HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

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  • Hi CalifDreamer
    Thanks for your reply.
    I do weigh daily but only record Saturday’s weight. I have bounced up and down for months ( 71.5 lowest, 73.9 highest) and often for no apparent reason – up after a below 500 calorie FD, down after a 1500 calorie NFD.
    Certainly some days recently I have eaten over TDEE simply because being very mindful and eating under 500 calories on FDs and below/to TDEE other 5 days has seen me on a plateau for 4 months.
    I have reduced what I used to eat portion-wise and been mindful as above but it is starting to discourage me that despite all this I cannot get below 71.5 kgs.
    When I reached 71.5 kgs it was only after eating very little for a few days. Starving is not healthy nor sustainable.
    I am unable to do liquid only fasts as I get very bad migraines if I try to.
    Over many years I have tried liquid fasting for charity etc and always the same result no matter how I tweak it.
    I was plugging in the figures for a few months with MyFitnessPal. Not a fan of calorie counting but tried it to get a handle on portion size and what 1500 calories looked like. Have been spasmodic lately but am about to go back to that for a few weeks to see if that helps.
    Just hate to think how big I might have been had I not been doing 5:2 for the past 8 months !!!!

    PS not on any medication for anything.

    Lilymartin, I use myfitnesspal on FD and once in a while on other days when I want to get a handle on where I am calorie-wise.

    It’s frustrating when it seems like you’re doing everything according to plan and still not losing. How about eating 500 – 1000 calories over your TDEE one day and see if that shakes things up a little? Maybe it would give your metabolism a jolt and get the scale moving again. Maybe a few days after that you’d see a drop. I try to be careful not to eat too little on NFD’s. I know one theory is that IF isn’t long enough to change a person’s metabolism, but following that with several days of not eating much might.

    lily martin, I find that everything can be fine with my weight until our younger son visits. He is a beer aficionado, and holds tastings for us in the evenings. I don’t drink much beer, as it fills me up too much [sounds like a plus, but i’d rather save my appetite for food] so I’ll taste a few ounces only of this or that beer. Then he’ll cook for us. He’s a wonderful preparer of SW Asian food, all made with white rice.
    When he is home, even though there are Fast Days observed, my weight goes up and STAYS there for a week! I chalk it up to beer and rice.
    Bottom line, there could be some foods in your Slow Day menu that prevent you from losing as much as you’d like. I’m with Cali: record what you eat and see how much fat and calories are coming in on Slow Days. Try to identify and eliminate FTMYH [foods that make you heavy]. Keep the faith, you can do it.

    Good job, Haifa. How nice to have the looser clothing feel.

    Fasting_me, what about preparing some brown rice for yourself ahead of time. It still has calories, but also has some fiber that will fill you up faster. A few ounces of beer won’t make a lot of difference but a few glasses will! I would sit there with my diet soda or sparkling water and participate in the festivities, but not the beer other than an occasional sip. And you don’t have to feel bad about it. He know’s you’re trying to lose weight, right?

    Your health and self esteem are important! No need to apologize. In situations like that, I just substitute and don’t make a big deal about it. I don’t even offer long explanations. A simple “No thanks, I’m eating/drinking this instead.” Is sufficient. After all, the social interaction is the important thing, not what you’re putting in your mouth! Stay strong!

    Good morning everyone,
    I had a good fast day yesterday, and a busy day today, so a quick hi!

    LilyMartin, you must be SO frustrated!
    My suggestion would be that you write about your experience to the people on the Maintenance thread I have seen them suggest things to people before, from wide knowledge and experience.
    I have known people who found they could lose weight again by cutting certain carbs (not that I can understand why!), as Fasting-me suggested, or who worked out something with their calorie counting etc.
    What with the gut biome and various hormones and food interactions, not to mention psychology, weight loss is never as simple as food in and energy out!
    Good luck, do share what you try and how it goes, it helps us all understand.

    best wishes everyone!

