HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

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  • Hello Everybody
    I’m new to this forum and in need of help and inspiration to lose weight.
    I’m recovering from breast cancer, and, I’m told, now in remission – hope it stays that way. Just before being diagnosed with cancer, I’d lost 7kgs and had that fabulous ‘clothing getting loser’ feeling, but when I was diagnosed, I thought ‘Hell, if I’m going to die, I’ll die eating chocolate’. Well I didn’t die and the 7kgs soon went back on. What’s worse, is that I’m now on hormone tablets (Femara) for 5 years!!!!! and I just need to look at a bar of chocolate and I’m a kilo heavier.
    I hadn’t heard of the 5.2 diet until I found it yesterday on a breast cancer forum so I’m going to give it a go. I can’t do the October challenge as I’m going into hospital next Monday for a shoulder replacement operation, and the site says not to follow the diet if recovering from surgery, but I intend to do the November challenge.
    So how do you cope with the ‘fasting’ days? What do you eat? Does anyone have any tasty but low calorie recipes that would help? Thanks.

    Can someone please tell me what IF is??????

    Hi, Jilly. “IF” means intermittent fasting. 5:2 is a form of IF because one Fasts only on 2 days/week. Be aware that for some people, ‘fasting’ means not eating at all [but drinking lots of water and coffee/tea] for 2-3 days per week. I’m one of the ones who ingests 600 calories on 2 days of the week.
    My husband and I have been doing this for 4 years with very good results. To help people who want to Fast, I have a blog of recipes. See if it helps you. Also there are recipes in the Fast Diet book by Dr. Mosley and Mimi Spencer.
    Eat lots [about 30 g] of protein on a Fast Day, lots of vegetables and fruit, very little carbs. Drink lots of water, hot or iced tea, herbal tea, black coffee on a Fast Day. Also, find ways to distract yourself from eating: clean the closets; go for long walks; save a long, involved project at work to do on Fast Days.

    Here’s a dinner we like: Fish Tacos: 266 calories 2.6 g fat 3.6 g fiber 23 g protein 37 g carbs 118 mg Calcium PB The food truck staple is now available for a Fast Day. Add more spices to suit your taste.
    two 6” corn tortillas I like Ole brand 3 oz cooked fish HINT: next time you grill or broil fish, cook an extra 3 oz for this recipe. Wrap it and label and store in freezer until needed. ½ cup tomato, cubed ½ cup cabbage, chopped 1 oz red onion, sliced 1 Tbsp lime juice or salsa verde [Herdez brand is good] pinch chili powder pinch cumin 1.5 Tbsp plain yogurt
    Combine the cabbage, tomato, and onion in a bowl with the lime juice and spices. Heat a large griddle or cast iron pan and put the tortillas in it until they are warm, pliable, and beginning to brown. Remove to your plate. Spread the tortillas with the yogurt. Divide the fish between the tortillas and add a splash of lime juice or salsa verde. Top with the vegetable slaw. If there is too much slaw to fit into the tortillas, serve it on the side. What a simple summer dish!

    Here’s another: Salmon Roasted with Tomatoes: 288 calories 14.5 g fat 2.9 g fiber 27.6 g protein 7.9 g carbs 268 mg Calcium PB GF One of the earliest meals we made when starting the Fast Diet, this recipe hails from the Fast Diet book in a slightly altered form. Still a favorite. Quick and delicious.
    4 oz salmon 10 cherry tomatoes [5 oz] 1 Tbsp Parmesan cheese, grated ½ cup green beans or 2 oz sugar snap peas seasonings to taste
    Spritz a small oven-proof pan with olive oil or non-stick spray. Put the salmon in the pan and sprinkle with seasonings of your choice. Arrange the tomatoes on/around the salmon. Sprinkle with parmesan. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Meanwhile steam the green vegetables. So easy. So yummy.

    Good luck with your surgery and your recoveries.

    Thank you so much for your reply Fasting_me – I will give the salmon recipe a go this evening. I’ve started today and will do another fast day on Sunday before I go into the clinic on Monday. In fact, that should be a really good kick-start for me because I’ve been in this clinic before, and, whereas the surgeons are excellent, the food they serve from their kitchens is DISGUSTING – it’ll be like a 7 day fast!!
    Once again, thanks for your reply – it’s very encouraging just to exchange with someone who knows how awful dieting is.

