HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 6,801 through 6,850 (of 7,330 total)

  • A few things I find helpful:
    Make a simple stew of onions, carrots, celery ,herbs, spinach, mushrooms or whatever low cal veg you have (no oil) and liven up with spices and coriander. Thicken with a few lentils. Satisfying and you can have several bowls through the day.
    Try using high protein shakes for one or more meals, they tend to be satisfying.
    Skyr or low fat yoghurt mixed with frozen berries is a satisfying low cal meal.
    Most important- -keep busy! I find it good to go to show or the cinema in the evening to use up the rest of a fast day.,

    Thanks for the pep tak Cinque
    I have read more posts, specifically on weighing. I am one of those people who likes to weigh every day. My thinking – if it is good news, I am motivated, if it is bad news, I am disappointed. The good thing is that it usually makes me think of what could have happened and I shore up. The bad news is, if it is one of those ‘no rhyme or reason’ occasions, there is a temptation to stray. Today, after a lovely first five days, I regained 1.75lbs. I can feel the empathy flooding over the ether. The bitter taste of disappointment is enormous after two days fast and a further three of staying within my normal calories rather than eating what I want. I have decided to (wo)man up and so I am on black coffee and awaiting the weekly result on Wednesday morning.

    Tomorrow is my first fast day since resuming 5:2. I have been reading about a primarily plant based diet with protein, some fat, and reduced carbohydrates so this is what I am going to eat on my non-fast days. I am looking forward to it.

    I really like Madnana’s stew idea. I observed that if I plan meals and have healthy food I can quickly eat mid-week, I tend to be more adherent. Also having something fun like the local cinema to help. I discovered one of the larger theaters in my town has $5 Tuesday so this might be a new pattern.

    Hi Southy! I saw your message but had a tricky couple of days and couldn’t write. How did your fast day go?
    I’m just adding some carbohydrates (nice unrefined complex ones) back into my fast day as my insomnia tends to be worse after a fast day, and carbohydrates in my soup might help.

    I’m making a big veggie soup with chickpeas in it, just a bit ‘brothier’ than your stew Madnana! It will be lovely for my meal tonight (it is my Fast Day today) and plenty to have over the next few days too.

    How are you Little Sparrow? Do you keep a graph of your daily weight so you can see it over time? I bet if you have been on lots of diets you will have seen this sort of graph before: But the first time I saw how up and down our weight is, I was amazed!
    Did you have a motivating result on Wednesday morning. Fingers crossed you did!

    Best wishes everyone!

    Cinque, good idea to add chick peas. I usually add a few lentils to soup for protein and to add more texture. Also the flour made from chick peas (sometimes sold in Indian shops as Besan) which onion bhajias are made from is high protein, high fibre and low carb so is very useful as it is filling (but obviously not fried as with bhajias). You can make little pancakes just by mixing it with water, although personally I only do this for savoury pancakes rather than sweet.
    Another thing I use when I want something sweet is, I buy large bags of frozen berries, defrosted in a bowl in the microwave and (sometimes) sprinkled with low cal sweetener and low fat yoghurt.

    My first fast day went well. Beginning in the morning I checked this blog for inspiration and drank a lot of tea. I liked the suggestion to approach the fast day in a mindful way. Throughout the day, I reminded myself about my larger goal, which is to eat for improving my health and thus life. Focusing on my overarching goal was more inspiring rather than focusing on hunger or denial. I found that my hunger was rather mild. I am just used to eating at certain times therefore that is what I do without much thought. Also I my reduced hunger might possibly be due to more conscientious eating on my non-fast days. The last time I tried fasting, I allowed myself to indulge on non-fast days so I didn’t make a lot of progress. This time I am eating lots of veggies and some protein.

    Today is my second fast day for the week. I am actually looking forward to it. I will try to be mindful and use short meditations. Thanks for your support.

    Good morning everyone from cloudy Melbourne, a bit cooler after a few hot days.

    Hi Madnana, thanks! I just love beans and legumes. My soup was delicious and I made such a huge saucepan full I have lots more.
    I do use chickpea flour too! I love those little chickpea flour pancakes!

