Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,468 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 1 day, 4 hours ago.

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  • Good afternoon/evening all

    John, I’m not in the anti-vax group – I had my first shot today.
    I agree with Cinque and suspect most of that 30% are covid vaccine hesitant rather than anit-vaxers. True anti-vaxers usually don’t get their kids vaccinated and that’s less than 5% of Aussie kids. I think the AstraZenica rare blood clot issues and its resulting hype has likely contributed to this hesitancy. I think we need the right information presented in the right way to all community/language groups to get more people comfortable with the idea of having the vaccine and seeing more benefit in having it than not. Because we have only rare covid community infection cases, it’s easy for people to think the likelihood of catching covid here is so low that there’s no need to take any risk with a vaccine, they feel safe without it. I don’t know anyone who is hesitant. Everyone I know wants a vaccine, when it’s available to them – and many need to wait for Pfizer to be available which is likely to take many more months. Although do I have two relatives with severe allergy issues (and a history of anaphylaxis) who’ve been advised not to have either vaccine at this stage. Once there is a lot more clinical data they may be able to identify a vaccine that is safe for them.

    Neil, what a wonderful week. Congratulations on finally getting those scales to be sensible. I hope this downward trend continues for you.

    Thin, how wonderful that you got to spend a precious night with your daughter. I hope that is some small compensation for the christmas plans that you were forced to abandon.

    Lindsay, have a lovely break on the island.
    Well done Rosy.

    Anzac, I absolutely loved the video of Maxx putting his toys away, what a good boy. Do you think he’d do it without food rewards?
    My neighbours have a black lab and they were out one day until about 8pm. Their dog was sitting in the back yard crying (it’s such a pitiful sound). I though she was just lonely as it was a time of day they’d usually be home. In discussion with them later it turned out that being home late meant they were 2 hours late giving their dog her dinner. So the crying didn’t just mean “I’ve been abandoned” it meant “I’ve been abandoned AND they forgot to feed me before they left. I want my dinner.”
    Luckily she calms really quickly if I just go outside and talk to her.

    My weight loss has ground to a halt due to too many meals out and celebrations. I am just doing normal 5:2 at the moment and hoping to just stay stable until I get a break in the socialising so I can eat less for a while. While I am managing the FDs, I am struggling to avoid the unnecessary snacks on the NFDs.

    As I mentioned above I had my fist covid vaccine today. I still need to be careful as I don’t get the second shot until 24th August.

    Take care all.

    Hello all. Thank you Cinque, from me and my 60,000 friends down the back yard. Such a happy, growing hive.

    Jony welcome back – a great thing to do, starting the cycling group. Yes, there are a lot of people who are not yet vaccinated even though they are eligible, but I don’t necessarily agree it’s selfishness or even tabloid panic. I think there are different reasons -some concern about the clotting issue with AZ, people waiting for a ‘safer’ vaccine, people who don’t mind not travelling, people who don’t feel threatened, and are happy to take a ‘wait and see’ approach.

    I think perhaps it’s a bit like the Brexit ‘Remain’ campaign, which was quite economic rationalist, and just didn’t have the emotional connection of the ‘Leave’ promotion. I think that’s pretty much the same with the promotion for being vaccinated. The messages are quite technical, and some people will need to be shown the benefits, in a way that engages them and makes it more real. Have you seen the NHS campaign with Elton John and Michael Caine, or seen the Singapore one?.

    Cinque your home help needs a good talking to. I’m shaking my head.

    Jony it is hard when our weight loss stalls, but as the long-term fasters here say, you will get there. Perhaps drop some carbs as Thin suggests. My friend and I are stuck just a few kilos from our targets …it’s a struggle for my friend to increase her cal intake, knowing we can’t stay on 800 forever. But with scales that wobble, we both feel a bit anxious about it. Our plan is 5 x 1200 for the next fortnight, then 5 x 1500 cals for the next (keeping our 2 x 800 a week), to finish the financial year on two weeks of fast 800.

    OK time to get ready for dinner. We had planned to eat in last night …there’s a lovely BBQ area in the gardens, but it was just too cold…so we found a great Thai restaurant, and we are back there tonight. The food was fabulous and it was wonderful to be out and about. As I posted on FB (yes Thin, I still use it) We were out. In a restaurant. After dark. Drinking wine. Like it was 2019.

    Good night all

    Morning all, another decent gym session this morning. I did just over 30 minutes of hill work on the exercise bike to try and keep my legs in shape for when I get back cycling outside.

    I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and while I was there I asked him about my weight gain and he was worse than useless. He said that it’s just calories in and calories out and that our metabolisms slow down when we get older. I have maintained my weight loss for 2 years and then piled on 13 kilograms in 20 weeks wile eating reasonably well and continuing to exercise, that’s more than just a metabolism slowing down with age….and what does he mean when we get older? I’m only in my early 40s. It’s hardly like I’m signing up for a walking frame and moving into a retirement home.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Good morning,
    Lovely morning after fast day here.

    Funny image Thin.

    Neil, doesn’t time fly, I didn’t have it in my head that it has been 2 years before your weight started creeping up. GPs! So good at some things, so dreadful at others.

    LJoyce, you HAVE had a run of eating out and celebrations. Enjoy some classic 5:2. Cheers for stability.

    Cold morning here but warming up into a pretty sunny day so I hope to do some pottering around in the garden.

    I’m concentrating on my 7 veg a day and bought some fresh ones yesterday, including red cabbage. I’m not sure if I have ever bought that before! (My favourites are savoy and Tuscan kale.) So, something new and exciting in the kitchen! All the online recipes are for braised or soup. Hit me with any favourites you have!

    Lindsay, that Thai meal sounds SO delicious. What a gorgeous evening.

    So good to be countering eating anxiety with such sensible planning. I am cheering on your friend, and you ofcourse!
    It does help my maintenance-anxiety to think of it as a long term process ie try something for a specific time period and see how it works and if it isn’t working analyse and come up with a new strategy that hopefully will be easy and sustainable. That way you don’t have the feeling you are launching into space with no safety measures.

    It sounds like your bees really enjoyed World Bee Day! 😀 😀 😀

    Okay, I’m off to do some pottering around in the sunshine. Glad to say I have broad beans, coriander, chard, and snowpeas from seeds I collected and resowed, and more strawberries that are asking to be divided and replanted. Oh yes and a compost bin desperately in need of a stir.

    I’m thinking braised red cabbage, a chipolata, sweet corn and asparagus for my midday meal.

    Best wishes everyone

    Whoops, turns out time doesn’t fly that much. I went back and checked and it was just over 2 years since I started trying to drop weight. I reached goal in November of 2019 and had just over a year of maintenance before it started shooting up again in January this year.

    Woot 😀 My brain wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. For once!
    Cheers Neil.

    LJ, congrats on getting your first AZ vaccine! Even though there is a wait until August for the second one, after a few weeks you’ll already have quite a bit of protection. It’s nice that our little group here all seems to be getting their jabs or getting appointments set up to get them. It sounds like Australia is moving ahead faster now. We have a lot of anti-vaxxers here too, but still have managed to get a first vaccine into almost half of the population and the number of cases have finally been dropping. The U.K. has been seeing some big drops in cases as well. Thin, I agree that herd immunity is the only way we’re going to get rid of this thing. I’m concerned that on June 15th the plan over here is to open everything up and not require masks indoors or out for those who are fully vaccinated. But the anti-masker will undoubtedly just continue to go without them and put other unvaccinated people at risk. I guess time will tell.

    I’ve been maintaining my high weight but at least not going any more. My brain isn’t in the right place on NFD’s. But for the past week, going on two, I’ve been making big glasses of green smoothies for the three of us with lots of mixed greens,spinach, lemon, blueberries, pineapple, ice, etc. They’re very filling so taking up the stomach space. It’s been helpful for staying away from more fattening foods.

    Cinque, i’v Been meaning to thank you for posting the link for that Wired article on air born transmission of the Covid virus. It certainly makes a lot of sense and seems to be true for densely populated areas.

