HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 11 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 7,330 total)

  • Hello dear ladies, those of a certain age and also those young ones who are reading the thread and who are so welcome to post.

    This is such an interesting conversation.

    I have to say I never thought about my medium sized breasts very much. In the 60’s, boyish sweaters were very popular and I wished I was a little smaller at that time, but as styles changed I kind of forgot about my breasts.

    I noticed them again when I began to gain unwanted weight in the past five years or so. I didn’t like having bigger breasts at all, although they were still fairly medium. As I lost weight in the past few months, I was relieved that my breasts got a little smaller. Now I’ve forgotten about them once again.

    After reading this discussion, I can only imagine the discomfort some of you have been through, and on a daily basis for years and years. @sylvestra, your story is horrifying and I hope that if you want a reduction you are able to get one. It’s never too late to have the opportunity to feel more comfortable and at ease in our bodies. I think that is why we are all here.

    Just want to add, I have a very busy life and I know that all of you have busy lives too. I have felt very welcome in this group, and never worry or feel offended if I don’t get a response or welcome when I post. I know there are some new posters that I have enjoyed reading but haven’t responded to. I agree with Precious BooBoo that we should respond when we can, and I know we do when we have the time and feel we have something to add to the discussion.

    I appreciate all of you and your comments and stories. Good luck to everyone who is fasting or trying to eat within their optimum range tomorrow. We can do this ladies, whatever our age may be.

    Well said Markie99 ! It feels like we’ve become a group of friends – encouraging when needed, sharing the pleasure of success. It’s all good stuff!

    The boob topic has kept me entertained for days now. My own boob issue has always been that whenever I have gained weight it’s gone on there last but when I’ve lost it then it comes of them first! What’s that all about????

    Anyway, in other news….. I have lost another pound. That’s half a stone now which means I’m a third of the way to my goal.

    Keep it up everyone. We’ll all get there.

    Linda 😉

    @sylvestra you beautiful and amazing woman! You deserve to have your dreams fulfilled!

    @sharatl your words are magical! ‘Industrial strength’ bras, ‘ what a fantastic description!

    Thank you for your words of support and encouragement, ladies. I can only hope that maybe this time…… I wish I could afford to just go and have the op done but that’s not possible so I’ll see how it goes.

    Going by this week it’s going to take a while, as for some strange reason I seemed to be gaining not losing. I’ve done 4:3 for the last couple of weeks instead of 5:2 and exercised as usual but a couple of pounds seems to have appeared from somewhere. It’s a bit annoying after consistently losing for weeks but it’ll go eventually I hope.


    Boobs are overrated! In the states so many poeple have these fake bodies. Most slender women dont’t have double DD’s.
    I have ample breasts and they are a pain. Be happy with what you have. A good figure is just as much about your waist,
    hips and legs as it is about chest.

    I know a lot of people who have had breast reductions and it does slim them down. My friend Donna had one last year and she is 64. What is beautiful is a strong, healthy body and a confident attitude. There are no frail, shrinking violets here.

    I’m not sure quite what you mean by ‘boobs are overrated’, Applecrisp.

    ‘Most slender women don’t have double DDs’ …Precisely!! Which is why if your boobs don’t reduce along with the rest of your body, they become an issue. I don’t think anyone said a good figure isn’t about waist and hips too, but a good figure is about proportion.

    I’m sorry but your comment ‘be happy with what you have’ is precisely the unhelpful type of attitude and comment I’ve been getting all my life. Why should I be happy with pain and discomfort?

    I am sorry, my comments were flippant and not directed at you. I can see how you took offense. My comments were very broad and general. I understand your situation is painful and I wish you luck.

    I went back and read your comments and I do understand how hurtful ” be happy with what you have” can be.

    That’s OK Applecrisp. Thank you for appreciating how upsetting such comments can be.

    Hi, I’ve just found this thread.
    I’ve been on the 5:2 way of life for nearly 11 months.
    I’m on a plateau at the moment – well worse really, because of Christmas over indulgence!
    Still, I don’t snore any more and I’m two dress sizes smaller. I do still have a huge flabby tummy. My problem is that I loathe exercise. I love long lazy lie-ins and hours on the computer and watching tv, so I think I’m a lost cause. Are there any similarly sedentary ladies here?

    Oh, and I had to have a breast lump checked out last year – it was just that there was less fat and more breast tissue because of the weight loss.

