Great News Cali, and it is so nice when 5:2 starts to integrate into your life in that ‘longterm healthy’ type of way.
I had a good fast day on Thursday. I’m now in the middle of very busy days, but I’ll try to be mindful of my eating!
This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by Opal Shine 1 year ago.
I kept track of what I ate today, even though it was a NF day. I ate right up to my TDEE using myfitnesspal to keep track. I actually may have gone a little over because we had take-out fish & chips with fries tonight and I had to do a guesstimate of the calories. I don’t want to count calories every day but just wanted to see what 1400 something calories would look like for the day.
Cinque, I fasted Thursday too. I’m glad you had a good day.
Hi Cali and all the other Ladies of a Certain Age,
I had such a busy weekend, I am fasting today (it is Monday morning in Melbourne) instead of yesterday.
You are still losing big numbers Cali, isn’t it nice that we do that at first, it is such a lovely reward for the changes made! I’m glad your myfitnesspal is being so useful. And I hope the fish and chips were yummy. I haven’t had them for ages, so I might make them my next takeaway treat.
Hi all,
Fast Day tomorrow, last week was a bit off kilter, did not manage to get my gym sessions done – only managed 2. Hoping to do better this week. Weight loss was slower last week but still it has been a long time since i was at 67-68 mark so not despairing too much. Did pick up a little over the weekend but plan to push harder this week, 2 maybe 3 fast days.
Lost some cms on the hips, waist is proving to be more stubborn 🙁 But when I look at the big picture, I have lost 2+ kg in about 3 weeks, about 6cms off the waist, my fasting sugar is more often in 6s when before it was often 7+…I am not at all discouraged. Sometimes taking 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards is fine with me.
Have a great week everyone!
You are still going forward Esthi! The average is losing about half a kilo a week, so you are doing better than that! And that is with you being a bit of kilter. That is pretty impressive.
We’ve got to just roll with the off kilter weeks!
After a couple of off kilter months I’ve had a good week, although I am feeling a bit bludgeoned this morning, I’ve a bit of a cold and I think I must have been breathing through my mouth all night. Rehydrating myself now, and soon I will get to coffee!
Yesterday was a good fast day. I was so busy it flew by.
Cheers for your day!
Esthi, as long as you’re moving forward with the plan, you’re doing well.
Cinque, hope you’re feeling better after getting rehydrated. Glad your fast day went well. I’m still in my Monday fast day, going into evening. I had a pound of frozen broccoli pieces for lunch (cooked in the micro, of course) so I’m still feeling satisfied. At 150 calories, it’s a bargain, especially since I like broccoli. I eat it with lemon juice, a little soy sauce (10 calories) a few drops of Tabasco and herbs.
I’ve walked over 6,200 steps so far today, according to my Vivofit tracker, and I’m feeling good. Actually, I woke up feeling good today. I weigh 150.4 today, the same as yesterday, but I ate a lot of junk food yesterday and was expecting a gain. If I had been more mindful, I certainly would have lost. But I’m hoping that tomorrow I’ll break into the “Fabulous 40’s” !
Thanks ladies for your encouragement. Gym day 1 was yesterday so hopefully back on track. Weight and measurements this morning look promising. Mentally psyched up to get back on track this week.
Planning to try 3 x 800 cal days this week as i sometimes realise thats how much i eat occasionally on non fast days. Like yesterday was goat milk yogurt with blueberries for breakfast, salmon with tons of greens at lunch and cup of miso soup at dinner with gym before dinner . Today is going in that direction too i think…
Hi everyone, yesterday was a good day thanks.
Cali and Esthi, you are both wonderfully active!
What are the 40’s you are hoping to get into Cali? (I’ve tried to work it out but failed!). I hope your fast day ended nicely. And you feel wonderful waking up in the morning. I love that ‘morning after a fast day’ feeling.
Good luck with your 800 x 3 days Esthi, I will be interested to hear how that works for you. I can imagine it being very doable.
Enjoy that gym!
So completed 2 days of 800 cal so far, was very doable and matched with gym on both days too.
However the scales haven’t budged much so not sure if its enough. I think I will finish off with a 500 cal deal today and see how it goes.
Had scrambled eggs with spinach for breakfast, planning a big green salad for lunch and miso soup for dinner. I find that having a cup of miso soup and maybe a bit of fruit at dinner is often enough even on non fast days.
