HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 7,330 total)

  • jeana1: Your reference to magnesium for the problem under discussion reminds me of a health food shop incident a couple of months ago. I had been getting the most excruciating cramp in my legs and feet. When I asked if there was anything that could help they recommended I take magnesium citrate. I duly bought some and promptly took the recommended dose.
    Whoops! as you found, magnesium is fine as a constipation remedy, not so great if you want to relieve cramps. I decided if I had to choose between the runs and cramp, it would be cramp every time. When I returned to the shop to suggest they tell customers about this side effect, the woman who served me said she was not aware of the problem. A bit of in-house training is called for, I suspect.

    Hi ladies, thanks for your insight jeana1; today was the easiest fast day yet for me…kinda had to make myself eat dinner….wasn’t hungry a bit all day and had lots of energy…thank goodness. And sylvestra, great on having your lovely slacks so big for you now…I’m sure a tailor will help make them fit you again….but really super….

    I’m feeling as though I may be on a plateau but I wont’ know until well after the holidays…but I do know I feel so much better and am happier and I’m not such a slave to food. I’m really enjoying my fast days…..

    Hi blue and all, glad you had an easy fast day, me too.I’m not sure why. Just getting a bit hungry now, but that’s probably because my daughter is in the kitchen making brownies for a school Christmas party aaarg! I think I have a few calories left for some warm almond milk,my go to snack at 30 calories.

    @loretta1 – a tangerine after dinner (especially on fasting days) works like a charm, same with strawberries in the summer. I’ve been experimenting with different fruits, but for me nothing is as effective as those two.

    HELP! Dear LOACA’s I’ve just been back to the doc and had my suspicions confirmed that my right hip has deteriorated and I’m now on an “Osteo Pathway” which means I’ll be on a waiting list for hip replacement surgery. This is not a surprise, in fact it is why I set out to lose weight and why I’m loving 5:2.

    The waiting list is about 18 months (I don’t have private insurance) so I’ve got plenty of time to lose another few kilos and get as fit as I can be so that rehab is short and effective. They do amazing things these days so I’m going to fight my fear of surgery and anesthetics for the chance to keep bushwalking for as long as I possibly can.

    In May 2013 on my 56th birthday I weighed 83kg. Today I weighed 72kg (clothes on at the dr surgery). I’m as slack at 5:2 as I am at everything else so I’ve not counted calories, failed to finish more fast days than I’ve started, and been a very naughty girl, but I’ve still lost weight and feel I can keep going to a size where surgery results will be optimum.

    So, help me, ladies. I need an e-shoulder to cry on and an e-hug. Maybe I should start a new thread for joint replacement cronies but I’m happy here.

    Roba …you have my sympathies regarding your hip. e-Shoulder and {{{{{{hug}}}}} available!!!!

    I’m not remotely suggesting the following applies to you but this is my ‘hip’ story.

    A few years ago (2010) I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, severe in my right hip and moderate in my left hip and lower spine. My doc told me that at least one hip replacement was on the cards but that this wouldn’t/couldn’t be done until I lost weight.

    I was prescribed diclofenac (up to 3 per day with paracetamol as a back up for the pain). Some days I was so sore I had to resort to a walking stick to help me move!! I turned into a right moaning old cow about it all.

    I made excuses about why I couldn’t lose weight for the pain..yada .. yada .. and continued to stuff my face and gain even more weight. Of course, my pain just got worse.

    Wind forward to 2012 and a family wedding and some absolutely dreadful photos which depressed me even more.

    Then, at the beginning of 2013 I had some sort of epiphany and gave myself a VERY hard kick up the wotsit.

    As I’ve reported elsewhere I started off calorie counting and lost 35lbs, reached a plateau and now do 5:2 and have lost another 8lbs.

    The upshot of all this weight loss is that I no longer need pain killers and although my hips will never repair themselves they are getting no worse and the replacement is on hold meantime.

    I am walking at least 5 – 6 k per day and yesterday actually managed a gentle trot (it could hardly be described as running) on an, albeit short, part of the distance. We were at a party on Saturday – I reported on the compliments I received there earlier, and I ‘danced all night’ and wearing ‘heels’ too! I would never have believed any of this possible a year ago.

    I know this doesn’t apply in all cases and hips damaged by osteoarthritis don’t go away just because you lose weight – I still get a twinge now and then but nothing to what it was. I’m just glad to be postponing surgery for as long as I can.

    Hopefully you can have the surgery sooner rather than later, RoBa, and get back to bushwalking. Meantime, have another {{{{hug}}}}}


    So sorry to hear the news about your dodgy hip. I can’t think of a better place to come to than the 5:2 forum for what in our family is called “a cup of tea and a moan”, albeit in cyber space. I can’t speak from experience about the “osteo pathway”, something I’ve so far managed to escape, not because of anything I’ve done to avoid it, I’ve just been lucky so far.