    @leevee …you have already lost weight so you know that 5:2 works. just climb right back up here on the wagon with the rest of us. falling – or jumping – off once in a while is fine. We all know we can start again when we’re ready. Just calculate your TDEE for ‘sedentary’, there are many people who don’t exercise for a variety of reasons but 5:2 still works for them.

    No-one is ever a ‘lost cause’ 😀


    Hi loacas been really busy so I’m just getting caught up on the boob discussion. Apple crisp, I beg to differ, I was a slender woman with double d breasts for many years. Now I’m a not so slender woman with Tripple d’s. This despite losing nearly 30 pounds from my heaviest weight. I wish I would lose some up there but it hasn’t happened yet. Levee, I calculated my TDEE using the sedentary category and I’ve been able to lose weight, so hang in there.

    I’ve had DDD’s forever – When I was 200 lbs I was a 40DDD and now I’m a 34DDD – sigh wish they would go down as well. Even a DD would be nice at this point, they make cuter stuff for DD’s 🙂

    I’m one who’d lose everywhere but bust … even an E would be better than where I am in the alphabet.

    Still, I’ve not wanted surgery – just as well as I was having skin infection problems and had to wait 5 years for that to stop before getting a tumour cut off my knee. Cos of the infections they kept testing me for diabetes, which is how I can be sure I didn’t get it. Though keeping it at bay is the main reason I’m sticking to IF even though I’ve not yet lost weight.

    @sylvestra it will surely go. Keep doing what you are doing and it will.

    Thursday is my usual fast day but it didn’t work out very well today, so I plan to fast tomorrow instead. I did manage 16:8 though. Love the flexibility of this WOE. Will weigh “officially” tomorrow, but it seems I will be down only half a pound, if that, for this week. Still have time to lose 6 pounds by mid-March, and plan to stay on this WOE forever while maintaining someday, so I have no choice but to keep going.

    I have a feeling that I will be able to maintain by using 16:8 on most days. Does anyone else have experience with 16:8? Does anyone think that restricting calories for 16 hours (and eating within my optimum range during the other 8 hours on most days) will be effective for maintaining?

    Ladies, best wishes to all who plan to fast, and those on NFDs, tomorrow.

    The remark I made about thin women with large breasts, I was referring to women who have gotten implants. They are common in the states. I know some women have that naturally.

    My comment which was poorly made- was about the fashion and film industry which puts sometimes impossible demands
    on women – kind of like the Barbie doll.

    I did not mean to offend anyone and I also have large breasts and know the difficulty with buying comfortable bras.

    It seems we can all get a little tetchy talking about titties so perhaps we need time out for a giggle. There used to be an old joke about how to lose 15 pounds of ugly fat – go cut off your head.

    My sister, the one we nickname ‘scrap’ because she is short and scrawny, always had big breasts. In her late 50s she was having a few heart issues, trying very hard to be fit and healthy, and it was her cardiologist who suggested a breast reduction. It cost her $15K (not a problem for her) and it changed her life. She felt able to run and play tennis, go swimming, take up golf. Her surgeon removed 4kg of tissue and she went from an F+ cup to a C. Now that is a very very drastic way to lose weight – and weight wasn’t my sister’s issue – but it changed how I viewed breast reduction surgery. It is not cosmetic. It can be a very significant step toward better long term health.

    I get where you’re coming from @applecrisp, regarding the proliferation of breast implants among young, slender Hollywood starlets. Just watch the TV soaps and play “Spot the Fake Boobs”! (I’ve also unintentionally “put my foot in it” on this thread before – as @arla can attest!) I personally have never been well-endowed (just a 34B / 12B) in my youth and have dropped from a 20C to an 18C since I started the 5:2 plan. I’ve always found being a larger than B-cup size more uncomfortable, especially in Australian hot weather, and can understand how really heavy-breasted ladies would long for breast reduction surgery. Meanwhile, today (Friday) is my second fast day this week – instead of my usual Thursday fast – as we have had family members visiting from northern Queensland and I have enjoyed entertaining them for two days and nights with lots of food and wine. I had a little bit of everything, but in surprisingly small portions for me – even just a sliver of cheesecake. I found after a glass of wine, I just wasn’t hungry, so I’m hoping that my unintentional restraint shows up in no weight gain on the scales tomorrow (or maybe I’m just kidding myself).

    I think we’re all capable of putting our foot in it at some point (whether in real life or online). I used to be terribly socially inept until my mid-twenties – something I’m very happy to have lost.

