By ladies of a certain age; I mean peri-menopausal , menopausal or post menopausal.
I would really appreciate knowing how you have done with weight loss on this regime. I am really disappointed to say the least with my ‘weight loss’ if you could call it that.
I started a month or so ago and with the exception of possibly a few pounds in the first week; I haven’t lost anymore weight.
I knew that the weight wouldn’t just drop off me like with some people because I’ve been gaining weight for some years now despite no change in what I consume; so obviously it is the menopause and it’s affect on my hormones.
But even so; I thought I might lose weight but really slowly and I would be grateful for that but last week it was 2ozs! This seems strange because on my fast days I am really hungry and my stomach growls for England. Also my stomach seems to feel smaller inside but this is not showing up in looser clothing.
Could really do with hearing from other ladies who have encountered the same thing and how you v’e dealt with it.
2:37 pm
23 Jul 13