HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 451 through 500 (of 7,330 total)

  • roba and piper,

    I don’t think either I or syvlestra meant to disparage others’ dressing habits. Big can be beautiful, but it takes a wee bit of thought. As I said before, cover up the wobbly bits and emphasise the good bits. My thinking is that it’s only polite for me not to flaunt my spare tyre(s) and bingo wings at innocent passers-by. And I have numerous reasons to look back and groan.
    I never automatically assume that a person is a gluttonous couch potato. Knowing how hard it is for many (including me) to lose weight, especially if the surplus is not due to unhealthy eating. In my case, it was about being grossly overfed as a child, so that at 4ft 8in I weighed nearly 11 stone at the weigh-in at the beginning of secondary school and I’ve been fighting it ever since, with varying degrees of success. Maybe there’s a message there for the parents of the kids that roba is rightly concerned about.

    @hermajtomomi You’re awesome! Thank you!

    I don’t think I was being disparaging and yes – people, fat or thin, are entitled to wear whatever they want. I’m the first to admit to loads of ‘got it wrong’ times – and unfortunately have some cringeworthy photographs to prove it πŸ˜€

    I wouldn’t mind betting though, that there isn’t a person on these forums who hasn’t looked at someone, somewhere and thought ‘what the hell made him/her think that was a good look?’ It’s human nature – and we’re just humans.

    Gianna – survey done. I look forward to the results.

    “β€˜what the hell made him/her think that was a good look?”

    I’m stepping into this a bit out of context.

    I always thought that occasionally people forget to look in the mirror.

    I know my mirror only covers to my waist.

    So I’m good at the top.

    I’m sure others look at the whole picture.

    No one, except for my wife, ever says anything.


    Oh s**t! I’m so ashamed. I just caught myself using “elderly”! I was referring to my ma-in-law, aged 93, who is currently unwell, falling about all over the place and, shall we say, very confused. I was explaining to a London college, where my hubby is about to have an interview for a training course to teach lifelong learners, why he has not yet submitted his qualifications. He has been with his mum, 100 miles away, all week trying to sort out social care for her. I suppose if and when I get to 93 – hopefully with marbles still in place – I’ll be happy to call myself elderly. As long as nobody starts addressing me as sweetheart, darling, poppet etc, in which case they might be surprised how creatively an old lady can swear! And if necessary aim kicks at the groin!

    ” And if necessary aim kicks at the groin!”

    There is a counter move & block to that.


    Certainly, rocky. But in this case there will be the element of surprise. They won’t expect a little old lady to be lashing out with her feet – I should be so lucky to be able to do it at 90+! However, a clip round the ear is rather easier to administer.

    ” But in this case there will be the element of surprise. ”

    Yes, the element of surprise.

    Reminds me of something that Miss Marple, from the Agatha Christie stories, would do.

    Very funny character and engaging.


    Oh lor’ rocky – I already had one picture of hermaj in my head – you have just added another dimension!!!

    hermaj and sylvestra

    I wasn’t talking about either of you…you both rock! I agree that dressing better can hide a lot of flaws. My only point in mentioning the wardrobe is that different ages will try to fit in to whatever their generation is doing and is currently popular, so I try to cut some slack. Of course, I don’t always think it looks good, and it is human nature to make internal notes to self! So nothing you’ve said upset me.

    As for what did upset me (and still neither of you) is I have seen some posts where overactive fork or secret eating was mentioned, as the most likely problem if someone is not losing on this program. I just don’t think we are in a position to judge, especially as so many other factors could be the reason. πŸ™‚

    Rocky – you have now added another mental picture to my ‘gallery’ with your comment about the mirror only showing your top half πŸ˜€

    Piper – I agree. People, especially younger people, are subjected to a great deal of peer pressure and the need to ‘fit in’. We’ve all been there πŸ™ Unfortunately this frequently results in the larger ones trying to wear what their slimmer friends are wearing.

    I have, in the past, been guilty of having ‘an over-active fork’, haven’t we all or we wouldn’t be here trying to lose the results, and of secret eating (if no-one sees me eating this, it doesn’t count!) but we learn eventually that we are cheating no-one but ourselves. To make unsubstantiated remarks, however, is both unkind and unhelpful.

