HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 12 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,701 through 1,750 (of 7,330 total)

  • Yayyay Speedy,Boo and all,

    I’m so glad you’re getting the new telly! and I’m with BooBoo- wait until your op is done and well healed before trying to lose. Just get better first.

    I’m thinking about adding a device that streams the internet so I can watch movies, old shows, etc. I think they are fairly cheap, now days.

    It’s Saturday and time for spring cleaning so I’ve told my sister to check on me later, in case I die of exhaustion! Making the list of things I’d like to accomplish is sort of overwhelming! Anyway, I plan to keep busy today. If it accidentally turns into a fast day, I’ll be chuffed! (did I use that right)?

    Tomorrow is my youngest grandchild’s birthday and also Star Wars Day. So May the Force Be with You! Have a good one!

    I’m glad you are on the pc rather than just spring cleaning Piper!
    Yes! And we’d all be chuffed for you too!

    Yes, I’m going to wait. In every appointment they say I am a higher risk than an average person because of my high BMI but a few weeks isn’t going to change that.

    There are so many possibilities with technology it’s a bit confusing. My new television (get me!) isn’t a smart one, well a little bit, you can plug your phone in I think but not fully smart. I think if I could internet on it I’d never move from the sofa! 🙂

    As a Trekkie I’m going to have to revamp the Volcan greeting ‘Eat less and Prosper’ xx

    I love it!

    Hi Gigi I did the same thing I lost 3 lb in 4 days to start but I have kept it off and I only wanted to lose 8 lb so keep up the good work. Drink lots of water by the pint if you can do it, you will be surprised how you can put a pint of water away and I also drink it boiling and because I would be able to drink luke warm I drink it like I would drink my tea. Happy fasting JIP

    Hi all
    Have just bought Mimi’s new recipe book. It’s great and particularly good to give someone who is new at Fast Dieting as it has an excellent (brief) overview at the beginning. Full of easy recipes and ideas. As someone who loves to cook (and eat) I enjoy trying new ideas all the time. Small and very tasty is my motto these days.
    Keep up the good work everyone.
    We are off on a short holiday, but will still fit in 5:2 (or at least reduced cal days so that we can binge on the other days.)
    Cheers PVE

    Hey Speedy!

    That is fantastic! You took my advice and came off even better!

    What do you mean about plugging your phone into it? Can you skipe on it or something?
    We bought a SMART TV some time ago; I wanted us both to be able to surf the net sitting in comfort in the living room but it took forever because the modem was downstairs and so the wireless signal was feint. And (for us that is; not you I am sure) it turned out to be a waste because it was so slow; it used to annoy us waiting forever for the next page etc.
    But I do remember looking at this site and being highly amused to see our beautiful dog’s best ‘pet’ name up in lights; so to speak!
    It felt a bit like actually being on the telly!

    I am so pleased you treated yourself at last and look how fortuitous it turned out to be? Roll on Wednesday I say!

    BooBoo xx

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Hello everyone; how are you all doing? Did anyone lose any weight last week? There are loads of posts I would like to respond to but I might not have time tonight; if not I will get to you tomorrow.

    Hi Purple Vegie Eater! – You have left some great posts which I am dying to respond to but don’t have time today to do them justice! But I see you are going on a short break so should have found time before you get back.

    Firstly JIP – You do make me laugh. I’m not surprised to find you come from Wales! I have decided after much deliberation that you can keep your STAR LOACA AWARD……
    Watch it though in future; I’ve got my eye on you! As all the best teachers used to say in the olden days….

    You post on here quite a lot and tell us about interesting things like whey etc which I intend to ask you about; why whey JIP?
    What is your rational for adding this to your fast day? Is it to make you feel fuller or something? Do share; I really appreciate hearing stuff like this and I’m sure everyone else does too.

    Is the rum still down in the garage? Just asking…..we are about to crack open some Vino…..

    Hi JeanDee – Thank you for giving us a lot more info Jean; I appreciate it and will try to respond more fully tomorrow!

    Hi Lulu01 – The books I mentioned were recommended by K8tie. I am thinking of buying them; though I didn’t really want to without the chance of skimming through to get the gist of the contents. I’ve done this many times before and regretted the purchase. I have left K8tie several messages asking her to come back and tell us more about them but she hasn’t as yet unfortunately.

    My little taunt about ‘old biddies’ went by without comment; even by you! I thought it might incite some of our more vociferous ladies to wade in. I have a dear friend in a care home who talks about other people who are ‘old’ but doesn’t include herself in that description and she is 95!

    I wonder if you are a bit psychic Lulu? The last time you asked about my foot; I had just that week had an appointment with a surgeon. This time you ask in a week where I have just had an appt. with a physiotherapist!
    She was a bit more informative and positive about my foot problem; she has given me some exercises to do and I have been walking more generally. It’s not painful as such, more of an ache but the more I walk the more I irritate it.

    How did the weigh in go? You don’t have to say if you don’t want to though.

    Hi GiGi – Good to know that it’s not just me who likes to imbibe in some wine. Oh and roast beef would be a wonderful accompaniment to a drop!
    The most wonderful thing about this WOE GiGi; is precisely that! You can lose weight and then eat the meatballs/gravy/mashed potato etc aswell! It’s early days for you so you need to be convinced; have faith though – all the people on this forum cannot be wrong!

    Hi piper! WEIGH TO GO! Only .4 of a lb to go!

    (not literally because the scales are decimal but who’s counting? Well us obviously…..)
    You are so right; 140lbs is a magical number in terms of weight. I mean it’s another ten down for you Yanks who use lbs to relay their weight and it’s also ten stone and below that you are into single stones on the scales!
    You must be quite a skinny minnie on the quiet piper!
    We need to think of a new award for getting below a milestone level….