    I know which great grandmother I inherited mine from – I’ve called it The Family Chest 🙂 When I first started treatment for PCOS/androgens I lost 16kg without even trying and only went from an H to a GG (UK sizing). I’m lucky to have inherited body strength from my dad’s side so haven’t yet had any back problems from it. But I may need to start some specific upper body exercises to make sure that I don’t in the future.

    @markie99 I wish I could believe you… but I know from bitter experience that it won’t happen 🙁

    I want to be able to run the Race For Life 5k and have started the ‘Couch to 5k’ programme but the only way I can do this without extreme discomfort is with the aid of a very wide crepe bandage!!! 😀 😀 Not a good look but it does help!!!

    @roba …4kg off ..AND a ‘c’ cup now…..WOW!

    I do look at these women who have huge implants and just think ‘WHY?????’

    hey ho…fast day #3 this week – onwards and downwards 😀 😀


    Just a quick hello from me, as it really is past my bedtime!!

    Markie99 – I know of a number of people who successfully maintain on 16:8, but you do still need to remain mindful of what you are eating as consumption can creep up. Lots of people on 5:2 seem to find that they are fine without breakfast, so easily move into 16:8. I have had periods of observing 16:8 but I have found it too restrictive to do it every day. However, I do think it is a good concept, and try to have some non-fast days as 16:8, or even 18:6 (etc).

    I had a good fast day yesterday, after a terrible one on Sunday. I think I had been having a “famine reaction”, but hopefully am through that now (fingers crossed). Time will tell. 🙂

    Have a great weekend everyone – and long weekend for those of us in Oz 😀 😀

    Oh dear …after all the ‘boob’ talk, I have had a letter today ‘inviting’ me to have my boobs squashed between two cold metal plates!!!

    I will, of course, go and have my mammogram – it would be very silly not to amke sure everything is OK.

    But why can’t the plates be a bit warmer????? 😀


    Hello All Lovely Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Ha Ha – just been having a laugh at all the boob comments and Roba’s joke about losing 12lbs of ugly fat – that’s one of my favourite jokes.
    The old ones are the best!

    However, not laughing about anyones boob situation though because I have spent my entire life not liking my out of proportion chest. In that, it is too big for the rest of my frame and that makes you look heavier than you are; whilst I find, if you are a bit larger in the derriere/hips/thighs area, you can disguise it with clever dressing.
    You cannot disguise large boobs unfortunately.

    I would absolutely love, even at my age, to have a boob reduction but I’m too much of a wuss and we haven’t got the money to spare! But the woman who lives next door to my hairdresser had one late in life and is delighted and wishes she had done it much sooner.

    Don’t beat yourself up Applecrisp for being taken the wrong way when you weren’t meaning to offend anyone; I find sometimes comments can sound harsh just because they are down in black and white. You can put different connotations on the same set of words even though they were not meant to be taken in that light.

    Anyways Ladies; off to have some much needed alcoholic cheer!
    Onwards and downwards! (Not our chests obviously!)

    @markie99 …oh it’s so easy to get confused on these long threads! I just realised you were probably telling me that my 2lbs would soon go!! DUH!!!

    You’re right..the 2lb have gone as mysteriously as they came. It just shows that stepping onto the scales too often is not a good idea. I should have stayed off them until my usual weigh in day tomorrow. 😀 😀

    Hey the scales dropped 400g – huzzah after 4 weeks there’s some movement. Plus I’m down 2cm on my waist & hips, and 1cm underbust. The bust it remains {rollseyes}. I’m only measuring myself monthly or I’d be OCD about like I am the scales (even before I was doing IF).

    Well done @arla – on the weigh loss and loss of inches. I only measure once a month …lack of movement would just depress me. I weigh myself weekly though!!
    😀 😀

    This thread is certainly moving fast. Good for us.

    @sassy, thanks for your comments on 16:8. I find them encouraging. I prefer to not eat breakfast and find that as soon as I eat I get hungrier, so think it may work long term for me. You are right though – mindful eating will still be important to maintain.

    @sylvestra, I meant that your pounds would surely go, and I’m delighted they did. No worries I realized you probably thought I was responding to a different post. 🙂 Re: mammograms – I wonder if the plates would be so cold if the machines were designed by women. Maybe they would have built in heaters instead, lol.

    @arla, congratulations on your loss!!

    @precious BooBoo, cheers! 🙂

    Only a half pound loss to report this week, but I will take it. Have a great weekend everyone. We are visiting our darling grandchildren (and son and dear daughter in law) this weekend – they are 3 and 18 months so I will get some exercise in between the hugs and kisses and stories and songs. Can’t wait.

