into a low level permanent problem so I don’t need to use yoghurt or other such remedies; if you get my drift.

    I think because I’d read the book I had a good idea what might work (although I was dubious with mine being a long standing problem and it might not work for everyone). It sounds like your candida causes a different problem to the one I’ve had in that your stomach swells (sorry haven’t read your earlier post about your symptoms)? No wonder the cider vinegar and manuka honey didn’t work when you think about it, probably about the worst thing you could have taken as it probably fed the yeast the honey made it grow out of proportion, but then you were trying it for different reasons so weren’t to know until you tried it. I guess you’ve tried acidophillus (not sure if I’ve spelled that quite right) tablets in high doses? They are also useful to try and won’t do any harm because they populate your gut with good bacteria hopefully reducing the amount of yeast in the body. I’ve tried the lot really, plus Diflucan, prescribed and bought over the counter (apparently not good to take too much of because the yeast gets resistant but I had a really bad bout last year just before I went on holiday and had to resort to it again in desperation). Natural yoghurt inside and out if you know what I mean, didn’t do a damn thing for me either neither did tea tree oil. You have my sympathy Boo boo and I hope the supplements do the trick or at least help a little. Please let me know when you’ve given them a good go anyway.

    Hi Karen

    I have tried pretty much everything you could mention in the many years I have had this problem. The only one I wasn’t keen on was the Diflucan because it is a drug and not as natural as the rest.

    Anyways thank you again; I do appreciate it and here’s hoping….

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    We’ve just been for a lovely walk and there was a bird hide at one point and we saw a Greater Spotted Woodpecker! We have never been lucky enough to see one before (in the flesh) so we are chuffed to bits. It looked as if he had been painted; especially when you consider how many birds are small and brown and a little bit plain.
    So that was a perfect end to our walk and we weren’t rained out this time; so that was a plus too.

    I must just mention some absolutely lovely bread we had today for lunch. It was soda bread from Aldi one of the supermarkets we have recently become converts to. It tasted a bit like a scone because it is quite sweet and it was truly delicious and well worth a try if you like your bread as we do. Please don’t anyone spoil it by telling me how calorific it is! We enjoyed it and that is all that matters; I’m not too careful about my non-fast days.

    Hi JeanDee – I am so pleased you are happy with your STAR LOACA AWARD! It’s a bit of fun but actually when you think about it; telling us that someone has lost so many lbs/stones doesn’t really give us anything concrete to go on. But if, like you, you can suddenly get into an item of clothing that hasn’t fit for years; well we can all identify and imagine the pleasure in that.
    So whilst my little awards are just for fun; they actually represent important little victories in our lives.
    I love the fact it is going on your resume! LOL! I also like the expression Boo Crew! It sounds quite cool!

    Hi LorilnCT – How did your weigh in go the other day? 6lbs in 3 weeks is no bad start – well done.
    That was really interesting what you found with the vitamins etc you take; I’m going to have a look at ours. I must admit, I would be loath to cut any out because I feel strongly that much of our food is de-natured nowadays and we simply don’t get the natural nutrients we need by the food alone. There used to be selenium in bread and now there is none and what happens with vegetables that are sprayed with all sorts of nasties?….ho hum.

    Hi Purple Vegie Eater – That was an interesting discussion you set going about the body fat %. Mine is quite high; so I wonder if that is representative.

    Hi Anto58 – Am I being incredibly thick here? Do you mean measure your hips and thighs in inches; add the two then minus 2 x your calf measurement and once for wrist measurement?

    Hi Lulu01 the LOACA LURKER! – I always like to hear from you Lulu whether you are managing to fast or not; don’t give yourself a hard time. You have to be in the right frame of mind, I always think, to commit to any form of eating plan. But I appreciate that you are busy and it does take time to post on here! I should know!
    Please do keep at least reading though because I have my books and I know you will be interested in what they have to say.

    Hi Her Maj – I’m glad you got the link with the other Her Maj!
    Is she any relation?
    I like the way we have abbreviated your very long username; I’m not mad keen on one of my abbreviations though! PBB! Sorry Ladies if this makes me sound PRECIOUS! I know PreciousBooBoo is a fair bit to type out but if it’s too long for you; could I just have Boo instead please? PBB doesn’t mean anything – it’s just some initials whilst Boo is still part of my name……Now I’m going to be known as a Demanding Diva aswell as all the other things I’ve been called!

    Hi piper – My husband laughed aswell when I told him your acceptance speech in an Elvis type voice. Be proud of your achievement! You at least, sound like a slip of a girl.

    Hi JIP again! – Is it WW day tomorrow? I have my fingers and toes crossed for you on the weight loss. Do you still have to pay your weekly fee until you get back down to your exact goal weight or did it stop when you got within the 5lbs?
    And the ‘with a little help from my friends……’ song is, of course, the BEATLES! Do you need anybody? I need somebody to love…..
    Don’t we all?

    I’ve just realised; we haven’t heard from yipyop either lately.
    How is it going yipyop? Are you still FDing? Let us know.

    Anyways Ladies; must be off now. Dinner to cook and (dare I say it, after all the talk about Candida) wine to drink!
    There is no hope for me; save yourselves!
    Be good this week all of you; let’s have some proper weight loss this week! (Says she…)
    Onwards and Downwards!

    Woo Boo!
    That was quite an epistle!
    I hope you got all that off your chest and that you get some of our glorious sunshine to help you on walks. There is a lot to be said for a good climate making the world seem rosy.
    Happy fasting, my Monday is nearly over.
    Yours in fasting,

    Hi PBB, yes, you’ve understood the formula correctly. I had been relying on my scales and feeling pretty frustrated that my fat percentage never seemed to go below 29% and then when I updated my age and it said I was fatter still, when I was clearly no different from what I’d been 30 seconds earlier, before updating, I realised they were not much use, at least in this regard. I guess it supports what lots of people say about focussing on your measurements rather than what the scales say. I do still weigh myself daily, however – I just take no notice of anything after the weight.