    Can everyone have a think of what we could call it?
    My STAR LOACA AWARD is general and I can ‘award’ it for any reason I like and it gives me much amusement when I do. But it’s not specific enough for this kind of achievement.
    We need to think of it before you get that .4lb off! HURRY LOACA’s!!!!

    Hey LUVTCOOK – Where are you? I hope you haven’t gone over to the dark side permanently! (Only joking of course!……jojo‘s blond!)

    Must go now Ladies; meals to prepare; wine to glugg etc
    We have a new light shade in our living room today and it’s crystal (not a chandelier type) but it’s lovely and sparkly! I am terrible for anything that shines or sparkles…..I’m a bit worried though that it looks a bit like Liberace’s mother’s house!

    Anyways must go this time
    And I’m going to leave you with a thought for the day
    ‘Oh lord, make me pure…..but not yet‘
    Onwards and Downwards Ladies!

    Hi PBB, thanks for the star. The whey I mentioned was on offer in a shop called Home Bargains. not sure how far their shops go in the UK, I heard about this on these boards. It is protein only, the one I bought was Chocolate flavour they also had Strawberry. Zone sport make it, it was on offer at 1/2 price £15 for 908g and is made into a drink with water 30g or you could add skim milk to make it more filling, I drink it cold with ice cubs to make a 150ml drink. Not sure if it works yet only had 3 drinks I am using it on fast days so far, it’s got 69 calories when made with water. I will keep you informed LOACA. I will give some thought to the award name and get back to you. Good night all, happy fasting, I am doing my 2nd B2B day tomorrow. JIP

    Hi Precious Boo Boo,

    I wonder if I’m one of the “more vociferous” ladies you were expecting to take the “old biddy” bait. In another context I might have done, but here, where we are more or less ageless – at least in spirit, I don’t mind one bit. In fact, I have been known to use the same label for myself, among friends.

    I haven’t posted much this week, nor will I for the next week or ten days. It’s a case of the day job and the MA dissertation colliding. Now if I was a REAL old biddy, I wouldn’t be doing any of that, would I?

    Way to go, Hermaj!

    Hi everybody,

    I am kind of petite, small, known to be vertically challenged…in other words short! I need to lose at least a stone just to be a healthy weight. Anything over 9 stone is overweight. (Should I cry now?) So do not be thinking of any special award for me- others may deserve it, like JIP :D, who I think is near her target! I’m happy to go slow toward the goal as long I’m moving in the right direction.

    So, how tall is everyone else? I am 5′, which I think is 153cm.

    Now everyone understand, if I ever get to 8, you’re damn right I want that prize!

    You can do it, Piper! It just means, with a smaller frame, you really need to eat even fewer calories per day than others. Aim for 300 on a fast day, so, if you go over, it is a bonus. If you have about 100 for breakfast (eg a small egg omelette with tomato, mushroom and leek, a mere hint of spray oil) you can then have substantially more in the evening (eg 50-60 grams of lean fish steamed in a parcel with lots of flavouring, chili, lime,onion, fish sauce) served with steamed green veg or lettuce, capers, tomato and cucumber. Miracle noodles are brilliant if you really need to feel fuller. Drink soda water for fun. You WILL reach your goal if you can do this twice a week.
    I just walked up to the local shops. It takes about one hour round trip and it is a beautiful sunny autumn day here. It fills in my fast day by doing this instead of eating lunch. Unfortunately the jeans I grabbed fitted me last September, but were falling down all the way up to the shops. I had to buy a belt to hold them up for the walk home. HOW EMBARRASSING! Although’ being a LOACA, probably nobody noticed. It IS a pride thing, though.
    I’m 164cm (5’5″ and’ at 62, I think 58kg is my ideal weight. If I creep up to 62 I’m ok with it, but definitely not 63. You have to give yourself SOME slack.
    Happy fasting,

    Hello Precious Boo Boo and all

    Sorry have hit a real busy . . . between family visiting, clients, some writing, and trying to keep up with all the seedlings I have been propagating in my new propagator. I am an escapee from London and therefore a newish country girl of 4 years and continuing to learn to do all sorts of things country 😉

    Re the books on thyroid I laid it all out in the earlier post . . . and as it is such an individual thing with us LOACA’s I imagined if it resonated at all with any of you . . . then you would do your own research to see if your own particular symptoms would suit. Always best 🙂

    I understand your reasoning PBB, I myself have gone the rounds of very expensive thyroid tests only to be told my levels were fine. Then the Mark Starr book pointed up what he calls Hypothyroidism 2 . . . that is those of us whose levels are fine, yet our bodies are not utilising the hormones in the proper manner therefore bringing about imbalance to the body. Thing is I was certain that the inability to keep weight off was my thyroid, [I energy test and knew that was it] . . . what the book showed up were all the other things that were happening to my physical and mental body that I was experiencing, yet putting it all down to my age . . . 65 this year! Even down to the swollen ankle this christmas and previous to this noticeably more prevalent veins on my legs.

    Now again as I mentioned I was set to go for the desiccated thyroid stuff if I needed to do that to address the imbalance. However again with my energy testing, I was led to begin with the lugols iodine first . . . I started with a drop working up to where I am now and taking the tablet form x 2.

    My weight has stabilised . . . some slight brain fog on awakening has gone . . . my back is noticeably better and my chiro confirms this . . . I do not wake with achy joints anymore . . . and I play a lot of club tennis . . . that is my main exercise . . . that and rebounding especially now in the sunshine. I bounce in the garden in the sun for my 10 minutes and appreciate the the garden in the sun under my sometimes quite inept newbie ministrations!

