HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 12 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,151 through 1,200 (of 7,330 total)

  • Hello Ladies,
    Just checking in to let you know I am still alive. Bad throat and now chest infection has put me out of action for a few days, felt really sorry for myself. Luckily the scales have been kind to me ( one lb down) even though I am not gyming, dancing or playing badminton at the moment. Actually I have noticed before that I lose weight when I don’t exercise, and maintain level when I do loads, how weird is that? But toning is absolutely necessary so I accept that I cannot be lazy.
    After my recent experience with a nurse practitioner’s advice about my cholesterol level being genetic I have decided to do my own research on the subject. Many posters have replied that she ‘mislead me’ and I hope that this is true. I don’t have much faith in my local GP, different person every time you visit, doesn’t help much. I will let you know how I get on! I have calmed down about it now.
    At the end of the day the sun is shining and life is for living so I am off out tonight for a celebratory meal (my daughter has got a job after her first teaching interview) in a posh restaurant. I will eat whatever I want, they are micro portions anyway, tomorrow I fast and probably the next day too

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    A very quick hello to all of you (can’t really post as we were late in and haven’t eaten yet therefore starving…..bad move).

    A special Welcome Back to Apple Crisp though (though I prefer the name Eeyore; can I call you that?).
    It has been quite busy on the thread because we have lots of new members and they are a chatty, feisty bunch but it has been ‘quiet’ without you.
    Don’t worry about your doctor’s appointment; you can only do your best and you have done.

    Where is piper though? It’s been a while; hope everything is okay with you. Let us know even if you are too busy to post.

    Must be off
    Onwards and Downwards Ladies!

    Hi Ladies,
    In the ‘white trousers’ theme I thought I would share my own anecdote. Tonight I was going out for a meal so I put on a nice blue dress. As I am an old fashioned gal I dug out my blue shoes to match. Oh no! What is going on! I couldn’t keep them on my feet, they were huge. I haven’t worn them since New Years Eve and the sling back fitted then, was possibly even a bit tight. Fortunately they have buckles, I couldn’t believe that I could tighten them to the last hole, that’s four notches. Actually I should even add another hole for a good fit. Well this is one place I did not consider measuring. Anyone else having this ‘floppy shoe syndrome’ , maybe it’s the ballroom fitness class effect? This could be very expensive, my shoe collection is seriously huge and most are not sling backs! Roll on summer I may be needing my flip flops.

    Lizzie53 I think you are downright heroic. There is so much contraversial info out there about cancer treatment but there is a thread of data that says forcing your body to live off the ketones resulting from fat burning is detrimental to cancer, that it needs carbs/glucose to burn and does not access energy from the ketones. Hope this is a partial solution for you. And I know how you feel when you feel you finally have some control and impact over your life. Soldier on.

    And how wonderful to have an Aussie. I would love to know where everyone is from ….sounds like a lot of UK gals not necessarily from England. How wonderful to have friends all over the globe to chat with.

    To Applecrisp: welcome back! was worried about you sister. Long time no hear-from. Glad you had a great vacation.

    @jojo58 like you my shoe collection is considerable and nearly all of them are now loose. I’ve gone down a size so I had to buy a whole load of insoles to make them fit as very few of them are slingbacks. It’s one part of losing weight I hadn’t thought of before.


    @k8tie I love the “menopot” belly … I think I have it, although I’m not yet perimenopausal. I just made a new skirt using a pattern I’ve used 3-4 times before and it didn’t fit around the belly šŸ™ Totally unexpected.

    Grrrrr! Having a really bad, bad fast day! Short tempered and irritated with all and sundry! Perhaps 5:3 not such a good idea. Where is the euphoria I experienced the fist time around?
    To Luvtcook, heroic I am certainly not! But its nice that you think so.
    I tried a day of the ketogenic diet yesterday. Apparently one has to consume around 70% of one’s RDA in fats! Not sure that I can manage that! I really need to seek out a tame dietician who is not going to preach low fat and calorie counting. That should be interesting.
    And as for shoe size, yep, I had that experience as well. I lost alot of weight about 10 years ago and my shoes all fell off my feet. Wish it had come off my hips …
    Tomorrow will be a better day, I’m sure!

    Hey all,
    Paying the price for two meals out this week, up 2 pounds, so planning to fast two day out of the next three, see how it goes. They say quickly gained, quickly lost. Wish me luck. No regrets, my strict attitude is changing thanks to all your support. You are all doing a great job as a community and I wish you all a slim and healthy future. Off to walk the legs off the dogs before work.