    Good morning Demanding Diva/Preciousbooboo/and fellow followers. LOL.
    Hope you all had a good weekend I enjoyed every minute of it, out shopping on Saturday with my sister a fellow WW dieter but not a 5-2, looking after the bowling green on Sunday afternoon and bit of gardening just a bit I do not have green fingers and what I plant has two chances live or die. LOL
    BooBoo I weigh in tomorrow (Tuesday ) morning. When we get to our goal weight that WW decide we can stop paying but if we go over the 5 lb limit of our goal we have to pay and keep paying until we get back within the 5 again.
    I also read JOJO’s threads and she says she is taking antihistamine tablets and wondered if they could be water retaining any thoughts? I take them all year round.
    Keep fasting and keep everything crossed for me tomorrow. LOL. JIP
    I almost forgot to tell you and (how could I forget when I am going to blow my own trumpet ) ( nothing new in that I hear you say). LOL.
    Checking my pedometer this morning I have walked a grand total of
    82,870 steps that is 33.97 miles in 6 days. I must be able to lose on that and two games of bowling Tuesday and Thursday thrown for good measure. JIP

    Hi JIP!

    I don’t know anything about antihistamines so I can’t help you there. I think your suggestion about the garlic tablets might have helped me though! Because I have obviously been bitten since that first time and they are not anything like as bad as that first time. I still have the marks on my legs off the first ones but subsequent ones are not leaving any marks and I don’t seem to be being bitten anything like as much as I could be.
    So a big Thank You JIP.

    Wow, walking nearly 34 miles in 6 days is amazing! Not only are you reducing your calorific intake by using up those calories but think of how much healthier you will be in general.

    Have everything crossed for you tomorrow but wanting to lose 2 1/2 lbs is a big ask. Try and be patient JIP; you will get there!
    You are only a few lbs off.


    BooBoo Glad to be of help, keep taking the tablets as they say. I mean throughout the year to build up a resistance to the little blighters. Did you get the £1.00 for 60 must be capsules not tablets. I am off to play bowls now hope the weather stays fine, it will keep out if the kitchen for tomorrow’s weigh-in. I am feeling a bit weak after doing a B2B. Keep fasting everyone. JIP

    Hi Anto58

    You don’t post on this thread that often; how is your fast dieting going? Irrespective of the % of your body fat.

    Hi K8tie

    How are you? How is your FDing going?

    Regarding thermometers re-the books and basal temperatures; do you still have a mercury one or are you using a digital? (I cannot remember how many mercury ones I dropped and broke….).
    You will probably know that the Mark Starr book suggests that the digital ones may fluctuate several tenths of a degree during consectutive readings. I’m wondering if I should invest in one of the alcohol/glass ones….

    Also since I’m ‘speaking’ to you; could you have a read back at recent posts from me on Candida please. Is there any particular remedy you know about and would recommend? As you will read Karen was kind enough to respond and suggest one but I thought I would just check with you to see if you had any particular suggestion.


    Hi PBooBoo

    One of the books was Stop the Thyroid Madness and here is a link and copying an important paragraph from this link:

    “I joined the [StopTheThyroidMadness] Yahoo natural thyroid hormones group and came across something someone said that made me feel that finally, after over 10 years, I had an answer to my mystery illness. She said “hypothyroidism causes low body temps which allows fungal overgrowth. Get the temps up and the fungal/yeast will have nowhere to live.” Oh! Of course! Why don’t the doctors know this?!! To this day I want to scream sometimes at the thought of all those wasted years. But at least I had an answer and a group of great people who were so well-educated. ”

    Gut issues have eased loads since I cut grains sugar and alcohol a while ago for 6 months – at time thyroid tests all showing fine so was looking for other keys and did this no grain thing. I also had skin marks on parts of my body and looked fungus like. On my instep now all gone and on arms much lighter – this was the candida. I treated with probiotics – biokult capsules as per the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr Natasha McBride famous for the GAPS diet for kids with autism etc. I also used home made kefir and I make my own fermented vegetables.

    I now do mondays wednesdays and fridays Fast Days and combine that with staying off all grain and sugar then also . . . just having home made chicken or beef broths which work to heal the gut also. I lost my menopot with all of that!

    And think I mentioned before . . . yes there is mention of digital thermometers not being accurate but for me accurate enough . . . I went from 34. to this morning 36. 2 and have been highest to 36.6 my highest. My journal says 34.3 temp for May 2012 so think I have done well.

    The Lugols iodine in the form of Iodoral has been the last key I put into place and seeing and feeling good things as it may be that the iodine has helped thyroid so no need for desiccated thyroid. But keeping tabs on all my symptoms and seeing and journaling on all as I go along.
    In this link above see also re the adrenals and the thyroid.

    I am on a bit of a plateau . . . the last 6-7lbs however not smooth with family staying over last few weeks and being the cook . . . however hopefully back to normal by wednesday so will set to then.

    Hoping covered all for you . . .
    Much love

    Thanks K8tie
    My husband has long been battling gut issues. He cut out alcohol years ago, but resumed it. Hasn’t eaten wheat or soy for may years, but did not cut out sugar. I’ll get him to read up on candida and body temp.
    I’m sorry girls, I have to brag. I hit a new PB this morning….59.4kg (9st 4lb or 131 lbs) Oooo, no wonder you guys get disappointed. Kg sounds SO much lighter! The calculation has told me my next goal will have to be another 1.8kg to get under 9st. It has taken me forever to drop another .5kg. Seriously the only way is to eat less. I do walk a lot on fast days to keep busy, but it IS total food intake that clinches it.
    Tell me, why do some of you pay to go to WW when you are on 5:2? Fast Dieting costs nothing (in fact cheaper than eating), means you are only eating fresh healthy food not corrupted expensive WW food and you can watch your weight fluctuations daily by weighing yourself. Take control. It makes you feel very proud and changes your food choices to natural, healthy foods for life. No point in lining WWs pockets when you can be spending it on lovely new clothes.
    Had my rant. Happy days.
    Off to lunch with my daughter in the city.
    PVE PS The weather here is STUNNING. Longest warm spell ever in May. Mmmm… climate change is certainly a reality here. Not too good for those on the land.