    However, I can sympathise with your fear and dislike of surgery although, again, I’ve only ever been a day case for a tooth extraction under anesthetic, but I’m still a complete wuss about anything to do with hospitals. As a kicking and screaming 3-year-old it took 6 people to hold me down while a nurse attempted to put drops in my eyes. I can still remember it. My poor mum was mortified. Seventy years later, I can’t guarantee I wouldn’t do the kicking and screaming routine all over again in similar circumstances. As for messing up on fast days – tell me about it!.

    Fortunately, there are others, like sylvestra, who share your experience and whose thoughts and advice can be much more helpful. All I can say is well done for already doing so much to help yourself, like losing 11 kg since May (I’m green with envy!) with the prospect of losing a few more before having surgery. Hang on in there, be kind to yourself, and feel free to bend our ears. Big hug!

    sylvestra, I had the same experience with wedding photos – except in this case the wedding was my own. Having been stuck on steroids for nearly 2 years for polymyalgia, which had long disappeared but the quack refused to take me off the buggers “just in case”, I had a face like a great big currant bun, a couple of extra chins and a huge fat belly and felt like death warmed up. That evening I went to bed alone at 7.30 with a cup of camomile tea. I’m afraid I deleted all the photos before they could be circulated.
    All this took place two years before Michael’s documentary on Horizon. Otherwise, it might have been a different story. When I began the Fast Diet, the first things to go were the chubby chops.

    Aw RoBa – you poor thing – a big virtual hug from me too – it is not a nice thing to face.

    My left hip just got stiffer and stiffer over an 18 month period – an osteo I paid for myself said he thought I had an arthritic joint which was why he couldn’t help me, but my ex-GP insisted time and time again that there was nothing wrong with me at all! (Notice he is now my ex-GP!)Eventually a simple X-ray (under private healthcare) revealed hip dysplasia which has led to the joint becoming arthritic. In other words I was born like this (the ball joint doesn’t fit the socket and never has) but it took 48 years to become a major issue!

    I do remember the day I got the diagnosis – I genuinely just thought they’d inject or send me for physio so went on my own to the consultation – I was really shocked and sat and cried! So I know how daunting it can feel. I think my main thought was how old it made me feel as it is the first time I’d had something that wouldn’t get better without major intervention.

    HOWEVER, 2.5 years later and two small ops later (hip manipulations under anaesthetic to improve mobility) I am just 4 weeks away from my full hip replacement. They did want to wait until I was older (I am 51 now) but my mobility is crap – I can’t walk far without limping and I can’t reach my left foot at all – so I feel like an old crone! And I have a great consultant who cold see how much I was struggling.

    After agreeing the operation date with the doc (crazily I chose January to accommodate work – and I’ve been made redundant anyway!) I had a stern talk with myself as he told me that any weight I could lose would make both the operation recovery and rehab better. So I have been extremely motivated and have dropped 1.5 stones since 19th August.

    Since having a definite date I have talked to loads of people who have had the op or who know others who have had it and everything is positive. Although I am still in slight denial about the gory details (!) I am so looking forward to getting back to my old self – and being able to dash around rather than limp!

    Hopefully you won’t have to wait a full 18 months – but it gives you a fantastic target for weight loss. I only wish I had known about and started 5:2 sooner. even though I’ve lost a lot – I am now aiming to get back to the weight I was all through my 20s and 30s – 10 stone – and for the first time ever I am 100% confident I can get there and stay there.

    I wish you all the luck in the world – you know you can do it – and I’m sure in 18 months you’ll be a slim mobile active person again. 🙂

    Cath x

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!!

    Guess What? I have at long last lost ONE WHOLE STONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As many of you will know, my weight loss has been very, very slow and torturous; but (last week) after five and a half long, long months I finally hit that most important target.

    It has taken many fast days and a lot of effort (starvation, much more severe insomnia) to just lose this amount which many of you have achieved ‘relatively’ easily but I am delighted. It feels like I’ve lost more than a stone; I think this could be what Annette52 refers to when she talks about inches lost and the scales not reflecting this.

    A few of you will know we moved in the last few weeks and we weren’t connected to Broadband etc so I couldn’t share this news before.

    Thank you to the ladies who wished me well with our move; it was just as stressfull as everyone says it will be and that might have something to do with my weight loss-sheer stress and anxiety!

    My weight loss has been very much one step forward and then three back; and of course now Xmas is almost upon us; so I could be about to undo my very hard earned loss.

    Anyways; I haven’t had time to read all the posts since being on line last time but you’ve been hard at work keeping our thread going!

    Yuletide Felicitations to you all

    Congratulations! We missed you. Welcome back!

    Three cheers for BooBoo!!
    You have done so well and moving house would drive me straight to the cheese and biscuit tin.
    Remember Christmas is a holiday to be enjoyed – but it is only one or two days not a week or two – so the little damage you may do will soon be repaired.