    Hi to all LOAC, enjoying reading your posts. I started the 5:2 4 weeks ago, lost 12lbs and few inches – can’t quite believe it. 2 FDs at 500 then eat my TDEE for the weight i wish to be. I know things will slow now but feel so much better with this wol. Well done to all on this journey, altho weight/inch loss is one reason for this wol the health benefits need to be considered. For me my blood glucose more stable, bp lower (yay), repeat cholesterol due about 2 months so will be interesting to see the result! Keep on keeping on – stay safe all. M

    HI Cinque
    good to ‘see’ you again!
    Yes it IS frustrating but I do consider the other health benefits of 5:2 hence continuing the journey. But it is a bit of a mystery as to the length of the plateau – coming up to 16 weeks!.
    The scales bounce up and down within a 2 kg window but unable to breakthrough downwards.
    I plug numbers into MFP – started doing that back in November 2016 so have been pretty mindful.
    We have always eaten quite healthily and very little junk food, no soft drinks/soda, very little cake/biscuits/pastries, cut wine down to a very occasional glass, cut down on bread, virtually cut out rice/pasta/ other carbs.
    MY DH who eats more than I and eats the meals I cook him while I often only have a salad or 1/4 of the serve I serve him , is losing weight!!! People are commenting that I don’t feed him! Meanwhile, I am NOT losing weight.
    I have tried eating over TDEE, to TDEE, not usually under TDEE, but to or under 500 calories on FDs and the weight is stubbornly STUCK at present.
    Interestingly my clothes are fitting better.
    So I am consoling myself that since I am doing very little exercise ATM and it can’t be muscle, it must be my brain is getting heavier with all the reading about 5:2 and the Clever Guts Diet that I am currently doing!!

    Haha. Hooray for a brain so full of things LilyMartin!
    Definitely go by your clothes instead of the stupid scales!!!!!!
    I so agree that the long term view is the one to have.
    Also, watch out, but I think there is a secret society of husbands who lose weight nice and easily just to drive their partners to distraction! Pay him no attention! 😉

    Lilymartin, maybe exercise would give that scale a push. Something has to make it budge! I don’t exercise much either. But walking sometimes helps me a little.

    Cinque, glad you had a good fast day. For me, they are usually pretty easy since 500 calories is usually enough to stave off hunger if planned right.

    My 4 day trip begins tomorrow. No scale for 3 days. I’m going to have to be careful.

    Thanks for your insights, Cali. Here’s the ironic thing: we ASK our son to cook for us, so I can’t exactly tell him how to do it… But I do take smaller portions. This occurs mostly around Christmas when we are lucky enough to have both our sons home. The 5 days before Christmas are filled with “family ritual foods” — you know, the things we all expect to eat. Most of them I make before-hand and whisk out of the freezer for dinner.
    But after Christmas, we ask the boys to cook and each takes one day. Our older son went nuts last year, preparing a Japanese breakfast and an Ethiopian dinner. Both delicious, but he was cooking for 6 instead of 4. I had to talk him down on the breakfast so that portions would be more normal.
    Then our younger son made Thai food for dinner. Amazing! We don’t usually eat rice [I’m just not too fond of it] and when we do it is brown rice. But when the boys cook, it is up to them. They do know that we are on the Fast Diet, and on Fast Days they eat what we eat with no complaints. [Younger son is amazed at the Fast Food I make. Thinks I should do a cook book. As you know, I blog instead].
    As for the beer, we’re talking ounces, not glassfuls. And yet the pounds are added. Therefore I conclude that the culprits are beer and white rice. These have no effect on Dear Husband, so I think it is idiosyncratic to me. When I avoid those foods, I’m OK.
    Hope your 4-day trip goes well and that you are so careful that you will be happy on your return to the scales.