Ack! I did poorly on my diet after fasting Monday. Tuesday morning I found I had gained .4 of a pound. Even though I know it can be attributed to salt (soy sauce on the broccoli and a big cup of miso soup shortly before bed time) it made me feel discouraged and by evening I had eaten a bunch of junk food. Yesterday my weight was 151 and I gave into temptation again with a big berry sundae from Costco. Amazingly, my weight was only 151.4 this morning. I can’t believe a reading on a scale can have such a big impact on my motivation! What a big baby, huh?
I’m making a pledge to you here today, that if this ever happens again, letting a scale reading trigger a small binge, I will go to once a week weigh-ins. Hold me to this, please!
So my total loss for 2 weeks is still 4.4 pounds or 1.99 kg. which is still pretty good. I decided to do my 2nd fast day today instead of tomorrow, to help me get back on track.
Cinque, by fabulous 40’s I meant the 140 pound range, down from the 150’s. In the California real estate market, they call the 1940’s decade “The Fabulous 40’s” because of all the cool homes that were built in that decade.
Esthi, the 500 calorie day sounds like a good plan. Miso soup is pretty salty. I wonder if having it earlier in the day would help to get some of the salt flushed out by the end of the day? Maybe the weight was retained water. When I woke up the morning after the miso, my fingers felt fat, you know, that feeling you get when you’re retaining water. I seem to be more sensitive to salt these days. Are all miso’s really salty? I use a tablespoon of the red or white miso paste in a big cup of hot water. Very good, but lots of salt.
Good morning from cold grey Melbourne,
Good luck with your 500 day Esthi, but remember that slow and steady wins the race, try not to focus on short term results (unless they are really good 😉 ) what you are doing must make for better health and weight, it just takes time.
Cali I know a few people on these forums who can’t help themselves weighing every day, but they only write their weight down once a week, and make that their official tracking. I wonder if that might work for you.
You may have seen this, but I was amazed at just how up and down our weight is naturally when I saw a graph (not this one, but it shows it well):–JrV_8/UuDUW7YhOHI/AAAAAAAAGkU/g1MDTh_UH2g/s1600/weight_loss_progress_Current.png
It shows why you need to see your weight tracking over a few months before it makes sense.
I have miso soup every fast day, but I suffer from low blood pressure and a bit more salt suits me, I add more to my miso!
I think miso varies with how much salt it contains, but it is always salty. I am lucky and get mine from big tubs at the Friends Of The Earth Store in Melbourne.
Cheers for today!
Thank you for the graph, Cinque. That’s a lot of big ups and downs! I keep track of my weight on myfitnesspal but I could go to recording in only once a week. That might help. Thank you for the suggestion.
My blood pressure has been high for the past year or so but it is usually controlled pretty well with blood pressure meds. I wish mine was low like yours! My husband has low blood pressure. And he isn’t overweight. Of course he isn’t as tempted to eat between meals or when he isn’t hungry. Can you imagine that he can eat half a chocolate bar and save the other half because he isn’t hungry? What does hunger have to do with chocolate, huh? 🙂
Today was an easy 500 calorie fast. I still actually have a few left.
Hello again to all you LOACA [that’s Ladies of a Certain Age].
I popped in to see how you are all doing.
As for weighing ones’ self every day, that’s what I do. Husband weighs every other day. I do it to stay on track. Of course if the weight goes up a few tenths of a pound, who cares. Ditto with a similar drop. But sometimes we go out to dine or worse, dine at someone else’s house, and the weight goes up 2-3 pounds. That’s when I want to know so I can take action.
Cali, your husband sounds like me! Which sure helps keep the weight off. But it took me YEARS to learn to recognize when I was hungry or not. This makes a big difference. Eating is so much more pleasurable when you are actually hungry!
We just got back after a 3-day getaway, and found our weight had gone up, despite all the walking we did around Chicago. But today is a Fast Day and we will stick to it. Did a roasted vegetable egg bake for breakfast, with strawberries on the side. 300 calories. Dinner will be a tuna salad from a Tapas-style recipe. 253 calories.
Hope your Fasting today will bring you results. But remember not to go hog wild tomorrow!