    I was lucky on the scales today with a 0.6 kg loss (1.3 lb – sounds better in pounds!). I envy you your grandchildren, @markie99. My married son has no plans to expand his family in the near future. However, I find “babysitting” my daughter’s hyperactive puppy quite effective for increasing my incidental exercise.

    I have done it – 6 months on 5:2 and it is my normal way of life. I am posting my results as this forum has supported me without knowing- I have read lots of threads and it has helped enormously.

    Start 217 lbs (98.6kg)
    Today 174 lbs (79.1kg)

    I have lost 7 inches ( 18 cm) off my waist or should I say what was my waist has now reappeared! And 3.5 ins (9 cm) off my neck – gross!
    I have moved from obese to overweight and am plodding my way to normal weight. I need to loose another 14 lbs to get there. My original goal was a wedding in July and although the weight loss has slowed that is still my target. People at work have started to notice although my family and good friends had already seen the change. To keep motivated I put on clothes I have not been able to get into and I have sorted out loads for charity.

    Whilst I am delighted for myself I am very pleased for everyone who has lost weight as I know how much healthier I feel not lugging around all that weight.


    Well done, Elaine! Losing 19.5 kg in six months is very inspirational and gives me hope, as I started the 5:2 plan 3 months ago, weighing 93 kg – although, I don’t think I can achieve your results in another 3 months. I also get a kick out of trying on clothes that I haven’t been able to fit into for the last 7 years (but always kept in my wardrobe, just in case I could one day).

    Congratulations Elaine- although, I have to say- I find a 20k weight loss in 6 mths almost impossible to believe!
    I’ve been doing it ‘by the book’ for 5 months- didn’t weigh at first but was probably around 67k, no more- and, last fortnightly weigh-in was just over 62! Pathetic! admittedly, my main exercise is walking my dog, but I have a very active working life. My normal diet is fresh, vegetarian food, no junk, it’s summer here so mostly salads & fruit, & I’ve even cut back (a bit) on the wine & carbs on non-fat days! Having said all that, when I embarked on this I was determined to make it as ‘normal’ as possible so I could keep it up, and that part is pretty easy to maintain.
    Determined to get under 60 by Easter, but even if I don’t, I’ll keep it up as it is working, but ever so slowly!

    Thanks for posting this Elaine. I’ve been sort of in the dark as to how long this will take me.

    175 lbs is exactly where I want to be (I’m 5’11”). I’ve been faithly doing 4:3 with zero food intake on my fast days for six weeks and I have lost 9 kgs. (1.4 stone or 19.8 lbs). I was hoping to do a “bikini bridge selfie” by July, too!

    You’re proof that the method works!

    I’ve warmly recommended it to four friends in America – sent them the YouTube snipets and gave them the Amazon links to buy the books.

    I know what you mean about the “lulls” in the nutrition plan. Last week I lost zero weight. I still lost volume, though. So far I’ve lost 6″ on my belly, 3″ inches on my waist and 3″ on my hips. It’s a good thing that I keep measurements, otherwise I would have given up last week. I keep remembering from science class: ice cannot melt AND change temperature at the same time. This is probably the case of what is going on in my body.

    Happy for you Elaine, it is amazing how much weight we carry. If it was in a backpack we would think it too heavy.

    Aria , just curious about your treatment of PCOS/androgens consisted of.
    I’ve lost about 5-7 lbs.,not sure about my scale. But it does give me a boost. It makes me want to tweak my WOE and as time goes by I tell myself “you are getting better at loosing wt. and being healthy” and I will keep improving- body and

    Thank you for all your replies – how much we loose and how long it takes depends on so many variables. I was 217 lbs (98.6 kg) when I started and am 5 feet 7 and 56 years young. I have yo – yoed for years and whilst on holiday had stood next to my husband and looked in a mirror. I was appalled with what I saw ( not my husband who has never had a weight problem and has been a huge support). When we got back home I got on the scales and faced up to my weight. I had half heartedly done the 5:2 before but life and all it’s problems got in the way. This time I was determined to succeed and have managed even with lots of life thrown at me. At the beginning I used to think I can’t deal with this or that problem I am fasting but now I draw strength from it ( I have a very busy stressful job). I still have lots to loose but am quite happy for it to take a year or more. I just wanted to share this as I can’t quite believe it myself, but I can now stand next to my husband and face looking in the mirror – might even start getting my photos taken rather than avoiding them!