    Welcome to the 5:2 forum, jilly! And congrats on getting through the breast cancer ordeal. My DS went through that 17 years ago and has been just fine ever since. She actually discovered the growth after losing about 20 pounds on a low calorie diet, when it wasn’t hidden by fat.

    I think you’ll like the 5:2 way of eating. I’ve been doing it since early May and have lost 22 pounds or about 10 kg. It averages out to a little over a pound per week. Losing weight this way is so much easier than the drudgery of counting calories every day. I only count them on FD when I stick to 500 calories. I try to eat mindfully the other 5 days, not counting calories but not going hog wild either. (Well, occasionally I do get out of control, but then add an extra FD to make up for it.) I have one rule for myself: Never miss the 2 FDs per week. Never ever ever! I move them around sometimes to accommodate my schedule, but I never skip them. Doing 2 days per week is non-negotiable for me.

    Sometimes I hit plateaus and a pound+ a week (.7 kg) isn’t very fast, but it’s dependable and all in all it’s been easy for me to do. Easy enough that I intend to make it a lifetime plan. Once I’ve reached my goal weight, hopefully in a few weeks from now, I’ll stick to the 2 days a week fasting but maybe be able to eat a little more the other 5 days.

    Good luck with your surgery on Monday. Hope you’ll have WiFi at the clinic so you can let us know how you’re doing. I’m glad you decided to join us!

    A bit late to join the conversation, sorry, but just wanted to say that it might be tougher, or take longer, if your insulin levels tend to be on the high side, as insulin apparently contributes to weight gain (according to Jason Fung’s book, Obesity Code) and can be difficult to counteract – although fasting is also supposed to help reduce insulin resistance and insulin levels.

    Hello all,
    I am new to this, am 53, married, one son of 14, live in France and 20 kg overweight, been dieting since 14th September calorie counting with my fitness pal, started at 83kg, now down to 79kg!!! Also lost 3cms off my waist so am feeling motivated.

    I started a FD yesterday but did it wrong as I had misunderstood how to do it. I just ate breakfast and “fasted” until dinnertime! I lost 900gms from yesterday morning so it wasn’t a complete waste of time! I am doing the same again today but need someone to explain how to do it right.

    This group sounds great and I’d like to be a part of it and join in on being motivated by others and motivating them!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.

    Bonjour, Lilimar and bienvenue.
    In the original Fast Diet, as set out by Dr Michael Mosley, there are 2 Fasting days per week. Usually Monday and Thursday, although that’s up to you and your schedule. On those days you eat a total of 500-600 calories of high quality calories: seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruit, lean meat; no simple carbs. If on the other days of the week you eat sensibly and in moderation, you should lose weight, lose inches, and reap the other benefits of Fasting.

    That said, there are many practitioners on this Forum who Fast by not eating at all on a Fast Day. So you have that option too if you prefer it.

    Bonne chance. We are all here to support your journey.

    @fasting_me, I tried your salmon dish for dinner 2 nights ago and it was delicious – thanks for sharing the recipe. Would have been even tastier had I remembered the parmesan but was delicious just the same.
    Does anyone get the munchies for carbs after they have been fasting?
    I find I am OK for some weeks and then really hanker after carbs.

    lily, I find that the Carb thing goes from day to day. Some Fast Days I’m craving carbs, and then the next day I have no appetite! I’ve never noticed a big desire for carbs following a Fast, but I’m just odd.
    Glad you liked the salmon dish. One of our real favorites.

    Hi there everyone! I am 58 and put on loads of horrible weight from about the age of 50 due to the menopause and GP’s thinking anti-depressants (which clearly make you fat!) were the answer to my low mood! Eventually I started HRT and after a rocky start they seemed to make a difference to my energy levels, meaning I could exercise again. It makes me angry that so many GP’s are so unsupportive of HRT and that many women, who would benefit from it are not given the opportunity. Perhaps the NHS is trying to save money? In the long run women who get grossly overweight and depressed at the menopause would be better off on HRT (even with the risks) than miserable and at risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and even suicide. The medical profession just isn’t interested in how miserable women are.
    There’s a great website on the menopause called Menopause Matters which I have found very helpful.
    I think I have lost ‘some’ weight but don’t feel like I used to and hate looking at my body in the mirror. My self confidence due to the menopause has plummeted, putting a strain on my marriage.
    Anyway, I am going to try this diet, even though I don’t think I’m eating all that much anyway, as even at 58 and on HRT I’ve noticed menopausal symptoms returning and I am again suddenly very low in energy, low in mood and despite lots of exercise still feeling fat. Too scared to go back to the GP for a higher dose of HRT even though I’m on a VERY low dose at the moment.
    It may be a long shot but I really want to feel slim again…I’m so fed up about my weight, even though lots of people would probably say I’m not ‘fat’ as such. I used to be a dancer and love clothes so it’s a really depressing time of life for me, as it is for lots of us ladies. I do see older women who are slim and I wonder how they do it – perhaps they are struggling with thyroid problems or illness of another sort?