    Ok, I’m going to weigh in on the ‘over active fork’ idea…after listening to Dr. Jason Fung, I think even when eating for emotional reasons or because something tastes especially delicious, our bodies ramp up our metabolisms and burn it off…there have been many studies proving this. I think it’s more about hormones, insulin in particular, than we realize. I think our thinking by controlling the quantity of what we eat, our ‘diet’ syndrome, we will control the amount of weight we carry has proven to be erroneous. I think by controlling how much starchy foods and sugar we consume we can lower our insulin response and therefore avoid adding extra kilos. But if you are insulin resistant, as I am, any type of food, protein, fat etc., triggers the release of the hormone insulin and everything gets stored as fat. Hence, the ‘cure’ for insulin resistance is doing 5:2.

    So, sylvestra, I disagree about the over active fork thing….I know very slender people who eat much more than I do and they don’t have an issue with storing calories as fat….I just spent Thanksgiving with three of them and they raced through their meal and were cleaning off platters of everything… I watched in disbelief……ok my two cents….

    I certainly have overactive fork! Caused by overactive insulin I think (or underractive insulin, I’m not sure which way around insulin resistance is!!). Fork is much less active when I’m consistently eating wholesome food.

    Blue Ocean – I’m not quite sure what you’re disagreeing with.

    I accept that there are some people who can eat for their countries and not gain an ounce and others who have problems with hormones/insulin.

    But I am not one of those and this wasn’t the point of my response to piper.

    My point was, that for many of us, including me, having an ‘over-active fork’ – i.e. just eating too much – is what made me overweight in the first place.

    I have no idea who Dr Jason Fung is, but in my case it had nothing to do with hormones, insulin or emotional reasons….it was just about shoving too much food in my mouth.

    Yes, sylvestra, I understand what you are saying but the interesting question is : what is driving you to over-eat? I think a lot of it is driven by hormones not ‘greed’ etc. What is causing ‘the I feel full’ mechanism to not register or be over ridden?…I think it’s much more complex, but I get it, you have your ideas and I have mine….

    Blue Ocean…. boredom after retiring!

    Sylvestar….tee hee!

    Miss Marple, eh? I wonder which one. For me, it’s always the Margaret Rutherford version that springs to mind. I liked her because she reminded me of my grandmother, a very spirited lady who became a bus conductor during World War 1 and spent a lot of her leisure time cycling around the countryside, when it wasn’t considered a very ladylike thing to do. She was also very bright and in a later generation might have gone far. As it was, she brought up a family of six, several of whom became very successful in their different ways.

    Whichever Miss Marple you choose, I tell you one thing. Anyone who dismissed her a sweet little old lady usually became badly unstuck.

    PS rocky, I’d love to be considered funny and engaging.

    Just checked in after a while, interested in the posts about what’s suitable attire for fatties.
    Having worked as a Designer in the fashion Industry all my life, and now as well in film &T,. I naturally have a lot to say about this which I won’t bore you all with.
    But a few thoughts: fatties are always complaining that they can’t get anything nice to fit them in the shops- as the former designer for one of Austrlaia’s largest retail & manufacturing chains, and having had a retail store of my own, and now market stalls, here is the truth: first of all, the styles that are most suitable and flattering for big bodies are usually ignored by those they are designed for: instead they choose something totally wrong, and say ‘it makes me look fat’ which is, of course, correct. So they don’t buy it, and usually end up buying nothing, leaving the big sizes on the shelf to be sold at a loss at sale time, which does not encourage the retailer to stock those sizes. Or they buy something that’s too tight for them , and say ‘I’m going to lose weight, it will fit me soon’- yeah, right. As a designer, fortunately you aren’t normally exposed to this behaviour but I was when I worked in my own shop, and now at my market stall. And while I’m on a roll, what about all the pathetic women who try on something then ask their sister / mother / so-called friend, or, worse still , their husband/ partner / boyfriend (who is invariably wearing something unspeakably hideous) what they think? Get a grip, girls, accept what you look like and make a decision for yourselves!
    And what’s wrong with using words like elderly, old or fat? Better than cosy euphemisms, I say.
    Rant over. Did my fortnightly weigh-in yesterday and have gone from 63.75 to 63.1- so discouraging. That’s probably why I am so crabby today. When I started 5/2, I was certain I’d be below 60k for the New Year-maybe by next Easter?