    Hi Purple Vegie Eater I have been going to WW’s since February 2010 and I lost 56 lb by July 2011, I have only paid 3 times in almost three years, I only pay if I go over more than 5 lb. I still go every week because I like the company of friends I have made along the way, some are goal like me and some are still on their journey, only I do the WW’s for 5 days and the other is the 5-2 diet. I am near my goal having lost 1 lb today and I am now only 1+1/2 lbs over my goal. I just needed a change because I take steroids for poloymyalgia and thyroxine for under- active thyroid. Plus other tablets. And I could not get to my goal, since starting 5-2 I have not paid and that is my reason to keep going every week only missing when I am away on holidays.
    I like the people on these threads and I think anything that helps us keep our weight under control cannot be bad. Keep fasting. JIP

    Hello PreciousBooBoo where are you? I note it’s 24 hours since your last thread, I hope your enjoying some good weather and the little blighters have not devoured you completely. I am reporting in 1 pound lighter I would have liked more, don’t we all.
    Happy fasting. JIP

    Hi K8tie

    Thank you for taking the time to respond so fully; at least you know, I always appreciate it.

    I too remember reading (in one of the myriad books I have read on the hypothyroid subject…..)that if you are hypothyroid then you will have a propensity to fungal overload.
    I suppose this could explain why ALL the very expensive supplements I have purchased over the many, many years I have suffered from Candida; did not have any quantifiable affect.

    I take it that that paragraph in your post; was one you copied from the book?
    LOL – Why don’t the doctors know about this kind of thing? Why don’t they know anything worth knowing about the Thyroid? I could certainly join her in screaming about ‘all those wasted years….’

    I have just been reading in the Mark Starr book: about how, really, doctors in America are largely no different to those in the UK. They too choose to ignore irrefutable evidence that blood tests are worse than useless at diagnosing hypothyroidism and they too, will focus solely on the TSH tests to decide if someone is suffering from it or not…..

    I can remember visiting my G.P decades ago and asking for Niacin in order to combat Candida and he wouldn’t give me any; he wouldn’t even accept that I might know that I was suffering from Candida…..

    So sent away to continue to suffer and of course, deteriorate again…

    You have done exceedingly well to raise your own metabolic rate; incredible in fact. Bloody Well Done!
    In fact I am going to award you this week’s


    You will be aware K8tie; that ordinarily I award these for something flippant but also wonderful. Usually someone getting into clothes that haven’t fit for years etc but this time; I am awarding it for achieving something that most people could not even begin to do. And I know how much effort it would have taken to get to the point where you could take that route yourself.
    I salute you K8tie – truly and I am very pleased for you and not a little envious.

    If you remember one of the first things I asked you when you were posting on here; was how did you manage to increase your basal body temperature. I knew from all my reading on the subject (most of which I have forgotten because of my now very poor memory-another hypothyroid symptom……) just how difficult, if not impossible that would be.

    Hope you get off that plateau soon; but hey, you haven’t got much to go. Be patient; you can afford to be.


    Hey JIP!

    I was just posting my response to K8tie and there you were!

    And 1lb lighter! Good on yer cobba!

    I wish I could lose a lb this week…..Yes we have been out today for a longish walk. Yesterday the heavens opened again and so doing anything outside was out of the question. It was hail stoning and you should have seen the size of the hail stones! They were like mini golf balls!


    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing? It’s quiet on here again; what are you all up to?
    Enjoying the nice weather? We have had some sunshine but the trouble is up here (in South West Scotland) one minute the sun is shining and quite literally the next, it is absolutely persisting down with rain. The type of rain that drenches you if you are unlucky enough to be out in it….

    I was thinking about the garlic tablets that Happy Bunny JIP recommended to us to try to ward off the, as LUVTCOOK would say,
    ’no-seeums’ (midges for the uninitiated).
    I do think they are having an affect because I should have been bitten much more than I have. It made me remember a Spanish holiday when I was young and daft and my best friend and I met a Spanish boy who was some kind of dancer. Honestly, the amount of garlic he must have consumed – he could kill a horse stone dead at 50 yards! It must have been oozing out of his pores!
    Mind you, we didn’t consume so much garlic back then; so we would notice it especially!
    Most of you probably also know that garlic is good for your blood; so a double whammy then.

    So speaking of you JIP – Hello, I do understand why you go to WW as well as FDing. One of the best things about going to the classes apart from the nice people you meet; is the fact that they weigh you……It’s just that simple.
    I think I have told you; I am a Life Long Member. And when I continued to go when I had reached my Goal; I could keep tabs on my weight.
    Notably, and I did it many times, when I stopped going; I gained weight. Simple. Going there to be weighed weekly stopped me from spiralling out of control.
    But I do take Purple Vegie Eater’s points though; they are valid and sensible but we all have to approach losing weight and maintaining weight the way it suits us best.

    And speaking of Purple Vegie Eater! – Wow you’ve gone under a milestone marker! As in getting below another ten kilo’s – Well done you!
    If you read our discussions about our new award for getting under a significant milestone on the scales; then you know it is for going under a stone mark, getting under another ten lbs or getting under ten kg’s.
    Well you have done that PVE but since you are not a kick in the pants off getting under a REAL BRITISH STONE MARK…..then I have decided to make you wait until you get to this marker!
    Now there is something to spur you on for that last 4lbs!

    Anyways must go; but a big wave to LUVTCOOK, ThintoartinCal, yipyop and anyone else who hasn’t posted on here for a good while.
    Come back and tell us how you are doing.

    Onwards and Downwards Ladies!

    Hello 🙂 Just saying hello really. I’ve no experience with under active thyroid just over active ones – they are horrible too.

    I was wondering if anyone with lots and lots to lose has any experience with shapewear? I saw on a tv programme a few weeks ago that a woman – not yet of a certain age I think, waiting for a gastric band I think, was wearing a sort of tight, compression body suit thingie. Like a big strong, firm swimming costume.
    I have a lot to lose another 5 stone at least and I go now to the gym 3 times a week but my new floppy bits (stomach actually) gets in the way. 🙁

    I’m hoping that losing more weight will reduce its bulk – it will still flop of course I know – but I’m hoping it will be easier to secure with the right sort of underwear!