    By the way – how long did it take to PUT ON your excess weight? Bet it was longer than five and a half months so be proud of your achievement.
    Christmas hugs (oh I can feel your bones) to you!

    Hello Piper and Lindyw! and all other LOACA’s

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and welcome return.

    You are so right Lindyw; it took years of no effort at all to put on my excess weight (remember though there is still plenty more where that came from!) so it makes sense that it’s not going to happen over night but compared to your weight loss rate, it is still very slow.

    However, I’ve decided to look on it as; I have lost on average a half pound a week and since it used to be almost impossible for me to lose even an ounze (see my post regarding my wisdom tooth extraction at age 19yrs on ‘Sixteen weeks countdown’ Cathyork’s thread) – then I am truly grateful.

    I also maintain that it’s helpful for others in the same bracket to read about mine and others experiences; so they know they are not alone.

    Eat, drink and be merry LOACA’s but don’t go too mad!

    Welcome back PBB! We have all been (mis)behaving just as you would expect 😀

    Hope your move went trouble free. have a wonderful Yuletide in your new home x

    Welcome back PBB and well done! Woo-ooh for you! Super to learn that you have dropped a stone AND moved house! Quite an accomplishment….!!

    Well done Precious – you probably didn’t lose a stone – just left it behind at the old house 😉

    Thanks for the hugs and support after my sad moan about the hip. You know, in some ways it helped more to get that from you than my f2f friends. It does help to hear other peoples’ experience, especially LOACAs and people with weight issues. Anyway, I’m still here, still going to do 5:2 for the long term, still going to evangelise this fasting to others.

    Thanks especially to annette52, sylvestra, Cathyork and many other stalwarts on this thread.

    Hi RoBa sorry to hear about your hip trouble. Good for you for sticking with the program.Also congrats to boo not exactly sure what a stone is but it sounds Like a lot! I’ve not been able to get anyone to do this with me in “real life” so I really appreciate all your comments. Last fast day before Christmas tomorrow, and I need to bake treats for some of the people my husband supervises. Aaargh! I think I will do it right in the morning and then head out to do a bit more shopping. That way I won’t be tempted to eat my creations…

    Well, PreciousBooBOO, I have been on the 5:2 for three weeks now and have only gained two pounds. That’s right-GAINED two pounds. I am 47 and peri menopausal (all done for only about six months now). I read your theory about those who suffered PMT have hard time with menopause and had to reply. Well, I didn’t have any problems throughout my life with my PMT. It was all a breeze. But now with menopause I had horrible hot flashes and such fogginess(am on hrt now at the highest dose and HELPS A LOT) and my eating is horrible. I was never overweight in life and never had a problem with food but boy do I now. So when I found the 5:2 I was thrilled. I had counted calories in the past when I needed to slim down and ALWAYS worked for me. Not now. So when I got on 5:2 I guess I have been over indulging and letting myself have what I couldn’t have when I was trying to keep within the 1200/day calories. I am confident I’ll settle it down and maybe start to lose. I’ll start to exercise soon (dead of winter here and Christmas-cookie backing for my family, lots of pitch-ins) so I’ll keep trying.

    @ Veronica

    I sympathise – thankfully for me the menopause has been and gone. You DO come out the other side feeling much better 😀

    You say – ‘my eating is horrible.’ & ‘I guess I have been over indulging and letting myself have what I couldn’t have when I was trying to keep within the 1200/day calories’

    It’s not about WHAT you eat on non fast days – it’s more about HOW MUCH. Did you perhaps take the ‘eat freely’ part too literally? On a non fast day you should, ideally, stay at or below your TDEE. There’s a handy link in the right hand column on this site to calculate this if you don’t already know what it is.

    I have been calorie counting for so long now I do it without thinking about it but not everyone wants to do this indefinitely. However recording your non fast day calories for a couple of weeks gives a good idea where you in regard to portion sizes.

    Good luck …5:2 really works and it gets easier as you get used to it.

    @ hermajtomomi, re your cramps: tonic water from the company Schweppes helps against cramps. I know it sounds absurd, but it really really works! Just a glass of it before bedtime and the cramps should go.

    @ Veronica: you have my fullest sympathies, I am going through the same thing! Nevertheless though I am lucky that I can still lose weight on the 5:2. I can only echo Sylvestra’s advice, perhaps you start the diary, writing down everything you eat and calculate the calories.

    There are some great apps out there for counting calories, myfitnessp pal and LoseIt! being two of them. They really help keeping track off calorie intake.

    Best of luck

    Stef: many thanks for your kind suggestion. I already drink tonic with dinner and often again just before bed. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I understand that cramp can be due to insufficient potassium in the blood, but I’m told my potassium levels are a little too high, would you believe, so it can’t be that. Fortunately, the cramps come and go. It’s at least 4 weeks since I had a bad one. Often, the remedy seems to be to stand up, put as much weight as possible (and there’s plenty of that, I’m sorry to say!) and try and flex the muscles. For cramp in the feet, vigorous toe-heel exercises help considerably.