    Hi Loretta. Good to see you post here again. Sitting in a coffee shop this morning with daughter and partner I asked them to point out a woman of my age they considered well dressed. Silence. Not sure if LOACA’s are just invisible, or all of them are badly dressed. So just now I’m thinking that I’m happiest wearing things I feel comfortable in regardless of taste and fashion. Gold lurex singlet with leopard leggings is definitely the go for gardening in. The thing about losing weight and being healthier is that it gives you a certain confidence,and that is what I aim for.

    Roba ….my gallery of mental pictures is growing fast. Thank you for the image of your ‘gardening gear’!!! πŸ˜€

    Truth is that I wear very utilitarian 6 pocket drill trousers,and very masculine boots, and flannelette shirts. I call them my ‘daggies’. I would dress like that almost every day for almost every occasion if I could. Still, I do like to frock up every now and then. On another thread about looser clothes being a better guide than scales I was reminded that putting on a floral frock and a pink lipstick really does affect mood. If I owned leopard pants and lurex I wouldn’t hesitate to mow the lawns in them … but I do know that feeling good, or feeling that you look good, can have a big impact on mood. Mine is good right now.

    Hi Ladies…gosh, I’m so surprised, I’ve only be on 5:2 for ONE month! I thought it was longer…but I’m doing pretty well..I was thinking of adding an addition fast day to ramp things up but I think I had best be slow and steady….because it’s doable…not sure if I could actually handle an additional day. I just want to ‘get there’ faster…

    Yesterday I wore a pair of jean trousers that I was a bit disappointed weren’t falling off me, but hey, I haven’t worn them in some time and they are quite roomy in the bum and leg area. My waistline is still my main problem but it’s not as big as it was 4 weeks ago!I think I’m slimming from my ankles up.. Glad to know I’ll be able to fit into my holiday clothing, well, some of them.

    Loretta 1, hang in there….I dread weighing myself after the holidays…may have to wait until the end of January! But I’m below 180#s, without starving myself, for the first time in about 3 years. Can’t wait to take off the next 9 pounds!

    Good morning! Or I guess afternoon for most of you. Just had to pop in to vent/whinge. Had a horrid fast day Thursday. I was hungry all day. By the time I went to bed, so hungry I was nauseated. Slept horribly because of getting up to pee, must have been all the water and tea trying to not be hungry. Just felt like giving up. The only redeeming thing is that I’m down almost another pound this morning, thank you, thank you! I really feel for anyone who attempts this and is as hungry as I was yesterday and doesn’t get good results. Ok enough. off to break my fast. May have to hit the Amish bakery down the road, they make fabulous donuts.


    Last time I lost weight – some years ago – I bought a pair of trousers which I loved. They weren’t cheap but they fitted really well in all the right places.
    I kept them at the ‘thinner’ end of the wardrobe after I grew too big for them.

    I tried them a few months ago but they wouldn’t do up without a struggle and they weren’t comfortable.

    Today I decided to try the trousers again and wear them to go shopping. So I got them out, off the hanger and put them on.

    No problem zipping them up or fastening the waistband ….they’re TOO DARN BIG FOR ME!!!!

    I’m not sure whether to be glad I’ve lost so much or sad because I loved those trousers and won’t get to wear them. A bit of both I guess πŸ˜€


    Well done! Would it not be worth getting these beloved trousers altered to fit your new more slender self?

    I may do that hermaj….or I may just let the charity shop have them and buy a new pair when I get to target. Which sounds like a good idea πŸ˜€ I did wear them a lot last time round.

    Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants! In that discussion with my kids about what LOACA’s look good in (!!??) they seemed to think black was ok. I’m thinking of going screaming into the future in psychedelic prints and hot reds, flaming orange and electric pink – tastefully accessorised with lime green and purple. It ain’t going to be pretty but they ain’t going to ignore me.

    Promise to self: Next week the scales WILL show a number less than 70.00

    RoBa – that’s another picture for my ‘gallery’. It reminded me of this poem by Jenny Joseph

    ….it’s how I want to be – if I ever grow up

    When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    With a red hat that doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me,
    And I shall spend my pension
    on brandy and summer gloves
    And satin sandals,
    and say we’ve no money for butter.
    I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired,
    And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells,
    And run my stick along the public railings,
    And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
    I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
    And pick the flowers in other people’s gardens,
    And learn to spit.
    You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat,
    And eat three pounds of sausages at a go,
    Or only bread and pickle for a week,
    And hoard pens and pencils and beer mats
    and things in boxes.
    But now we must have clothes that keep us dry,
    And pay our rent and not swear in the street,
    And set a good example for the children.
    We will have friends to dinner and read the papers.
    But maybe I ought to practise a little now?
    So people who know me
    are not too shocked and surprised,
    When suddenly I am old
    and start to wear purple!