    Anzac, it was fun watching the video of Maxx. What a good lad, learning to put his toys away!

    I’ll write some more tomorrow. Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Hi all from a beautiful sunny (earlier, it’s now dark) Kaiteriteri, west of Motueka/Nelson at the top of the South Island, where we will be “over-wintering”.

    Since leaving Methven in April, we spent a while around Christchurch catching up on some jobs with the van and the truck service and WOF, hair cuts, mail being forwarded on etc., etc. We then travelled up to Kaikoura which we both love and spent the entirety of our lockdown there last year, so very fond memories. Of course as with this time of year, the sun is very low even at midday and we had some shade covering the van from a tree, then a couple of cloudy days and our batteries went flat so we moved onto a campsite and recharged everything. When the rain finally stopped and there was a break in the weather we moved on to Blenheim, beloved wine country, and a lovely private site run by a remarkable woman all on her own, could not then and still can’t now, quite believe she is 94yrs old! Absolutely amazing. She gifted us some persimmons from her own tree, never used them before, will give them a go at something when they are completely ripe. We had more wet weather for a couple of days then strong winds, so sat them out and shifted up here on Wednesday, the last two days have been absolutely stunning with no wind and cloudless blue skies, temps in the very top teens. Lets hope it continues for the next couple or so months we are here.

    That sounds like quite a paint job for you to tackle Thin, I do hope all the stars align and you get plenty of warm fine weather. I remember mentioning I enjoyed painting when we had the business and were busy renovating and somehow it became one of my jobs! I am sure it feels most strange to be out again after being in lockdown for so long, and hugging, and eating out indoors? Will you head out to Europe to the Green countries when you are allowed to? Warmer climes for the winter maybe?

    Well done on the weigh in this week Neil, I think sometimes the scales just like playing with our minds? Good on you to have made the change though, whatever you have done has worked, guess now the secret is to find out what it is you’ve done? Good luck with that one. Sorry to hear your wife has chosen to give up work for health reasons and I wish her well. I bet the boys are enjoying having their Mum around more?

    The cycling group you have created sounds awesome Jon, well done. The rides look great and I see the trip you organized across the harbour made it into the local weekend newspaper, complete with photos of the boat with the bikes on, good on you. Well done for getting your jabs organised too, OH will be having his before me (because of the age difference) but I don’t think until sometime next month, he did have his flu shot a couple of weeks ago though. How is your OH coping with her retirement, leaning into it well I hope?

    Your pasta and ravioli sound wonderful Anzac, however, we are not pasta fans and eat it very rarely, I won some vouchers for an Italian restaurant meal whilst in Christchurch and haven’t used them yet, they are not dated so will probably use them next time we are there. (Or give them away, haha) I would join you with the roast chicken and vegies though. I’m glad you’re keeping up with your walking, I am quite sure that just half hour once or twice a day helps so much in shifting weight, it certainly works for me and if I can find an incline all the better! I lost more weight whilst we were walking Bernie those two weeks than I have all year. Hopefully I will find a similar daily route here, minus the dog, haha. Good luck with your contract renewal and the continuation of WFH.

    Enjoy the beach Lindsay, for once I can say snap! Well done to Rosy, we all know how beautiful she is, now it’s time for others to see it too. Is it cool enough for your bees to sleep through the winter? I vaguely remember my father keeping bees when I was a child, and although I have no memories of the hives, or the honey, I vividly remember his suit and hat hanging up in the shed along with the smoke bellows. I think in those days beekeeping just kinda sat alongside the geese, ducks, guinea fowl, goats, shooting dogs, cats, fruit trees and huge vegie garden. Sounds like you both enjoy roast chicken and vegies too.

    At least your weight isn’t gaining LJoyce, just maintaining, I find it very difficult if we become social so well done you. I find I just don’t want to go out because I end up having to work so hard again to get back to where I was! I guess that’s a bonus for us being on the move. Have you got to where you want to be with your garden yet? It is so rewarding, all that hard work. You have a long wait until your 2nd jab, well done for getting this far.

    I am sure you asked me sometime ago CalifD about the recipe books I use for the Fast800, and I am sorry I didn’t reply, I bought the original red covered one last year and have made nearly all the recipes in there with some firm favourites, one of them being chicken tikka masala, which we had tonight. The Blue covered book I bought earlier this year, and this one was born out of Michael and Claire’s’ lockdown experience with a lot more of the recipes using tins/dried beans/pulses/legumes and jars of peppers & artichokes, pantry staple foods you would probably have on standby. A couple of firm favourites have appeared from this book, pork steaks with apple cider vinegar, wholegrain mustard and creme fraiche, this can also be made with chicken. Chicken cardamom, and my all time fave meal, capsicum stuffed with tuna, capers and anchovies, topped with halved cherry tomatoes and grated parmesan served with a leafy green salad. Needless to say, it might be a while before we have that dish again, I noticed the capsicum were upwards of $2.50 each in the supermarket earlier so may have to wait until the summer months arrive?

    I always buy red cabbage Cinque and use it all year round. I love it in salad for the crunch and colour. I also use it finely shredded in stir fries, it’s brilliant sauteed (in sesame oil) with shredded Brussel sprouts and sesame seeds/soy sauce. Lovely as a side dish. Throw in some halloumi or chopped bacon and pine nuts for more of a meal. Mum always used to pickle it when I was a child, but it never gets that far in this house, haha. You have had a bit of a rough run, pleased to hear that things have quietened down for you. I agree with both Thin and Lindsay re your home help! I feel it was written with such wit I could almost hear you/her talking, but at the same time, shaking my head in despair, what planet does she think she’s on? Sorry to hear one of your sisters has bad diverticulosis, my elder sister (whom I don’t get on with) had it bad too and had some of her intestine removed some years ago. Seems to have made a full recovery! Your vegie garden sounds wonderful, I am so envious.

    I think that’s enough rambling for me for tonight, I am still reasonably stable in the 69’s, am hoping to get more off now we will be stationary for a while. I have been full of a cold all week and not had one decent nights sleep, it was the funeral today of a very dear friend, she was younger than me too, and Mum has been in contact to let me know Dad has been quite poorly again too. Sigh.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone, it looks like it should be fine weather here, I hope it is where you are too,


    Good afternoon everyone.

    Turn, it sounds like you have found a lovely warm beach to winter in.
    Sorry to hear that you lost a dear friend. Are you able to participate in the funeral in some way? Hope your dad’s health improves.

    Cinque, I have always assumed that purple cabbage and savoy cabbage (both similarly firm heads) are interchangeable in recipes. The only difference is the colour of the final meal, which is likely to be a lovely crimson.

    Lindsay, I hope you and your friend can gradually get your calorie levels back up to something closer to your TDEE. If the erratic scales are too stressful then weighing at longer intervals can help. In addition to working your way back to 5:2 you can also consider doing one week per month as Fast800 until you get those last few kilos off. Then work out the best way of stabilising your weight once you get there.

    Neil, most GPs are at a loss when it comes to weight, diet and nutrition. Mine referred me to a dietitian, who I have found to be much more knowledgeable and helpful.
    I did see an episode of Trust Me I’m A Doctor earlier this week and I thought it might be relevant to your situation as you do seem to be under a lot of stress lately. They did an experiment on the link between stress levels, insulin, and weight gain – they established a likely connection.

    Cali, I’m am very pleased to hear that cases are finally falling in the US. I suspect there are some big differences between states and counties too. In the end we have to accept that we force others to vaccinate, just encourage them and get vaccinated ourselves. I have seen the news reports of Biden encouraging people to get vaccinated soon so that the country can open up for July 4th celebrations.
    Good to hear you have stopped the weight creeping back on. I use healthy smoothies as a tummy filler in the warmer months too. They are very effective, but I can’t face them when it’s cold.