    Hey ladies

    Jojo58 – loved your shoe experience; reminds me of a flat-mate years ago squeezing into a pair of much loved sandals and coming miserably into my room saying ‘I knew I had fat hips, but I’VE GOT FAT FEET!’. We both agreed that it was astonishing, unfair and depressing, and ate a pile of samosas to cheer ourselves up…

    lizzie53 – hope your day got better, and if it didn’t, that tomorrow certainly is. Interested to hear how your ketogenic diet goes along.

    All – this is the first forum I’ve ever posted in (or at least, more than once), and I’m really enjoying the camaraderie. What a lovely bunch!

    Any tips for travellers on the 5:2 by the way? I’m off to Singapore this afternoon for a week’s business trip, with irregular meals in a conference centre (and by meals, think sandwiches, pizza slices and noodles), client drinks and dinners, late hours… Should I just abandon 5:2 for a week and pick up where I left off? I’m a bit scared to do that in case I undo all my hard work. Anything you can share from your own experiences would be great (and sorry if I missed it on this forum).

    Take care all!

    Hey all, got odd reply which I accidentally deleted, definitely did not lose 2 stone in 2 months, it took 5 months. I was on a 1200 calorie diet before I started 5 : 2 in January. I am a one pound per week gal. Just correcting a wrong assumption, I really would be supergirl if I was losing at that rate.

    Just a quickie for now:

    Ooooh! YipYop Singapore has great food. However they will always have those great big yummy bowls of beef/chicken broth . . . am sure even the hotel can cater for you . . . just tell them to skip the noodles and add more veggies and you’ll be well-nourished and keeping up the fast as much as you can in the circumstances.

    Have a great trip!


    I travel quite a bit and find it hard to do 5:2 because of the schedules and agendas.

    I have found that skipping meals that are not on schedules or agendas works well. For instance, if I don’t have a business breakfast, I don’t eat breakfast. If I don’t have a lunch with clients, I don’t eat lunch.

    I have found I don’t lose weight doing this, but I rarely gain.

    Good Luck!

    Hello there, I’m a 54 year old menopausal ‘certain age’ woman and have been practising the fast diet since the end of last October, so far I’ve lost 35 lbs – I have about another 20 to go. I have no doubt I will lose it BUT, I have found that I still have to watch what I eat on my non-fast days. That means no chocolate, biscuits, cakes, sweets, icecream – I know myself and realise I don’t have an ‘off switch’ with sugar so I just avoid it altogether. I don’t mix fat and carbs and leave five hours between meals. I’m sure there are some people who can eat what they like on their ‘normal days’ – I’ve just had to accept I’m not one of them. I do think it takes the body longer to adjust to a new regime as you get older and it’s tougher to shift the pounds – that said I think my weight loss is proof that it can be done – but it’s not necessarily easy!

    I am a woman of 53 years old. I started til diet in February. I am now within the last 2 weeks began to heat up and sweat. Have any of you experienced that?
    I am from Denmark, so sorry about my English.
    BR Janne

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Hello and Welcome to Collie lover – Wow 35lbs! That is fantastic in that short space of time. When you say you donā€™t mix fats and carbs; are you talking about fast days, non-fast days or both?
    Did you decide about not consuming the goodies at all before you started the FD or is it something you have gleaned after you started?
    I hope LUVTCOOK will notice what you have said about our bodies taking longer to adjust to a new regime when we are older; that is what I was trying to suggest to her when she has been having an uphill struggle right at the start of her FD journey.

    Hello lizzie53 – I really felt touched by your post of 18.03.14.
    Firstly Iā€™m fairly sure that you donā€™t want to come onto this thread and discuss your condition (in detail) and probably upset yourself but you can post about other stuff (hmmmmā€¦ā€¦.lilac linen pantsā€¦..) and take your mind off your problems for a while.

    And whilst itā€™s lovely that you are being very brave and positive; you donā€™t have to have a ā€˜Brit like stiff upper lipā€™ with the LOACAā€™s on this thread. I can totally see what you mean when you say it is easier to vent to a group of caring women who are not ā€˜personally involvedā€™ than talk to your friends and loved ones who are so closely involved with you and are liable to be upset by you getting upset.
    We are all rooting for you – Go Girl!

    Hi Apple Crisp (Eeyore!ā€¦.) – Glad to see you back from your sojourn.
    So pleased the train was enjoyable and you had a great time.
    Let us know how it went at your doctorā€™s appointment.
    Bit worried about piper – she hasnā€™t posted on here for a bit and itā€™s not like her?

    Hey ripcurlgirl! – Thank God you drink alcohol! It makes your loss even more incredible. I was choosing my words carefully whilst asking because you donā€™t want to possibly infer someone is a goody-two shoes for being tee-total. I was concerned I was sounding like a bit of a lush when I said I didnā€™t want to restrict myself to that extent!
    And you can drink wine for FIVE days a week and still lose weight; thatā€™s it, itā€™s official, you are this weeks STAR LOACA too!!!!
    Go to the top of the LOACA class!