    Jenny Joseph

    RoBa If the psychodelia floats your boat you should definitely go for it. Maybe even before you get to target weight you could try out a top or two. If I remember rightly from my hippy days, the clothes we wore were loose and floaty and would fit in very well with the Big is Beautiful look. Or you could start by accessorising with something “far out” as they used to call it.

    As for me I have had a bit of a problem with multi-colouring ever since childhood and teens when what I wore was under my mum’s control. She was a short, fat lady who always wore very bright prints which were not exactly becoming. Her dresses must have carried the eye away from her beautiful, pre-Raphaelite face to her not-so-beautiful body. And she dressed me just the same. I can remember other kids calling me “Sally All-colours”, which wasn’t kindly meant. My predelection for black was born not of any desire to look thin but from wanting to look “bohemian”, as were the white lipstick and the heavy black eye make-up. It also caused major rants from my father who concluded that I had a sick mind and was “obsessed with death”. Even at my slimmest I would wear black or other dark shades, teamed with bright, eye-catching scarves, jewellery etc, as I still do. It so happens that every one of the female lecturers we’ve had on my MA History of Art course, all young, of varying heights but all slim, seem always to wear black and/or grey.

    sylvestra, thanks for reminding me of Jenny Joseph’s fantastic poem. It’s up there with Philip Larkin’s “This be the verse” with the opening line “They f*** you up, your mum and dad”. I bet he never read that one to Her Maj the Queen when he was Poet Laureate!

    Audrich and sylvestra,

    I see Scotland is being blasted by gale-force winds. Hope both of you and your families are OK.

    If you do have to venture out – hopefully not too far – this is one situation where being short and solid with a low centre of gravity is a definite advantage . A few years back, 5 days before the millenium in fact, there were severe storms right across northern Europe. We were in Germany. Stopping at a service station for coffee and the loo, I noticed slender souls being blown about all over the place, while low-slung hermaj kept upright – head down a bit, for sure, but still standing firm.

    All safe here thanks, hermaj. We had a bit of a blow this afternoon but we’re nearer the east coast than the west where I believe it was really bad.

    I have just been to a family party and I am way up there on cloud 9! I have had so many compliments, I’m surprised I could get my head through the door. I haven’t seen most of the family for a while so my weight loss was really noticeable to them. I went out feeling I looked better than I had since goodness knows when and now I know my perseverance has been worthwhile.

    Maybe it is vanity ….but hey! I don’t care, I feel good about myself.

    Hi ladies, I am 49 and peri-menopausal, and have struggled in the past to lose and maintain weight after the birth of my last child.
    I have been talking with my doctor a lot about this and two main factors keep coming up- sleep and exercise.
    If you have too little of the sleep, and too much of the exercise- both of these work against weight-loss.(As we all know the hormonal thing works against our ability to sleep). Herbal supplements are helping this.
    In order to lose weight you only need to do enough exercise to kick your metabolism into gear. Once you have lost some decent pounds then you can add more exercise. I’m not saying everyone has to stop running etc- I love being able to move and exercise and feel fit too, only I can’t seem to get the fitness happening at the same time as the eating less…and wonder if most others do too- especially once at a certain age of life. I think we have our own base-lines, and one size definitely doesn’t fit all- but doing TOO much exercise, when heavy isn’t helpful.
    I have a lot of joint pain, and have to be careful about doing too much, but I am dedicating myself to 2 regular walks, 1 bike ride, and hopefully will sneak in a swim. Is this too much?> time will tell. I’ve just begun the Fast diet, so wish me luck!