    I had a row with my other half about the latter exercise. He seemed more concerned that I was disturbing the downstairs neighbours with my stamping, not to mention the loud effing and blinding that I tend to emit when in severe pain. I’m afraid I don’t have the generosity of spirit to give a s**t about the neighbours when I’m in agony. Besides, they keep ME awake with their midnight hawking and spitting.

    I know this sounds incredible, but I’m not making it up. I started last Friday, and I have lost nearly 2 Stone (11 lbs) in just the first week. That’s significately faster than I lost it last spring without the Fast Diet.

    How am I doing it?

    I fast Monday/Wednesday/Friday (holidays will be the exception)
    No calorie intake on fast days. I prefer this, because 500 kcal meals are such a bother for me, and I can do without food for 36 hours.

    I take iodine (potassium iodide 100µg/day) and selenium suppliments daily.

    Recently I saw videos how the lack iodine slows down the thyroid gland, and keeps your metabolism from burning energy properly. That’s why I have been taking potassium iodide and selenium suppliments to bring my sluggish metabolism up to par. It might even explain how I could lose nearly 2 stone in the first week.

    I have gone from BMI 36.4 to 34.9 in 6 days so far.

    CAUTION: Please consult a physician BEFORE you go out and buy potassium iodide suppliemnts from the chemist!!!!

    If you have a thyroid condition called “Graves Syndrome” (hyperthyroidism) or you have “Hashimoto’s Disease” (Goiter) taking iodide suppliments will only make you very sick!! You can only take potassium iodide suppliments if your thyroid is normal, or has a under-function (hypothyroidism), and this can only be established by a medical professional.

    Most people in Europe and North America have chronically low levels of iodine in their system, because a natural insufficiency in the ground, so there is not enough iodine in vegetables, and apparently the body rejects most of the iodine supplimented in table salt (has something to do with the fact that there’s chloride in salt, and they also add fluoride to most table salt too).

    Selenium is important to help the thyriod turn iodide into iodine and remove hydrogene peroxide out of the body as well as get rid of fluoride, bromide and chloride, which – believe it or not – can poison your thyroid.

    Oh, and I walk about 15 km per week on Fast Days. Not Power Walking, or Nordic Walking, just normal walking, like Dr. Mosley apparently likes to walk.

    Weissdorn……well done on your weight loss. 😀

    I’m not a pharmacist so I can’t comment on the supplements you are taking.

    Just a minor point 11 lbs is 11 lbs – 2 stone would be 28 lbs.

    Well done Weissdom!
    I am not a great believer in taking supplements, I like to think a balanced diet has all I need. If they are prescribed by a physician you are being monitored – as you say they can have unwanted side effects, as well as treating some conditions really well.
    I really should up my walking again! I have hardly done any for the last month apart from around stores 🙂
    Keep it up.

    Hey All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Many thanks to sylvestra, BlueOcean, RoBa and luvfasting for your kind words and welcome back!

    And luvfasting; a stone is 14lbs which is an imperial measure which people in our age group still use despite the new fangled metric!). Which country do you live in?

    sylvestra; I am not at all suprised that you have all been misbehaving in my absence! What am I the headmistress? Hope not.

    Seriously though I would expect nothing else; I read the OT comments just as I was signing off on my ‘break’ (nightmare housemove) and I personally love the OT chat and you lot reminiscing about, mainly, your youth.

    And there was a lot of chat about visits to/living in Scotland and I was laughing to myself because; guess where we moved to? Scotland!

    I chat OT with Sassy and Nika quite a bit and I think it’s nice to get to know someone you communicate and empathise with a bit more and as someone said-we all have this diet in common.
    Or as Aud says-we are all on the same wagon!

    As far as someone moaning about some of the chat being OT; the moderator (is this Michael M?) didn’t mind about the ‘What are you reading when you are fasting?’ thread. So I can’t really see why they could take exception to our exchanging information about each other and having a laugh sometimes.

    And lastly – Well VeronicOss! I’m sorry you disagree with one of my many theories but that is perfectly okay; it’s my theory based on my life experience and those of others I know but I’m often wrong about stuff. And that is okay.

    Personally I think you have been incredibly lucky so far in life if you never suffered from PMT and you never had a weight problem; can I swop life experiences with you please? Because my life has been made utterly miserable by horrendous PMT for two weeks at a time in my youth (that is half my life literally feeling dreadful……) and a life long weight problem which meant I have never been happy with myself or my body.

    I’m sorry that you gained weight in your first three weeks but I think you have given the probable explanation for that yourself.
    Good luck with the next few weeks

    And to end – a little Xmas ditty
    Deck your balls with boughs of Holly
    Fa la la la la, la la la la….
    (the balls are the Xmas baubles girls-don’t be rude!)