    Lilymartin, I agree with Cali about the exercise. Don’t have to go all Jane Fonda, but add some endurance training to your day and see what happens. I’m wondering what you eat on Slow Days. When I look at recipes on line [not Fasting recipes, but everyday ones], I am struck by how much FAT and calories they have. And Sodium! We just cooked a Blue Apron meal: 660 calories/ serving and 25 g fat! Yikes — if I ate like that every dinner, I’d gain more than I weigh now!! We have to be vigilant about our food on Slow days so that we don’t slip into bad habits. Keep the faith.

    Hello, Matron. Glad you are having successes. Good numbers!

    Cinque, happy that your Fast Day was good. Thank goodness tomorrow will be a Fast Day for us. I think I’ll need it. We’ll have Tostadas for breakfast.

    Happy Monday to you all.

    A quick hi to all the ladies of a certain age.
    How did your trip go Cali?
    Hope everyone is happily 5:2ing.
    It is Saturday fast day for me again (a crisp cold and sunny Saturday morning here) as I will spend tomorrow cooking with my daughter.
    Good wishes all.

    Cinque, my trip went well for the most part. Except that as I was getting off the plane in Las Vegas I could feel the beginnings of a UTI. My doctor called in an antibiotic to the pharmacy next to my hotel and I started Tues. I tried over the counter pills first. So that was kind of a bummer. But I got in over 10,000 steps each of the 4 days because the hotel and convention center was massive. Good thing I had comfortable shoes!

    I managed to eat pretty well in spite of all the lunches and dinners. I mostly had broiled fish and skipped all the wonderful desserts! I had to move my Monday FD to today so I have B2B yesterday and today. The fasts have been getting easier since I now know for sure that I won’t die of starvation on 500 calories. 🙂 I’m down to 65.4 as of this morning. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for my goal of 59 kg. With all the plateaus my weight loss is averaging a little over a pound per week.

    I wish we had your crisp cold temperatures here. We’ve had really hot weather the past week in CA. You don’t usually do a fast day on Saturday, do you?

    Good job resisting temptation in Vegas, Cali. Too bad about the UTI. Hope that’s under control now. And there is light at the end of the tunnel! Wonderful tribute to your perseverence.

    Cinque, hope that cool air is invigorating and that you had a happy Fast. Enjoy the cooking with your daughter.

    Lilymartin, hope you are still hanging in there.

    Morning everyone.

    My Saturday Fast day went well! Sunday is my set fast Day but it has been interrupted by these lovely days of cooking with my daughter. Also Thursday has been my other one, but that has been messed up by having my granddaughter overnight, and it was hard to make it work.

    We are working out these things and I think my fast days will be Wednesday or Thursday and then Saturday or Sunday. I prefer them to be set, but no doubt living on the edge like this will be good for my brain 😉 Hoping to keep Alzheimer’s away!

    Cali, you did so well through that trip. And isn’t it a relief to lose that fear of a bit of hunger. You are losing at an excellent rate!
    We are having our coldest winter for a while, but I still prefer that to a hot Summer (our turn will come!).
    I am on antibiotics too (chest infection), they are causing havoc with my hunger signals! Lets hope they do their job for both of us though! I have another week of them to go.

    Cheers all!

    You must all have reached your Target Weights! I know because you seem to have nothing to talk about.

    Hope Cinque feels better and that the antibiotics are working.

    How’s this for a News Flash: I have changed the Target Weight on my Fitbit data. Reduced it by 1/2 a pound. I seem to spend most of my time below the old weight, so I decided to lower it. Then this week-end I bobbed back up to above the weight, but tomorrow’s Fast Day should take care of that.

    Happy Fasting.

    Hi Fasting-me and all the other Ladies of a Certain Age!

    It is my last day of antibiotics. Hooray.

    Enjoy getting back to your new normal tomorrow Fasting-me.

    It is quiet here at the moment but, incase there are lurkers and random readers, here is a shout out of good wishes for those who are fasting today, and a wonderful delicious sensible eating day for those who are on a non fast day…. like me!