    Hi podgyboo and welcome. You will find lots of support here for your weight loss journey, I have been losing weight since late February, first with 16/8 and then 5:2, I have lost a total of 8 kgs and have lost 5cms from my waist and hips. At 59 I was desperate to lose weight before 60 as I thought if I couldn’t,I might as well give up – a very depressing thought! I love this woe because: 1) It works when nothing else has! 2) I can have a few treats on my NF days making everthing so much more manageable long term, no depressive thoughts of breaking my diet and putting it all back on again and 3) I haven’t put any weight back on despite a few treats on NF days! Anyway, most important back to you: I would suggest you go back to the home page and work out your bmi and TDEE for your current weight. Set some small short term goals. Keep a food and calorie diary for a couple of weeks, you may be eating more than you think or you may not be eating enough, both will sabotage your weight loss efforts. I hate calorie counting but it is worth it to see what improvements you can make and once you have you don’t have to worry as much. I don’t count calories on NF days anymore but keep fast days to 500 calories. Make sure you do your measurements too as sometimes if you plateau these will show some improvements even if the weight doesn’t. Exercise is good but don’t expect it to help too much with weightloss, it more makes you fit and toned. Hope this helps, I am sure others will have more suggestions too. Take heart, many ladies of our age do lose weight and keep it off and with 5:2 they keep healthy too, you can do this!

    Hi to all. It’s a while since I posted as I have basically given up. The depression is worse than the weight. But I do agree that HRT is not the bogeyman that doctors say it is and that it is a personal choice. For me, with a 100% chance of osteoporosis, it was a no brainer. As to the 5/2, I am now looking at changing my relationship with food and eating through mindfulness. I think overeating is about habits and psychology and so that is my approach rather than a forced regime. Any thoughts?

    Yes, Dwellers, emotional eating is huge in weight gain and in weight loss. The mind convinces us of the oddest things! If mindful eating works better for you than 5:2, then go for it. Good luck in your journey.

    Podgyboo,so sorry to hear that menopause is throwing you for a loop. I found that a tincture of the herb Motherwort [Leonuris cardiaca] was very helpful. If you can find it [I can’t help you with that, as I grow my own and still compound my own tincture], you might well find it useful.
    In addition, do try the 5:2 diet. As Ruby says, keep some records along the way: beginning weight and measurements; lists of what you eat and how much; calculations of the calories you eat on Fast and Slow Days for about 30 days; how your weight changes.
    Now bear in mind that this WOE/WOL takes some discipline, but it is worth it! Eat protein and good veggies/fruits. You should see results.
    Keep us posted.

    fasting-me, I would be interested to know how you make the tincture?

    Hi and help please -just starting out on the 5:2. Would the group say only veggies on the ‘2’ days is best (excluding potatoes)? I am looking for a simple way to approach the fast days without having to worry about what to eat. Also I am wondering what is the best form of exercise, as I have arthritic knees and am on waiting list for replacements and have been told I need to lose a stone for best recovery results and strengthen my legs. I have been dieting for months but only lost a couple of pounds. I am seeing the consultant at the end of November and want to lose that weight. 6 weeks to go only 3lbs lost so far-11 to go! Walking is too painful. I do yoga and pilates to build up the muscles. Any suggestions on exercises I can do at home.

    @suzanneh. The simplest method is not to eat on your fast days. Is this an option? If not then try just having dinner. Veggies is a good option. Lots of cruciferous veggies. Add lots of herbs and spices to taste. Losing 2lbs per day from here on end may be somewhat optimistic. The only way would be if you could water fast, that would get you close to 2 lbs per week. Try aqua aerobics if your knees are bad.