    So I will stick with the iodine whilst all else is healing with the iodine doing its thing at all levels. Mind you the fat ankle was just getting back to normal when I tread on a tennis ball in a game and put my ankle and entire centre out . . . so this week will be my 3rd week of chiro to fix this.

    BUT I might add I see my excellent chiro who is also a healer once a month. The spinal cord is the biocomputer of the body they say and if out can cause all sorts of issues. Even my grand-baby is being helped hugely for not sleeping at night and constipation at nearly 9 months – her baby chiro sessions are working like a charm . . . after 2 sessions – better nights and daytime naps and constipation. We were caught out with the constipation as both her mama’s diet and hers is first class . . . no grains till a year old, and plenty of organic home made meals. So to see the constipation easing as work on her sacrum is done is amazing. An interesting one both my chiro and her chiro do is put their thumbs and press on different parts of the upper mouth. I will say that this is new chiro work . . . I was put off chiros for life with the old-fashioned cracking bones ones . . . .

    So here is the iodine group that I joined for more info.
    The owner and moderators know their stuff as have been successfully working with their own individual symptoms. And there is the gamut there . . . hashimoto’s, graves, those who have had their thyroids taken out etc etc. I am eternally thankful that my own situation has responded to the iodine in the first instance. However I am now informed and will be keeping a keen eye on my well-being from here on in in this respect.

    The book points out that it can be like a domino effect . . . one thing goes off due to the imbalance, and then that one sends another one off and another and another. Again, I thought my change in eyesight was age . . . and even in that regard I have seen some change . . . so much that I am holding off on eye testing so as not to get eyeglasses that need changing in 4 weeks!! My hands and nail beds are now pink! My basal temperature is almost normal now.

    So I suggested a few books, but the one I got first and really hit me between the eyes was the Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic by Mark Starr MD. Now I hear you PBBl, but to be honest I am the kind of person who will continue to look for the link/key that fits. I gladly handed over plenty money for very expensive tests from the best labs in the UK and got nowhere . . . and now I know why due to a little book or a few books . . . so in my estimation the cost of a couple of books was weight their worth in pure gold.

    Also for those with more complicated thyroid issues and already on thyroid meds the books spell it all out . . . and here is the iodine group where you can read and ask questions . . . the owner is a naturaopath herself and very knowledgable on thyroid as again she is one who have had to find her own path through the maze of misinformation re thyroid issues.

    I will check in too see how everyone is along the way . . . so I am not gone just a bit headless in some other areas.

    Much love and encouragement to all of you . . .

    Good morning everyone and price giver PBB, my Rum is still in the garage, I am trying to be a good girl Hummm lady but it’s not much fun. It’s weigh in day tomorrow Tuesday so I must, I must, be good today, I’m playing bowls this afternoon. and it looks like a good day for it. It’s got a poster up in the club that light refreshment will be available, so I can get away with not going into the club house when everyone else does, I will find something to do or someone to chat to. KEEP away from the CAKES. LOL.
    PBB how about medals Gold, Silver and Bronze and then more of us would have a chance of getting one of them, even if it’s only the bronze for sticking to the fast for the whole day. What do you think, it’s only that I have a medal for doing the ladies cancer charity walk in my case (run) about 10 years ago. I cannot find my medal so I am looking for another and if you won’t give me one I will have to enter another Walk/run. At least this time I will be a few stones lighter than the last time I did it.
    I have to get ready for that bowls game so signing off for now. Keep up the good work. JIP

    Hi-I’m 57 and menopausal. Because of a few really rough years and an injury, my weight had crept up to the highest ever: 228!I started the 5:2 diet sort of haphazardly about a year ago and couldn’t stick with it. Six weeks ago, I decided to get serious about it. I walk about 2 miles a day and walk a fair amount in my job as a librarian. I wear a FitBit and generally log about 9,000 steps a day. But I don’t do any other kinds of exercise except light gardening in the summer.

    I have found that what works for me is one meal at about 7pm. I never want breakfast and if I eat something at lunch time, I will want to continue. So it’s easier for me to eat nothing all day. I drink one cup of coffee in the morning with a little low fat milk, water all day, green tea in the afternoon. I am also thinking I might add a small can of V8. Once in a while, I have a can of Diet Coke in late afternoon if I’m really feeling draggy of if my stomach hurts. My fast day meals are not exactly what’s recommended. I need carbs too much. I usually eat some combination of rice and beans for my meal. I have been doing this very successfully for 6 weeks and have consistently lost a solid pound per week except for last week when there were 2 parties on my eating days and I ate way more than I normally do. However, I didn’t gain. So 6 weeks and a solid loss of 5 pounds.

    I do one other thing that I believe has helped me a lot physically and mentally: I take high quality fish oil even on fast days (but with my one meal). If you would like to know a good brand, I take OmegaVia. This had made a huge difference in my joints and skin and hopefully in my heart health.

    I have had two main side effects: leg cramps and extremely frequent urination on the nights following my fast days. I mean I think I get up to pee about 10 times. And that’s when I notice that my calves are cramping. Other than this, I am very happy with this lifestyle and feel like I can do it forever.

    It definitely gets easier as it goes along!