    Cinque, glad to hear you are finishing up on the antibiotics today. I finished mine last Monday. Did ups have to eat with yours? I did with mine and they were every 12 hours so hard to completely skip breakfast for that week. But made it through my 2 fast days anyway.

    I’m doing an accidental fast day today since I didn’t eat anything but a small slice of toast with butter and Vegemite until 3:00 PM. So figured it was an easy fast day. We went out to lunch and I found a 320 calorie Ahi Salad which was delicious. Only about 20 calories left to 500, so I’ll be drinking a lot of water and diet sodas tonight.

    Fasting_me, sounds like you are more comfortable at your lower weight, so I agree, that is a better target weight. Once you settle into a target weight I think the body might have to rearrange and settle in to the new weight. I expect that I may have to adjust when I get down to 128. But that’s still 15 – 16 pounds away.

    Good morning.

    Well today is my first day and after the shock of the scales this morning (in which I weighed 10 lbs more than I thought I did) ! It’s made me a very fired up person. I have Agressive Rheumatoid Arthritis and had a rather large Steroid injection on Friday which doesn’t help with the “heck I could eat a whole cow at one sitting” syndrome but of course makes moving around slightly easier.

    I’ve done my measurements and am having my black coffee and hot lemon water prior to getting up. Rather glad I read some of the previous posts as ah ha that FitBit is lurking in the spare room so that will go back on today.

    Good luck to one and all and I am delighted to have found this forum.

    Welcome, Mom. You have found a good forum. The others here are knowledgeable, experienced, and committed to Fasting. So glad you did the initial weigh-in and took measurements. It is wonderful to see the numbers change as time goes on. Let us know how that first day went.

    Keep plugging away, Cali. You’ve gotten this far and that last 15-16 pounds will melt away too. That Ahi Salad sounded good. Diet soda? seriously? I know that sounds judgmental, but surely you have read the recent findings about it. I’ll say no more. Sorry to be critical when our job is to buck everyone up. Don’t kick me out of the group.

    Breakfast today was a Parmesan-Chive Egg Bake, which my Husband invented when I was away. And Halibut with Rhubarb-Onion Compote for dinner with a salad. Double the water today as it is warm and humid. But life is good.

    How are you Matron and Lilymartin?

    Hello Dextersmom and welcome here!
    How did your first day go?

    Hi Everyone,
    It is morning in frosty Melbourne. I’m having my first fast day after the nasty antiobiotics (not that I am not very grateful for them!). Yes I did have to eat with them Cali, and they also made me feel slightly nauseous and/or ravenously hungry. So I am enjoying the thought of a good fasty fast day!

    Cali after losing about 20kg by cutting out sugar, it was the last 15kg that I lost with 5:2. I came into my healthy weight at a nice glide. I lost weight more and more slowly and even though I have now ‘landed’ at the weight that suits me I am still adjusting and settling, rolling along the runway I guess! Just as you thought. Enjoy that glide!

    Cinque, I like your glide-path analogy. Guess no one here has a ‘fear of flying’!

    D’s Mom, how did it go?

    We’re getting ready to go on our long ‘summer’ vacation. We will continue to Fast and I will continue to Blog about it.

    Fasting_me, I know diet soda isn’t great but I love it. I do drink a lot of plain water or carbonated flavored waters without sweeteners. But A & W Diet Root Beer is so good on a hot summer day. I am drinking less of it…

    Cali, my mother forbade us to drink soda, so I never acquired a taste for it. Plus the carbonation fills me up. [this could be considered a plus for dieters, i guess] And the sweeteners give me a headache. So you see, I’m predisposed against diet or other sodas. Yes, I do have fond memories of the occasional root beer float on a hot summer day….. ummmm.
    And then all the data came down about how bad diet soda is for dieters, and that sealed the deal. I am a crusader against diet soda. Glad you are trying to drink less.

    RAIN today! No going for a walk. I must make time for the 7-minute fitness routine. I’m sure I’ll find 7 minutes in my day….

    Fasting today. Cajun Scrambled eggs for breakfast were delicious.