    Hello to thintoartinCal – I love the thought of your white jeans laughing at you from the back of your closet for five years; something every single one of us can identify with! I also like the sound of the dark cat hairs; some people might think you have mink trousers on! You could get cat-calls in the street!

    And thank you and LUVTCOOK for showing your appreciation for my efforts with this thread; you are so polite.
    What I appreciate about this thread at the moment is because it is less well patronised; most people are reading everyone elseā€™s posts and we can have a proper ā€˜conversationā€™ about what is posted. Not just disconnected comments with no or little response. And you two are fully contributing to that improvement; so Thank You.

    Hello K8tie – You are so not ā€˜banging on aboutā€™ how to improve your thyroid and what information you have gleaned. I am going to paste a long post I did sometime ago about it on this thread; I donā€™t think anyone read it at all. If they did, it wasnā€™t discussed and it is such a common illness that causes misery to millions of people.
    And as you know; the symptoms are so similar to many other conditions that it can easily be overlooked.

    Hello ply24mp – I know the ā€˜stuffed sausageā€™ feeling well and itā€™s lovely when clothes become a little looser and you can stop tugging at them.
    If it was me; I would take the scales!
    We once lugged a bulky exercise bike on a camping holiday! For me; so my exercise regime wasnā€™t interrupted!
    I was young and daft then!

    Hello yipyop – I am so pleased that you are enjoying the camaraderie on here; they are nice bunch arenā€™t they?

    Hello Janne – A couple of people answered your post the other day; have you had a look back? I cannot give you any advice on this particular issue because my temperature seems to differ all the time nowadays.
    Can anyone else give Janne some more advice please?

    Must go now
    I do hope the magic weight loss fairy calls to my house during the night and doesnā€™t give me any fat back like last time!!! Or sheā€˜s getting the sack!
    (And she gets a lot of work on this forum!)

    Onwards and Downwards Ladies – Have a good day tomorrow whether fasting or non-fasting!

    lizzie53 Just as a note….I have dramatically upped my fat intake when being “good” (reducing carbs) and that usually results in much better weight loss for me because I am much less hungry. I do a butter sauce over fish, eat lots more eggs, have learned to love avocados and nuts for a snack, and good old olives and olive oil. Butter on my veg (which makes all veges a lot more attractive), hollandaise on my broccoli. I use full fat yogurt and full fat ricotta. And I love it. I lost 23 lbs 2 years ago doing that with low carb. But low carb is grim as PreciousBooBoo commented. Miss the pizza, pasta and just bread with jam. So looking to 5:2 to be a better balance for me. But fear not the higher fat. You may end up loving it. I hope so. I wish the best for you.

    Hello all newbies and especially to Collielover…….LOVE your user name. I was raised by a collie, the omnipresent nanny of 4 children, and still at the age of 63 have wonderful dreams about her. Adored that dog and will miss her till I die.

    Welcome to this lovely lovely group. You have found the right place. Everything you are dealing with is part of our shared histories. It is a struggle but we have enough life experience under out belts to take on a challenge.

    And welcome to all the other newbies on the site. I am sorry not to be a diligent as PBB to acknowledge each and every one….but I will in time.

    Welcome all.

    Wow! This place is busy!
    Hello to all my old friends and to the new.

    Boo-I’m fine, just too tired to post– new job taking its toll. I also need to say hi to Nika, Toms, Speedy… the list goes on.

    Funny about the shoes…I guess that old saying about being able to buy shoes and bags, no matter what your size, needs to be revised! šŸ˜‰

    I finally got a copy of fast exercise and was pumped to start, but my treadmill won’t go! I’m just about to restart 5:2 in a more serious way, but I plan to wait until my schedule is back to normal. Still holding 142-143.
    About the fat, not that I’m trying to up it, or even lower it, for that matter, but have you looked at food labels lately? Calories from fat blew me away. I think I probably get way more than I think.

    Boo- look up ashwagandha, for sleep, but buyer beware…I don’t know much about it.


    Hi Ladies,
    It’s time for bed and all is not well. Thought I could hack another fast day but who am I fooling. That 2 lb gain really hit my self esteem today. I tried to justify my gain but actually now I am having a guilt trip. Why did I have the puddings at both meals out this week. I don’t have puddings when I am not dieting. What is it that causes us to behave irrationally and destroy all the good work we have been doing up until now. Is it just the need to blow a fuse after following fasting dieting for three months without a break? I will try to get back into the game tomorrow. I hope the rest of you are feeling strong and positive.