    I developed pain and inflammation in my arm (post vaccine). By last night my arm was hot and swollen and bending my elbow was difficult because of the inflammation. I’ve had a slightly sore injection site after a vaccine before, but nothing like this. I was determined not to panic. Thankfully most of the inflammation receded overnight and now I just have tenderness near the injection site. The written information I received on Thursday did say that minor side effects were common and usually cleared up within 3 days. So far it looks like I’m following that pattern, so I’m reassured.

    I have nearly a week before the next flurry of birthday celebrations start. So I have decided to do 6 very strict days 800-1000cals. I really should have started yesterday, but with a swollen arm I feeling sorry for myself and couldn’t face a strict day. Today I have fresh fruits for breakfast and lunch and a plate of roasted veg for dinner. Tomorrow will also start with fruit but will end with a large bowl of veggie soup.

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    Happy Saturday everyone. Wow the last week has flown by but I guess that’s what happens when one is busy.

    Thin, yes I am a believer in taking home leftovers when eating out and I really get annoyed when establishments refuse this, especially when they site the excuse that it’s because of hygiene reasons and against government regulations which is a total lie. Sadly (according to my upset belly) the leftovers from the Indian restaurant were so minimal it wasn’t worth taking anything home, even though they did offer to give us a take home container. Boat painting can be time consuming and tedious, I recall all too well from my many years of sailing, pulling the boat out of the water onto the slipway each year and scraping back, pre-preparing and re-antifouling the hull. A big feat in itself when I had a 25ft fiberglass yacht as my first boat but even bigger task when I moved to a 40ft steel hull yacht. Plus all the ongoing above deck and below deck (inside) maintenance which is never ending. I did enjoy those days and feel blessed that Miss G Day spent her early childhood days on the water most weekends.

    Cinque, thanks for asking about my health. My back pain is on the mend, still not fully cured but certainly a lot better than what it was, thanks to some therapy at the gym , hot and cold therapy as well as electronic pulse therapy. The physiotherapist treatment did nothing at all to improve my condition so was very impressed with the gyms treatment. My skin condition has improved but again has not been cured. Yes the worm farm is going well and tomorrow we are adding another layer so the worms can migrate and we can harvest the castings and the juice for the garden.

    I’m not planning to line up for the Covid vaccination any time soon. I have been hesitant all along because of the short time frame for testing and my concerns around future side effects which we may not know about for many years to come. Because I am in an extremely low risk area and I am a low risk person I will hold off and see what happens in the near future.

    Neil, perhaps you could be suffering from Andropause (the male menopause) which is a condition relating to age related changes in male hormone levels which effects weight, muscle mass and sleep to name just a few. This condition is not discussed much but it is real and effects many men. I know from my own experience that female menopause has been the reason for my weight gain in the last 18 months and my inability to get back to my previous weight despite doing all the right things in terms of my health and wellbeing.

    Time to go and start on tea which is roasted eggplant layered with homemade passata and a celeriac and chickpea sauce topped with gratings of parmesan cheese.

    Good morning,

    I was off yesterday to mind my grandikins while DD and SIL went to look at an apartment for sale. The kids were a bit temperamental but I thought I was doing quite well until they both started sobbing very loudly and inconsolably.

    It turned out they heard the remote control garage door opening and the deal was that I could sit and have a cuppa with DD when she got home. They were upset I would stop playing with them. Very sweet to be to be so loved, but I had to laugh.

    I gave myself a busy afternoon at home also, and I am paying for it today. Doing my best to be fasty.

    Cali hooray for maintaining that current weight. That is a win. Those green smoothies sound good.
    I am so glad you enjoyed that article, I found it so interesting about the science and also the processes, and especially singing the praises of little appreciated skills like going back through decades of footnotes to find the clues.

    Turnabout, what a wonderful life! That 94 yo woman certainly does sound remarkable. All power to her.
    I hope those persimmons ripen well past their mouth-puckering stage so you can enjoy them.

    Thanks for the red cabbage feedback! I am REALLY enjoying it, and using it quite differently because of its colour. I try to eat the rainbow, so I am having it and then greens as well. That feels very healthy. Ooh yum, must buy some more halloumi and bacon, they would go so well with it. I am also keen to roast a wedge.

    It is a much harder head than my usual curlier savoy, and I always avoid the really hard green cabbages which I associate with boring childhood meals and it being hard and tasting of nothing. But maybe with my pleasure at this one, I will also try the basic green cabbage.

    Thinking of you as it is hard to lose a friend to death, and thinking of your dad too. Best wishes.

    LJoyce, I saw that segment on ‘Trust Me…’ too, very interesting. It made me wonder how much a role it played in my weight gain over the years.

    (I’ve also been seeing links about one of my favourite twin doctor’s new documentary where he ate a big proportion of Ultra Processed Food (80% I think) for a month, and all the dreadful things it did to his health. https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/articles/van_tulleken )

    I do hope your arm is back to normal now. That must have been on the more extreme side of swelling and redness.

    Well you didn’t have much of a run with just ‘normal’ 5:2 before those celebrations came calling again! At least you have such delicious food for those 800 – 100 calories.

    I am having a lovely weekend, the sun is just beautiful.

    Gday, I am so glad your back is mending well. Hooray for the gym-therapy. Fingers crossed your skin problems keep improving. They are so often a case of just gently gently patiently improving until they finally go away, and then jump quickly if they start worsening to stop the escalation.
    I know a lot of people feel as you do about the covid vaccination. Hopefully we will get to herd immunity anyway.

    Mmm yum your dinner sounds wonderful.

    Ok, off to enjoy some of that sun, best wishes all

    Cinque, I had to laugh about your grandikins being so upset at the sound of the garage door opener, thinking their time with you was being cut short. They really love playing with you! Is the apartment DD and SIL looking at close to you?
    I used to ferment red cabbage along with sliced beetroot sometimes, It turned out a beautiful red color. Cabbage ferments so easily, so I won’t often add it to other vegetables to get them started more easily. I need to get busy. So many good probiotics in sauerkraut.

    LJ, I didn’t have much arm pain at all from the vaccines, but OH had quite a bit the following couple days. DS didn’t have much pain but she did have some swelling. I hope yours is gone by now. I interchange the hard white and red cabbage in recipes. The main difference seems to be the color.

    Neil, congrats on getting back in the swing of fasting. Now that you’re started again, I hope it will be easy to stick with it. Stress definitely seems to make weight loss more difficult and it’s not good for our health in general.

    Turn, it’s so good to hear from you again. It sounds like you’re having a wonderful time with your travels. And such a beautiful place to travel.

    Thin, did you say that season 10 of Call the Midwife is available in the UK now? We’re on the 3rd episode of Season 9 and from what I’ve read, they won’t show season 10 until sometime in October. Did you know that Helen George who plus Trixie is in a relationship with Jack Ashton in real life, who plays the priest on the show? They have a darling little girl who is 2. They apparently met on the show.

    Gday, we always take home leftovers from restaurants. Some people are horrified at the idea, but I hate wasting food.

    Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start.

    Hello, just popping in to say hi Cali, lovely to read your post, and hello everyone else too.

    I am being miserable because my breathing problems have come back with a vengeance. I did a big skip yesterday so I am bracing for some CFS bad days (but at least it got me some good deep breaths). Just despondent though. I will follow it up with a doctor (whichever new doctor I try).
    9 community covid cases in Victoria isn’t giving any reason for cheerfulness either.
    I’m being comfort food miserable too, but doing my best to make it high veg and good carbs.

    Hoping to cheer up tomorrow. It is a new day.

    Sending out good wishes x

    I’m so sorry you are feeling down Cinque and I admire that you can still stick to healthy eating despite having a hard time

    I’m worried for Victoria too; hopefully they can clamp down and stop too much further spread

    Glad your back is better G’day. I have made an appointment for my Covid jab in a couple of weeks but a big part of my brain is very hesitant. But I will get it as I am a part-time carer for my 95 year old Dad and I can’t take any risk – albeit how small.