    Are you a mad nana? I’ve got my 2yo granddaughter here at the moment so I am mad nana here!

    Congratulations on your first Fast Day back Southy (would you rather not be called that?). So glad that it was pretty easy. And isn’t that great, if eating well on your non fast days makes fast days easier. I think that is true for me too.

    Best wishes for your fast day today!

    Anyone have any tips for a 56 year old female who starts Today 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

    Hi Sagosha and welcome here! Congratulations on your first day!

    My tips would be:
    The first few fast days are very much working out what works best for you, so figuring out things you will change next time is good.
    Plan as much as you can.
    Remember you want it to be a sustainable part of life for the years ahead. Make it as easy as you can.
    Don’t forget to drink lots of water, or something a bit salty if you are getting low bloodpressure symptoms.
    Let us know how you go!


    Welcome Sagosha, I’m new too; going on my second week. Participating in this forum is helpful to me. The previous time I tried the 5:2, I read some other forums but they didn’t fit as well and I wasn’t active. I need support from people who understand what I am trying to do and I find that here from the generous people in this forum. I regularly reminding myself about my larger goal of eating healthier as a life style feels less like denying myself. Instead I feel like I am doing something good for myself. Inspirational stories also motivate me and I sometimes like to reread them when I am flagging. Last week I found this one ( and there are some good links in it.

    Thank you Cinque for the support. You may call me Southie. I have two fast days under my belt and I am going into my third one tomorrow. I am prepared with a variety of tea bags and miso for work. Your advice to Sagosha to prepare is a good one. The most difficult times to fast or choose healthier foods comes when I am tired or frustrated. Anticipating that these things will happen encourages me to prepare and check in with myself. Self-care is so important and I think many of us unintentionally neglect ourselves sometimes.

    Hi Southie,
    I am another one who is not active. (Chronic illness ME/CFS) Such a relief that it doesn’t make a difference with 5:2, it works just as well for sedentary people.
    I’m having a Wednesday fast day too! Just started!

    I so agree with you about the hard tomes being when we are tired or frustrated, or feeling that we are denying ourselves. Food was an enormous comfort to me through a pretty dreadful childhood.
    Luckily (if I am not tired or frustrated) I can make the best, healthy, fresh, gorgeous food, in appropriate quantities, be a lovely daily comfort. But I need to plan well, and that is what can go out the window on hard days!

    But today is looking okay!

    Hope it is a good day for all the ‘Ladies of a Certain Age!’

    Tuesday was really hard and I must admit I didn’t do a complete fast even though I prepared. I was really tired. Now I know it was the beginning of a cold. Even though I didn’t complete a total fast, I am allow that I am not perfect. I’m not going to say negative things and instead try to learn from the experience. I know that when I am tired, I am much more vulnerable and eat for energy and comfort. On the bright side, once the cold set in, I didn’t eat much yesterday (my appetite was gone) and the scales continue to drop about a pound for every fast day. Today, a fast day, my goal is to stay hydrated and since I know I am sick, I will allow myself broth or even soup should I need it. I am prepared.

    So sorry to hear of your cold Southie, and such a hard fast day. I do hope you feel better soon. Soup and such a good attitude will get you through!

    Hi all. I had been a very active poster about 3 yrs ago on this thread when things fell apart badly between posters, and I bowed out as the negativity wasn’t doing my weight loss journey any favors.

    So glad there are a nice group of supportive ladies back on the site, as I had missed it terribly.

    So now back for another go.

    I have reached the “will do whatever it takes” place. 5:2 worked well but oh so slowly for me. Lost about 1 lb a week doing low carb the other 5 days.

    Was reading the posts on 5:2 and saw references to Michael’s other diet plan the Blood Sugar Diet.
    After reading decided that I will kickstart by campaign with the BSD for the 8 weeks Michael recommends and then return to 5:2 at that point (doing the 800 cal on the two days).

    I had always struggled with the 600 calories and often found myself sliding to something more like 650 or 700.

    I am hoping this works for me as I have about 70 lbs to lose.