    Sorry! This isn’t a very nice subject to bring up really! I’ve Googled of course but it’s no substitute for real experience.

    Keep drinking the water!

    Hi PBB
    I’m sorry if someone has already mentioned this or you’ve already tried it but I used to suffer from candida infections and a wonderful practice nurse passed on the following tip which has meant I suffer no more: squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water and drink before anything else first thing in the morning. The nurse’s explanation was that lemon is extremely alkaline-forming and yeast infections cannot survive in the body in such conditions. Hope this helps.

    I’m feeling down today because I’ve just got my period – haven’t had one in over seven months and thought at 55 that was all behind me. I should have known it was on its way because I was very bloated, sore breasts, aching ovaries, headache and VERY grumpy a few days ago. AND last night I polished off a whole 180g block of chocolate without hesitation and I haven’t done that in a very long time.


    Hi again PBB
    Was just looking over some stuff I’d written down when the nurse passed on the lemon juice tip for candida (see the above posting)and noted she also said to brush the tongue with your toothbush upon rising and follow the lemon water with two more glasses of water.

    A year ago when the nurse gave me this tip I wrote that I was really run down with a head cold, worms, anxiety attacks and very low energy. Since I don’t feel remotely like that any more I am going to stop complaining about a wee biddy issue like a rogue menstrual hiccup and count my lucky stars.

    It IS great to be able to offload to a group of women who understand.


    Hi BooBoo
    Apologies for using the PBB you dislike so much. I really should read the latest postings before putting fingers to keyboard.

    Hi Speedy
    Regarding the floppy tummy issue, I so totally relate to this. I carried good sized twins to nearly full term and had a caesarian which cut lots of tummy tightening muscles. At the time I was 45 years old and my body clearly thought I’d gone a step too far with pregnancy at such an age and decided not to put itself back the way it was before. Now I have a wee pouch.
    I don’t wear shapewear because it reminds me of the breath-restrictiing corsets my mother used to wear. As unromantic as it sounds a firm pair of full brief knickers is a good compromise – cotton gusset of course.
    Love to hear what others have to say on this one.


    Hi Speedy

    I was just thinking about you yesterday; thinking that you had gone quiet again. I was going to ask; are you resting up but here you are talking about going to the gym 3 times a week! That’s 3 times more than me! :-()

    I hope you are taking it easy though Speedy; don’t knock yourself up in your haste to get going again. But it’s very positive of you -Well Done.

    Regarding shape-wear; it’s something I can’t give you any advice on. When I have bought some to try in the past; it was always so tight and umcomfortable that I just sent it back.
    But it seems like a really sensible idea for you to feel more ‘comfortable’ when you are working out. I’m sure there will be someone on here who can help; that’s one of the major benefits of a forum/thread like this. We can ask each other about things and find out about things we weren’t aware of.

    Have you been polishing your special award? Don’t be a stranger here Speedy; just because you are not officially fast dieting yet. No-one is going to throw you off the forum/thread because of that.

    Tell us what supa-dupa things you have been doing with your new telly? Have you got it making your tea yet?

    Onwards and Downwards!

    Hi all,
    JIP, I totally get the social support you get from friends at WW. Anything to help with the cause. I just don’t understand why you only get weighed there and why people buy their expensive food full of all sorts of doubtful additives. As you say, if it works for you, go for it. Your 1lb is similar to my .5kg. Enough to know you are going down.
    Yes Precious, I know I’ll have to wait FOREVER to get another star from you, but as long as I’m still under 60kg, I’m thrilled.
    I also have had a fatty bulge from a twin caesar 30 years ago, but with my weight loss this year it is hardly noticable now. Even old skin like mine does shrink back when the fat goes.
    Have had a good week socialising, so off to bed ready for another fast day tomorrow. Good night western hemisphere.

    Hi Lynne1146

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my plight; I do appreciate anyone trying to help me.
    I have tried pretty much everything in the past and yes, I have drank lemon juice in hot water first thing in the morning but perhaps I didn’t have enough lemon juice in it. I do think you are fortunate that something so ‘simple’ sorted your problems: speaking from many years of experience and hard slog; I’ll eat my hat if that works for me…..but thank you for trying.

    Sorry to hear about ‘the curse’ turning up again; hopefully it will just be a one-off. Hearing you talk about scoffing the large bar of chocolate brings back memories… (it’s a long time too; since I have allowed myself that pleasure…..yum….).
    It reminds me of my PMS (which I still have or it’s the never ending symptoms of the menopause……..). There were times in my younger days when I had no idea when my period was due and I would get ‘notice’ of it by asking my husband to go to the local late night shop and buy me two large Marathons (now Snickers of course). I didn‘t usually bother with sweet stuff until those two days!
    Like you; my body was screaming out for something.

    I agree with you whole-heartedly; it is great to be able to share a situation like this with a group of people who know exactly from whence you speak. I mean, look at Speedy’s latest plea for information.
    So don’t be a stranger Lynne! I thought you were another LOACA who posted once or twice and was never seen again; having said that I love being proved wrong! And boy, I am often wrong! As you will probably have witnessed!

    Regarding PBB; I don’t dislike it that much, it’s just that it is just as easy to type Boo as it is to type PBB which are just initials at the end of the day……

    Onwards and Downwards!

    Hi Boo, I haven’t posted much but I do read everything and find this thread really helpful.

    I’ve been intermittently fasting since Boxing Day, more intermittently at the moment than for the first three months. I only needed to lose about 5kg that had deposited itself on my tummy with this change in my hormones – that and hot flushes have been my only problems. I had got to within 1 kg of my goal when work got really busy and the weather got colder – does anybody else find it harder to fast when it’s colder. I had no problems not eating ehen it was warm, but when I get home and it’s cold and dark and I’m really hungry, I find it almost impossible to resist having some buttered toast, or something like that. The net result is I have now gained a kg, so 2 kg to go and not really getting anywhere at the moment.