Hello everyone I had not been here in a while but I did start fasting again this week will be my fourth week and it’s going really well so just want to let everybody know I was back I had tried some other diets but none of them work so about a month ago I said I need to start fasting again so I basically fast on Monday evening until Tuesday evening and Thursday evening until until Friday evening now I know those are two complete 24-hour fast but that really works for me I’d rather just not eat at all on my fast days so wishing everyone blessings this week.
Good morning from chilly California!
Fasting_me, I have good news on the BP. In the last few weeks it has dropped one become stable enough that I was able to drop to second BP med. I’ve lost 7.8 pounds (3.5 kg) so far since May 10 when I started the 5:2, slow and steady, but it seems to have made a difference.
Restorehope, glad to hear that you’re doing well with fasting. Are you doing the 5:2?
Hello everyone,
Welcome back Restorehope, congratulations on the four weeks. It is wonderful to find out the way that suits your life, it will make it so much easier to be sustainable.
Cali, what wonderful news to be able to drop one of those meds.
I’m having a good run (touch wood and whistle) with doing my fast days and keeping my non fast days full of good healthy meals. It is soup weather here and I made a big pot of cauliflower soup.
Hi everyone,
I’ve been gone for awhile and back to get on track starting this week. I’ve been very discouraged and it’s mostly my crazy schedule during these warm weather months. There’s a lot of socializing and family visits so pre-planned FDs go by the wayside with impromptu dining out, cocktails. etc. So, I need to figure it out.
I really didn’t lose any weight over 2 months on the 5/2–just maintained what I previously lost on WW. Maybe if I track carefully I can get control over what I’m putting in my mouth! I’m too much about treating myself and joie de vivre. But, I just went to the grocery store and stocked up on organic fruits and veggies & planned out meals for this week. I also use my Fitbit which is helping me move more. I love my rose this time of year, but I need to restrict it to NFDs.
I was supposed to schedule a follow up doc app’t around now, but I don’t want to go back without a few more pounds gone. I think I can do it if I’m disciplined and remind myself WHY I’m doing this plan.
Hope you all are doing well!
Slow and steady it is. 6 weeks after I started the 5:2 plan, I have lost a total of 3.6 kg and 6cm off my waist. The weight is slowly dropping, I aim for average 500gm per week minimum. I am happy with the results and it has not been too hard. The waist line drop has slowed down. After the initial few cms went due to water I suspect, its getting tougher to reduce that, but I know if I continue, it will happen. Two more weeks to go before we head off to summer vacation. 🙂
Hooray for you, Cali!! Getting stable readings and dropping a med — what a milestone.
Esthi, your weight and cm losses are good and typical. If you stick with it, you will have more success.
Northrancher, yup: you have to stick with it! Fitbit will keep you motivated. And track what you eat. That’s what I do on Slow Days when the weight gets stuck. Stay disciplined and good luck.
Restorehope, after 4 weeks, you should be getting results and it should be easier. Whew! 24 hour fasts! You are made of stern stuff.
Cinque, the thought of cauliflower soup is delicious. I’ll have to get out my recipe. Does it contain enough protein?
Fast Day is over for me. Looking forward to the scales tomorrow. Had a good workout at gym, but walked only 4.15 miles instead of my expected 5.15. At least I walked that far. Good night
Cinque, glad you’re having an easy time with maintaining.
It’s a few days away from the first day of summer here in California, but it’s been cool for the last several days. Nights are getting down to 8 or 9 C tonight and it was only around 20 C during the day. Normally it would be more like 32 C or hotter this time of year. So Cinque, I would love your Cauleflower soup recipe too! Actually, I like soup any time of the year.
Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much Cali. Fairly easy, and it can change at any time! 😉
Hi Northrancher, it can be so hard to make 5:2 work in a hectic lifestyle, all power to you finding a way. It does seem just a matter of finding out how to fit it in with the other priorities. creativity may be needed! (And may the other priorities calm themselves down for a while!)
Esthi, Hooray for slow and steady! It wins the race. 500g is a good average loss, it gradually gets less as you get closer to your healthiest weight, but we don’t mind that!
My cauliflower soup is one I evolved myself and then change slightly according to what is on hand. I like using root vegetables to make it creamy rather than dairy. Not much protein in there, Fasting-me!