    Am 3 days into it so far and finding 800 cal manageable, and am splitting them into just 2 meals a day (a 10 am meal and the 2nd at 6:30).

    I was also very gratified so see so many anti Trump comments….who would have thought a weight loss forum would do that for me as well. Counting the minutes for mid term elections to get this country back on the right path. Have become an avid viewer of Stephen Colbert as well. Must keep the Dump Trump movemment alive. He is too filled with hate and lies.

    Thanks for hearing me out. Hope there is room for another poster in this very fine group.


    As a long time Democrat and voter for Clinton, I must say I am sickened by the current state of the U.S. Democratic Party. The leader of the party, Clinton, calls President Trump’s supporters ‘deplorables’. The Party, through both conduct and silence, supports riots, destruction of public and private property, and the shouting down and beating up of people that agree with President Trump and/or don’t agree with them. Many Democrats openly call for President Trump’s death, including several that posted on this site. The support of the murder of political opponents to gain or regain power is abhorrent to me. The common Democratic theme of calling people that disagree with them ‘fascists’, liars and haters seems to ignore their own conduct and rhetoric.

    Given this picture being painted by Democrats of a hateful and lying President and Republican Party, people outside of the U.S. can’t understand how Mr. Trump could be elected President. But given the conduct of the Party, it is not hard to understand why American voters not only elected Mr. Trump, but also gave Republicans the majority in the House and Senate, not to mention in a majority of States.

    The current Democratic Party is simply not in touch with a majority of American people that flatly reject the Democratic Party’s inflammatory rhetoric and calls for and support of violence. The Party has elevated disagreements on policy to issues of personal hate. It is time for the Democrats to either grow up and stop calling names, supporting violence and calling for their opponent’s death and act like grown-ups and work within the system for any changes they feel are needed.

    Until then, and I hate to say it, perhaps many in my Party should be called ‘Stalinists’.

    I firmly believe that this should not be a political site and that it should not allow political statements. But the owners of the site clearly disagree and routinely allow political statements. So I want anyone that reads this to know that there is another side to the ‘Trump’ story, and that you should not take the comments posted on this site calling for the death of President Trump and the characterization of President Trump as a simply awful person as true, much less as representative of the beliefs of all Americans.

    As for 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    The majority of the American people voted for neither candidate. Only 57% of registered voters actually voted. The current occupant of the White House got less than half of those votes. The losing candidate got more than half of those votes.

    As a matter of simple arithmetic, it is incorrect to suggest that the majority of Americans support this person.

    Hi Luvtcook,
    Welcome back!

    I think of the forum space as a room where we make everyone feel welcome and supported in the journey to do 5:2.
    We welcome people of different countries, men and women, teenagers to elderly people (even on this thread 😉 )
    People from different faiths, and no faith at all.
    People in peak fitness and people with disabilities, chronic illnesses and people who are traumatised.
    Well educated people, and people who struggle to write.
    People from every political party, or no political interest at all.

    It is lovely when we meet like-minded people on this forum, and often we do find people that we can feel a real sense of friendship with.
    But I think it works best when our priority is to embrace diversity, and be sensitive to people who think differently.

    You might have unwittingly set off just the sort of divisiveness that led you you leaving the forum last time! I hope it doesn’t frighten you off for the second time!
    But this sort of rumbling happens all the time, we just need to do our best to reaffirm that this forum is for everyone doing 5:2 and do our best to write in ways that allow everyone here to be confident that it is their forum too.

    Good luck with the 8 week BSD I have been waiting to hear from someone how it goes!


    Hi All,

    I have to say I agree with Cinque, this forum and this thread has been a welcoming informative place for people from all walks of life. In my case I came on here to look for support and advice from those more experienced in this plan. I have to say I’ve found lot of tips and support for sure.

    There’s too much political commentary on everyone’s facebook and twitter feed and certainly on the news, it’s nice to have a place that’s just for us focusing on our health and wellness!

    Have a lovely evening….

    Good evening everyone, I am curious about the Blood Sugar Diet and looking forward to hearing about Luvtcook’s experience with it.