    Dear CheeseonToast,
    I remember the tired and not sleeping thing from the peri stage ..very enervating ( and depressing I found. BTW I am now 57).Maybe if you just concentrated on 5:2 for a little while to shift a few pounds the joy of the loss would motivate you to exercise. are already walking, which is great especially if you have joint pain, and possibly bike riding which is more than I’m doing ! I am so lazy about exercise which is awful, but I managed to lose weight on 5:2 pretty easily and I have finally got off my bottom and have just started on my husband’s cross trainer ( a bit). Point is that now I am feeling better about myself , and don’t feel in such a mental slump about body issues, I am more motivated ( not much more) to try and stop my metabolism quitting completely! You will know what weight will give you a thrill…we all do, and the closer you get to it the more mentally energised you will feel. Hopefully the dread insomnia will pass but maybe not for a while, so be kind to yourself and one thing at a time.I know it’s the wrong way round but I think looking better ( to oneself) is the key to all kinds of motivation. That smug feeling you get when you wake up after a fast day feels pretty good!

    sylvestra, how very gratifying. You must feel like a million dollars.

    I am sorry to report that hermaj has fallen off the wagon. Several stressful situations are happening at the moment – I won’t bore you with the details – and I simply can’t be arsed to count calories. I instinctively continue to eat healthily but I simply can’t be bothered with the maths. I may not have mentioned it before but I am dyscalculic (number dyslexic) and have terrible problems with figures. Even adding up my day’s calorific intake is a challenge. Weird, isn’t it? As a literary translator I write for a living, I am fluent in two foreign languages and reasonably confident in a third, but numbers…? Don’t ask!

    The good news is that despite all this, I have not been stuffing my face. One of the side effects of 5:2 is that my face-stuffing days are well and truly over. And even though I’ve not been counting I haven’t put on an ounce and today I’m wearing a blouse I used not to be able to button. It’s now buttoned with two layers underneath.

    Fortunately, I don’t have a sweet tooth and I’m not particularly fond of most of the Christmas naughties, and provided one of the stressful situations doesn’t worsen we shall be in southern France over the holiday, eating a Mediterranean diet and doing a fair bit of walking – hopefully in the sun.

    I’m not really looking for advice, just confessing. Once Christmas is over, I shall hopefully get back on track again.

    Hi hermajtomomi,

    doesn’t sound to me like you fell off the wagon. You eat healthily, you don’t stuff your face and you don’t even have a sweet tooth – lucky you! As I belong to the “no-calorie-counting-fraction” (there were some heated debates here on this topic at one time), I believe you can succeed on 5:2 without counting, especially given your obviously sensible approach.

    Isn’t it the best when you put something on you haven’t been able to wear for a while and now it fits ? I’m so glad I didn’t get rid off all my smaller clothes, although there were times I thought it was foolish saving things I would surely never be able to wear again – surprise, surprise :).

    Hope your stressful situations will sort themselves out and you will be able to enjoy your holidays in the south of France as planned.

    sylvestra – thank you for posting the beautiful poem!

    Thanks, fastinginberlin, for your very kind and encouraging message. I suppose the problem is the underlying worry that if I fail to measure my intake I will start to balloon again. My record is a stone – 14 lb – in 4 days! It was in very hot weather in southrn Portugal so not a great deal was eaten. Two of my travelling companions lost weight, the other one stayed the same. Having been grossly overfed as a child, throughout my adult life I have always tried to eat healthily – I confess with the occasional bout of face-stuffing – but with only limited success. Even on 5:2 it has taken me 11 months to lose 6 kilos, just under a stone, although the effects on BP and cholesterol levels have been spectacular.

    I do envy you fasting in Berlin – one of my favourite cities. The last time I was there was a couple of years ago when I was travelling alone on a work-related trip. I loved it!

    Hermaj – hang on in there.

    From what you say you haven’t fallen off the wagon, you’re not gaining which is excellent if you’re in the middle of stressful situations. You don’t have a sweet tooth – which is lucky – you are not ‘face stuffing’, your smaller clothes are fitting again and you are, hopefully, eating ‘mediterranean style’ over the over-indulging, ‘festive’ season as well as walking and enjoying some sun.

    You know from experience of the 5:2 how much you can eat to stay within limits and if you don’t do your fast days while you’re away you can make up for them when you come back.

    From all that I’d stay you are still firmly ensconced on the wagon.

    Hopefully things will be resolved and you can go off and enjoy your trip …guilt free!!!

    Thanks for posting the poem Sylvestra; it sent me off on a glorious bit of research! I never realised that it is the origin/inspiration for the RedHatters group here in Hobart. I have been tempted to join them before but your post might be my tipping point. They seem to have such fun. They are certainly LOACAs With Attitude.