It is one of those where you chop and add! First heat the oil, saute onions, then celery, then add heaps of cauliflower, a potato, a bit of sweet potato and stock to cover. When cooked, blend it all up, seasoning to taste with salt and nutmeg.
I love soup all times through the year too!
It is day before fast day for me! Best wishes all!
Cinque, thank you for the cauliflower soup recipe! That’s exactly the way I cook too, a little of this, a little of that, and it’s slightly different each time. All of those ingredients sound really good and I like the addition of nutmeg. I bet it would be quick to make in an Instant Pot electric pressure cooker. I like being able to throw everything in the pot, set it, and not have to watch it. Maybe I’ll make some tomorrow. I bet it freezes well too.
I’m finally off of that awful plateau and have started losing again. Being more mindful on NFD’s seems to help. I’m down to 66.6 kg, a little over 4 kg lost since May 10th. My clothes are fitting better and I feel better in general. This way of eating is really working well for me.
Good morning, Nice to meet another pressure cooker user, Cali! I love mine! I cook lots of legumes so it is particularly handy.
So glad you are finally off your plateau!
I had a good fast day yesterday, partly because I had a dreadful head cold ad spent the day on the sofa putting up with it. Soup is all I wanted! A lot better today, the cold and flu tablets are doing their work.
Best wishes all, my next fast day is Sunday!
Congratulations, Esthi! We’re in about the same place weight-wise. I’d like to get down to 64 kg by month end too, but with only a couple weeks of June left, that would be pretty tough. 65 is probably more realistic on the 5:2. I’ll be very happy if I can hit that number.
Today was kind of a tough FD. (Still the 15th here) I managed to come in barely under 500 calories but I thought about food a lot. It was a stressful work day, that’s probably why. I’m going to have to be extra careful tomorrow as it’s a NFD.
Hope everyone else is having a good day and watching the world while I’m sleeping!
Hi Esthi, how lovely not to be carrying around 4kg! I bet your clothes are feeling looser!
And hooray Esthi and Cali and everyone else for being realistic and enjoying what is achievable.
I hope your NFD went well Cali, you deserve a good one after a stressful work day fasting. I hope you could reward yourself with lovely simple food and not too much. (That is exactly what I am trying for today!)
I am 62 and started the 16/8 IF plan last week. I was desperate. I was eating around the clock and am 98 kilos. Should be 68. This diet is working brilliantly so far. I lost an inch all over after just 4 days. I have had an impossible time losing weight since age 55 and full on menopause. But its EASY to do this!! And I am already seeing results! I nordic walk on the beach or treadmill at home. But the joy is that its so easy to keep the calories way way down inside the 8 hour window. I have already reset my ghrelin/leptin cycle. I am rarely hungry ever. My jeans are so much looser!I am absolutely delighted!
Hello to Haifa. Good job on your current determination to lose weight. Yes, the 5:2 is the easiest lifestyle plan for losing weight that i’ve ever been on.
props to you too, Esthi: both for the continued weight loss and the sensible approach to it. When you say ‘goal is 64 but 65 is realistic’ that is healthy thinking. Doesn’t mean you won’t get to the weight goal you have in mind. You will.
Cali, glad your losses continue. Sometimes I have a ‘hungry Fast Day’ too. And then the next day I’m not hungry at all and don’t feel like stuffing my face. No explanation for that!
Cinque, the reason I harp on the protein is that it keeps one feeling full longer. That’s always a plus!! One way to add protein to a cauliflower soup is to add 1/2 cup white beans and 2 oz chicken breast when the vegs are cooking. They will puree right into the soup. I do this with asparagus soup and the additions don’t change the flavor at all. I blogged that recipe on Nov. 16, 2016. Its really easy, like your’s.
I took a friend to lunch last Wednesday, and although I had a small breakfast, worked all morning stacking wood, and skipped dinner, I gained 2.5 pounds!! 🙁 Then on Thursday’s Fast Day, I went off on an over-night with my sister. Wondered what that would do to my weight, especially since i wouldn’t be able to do much walking. At this morning’s weighing, I was back where I needed to be. Whew! Now I can enjoy the pizza tonight and Father’s Day menus tomorrow.
Have a great weekend, All Of You.
@haifa congrats on getting back on the plan. Isn’t it great to have your jeans fitting looser?