    Suzannah- veggie soups are good too; I get quite cold on my FDs so soup keeps me going and warm. There’s some really nice gourmet ones which are pretty low cal which I buy for FDs as a treat sometimes, or I make my own- spicy lentil and carrot is a favourite. (I’m UK , not sure where you’re from?) And if you’ve not got long to lose weight for you could do 4:3 until your op? And have you checked your calories on your non-FD’s- make sure you’re not eating over your TDEE.
    If you do yoga and pilates, you probably have your own routine, but there are some good ones on youtube if you need it. And as bigbooty says- aqua-aerobics or swimming would be easy on the joints.

    Lizzi59: To make a Tincture of Motherwort [Leonuris cardiac], collect motherwort leaves when the plant is in bloom. Stack the leaves on the cutting board and cut into slices about 1/4″ wide, or less. Measure by stuffing them into a 1/4 cup measure, packed. Put the leaves into a 1 pint jar with a tight lid. Fill the jar with mid to low-grade vodka or brandy. Put the lid on and shake vigorously. Leave the jar on the counter but out of the sun for 2 weeks or so, giving it a shake every day. After 2-3 weeks, filter out the leaves and discard.
    DOSE: 10-15 drops [not more] in 8 oz water daily. This is an ancient recipe for ‘women’s problems.’ It is not the sort of relief you get from taking 2 aspirin for a headache: OH! The headache is gone! Rather you will have a slow realization that you feel better.
    I still take it daily, even tho post-menopausal. It helps me to sleep well at night and evens out mood.

    Susanneh, here is a simple meal for a Fast Dinner: Chicken/Turkey Dinner: 284 calories 4.5 g fat 9.3 g fiber 31.6 g protein 34.2 g carbs 58.2 mg Calcium PB Perfect use for left-over roasted or lemon-marinated grilled chicken breast. Instead of potatoes, enjoy the crunch of high-fiber crackers. So low in calories that you may even have some lovely fruit for dessert!
    4 ounces roasted breast meat, without skin 1/2 [3 0z] cup green beans 2 oz carrots, sliced as coins 2 pieces Finn Crisp crackers 1/2 cup sliced strawberries.

    In my opinion, you should eat lots of protein when Fasting [see the protein count for the meal above?] as well as veggies and fruit. Many Fasters, like bigbooty, are food-less Fasters, but I prefer to eat.
    Good luck with your weight loss.

    @fasting_me Thanks so much for the tincture recipe. I like the sound of it and will have a go at making it although I’ll have to use dried herbs at this time of year in the UK. Might try and grow some next spring.

    Hi All
    Thanks to those who have replied to my post and a great big THANK YOU to RubyRedhead1 for your comment “EVERYONE CAN WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW FOR A TREAT”. I cannot tell you how well this helps me on my fasting days. I’ve decided to not eat on my fasting days but I do drink tea with a little milk and lemon juice with Manuka honey, but no solid food. When it gets hard to hold on and my stomach is rumbling, I have a large glass of water and repeat this mantra EVERYONE CAN WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW FOR A TREAT. And that’s it – I can hold on.

    I waited until I was over my shoulder surgery before starting the diet so I’ve been Fast dieting for about 3 weeks now, and I’ve lost 3kgs. How absolutely fantastic is that. Looking forward to a slimmer me at Christmas!

    Thanks again to all who have replied – thanks for your valuable support.

    Hi all
    New to this forum, but have been doing the 5:2 fast since late July, so far losing almost 8 kg.
    On my fast days I find it too hard not to eat at all, I have breakfast and dinner , in total between 500 -550 kcal.
    Have just turned 50 and just had to try something different to shift the excess weight and so far so good.
    There have been a few weeks where I didn´t seem to have very much succes in losing weight, but I still try to stick to the diet,
    I find that I have been eating a lot more fish and seafood which is a good thing,
    My husband is not doping the diet with me, but has ben very supportive by eating the same food as me , even om fast days, he just eats A larger portion , saying that so far he hasn´t had a meal he didn´t like.
    I enjoy the possibility to read how others are coping with the diet and maybe get some good ideas .
    Best wishes from A very blustery Denmark

    Ups sorry, spelling mistake in my comment, of course my husband is NOT doping, but doing, it should have said, that is what happens hen you don´t have an english keyboard ….

    Hi, I’m one of these! Just about to start 5:2 with my first fasting day tomorrow. I’ve gained over 50 pounds in last 4 years and most of them seem to be around my belly! I’m determined to lose my “spare tyres” and really looking forward to seeing how I get on with the 5:2 approach.