    The artificial sweetener in most of my diet drinks is sucralose, brand name Splenda. While I think it’s better to avoid them, I think it’s one of the better ones. The sugar lobby in the US is very strong (we subsidize sugar to keep the prices artificially high compared to the world sugar prices) so I’m always a little suspicious of sugar substitute articles that condemn them. I think that added sugar causes at least as many problems as the substitutes for the majority of people. That said, I still try to limit them.

    Carbonated water of any type does make me feel fuller and is a great help on FD. It seems more refreshing to me than plain water.

    We have a bunch of spearmint plants growing in the garden that is great added to water or tea. I’ve also been making leaf or herbal teas in a very large cup, filling half the cup with hot water and steeping it for at least 10 minutes, then removing the teabag and filling the cup with ice. It’s been so hot here that the ice tea is an excellent thing to drink. (Without sweetening) Indian Spice or Bengal Spice is a current favorite. A big sprig of fresh spearmint stepped for at least 15 minutes is good too.

    Cali, I’m right with you on Bengal Spice tea! Summer iced herbal tea is a must-have for summer, and one of the things that can get me through a long winter Fasting afternoon is Bengal Spice hot.
    You are right: sweetener in any form is not good for us in the quantities which we consume. Better to limit them all.
    A friend who was diagnosed as diabetic went into a flurry of nutrition-related research to plan a diet for herself. She was successful at lowering her blood sugar. In the beginning she bought Splenda and Stevia to help out with her sugar longings. Now she won’t even have those in the house, due to their heath risks. Unfortunately, life intervened and her goal to maintain a good diet was derailed. But I suggested the new Dr. Mosley book to her and she was very interested. hope she takes that to heart.

    A cold front has gone through — I’ll have some tea tonight. thanks for the reminder.

    Hi everybody, new to forums but did 19 weeks on 16/8 and lost 2.8 kilos in 19 weeks. Not huge, but the first eating plan to shift anything significant and keep it off. At 59, I thought if I didn’t lose weight by 60 I had to accept being overweight for the rest of my life – depressing! Have just completed 12 weeks on 5:2 and lost 5.15 kilos, so thrilled and encouraged to go further, another 4 kilos off will have me no longer classed as overweight. I have both coffee and tea with milk on FDs as black anything gives me migraines, plus lots of iced water. If I plateau, I measure myself as often there is a loss here if not on the scales. Since I started I have lost 5 cms on hips, 4 cms on bust and waist. I don’t coung calories on NFDs but I do weigh everything. Yes ladies of a certain age, weight loss is possible, take it from somebody who nearly ended up fat for life!! Love not feeling deprived, everyone can wait until tomorrow for a treat and it is only 2 days a week.

    Good job, RubyR! Glad you are so enthusiastic about this Lifestyle. I love the comment ‘everyone can wail until tomorrow for a treat.’ So true.

    I lost 10 kg over the last 4 months and I’m 68. I still have a couple kg to go. I’ve been following the 5:2 way of eating with 500 calories on FD. I don’t think there’s any age limit for losing weight or for fitting into size 6 jeans. 😉

    Thanks fasting_me for your kind comments. I know this lifestyle is going to keep working for me. I can have a glass of wine, dessert, cake with coffee etc but not all in one day! So there is no depravation and therefore it can be kept up indefinetely. Even if standard low calorie diets give similar results they can’t be kept up indefinitely unless you want to be miserable for life!

    Well done CalifDreamer on your weight loss. No there is no age limit for losing weight or fitting into size 6 jeans! I too follow 2 500 calorie FDs and accept everybody’s weight loss is different, I am in this for the long term.

    Good report on your weight loss, Cali. Let us know when you get into those size 6 jeans!

    Good attitude, RubyR. You have the outlook that will make you successful.

    Fasting_me, I’m already wearing the size 6 jeans and aiming for size 4. These are U.S. sizes, so probably a size 8 or more in European sizes.