    LJ you asked if Maxx would still do tricks without food. He would for a while but would soon lose interest. It comes out of his daily allowance so that he doesn’t put on weight (I wish someone had that much control over my own food intake!). Is your arm ok now? I only know a two people who have had the AZ jab here (My Dad and the developer I work with who is 68) and they both had bad side effects the next day (chills / flu like symptoms, exhaustion and for my developer some very bad nose bleeds)

    Lovely to hear from you Turn!

    Hi to everyone else. Please know that I read your posts every day avidly and with much enjoyment but I can’t always find the time to reply.

    Hi all, hope you are having a good evening.

    Cinque and Betsy, I hope the recent swell of new cases is brought under control very quickly. I also hope it doesn’t upset your equilibrium badly. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you both.

    Anzac, it doesn’t surprise me that Maxx has limited tolerance without rewards. Labradors are famous for being food motivated. I’ve often thought that the appropriate label for a lab’s food bowl is “I’m a labrador, we don’t do diets”
    My arm is fine now – it was back to normal by Sunday night. The printed material I received at the vaccine appointment said that 2/3 of people get minor side effect from the AZ vaccine (though mostly just the first dose) and that those side effects usually clear with 3 days. Most people I know who’ve had this vaccine experienced the same side effects that you mentioned – chills/flu like symptoms, and all well again after 2 days.

    Cali, I’m just imagining the colour of a sauerkraut made from red cabbage and beetroot – a vast improvement on the unexciting colour of normal sauerkraut.
    Interesting news on the real life romance on the set of Call the Midwife.

    GDSA, your vegetarian moussaka sounds amazing. I’d never considered using hummus in one before.

    Lindsay, I hope you were not badly impacted by the massive power outage in SW QLD today. Hope you have lovely weather on the island and that it’s providing the break and relaxation you needed.

    I have been able to stick with my restricted days quite easily so far. I did another fruit and veg day today. Dinner was 2 150g potatoes that I had boiled and then chilled to develop resistant starch. I put them in the airfryer for 15 minutes before adding a little salt and pepper and the luxury of a teaspoon of butter. It was just wonderful and warming, given the cold wet day here. Normally I have used baked jacket potatoes as a base for piling on things like chilli, bolognese, tuna mornay etc. It means the flavour and textre of the potato gets lost. By paring things back to such simple meal choises I really get to appreciate the textures and flavours in a simple jacket potato. I especially love the contrast between the soft fluffy centre and the crispy crunchy skin. It also amazes me how decadent a single teaspoon of butter can seem – I need to remember that the next time I’m slathering it onto toast.
    Tomorrow will be mostly dairy and a little veg for fibre.

    Hello to everyone else. Hope you are all having a good week.

    Dammit! Back up to 97.8


    Neil, my sympathy for your persistent troubles with those extra kilos. I continue to fight my own battle with being a bit above my preferred maintenance weight.
    There are really two paths forward in the short term. Focus on healthy eating, based on the Mediterranean diet with 2 FDs and aim to just stabilise your weight before making any more decision. The more drastic option is going back to the way you started on Fast800 for a short period? I know Fast800 is very challenging when you think you are done with it and can move onto 5:2 for maintenance. However I do remember you being very good at sticking to Mediterranean food choices when you were originally on Fast800. Getting back into the swing of that Mediterranean eating regime every day might be quite beneficial. Although I suspect many of your current food choices so already fit that program.

    Cinque and Betsy, I am thinking of you both as another lockdown starts. I truly hope that the new cases dwindle during this coming week.

    I had a day off of my restricted eating yesterday as the event I had thought was Friday was actually yesterday. Thankfully it wasn’t too disastrous for a NFD and I have slipped easily back into my restricted program today, which is a real blessing, given that plans upset at the last minute do not usually bode well for me. I’m hoping that ease continues on the days around the upcoming birthday celebrations and other social events. If I can stick to my restricted eating on all the non-social days and not overdo things on the celebration days I’m be very happy.
    I have been thinking about the impact of social meals on my eating and I know I have to find a way to incorporate that as normal life without treating it as a source of stress. Because avoiding social interaction is not the answer for me, that just leads to loneliness for someone who lives alone. Stressing about food choices at those events is also not something I want to perpetuate. These events should be joyful not stressful. Sorry, I haven’t figured out any brilliant answers to this dilemma yet, but I need to find a path forward that works and I will continue to give this a lot of thought. I think it’s mostly an adjustment of my thought processes that I need to tackle with this issue.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

    Cinque, I wonder if your breathing problems might be partly caused by allergies? When the weather gets cold and rainy here, wet leaves on the ground can produce mould which creates asthma symptoms for me. Wearing masks this past winter really helped with that. I hope you’re feeling better very soon.
    I’ve been reading the news about the outbreak in Victoria. I’m glad that you and Betsy have had your first jabs. They can offer quite a bit of protection, even before the second ones. I think they are doing the right thing with the 7 day lockdown. It has worked in the past. I hope a lot more people get vaccinated. That seems to be working over here and in the UK.

    Neil, I’m sorry to hear about your extra kg’s. LJ’s suggestions are good ones. A lot of us seem to struggling right now. I do like the idea of a Mediterranean diet along with fasting. Lots of vegetables.

    Anzac, glad you have an appointment for your Covid jab in a couple of weeks. I felt hesitant at first too, but it turned out that side effects were minimal and it’s a relief to know that my family is safer now. I read that vaccines are becoming more available there now so hopefully many more people get vaccinated. My 92 year old uncle had no problem with either jab. It’s good not to have to worry about him.

    We’re still having the green smoothies for lunch several days per week. It’s an easy way to get in lots of fruits and vegetables. I use a lemon, banana, blueberries, lots of mixed greens and spinach, a carrot and fresh pineapple these past few days. Only ice cubes and water for the liquid. It’s definitely harder to drink them in the winter when it’s cold and I really need ice in them, so it’s mainly a summer thing.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Hi everyone

    Oh no Cinque and Betsy, yet another lockdown for you. I hope it does the trick and stops the spread

    Your smoothies sound really nice Cali. I have a berry and banana one each morning with some fibre powder as I need HEAPS of fibre with my diverticulitis. I wouldn’t enjoy a green one though

    Neil, sorry to hear about your struggles. Hang in there – you know you can do it.

    My weight loss has plateaued so I need to shake it up. Next week for sure

    LJ I’m so glad to read that you intend to celebrate your social outings. I always enjoyed this WOE for that very fact; that you don’t have to ‘diet’ every single day. It’s the whole premise. I’m going to visit some friends in Wollongong (South of Sydney) on Saturday as I have two friends who have just bought flats there and we want to see them. We are going to a cafe for brunch and I intend to enjoy it.

    I have to travel into the City for work tomorrow for a special workshop. I’m dreading it as I have put on so much weight in the past 1.5 years since anyone has seen me. Oh well….good motivation to make sure I look quite different next time

    Take care

    Turn, lovely to read your long post, yes we hope to head to the Canary Islands for the winter this year. The weather, to touch on a typically British subject, has been utterly awful so far this year. But there is hope ahead, today being the first of two weeks of sunny days forecast with temperatures rising to around 23C. Yesterday was the last of the cooler 14C and we moored outside a pub to meet some friends and had to eat indoors although they had a beautiful outdoor area on the canal.

    On our way to the pub, we passed a moorhen nest with the teeniest chics I’ve ever seen. So sweet. By contrast, I’ve seen a couple of spectacular Red Kites both soaring and walking in a field. They’re much larger than a buzzard – about 66cm. A pair of swans and their eight cygnets just visited the hatch. Of course, we didn’t feed them but they were enjoying morsels off the hull.

    Anzac, hello to you, I can’t remember your posts but I enjoyed reading them. Hope you’re doing well.

    GDSA, I hadn’t known that you were a sailor. They say you never finish building a boat until it sinks. Needless to say, we haven’t even started the prep/painting but hope to now.