    Hi jilly34, Glad your shoulder surgery is behind you and your cancer too, a horrible disease. Congratulations on your 3kg weightloss in 3 weeks, that’s excellent!! I am so pleased my mantra of EVERYONE CAN WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW FOR A TREAT helps, it regularly gets me through too, treats on some days is what makes this WOE bearable. Thanks fasting_me and everybody else for advice on consuming more protein. I did plateau and then put on half a kilo, swapping my home made soup for salmon and veggies plus home made kefir and berries for dessert kept me fuller for longer and then I only had to bear the awful rumblings for the evening and not half the afternoon too and best still the weight started coming off again. I eat breakfast (1 egg, tomato and mushroom) and then lunch and fast completely from 3pm. Have been using my fitness pal to complement 5:2 and this really helps too, I can see where I am going wrong for calories but I am not meticulous on non fast days as I like my treats and I do find it varies vastly for calories for each item, making it possible to “cheat” by findinng the lowest calorie item which might not be accurate on what you are actually consuming! For anybody struggling with painful knees – I struggle too, swimming is excellent as many have noted and I have found home made kombucha excellent for quietening down a painful spell too, in fact at only 50 calories for 250mls, I budget it into fast days and it really helps as a pick me up.

    Hi I’m new to this site and saw your write up on juicing. Just want to encourage you to keep on juicing as it will help you. I really believe it will help you with weight loss, and I also believe juicing heals internally! I had an ovary problem and through juicing, it was healed. Have more vegetable juices. They are powerful, and there’s lots of recipes on the internet.

    Hi, Sandra. When you say ‘juice’ I assume you have a juice machine which removes the fiber? We use a Vita-Mix which pulverizes the fiber, making it more available to feed the good little gut flora. Keeping the fiber in is important. Fiber helps you feel ‘full’ and keeps your GI track working well.

    Hi, everyone! I haven’t posted in awhile…I’ve been totally off the program, but need a restart. I’ve gained a little weight from where I started. Lots of stress and worry in my life and I’m sure my cortisol has been high. What is that saying…you are only as happy as your saddest child…I have 3 great adult kids. My oldest has struggled with depression and has been living at home. He is now doing better, working at a great job, seeing friends again. Now that things are settling down & improving for him, I need to focus on my health. Last year, I was borderline pre-diabetic (runs in my family) and my doctor wanted me to lose weight–he actually recommended the 5:2–and wanted to see me in 6 months. Well, I skipped that appointment with everything going on and will see him in Dec., which marks a year. I’m trying to do what I can between now and my doc appt to lose some weight and hopefully get good blood test results. Just a reminder since it’s been awhile…I’m 65, married, and live in the Rocky Mountains (Colorado).

    Welcome back, northrancher. Your doctor made a good recommendation and I hope this will work for you. If your spouse is on board with this it will make it even easier. My husband and I both Fast and have been doing it for 4.5 years even though we are at our target weights. Sorry to hear about your oldest child’s struggles. Glad things are getting better. Is he getting help from a therapist and/or taking medication? I can tell you that those make a huge difference.

    Ruby, for calculating calories in foods, I use CalorieKing website. Easy to use and widely inclusive.

    Fattofit, how is it going this week?
    Oldemoster, how is Fasting going in blustery Denmark?

    Fast Day today for us: Smoked Salmon/Leek Baked Eggs for breakfast and Thai Butternut Squash Soup for dinner.

    Today is fast Day for me, had a lovely meal of fish and Cole slaw, keeping the dressing slightly different to the usual one.
    Am doing ok, weightloss is slow, but steady, so guess that is ok 🙂 .
    Winter is coming to Denmark, with temperaturen creeping Below 0 and with that I find it harder to find the energy and the motivation to get out to exercise , but find it easy enough to stick to the 5:2 scheme.
    Wishing you all a lovely week.

    Slow but steady is good for weight loss, Oldemoster. Weary not in well doing.

    Hello I am 48 and started 5:2 at the end of September. On FD I skip breakfast, which on non FD days is a poached egg on toast, and then have a small lunch (usually something leftover from the day before) and then again have a small dinner. All home cooked and meat free. My biggest failing is my absolute love for butter. I don’t eat a lot of sweet things any more but I cannot give up butter. I started well and do stick to my 2 FD’s, Weds and Sunday, so today is FD, but today I have put on weight and am miserable about it. My starting weight was 82.2kg and I seem to lose about 1kg per month so not very fast. I did get dozn to 79.6kg but today am back up to 81.3. Am feeling disheartened but think some of this could also be my peri-menopausal state.

