Gorgeous Mon. in sunny FL, fasting today and enjoying the weather. Outdoor stroll along the boardwalk should help control the weight gain from dinner out last night……I didn’t actually weigh today, last weigh in on Fri. had me just about at goal. Now I’ve decided 5 more lbs would be best since we are taking a cruise with our dear college friends in March.
northrancher, my FD goes like this….Bulletproof coffee in morning, full cup of coffee, 1 tbsp MCT Oil, C8 brain fuel, 1tbsp grass fed butter (unsalted) and 1 scoop of collagen peptides..approx 280 calories. I drink LOTS of sparkling water and Smart water, also green and black tea as desired.
Afternoon treat is a cafe americano with one scoop Keto Cocoa MCT oil powder w a little half and half, another 100 calories. Bone broth for supper and then coffee and a 240 calorie Kiss my Keto bar. 620 calories in total but seems to work well for me.
fasting_me hopefully the weather will improve soon but you sound like a hearty New Englander!
2.5 lbs after dinner out is a small price to pay after all your continued success…..YOU GOT THIS
World Series champions and Superbowl champions…..totally amazing. Proud to part of it.
5:09 pm
11 Feb 19