    Good morning all LOCAs! I have been reading the posts for some time and now dipping my toe into this pond for the first time.
    I am 67 + 11/12 and have been in this age group for >15 years.
    Despite Dr’s advice I opted for weight training instead of HRT because my meno symptoms not devastating and was more worried about osteoporosis. Still do that with PT (ensures good technique and no injuries – especially important for our age group) for 30′ weekly, which also doubles as a HIIT session. I do two more HIITs most week on a rower at home (3x 20s full-on then 40s recovery) With warm up and cool down takes about 10-12 minutes.
    My BMI is an appalling 32 (used to be sooo fit and skinny 20 years ago) due mainly to not coping well with some difficult times so had about 30kg to lose when I went back to work at the end of January after long summer break (I’m in Australia). In just over 6 weeks I have lost 3.8 kg and 5cm from my waist in 4 weeks (didn’t start that measurement until mid-Feb).
    I had my second arthritic knee replaced at the end of August so am now enjoying pain-free walking for the first time in about 20 years!
    It’s so encouraging and empowering to read all your experiences and am looking forward to joining you on this new life-journey.
    I prefer the acronym WOL rather that WOE because that sounds a bit grim.
    My fast days are Mondays and Wednesdays (while at work) when I have a small breakfast of water-only porridge and black unsweetened tea, a stock cube ‘soup’ lunch, mainly to deal with the occasional craving for something salty, and a simple evening meal like a small grilled steak and salad, usually adding some potatoes for my husband who eats everything in sight and is as skinny as!
    Keep up the good work everyone.

    Oh, jojo58, chin up! You say you have been following the fasting plan for 3 months…wow! The little gain you experienced is just a small blip. You have not “destroyed all the good work.” Don’t discourage, you will get past it!

    Today is a better day. I managed the 3 fast days but as you could tell from my last post, not without bodies littering my path! It was worth the suffering though as I managed to make a buffer zone for the weekend (granddaughter’s birthday party tomorrow).
    To yipyop: I have realised that I will need to do some serious research to do the Ketogenic diet correctly. I have obtained contact details for dieticians who specialise in this field, with particular reference to cancer. They are all in the USA but they might have contacts in Aus.
    To PBB, thank you again for your support. It really does make a difference. I can’t wait to get my computer up and running in the morning to see what everybody has been up to!
    To Luvtcook, I agree with you. I have found that I as I have aged, carbs have become the enemy. But like you, sometimes I just crave a slice of bread (my husband bakes all our bread) or cake. Oh and luscious summer fruits! Fruit is one food that spikes my weight almost immediately. I have to be real careful with that.
    To all you lovely ladies, have a truly blessed weekend.

    Went to the Dr. and lost 8 pounds, we were both happy. I told him about the Fast Diet and he seemed to think it was working. He commented that the scales are not the final say on wt. loss and looser pants and wearing things that were once too small are all positive. He is wise and I told him I felt lucky he was in my area.

    I have learned so much from people on this thread and could not done it without you. He explained that my body was barely producing any cortisol. Yet I don’t have Addison’s disease either but I am closer to that than what would be normal. He explained it on a bell curve. It is similar to subclinical thyroid problems. Many people have these problems that will not show up on tests. I am not really giving any new info here but it is still important.

    He actually said he was proud of me for finding a solution that works. We have all done that here even when the going gets tough. My wt. loss will most likely be slow but I am making progress.

    Just wanted to say thank you for support and understanding.

    P. Boo Boo if you want to call me Eeyore go ahead – I do have a little Piglet in me as well. luvTcook I did enjoy the train. Welcome to all the new people as well.

    lizzie53 – well done on navigating the fast days, it’s great to have somewhere neutral to vent.

    Applecrisp – no wonder both you & your doctor are happy, it’s a good result. I’m going to take my latest test results to my GP and question him about my thyroid results. The grandmother I inherited the endocrine problem from had an underactive thyroid as well.

    PBB – I hope the weight loss fairy visited properly for you!

    Myself, I’m still plodding along. Early last week the scales dropped another 0.9kg (so a total of 1.8kg since 27 December). Before I got the chance to celebrate I got 4kg of hormone bloat, only 2 of which has gone so far. So tiresome and you think I’d be used to it after 35+ years. But what can I do but shake my fist at genetics, take my medications, and keep on 4:3 (found ADF to hard to stick with).

    @applecrisp just wanted to say that your post is a good reminder that there is so much more going on with this FD than just weight loss. Thanks for that reminder! As we all struggle from time to time to move forward it is good to dwell on the fact that there are benefits we cannot yet measure one especially is the good gals on this forum! Yay to the weekend! @lizzie53 how old will your granddaughter be? So so precious are our grandlies.
    Hope you all enjoy your weekend and times with family. Cheers!