    Thank you just for being there, reading all these past posts from others in this boat has really helped, just wish I could feel more positive about getting back on track. My goal is not huge, just want to get to 70kg by next September, does everyone think this is achievable?

    Hello, Ladies, I’m just back on the website to add a new entry to my weight loss tracker and spotted the conversation.
    I’m post menopausal, 63 yrs old and had a blip at the end of last year when I had to stop the diet for surgery + radiotherapy for breast cancer (or DCiS). My weight loss has been very slow and steady. It tends to be about a pound a week. I can’t exercise very vigorously as I have osteo-arthritis in the knees.
    However, the weight loss has improved my mobility which helps with further weight loss and general well being.
    I know I am on some form of this diet for the rest of my life but it’s been so beneficial, and it’s about the only diet that’s worked for me, that it’s not a problem.
    Keep up the good work and adapt the diet and exercise to whatever works for you. All the best!

    Hi there gal pals,

    I m on week two of fasting 5:2

    Age 49 1/2

    Peri men causing awful joint stiffness so now on day two of patches ( which keep falling off)

    Need to lose about 7 stone , lost it all 6 years ago but extreme and continued stress of working in a school in special measures for five years has taken a great toll on my health. New job and fresh starts now though. No excuses. Problem is weight doesn’t want to shift like it did when I was 44, back then I lost 5 stone in 6 month on a low carb, 1100 cal a day diet with 30 min light excecise a day, like cycling . Now, I struggle to lose 2 pounds!,

    Podgyboo, funny you talk about weight gain and antidepressant . I didn’t ever have a weight problem until I was 31 and took antidepressants for a few months. I have seriously struggled since then
    , even though my doctor thinks it’s a load of rubbish and it couldn’t possibly have changed my metabolism.

    Enamay, yes your goal is doable. Losing a kilo/month is right about what you should lose on the 5:2.

    Heatherj, good attitude and some good results. Keep with the Lifestyle.

    Binks, the reason the weight is harder to shift now is that your habits are better formed. Examine what you eat and when you eat it and why you eat it to get a handle on some eating habits to change. Good luck.

    How’s it going, Oldemoster? Still with us?

    Northrancher, are you making the 5:2 a part of your Lifestyle yet? How is it working for you?

    OH yes, still with you, just NOT losing Weight at the moment, but I keep with the diet, planning a FD tomorrow .
    Must admit that I might be feeling slightly stressed this last couple of weeks, which might be why there is no weight loss.
    Have seriously considering investing in an on-Line small business, Selling fabrics and sewing gear , have got my own job as Well, but am hoping to make the shop my biggest earner, have to start thinking of how I want to make a Living until I Can retire, which in Denmark is NOT until the age of 68 🙁 .
    Just know for a fact that I can´t keep doing the job I am at present.
    Anyway, am looking forward to my FD tomorrow, plan is to have some Nice fresh cod with vegetables , doesn´t get much better than that.

    Thank you fasting_me, I do feel more encouraged, and this morning (day after CD) I am back down to 80.1 so feeling back in the groove : )

    Have a good day.

    Glad things are ‘groovy’ for you, Enamay. Keep at it.

    Oldemoster, those decisions do sound stressful. Hope your proposed ‘side hustle’ will work so well that it will become your ‘main hustle’ and carry you through til retirement. In the meantime, you have lovely cod and vegetables to look forward to on Fast Days.

    Ruby, sounds as if you have a good handle on how to do this. Great!

    We had a great Fast Day yesterday: mackerel scramble for breakfast and “Santa Barbara Salad” for dinner. Don’t know why it is named that, but it was delicious. Two new recipes for us. My ODH lost 2 pounds!
    Have a good weekend, everyone.