    One of the things I have learned about myself is that I am not good at and actually dislike calorie counting and logging foods or diets for that matter. 5:2 works for me because I don’t have to think about much except fasting for two days a week. I have also started to change my eating habits to reduce carbs and sugar, which has been challenging, but not as bad as I thought. Home is pretty easy since I don’t stock these items. Instead I have lots of veg and fruit which I allow unlimited amounts on non-fast days. My work place is tough because there are always snacks around. I noticed when I am stressed or hungry, these are oh so tempting. Planning around these shared snacks are hard and were part of my unraveling the last time I tried 5:2. I am feeling much wiser and better prepared for a lifestyle change this time around.

    I hope politics don’t separate us on this site, but instead we join in a common goal and provide each other with support not matter our backgrounds.

    Hi Everyone,
    It is a rainy morning in Melbourne, the garden is happy. It is fast day for me, I’ll do my usual cuppas all day, and have a bowl of ratatouille this evening (since I have all the summer vegetables here!)

    Southie those snacks at work would make it so hard. All power to you, especially on those tired stressful days.
    At least home is good, and if fast days are kept, an occasional snack to make the day bearable is actually fine.
    There are some snacks I think to myself: if I just have that once a fortnight (or once a month etc) it will be fine. And then I try to enjoy them to the max when I do have one!

    I hope your cold is over!

    How is the BSD going Luvtcook?

    Hi Southie, pardon my ignorance but what is miso? 🙂

    Miso is a paste made from fermented soy beans. It is used in Asian cooking most often as a soup base. It comes in different intensities. I prefer the red miso, but I have seen white and yellow. It is salty and rich so on my non-fast days, I mix it with hot water for a hearty satisfying beverage. Look for it in Asian markets in the refrigerator section. I also boy packets of dried miso soup, which includes dried tofu and seaweed. Many grocery stores carry this.

    Hello, just popping in to say that miso is also the name of my cat! 🙂
    She is black with a bit of golden flecking, just like the big containers of miso at the Friends of The Earth Shop where I fill up a jar to use.

    Golden Heart did you by chance have ‘Bonox’ growing up? Miso is like that except it is vegetarian and traditionally full of wonderful microbes.

    Hello to all the ladies of a certain age! I am fasting tomorrow. Best wishes for a good day.

    I have been doing the 5:2 since January (the 2nd week not from New Year!) and steadily lost 1 pound each week, however, I seem to have hit a plateau 🙁 I’m sticking to it, walking about 15 miles a week but I also think my hormones are playing up again (I’m per-menopausal) so I will just carry on and see if there any changes over the next few weeks.

    Good morning ladies. Cinque, how did your fast day go? I have one today. It is raining and gray out. I am packing my tea bags and miso for work.

    Sarah, I hear you. My body does not respond the way it used to either! I am impressed that you walk 15 miles a week. Over the winter, I found myself becoming less active. In part it was due to a surgery. I am trying to keep my larger goal of being healthier in mind as I move into spring. At work, we are have a step challenge so I joined a team of coworkers as motivation. This weekend I am going to pull my bike out of the shed and use it for errands.

    I hope everyone is having a good week so far.

    Hi all. I haven’t visited this forum for a while – just busy with life. This WOL is great for me. It’s the first time where I have felt in control of food/weight. I started the last week of Feb and I’m down roughly 6 lbs. It doesn’t seem like that much, but I guess it’s about 1 lb a week. I’ll take it. The best part is what others have said – my relationship with food is changing and my thought process is different. Plus I’m drinking less red wine! Who would have thought that was possible?! I’m walking everyday and trying to make 10,000 steps a day. I’m doing push ups and planks but that’s about it. I’ve decided to not worry about any other kind of work out. When I get down another 20 lbs or so I will start incorporating more muscle building into my routine. Thanks for listening and all the great advice.

    Hi Patiger, what a wonderful report! Congratulations and celebrations!

    Hi Sarah, welcome here! Sympathy re the hormones 😉 ! And sympathy re the plateau.
    Good idea to take the long view, our bodies do things in their complex ways. Hopefully you can concentrate on the thought that 5:2 is about longterm health, with losing weight as a wonderful side effect! That way you can still be happy that your fasts are helping you to live a longer, healthier life (while you wait patiently for the next pound to disappear)!
    Keep an eye on how your clothes are fitting you, because it can be good for the spirits to see changes there, when the scales are staying the same!