    Hello ply24mp and friends(feels right saying that),
    Last nights blues have gone and so has the 2 lb I gained. Even though I knew I was panicking I couldn’t drag myself up from the mire. Thankyou for your support and I am now back on track and determined to reach my weekly ( one pound off) goal by Sunday. Only 3/4 lb to lose so I should make it. I find having that weekly goal helps me to focus. Originally I was planning to loose 2 lb per week but it just didn’t work for me even when I tried 4: 3. I find I am getting less strict as each week passes, more fun but less productive. Clothes and shoes baggy but thankfully not my knickers. Bust remains very full, odd I thought that would go first, could afford to lose a goodly amount of that, heresy I know but I have been stuck with these mamas my entire adult life. Off to visit a farm today, baby lambs and all, speak later.

    Good morning! I’m repling to Piper from a conversation we started on a different thread. But the content of our conversation seemed to fit better in this thread. And I lurk here more often now.! Hope that makes some kind of sense!

    Hi Piper! So glad to hear you are feeling better. These spring slumps! I never noticed them when I was younger but really do now. And starting a new job is so tiring. So much of what we do is on a sort of practiced automatic pilot – and of course you can’t do that early in a new job. But it will soon be second nature to you I’m sure. I hope you are more or less enjoying it nevertheless.

    I’m still in the throws of my kidney stone and not been fasting at all. šŸ™
    Had a CT scan and from that the urologist (in training I heard later!) says he wants to take it out because it’s going nowhere however much I Jump and Bump! So in mid April I have to stay in overnight, have a general anaesthetic and have a urethrascope (sp?). I’m quite nervous to be honest. Mostly of the anaesthetic. I’ve never had one and being overweight and out of condition.

    Still, at least I’m in a much better state than when I started this diet last September. It does occupy my thoughts quite a lot. I try to guard against getting it out of proportion. That’s one of the drawbacks of living alone I think. Keeping things in perspective.But I’m using it as an opportunity to practise being brave – I’ve got rather out of practice with that in the last few years and I don’t want to become a timid older person!

    You are right! Spring is certainly almost here. Yesterday I took my dog out and there was a warm breeze with the small of spring bulbs. You can almost feel your body relaxing then – after the huddled winter feeling.

    Sending you very best wishes. šŸ™‚

    to Jojo58: NickyF is right ….its a WOL not a sprint, take the “long view” a 2 lb increase is a blip and you caught it in time. You have already done the most significant thing and not thrown in the towel and just let one tiny blip turn into a full blown slide. I did the full blown slide just putting off and putting off getting back on the plan, and now am re-losing all the same weight I took off 2 years ago. Pat yourself on the back!

    To Aria: congrats on the weight loss and Applecrisp: wow! 8 lbs and after a vacation. How did you manage that one and with eating out etc! And you ARE lucky to have such a supportive MD. Sounds like you found a winner.

    Janne: a warm welcome to you. Yes, a think most of us have gone through the “heat up and swell” stage. It gets better. When your hormones are in flux, you will be all over the place. Do drink lots of water, it seems to make your body flush any excesses ….and it is cooling as well.

    Speedy: so sorry your are dealing with kidney stones. No fun and its a killer for WOE. Hope you MD in training can be of help.

    NickyF: isn’t it great to be back to being able to walk without so much pain. That will be a big boost to your health and weight management. You must be so pleased with that.

    Must be off (actually do my walk) so a quick hi to Piper, Ply24mp, Freefalling…..have a lovely weekend gals. We have a brief pocket of decent weather in DC this weekend before more snow predicted for TUES. Will this winter NEVER end. UGH.

    Hi speedy. I recently (last week) had both a colonoscopy and gastroscophy. My bmi is 54 so it gives you an idea of how overweight I am. Don’t be afraid, sedation is much safer these days. I didn’t even realize I had been out to it, until I saw the clock. I know it is natural to stress, I cry every time I go under, I shouldn’t, I know I am in good hands and the safest place for me a the time – a hospital
    You will be fine, think positive šŸ™‚

    Hello everyone. This is my first post. Ever. On any site. But you ladies have inspired me!

    I read the book and tried my first fast day yesterday. Everything went very well until late at night. There was an open bottle of wine, a package of sliced sausage, a tiny bit of cheese. Basically, I blew it. So I’m planning to start again on Monday when there will be no goodies in the house to tempt me..