    Maybe things will change on Friday when I go to pick up our 8 week old golden retriever puppy. She should certainly be a distraction when I get home – in fact, I will be home with her for the first few days of next week while my husband is away, so she doesn’t get lonely. It’s fifteen years since I last had a puppy in the house so it’s going to be a bit of an adjustment.

    🙂 Yes polisshing my award 🙂
    I’m still putting off setting the tv’s wifi up – but been so busy chilling and gardening in the nice weather.
    I know I’m often quiet – but I do read. My ‘volunteer’ job is on a dog chat site and it’s so busy on there I sit down for a minute … then three hours later. So I have site I mostly just read and relax in such as here.

    But I’ve been taking it a bit easy I have to admit. Watching the gardening programmes and dreaming of a beautiful wildflower lawn – when in reality I have long patchy grass with er, brown stains from my beautiful dog!

    Suddenly life seems so full. I’m using my ‘kidney stone period’ as a bit of a wake-up call from my blue period; I was a bit stuck in sadness. But I made a pact with a couple of angel people I know that if it went well, I’d try to enjoy life a bit and ease up a little. I could not imagine that it would go well, but it did so here I am being busy and changing the garden after 5 years of neglect. And enjoying it. 🙂

    Hi anto58, I agree it’s like, life gets in the way of dieting and dieting gets in the way of life. I wish you lots of happy walking with your new puppy, have you got a pedometer? Happy walking and fasting. JIP

    Hi BooBoo and co, I loved the bit about our earlier lives and all our monthly experiences, now my memory is not good but now I know why I am looking for something nice and sweet to eat! god I’m pregnant. LOL
    Another Virgin birth I think LOL JIP
    On a serious note. I posted this on JOJO thread, so I thought LOACA would like it too.
    one of the ladies I go to WW with was 19 stone and lost about 4 stone for her son’s wedding day shortly after it she lost her husband very suddenly after a very short illness and of course WW was the last thing on her mind, a couple of years later she gave WW’s another go this is when she joined my sister and a few other WW’s class. She had put a stone back on and wanted to minimise the damage, she has lost over 50 lb in just under 2 years this time. We all go to al lovely coffee shop after our morning weigh-in. One day she said I will treat us all to a custard ice slice when I have lost 2 stone, 2 stone came and went and she kept moving the goal posts. We will have one when I get to I to the 13 stones, well on reaching the 50 lb we celebrated, there were 6 of us ladies that morning and she bought 3 cakes asked for 6 plates and to have the cakes cut in half. Her reasoning was she was going to spoil us all but not our efforts to reach our goals. We all had a good laugh and enjoyed our little indulgence. Go ladies go. JIP

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Hello everyone; I hope we are all getting some nice sunshine to loll about in. I was able to read outside in the garden today, which was a rare treat indeed.

    Hello Purple Vegie Eater – I’ve just worked out that to lose ten kg’s; you have had to lose 22lbs! To get under the ‘ten’ marker – which is of course, another half a stone more than a stone!
    Sorry though PVE; you’ve not long ago had a SLW and so, I didn’t want you getting complacent! You will be soooooo chuffed when you receive your next one!
    Which country do you live in again?

    Hi Anto58 – I think it is a shame that you read the thread but ordinarily don’t post; it’s nice to get to know people and you can’t really do that if they only post occasionally and don’t tell us about them.
    However, you’ve remedied that today; we know a lot more about how you are fairing on the FD and we know that you are lucky enough to be getting a lovely new puppy on Friday! Lucky you!
    Now that should really get you out and about.

    Hi Speedy – I don’t blame you at all for lolling about in the garden; that’s probably the best way for you to heal from all your stress.
    I think it is wonderful that you suddenly have a new lease of life to change your garden; gardening can be extremely therapeutic and you also get a lovely sanctuary to sit in.

    Hope someone comes on to help with the shape-wear query – come on girls, surely one of you has found some good undergarments to do the trick for Speedy?

    Hi to Happy Bunny JIP! – I‘m sorry not to be able to properly answer your post Jip; must go and put our dinner out! Fish pie mmmmmmm

    Fasting again tomorrow…….I quite literally did not sleep one wink last night when it was my other fast day……zzzzzzzz

    They don’t half come round quick!
    Be good everyone
    ONwards and Downwards!

    Yes Precious Boo Boo (formal eh?), it takes an awful lot to drop 10kg and I won’t ever drop into the next 10 (in the 40 kgs would be emaciated!) I work only now in .5s. After playing around with conversions, I need to be below 67 to be under 9 stone. Damn. We’ll see….
    As to my residence? I’ll give your grey cells a workout.
    It can really only be one of two countries…
    It is in the southern and eastern hemispheres.
    When I went on holidays I went closer to the South Pole
    We have a flag almost identical to the other country these clues fit
    I am a native English speaker, but pronounce all my vowels distinctly
    I am of Scottish and English (and a bit of Irish) heritage
    I am typically brash and opinionated with no respect for authority (national pass time)
    I love swimming in my backyard pool or going to the beach and enjoy unbelievably beautiful weather most of the year. Even in winter our days are usually sunny and pleasant. I didn’t own a raincoat or umbrella for years.
    Happy guessing
    PS Have been feeling awful the last few days (could be hayfever?) so need this distraction!

    Hello Ladies of a Certain Age,

    I’ve been gardening a lot in the past few days, mowing, pruning, sawing off dead tree limbs and dragging them to the bonfire. The weather has been so nice it seems a waste to stay inside so when it warms up a bit (still on 19 degrees C) I’ll do some seeding planting, then off to work in the afternoon.

    I will definitely get myself some new fangled scales for accuracy at least, not sure about the added bells and whistles. I used a variety of measurements, re measurements and Anto58’s formula to come up with my body fat of 27% or thereabouts – the low fat cheese must have worked a bit or I’d be 33% for sure.