    OOPS, Cali, there I go again. Excellent on the size 6 jeans!! And closing in on the size 4. I think I read that size 0 US is size 6 UK. but then it depends on how they are cut, doesn’t it. I currently wear a size 4 in LLBean slacks, but the waist is not right for me. Maybe I need to find another clothing manufacturer. But I do not like to shop.

    We are off on a 3-day vacation. Not much walking in the past 2 days, but I am trying to control what I eat for breakfast and dinner. Tomorrow is a Fast Day, so I’ll have to tweek the menu offerings to make it work.

    Fasting_me, enjoy your break. I have to own up to having a 3 day break too and although I managed 1 500 cal FD that week the other I could only manage a supper skipped for 16/8. I enjoyed my break and the food and wine but the inevitable happened: I gained 1.4 kilos! I was a little afraid I was going backwards again but 1 week later after 2 500 cal FDs I am happy to report it all came off again. Love 5:2, can even have a splurge and get back on the lifesyyle wagon with no harm done.

    Breakfast today: 1 egg omelette containing onion, red bell pepper, scallions. Along with ham and fruit. For dinner, I saw a beet salad on the menu, so I’ll try that. This could be OK!
    It is sunny and brilliant today, so plan on lots of walking.

    I have just found this forum and read many of the posts and I must say, if I was feeling down before, then I have really crashed now. I am 69 and carry a lot of tummy fat. I have tried the 5-2 diet twice, for 8 weeks each time and both times, my weight increased. I was permanently cold, very depressed and could not sleep at all on fast days. I do not do any exercise for personal reasons but try to live an active day where possible. I probably eat as before on the NF days but my reasoning is that if i am lowering my weekly calories, then the weight should drop, albeit slowly. I am not a large eater, avoid sugar but love carbs as they keep me warm. I feel this diet is not for me as the lack of food makes me utterly obsessed and deeply unhappy. Any thoughts?

    Hi Dwellers, I am sorry you are feeling down about this forum and 5:2 in general. You may be right that this woe doesn’t suit you. However, if you would like a few suggestions: use home page to calculate TDEE and weigh and “cost” calories accurately for a week, keeping within TDEE on NFDs and 500 on FDs. List all the foods you love and see if you can include some and still be within calorie budget. Hunger can be a problem, egg or very low fat yogurt help, home made soup and licorice tea, nice and sweet, other than that, having a few jobs, emails, craft, gardening etc all help to keep your mind on something other than food.

    Dwellers, how much weight are you trying to lose? Your remark about being cold all the time makes me wonder if you are already underweight for your height and body build.

    Dwellers- like you I really struggle with the cold. On fast days I have found a couple of herbal teas I like, so have those to warm me up, and have soups to eat. I get the hoover out too as a whizz round with that can help get me warm. And I have a hot water bottle and a snuggly blanket for the evenings (or any time I sit down really!)
    Have you had your thyroid levels tested? Feeling cold all the time can be a sign of that, as can low mood and weight gain. UK doctors are reluctant to treat low levels though.
    I do keep a count of what I eat on non fast days too as sometimes what you eat can really add up and surprise you!
    That said I do struggle to lose the weight- I’m doing alternate fast days and the first 2 weeks lost some but not so far this week…

    I am so grateful to those of you who have given me good advice. I already feel that I might give the program another go. I have to admit that I am a big eater in that I eat healthily and not between meals, but do eat big portions which i try to cut back but always feel hungry afterwards. This is especially if I try to cut out the carbs. I am not technically overweight but do carry a large amount of ‘grabbable’ fat and have gone up two dress sizes in 12 months. I find it very hard to not make food the centre of my life as it is over a meal that my partner and I talk and get together. I adore cooking and somehow carry a resentment that i can’t live as i want anymore. How do others deal with this psychological aspect of food control? I live to cook and eat – it’s really miserable without it.