    PrecioussBOOBOO-Yes, I’ve gained a little weight since starting but am going to keep going!! And my peri-meniposal is horrible so, don’t think I escaped this whole womenaly thing unscathed just yet (although pregnancy and nursing for me was no bit deal-got a GREAT son out of it as well!!) I’m learning a lot here! I’ve never done these chat things so this has been wonderfully interesting for me, especially since you all speak a bit different than I’m used to. I’m in the USofA (Indiana) and I don’t know anyone from your part of the world so I’ve been enjoying your language twists and turns. I watch a bit of PBS (stuff from BBC) and am reading James Harriet books to my son so I’m familiar with some other accents but nothing like reading them first hand! And I’m learning a lot about this diet as well! Great fun!
    First, I do MyFitness Pal. I got terribly bored with it so that’s why I’m doing this. I need to keep up with it though, I can see. And, as I’ve said, I’m going to stick with the 5:2 plan. I like it and can see that it will work. I just need to get through the holidays, exercise and stick with it!!
    And secondly, Weissdorn-what made you start taking the iodine (potassium iodide 100µg/day) and selenium supplements? did you do that just upon the news story you saw or did you have other symptom? And what is the combination/brand you take? I’m very curious about this.

    Thanks all!!!! I’m super enjoying this chatting!!!

    PBB… welcome to Scotland!!! Which part of our wonderful country have you moved to?

    I am on fast day number 3 this week. Yesterday ‘accidently’ turned into a fast day. I just wasn’t hungry at all for some reason – despite a 7km walk, with a couple of mini ‘jogettes’ fitted into it. At around 6.30pm I ate a veggie bolognese thing with ‘courgetti’ and then a couple of rice cakes with home made smoked salmon pate (I sure know how to push the boat out 😀 ) so my total calorie intake for the day was less than 400. Today was my usual fast day so I decided to go ahead with it.
    Monday will be my next fast and then Thursday and hopefully I’ll get a fair bit of walking done next week and then when we’re away over New Year.

    sylvestra, what a beautiful, inspiring day!

    I agree with Lindy about supplements- on a well balanced, vegetarian diet I have NEVER spent a night in hospital since I was born in one – I turned 60 this month- and have had no significant illnesses, perfect blood pressure, cholesterol etc. However I was interested to read earlier on this forum when someone suggested I take magnesium to stimulate my sluggish digestive system-and another poster said they were taking it to relieve cramps. A couple of years ago I was the buyer on a TV series, and was spending LITERALLY half my 10 hour days sitting in the horrendous Sydney traffic. I was actually starting to get a pain in my left leg from it, as well as a sore bum. Another buyer, doing the same job on a different show, told me she had asked her doctor about this, who referred to the condition as ‘Taxi Driver’s Leg’ and suggested magnesium….anyway digestion has returned to normal so I guess I won’t try the magnesium. But the results from the poster taking the iodine / potassium combo are impressive. I must admit I am tempted, as I’m pretty sure I won’t reach my goal of 57k before New year without actually severing a limb.
    BTW- don’t all EU countries use metric weights & measures? I remember lbs., stones etc. from my childhood, but find it very confusing- I know they still talk in pounds in the USA, but UK?

    Loretta….The UK currency has been decimalised since 1971 and the ‘suits’ in Brussels would have us use decimal weights and measurements.

    But we are a stubborn lot here and tenaciously hold to our stones, pounds, ounces as well as feet and inches. All our road signs are in miles/miles per hour and our supermarkets show prices as both per pound and per kg. I weigh myself in pounds and measure myself in inches…and I don’t intend to change whatever the EU says. 😀

    Thanks Sylvestra- I thought I was going mental- I lived in London in the mid 70’s, visited twice a year for work all through the 80s and have been regularly since then- and was convinced all Europe was metric (as, indeed you have confirmed it is)…… we changed over about the same time, (Australia) and there is no sign of the old system, except for people like my husband referring to extremely hot days as over 100 degrees- sounds hotter than 36 I suppose.
    I don’t hold on to any relics of the past except that I still find it easier to visualise measurements in inches than cm-both are used in fashion & costume workrooms here, although in the 8os, the changeover rules were so strict that it became impossible to buy the double sided tape measures which have both on them- so I used to stock up for all my colleagues when I went to the USA!

    I often post on the ‘looser clothes’ thread and the reason is that I don’t care too much for the measuring thing. Even if we talk about dropping a dress size rather than losing a few kilos we come across national differences. Not to even consider the difference between calories and kiloJoules! All I can say is it doesn’t really matter much except that we share the things that work and the ones that don’t and then chose our own path.

    The crazy thing about imperial and metric is that I often quote my weight metric and height imperial. Go figure, as our American friends might say.

    BooBoo- went to the gynecologist yesterday, and just so your weight loss doesn’t go to your head, I also have lost one stone! since Aug 2012. So ha!