    Christmas can be stressful for a lot of people and this year I’m determined I will not be one of them. I’m going to have a laugh, enjoy good company, and drink in moderation, but most of all I’m going to fast when I can and eat in moderation when I can’t.

    sylvestra – it’s so nice to get words of understanding and encouragement from you and our friend in Berlin. I’m half expecting someone to tell me to get a grip and stop whinging, although most 5:2 posters are kinder than that

    Let’s say I’m walking alongside the wagon, waiting for a good moment to jump back on. I doubt whether that moment will come until after Christmas, probably after Twelfth Night, on which day I have to hand in the MA assignment which is one of the more benign sources of stress, although it won’t be once I get a firm idea of where I want to go with it. At the moment it’s like a jigsaw puzzle – bits and pieces which will gradually fall into place to create a coherent picture.

    Come January, the family issues that are also causing stress will hopefully be resolved, there are a couple of interesting translation projects in the offing and the academic pressure will be off for a while. So I should be safely back on the wagon, hoping that I might actually lose a couple more kilos, rather than sitting on the same plateau for another three months, as I have done for the last three.

    RoBa …I like the idea of being a LOACAWA!!! I’m sure that describes many of those on this thread.

    I have happy memories of Hobart although it’s 40+ years since I was there. My uncle lived just outside Blackman’s Bay and I spent (mis-spent) a wonderful year travelling, with my uncle’s Jeep, up through Victoria and NSW to Queensland and back again.

    hermaj – there may be a few of us who will need to climb back aboard that wagon come January but I’m sure we all be there to help each other back up there and get that old wagon rolling again. Just shout when you’re ready πŸ˜€

    I’m off to the Isle of Islay on 28th and I will try not to fall off – if I do it will be into a vat of finest Islay Malt whisky (there are 8 distilleries on one – not very big – island) ….*hic* …..Slainte Mhath!!!!

    Oh and hermaj….get a grip and stop whinging!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Oh dear- ‘get a grip’ sounds like me…..sorry if it sounded unkind! I hope Herma’s problems are sorted out soon and she gets back on track.
    As for whinging, I do more than my share of that on this site as, although I am losing a bit of weight, it is terribly slow, and I am very impatient- I was moaning about this to a friend recently; she gained 3k in 2 weeks on holiday in Sri Lanka-then lost it all in the following week on a restricted diet at an Ayurvedic centre there. I don’t think I’ve lost 3k yet after 3 months of 5/2- Her theory was that because she gained it so quickly, she was able to lose it quickly. My waist and belly fat, however, has crept on over a period of about 20 years- she surmised that because it has been there so long it takes longer to shift. Does this make sense to anyone? I’m not sure. I do know that fasting slows my digestive system (trying not to be too indelicate here) right down- considering the quantity of raw veges, lentils & fruit I eat, I have been incredibly ‘regular’ all my adult life- but not so with this WOE. I feel I should probably be eating small quantities more frequently to keep everything moving, but this goes against the advice for 5/2 which maintains that the longer one goes without food, the better. Has anyone encountered this issue ? (no pun intended)

    Loretta…my personal take ( and not necessarily anyone else’s) on this is that it’s about the reduction in calories on the fast days as well as actual fasting. I started out having 3 small meals on my fast days as I found it easier to get used to the reduction in food this way. I have gradually increased the length of time between my last meal on the food day to the first – and now only – one on my fast day. I’m not sure I’ll ever get to zero calorie fast days or that I even want to do that.

    Also – and again this is my personal take…and experience – I have gained 5lbs on a 2 week holiday and lost it within a week of coming home simply by going back to sensible eating and food levels(and none of the alcohol). However I gained 60lb over 5+ year period and no way did I ever expect it come off at the rate of 5lbs a week. – great though that would have been. I am more than happy to have lost 45lbs since February at a rate of 1lb average per week. I feel that at this rate I have more chance of keeping the weight off. I hope to lose the rest by March/April next year.

    A reduction in food will obviously have an effect on the system as there isn’t so much to process on fast days but I feel that it does give your system a rest and allows it clear itself – trying to be delicate here – and I think the copious amounts of water I drink on fast days helps and it sorts itself out on the following day.

    I don’t know if this helps you at all but I do know that the two things you really need are patience (which I have very little of) and perseverance ( of which thankfully I have more)

    Hello Loretta

    I relate to your predicament. I found that I had become very blocked up as a result of being on the fast diet and like you I have always been a big greens and salads and pulses eater (lentils and butter beans and chick peas) and generally speaking I’ve not had trouble keeping regular.