    Hello Everyone,this is my first time here and I have already been helped by reading your posts. I am 51 and I started the 5:2 fast two weeks ago and am still trying to figure out if I am gonna stay on it. Not sure if I lost weight since I neglected to weigh myself before I started but I am feeling better. By better I mean not slumped over my desk from exhaustion after lunch. I have been getting extremely discouraged with weight loss efforts and this is my last try before I just give up. It seems that nothing has worked for any length of time and the last straw was when I gave up sugar for Lent and gained weight. No, that was my next to the last straw. My absolute last straw was when I put on a dress that was quite loose last summer and found that it was too tight to even button this summer. It put me in a state of near depression that I had to fight my way through. I figured I should find some support and ended up here. So here I am, hopeful that I have landed on the thing that will bring about long lasting weight loss.

    I have a question that I hope you all can help me with. I have been fasting but doing more of a liquid fast rather than eating the 500 calories. I do a lot of green drinks that I make myself but I don’t eat any food I have to chew. I also fast from 7:00-9:00pm one day to 7-9pm the next day. Is this an okay approach? I am looking forward to being a part of what appears to be a very supportive group of women.

    Hi ladies. I’m on my first fast day in week 3. I lost 4 lbs. the first week and 2 lbs. the second week. I hope to keep losing 1-2 lbs. a week and need to lose 87 lbs. altogether. 6 down, 81 to go! Lori

    Hi, I get up lots of time during the nights following my fast days. I am not hungry but I get up and spend a penny anyway if I get cold I can cuddle up to hubby and get back to sleep. LOL. I get restless legs but I do get them a couple of items a month even before 5-2 so I will have to live with it. anyway welcome happy fasting. We can beat this bulge together. JIP

    Welcome Melomsw, you have come to right place if you do not get inspired from these boards you cannot get it anywhere. LOL. make this your LAST TIME getting that weight off. I!m sure everyone else is fed up of reading my bit of history but here go’s just for you .
    I got to goal July 2011,lost 42 lbs in 6 months,10 months to lose the last 10 lbs. (17 months in all) size 12’s is wonderful. 3 pts of water a day and walked my little feet off. stayed to goal third anniversary on 5th July 2014 at goal. I hope I have cracked this yo yo dieting. I would like to lose another 7 lb so not always be thinking about 5lb limit. Holidays keep getting in the way of WW. I am now doing 5 days WW and 2 days on the 5-2 started 4/4/14 doing well. I am lost more weight in my life than I weigh now by taking it off and putting it back on but I feel sure this is my last time for me and I will be on these boards for ever and going to WW on a Zimmer. So come join us. JIP

    Hi and Hello – it’s been a long time with alot of eating….
    i think i’ve been resisting the forum because the last 3 or so weeks as I’ve been backsliding… painful 🙁
    a bunch of travel, many family eating events and allowing my attention to stray on non-fast days. so my reward is 5 pounds up. and at my rate that’s two thousand years to get it off.
    But I wanted to jump back in the pool, tight white jeans and all, soak up some of your wisdom and support. I want to recommit and hit it hard again.

    Have folks been more successful w/ 4:3 over 5:2? or not?

    What has worked to get you back in the groove and feelin’ fine?

    I’ve been sticking to my fast days, but indulging too much on the “non” and i think my tastebuds have been reconditioned towards unfavorables… (read: Carbs, carbs & more carbs)

    i don’t mean to sound whiney, this is not news in any light, but I so appreciate the wisdom and sharing that goes on here, I feel better just getting involved again – so thank you to all LOACAs and our Fearless Leader PBB! 😀

    Welcome Lori, that’s the way onwards and downwards. Happy fasting . JIP

    Hi all
    JIP,interesting reading your timescale for weightloss. Mine was almost identical! I had to convert it to kgs to get my head around it, but, like you, I lost a lot quickly (so did my husband) but we both plateaued about 6 months in and took the rest of the year to reach our goals. I think part of the issue is understanding that as you get lighter you need to adjust your fast days (and normal days) for the tinier body you are sustaining.
    One plus about losing weight was that my legs had no trouble running as they had become used to carrying a heavier me.
    Octobersky, I work on the theory that the fat is flowing out with the urine, so cope with getting up frequently on fast nights as a sign of progress :)I have been experiencing dry eye since I started restricting my fluid intake, so have gone back to lots of drinking and up frequently.
    I find doing bicycling with my legs (about 50, fast) when lying on the bed helps restless legs. It does disturb my husband so I sometimes go to the spare room. It works like magic and I go back to sleep.
    Cheers PVE

    Hi guys thanks for all of your encouraging and interesting posts. I note that many of you gradually find your own way of fighting this weight battle.

    I did do the 5-2 in 2012 and it worked but starting late in that year was bad timing because Christmas came along and things came to a standstill.

    Since then I haven’t been able to make it work for me and my weight has crept up from 10 st to 101/2. Doesn’t sound too much but I knew it was likely to keep creeping up.

    I’ve found that I’m comfortable fasting each day until my evening meal which will be the equivallent of 1,000 calories. I drink coffee with added milk plus black tea and plenty of boiled water.
    After doing this for a whole week I weighed myself and have lost 5lbs. I realise much of this will be fluid but I feel very happy with this result.
    I also find that my need to snack after dinner has completely gone.
    I realise that once I reach a good weight for my 5’4″ height I will need to make some changes but it’s a great feeling to be in control.

    YOu gotta laugh!
    My new television came early today – but the screen is shattered!
    Have to wait till Friday now. 🙁

    🙁 But there are worse things that happen – so 🙂 !

    Poor Speedy.:( That’s what is known in this part of the world as “a bit of a bummer”.

    Never mind 🙂 There’s always the radio, or maybe CDs. Perhaps find somewhere sunny and curl up with a book. Or even say “**** it” and take to your bed. Which I would cheerfully do if I hadn’t got a shedload of work to do. I’m not complaining. It’s fun, but there’s a hell of a lot of it.