@fasting_me it’s weird how that sometimes works, with gaining after a fasting day and losing when you haven’t stayed on plan. I’ve had a couple of “up” days, gaining more than a pound after a 500 calorie fast day. The following day I ate more than I should have, not totally out of control, but not good either. I am up to 67.1 today from 66.5 on Wednesday. There would have been a time when that would have caused me to go off the whole plan, but I know I can do this. It’s just a glitch. I haven’t had anything to eat today yet and am just going to find something now, a little after noon here.
We’re back to hot weather here in California. It’s supposed to get to 37 C here today.
Good morning everyone,
Welcome from me too, Haifa! Isn’t it lovely to find a technique that really suits! I wish I had found 5:2 forty years ago!
Fasting-me, that is so true about protein, and also low GI high fibre foods, for helping us full for longer! And soup itself is brilliant because all the liquid filling our bellies helps us feel satiated.
Ha, I agree with you and Cali about the craziness of scales. It is fascinating that they seem such an excellent scientific instrument and yet in practice they are crazy and inconstant and seem to have a malicious sense of humour!
What a hot day Cali, top temp here is forecast 15C! I hope the sun peeps out this afternoon so I can sit in it for a while.
It is Sunday fast day for me. My favourite day, as it is almost always a quiet day where I can just potter around and enjoy my fasting as a kind of meditation.
Best wishes to everyone !
Hello from Country Australia tomorrow is my first day on the 5:2 hoping to loose 15 Kg and feel better .
I have been reading lots of great stories of people doing the 5:2 so hopping to be motivated and be able to achieve my goal.
I am a 58 years old woman ( oh should I say young woman) I would like to feel better with in myself as I was never overweight and feel very unhappy with the way I look . I will write tomorrow night and see how I go.
I am new in this website but I have tried this diet before. I tried it in winter time and had a terrible cold after few fasting days and stopped then because had no energy to continue. I have fasted two or three days a week from the beginning of June. I have not weighted myself yet. I need encouragement and support to lose about 10 kg. I work long days, 10-11 h some days and have to focus in what I am doing. Now I am on vacation for 3 week so have time to try fasting days.
Greetings to Bersabe and Puutarhuri, and welcome to this conversation.
5:2 has worked for so many people and I hope it will work for you two, too.
You know, I always found that when I was working [am now retired as a classroom teacher], that it was easier to lose weight. No cookie jar to tempt me, and lots of other things to occupy my mind. I didn’t begin Fasting until after I retired, but I think it would have fit right in.
You can do it, Puutarhi. You can lose the weight and keep it off. There are lots of good Fast meals which lend themselves to making ahead. If you can store some meals in the freezer [or at least prepared ingredients], then even if you are coming home after a long day, you can still enjoy a sensible meal. Soups, chilies, even chicken breast with sides — all are possible after a little planning.
Bersabe, I know what you mean about just wanting to get yourself into a shape that you enjoy. people always looked at me and said that i didn’t need to lose weight. But my weight was hidden under my clothes and I wanted to get rid of it. I asked my doctor if older women were ‘supposed’ to gain weight, as sort of a ‘buffer.’ She said that was a dumb idea. She supported me in my desire to get to a weight that I like [very different from what the charts say I should weigh!!]. Soldier on.
Hot and humid here in New Hampshire. And now torrential rain with wind. Fast Day today: clam-stuffed mushrooms for dinner. Yum and very low in calories. I’ll post that on my blog in a few weeks.
Hope all your Fast Days were successful and that your bathroom scales give a true weight!
I did it!,,, My first day was ok the day was easy as I keep very busy it was harder in the evening but decide to go to bed earlier then usual so I would not be tempted. I have decide not to weight myself until next week
The same day as I did this week I just want to concentrate on doing 5:2 and not worried too much of the scales as I know that the weight will come down as long as I keep going.
Thank you Cinque and fasting-me for your words and welcome.
All the best to Puutarhuri you will make it. I had the chicken and corn soup from the 5:2 recipe book and it was delicious, I found that it was more then 2 serving more like 3 for me so that means less calories .
I think I will be using those recipes also sometime when not fasting as they look great.
I will let you all know how I go on Thursday my second day.
Have a great day.
Congratulations Bersabe!