    I went to the Health Food Shop and the naturopath there recommended this magnesium powder which worked immediately. I took it for five days straight, then once a fortnight. I also take a probiotic supplement every day.

    On your weight loss progress, don’t worry about how long it takes. I think for some of us (as I’ve written previously) it takes a lot longer to shift the weight. I’ve been doing it since early August and lost 6 kilos by early November. I don’t weigh myself, but we had a health check at work just before I started the 5/2 and we were weighed then and at the end of the program in the first week of November, so that’s how I know.

    But since then, I’m fairly sure I’ve hit a bit of a plateau because my clothes have not been fitting looser in the last six weeks and I don’t look any trimmer. Mind you, it’s the end of year party season and I’ve been indulging on my eating days at various dinners and Xmas functions. In addition, I caught a terrible virus which prevented me from exercising at my usual capacity.

    I thought I would be done by January and on my maintenance phase by then, but it looks like I might need another couple of months to lost the last four kilos.

    On the plus side, I want to affirm Sylvestra’s comment that it does get easier to do the fast days. In the first five or six weeks, I was climbing the walls from hunger and looking up the calorie content of everything on the internet and becoming obsessed about what I could have. It was ridiculous as it was really hard work not to eat!

    These days, I have some coffee with milk for breakfast, a hard boiled egg and a handful of berries or half an orange and then I’m usually fine until dinner time where I might have some salmon or tuna with salad or some home made soup.

    If I need a snack I might have a wholewheat cracker which is all of 20 calories. I might sometimes go over the 500 calories and sometimes I’m definitely under.

    I think it’s important not to be obsessive about it and with time you will get there and the weight will come off.

    Good luck and keep at it.

    Hi all, just popping in to give a word of encouragement. I know what you all mean that 5/2 is a slow process. I’ve been at this since April and I still have a good ten pounds to lose. I’m going to attempt to get two more fast days in this week and then I probably won’t start up again till after New year’s. On a happier note, I will be altering my favorite jeans down at least one size as they are falling off my butt YAY!

    Hello Ladies. I’ve been poorly for a few days and was feeling a bit better today so asked my fella to take me for a drive up the east coast. A pie and a beer for lunch, a walk on the beach, and two scoops of ice cream on the way home. Glass of wine in hand I write this to stiffen my resolve to fast tomorrow. I’ve decided not to weigh myself now until the morning of Christmas eve when I give myself a pass or fail on the goal of 70kg. Roll that wagon on slowly …

    Hi all, Just a light note for the week. Thought you might appreciate this.
    Merry Christmas To My Female Friends

    If I were ol’ Santa, you know what I’d do
    I’d dump silly gifts that are given to you
    And deliver some things just inside your front door
    Things you have lost, but treasured before.

    I’d give you back all your maidenly vigour,
    And to go along with it, a neat tiny figure.
    Then restore the old colour that once graced your hair
    Before rinses and bleaches took residence there.

    I’d bring back the shape with which you were gifted
    So things now suspended need not be uplifted.
    I’d draw in your tummy and smooth down your back
    Till you’d be a dream in those tight fitting slacks.

    I’d remove all your wrinkles and leave only one chin
    So you wouldn’t spend hours rubbing grease on your skin.
    You’d never have flashes or queer dizzy spells,
    And you wouldn’t hear noises like ringing of bells.

    No sore aching feet and no corns on your toes,
    No searching for spectacles when they’re right on your nose.
    Not a shot would you take in your arm, hip or bum,
    From a doctor who thinks you’re a nervous old gran.

    You’d never have a headache, so no pills would you take.
    And no heating pad needed since your muscles won’t ache.
    Yes, if I were Santa, you’d never look stupid,
    You’d be a cute little chick with the romance of a cupid.

    I’d give a lift to your heart when those wolves start to whistle,
    And the joys of your heart would be light as a thistle.
    But alas! I’m not Santa. I’m simply just me,
    The matronest of matrons you ever did see.

    I wish I could tell you all the symptoms I’ve got,
    But I’m due at my doctor’s for an estrogen shot.
    Even though we’ve grown older, this wish is sincere,
    Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.

    Lizy ….love that poem!!!

    Roba….hope you feel better soon.

    luvfasting….congrats on needing the jeans alteration.


    Great poem, Lizy. Thank you for raising an ear-to-ear grin!

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