    Although the vaccines appear to have been prepared in haste, they haven’t really. At least in the case in AZ’s which I followed avidly (mostly because I’ve had shares in the company for twenty years), the scientists behind it have been working on other vaccines for decades so it’s basically a case of substituting one antigen for another. It’s the govt. regulations that normally take forever. The other factor is that it’s because there has been so much scrutiny, and with so many millions of jabs administered, issues like blood clots come to the fore. In any general population, people become seriously ill or die but the manufacturers are bound to cite these issues whether or not they have anything to do with the vaccinations. I’m sure you’re reading plenty. I hope Australia comes to grips with this because indefinite lockdown is no solution.

    Cinque, sorry to hear that you feel blah and hope that you perk up soon.

    CalifD, I didn’t know that about the Call The Midwife actors and can’t remember what series I said we’re up to but believe they’ve promised a Series 12 or 13.

    Neil, sorry to read this. Keep going.

    LJ, Turn, I feel your pain about meals out. It’s a source of anxiety for me too. LJ, I can understand how you don’t want to miss out on these gatherings. I didn’t have family in Australia but much of my socialising centred around meeting friends for a coffee (and that’s all). I could get hours of nattering out of two cups of coffee. Often they’d have cake but I never would. It doesn’t have to be lunch. Also my regular bridge and cryptics provided great social outlets – I know you’re not looking for more opportunities to add to the stress but I was just thinking that if you had some stable social activities, it might be easier to decline some of the gatherings at your less desirable venues.

    And what you’re already doing, balancing meals out with FDs and eating less food on other days is a good solution – as long as it doesn’t consume us. Yesterday, I had the pub lunch but no breakfast or dinner, just a mug of homemade soup. As you do, I carefully chose the meal online days ahead so there’d be no impulse or plate envy ordering! It does irritate me when the people who order all the ‘extras’ are the ones to suggest splitting the bill. But I can get over that – eventually.

    You have to be confident that you’re doing the right thing even if you’re in the minority. I got so despondent when we had to go into a large town recently. So many obese people, struggling to walk, struggling to breathe, and for the first time, I noticed a new trend of grossly overweight young people (twenties) on mobility scooters. Just awful. It put me off eating lunch out and I couldn’t wait to get back to the boat.

    Hats off to all of us – we are bucking the trend.

    P.S. Anzac, our posts crossed due my ridiculously long ramble. Have a lovely time at the weekend and I hope that commute isn’t too painful!

    Hello, look it’s me!

    Feeling glad that our number of new cases are much lower today (4 new cases compared to 12 yesterday) with excellent testing numbers, so fingers crossed the excellent contact tracing means all new cases will already be isolating. And that everyone continues lining up to be vaccinated!

    Also finally feeling back to my normal level of mediocre health after a week of breathing difficulty. Hooray! It was exhausting. Saw the doctor yesterday and I am off for lung function tests. She seemed a very good clear doctor but was in hurry so didn’t address how this last week seems more acute than chronic.

    I did think it might be an allergy Cali, and took zyrtec in the hope it would help, but it didn’t. However I am wondering if it might be related to my dust mite allergy since I have had the house closed up more this last week. I am being vigilant now. Infact, I not only feel well enough to post today, I might also vacuum!

    Anzac, thankyou for those kind wishes. I have been sticking to good foods, and woot! today I feel ready to fast!

    I do hope you can enjoy your workshop today, Anzac. I wonder how many covid kilos others there are contending with.

    The last week has reminded me how stress and struggling with life turns 5:2 from being easy and sustainable to another stick on the camels back.
    Sending good wishes.

    LJoyce, I agree about the beauty of beetroot and red cabbage. Wonderful colours. (Go Cali)
    And I also agree with you about paring the meal back to delicious simplicity.

    So true that it is best to have a sustainable strategy to cope with social eating, instead of it being a feast every time. I will be interested to hear what you work out for yourself.

    I just listened to an interesting program on the issue of Ultra Processed Food, which is so much of the food we eat when we are out. It seems to have issues beyond nutrients, fibre and calories (I was going to link but can’t find it again).

    Neil, Damn and Blast! So frustrating.
    I’m barracking for you keeping it in the mid 90’s.
    Remember that exercise is excellent for general health, but not so much for losing weight. I’m another one saying concentrate on those Mediterranean Guidelines and see if you can be kind to yourself without comfort eating (my current advice to myself too, of course).

    Btw, I wish when people talk about the Mediterranean Guidelines they would start with the ‘plenty of fruit and vegetables’ instead of putting that last.

    I gave myself a fright when I put on a coat I hadn’t warn for a year, and it was so small I couldn’t easily button it up. I was shocked! But then I remembered that I washed it (a gentle hand wash) even though they said dry cleaning only. It came up well, but apparently shrunk a bit! Glad to say my other coats fit okay.

    Ok, time to go and see how much vacuuming I can do.
    Best wishes everyone,

    Good evening everyone.

    Cinque and Betsy. I’m sending you hugs and kind thoughts. I hope this week is manageable for you and that truly is just one week of shut down.

    Cinque, I wish I could blame the tightness of some of my clothing on them shrinking. Alas it’s not true.

    Thin, Did you mention, some time ago, that your brother had a part in “The Hollow Crown”. It is being shown here at the moment, although it’s on late so I’m recording the episodes and will watch them all once the series is finished.
    I do have some regular social events that just involve a cup of tea and lots of talking (and sometimes walking too). However there are also quite a lot of birthday brunches and lunches, plus a meal out out every time I go to the movies with my neighbours, not to mention monthly lunches in the city with people I used to work with. I find the months when there are a lot of birthdays are the ones I don’t manage.

    Anzac, in theory the FDs shold allow me to enjoy meals out too. The only trouble is I have difficulty keeping the treats out of my other NFDs too and 2 FDs isn’t enough to counteract all those extras.
    I hope the trip on the train wasn’t too awful and that the workshop was worth it. It will remind you that being able to work from home is a true blessing.

    Cali, glad you are still enjoying the green smoothies. I like the idea of lemon, I haven’t tried that. Many years ago I went though a phase of making freshly juiced veg and fruit for breakfast. I think making a smoothie and keeping the fibre in it is much more sensible.

    My restricted food days are still going quite well. I am not weighing as I don’t want an unexpected number to have me heading for the pantry. However I can comfortably do up the jeans that only fit me when I’m under 80kg, so I’m taking heart from that. I had an amazingly successful trip to the Salvation Army thrift store today. Everything I tried on fitter so I was able to be picky about what I bought. I ended up with a skirt, 2 ponchos, 3 jumpers and a windcheater. They are already washed and drying on the clothes rack. It’s rare that I find so many things that are just right. It also gave me the opportunity to get rid of a few things that I didn’t really like, but filled a necessary place in my wardrobe. I cheerfully put them in the donate bag, now that I have better replacements.

    I made a big purchase for the front garden this week. Not plants, but a new and very expensive letterbox. It’s a large solid pillar in manufactured sandstone. I’m having it coloured to match the dark grey accent on my house and it will also have a stainless steel address plate. Because I don’t want to install it myself the final cost is rather high. It will look very smart and should last for decades, unlike the letterbox the builder installed, which is already rusting. I always feel some panic in making expensive purchases, but I am not regretting the decision so that’s a good sign that it’s the right one. As I don’t get to travel this year I am prepared to pay for a couple more improvements to the house and garden this year too. Since retiring I’m more used to saving rather than spending, as I felt the need to have a financial buffer, just in case. It still feels pretty daring to make purchases on such discretionary items.

    My fitness is slowly improving too. I became quite sedentary when I was home for a fortnight in early April with a lung infection. It’s taken me some time build back up to 10,000 steps a day. But I am finally getting there fairly easily.

    Take care all.

    LJ, it was the last two series of ‘The Crown’ that my brother appeared in.

    Cinque, hurray for mediocre health (when compared to having trouble breathing).

    Roof repair and painting are finally underway. We sanded our fingers to the bone prepping, then the 12 days of promised sunshine ended after day two but the first coat of primer was already long dry by the time it rained. It is very satisfying working with high quality materials. The hire boaters are out in their dozens, hundreds maybe, it being a bank holiday weekend so we are happy to stay put while they zoom down the canal in a big hurry.