    @applecrisp, it’s a bit of a longish story.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS just over 4 years ago (on the day of a massive red dust storm in eastern Australia that could be seen from the space satellites) and was told that I’d had it since puberty so it had been untreated around 30 years. I started on fairly typical treatment Brenda-35 ED (aka one of The pills) combined with Metformin 850 3x daily. Sometimes I got a bit exasperated trying to explain the Metformin is also used for PCOS & I wasn’t diabetic (usually a pharmacist making assumptions).

    I dropped 16kg/35lb without even trying, which was great cos it showed that my biochemistry was my real weight problem. I should mention metformin resulted in not being able to eat red meat, but I figured I’d rather give up steak/lamb and eat more pork/chicken. A much better option than being fat & bald (receding hairlines aren’t just on men and my grandmother had major chrome dome).

    When my gallbladder flared up it trigged crazy insane hypertension and although Brenda didn’t cause high blood pressure (or I’d have had it 3 years earlier) it didn’t help and I can’t ever take it again. Even on Metformin (with no Brenda) my hair started falling out again and the acne started to come back 🙁

    Fortunately my appointment with an endocrinologist came through and she said it wasn’t just PCOS but also a genetic androgen disorder. For 15 months I’ve been on Aldactone 100 (a high dose) as well as Metformin. My hairdresser says my hair is thickening up and the receding hairline is filling in again. I rarely if ever get acne now and it had been hormonally triggered for 30 years.

    What I found fascinating was that after about 2 years of treatment my hair had returned to a warm brown. After the 2nd time that literally half my hair fell out [age 25] I was so grateful that it grew back [again] that I wasn’t too upset that it went from brown with reddish highlights to a very dull ash brown.

    The endo doesn’t need to see me again unless I have problems recur, and the hypertension specialist is happy I’ve gone from 3 pills down to 1. Crazy strange gallbladder – it was chronic inflammation *not* a trapped stone. The bloodwork indicated something was severely inflamed but there was no clear cause until my gallbladder became an definite problem and came out last April.

    Because PCOS is known to eventually/often drag Type 2 Diabetes along for the ride, and I have a long string of inflammatory issues (asthma, hayfever, allergic dermatitis, food intolerances, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow and the blessedly former gallbladder) I’m really interested in seeing if 5:2 will help these things more than I’m interested in losing weight. Yes I’d like to be slimmer again, too.

    Hope that wasn’t too long or not relevant, Applecrisp

    Hello All Lovely Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Welcome to all the new members of our special club!

    Wow Elainevick – well done you and welcome to this special club!

    It’s always interesting to hear about how much one of us has lost; but I find it much more interesting when we hear a bit about the person losing the weight and what was their incentive and what ‘tipped them over the edge’ to start fast dieting.
    So I love hearing about the fact that now you can stand next to your lovely husband (proud of yourself I hope) and ‘face looking in the mirror’.
    To me that says loads more than I lost such and such lbs.

    Incidentally, in the time you have lost 43lbs; I have lost just 14! Not through lack of effort though.

    What do you think helped you to lose such an impressive amount in the same time span? Can you share your secrets with us?

    I think too that your attitude to how long it might take is perfect; you’re happy for it to take a year or more. If you have lost an appreciable amount of weight and are suitably grateful and feeling/looking better about yourself; it means you can be a lot more patient because you know it will happen eventually.

    Lastly and I never tire hearing this said, you have had lots of support from this thread; despite only just joining us ‘in the flesh’ so to speak! Isn’t that great really? I’m always advising newbies to look back at older threads or just read what is current now but it seems people often want to be given the information/advice personally instead of being encouraged vicariously.

    Hello Markie99 – what a lovely post about your grandchildren. Hope you and they enjoyed all the hugs and kisses!

    Must go and start dinner – onwards and downwards ladies!

    The longer posts where we describe our life circumstances and our 5:2 journey are very interesting to me. I wonder if the interwebs and forums like this aren’t becoming a bit like a catholic confessional. We are anonymous and telling our darkest secrets, sharing our intimate medical history with strangers. It helps. Maybe the catholics had something going with that idea.

    Where else can I tell people I don’t like my droopy boobs but I love losing back fat, and get a positive response? Anyway, love youse all.

    @roba ….I wish there was a ‘like’ button for posts 😀


    Aria, it has been a journey for you. I know 1st hand PCOS is not always treated or even deemed serious. One Dr. told me “well I guess it’s Pcos”but we aren’t going to do anything about-very frustrating.