    Hi – Just started today – My first day. I will be 60 in July – and having said that this year I WILL loose weight and get down to a more sensible weight. I haven’t – typical. I gained 1.5 stone in my 50’s – and would love to get it off. My boss at work is on this diet so decided to try it. Hopefully not ‘too little too late’!!

    PBB and PVE, Well I just lost my nice post after writing a nice bit, do think this was telling me to cut it short. LOL. Well here go’s again shortened. I lost 1.1/2 lbs this morning in WW after doing a B2B Sunday and Monday. Only one pound to get back to WW goal. I will try the restless legs exercise next time. I cannot remember the rest of my message so you got away with it lightly. LOL.until next time. Heheheh JIP

    Hi Gemma
    You are amazing. From feeling unsure about starting back on 5-2 you have effectively fasted for a whole week! I couldn’t be that strong.

    Hi Octoberskye
    Have you tried magnesium capsules for the cramps or perhaps increase your salt intake a bit on your fasting days? I’ve found both of these things helpful. My mother’s doctor recommends she keep a glass of soda water by her bed to sip when cramps bite(contains helpful quinine I believe).
    As for getting up in the night to pee and pee and pee … I’m the same after a fasting day. It could have something to do with the amount of water I consume – about three litres – I find it quells my hunger really well. Not so good for a restful unbroken sleep though.

    Hi Piper
    I’m 170cm (five foot seven)and a hefty 200 pounds (91kg) but the upside is that I’ve already lost 30 pounds (13.?kg)on this fasting diet since mid Nov 2013. Have struck a bit of a plateau now but will keep going as I’m sure things will get moving again eventually.

    Hi mellomsw
    This was my last straw attempt at losing weight too. I couldn’t face the embarrassment of losing and gaining yet again. But I really feel that this is something I CAN do for years to come.
    When faced with the inevitable temptation the best phrase in the world to me is “I can have that tomorrow”.

    Cheers to all you lovely, positive, helpful people.

    Well do ne Gemma, that’s the way back on track good on you. JIP

    Happy fasting MalBG join the lovely club. JIP

    Hermaj, Feeling pleased with myself. Didn’t go to bed but to the gym.
    Only for 50 mins but still 🙂 It’s amazing how the imminence of an operation can concentrate the mind!

    THen the hospital rang and my next operation is next week, on Wednesday! They had a free slot and offered it to me. Either that or wait till June 3rd. Trying to stay chilled 🙂

    What is your disseration on? If you feel like saying of course 🙂

    Don’t forget to drink lots of water!

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Hello Ladies – how are you all doing after the Bank Holiday Weekend?
    Do our Yank fraternity have such holidays I wonder?

    Can I just ask a general question of our newer members?
    Have you all read the Fast Diet Book? It only costs a few pounds but it is worth every penny because it explains why the WOE (way of eating) works so well for most people at most stages of their lives. It also importantly explains the science behind the concept but in a user friendly way. It explains why if you only fast for TWO days a week; you do not affect your metabolism negatively (I.e. lower it). If you lower your metabolism then the next time you go back to any kind of ‘normal’ eating; you will gain weight much more easily.

    Hello and Welcome to mellomsw, October Skye and MalBG.

    Hello MalBG – I am willing to bet money that it is not too late for you to lose weight on the FD. Just have a look back at a great many posts (this is the MOST POPULAR THREAD on this forum!) and be motivated and encouraged.

    Hello mellomsw – I can’t remember what the FD book said about juicing if anything. I hope you are at least having the calories you would consume if you were eating solids. I tried just having juices because I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to have a detox 2 days a week; but I felt that my body needs solid foods in order to lose weight. That sounds like a contradiction in terms but I felt my body needed something solid to digest in order to use up energy and seek out those fat cells.
    If it is working for you; then go for it.

    Hi October Skye – Good for you getting back in the saddle! – 5lbs in 6 weeks is a great start.

    Hi Gemma – You must make your own decisions Gemma and I sincerely do not want to pour any cold water on what you are doing or your enthusiasm but if you haven’t read the FD book; I would strongly suggest doing so because of what I have stated above.
    I totally understand your impatience having had a life long weight problem but you don’t want to get down to a weight you are happy with and then find you are going to have to continue what you have been doing in order to stop putting it back on again.
    If you have read the book then…..

    Hello JIP – You are not allowed to cut down on your posts; they often amuse me and are lovely and chatty and I’m sure I’m not alone in that (my posts are notoriously long because I try to respond to as many LOACA’s as I can; if I have something to add that is – but after losing several posts which had taken a long time to type out; I now type them in a word document first and then there is no chance of losing all that effort!).
    I now imagine your post being said in a sing song Welsh Wales kind of accent! Like think Gladys Pugh from Hi de Hi!

    Hello ThintoartinCal – Welcome back you and your (now) tight white jeans!
    I’m a bit surprised that you lost your mojo for a spell; I had you down as one of our more dedicated LOACA’s but 5lbs is not a huge amount and it usually comes off pretty quickly if you have ‘gained’ it quickly! Come on here more often and read about all the struggles and the success stories – you are definitely not alone!