    Sunday, but I had such a fast-like day yesterday (got distracted in the middle of the day, so only had two meals, very veggie) I won’t aim to fast today, but hopefully will have another fast like day.

    I did vacuum and find more dust, but that cleaning made my breathing worse again. Ha.

    Thanks for your kind thoughts LJoyce. I do hope you are doing okay Betsy. Lockdown is easy for me, and even my daughter with two little kids isn’t bothered by it. My heart goes out to the people who are finding it dreadfully hard though.
    One of our respected epidemiologists was saying on radio that there may be a chance regional Victoria could have kids back to school early, if all keeps going well. That would be great.

    Ooh your letterbox sounds so nice I don’t think you could regret that purchase. You will be so happy every time you go to check if you have mail.

    Hmm, I still have tight clothing too. Especially winter trousers. Sigh. I think I have stopped putting on weight (I fervently hope) but I haven’t gone far in losing. I am still working on it though.
    Hooray for your fitness improving. Aren’t you excellent! All power to you.
    And what a super opshop haul!

    I have also recorded The Hollow Crown, I think I need to wait until I am ready to concentrate to watch it. But I am really looking forward to it, especially after being immersed in the history because of my beloved ‘History of English Language’ podcast. I’m not really familiar with the Shakespeare plays, but now I am familiar with the kings. I think this will be wonderful.
    Terribly disappointed Thin’s brother isn’t in them though!

    Thin, how wonderful you got that first coat dry before the weather turned. Ooh your poor fingers, I remember that sensation from smaller priming jobs many many years ago.
    So sorry to hear how the UK is having some worrying outbreaks, inspite of the excellent vaccination work. Sending good wishes.

    I was interested to see a segment on ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’ about cognitive decline, and that restricting calories could help. The restricting calories to help were two days of fasting a week 500 cal for women, 600 cal for men.Yes it was Dr Mosley’s show, but I don’t think he had involvement in the research and it seems to have been made after his Fast 800 book.
    (It didn’t work so well on the younger exercising presenter who joined in).

    So cold here, but pretty and sunny. I hope I can soon turn the heater off and open up the house.

    Sending best wishes, keen to hear how everyone is going.

    Good morning all from a sodden wet Kaiteriteri!

    Well, that certainly was a weather event like no other and poor Canterbury are still getting it, Ashburton has been declared a state of Emergency with rivers overflowing and banks bursting everywhere. And it is still raining down there. Thankfully we now have just a fine drizzle and it is a lot brighter, I don’t think it even came light yesterday, lightning, thunder and such heavy rain for such a long time, I didn’t know the sky could contain so much water? Now everyone is just left with a clean up.

    We did spend the day wisely though as we knew it was coming and I managed to complete some wet weather jobs I had saved up. One of them was baking the black bean & chocolate torte from the Blue book and it was yummy. At 175 calories per serve, it will take us a while to get through it so could be putting the rest in the freezer tomorrow, if there is room.

    I remember someone mentioning a while ago about the TV programme Wakefield and we have been watching it keenly, I love it, more than OH, but find it really good. Another one we are also watching is Smother, set in Ireland, finding this really good too, it does remind me of a book I read but can’t remember the title, it’s definitely not the same as the TV show. We also both enjoy Call the Midwife too, we are just a week behind it airing in the UK here, but we watch it through the Android box so there are no ads. My younger sister bought the original book for my mother who read it, then passed it around to us girls to read afterwards, thought it was great and when they announced it w
    as going to be made into a TV series knew it would be a hit. My favourite character was Barbara but they killed her off.

    The scales were kind to me this morning back to 69.4kg after a bit of a naughty night on Friday, would love to get into the 68’s but have decided slow and steady wins the race, and it has to be sustainable. I have learnt so much about my eating habits, relationships to food, and what does and doesn’t affect my weight since starting this WOE, I know what I can & can’t eat now, my mind is in such a better place, I no longer have food guilt.

    Best off to do some vacuuming, and the coffee machine needs a deep clean and new filter, enjoy your Sunday everyone,


    Turn, it’s wonderful to be in touch with what works and what doesn’t. So much easier to figure out when you’re eating a lot less, isn’t it? Congratulations on remaining in the 60s. That sounds like terrible weather.

    Cinque, I’m very happy to learn that reduced calories may stave off cognitive decline, as we’d hoped.

    FD for me, started it at 58.7kg so should be 58kg tomorrow. As soon as the fog lifts, I’m off to apply primer coat three of four.

    Such a cold morning here in my part of Melbourne!

    Hello 5:2ers!

    Turn, that weather sounds absolutely mad. I hope you get some sunny weather next.
    Ooh yum, nice baking. That torte sounds magnificent.
    You are nicely under 70kg, all power to you.

    Thin, woohoo primer three. Great work.

    I had a good eating day yesterday, as in delicious food, not too much, mostly plants. It was a bad day for breathing though, so I was feeling despondent and a bit scared, but hooray! Today I have woken up back to normal.

    I realised my lung function test is on Wednesday which is my home help day. At first I was disappointed because I was very interested to see how the current covid outbreak changes my homehelp’s dialogue and behaviour. But then, with a mystery case and the worrying virulence of this variant, I am quite happy to have to cancel.
    When I was on the phone to the council I asked about worker vaccination and they said they were encouraging workers to get vaccinated, but it had to be in their own time and some of them weren’t eligible yet.

    Well I plan another day of good food, not too much, mostly plants. And a cognitive helping fasty fast day on Wednesday!

    Sending best wishes to everyone.

    Cinque, I hope that lung function test provides some answers. I can imagine that having trouble breathing would be frightening (I’ve experienced this on a small scale myself having intermittent trouble breathing when lying on my left side – tests showed nothing and it was put down to ageing!).

    It’s hard to believe that workers entering the homes of vulnerable clients wouldn’t be eligible for vaccination. I read yesterday that there have been 16 incidents of outbreaks from hotel quarantine in Australia in the past 6 months. And 36,000 citizens and permanent residents still registered to return. And 87% of Western Australians happy with border closure until October 2022.

    Evening all.

    Well it just keeps on getting better, I’ve been off sick since Wednesday and was just back at work today.

    It’s been pissing down with rain all weekend here, but we haven’t had it as bad as South Canterbury. There have been mass evacuations in Ashburton, a town about 3 hours north of us because they’ve had close to 300mm of rain in the last 3 days. It’s strange because a couple of weeks ago there were news stories about how dry the autumn had been and the lake levels were really low. I guess it never rains, but it pours….literally!

    I’m not expecting much from the scales this week after 5 days on the couch with my cold. Well, reset and try to work on things this week .

    Have a good one everyone.

    Afternoon everyone. 2 days of clean eating in the books. I had a Mediterranean salad with capsicum, cucumber, olives, avocado and goat feta both days which went down a treat. I had fish and veg last night for dinner and tonight I’ve got some leftover beef rendang curry and sauteed silverbeet that I made a couple of days ago. If I can just string together one day at a time with decent healthy food, hopefully I can halt the steady advance of my weight and start reversing the damage.

    Have a great one everyone

    Good evening everyone!

    Thought I’d surprise you by showing up again (joke, joke!). I haven’t been wearing the splint on my hand for some days now (not supposed to remove it till tomorrow, but it just became too difficult) so I’m finally able to type more freely, and can even do my own cooking, yay! I still have some food left over from all that was given to me, but it’s in the freezer, and I’ll only slowly eat it. It was very kind of folk to bring me meals, but it was generally more fatty, spiced and salty than my own cooking, so I put 5:2 on hold for May. Starting again tomorrow (not today, as I’ve already eaten too much 🙂 ). Anyway, feeling much better about tackling the downward journey again.

    Lockdown again – great sense of deja vue, but this time I’ve made a mental list of major but somewhat tedious chores that need doing around home and am dedicating this time to tackling them. One down, halfway through the second, so it’s working. Not setting a timeframe, which allows me to work at my own pace instead of feeling pressured, which tends to be a recipe for failure.