(I was sure I congratulated you yesterday…. but apparently not!)
Hooray for the chicken and corn soup too, sounds perfect.
I remember the first day I fasted, I was so worried about it, and yet at the end of the day I felt good and knew that 5:2 was going to suit me.
Welcome Puutarhuri, I am just recovering from a shocker of a head cold and I know how exhausting it is! Better luck this time! I do hope you are having a lovely summery vacation time and can really get into the swing of it.
I hope the torrential rain has gone and given you a bit of relief from humidity, Fasting-me! Your clam stuffed mushrooms sound fab.
I am recovering from my dreaded lurgy, and it is day before fast day for me. It is a cold wet morning. I’m very happy about the wet as my little garden needed a water, and they think the sun will come out this afternoon.
Happy Thursday Fast Day to you all.
Lovely day here in New Hampshire. This morning we breakfasted on the veranda and the temperature was 55 degrees F. Birds were singing and the mock orange is in full bloom. cool but lovely. And we had a ‘pork ‘n’ bean’ omelet, which we enjoyed. Believe it or not, I made those ingredients fit into <300 calories!
We like a chicken noodle soup on a Fast Day and sometimes my husband has it for lunch on a Slow Day. Good stuff.
Today should be warm but low humidity, so lots of gardening and stacking firewood. Projects like that keep me out of the kitchen, out of the nut dish, out of harm’s way.
Our son the PhD in Biology says that sugar is SO bad for us. He has been reducing the sugar in his diet [he’s very fit and nicely slim] and urges all of us to do so. So you have the right idea, Bersabe. I find that when the pounds won’t budge, that I have to control the calories, even on a Slow Day — avoid the sweets and eat less overall.
Hope you are all better, cinque, and that each of you has a successful Fast Day.
Good morning,
Hello Fasting-me, I LOVE mock orange! How lovely to sit with that beautiful scent wafting around.
My Thursday fast day was a good one, and it is Friday morning now so breakfast has been wonderful.
Best wishes all you women of a certain age. I hope it is a good day for you. (You’d better come and debrief if it wasn’t!).
Hello to all, yesterday was my second day fasting and was good better then the first so it is true it does gets
This morning I couldn’t wait to get on scales and wow I was 1kg and 300gr. Litghter, yes I know that the first time is a lot of water butI was still very excited.
I am traying to cut down a little on my not fast day ( had Chinese the other day and change fried rice for boil
rice) I think this little changes can make a bit different after a while .
Glad to hear that you went well Cinque yesterday we will keep going encouraging one and other. Hello Fasting-me glad you are enjoying doing all your proiects and yes I agree with your son sugar is nearly poison specially white sugar so it is good not to have to much , I use raw but traying to cut down.
Hope you all have a great weekend and keep going on fast days , I feel better and more positive so I think it is also working for my health.
Bersabe, great news on you initial weight loss. Water or not, it still had to go! You’re off to a great start. NFD can be tougher than FD with being able to eat more but being careful not to go overboard.
I need to be a lot more mindful on NFDs. I snack late at night and eat just because things look good, not because of hunger. And I’ve been eating a lot of salty things which makes me retain water. It’s been so hot here for several days now (41 here today) and doesn’t get cool enough during the night to really do much good. Blah!
A propos of ‘snacking at night’, here’s a strange trick my mind tries to play on me. After the sun goes down on a Fast Day, the thought arises, “Well, you got through the Fast Day! But it isn’t DAY anymore, so you can have a snack. Hmmmmm…. that looks good.” Boy, I really have to fight that one!
Yesterday’s Fast was successful in that I maintained my weight. Losing weight yesterday would have brought me to a too-low level, which I have to watch out for. So I treated myself to a tiny lunch and everything was fine. I know you each will keep succeeding with your weight losses and one day will have to ‘worry’ about losing too much.
Good job, Bersabe! Keeps you going, doesn’t it?
Cali, hope there’s lots of iced tea in your fridge to get you through those hot temps in California. You know, of course, that spicy foods are great in hot weather because they actually make you perspire, which cools you. Curry, chili, seafood tacos, tandoori chicken. [you’ve seen those in my blog] All those are great in hot weather. Unless hot weather supresses the appetite…?
How’s it going, Haifa? Esthi?