    Roba- I can also go to the loo and shed so many grams or ounces or point something of a pound. It doesn’t matter to me what measure we use, if I get stuck I can google it.

    Loretta- 100 degrees is much hotter than 36–I don’t care which metric is used! 😉

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your interesting posts and conversations. Like Veronica, this type of chat is new to me and it is lovely that the participants come from both ends of the earth. Anyway, I am signing off for the holiday period. Will be having a typical kiwi Christmas at the beach with the barbeque smoking, the surf rolling and the sun shining. I have crashed my wagon really and truly so will fix it in the new year when I am back in my routine.

    Have a wonderful holiday season and take care of each other.

    Cheers Liz

    Sorry about the Stone thing. We don’t use that measurement on the continent. It was 5.5 kg today (total) be precise, and now I just found out it was slightly under one Stone.

    Why iodine supplements? Because I was suffering from chronic depression and I’d been having concentration problems over a longer period of time. Plus, during the spring and summer I’d been exercising regularly, walking up 30-50 km per week (19-31 miles) and just exercise and sensible eating wasn’t contributing to significant weight loss. I was doing up to 160 push-ups against park benches, and becoming none the happier, slimmer or more “with it”. The only positive thing that happened was I had more endurance and lower blood pressure. But I was still fat, still dull-witted, and still pretty much unhappy.

    So, a friend lent me her copy of “Attacking Anxiety & Depression” from Lucinda Bassett, and one of the first things they recommended was to get one’s thyroid tested, which I did. It was within the “normal” range. Then I began to wonder what hypothyroidism could possibly have to do with depression and weight retention.

    So I googled it, and I found this video on YouTube:

    I asked my physician that despite my normal thyroid levels, if it would be alright to take iodine supplements. He said that I could try, and to inform him if there were any negative results.

    After a couple weeks, I noticed my depression was not so severe. It sort of “weaned” off. I wasn’t full of so much self-doubt.

    The negative side was despite my weight level of being down to a BMI of 33.0 at the start of summer, I was hungry all the time. Plus, I slacked off on exercise. The result was gaining weight and having my BMI go back up to 36.4 over a five month period of time.

    Now, I am noticing that with the Fast Diet, I can go from BMI 36.4 to BMI 34.9 in one week.

    Before my doctor suspected I might be going into menopause, but now he’s not so sure, because:

    – my hair loss has slowed down
    – some of my wrinkles are not so visible
    – my skin isn’t as dry as it used to be
    – my periods are not so “heavy”
    – my depression has pretty much faded
    – my concentration and ability to remember things has significantly increased
    – my weight can sink significantly if I stick to a diet and exercise
    – it can also increase just as fast if I don’t stick a diet and exercise!!
    – I don’t feel so tired
    – I don’t have the usual fall/winter joint aches and pains
    – I’m not cold all the time

    I have NO IDEA if a combination of iodine supplements and intermittant fasting can actually help postpone menopause or reverse aging effects. I haven’t found any conclusive information on this at all.

    Just in case my bathroom scale was playing a joke on me, I took my measurements too, and found out that I had lost 2 cm pretty much everywhere on my body, including my neck, bicep, thigh, calf, belly, breast, waist and hips. Even if the bathroom scale is unreliable, how can the tape measure also be unreliable?

    The only facts of note are: the average European and North American do not receive enough iodine even in an exemplary healthy diat, due to soil depletion during the last Ice Age, and iodine is essential for a properly functioning metabolism.

    I have just started the Fast Diet and I am finding it very simple. I was going to ask if there was an age limit, but my question has been answered. I am 69 yrs old and I have dieted all my life. I usually don’t have too much trouble losing weight(as long as I stick to diet). My problem is I have been using HCG drops for awhile, and consequently I don’t eat that much daily. When I go off the diet, look out. I am finding it hard to make myself eat alot on Feast days. I feel like I am overeating, because I normally consume less than 800 calories a day. I know the older you get, the less food you need, but I am concerned if I don’t eat enough on Feast days, will I still reap the benefits of of 5:2 diet.(Losing weight and becoming healthier.) I don’t know if at my age, I can reverse any problems, but I have been pretty healthy, and always watch what I eat. I have blood work done at the dr. every 6 months, and I have an appt in Mid Jan. I am really interested in finding out if there is any improvement. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    I can hardly keep up with you lot! I love the way someone makes a comment and then we have a discussion about it.

    I was asking my husband last night when I was posting on here; what year was decimilisation? I thought it was 1975 but I could be wrong (again!) and we both couldn’t remember what year metric was brought in. That’s how much notice we took of it!

    Like you sylvestra – Hello – I won’t be ever changing to metric. It just doesn’t compute in my brain! If I read a recipe in metric; I haven’t got a clue as to what the proportions are.

    And we moved to South West Scotland. We used to holiday here for quite a few years and when my husband had to take voluntary redundancy; when we sold our house (eventually) we decided to buy somewhere we absolutely adore.