    At the moment cards afternoon distraction on fast day is working out well and I haven’t actually had to come up with an excuse for not eating cake/biscuits. I travel to/from cards with my ‘neighbour’ Jean (who actually lives about 7.5 miles away but that counts for a neighbour here) who likes to get back home to do her evening chores before dark so when cards finish at 4.30 we head out the door. Jean is 89, lives on her own (with Red the dog and three chooks) but near her two farmer sons and has just got herself an exercise bike to ride 4km morning and evening! She’s a red hot card player too.

    I have a new pedometer which is keeping me moving though not at the Fast Exercise level. I’m trying to do at least 70,000 steps a week and dug out my old step exerciser gadget, handy for a quick burst of activity during ad breaks on the TV at night. I probably need to train on some actual stairs before I go to visit family in Canada in August. They have stairs and usually on my second day of visiting find my flatlander legs are aching terribly – we have no stairs here, totally flat everywhere, I could go to the nearest big town and visit an old building with three stories. It used to be a department store and is now several shops and business, I could pound up and down the stairs for a while – no one would find it strange…. or maybe stepping on and off a box will work.

    Booboo – what I had trouble believing was that people enjoyed/looked forward to their fast days, I’m sure I read it is more than one place but can’t find any just now.

    Hi everyone

    Your posts are the most entertaining thing on the internet!

    Have had a very busy week but tried to post a couple of times only to find they had just evaporated once I pressed the ‘submit’button. I had planned to fast last Friday but made the mistake of joining the coffee line at our quarterly staff meeting and succumbed to the cake. It went seriously downhill from there.

    However, had great fast days on Monday and Tuesday, plus yoga on Monday and weight training yesterday (Wednesday) and at least 8500 steps each day and scales have again rewarded me for the effort so very happy – 85kg even.

    Still a long way to go to real target and 6 kg (nearly a stone to you northern hermisphereites) to become merely óverweight but onward and downward as Precious says.

    Speedy, glad to hear your recovery continues.

    Piper, how are things in Ohio?

    Hope everyone fasting today stays on the straight and narrow, or if not, there’s always next time.

    Nicky xxx

    Hello Precious BooBoo and all Ladies

    Client day again today . . . however wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for my special award in the health info category! As it has taken me so long to work all this out on my own and track down all the links, if I can help others to make the connections between symptoms and help track them back then we can work towards rebalancing the body. I keep seeing . . . rebalance the body and decent health follows.

    Speedy I have a book I work with on clients . . . the man is an angel in interpreting the underlying emotions to health issues. The belief is that first there is an emotional thought . . . we have more of those making it into a belief . . . the belief takes hold and from the void of nothingness where the thought existed it coagulates into matter the more we take hold of it . . . and then finally it has nowhere else to go but on the physical . . . some organ or other physical area. The kidney stone he says is a large store of unshed tears and sadness arising from old issues that could have done with being released, but we have held onto them. There is more but that is the gist. And at our ages well it’s as if we are being urged to release finally so that we have a lighter journey . . . less baggage emotionally as well as FD baggage 😉 . . . and the support on this group is so important as we keep you in our thoughts at crucial times. Big hug and keep gardening and take your shoes off too if its warm where you are . . . helps to ground us quite fast apparently.

    Thank you thank you thank you again . . .

    Much love to all . . . till later

    Hi K8tie,
    Thank you. x I read our post at the start with a slight suspicion because I’ve had it said obliquely to me by some that people get ill and die because at some level they want to. I find that a terrible thing to say having watched the person I love most try very hard not to die at 50.
    But your message was kind and I have to say feels very accurate and apt because I feel as light now as if I have lost many weight stones rather than just one 8mm bit of crystal!

    And bearfoot, yes especially on grass! It’s like putting on a switch and feeling the current surge!
    What is the book you mentioned – if I may ask?

    Getting momentarily rather away 5:2 but all roads lead eventually to Rome eh! 🙂 xx

    Brilliant! Got a moment here to respond Speedy.

    You know . . . I was as hesitant to say it as you were suspicious to read it and I picked that up . . . but on a deep level it felt as if it would be ok with you because of the nice new space that you have arrived at 🙂

    The book is a massive tome I saved up for ages for and me and my clients have been everlastingly thankful for it ever since . . . even the postage from abroad was tough! It is called Messages From The Body by Michael J Lincoln.
    If you give me your email I can send the whole paragraph for you to see if it resonates.

    And all you speak of re dying happens on a deeply subconscious level . . . where we don’t know it at a conscious level . . . but somehow we have been so affected by circumstances around us, that we feel a bit like throwing in the towel. Thing is the body listens to us at a cellular level and does what it is told paying heed to this inner emotional and mental activity . . . and the thoughts of sadness and grief and despair I am afraid will produce toxicity within cells as well and impartial as the exercise will produce happy chemicals to make us happy and joyful!

    And your beloved person will have been working on his/her own Soul experiences in this life, and all around that person will have been affected and have had much learning to do around the passing and the loss 🙁 The more work I do the more I realise that nothing is ever random like we assume! There is so much more to this thing called life!

    Ok . . . ducking out now and yaaayyyyyy . . . a pound down this morning and so grateful for the movement down . . . as I still am nursing my ankle from stepping on that tennis ball so tennis but no other exercising . . . even walks not nice with it.
    Much love

    Thanks K8tie,
    I won’t follow it up on here if you don’t mind. I find it quite challenging still in many ways – especially how it works with accidents and free will.
    But thanks for the title, I’ll have a look at it behind the scenes as it were. 🙂 xx

    Hi JIP!

    Sorry I couldn’t respond to your lovely story last night; it takes a fair old while to try to engage with everyone who posts and unlike you, I am not normally on the site more than once a day.
    I used to only come onto it every 2-3 days but I felt a bit rude if some LOACA’s didn’t get any response to their posts.
    Anyways, that is a lovely story about the women you meet at WW. I was concentrating on the fact that getting weighed weekly in a public place is a huge incentive to ’be good’ for the rest of the week but you have highlighted how the friends you make there can also have a huge affect. They too can help enormously to keep you on the straight and narrow when perhaps life is getting in the way and you are finding it hard to restrict yourself.
    I still find it incredible that you have kept the majority of your weight off for over 3 years; in my experience of WW that is really quite unusual.
    But Well Done you though JIP – you are nothing if not positive.