    Here’s the problem: I’m 5 feet tall (5 feet short?) and 64 years old. Need to lose 20 lbs to get down to where I look and feel good. I used all the calculators at the front of this site and found the to MAINTAIN my current chubbiness I must eat 1147 calories. So a quarter of that equals 286.75 calories on fast days. Has anyone gone below the suggested 500 calories? I don’t want to mess this up. Please, please help.

    Hi Susan, I manage to do 2 consecutive days, only having a cup of clear broth at night on the 1st day and a very small meal of steamed veg the 2nd. I find that the minute I eat, I get hungry. However, you will see that everybody has different ways of doing things. You have to find out which way works best for you. And believe me, this is the best forum with amazing women. I have had incredible support and encouragement from everybody, so welcome and good luck!

    Oh wow, Amberroseau thank you so much for posting.
    It’s really cheered me up.
    I’m only just under 50 bmi as well. It used to be a bit higher before I lost 17 kilos with 5:2 at the end of last year.
    I’ve had a period of not being very brave so this is my opportunity to get back into it!
    I hope you are feeling better now after last week. Hope you don’t have to have any more things done. I’m also nervous as I think I’ll cry as well – but I guess they are used to it – and really it doesn’t matter does it?

    With kidney stones the easiest procedure is to have them zapped by a sound beam from outside your body but the urologist said I was too short for that! He meant of course that although I am under the weight limit for that, because I am 5 foot 2, at my weight I am too round and that procedure wouldn’t work for me. Too much fat to get through. Hence this slightly more invasive way. Another very good reason to get my weight down asap after this.

    Thanks again. šŸ™‚ Wishing you all the best.

    Hello PreciousBooBoo šŸ™‚ It’s been a long time. How are you doing? xx

    NickyF congrats on pain free walking, a long walk can be such a joy. Here in Iowa we are finally ready to enjoy the outdoors. My new goal is walking at least 5 times a week. Speedy, glad you are getting relief. Pain is no fun and kidney stones are about the worst, my friend has them.

    LuvTcook, I am happy with my dr. and you helped with my travelling anxiety a lot. At my sisters’ we did eat out a lot but I tried not to overeat and I was more active than normal. They are “thin eaters” in that they eat healthy and the right portions. I tend to indulge myself too much. I actually like junk food – potato crisps and cake or cookies. I like some fast food too. What I have to do is buy small, single use treats and not have cupboard filled with goodies. But I make no excuses for my love of twinkie snack cakes or” The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” both have little substance.

    I am fasting today and hpoe all goes well.
    Have a great day.

    @speedy not sure how much I can allay your fears which are entirely natural, but please remember the most important person in an operating theatre is the PATIENT. Every member of staff there will have your best interests at the forefront of their minds.
    Most surgical procedures are routine for the staff although not for the patient, but because they are so frequently carried out the staff know exactly what they are doing šŸ™‚ I am sure you will be met by a friendly face who will hold your hand until you wake. Just think of your favourite thing as you ‘go under’ and you will probably dream of that šŸ˜€
    I am pretty sure the surgeon didnt mean you had too much fat to get through, but as a shorter person the major structures in the body are closer together making the ‘zapping’ technique a little more difficult – go for the safer way.

    @susan as we lose weight on 5:2 we all need to recalculate our TDEE and lower our fasting calories accordingly. When I first started IF I stuck to 500 on my two fast days and ate normally on five days and lost weight. I did this for 3 weeks I think then did the TDEE calculation (under HOW at the top) and dropped my fasting calories then as I felt my body was ready for the ‘shock’ šŸ˜€

    @applecrisp Well done on your fantastic loss (and for having such an open minded GP) Keep up the good work šŸ™‚

    Thank you so much LindyW. I know that’s the case and I’m sure everyone has these same fears. It’s also a very common procedure so I am trying to keep my fears in check. xx

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Goodness me, it’s been busy on here! WEIGH TO GO! (I’ve nicked that spelling off Eeyore; nice one Eeyore)

    Hello to everyone and our new members especially and please forgive me if I do a ME, ME, ME kind of post!

    Well that pesky ‘magic’ weight loss fairy did visit my house last night (I get weighed on Friday am) to bring me BACK SOME MORE LOST FAT! Grrrrrr……
    For those of you who read one of my comments to iwfama; I told her that last week my scales needed a new battery and I got 3 different weights on weigh day. I took the lowest one naturally……

    Well that was a bad idea because this week (with the new battery duly inserted….) I got a proper reading and you guessed it, my weight went up to the highest of last week! You couldn’t make it up….

    Which leads me nicely to thanking you Arla for sending me good wishes regarding her visit; it was especially thoughtful of you when a lot of us are aware of the really frustrating, unfair struggle you are having with this totally arbitrary WOL.