    You Scottish folk are really really lucky to be born and live in such beautiful surroundings and the folks are very warm and welcoming too; which is lovely.

    Hello Vanessa – Well done for behaving yourself this week! Get back properly on the wagon in the New Year.

    Hello piper!! again!! I happened to see that you had posted on the ‘looser clothes’ thread that you had lost a stone too – Wooooo Hooooo to you!!
    And I congratulated you and gave you a ticking off for not telling us that kind of detailed information on this thread! because I hadn’t looked at this one yet!

    I’m disappointed that there was not one comment about my little Xmas ditty!
    You miserable lot.

    Have a fab Xmas All LOACA’s!!
    We can all get back on the wagon on 1st January 2014!
    (Boy is that wagon going to be stowed off)

    Love the way everyone is so chatty on this thread, and such an inspiration, I’ve now been 5-2 since the end of September 3 months ago! Some fast days are hard, some are easy, but I keep going and intend to keep this up as a way of life. I started at 72.2 kilos and as of Monday now 64.2 kilos clothes are falling off yippee! Love it, the only thing I don’t like is the hot flushes which seem to have got worse the last few weeks, will be glad when they stop!

    And one other thing wishing you all a merry christmas !

    definitely 1971 Precious BB!! On 22nd February.

    I remember it well as my lovely grandmother died, aged 84, the day decimal coinage was introduced. I had told her a couple of days before that I would sort out the coins in her purse for her as she was in hospital after falling and breaking her hip. She told me not to worry as she ‘wouldn’t need to bother with that nonsense’. True to her word she didn’t.

    She was a wonderful lady and an inspiration. Far ahead of her time – she loved travelling and would often take me with her. At the age of 72 and by then a widow, she set sail for Australia to visit my uncle. It took a month for her to get there via the Suez Canal, India and Ceylon (as it was then).

    Sorry I went rambling there……. 😀 I do that….it’s me age you know 😀

    Hello LOACA! I posted when I first started 5:2 in early November, but although I’ve been reading this thread and enjoying and learning from the discussions, I haven’t got back to posting.

    After 6 weeks of 5:2 fasting, I’ve lost 4.4 kilos (9.7 pounds), weighing in this morning at 96.6 kilos. This is the lightest I’ve been for about 12 months. I’m very short, and I’m ultimately aiming to see 70 kilos again – which would still have me in the overweight range according to BMI, but would be a vast improvement. Maybe I’ll see that 70 again in time for my 52nd birthday next October!

    I’m starting to see evidence of weight loss in inches as well – most notably my under-bust measurement which is down 2″. I have boobs again, not just another roll of flab! I’m measuring assorted body bits, including calves, thighs, and upper arms, and they are all reducing slightly.

    On fast days I generally have a cup of tea about 10.30am, a poached egg and some smoked salmon around noon, an apple around 5pm, and then an egg and vegetable based tart, or scrambled eggs, around 8pm. Lots of eggs and smoked salmon in my fast-day food! During the day I also drink peppermint tea, and unflavoured sparkling mineral water – the bubbles are a bit more filing than plain water, although I drink several glasses of that, too.

    All in all, it’s going well, and I don’t find the fast days too difficult. Our Christmas will be very quiet, with just the two of us, so it shouldn’t be a weight loss challenge! We don’t celebrate it in a big way, although I usually cook a nice lunch. I asked DH what he’d like for lunch this year, and he said ‘fish and chips and champagne!’ So, fish and chips it will be – but not the seaside, fatty salty version! I’ll probably cook some atlantic salmon fillets in with lemon juice and ginger, and the chips will be thick-cut and oven baked. Delish! I will also be making a Christmas pudding as I love it, and I won’t stint on the thick cream to serve it with 🙂 But since that’s pretty much it for our Christmas feasting, I’ll just enjoy it and fast on Friday as usual!

    Decimal coinage – ah yes I was in the sixth form and had a Saturday job in Woolworths where we were trained in the New Money. It wasn’t easy in old
    or new as in those days the tills did not add up and on the sweet counter you sometimes had to add up over a dozen items. Mars bars went from 9d to 4p I remember … OMG I sound like Grandpa Simpson – stop now.

    Yep, this thread is definitely my fave for chatty support too. A cup of tea and a moan in good company definitely helps me stay alongside the wagon even when I’m not on it. I could give Bronwyn a smack for describing that lovely meal on one of my fasting days but, ho hum, I can always wait til tomorrow to have fish and chips 😉

    Something that pops up from time to time on this thread is the ‘how old do you feel’ thing. It occurs to me that getting your first old age disease like arthritis or diabetes where you know you are going to have to cope with it for the rest of your life is a big deal. No wonder it depresses us. But, we are resilient, and resourceful, and we can move on. The post-menopausal me is much better at dealing with any kind of crisis or drama – I take it in my stride sooner or later, even if I have a little melt down from time to time.