    Hi Southie, my Sunday fast was ok. To tell the truth it wasn’t the best day: a combination of an enormous stress with a project I am working on, effecting my health as I have a chronic illness (ME/CFS) and I was trying to write a statement, but too unwell. So I ate something to help me concentrate, but still couldn’t!
    So it wasn’t the nice tight fast I aim for on Sunday, but it was still a light fast which is okay for maintenance (I think!). Still dealing with the issue, still trying to write the statement. But realised I can’t push myself, so we will see what I will make of today, which is also a fast day!

    For most of the time I have been doing 5:2 my fast day meal has been miso soup with chicken, shi’itake mushrooms and greens. I changed it lately because I was sleeping so badly, (in case a few complex carbs might help) but I think that might be more to do with the project worries. I need to go and get more miso. I think I will today!

    It is Wednesday morning here, and a lovely one. Best wishes all!

    Good morning from Shanghai, just started on the site but I have been on the 5:2 plan for a whole 12 days. So far it has been good, I see some changes – waist has gone down and weight also. I know this will take a while but I am determined to continue. The Fast days are actually not too bad, sometimes I even do 3 fast days per week.

    I am not a big fan of exercise and since I have 2 bum knees, I have to be selective of what I do. So some elliptical and biking in the gym, following Micheal’s Hi-Impact Training suggestions works for me. So far so good!

    Welcome Esthi!
    Chronic illness keeps me from exercising too, but luckily 5:2 works anyway! Congratulations on your first 12 days, your selective exercise, and for keeping your eye on the longterm benefits!

    So down 2kg in 2 weeks is a pretty good thing for me. And the waist has gone from 94 to 88cm, thumbs up. My clothes barely bulge in the middle now.

    My fasting sugar has also dropped on average to below 7 although there were that 1 or 2 days that it touched 7. But more often then not its 6+ or even a few days of fitting within the 3.9-5.8 ideal range.

    Waiting for results from today’s medical check up, hoping to see improvements on the high Uric acid, HbA1C and slightly elevated cholesterol levels of 2 months ago.

    Some days I am all gung-ho to head to the gym, others I have to talk myself into going. This part is not at all easy. But overall this plan is a sensible and definitely doable plan for me.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Great news Esthi!
    Hello all the other Ladies of a Certain Age!
    I got to my maintenance weight at the end of last year, but still find that fasting two days a week works for me.
    Yesterday was my fastday, and I had the pleasure of three meals today!

    Cheers all!

    I’m new to the 5:2 diet and did my first 2 days as fast days. I lost 4 pounds, likely mostly water weight. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. They were a busy 2 days for work. (Which is a lot of time behind a desk!) And this morning I’m having coffee but don’t feel hungrry even though it’s an eat day.

    I’m 68 and now have 22 pounds to lose. This looks like a wonderfully supportive group and I look forward to “talking” with all of you.

    Welcome CalifDreamer,
    Wow I am impressed. I’ve never even tried to do back to back fast days! What a great start.
    It is nice to get that good loss too, even if it is mostly water… the water needs to go too!
    I’ve got my fast day tomorrow!

    Well, another pound off today. I wasn’t fasting yesterday but I didn’t eat a lot. I was stressed with job related stuff and busy, so I wasn’t that hungry. It’s really sort of unbelievable because normally when I’m stressed I look to food. I guess after the 2 days back to back at just under 500 calories the cravings went away. I would have guessed the opposite would happen.

    I plan on splitting the two days apart next week and probably in the future. It was just especially busy this week so it was pretty easy to do. I need to get more exercise too. These last few days I did very little moving around, I was mostly at my desk. I should stop weighing everyday too. My weight will probably go up a little after these first few days of not eating much.

    How long have the rest of you been doing this? Do you find it easy to stick to it long term? It sure is a different way to lose weight. Do you have normal fast days or just change it up every week?