    I don’t know if I’ll be posting tomorrow.

    We are celebrating; after a 3 1/2 month wait for our new very sexy wood burner (how sad am I?) was fitted last weekend. We couldn’t even have it straight on! We had to wait days until the concrete dried!
    So we have spent today painting the living room where it proudly sits and tomorrow night we are going to have a grand opening of the stove! Complete with, wait for it, a fire! Woooo Hoooo!
    (I’ve wanted an open fire/woodburner for most of my life….again how sad am I?)

    We don’t really know our neighbours well enough; so it will be a party of two but we’ll MAKE SOME NOISE!; with the help of large quantities of fizz and some very loud (no immediate neighbours to consider – Yahooooo!) ROBBIE WILLIAMS!

    Does any other LOACA love Robster?

    We are a bit worried that we might get too hot now with the advent of this monster fire burner (we’ve been pretty cold up to now). We have joked that we might have to go outside into the garden and take all our clothes off and run around to cool down (hope you’ve all eaten your dinners…..).
    We might get picked up by the fuzz and thrown around by the bouncers! (You might have to be Brits to get that joke…..) and then ‘done’ for worrying the cattle!…..

    It’s been an absolute pleasure today painting the living room; it was all white and so dreary in our opinion (all white’s nice if you have a house like John Lennon and Yoko Ono!…..sincerely hope I am not offending any LOACA on this thread with all white in their rooms…..). We didn’t paint the room because of all the rubbish that had to be drilled out of the chimney breast; and it was so frustrating not to put ‘our mark’ on it.
    So today the living room looks much more like a house we would live in.

    Must go Ladies
    I sincerely hope you all have much more luck with the magic weight loss fairy!
    Onwards and Downwards!

    I have another question. If I mess up on a fast day, should I try it again the next day, or wait until my next scheduled fast day. I find if I keep trying day after day, I really get in a mess.

    You do what works for you. Personally, I would wait until the next scheduled day and try again.

    No one is keeping tabs but you.

    lwfama, I started fasting Jan. 2nd, before that I was inconsistant. This past week I tried to fast on monday and tuesday and could not do it. It may be partly due to taking a week off. Today I tried again and while it has not been a breeze it was much more doable.

    I don’t think taking breaks from fasting is bad at all. Some fast days are fairly easy and some can be really hard. Just try not to set yourself up for failure. If it doesn’t feel right you might just wait until it will. This WOE is very flexible and that is part off it’s appeal. Good luck on your next fast day.

    P. Boo Boo sounds like things are getting done at your new home. What color did you paint your room? Just being nosy. Enjoy your new wood burner.

    iwfama: have you ever hear the saying “perfection is the enemy of good”? meaning, you should count the food you did not eat and not fret over what you did eat. Everybody is so stressing over a bad end of day blow out instead of realizing they have already gone over 24 hours of fasting/minimal eating from counting back from the evening before. Yes, going to the next am breakfast would have been perfect, but hey….eating one meal at the end of the day is a lot better then the 3 meals plus snacks plus whatever else we all used to eat to get us to this place to start with. A 24 hour fast is pretty darn good. And honestly, a 100 snack if you are really hungry is not that bad. If I am starving a single scrambled egg with a warm cup of tea helps a lot.

    It all a work in progress. My two cents: don’t make yourself nuts. Get a couple normal days under your belt and start over. Good luck.

    Morning all or evening to my Southern Hemisphere friends,
    I have officially had enough of daily weighing, experiment over, fed up with seesaw results. Up 2 lbs, down two pounds, it’s been going on since Wednesday. Ok so my fasting hasn’t been 100 per cent either but always below 1200 maximum. I have learned my lesson(another lesson) and will wait until next Saturday for next weigh in. Basically I think I am cheating myself and my mood is being dictated by the scales, if they are good I ease up, if bad I get fed up and what do you think I do, oh yes, ease up, so weighing is not helping. It’s a vicious circle. Does anyone weigh monthly? How does that go?
    Hey Luvtcook I like the common sense ‘remember to count the food you are not now eating’ a 1000 cal binge, crisps, bowl of cereal, chocolate bar all gone in a flash, this was just an evenings snacking whilst watching the box, no guilt included. Now we would probably settle for just one snack and feel guilty. My new normal day is a huge inprovement on my old normal day, one day I hope my shape will be a huge improvement, it’s a little better so far.
    Hey PreciousBooBoo, I am green with envy, I would love a wood burning stove but I don’t have a chimney in my new flat. Hope you enjoy it. What colour did you paint the walls? I am just looking at doing some painting, need inspiring colours I think, currently rental magnolia everywhere, depressing.