    Hi Dwellers, glad you are feeling more positive. I know what you mean about feeling resentment, I have to watch my intake now. I spent the first 30 years without a care in the world about weight or what I ate but not so the next 30 years. I would love to go back to eating anything but time marches on and it is more difficult now. I am so glad 5:2 proved doable, although initially I felt it wouldn’t be. As regards a love of food and cooking, this is a plus as cooking from scratch means you know exactly what goes into the meal and there is a wealth of info re low calorie/low carb recipes on line. How about date night playing 10 pen bowling, if you can get a sitter?

    Dwellers, Fasting and loving food are not incompatible. My husband and I LOVE good food, which we discuss and plan for almost daily. Fasting has enabled us to continue to enjoy good food. After 4.5 years on the plan, our appetites have shrunken along with the belly fat.

    There are certain recipes that we eat only on Fast Days and we look forward to them: crab cakes; eggs baked with all sorts of flavorful add-ins; chicken parmesan; cottage pie; lots of lovely seafood meals. Some of our Fast meals even make it onto the Slow Day menu, served with baguette or a side of pasta.

    My love of recipes and cooking have lead me to the cookbooks to find or tweek new recipes for us to enjoy on Fast Days. You could find your path leading you in that direction.

    Good luck. You can do it. And for goodness’ sake, don’t let our enthusiasm get you down.

    I am very grateful to the successful followers of this plan who have taken the time to advise me. I am also pretty amazed by fasting_me who describes food i would happily eat on any day. I do realise that what I eat at night is not always within my control as I live a very random life without much regularity or ability to plan and often my food type is decided by others. But not the amount, I freely admit. I am convinced that I have a metabolism that has adjusted over 40 years to intermittent eating and simply grinds to a halt as long as I am fasting. As I do little regular exercise ( again, occasional huge spurts of heavy manual work) , it is almost impossible to follow a regime. I think perhaps simple calorie counting may be the answer. Has anyone has success this way?

    Hello all you ladies of a certain age. I am just approaching my 5th month of the Fast Diet and my total weight loss is just 12lbs (I have a lot more to go). That is very slow and I have found that 5:2 now seems to be my maintenance state rather than my dieting state, so every other week I do 4:3 and that gets the weight shifted.
    I am lucky in that I have no trouble with fasting and I really like salads, which are easy to calorie count. Also, 4:3 is not too disruptive as my family are quite happy to fend for themselves on my fast days and my son even joins in when he wants to shift a bit of weight. I hope I don’t have to resort to alternate day fasting though as this would really be disruptive.

    How many of us are finding that we have to do 4:3 regularly and does anyone know whether this is down to our age and/or hormones? I strongly suspect it is but it would be nice to have an expert opinion.

    All that said, this is the easiest diet I have ever tried and I actually don’t mind my fast days, and perversely I even look forward to them as I then have an excuse not to indulge in the naughty but nices; I can be all virtuous and goody-goody for 2 or 3 days a week! I have had to adjust the timing of my intake – I started out doing breakfast and supper but switched to late lunch and supper instead to get a longer fast period when I do my main exercise of the day, and this seems to work for me. I can put up with the slow progress as long as there is some and I remind myself of the other benefits of fasting.


    Moggy, it sounds as if you have found exactly what works for you. Well done.

    I have noticed that the Autumnal Equinox has some unfathomable affect on my weight. Once Fall arrives, my weight finds a higher sticking point. In full summer, my weight easily dips to 23- pounds below my Target. Come this time of year, it bobs back up to my old target or higher. Now you will say that my exercise has changed, but I’m still aiming for and mostly making my 5 miles/day. The diet hasn’t changed either. And this is not anecdotal: I can see the graph from FitBit. Darndest thing…

    Dwellers, I counted calories for years and usually had success with it. If you did ONE Fast Day [600 calories] a week and counted calories the other days, you should see some success.

    Fasting today: Ricotta/herb Scramble with applesauce, fruit smoothie and blackish coffee for breakfast. For dinner, Chicken in Kashmiri Sauce with green beans, carrots, and some brown rice.
    Happy Fast Day to all.