    Hi I am sixty two and have been over weight for many years, all diets failing. I began this diet on 2nd April and initially lost twelve pounds and four and a half inches of my waist. The last two weeks nothing. I put out a post asking for advice. Someone posted back that it might be what I eat rather than the quantities. They suggested leaving out all grain. Looking back in the initial weeks I did not eat any grain or anything sweet. More recently I have had more dairy, grain and sweets on my none fast days, although in small quantities. I am going back to the type of things I was eating initially and see if I can kick start the loss again.
    Good luck

    Hi everyone,
    I am just coming up to two years of 5:2. I’ve concentrated on making it an easy and sustainable part of life, and I plan to keep doing it forever. I got down to the lower end of my healthy weight range at the end of last year, but it still seems to work best to keep up 5:2. It resets me for the non fasting days so I don’t get too far into an overeating cycle.

    Good luck Yvej, I hope the weight starts shifting again. Everyone is different, but it is so nice to understand what is going on! I hope the non grain/dairy/sugar works! I avoid sugar and anything that is very sweet! (These days roast sweet potato tastes SO sweet I could swoon!).

    I’m having my Sunday fast day today, but I have my 2 year old granddaughter here at the moment, so it isn’t the quiet, meditative Sunday fast day I usually have 😉 .

    Cinque, 2 years of sticking with the 5:2 is amazing! How many people can stick to a regular diet for that long? Do you eat 500 calories on your fast days, or adjust it to your TDEE, or whatever that abbreviation is? I’m doing the 500 to start but was wondering what everyone else does. How careful are you on the other 5 days?

    I think I should express my weight in kg instead of pounds. 68.3 kg sounds lower number than 150.6 pounds! 59 kg is my goal.

    Hi Calif,
    I decided when I took 5:2 on that it needed to be a longterm health strategy, rather than a short term weight loss diet.
    You will see plenty here that have been 5:2ing for a lot longer than me!
    And most of us are still working out how to make it work best in our lives!
    My fast days settled down to around 350 – 400 calories, but since I have been maintaining I have played around with more like 500 – 600 calories. I like it best having a good low cal fast day though, so I am back to the lower amount. I really like the feeling the next morning!

    I have to say, that the best fun is when you are starting and having the lovely rewards of weight dropping off, and having to go out and find new clothes! So enjoy!
    But I am pretty sure that if I stopped 5:2 now, my excess weight would come back, so there is a lot of impetus to make this work longterm. The fast days not only help reset, they give that little break that helps me to understand my food patterns (physically, socially, emotionally and psychologically!) and I am still working them out!
    I am sure a lot of other people are less complicated than I am though!

    Cinque, I think that maintaining can be the most difficult part of weight loss. I think the longest I kept weight off with low cal diets was about a year. This feels different. I’ve never fasted voluntarily before, only a few times with the flu or something and after that you feel like crap! I was really surprised that I didn’t feel hungry the next morning, which is why I decided to do a consecutive 2nd day. Maybe being stressed had something to do with it, but I’ll find out this next week. I think maybe it resets your body, and the following day your stomach isn’t so stretched from all the food you might normally eat.

    After eating normally yesterday and then having 3 pieces of pizza and a thin slice of Kringle, a sugary rich pastry last night, I only gained .2 of a pound when I weighed myself this morning. I completely expected a couple additional pounds of water weight at least. I think I really like this way of eating! I’m down exactly 2.27 kg in my first 4 days. A lot of that is the initial water weight, to be sure, but I’ll take it.

    Please remind me of this a few weeks from now when I’m sure weight will come off a lot more slowly and I’m here complaining about it. 🙂

    Ha, Calif,
    your clothes will be feeling nice and loose!
    Yes, keeping a healthy weight is an interesting process! But it is so good to have 5:2 as the framework.

    Best wishes to everyone, I hope today is a good one. Fast Day or Non Fast Day!