    Oh yes, despite the past month, my weight has shown little variance, which is a major yay!

    Great to read of folk getting the vaccination. I’ve had to control my mental smirking at all the folk here in Victoria who’ve suddenly decided that yes! Have to be vaccinated NOW, and annoyed that they are having to wait for appointments. Where were they in the past several weeks when the vaccination hubs were so quiet?! “Amazing” to see how relative indifference and lassitude towards vaccination changes when there are active community cases around.

    Re vaccinations, just a suggestion – try taking an anti-histamine about half an hour before you are due to have the jab. I always have to do that before the flu injection, so I did it for my AZ jab too, and just had a mildly “off” day the next day. Zyrtec, Claratyne, Telfast, I don’t think it matters which one you take, but it may help.

    Good to read all the posts (on this page, didn’t go back further).

    G’DayfromSA, one of my friends felt like you re vaccination – until this current outbreak, when she and her partner are now jumping to be vaccinated. This current Covid variant is so much more infectious, a few people seem to have caught it just by passing an infected person in shops. I know you live out in the country, but with the Melbourne outbreak, regional Victoria has been shut down as well because a couple of infected Melbournians visited a couple of country towns not knowing they were infectious. So far so good with no regional cases, but it could happen still. And something like that could as easily happen in SA as Victoria. Just something to think about. Meanwhile, glad the back pain has lessened.

    LindsayL, glad the bees are doing well, and that your weight has come down close to your goal.

    Cinque, sorry to read that you’d been having breathing problems. Glad they seemed to have settled a little by Monday. Did you vacuum? You seemed more energetic in your writing. And what gorgeous grandkids! They love their grandmother.

    LJoyce, it’s good to read that you have increased your steps again to 10,000 per day. I’ve only been aiming for 8,000 per day, and failing some days, so that needs to change.

    Neilithicman, I’ll join you on getting the weight down again! 🙂

    Turnabout, sounds like you were caught in the recent torrential rain in the South Island – I thought you were up in the North Island now?

    Thin, houses and boats, they all still need maintenance, groan. Good you could seee your daughter.

    Anzac65, love your Maxx stories. Even though he’s older, you still have interesting stories to share. He sounds a bit like KungFu Panda – motivated by the food reward.

    CalifDreamer, your smoothies sound yum, but definitely a summer drink.

    Stay safe, stay well, and goodnight all.

    Morning all

    Well down half a kilo to 97.2 kilos. Not bad considering my 4 days out with a cold. I won’t get too excited until I see 2 or 3 weeks in a row without a rise.

    Betsy, great to see you back again, It must feel great to get the splint off. Hopefully you can quickly get full mobility back in the finger again.

    I hope everyone is well, it’s been a bit quiet here the last couple of days. Well have a great one everyone anyway

    Hello lovelies,

    I truly thought I wrote a post yesterday, I was so surprised to find it wasn’t there 😀 😀 😀

    I’m off for my lung function test this morning (glad it is still able to go ahead) (we are all bracing for the lockdown to be extended, 6 news cases today) so I had better type quick.

    My breathing has been fine! Phew.
    Thin, interesting about that weird breathing difficulty you had. So glad it resolved itself. It was an exhausting long week and I have also been thinking with so much sympathy of people who battle it all the time.

    I hear it has been stinking hot in the UK, too hot to be up on the roof? But delighted to hear you have had a day there with no covid deaths.

    Hoping the feds will get to work on quarantine centres stat. Hotels just can’t do it.

    I have now written to my local, state and federal representatives about home care workers particularly about their vaccination. There is a current state govt blitz to get workers in aged and disability homes vaccinated. It seems the federal govt out sourced the vaccination program to some organisation that hasn’t actually been up to the job.
    As far as I can work out council workers are not included even though they go to multiple homes and shopping centres each work day.
    I would like to demand that I have a worker who is vaccinated. But who should I ask about that? I’ll see what response I get from my email.

    Oops time is going fast and I have done nothing but talk about myself.

    Neil, I am glad you are over that nasty cold, and woot you are doing well on the scales. Yikes the weather.

    Betsy, so glad to read your post and HOORAY the cast is off. Well done keeping your weight stable over the weeks. And hooray for the good people giving you food, but won’t you love get back to your own choices. What are you going to delight yourself with today?
    And thankyou I am so much brighter now. My grandkids have sent me letters so I am excited for them to arrive.

    Fast day, but I have eaten already! I needed breakfast, so my clever little microwave bowl of veggies, and an egg.

    Okay off to get nice and ready. I might wear my mask in the car because the cold weather makes my nose run and I don’t want to turn up at the Lung function place sniffling.

    Best wishes all.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Cinque and Betsy. More cyber hugs for you. I was sorry to hear that the lockdown was being extended. I hope it achieves what the experts hope for and that those casual contact cases can all be found and isolated.

    Betsy, hope your first day back on 5:2 went well. I think having several weeks off and eating other people’s food could easily have stacked on the kilos, so well done you.

    Cinque, I’m hoping that your lung function test provides some answers. I have had several, but found the test inside the sealed box a bit disconcerting.
    Thankyou for your discussion on your approach to food choices a few days ago – it helped me reach a breakthrough in my own food dilemmas.

    Neil, your food choices sound pretty good to me. Glad to see you weight was also good this week.

    Thin, Hope you are making good progress with the roof repainting. You do seem to get really stuck into these tasks with determination, so I’m sure you’ll have it looking wonderful in no time.

    Turn, that black bean torte does sound good – what a good way to get some extra legumes into the diet. I hope you get some clearer weather soon.

    Cali, please pass on my thanks to your wonderful cherry growers. When I want a healthy treat I often go in search of a punnet of raspberries, but none were to be had this week. They did have punnets of American cherries though, so I treated myself. It was a wonderful afternoon tea.

    Yesterday was a celebration day – a family for my cousin’s grandson who turned 5. My food choices were mostly healthy, but I did indulge in the only dessert there that I deemed worth the calories – baked New York cheesecake with fresh berries.
    I have given a lot of thought to the continual anxiety I seem to feel about food choices in social settings. What I concluded was that it wasn’t the few high calorie foods that I consume at those events that are the real problem. Two FDs would deal with that – providing that is the only indulgence they have to balance out. The continuing problem I have had is that I often look for treat foods or snacks that I don’t really need on many NFDs – my 2 FDs can’t account for all of this when I also have a couple of meals out in that week. I decided that what I wanted was to feel free to make choices at social events that didn’t make me anxious or guilty, and to balance this I do need to get the treats and excess snacks out of my other NFDs – easier said than done.
    Then Cinque started talking about eating good food, not too much, mostly plants. Although I’ve heard this before was such a timely reminder of the way I need to approach most NFDs. My daily meal planner has now renamed many of my NFDs as GFDs (good food days). Today was my first GFD and it’s been very low stress and easy choices. I even looked at the food I had taken out of the freezer for dinner and though ” I need a green veg with that, I’ll cook that bunch of broccolini to go with it.” That’s really not something I have thought of doing on a NFD lately. I feel positive about proceeding with this approaching, although I’m sure there will continue to be very challenging days.
    I think the reason I have continued to have trouble with 5:2 as written is that I don’t eat the way MM assumed when he designed this eating plan. His suggestion was that you eat 500cals for 2 day then your TDEE for the other 5. My eating on NFDs is never that even. The second problem is that my brain persists in thinking of a NFD as a day I’m free to eat what I want – which is decidedly unhelpful. I am hoping that my newly named GFDs will allow me to have a different focus.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Cinque, I hope you get some answers and results from your letters about the covid safety measures of people coming into your home. Good for you for taking a stand. I agree with you about hotel quarantine also, doing the same thing and expecting a different result is silly. I do also understand the complacency given the relatively low numbers. I was surprised that the vaccination programme was outsourced.

    I do still experience that breathing thing but it’s intermittent and is usually resolved by turning onto my right side.