    Hi everyone
    I haven’t posted for a while but today is a FD and I’m struggling. I should be encouraged because I went out on Saturday night and a friend who I haven’t seen for a while said “oh God I almost didn”t recognise you, you’ve lost weight”. I could have kissed her. But, I’m STILL on just 3kgs weight loss and nothing has happened for a couple of weeks now and I’m starting to feel like giving up. Maybe I should try eating 500 cals on FD’s or maybe eat fruit. How would that be if I only ate fruit on my FD”s – just 500 cals of course. I need something to kick-start the weight loss again…..all suggestions very welcome.
    Jill x

    Jilly, eating only fruit on a Fast Day is not what Dr Mosley had in mind. Focus on the protein, and eat some fruit on the side. Live for the compliment you got from your friend — it is inspiring.
    What do you eat on Fast Days? What do you eat on Slow Days? Maybe your 3 kg loss was the low-hanging fruit and now the work begins. Are you minding your calories on Slow Days? Are you eating quality food on Slow Days? Every bite counts. Sure, go down to 500 calories on a Fast Day and see how you like it; see how it works for you. If you need recipes, click on my name, and in my profile you will find my blog address with lots of suggestions. You could even eat a Fast Dinner 5 nights/week. Good luck!

    enamay, how is it going? Are you still below 80?

    Oldemoster, how are those decisions coming about your side-hustle on-line business? Hope you are in a less stressful place by now.

    Binks? Heatherj? How are you doing this December?

    Hi there, Fasting_me, I’ve had to put the diet on ‘hold’ after a two week fight with a bacterial infection. It didn’t help that I had a bad reaction to the first antibiotic but the second one was okay and I could complete the course. With all the D&V I had some unintentional weight loss but that was mostly fluid whih needed to come back on board for now. I shall monitor what my weight is doing over the Christmas and New Year and restart my schedule in January. I am in for the long haul so don’t mind if weight loss takes a little longer so long as it stays off. I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas and New Year breaks. See you in 2018!!

    Hello Fasting Me. I admit that I’ve never really looked at the 5.2 diet instructions. I just thought “How easy is that – eat for five days and fast for 2 – easy peasy”. So I launched straight into it like that – so like me I’m afraid.
    So on fast days I eat nothing. I drink tea with a little milk and hot lemon and honey but I don’t have any solid food. On normal days I just eat normally and I don’t pay any attention to what I eat, I just eat what I fancy. For instance, this morning I had pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast, cheese on toast for lunch and I’ll be having something with chicken for dinner. Maybe risotto or pasta, I haven’t decided yet. Also, as I live in France, wine is very cheap so I drink quite a lot of white wine (I think I should knock that on the head and maybe have a mojito instead). I do eat quality food and never, ever processed or ready meals. So apart from actually reading about the 5.2 diet, what advice do you have for me. Thanks.

    Well, less stressed, but didn´t win the bid for the business, so am now considering starting something up myself, will look more into options after christmas.
    Am still following the 5:2. Just now losing any weight at present, but as long as I am not gaining any it is fine,
    Planning a Fast day tomorrow, have become used to doing mondays and thursdays, the residents in the place where I work are following my progress, commenting my salads that I bring to work and we get conversations going about healthy eating….. good to be reminded sometimes 🙂
    Will soldier on through Christmas and new year, I have to work most days so will not have time to eat too many sweets and cookies…
    Wishing all of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, I hope you all will enjoy some quality time with family and loved ones.

    Jilly, I think that if you cut out some of the carbs on Slow Days that you should start losing weight. People go on the Fast Diet thinking that they will never again count calories, but what you eat on a Slow Day impacts how much weight you will lose in a week or a month. Try eggs for breakfast 2 days/week. Instead of chicken with risotto or pasta, how about chicken with a big side of lovely vegetables? The beautiful ‘Charentais’ melons should be in you market soon. A slice of melon with cheese makes a delightful lunch. The white wine is fine on a Slow Day [go for Perrier water on a Fast Day for a while], but the recommended amount for women is 5 oz/day. You might want to get a better handle on how much of your calories are liquid.
    Hope these ideas are helpful.

    Oldemoster, glad the stress is lower and that you are losing not gaining weight. That’s fun that your work-mates are showing interest and support. There are a lot of Fast dinners which would provide good lunches to give you a break from salads. Soldier On!

    Heatherj, how not fun at all your infection sounds. Glad you are on the mend. Did the MD recommend yogurt to help your gut recover from the antibiotic ? Hope you continue in wellness.

    Happy Fast Day to you all. Today’s menu: Scrapple Baked Egg with raspberries for breakfast. Shrimp Quick-fry with Udon Noodles for dinner. Yum. Yum.