    My main concern now is reigning in my anxiety. I think it is partly hormone related. I spend a lot of time @ home.
    I have some trouble going out at times and traffic really causes some trepidation for me. I just want to be normal and
    not so fearful. In the meantime, I will work on my weight and health. I hope to get both my mind and body stronger. I
    do think that will give me the courage to face some fears. My ultimate goal is to just be a laidback person.
    Everybody can dream.

    @applecrisp, I’d go back and insist on either a referral to a gyno (that’s when my PCOS was diagnosed) or a treatment plan from the GP. PCOS has an increased risk of High Blood Pressure (waves hand), prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. It’s worth treating PCOS to prevent any of them and not just the infertility that often results from it.

    I just wish I’d found a good doctor years ago & not been patronised when I told Drs that there was something out of whack gynocologically. I got the “everyone’s different” speach, grrrr. I wouldn’t have been hoping for menopause before 40 if I’d been having this treatment. The difference is from a week-of-pain/mess-endurance, to painless-oh-was-that-it (in comparison).

    Before treatment when someone said I wouldn’t want menopause, they were gobsmacked when I said well if you’d had my last 30 years – and listed everything. It was quite unlike their experience … and I just realised that it’s been a while since I got a bruise collection. Before I’d get the clumsies with PMS and walk into doors, tables & things and get so many bruises my legs & arms looked battered.

    Aria, I feel like I have a good Dr. now the problem is he is soo busy. He is treating my Adrenal Fatigue so I do think he
    would be receptive. A lot of what you talk about is familiar. Do you have a sesitivity to light?

    Honey Boo I am reading the book by Dr. Durrant- Peatfield, it’s very readable. And I am going to bring it to my next Dr.
    visit. I have to say my Dr.(who I started seeing in Sept) does seem to be doing a lot right so I am lucky.

    Sorry Precious BooBoo ! I actually do not watch the show with Honey Boo- if you don’t what I’m talking sorry.( and probably good for you)

    I’m not sure if getting sunburn very quickly is what you mean. Though I blame my celtic ancestors & a crazy high UV country for that. Even avoiding too much sun I have plenty of freckles. Someone once said in conversation that you couldn’t get freckles on lips – and was startled when I pointed to a big on mine. Fades in winter, returns every summer.

    I’m glad you’ve got a good GP now, and he’s helping with your Adrenal Fatigue.

    It’s a public holiday here, so I was going to fast tomorrow instead. However my body said to me “food, Don’t Want It. Nope you’re fasting today”. Such a difference to the first 2-3 fasts.

    What’s the holiday? In Iowa we are once again in negative numbers,-2 degrees F. And I’m fasting today also, even though I have chips in my house and some ice cream bars. I swear sometime they call to me.

    Half of my ancestor are celtic and I am favor them at least my skin as I am very pale and don’t tan at all. I don’t like being in the bright sun, it really hurts my eyes. The light sensitviity refers to my eyes. I have to wear sunglasses( not at night) all the time and my eyes are very dark brown. I would not want to live in a tropical climate and I’m not crazy about the beach.
    I have always been like this. Also when I go out in bright sunshine I often sneeze. I know weird.

    Enjoy your day off, Aria.

    Going back to Sylvestra’s post re the mammogram. I always have a fear that the fire alarm will go off while I’m stuck (literally) in there. 🙂


    @l1nda …ha ha…now i have a vision of everyone running away leaving me trapped by the boob between two metal plates 😀 😀

    @applecrisp …I know what you mean about sensitivity to sunlight. I can’t be out in bright daylight without dark glasses. And with red hair, pale skin and green eyes – being out in the sun is a no-no – and we do get some sun here in Scotland!!! The sun makes me sneeze too!!

    It was Australia Day holiday, and I haven’t owned sunglasses for over 15 years. Though I usually have a hat for shade. I’m up 1kg after my fast day, but it’s silly hormones.

    About the metal plates, after an ultrasound that found 8 & 9 mm cysts I turned down a mammogram and made the Radiologist cringe when I said “If testicular cancer was found by flattening them between 2 metal plates, then they’d have a new & effective test long before now.” He agreed with me!

    @roba, as a Catholic, I can relate to your confessional reference. I see these forums as more of a club, without the tedium of having to attend meetings – and without having to be embarrassed in front of everyone if you gain weight one week. @sylvestra, as a Facebook addict, I often wish we had a “Like” button here too! The “Hello, Southern Hemispherites” forum has just started a Facebook page (closed-group, so you have to be invited, after application, by the founding member). It is interesting to be able to see who we really are in comparison to our forum pseudonyms. Maybe some “tech savvy” LOACA will start one for the Northern Hemisphere.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 7,330 total)

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