    You all going to the coffee shop for cake (I know it was just cake for that special occasion) straight after your weekly WW meeting; reminds me of some of the WW friends I made going to the fish and chip shop right after! They still used to lose more weight than me! I could never get away with that kind of thing even then.

    Due solely to you keep mentioning your pedometer; I am going to look at getting one! Where did you get yours and how much was it?
    We do go on some fair old walks and I would be very interested to know just how many steps I am taking.

    Is it a bowling day today? Or are you walking to kingdom come?


    Hi Purple Vegie Eater

    Methinks you might be a smidge put out that I didn’t award you with the MMM Award…..I might have that wrong though; as you will know I am often wrong – publicly!
    Are you wanting to get below the nine stone mark? Your post suggested that you were; if you are not then I will confer with myself 🙂 and get back to you.
    I totally agree that losing 10 kilos is a massive achievement and obviously, weighing as little as you, you will not be going through another ten kg barrier.

    You might have seen that I mentioned on my last fast day; I literally did not get a wink of sleep. There is no question it was linked to my fasting.
    Given that your other half is a diabetic scientist; can you/he suggest anything I could eat later on, near bedtime, to ease this insomnia a little?

    Someone on this forum told me that when your body is fasting; it fills up with adrenaline. This would certainly fit the circumstances.

    I generally eat my main meal around 5-7.00pm at night and then just a low calorie chocolate drink just before bed. I am trying for a good long stretch of not having to digest anything but clearly this is linked.

    My insomnia has always been bad since becoming a LOACA but when I started the fast diet; it went off the scale. However it had eased up a bit lately and then I did that back to back fast and it, quite literally, knocked me for six.
    I obviously haven’t done it again and I won’t but I have definitely reset my already low energy levels and clearly my insomnia at a lower/worse rate.

    I know you said in one of your posts; that the fast diet is all about blood sugar and I imagine this is linked to my all night no sleep problem.
    I think it was JeanDee who said she experimented and ate something late in the day to stop herself feeling nauseous.

    Haven’t addressed myself to which country you live in yet; do any other of our LOACA’s know?


    Hi NickyF

    That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about this little ol’ thread….Thank you so much; that means a lot to me personally but we couldn’t have received this accolade without all the other LOACA’s who contribute. So I would like to thank them too.

    That is a shame about you taking the time to post only to find that they disappear into cyberspace. You should really let the techie people know; there is a facility and they appreciate being informed if there is a spanner in the works.
    And we get to lose out on what you were going to say.

    Isn’t that one of the best things about the fast diet? The fact that you can simply adjust your fast days if something important – like a piece of cake 🙂 comes up!
    The fast diet allows us to go about our normal lives and be human.
    So you swapped it around; did it another day and lost weight! Result!

    What is your history of the fast diet? Can you remind us please? (Sorry, it takes too much time to trawl back and find out).

    Clearly you are another convert to the pedometer; I can visualise LOACA‘s pretty much all over the world (because we are going for world domination…HaHaa…..) stomping around with their pedometers in their handbags with a determined look on their faces. And woe betide anybody who is stupid enough to try and stop them to pass the time of day!
    Outta my way – I’m coming through…..

    Make sure you let us know when you reach a MMM because they are as rare as Blue Peter Badges!

    ONwards and Downwards!

    Hi BooBoo, don’t worry when you get back to me, I know I am spending quite a bit of time on these threads this ipad is either on or on charge. lol. I got all dressed up to play my afternoon bowls game this afternoon but the heavens opened as we about to go on the green(as we call it) so waited and it was decided even if the rain stopped it would be to dangerous to play because we are all LOACA LOL. So we had our lovely tea, sandwiches, jelly, and cakes etc and what is awful we did not get any exercise to allow for all those calories.
    I bought my pedometer from WW and it gives me lots of information like, steps, (to get heathy) it is calculated by the pedometer when I put in height and weight, then it gives miles, and then Proppoints but it changes itself at 12 midnight but keeps a running total of all information for the week when it can be reset if I lose weight. ( if only : ) it cost about £16.95 have you got a WW class near you? I have the telephone number or address if you want to get one but I know there other ones that would give you steps and miles I think boots sell one about £12.00 I think. You will be surprised how much we move and it’s good to see it, we should be aiming for 10,000 per day about 4 miles. I do not get that everyday but I still try for 70k plus on a good week. Keep well and I think you’r a good job keeping up with us all in your little gang. JIP

    Hi again JIP!

    If posting on this forum keeps you from snaffling food/getting up to no good; then I can understand that!
    I always enjoy your chatty posts telling us about your day but also giving us some very good advice (thinking garlic tablets here and pedometers!) and I’m sure I won’t be alone in that. I have posted much more than usual today; the weather is pants (again!) and it’s my 2nd fast day so I have more ‘spare’ time to get through, so to speak.

    If you notice, some stalwarts only post here every now and then but they have been on this thread for a good while in cyber terms. I think it is fair to say that most LOACA’s on this thread are prepared to take the longer view of losing weight.
    I know I do – which is just as well really considering that late next month; I will have been following the fast diet religiously for a whole year, except for high days and holidays of course.

    Thank you for your information about your pedometer; I’ll probably just get one from Boots or Amazon. Yours sounds a bit more hi-tech because it is giving you information about your propoints etc.

    Behave and keep off that rum!
    ONwards and Downwards!

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing? I hope your weather has been better than up here; we got ready to go out for a walk earlier and yes, you’ve guessed, the heavens opened again…….

    Now Ladies – not many people have answered Speedy’s plea for information on some good undergarments suitable for her gymnastics(!). Surely one of you has some experience of buying some shape-wear which does what is says on the tin? I can’t help because I don’t like being tortured!