    SlimlineMoggy- 5:2 doesn’t shift anything with me, I’m doing ADF, first 2 weeks I lost 6lbs overall which was great, but then week 3 I lost nothing! And I have ideally about 15lbs to lose! But I’m carrying on and hoping that it’s a blip and will lose some more this week- I read the thread about weight loss being a bit erratic in the FAQs so it’s encouraged me. But it must be hormones and age I think, unless crash dieting in the past has messed with my metabolism!
    I’m not finding it too hard at the moment as it’s only one day at a time, and am noticing that I get full a lot quicker now, so that’s really good. Oh well, onward we go!

    @fasting_me. Where do you live? I suspect that you are not getting enough vitamin D. A drop in vitD is a signal to store fat. Go to the doctor and get your D levels recorded. Are they in the normal range? Take a good vit D supplement to boost your levels.

    Bigb, very interesting suggestion. Currently at 47 degrees North, but will return to 42 degrees N soon. I do take a Vitamin D [2000 mg] daily. Will ask the MD next time I see her.

    @fasting_me. Just because your talking VitD doesn’t mean you are absorbing a lot of it. Make sure your taking in lots of magnesium. Eat pumpkin seeds or take a supplement. You need mag to help process the vitD. Also a good vitB to help your liver which then helps the liver produce the necessary bile to help process the vitD into a useable form.

    Or move to a climate where you get a lot more sun!! Falling vitD is associated with the onset of winter and that means the body goes into fat storage mode.

    Hi All
    it’s been a long time since I was here – which I didn’t realise until I caught up on all the posts. Last visited here in June
    @dwellers and others feeling a bit despondent, some of my previous posts here show how despondent I was at being really careful in following the 5:2 WOL and not shifting any weight.
    I was on a plateau for 16 weeks whilst others who had being doing 5:2 for a nano second were losing weight by the kgs. It was a bit demoralising. HOWEVER I did stick with 5:2 more-or-less, but much less rigorously, due to the many other health benefits of IF.
    Then for a few months I simply got fed up and ate bigger portions and a bit unhealthily and for my pains have put on 4 kgs – not ideal!!
    I have been doing the monthly challenges on another thread but very halfheartedly.
    So I have joined the October challenge and am planning to be more diligent as I was when I started 5:2 in November 2016.
    To those who are having difficulty losing weight I do suggest plugging the numbers in on MyFitnessPal or similar for a week or so.
    I have never previously been a calorie counter but when I started to crunch the numbers I was amazed at how much I was consuming. Even with healthy food I was eating WAY too much. So I did find it helpful to recalibrate and to learn what potion size actually looks like.
    I too adore carbs and haven’t been able to kick them completely so they are still part of my diet but could be the reason I don’t lose weight as quickly as those who have given up carbs.
    I also love cooking – 300 cookbooks and magazines and counting!!!!
    I like nothing better than sitting down for a cuppa with a nice cook book or magazine and enjoying the visual feast and planning meals etc. ( I usually end up making something I already have done but reading those recipes…)
    re metabolism, once you reach the age of 40 your metabolism does change. If you eat exactly the same as in your 30s you put on about 1 kg a year which is 10 kgs a decade. It can be more if we exercise less so you DO need to reduce portion sizes as you age – bummer!
    re soda and carbonated drinks – I am lucky not to like them so don’t drink them although I do like soda water.
    When out I would often order a soda and lime or just a soda water. But apparently carbonated drinks can be responsible for leaching calcium from bones, something we DON’T need as we age so now I rarely drink even soda water.
    I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad tidings but these things have actually helped me in the past 11 months. I do not want to be a fat old lady who can’t keep up with the children and grandchildren and huff and puff going upstairs etc so I had to bite the bullet ( no calories there!) and start to be serious about my eating habits. Since this WOL is good for health as well it should be a win-win situation.
    Hope this is helpful.
    Enjoy your day wherever you may be.🙃

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