    @speedy – surgical staff & anaesthetists are great & used to dealing with all body types. When I got my gallbladder out last year, I didn’t have any nausea etc in reaction to going under. Yes my blood pressure dropped for an hour or 2, but that was partly cos my evol former g/b caused crazy hypertension that was being managed by 3 different medicines!

    Luckily I got an afternoon call saying could I be there at 6am the next day as they’d had a cancellation and could fit me in a month early. Luckily cos it meant I didn’t have time to worry or fret or get nervous. In fact I was joking with the anaesthetist team. As I was his first op of the day I couldn’t be put under until they sighted the surgeon and he was late. They did say it was a change to have no tears, but I was excited cos it meant I could get my life back after 5 months of waiting.

    Hi Arla, that’s very reassuring. Thank you. Good to hear you are better again. I have met 2 anaesthetists when my husband and mother were ill and indeed they were both great. Do you feel much better now without your g/b?

    Interesting about g/b because the echo I had saw my g/b is full of stones too. I didn’t know that. The urologist said it was very likely because I have lost weight. DOH!

    In fact I feel quite sure that I have this kidney stone because on my Fast days, I didn’t eat anything (that was easier for me than 500 cals) but I also forgot to drink šŸ™ Sometimes till late afternoon. And dehydration is the main cause of kidney stones. Can’t be certain of course but that’s my hunch. So Don’t Forget To Drink water on Fast Days everyone!

    Reading about g/s – I wonder if not eating for longer periods means your g/b doesn’t empty so often so the gall sits about, so increasing the liklihood of g/s. I’d love to hear from a medical person if that might be accurate. But when I get back on to 5:2 I’m going to eat 3 tiny meals a day – even if that is harder for me than totally not eating for 36 hours.

    Hi Speedy,
    Thank goodness that I have three small meals and lots of water. If you are on to something I hope everyone heeds the warning. I passed a kidney stone after my first child was born, it was truly excruciating, even compared to the recent child birth pain.
    I will warn my daughter who is also on 5:2 and takes the one meal approach because she believes it’s better for your health. Is this true? Especially if what you suspect has any validity! Come on you Doctors and dietitians, give us some advice on this matter, it could be really important. There are a lot of people doing the starving approach. Is there a way of posing the question to Dr Moseley direct?

    I love this diet and absolutely don’t know this is the case – it’s just my own thoughts. I have no hard medical knowledge, just what I have read about how gallbladders work.
    I still think that fasting for longer is good – I’m thinking about Dr Jason Fungs lectures on You Tube about fasting and ADF.
    It might well be that I have had gallstones for years. Many people have them with no symptoms.

    I don’t know how to ask Dr. M. but would love to hear his thoughts.
    If you search this forum, gallstones do not appear and if there was a connection I would expect that they would.
    But I will certainly drink very very regularly on fast and non-fast days in future. That was my own mistake not to do that.

    We used to say patients with gall stones we invariably ‘fair,fat and forty’. Gall stones are usually caused by an abundance of cholesterol in bile which is produced in the gall bladder. Diet rich in high fatty foods is only one cause. Lots of us LOACA probably do have some gall stones but luckily no symptoms, its when a small one gets stuck in a tube, or they irritate the lining of the gall bladder, problems start. Rapid weight loss also increases the chance of stones forming.
    We know IF isn’t ‘rapid weight loss’.
    We also know we should be drinking plenty on fast days.
    Give a thought to the water you drink too, the area where I live has very hard water and there is a high ratio of all body stones to population. I use tap water for tea/coffee but only drink bottled water at other times.
    @preciousbooboo I live near Robbie’s hometown and yes I met him and am a fan šŸ˜€
    My husband had a kidney stone years ago. He had eaten the best part of 3lbs of strawberries during one day and our GP told us that strawberries could cause calcification. I am sure I had read that most berries incl. strawberries were good to eat if you had problems with arterial calcification – so maybe the doc was teasing my husband.

    @lindyw My mother used to say that. Fair, fat and forty!
    I’m more greying, very fat and fifty-five! šŸ™‚
    IF definitely isn’t rapid weightloss. I was losing 1 kilo a week and that’s always quoted as OK but I was really, really happy with it and felt great when fasting.
    My question about any link was more to do with not eating at all for 36 hours – that was the fasting I did – and what if any possible effect it has on g/b not emptying so often when you don’t eat. Does it not empty so leaving the gall to sit about longer getting slufgy and possibly forming gall stones? Especially at a time of losing weight when there is lots of cholesterol about from the fat being burnt.
    I totally hold my hand up to not drinking enough on those days so feel the kidney stone is almost certainly my own fault. I simply forgot to drink. šŸ™

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