    Hello Her Maj – You didn’t enter my head when I mentioned vociferous ladies……The impression I have gained of you from reading your shy and retiring posts is; I see you sitting in your rocking chair with your pipe and slippers and a blanket round your legs and all your paraphernalia around you. Your warm mug of cocoa, your knitting, your People’s Friend magazine, twenty odd bottles of tablets to be taken all day long, your magnifying glass, your false teeth in a glass smiling mawkishly……………

    Hello Lori – Well done on your impressive start.
    That is the most important 6lbs because it is the start of the last time you need to lose weight; in your life hopefully. Try not to get impatient Lori; slow and surely seems to be the way to keep the weight loss from coming back. Set yourself many mini goals and treat yourself when you achieve them. Try not to think of the big number.

    Hello Speedy! – You are not meant to have that spanking new telly! Yes you are really; it’s just teething troubles.
    Roll on Friday now……

    Hello Lynne1146 – Losing 30lbs since last November is really good going.
    What would you say your secret is?

    Hi piper – I will talk about the new award tomorrow when I have more time. There was a disappointing response to the suggestions for the name of this NEW AWARD! Bit disappointed ladies; come on make some effort!

    Hello Purple Vegie Eater – I’ve ran out of time again! I will get my act together tomorrow night!
    I think it is fantastic that you had to buy a belt on the way home from the shops because your jeans were WEIGH TOO BIG!
    In fact I am going to award you this weeks STAR LOACA AWARD for just that reason! Go to the top of our class!

    Phewww…worn out now
    Have a good week everyone
    ONwards and Downwards!

    A special Hello to K8tie

    Thank you for taking the time to respond in such a lengthy way to my request; I do appreciate it especially since you are very busy at the moment.

    Regarding being reluctant to purchase the books; I must sound like a right old scrooge and nothing could be further from the truth BUT I have bought many books which were telling me stuff I had already gleaned; so wouldn’t have purchased if I’d been able to browse the book first. Also we have just moved home and there are a great many demands on our monthly income so; we are having to be more circumspect with our spending……BLAH!
    However K8tie; obviously if these books were as helpful to me as it they were to you then of course, they would indeed be worth their weight in gold.

    I am with you on looking for the key/link that explains the problem but I have been trying for over twenty years to solve the riddle of my illness and I am weary in my bones…..and quite naturally disheartened.

    When you mention ‘energy test’; do you mean kinesiology?

    Thank you for giving us the website address; I will definitely be looking at this and will then hopefully order the books.

    On another topic completely! I read one of Dolores Cannon’s books you mentioned – ‘Keepers of the Garden’……………………
    Now that is seriously far out man; I mean literally.
    I do like to think I have an open mind when it comes to theories like this and I can find it extremely plausible. I found many of the concepts strikingly similar to many other books I have read on spirituality and/or healing. It would suggest an answer to why people from long ago were so well versed in the stars and astrology etc…and the construction of monuments like Stonehenge etc.

    Live long and prosper K8tie!
    BooBoo xx

    Hi Precious Boo Boo,

    You are one very funny lady. I enjoyed visualising myself as you describe, I like the idea of a pipe, a little white clay one or, better still, a bong, with something nice to go in it. Being prone to motion sickness, I don’t think I’d last long in a rocking chair. I also still have most of my own teeth, despite being terrified of the dentist. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a copy of the People’s Friend and am therefore missing out on one of an old biddy’s few remaining pleasures.

    On a serious note, the sad thing is that once you get to a certain age, and it can be as early as 50-something depending where they are coming from, a lot of people think your life is just like that, because you are too old and doddery to be able to do much else. If I get to that stage, someone please take me out and shoot me!


    Are you going to go for the early date or hang on in there until 3 June? Whatever you choose, I hope it all goes briliantly for you.

    The working title of my dissertation is “Working-Class Heroes and Angry Young Men”. It’s all about French cinema in the 30s and a movement known as poetic realism, and the British New Wave of the late 50s and early 60s, stuff like Room at the Top, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, A Taste of Honey, etc – are there any connections between them? I don’t have to deliver until 29 September but the day after tomorrow, I do have to give a work-in-progress presentation to a bunch of fellow sufferers. Hence the slight panic, especially as I have a big transation job getting close to deadline.

    There are times when I consider that the kind of life that Precious Boo Boo describes above might be preferable. After 10 seconds max, I am 150% sure it never would.

    Hermaj, first I took June 3rd as that is with teir ‘stone surgeon’ But he did the last one that didn’t work so I changed it to next week (Ahhhhh!) with another surgeon.

    Now French Cinema in the 30’s – that’s a subject I know nothing at all about. Sounds interesting though. I loved the Britsh New Wave books. xx

    Thanks for the encouraging words ladies.
    I should explain I haven’t really had a big weight problem. I’ve averaged around 8 1/2 stones to 9 stones most of my adult life. I happily kept at 1000 cals after having my second child in 73 and maintained a healthy weight for years.
    I developed arthritis in my early thirties so exercise other than some walking was out.
    I’m now 67 so quite sedentry but not quite a couch potato. The arthritis has burned itself out but left me with some deformities.
    Honeybooboo I understand your point about the chance of putting the weight back on when I change my new eating pattern.
    I’ll see how it goes after a week of eating a small portion of porridge for breakfast then at 6.00 have my evening meal.
    I haven’t eaten lunch for years anyway so I’ll probably stay with this eating regime.
    I am aware of the importance of which foods to eat for a healthy balanced diet.
    As it’s working for now I’ll stick with it.
    I haven’t read the book I’m embarrassed to say but I’ll never say never.

    Having registered on here has really helped my will power and I’m very happy to read all of your interesting posts on how you’re all coping with this overweight issue.


    Thing is to NEVER give up! Sometimes the key is just around the next corner. I do hear you re the books. My house, bookshelves and family are pleased about my kindle! Most women may buy shoes and handbags, my vice has always been books. Though I do sell them back on Amazon when I can . . . 😉

    Yes kinesiology.