    Thanks, fasting_me, I am definitely over the infection. I went back to the clinic nurse and got checked out – just feeling a bit paranoid before Christmas! I’m off the diet until after Christmas just to make sure I have recovered as well as being realistic about what I will/will not be eating from now on! Saying that, the weight isn’t going back on. I’m not craving lots of sweet stuff as I used to – not yet eaten my first mince pie! The yoghurt wasn’t a recommendation from the GP/nurse but I did that anyway just to make sure the gut had a bit of help.

    All the best with the diet over the Christmas season, Oldemoster. Please do make your fasting day food tasty, it helps keep you motivated. There are lots of helpful recipes out there. I do hope you find that the weight starts coming off to give you a boost and a push in the right direction.

    Happy Christmas folks and have a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

    Hi there.
    Just to start off, I am 62 and at 55 I hit menopause with a bang and went from 47Kg to 62Kg in 12 months. I steadily piled it on from there. Didn’t matter what I ate or didn’t eat.
    I started this fast diet in Jan this year and in the first week or so it was great….then nothing. I went all year losing and gaining. Then I broke my arm, lost my job as a gardener and started to get really chubby.
    On October 30,(my birthday), I thought “enough’s enough”. So I thought I would find my output/intake balance. That is Kjs consumed verses energy used. So I did the 5-2 diet in reverse. I restricted my Kjs to under 2000Kjs per day for 5 days and then treated myself for the next 2 days and so on. I started losing weight in 3 days and was excited and encouraged. I kept losing weight but eating very nutritious foods ,just not a lot of them!
    I wrote down everything I ate, read all the lables and looked up the energy ratings on everything and added the Kjs and balanced it out. Took a bit of effort but well worth it.
    I have been full of energy and got used to being a bit hungry, better than eating just because I felt like it. Now I have found the balance line and can go back to the basic 5-2 fast diet knowing I will continue to lose weight. In a nut shell…eating normally for 5 days and fasting for 2 did nothing for me but reversing it for 1 month really worked to kick start it.
    Hope you find this useful. Kind regards. BlueThistle.

    Oh, I forgot to add, I went from 65.5 on the 30 October to 62.2 today, 12 December, 44 days!

    Thanks Fasting Me and Heather J,
    I only make salads when I am working, it is easier that way because I have to cook for the residents, when I am working and so it saves me cooking two different meals.
    I work evenings, so have my main meal at that time..
    I have bought a couple of the cookbooks recommended through this web-site, last night I made a “skinny Bouillabaisse” with lots of seafood and very tasty.
    Have not lost motivation, in fact the only thing I have lost is some weight .
    YES, finally the scales are moving down again 🙂
    Blue Thistle, good on you for sticking to the diet, even though things might not always seem straight forward.
    Have a lovely week all, am enjoying a few well earned days off. Last christmas shopping on the list, luckily I only have one more present to buy

    I’m a newbie of a certain age (52). Week 2, FD #4 is today. I’m lucky to have started 5:2 while waiting for a new job to start but if it starts next week, it’s still a week or two of holiday snacks in my face. I say this without knowing for sure how my new office is with that stuff but I’ve never worked anywhere that didn’t have sweets and baked goods around at the holidays. I feel strong, though! I think… ha!

    I think one thing that helps is knowing that it’s just one day (at a time). I have reached for “just one piece” of something more than once on a FD and have not succumbed (unless it’s within my calorie allowance, which I think happened one time so far).

    I moved far from family and friends six month ago so there will be no big Christmas dinner. Have only been to one Christmas/Holiday party via the boyfriend’s workplace and I don’t think he has more on the calendar. A little depressing maybe but easier for me to get moving with this weight loss. Will probably enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with goodies with the boyfriend (who eats whatever he wants) then back to it the day after Christmas, which will be a work day for me. Wish we had Boxing Day in the US!

    About being a certain age: I had a hysterectomy last summer and my metabolism seems to have stopped on a dime. I had put on about 7 pounds in the year prior to surgery and about 6 the two years before that. Is there a work for middle-age weight creep?? I was sick and lost my motivation to exercise at all. I was starting to get back in shape and I moved from an outdoor activity lifestyle to an area where people live a more sedentary lifestyle – and put on 7 more pounds. I’m 5’3″ and 20 pounds overweight. It’s a lot on my small frame *sad face* . I’ve had it with this weight and none of my clothes fitting well. It’s time to kick middle age’s butt!

    At 52, I’m past middle age but not ready to call myself an old lady yet so…

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