    I decided to do my fast day today (Sunday) rather than tomorrow like I was planning to do it Monday’s but I’m traveling on Tuesday and Wednesday and I want to have one eating day in before I leave. Today has been pretty easy now that I know what to expect. I just got the book last week and discovered this way of eating, so it’s all new to me. I did the 2 days back to back last Wed and Thurs but I think from now on I’ll separate them. Psychologically I think it will be easier. My second day will be Thursday.

    How often do you weigh yourself? I do every morning. I think it may be better to do it once or twice a week, but I wanted to see what everyone else does. For those who have been doing it for a while, how much does it usually go up or down when you’re following the plan?

    @ CalifDreamer – I weigh myself every morning too. I find that knowing where I am in terms of weight helps keep me on track. I know some days I will get a rebound after having something starchy the night before however it is good to see how good or bad the damage was. In the past it used to be a swing of up to 1kg but now I see the number staying around 400-55 grams so I guess the smaller portion size is taking effect.

    I am one of the rare people who don’t have scales in my house. I had some years ago and got ridiculous jumping on and off them all the time, so now I just don’t worry.
    I occasionally weigh myself: my doctor has scales and so does my daughter (although hers are pretty unreliable), but I prefer to use my clothes, the mirror, and how I feel, to see how my shape and health is going.

    I know that for many people here the ritual of weighing is an important tool to keep on track.

    Re going up and down, here is a good article from Australia’s science organisation:

    Califdreamer (do you mind being shortened to Calif, or would you prefer a different shortening?) I will be fasting with you on Thursday!

    Calif is fine, Cinque. I should have picked a shorter name. 🙂

    Thanks Calif, and now I want to call you Cali! It is a bit prettier and even shorter to write!
    (Some people here have just called me ‘5’ 😉 )

    Day before fast day, so I will appreciate every bite I have today!
    I hope everyone is well and happily 5:2ing.

    Hi All
    I am a LOCA( lady of a certain age!) and been doing 5:2 since November 2016. I post on a monthly challenge thread started by @coda in May 2016. I find daily posting has kept me accountable.
    When I started with this WOL/E ( way of life/eating) I lost weight quite quickly.
    Since then the weight loss has really slowed and I was on a plateau for a few months.
    I weigh daily but only record once a week on a Saturday morning which I have done for years – whilst I watched the number creep up and up and doing nothing to change habits!
    I find the scales can bounce up and down quite wildly within the space of a day or 2. For instance over the Mother’s Day weekend I apparently put on nearly 2.5 kgs and then lost 1 kg last night after a FD. So I am not too worried with the scales but do like to keep an eye on my weight trend.
    I find 5:2 easy enough though some days are harder than others. Drinking lots of water helps.
    Being mindful on NFDs is really important for me. I try not to overdo it on days I’m not fasting. I tend to think ‘ why bother fasting if I’m going to undo the good work by feasting?”
    We are all different and do things differently and get different results.
    When weight loss seems stuck or even a gain, I think about the other benefits of the WOL and keep going.
    Good luck. Hope this helps.🙂

    Hello all LOCA,
    I’m at the end of my Thursday Fast day (that what comes of living in Australia!).
    It’s been a good one. I hope yours is going well too Cali!

    Nice post LilyMartin. Great overview. I so agree about the mindfulness. On non fast days and fast days too! But non fast days are fascinatingly tricky!
    That plateau must have been SO frustrating! Congratulations for getting through it!

    Cheers all!

    Hi All!

    I’ve been traveling for work the past 2 days so I didn’t have a chance to weigh. I gained a couple pounds since my low this week of 150.6. I’m 152.4 this morning. But for the first week I have a net loss of 3.4 pounds so I guess that isn’t too bad.

    I did reasonably well while traveling but did some moderate snacking yesterday. I need to stop doing that for sure while I’m trying to get to goal. Today is my 2nd fast day of this week.

    lilymartin, plateaus are difficult and probably the biggest reason people give up on weight loss plans. Powering through is the key, I think.

    Being mindful on NF days will probably be the biggest challenge for me.

    Yesterday was my second fast day of the week and back down to 150.6 this morning. I’m trying to follow Lily’s advice of being more mindful on NF days. Yesterday was a little difficult a couple of times during the day, but most of it was just fine. I think I will like this plan.

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