    Don’t think it was me who suggested Keepers of the Garden . .. I won’t promote other stuff here unless asked directly. And the books have the extra-ordinary sessions . . . my sessions are always about working with the clients to clear blocks . . . change perspectives etc . . . so not nearly as far out! Fraid they are as practical and down to earth as I am compared to the others . . . and completely client driven.

    On another note someone, sorry not sure who mentioned dry eyes . . . a lovely tip I came across is to put 1 or 2 drops of an organic lavender essential oil in your mascara . . . it works to help yet does not burn eyes – or otherwise run a bit of the lavender oil down the bridge of your nose – but do not get any oil in your eye by rubbing etc. If I remember the dry eye thing is on the list of off-thyroid symptoms . . . which is why that book made so much sense to me . . . the domino effect of bits that we take for just getting old . . .

    Much love to all our lovely ladies here

    Hi PreciousBooBoo.
    Yes, I read the book and watched the video. Tomorrow is my 2nd fast day for the week (Week #3). Friday is my weigh-day. So far, so good. By the way…no “Bank Holiday” in the US. What is it exactly?

    Aw Gee, Precious….thanks SO MUCH for the award!!! You have absolutely made my day!
    We were waiting at the airport for our plane when your message popped up on my phone. I couldn’t wait to get to our holiday apartment and connect to the internet to reply. Even had to run up and down the stairs to get the reception guy to get it working….all good exercise.
    Staying in a beautiful place (secret location) overlooking a harbour and sailing boats. Our apartment in right on the pier, so stunning views from all angles. Fish markets right at our front door, so down we go to buy some delicious low cal seafood. Did you know oysters are only 23 cal each? And I think champagne is calorie free because of the bubbles, isn’t it? 😉
    Thanks again. PVE

    Hi PreciousBooBoo
    You say 30 pounds in five months is good going. Thanks. I needed that. I guess being quite heavy to start with sees the weight come off more easily. I was power walking 40 minutes a day about four or more times a week but have had to take a break from this because of a temporary medical issue.

    That’s probably why I’ve reached a plataeu now. I’m certainly not at all good on my five non-fasting days.

    Lately too I’ve been really craving the chocolate and I’m ashamed to say I give in more often than I resist. Always behave on fasting days so I have to hold onto that bit of willpower, I guess.

    Hi Her Maj

    That was exactly my point!
    When I posted about ‘old biddies moaning about their health….‘ –
    I was firmly including myself and all the other LOACA’s in that description precisely because a great many YOUNGER people automatically put anyone who has hit the big 50 into that kind of all encompassing, uncomplimentary description.

    …….I think there might be a fight to be the first in the queue to take you out and shoot you when ‘that time’ comes………….:)

    (that should have a smiley emoticon thingy at the end but my computer says NO!)

    Hi Precious Boo Boo,

    I thought as much. I won’t bore you now, but a few months back I started what turned out to be an interesting topic headed “Patronisation of older people”, no doubt because some git had patronised me once too often and I was hopping mad. The thread goes into the subject in considerable detail.

    One of my problems is how the over-50s are depicted in the media. Ludicrous when many 50-somethings could pass for late 30-somethings and so it continues up the age range. Here’s a recent example:

    I had a gentle disagreement with a younger friend (49 next birthday and absolutely gorgeous), who claimed that in fact I was in the minority and most female retirees looked like this bunch. To be fair, she grew up in mediuum-sized town in Scotland, as against me, a lifelong Londoner, and was basing her remarks on personal experience. It might have been true when she was a teenager in the late 70s, but not any more. I can’t believe many, many Scottish LOACAs don’t still look stylish – including her own very attractive mum.

    It’s a pity the media don’t follow some advertisers who have finally cottoned on to what a 60-ish man or woman looks and feels like. A current SpecSavers add features a cool-looking older couple. Sure she has white hair but the cut is terrific and the specs look great – no blue rinse or pensioner perms for her.

    Hi Her Mag

    I have recently moved to Scotland and in the interests of enjoying living here for the foreseeable future; I couldn’t possible comment about Scottish LOACA’s…..

    But I do agree about the SpecSaver’s advert; they do look cool, sophisticated, stylishly dressed and not in their dotage or bathchairs!

    Quite representative in fact.

    Hello Her Maj, I’ve also thought this for years. When you see older people in homes etc singing from their youth, the are often singing George Formby etc but many of them will probably be much more Elvis Presley and that sort of era.

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing today? Is it a fast day?

    Hi JIP – I should have congratulated you on your 1½lb weight loss –
    Well done to you! Are you down to your WW goal yet?
    Thank you for taking the time to welcome new members to the thread; it is nice to welcome new members because we have an awful lot of LOACA’s who only post once or twice and you never hear from them again! Which is a shame really.
    And thank you also for being the only LOACA to bother to try to think up a suitable name for my new award for breaking through a milestone barrier on the scales. It is just a bit of fun and you have entered into the spirit of it…….I laughed very much when you were begging to get your STAR LOACA AWARD back!
    However, I think that giving everyone a ‘Bronze’ award just for sticking to their fast day is way too easy; it’s like when they send kids who truant school off on safaris and the kids who don’t truant get penalized for attending in the first place!
    Not good enough Jip – must try harder! HeHe:))

    Hi Lynne1146 – Are you joking? 30lbs in five months is amazing. I don’t think you have read back at some of the previous posts; I have only lost 19lbs in TEN MONTHS!
    But it is my own personal, really hard won 19lbs; so it like a mountain of ugly fat to me!
    You could also read back to find many other LOACA’s who also reached plateaus but overcame them by either doing 4:3 for a bit or just being a bit more patient and letting the weight come off in its own good time.
    I really do have a theory that weight lost slowly and surely is weight that will stay off in the long run – but I could be wrong on that too!
    (I am often wrong on this thread…….no really!)