    Hi K8tie – I’m glad you appreciate your SLA; it is so well deserved. I do know, I think perhaps, more than most just what ‘work’ you would have done to get to the point where you could ‘self-treat’ such a delicate and all encompassing health issue.
    That was a really interesting discussion with Speedy; thoughts are energy after all which a lot of people have difficulty accepting. I remember a neighbour from another location suffered from high blood pressure and then she had a stroke or heart attack (I cannot exactly recall). She told us later that her high blood pressure had now gone; this didn’t surprise me at all because the HBP had caused the heart attack/stroke and dissipated itself. Or in other words; the ‘blockage’ of energy found a way out by causing the heart problem.
    Well Done on losing that pesky pound! Especially when you have been grounded, so to speak, in terms of your tennis.

    Speaking of whom…..Hi Speedy – Some people say some terrible things at the worst possible times as you have painfully discovered. My mother suffered from hypothyroidism all her life (untreated) and was treated by her G.P like a hypochondriac and unfortunately, we her family, sometimes treated her likewise because we, ignorantly, thought ‘well, if the G.P can’t find anything wrong with her…..‘. I still feel bad about that because now I know just how ill she must have felt…
    Someone, definitely not trying to help, said to her ‘Do you think it is God punishing you for something?……‘
    Perhaps a lot of your fearful tears regarding your op; released some of your stored negative energy; not to mention of course, the RR!

    Hi Violet May – Good to hear from you again. I like the sound of your feisty neighbour! Wow, 89 and she’s on her exercise bike every day! And a card shark too! Go Girl!
    I like the sound of Red the dog too and her chooks (chooks always reminds me of watching Neighbours!).
    And you are another pedometer convert; it must be just me at the moment who doesn’t own one!
    I too have read about some folk on this forum looking forward to their fast days; I think some were after Xmas when they had been overindulging big time and so a fast was really giving their systems a break. It was like almost a cleanse.
    Otherwise, I cannot for the life of me, imagine why anyone would look forward to their fast days. I thank the Lord when it’s not my fast day! Then it’s either le weekend or it’s a non-fast day and I can still eat nice food; just more sensibly.

    Hi piper! – Now it’s your turn to go quiet. What are you up to? Is your MMM Award in a prominent place? It should be!

    Must be off now; I’ve been on here far too much today.
    Thank God it’s Friday tomorrow:-)
    Onwards and Downwards Ladies!

    Bobo thanks for everything on your thread except the last bit you are no fun, hiccup hiccup!!!!! LOL JIP

    Stop giving me gyp JIP!

    (Do you have the word gyp in Welsh Wales? It means bother or trouble)

    from BoBo! is that the clown?

    alias BooBooxx

    Yes BooBoo that is my name JIP????
    I forgot to say I have just asked hubby to bring the trampoline up from the garage I thing it took him an hour to get the spiders webs off it, I have done 10 mins tonight, well it’s a start. it’s to make up for not getting my bowls game in this afternoon. Good night all sleep tight. JIP alias GYP

    Sorry BooBoo, I think it’s the drink I did not mean to shorten your name I think this iPad of mine corrects what it likes. Yes JIP and Gyp, my hubby says I always give him gyp. I do not know what he means. Me? I value your threads to much to get on the wrong side of you. It’s raining again hope for good weather tomorrow. JIP

    So does your name JIP mean the same thing as gyp? Did you give yourself a username that really meant trouble? LOL

    We say things like ‘Oh here comes trouble’ when a worky-ticket looms onto the horizon! It’s always meant in a nice way though or we’d call them much worse things.

    I am definitely going now; my husband is looking a bit grumpy because I’ve been on here soooo much already today.


    I’ve posted this before I have seen your last response!

    Hi Boo Boo
    No. Not at all upset old girl. I find the intrinsic rewards on the FD brilliant.
    I, too suffer insomnia. In fact I barely slept on Tuesday night or last night. Amazing I’m not crankier. Magnesium helps that. As I have become older, I also have become worse and worse at sleeping and I really am like a bear with a sore head without enough sleep. Particularly if woken when I’m just in a deep sleep.
    My mate can’t help as he is not effected by lack of sleep. On fast nights we lie awake nattering for hours. Actually, I natter, he grunts replies! Even if he is asleep, he is quite happy to be woken. Never sleeps deeply or remembers dreams. Strange!
    I think I posted before that I find keeping most calories for the evening helps. Try to balance the need for fluid with the problem of overfull night-time bladder. thirst can keep you awake, but so can getting up for a ‘wee break’ often;) I really find if I am desperate, I get up and have a tiny vegie pattie (23 cals). The ones I buy are called Bite Me. You must have something similar available. They can be eaten straight from the fridge and are basically chickpea, corn, peas, carrot. Yummy with a little hummus too. They are incredibly filling and seem to settle the stomach down.
    I also think if you need to have a lie down in the afternoon for 1/2 hour (a nanna nap) it stops you being overtired at bedtime. Remember, little kids cant sleep when overtired. I think we are similar.
    All the best
    Your mate in fasting
    PVE xx

    Hi JIP and Boo
    In our lingo, to gyp someone is to rip them off, take advantage of them. It is a verb. But what the heck is a ‘worky-ticket’?
    I don’t look forward to fast days either. I LOVE food and thinking about it. Yesterday was a disaster. Started off as a fast day then ended up cooking scones for afternoon tea with my granddaughter (and eating 2)and then take away Chinese with my son for dinner. Oops! There is always another day. I still couldn’t sleep…must have been guilt.
    I laughed at your description of us taking over the world, Boo. I did just that yesterday. Had to get from a lecture in the city at 2 to pick up my granddaughter at preschool by 3.15. I literally ran for 10 minutes straight through the inner city crowds, shoving them aside with stares, to jump on a train, run from the station to get my car and race up to get my little girl. I love the looks the crazy running old girl gets in amongst the very important city workers and the fitness freaks out on their very important jogging and stretching in their lunchtimes. I don’t care. I’m old, in a hurry and COMING THROUGH!
    Crazy old PVE 😉
    Off again for a dirty weekend. No internet. Yes, we will have fun!

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