Have a good weekend, Everyone.
fasting_me, it would be great to have the worry of losing too much weight!
I managed to lose 1.4 pounds yesterday on my FD. My calorie count was 260 because I’ve been dealing with this darned plateau for over a week. Well, maybe the plateau was due to not being mindful enough on NFD. So this morning I’m at 66.8 kg. I need to watch what I eat because I’ll be on a business trip Sunday through Wednesday with lots of meals out with associates and clients. But at least once I get back to my hotel there will be nothing to snack on.
We’re getting a little break on the temps today. It’s “only” supposed to get to about 38 or 39 today.
Have a great day (or evening) everyone. Stay strong!
Congratulations Bersabe, you’ll be an old hand at this before you know it!
Good luck with your business trip Cali, I know they can be hard. It will be fun working out how you can avoid some of the unhealthy eating traps as you go!
I hope the heat isn’t too bad now. Keep hydrated folks! And a little salt helps avoid dehydration, so it is not all bad!
I’m another no sugar person who agrees with your son, Fasting-me. I stopped it several years ago because it was making me feel poisoned, in a hungover sort of way. As soon as I stopped the munchies went away and the weight dropped off. Until I plateaued about 20kg lighter and started putting on weight again. Luckily I found 5:2 and with the combination I lost the last 15 kg and live much more happily!
I laughed at your mind trick Fasting-me. I have lots of weird ones, but have avoided that one. I spend fast day evenings happily thinking about what I will eat the next day!
Speaking of which, I am having a fast day today (it is Saturday morning here) so I can help my daughter with some cooking tomorrow (my usual fast day). I have cuppas all day and a big bowl of miso, mushroom and chicken soup in the evening.
Cheers all from cold old Melbourne.
Here’s what I do when I dine out, as Cali will be doing on her business trip. At dinner, I order two appetizers: one to eat while everyone else has their’s, and one to have as an entree. Along with a glass of sparkling wine [88 calories!]. And sometimes a dessert. I’ve had some wonderful meals that way. My stomach and appetite have shrunken to the extent that eating a full course restaurant meal is not possible without a doggie bag. Besides, this way I get to sample two different plates.
good job with the weight loss yesterday, Cali.
Cinque, that miso soup does sound tempting. Have never made that, but will look into it! Have lots of fun cooking with your daughter. Sounds like fun.
A friend of mine told me that she had been diagnosed with cancer, so she decided to lose weight. She gave up sugar and alcohol and has lost 40 pounds since Christmas! She is hoping that this will slow her cancer, and all her friends who know are hoping so too. Just shows what giving up sugar can do you us.
Hi Northrancher
I feel a bit like you as in being discouraged.
I have posted occasionally on this thread but have been doing 5:2 since November 2016.
Initially I lost weight and was going really well but weighed today ( once a week weight recorder, have done it for ages) and am devastated to find that I am back to where I was with weight and all measurements on 5th December!
Quite a shock really as I have had decent FDs and mostly been mindful on NFDs. Have almost cut out wine (very occasional glass only ), cut down on carbs, almost cut out sugar and then this morning… ughhhh!!!😲😫😮
I do know there are other health benefits but just needed to vent.
Am also doing the June Challenge on another thread started in May 2016. I committed to doing it for 12 months so will have to see what happens in the next 4 months.
I browse all the sites looking at the success stories and to help maintain on FDs.
Hope everyone has a lovely day – and apologies for miserable post. My mood currently matches the cold grey day outside.☺️
Lilymartin, if you weigh only once a week maybe you just happened to hit a day when your weight was up. I weigh myself daily (not that I think that’s necessarily a good thing to do) and sometimes there’s a day where my weight is up a couple of pounds for no reason that I can figure out. I think a lot of times it’s water, maybe caused by more salt that you don’t realize was in a food. Then a couple days later it’s gone. I guess that’s what keeps me weighing myself every morning.
Are you on any medications that might cause weight gain? Some blood pressure meds cause weight gain. It should still eventually even out if you’re sticking to the 5:2.
Maybe some extra calories are sneaking in with common foods that you eat. What about writing down everything and how much of it you eat for a couple days?
But I know the feeling, nothing is so discouraging as trying really hard and not losing. Hang in there. Don’t give up. This is a long term plan.
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1:54 am
20 May 17