    Hi Gemma – I don’t think you have told us from whence you hail but you have also called me HoneyBooBoo and the last LOACA to call me that was a Yank!
    I’m so pleased you took my cautionary advice in the well meaning spirit in which it was posted. If you have done this for years then you know better than anyone about your own body and I wish you well. But I would still thoroughly recommend a read of the FD book! Just for the health information/science in it.

    Hi Lori – Well done on having read the book; at least you will know what people are on about whenever we actually talk about the FD!
    Bank Holidays are a public holiday in the UK and various other European and Commonwealth Countries; not everyone gets the day off but most do.
    I just wondered if the USA had a similar kind of arrangement; like on Independence Day (which just happens to be my birthday…..);
    do you all get the day off work/school etc?
    People who work in Britain and actually get the day off; love Bank Holidays (they not unusually originate from special holidays the financial industries were taking).
    As to your chocolate penchant; would a low calorie chocolate drink act as a reasonable substitute? Not the same I know but?

    Hello K8tie – I hoped you would read my response to you but didn’t expect a reply again when you are pushed for time.

    Hi Purple Vegie Eater – I am so pleased you are pleased with your STAR LOACA AWARD!
    It is just a bit of fun which amuses me to hand them out arbitrarily. And quite apart from feeling embarrassed that your WEIGH TOO BIG jeans fell down on the way to the shops; you should have been proud as punch as we say in the UK! It is a badge of honour!
    Wherever you have gone on holiday sounds absolutely dreamy; I am sitting in my living room and it is persisting down with rain outside…..Ho Hum….
    Please have another glass of champagne for us…’s a rotten job but someone’s got to do it….
    (I still haven’t had time to go back through your posts but I intend to…..)

    Hi piper – What are you like? I am not going to award you a ‘special’ award when you get down below that very important milestone; I am creating a brand new award for everyone who achieves such an important milestone! Literally.
    In fact, I would have awarded it to myself not so long ago but I am too modest for that………………………………………………………………
    And you never came up with any suggestions for the name of the new award either; you and the majority of this thread!
    But when you get there piper; you will get your award and you will like it!
    (Oh and I am on the diminutive side too; woe betide anyone who is rash enough to call me short……and when I have lost at least a stone; everyone says ’Oh you have lost loads of weight!’ So it does show up more on folk like us).

    Hi JeanDee – At long last; it is hard to try and respond properly to most people who post on here as I’m sure you will appreciate. I can easily have a back log of posts I want to respond to but…..ho hum…..
    So does that mean you have lost 10lbs up to now Jean? Because 10lbs in 2-3 months is not slow when compared to me! And if you have read back at previous posts most LOACA’s say that they have gradually gained weight; especially when in and around the ‘certain age’ period.
    You are saying ‘How did I let that happen?‘ Again most folks on here did; quite effortlessly really. I tried very hard throughout my weight gaining years; buying expensive pieces of exercise equipment and USING THEM TOO! All to no avail until like all of us; I discovered the FD.

    I think you are eminently sensible only getting weighed once a month; it means that any natural fluctuations will not derail you from your quest.

    You are lucky being able to post whilst at work! It means you have more ME time at home. And does it make a difference if there are fewer people on a thread? We always try and welcome everyone here but lots of folk only post once or twice and they don’t bother to come back.
    You do actually, as a newbie, have to make some effort to get involved surely?

    Hi LUVTCOOK – Now another Yank has gone AWOL!
    LUVTCOOK – where are you? Are you alright? Let us know….

    Must go Ladies
    ONwards and Downwards!

    Whereabouts in Scotland are you, Boo Boo?

    It’s a beautiful country and I have a lot of time for the Scots, of whom there are quite a few among out 5:2 friends.

    Last year I spent several weeks in Scotland, in Glasgow to be precise, with a couple of side-trips to Edinburgh and then a week in Perth. I was working on a research project for my Art History MA and was utterly overwhelmed by the amount of help I received from everyone I dealt with. Most of them were working for or had connections with the National Trust for Scotland, and all but one – a fellow Londoner – were Scottish. As a result, I had enormous fun, the project was a success, so much so that my supervisor is encouraging me to rework it as a book.

    By contrast, the few contacts I attempted to make with NT in England couldn’t be bothered to reply and one I did manage to speak to was simply rude. When I asked her a perfectly reasonable and relevant question her reply was “you should have done your research”. What the expletive deleted did the silly woman think I was doing?

    Oh my! I do appologise PBB. I don’t even watch that programme with that “child”

    I am English and live in Darlington in the N.East.

    I am being careful about my eating. I did see the programme with Michael when he did the documentary on the 5-2.

    I’m taking on board a lot of other ladies experiences and successes. My only health issue is HBP I am on a low dose of Atenalol.

    Boo — Kudos to you for being so attentive to posters. You do a good job making others feel special. I work part-time at a college and we have our ebb and flow times. When we’re busy, we attend to our tasks. Otherwise, there isn’t a problem looking at reputable sites on the Internet. I do like to log into this site about the time I check out of work, so I will often stay on my own time and read posts.

    Checking out for sure now. Battling sinus infection and taking meds. I will feel peachy by February. Cannot exercise until then; doctor’s orders. Haven’t had much of an appetite and trying to drink a lot of water.

    Kind regards to all. Much progress and keep moving!

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