    It is thinking about this that has helped my resolve to stick with 5:2 and keep going to a weight that is good for my long term health and fitness.

    Hi everyone, and special hello to PreciousBooBoo,

    I haven’t posted in some while on this topic… I can’t have been as busy as PBB with her house move, but I have had a few things on and so have not been able to find time to read very active topics such as this one. But I just checked in to see if PBB was back, and am very glad to see that she is (you are!) and CONGRATS on the loss of one stone. 😀 😀 That is a very significant milestone. 🙂 🙂

    We head off early on the morning for almost 3 weeks holiday – first of all to spend Christmas with my parents, then 2 weeks of caravaning. So not sure what chance I will have to either read posts or post myself during that time either… But once we are back home I will do a big catch up if I haven’t been able to before.

    So in case I don’t get another chance before Wed, have a fantastic Christmas everyone! 🙂

    I have been on the 5:2 for about a week now, and it is not really too hard. I did make the mistake of weighing myself every day, and my weight was up and down. I think I will just wait and weigh myself once a week. Also, I was wondering about fasting more than 2 days a week. I am so used to eating only 800 cal a day, that anymore than that, I am miserable. I might even try fasting every other day. I would like some input on my idea. Thanks

    Hi Iwfama, not sure about the whole calorie thing.800 calories seems really low. My understanding of 5/2 is that there should be some difference between fast and non fast days. I try to eat TDEE on my non fast days.For me that’s around 1600 calories. On fast days I try to stay around 400. Maybe someone else has a better answer? Thanks boo for the stone definition, that is a good amount! I live in the states. Iowa farm country to be more exact. We use pounds, inches, feet, miles, and Fahrenheit. I enjoy getting to hear folks from different countries, it’s all good. I’m going to enjoy my feast “week” which actually started yesterday.It will extend to next Sunday when the last family members heads home.So you all have a merry Christmas, also a happy solstice.

    Iwfama, I agree with luv fasting. The problem with only consuming 800 calories, which is very likely under your BMR, will very likely result in your metabolism slowing down and burning less fat!

    The idea of 5:2 is to eat normally close to your TDE on five days and consuming less than 500 cal on the remaining two. This will not slow down your metabolism and you should lose about 1 pound per week.

    I have done a combination of 5:2, 4:3 and ADF over the last six weeks and I have lost 5.5 kg. What also helps me is to stick to 16:8, which as you very like know, means to give my body a rest from food for 16 hours and consuming all my daily food within eight hours.

    The last week I did ADF in preparation for Christmas. I have no problems fasting every second day, but I do eat as close as possible to my TDE on non-fasting days.

    In the long run though I would like to stick to 5:2 and eventually to 6:1.

    Best of luck and Merry Christmas

    Hi everyone
    I haven’t posted for a while but do keep watching.

    Just want to say I ALMOST made my goal of 70kg by Christmas! Not quite, but have now lost the magical 20.1kg (3 stone 2 lbs) since 22/1/13 (exactly 11 months). Now 70.7kg from 90.8 in January!!!!!!!!!
    Had blood tests last week and
    Cholesterol from 7.2 (January), 5.9 (April), 5.4 (last week)
    Tryglicerides from 3.2 (January), 0.8 (April), 0.6 (last week)
    BMI from 34.8 to 30.1 to 26.61 today.

    I feel great and will fast forever, and I am determined not to put on ANY weight over Christmas – last week bought a 16C, unbelievable feeling! Onward to 66kg.

    Merry Christmas everyone, Vicki

    Vicki, well done! I’m thrilled for you and you inspire me….your new numbers are fantastic!

    Yesterday went to a Christmas party and wore clothes I haven’t been able to get into for about two years….and my friends complimented me on how slim I was looking…..and I feel so much better about myself and my life because finally, with 5:2, I have a healthy way of living and achieving my health goals….wow, fabulous, 2014 is going to be a super great year…..

    We are so lucky to know about 5:2 and have this protocol…..

    Merry Christmas everyone…..

    Hello Vicki – we share Hobart as a not very warm place to be this Christmas season. I’ve kept an eye on your posts because of the similar geography, and because we seemed to have a similar trajectory. I’m just in awe of your 20+kg weight loss. You good thing!

    Assuming 16C is your bra size I have to say that getting my boobs down from a huge something-bigger-than-F to fitting comfortably into an E cup has been great for me, but I wonder if I’ll ever wear a C cup again?

    Onward to 66kg is an admiral goal — for me the target is my birthday in May.

    I’m not sure what a 16C is sizewise but if it’s less than you were wearing – well done you.

    The part of me that is not reducing is my cup size. I measure under my bust and around the (very) widest part. I started with a 5 inch difference..after losing 45lbs I now have an 8 inch difference!!

    The more weight I lose the more I resemble Dolly Parton in shape …..and I hate it!!

    I keep hoping that ‘something’s gonna give’ and these will shrink too, but so far nothing has. 😀

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