    LJ, a post from you popped up while I wasn’t looking. I love cheesecake and probably have some about once every three years. I agree, I love Cinque’s reminders to eat mostly plants and only in small quantities. Yes, thanks, the boat painting is going well due to magnificent weather at last. 26C. That’s indeed a heatwave in England. I’ve achieved four coats of primer and a light sanding. Now have to clean the entire thing with degreaser and fresh water (when we get to the next water station, we are then committed to six locks). After careful masking, (all 57′ of it x 2 plus roof attachments), I can begin the top coats.

    Betsy, a post from you also appeared that wasn’t there when I started. Hello to you too.

    Good evening all.

    Good day today – went to the hand clinic for my first review, and because I had already been using my hand during the day sans splint for the past couple of weeks, the movement and bend was completely normal, yay me! So, advice re what I can and shouldn’t do for the next several weeks, like how much I can carry in that hand, but otherwise – discharged. Only go back if I have any problems. The hand tech said the hand was doing very well for such a nasty break, so I’m really pleased.

    Good to read LJoyce’s post, that you’re getting more insight into your eating patterns. Hope that helps ease your stress re what to eat.

    Cinque, so glad you’re breathing better. When will you get the lung function test results back? Hope they’re okay.

    Thin, good to read your post. Unlike you, cheesecake occurs more frequently in my diet than once every three years. On the other hand, you’re in maintenance and my weight’s yo-yoing, which probably says something.

    Neilithicman, good to read of your downward weight move, and long may it continue! My hand’s doing well, thanks, as you can read above. The hand therapist took measurements, and was quite surprised, actually, to find I had full range of movement already.

    Stay safe and well everyone.

    Neil, I missed the post where you’d said some weight had dropped – hurray! Sorry to hear you’ve had a cold.

    Betsy, I completely forgot to ask about your hand, so pleased to read it’s all good news. Now you can cook your own food!

    Cinque, how did you get on with the LFT?

    Hi all

    I had my AZ first jab yesterday and feeling very knocked around today but I know it will pass soon

    So glad your hand is so much Betsy, that must be such a relief

    Yay to half a kilo Neil and I hope your cold is much better

    I’ve had a horror couple of weeks and managed to put on what I’d slowly lost. However some motivation came in the mail yesterday; a ‘save the date’ for a wedding in Wellington NZ in February! It is Mr Anzac’s best mate so that will be lovely. We can pop up to Napier to visit his sister as well. Then two months later my nephew is getting married in Melbourne so lots of motivation. I can do it again

    Glad the weather has finally warmed up Thin. My labrador friends over there are claiming it is a heat wave ha ha.

    It really sounds like you have a great plan LJ and your head is in the right space. Yay!

    Hope your LFT went ok Cinque

    I’ve started putting weekend work on my timesheet so I can get paid and no-one is complaining. So maybe I can make enough to fund the trip to NZ across this year? Time will tell. The tax man gets a LOT of it grrrr

    We have a lunch out on Sunday and then going to watch two friends who play guitar and sing at a local club. Tomorrow I am spending plenty of time planning menu’s and exercise from Monday onwards. Back to my 800-1000 calories days Mon-Fri with low carb then TDEE or less on the weekend. Like I said, I know I can do it – I did it once before. I didn’t to my goal or anything last time but I was significantly lower than now

    Take care all and hello to anyone I missed

    Anzac, those weddings will provide good motivation. Try not to outshine the brides though. So pleased that you’ve had your first AZ dose. I had no side effects at all other than the anticipated soreness at the injection site which was fleeting and mild. Yes, aren’t the English funny with their ‘heatwaves’? You should see the photos of the beaches on the front pages of the papers! Could think of nothing worse. It was bad enough on the canals over the Bank Holiday weekend with a constant parade of boats but things have settled down somewhat now – probably in part because we’re on a remote part of the Oxford Canal with no facilities.

    Brr cold morning here and I am feeling fairly fragile after a few big days.

    Lung Function Test: no body box, just the spiro thing and the lung diffusion capacity one. I felt quite good after it and wondered what gas they used, only to find out it was carbon monoxide. What! I get the results at my doctors next week.

    I got good results from my email to my state, federal and local representatives. Found out the Council Home Care workers ARE all eligible for vaccination, even if they are under 40, and are eligible for our ‘5 day blitz’.
    A call from the fed office asking if there was anything more they can do, so talked more about wishing covid vaccination was mandatory for aged and disability workers. Good timing Cinque, 🙂 after National Cabinet yesterday it seems it might happen. (I do understand the issue of rights about what goes in your body, but in this work clients lives are at risk).
    Finally I should get contacted by the Council office sometime.
    I did feel that they really understood the points I was making so hooray for that.

    And now we have the worry of the Delta variant in Vic and maybe NSW, yikes (and I was complaining about the transmissibility of the (Warrick) Kappa).

    LJoyce, hooray for your thoughts about how you are eating and your new plans. They help me too. I think the thing I love most about this forum is that our insights and understandings and reminders of the basics keep coming around and click or sink in or make new connections and then circle around again. So useful.

    Mmm baked cheesecake! Yum.

    Thin, nice work with the painting and may the degreasing and top coats all go well.

    Betsy, excellent news on your wonderful healing and hand movement. What a wonderful relief.

    Anzac, congratulations on your first jab. I hope you are feeling fine now. One of my sisters had no reaction, I had one feverish night, and another poor sister had two rotten days.

    Hooray for adding your weekend work to your timesheet! Good move!
    And re tax I will thank you personally for Australia’s new quarantine centres (fingers crossed there will be several) and for my vaccines and (hopefully) my home help worker’s vaccines too.

    Did your menu and exercise planning go well? I bet you will have organised a wonderful, delicious, successful regime. You are going to rock that wedding!
    Enjoy your day out tomorrow, it sounds such fun.

    Fast Day tomorrow!

    Cinque, great results, well done. Yes, everyone certainly has rights but those rights end where they affect the rights of someone else. With rights come responsibilities. And those younger people should keep in mind that ‘long covid’, more likely to affect them, is no picnic. And blood clots are a symptom of covid too. I’ve sensed your unease and I think you’re right to feel anxious, Australia is on a knife-edge.

    Betsy, I can remember when I last had cheesecake – it was on my birthday in April 2020! We had haloumi with home baked rolls two nights ago, my weight went up 600g yesterday. It’s back down a bit today but a reminded that bread cannot be on my menu. And haloumi not too often either. See you tomorrow for Sunday FD, Cinque.

    Degreasing revealed about ten more small rust bumps and the entire ‘sanding plus four consecutive days of primer’ has now been repeated. Frustrating but there are no short-cuts with prepping.

    Good afternoon from chilly Melbourne.

    Had a few bad eating days with the lockdown, in eating rich carb comfort food (donuts, chocolate cake) – gained 1.1 kg through carbs and fluid. Ate sensibly lower carb the past 2 days, and promptly lost 1.1 kg. Ah well. No loss but no overall gain either.

    Thin, I’m impressed that you can remember the actual time and event when you last ate cheesecake. What a pain with the boat that the whole sanding/priming process had to be repeated, but as you said, there are no shortcuts.

    Cinque, good that you received positive responses to your letters. Now let’s hope there is action put to them, not just words.
    The origin of the Delta strain is a bit of a concern. Almost definitely out from hotel quarantine, but the question is – where? And for how long has it been circulating undetected in the community? And which community – somewhere in Victoria, or in southern NSW? Let’s hope the authorities can work out its origin.
    Good the lung test wasn’t enclosed in the box. Probably safer not to be. When do you receive your results?

    Anzac65, good for you in actually claiming all the extra weekend hours you’ve been working – so you should, and I hope the reward is enough money to enjoy the trips to NZ and Melbourne for the two weddings. Are you still going okay post-jab?

    Neilithicman, hope you’ve thrown off that cold now. It’s a real pain catching colds here in Melbourne – step one is “go and have a Covid-19 test”. I’ve had several tests in the past year or so – 5?6?. Every one has been negative, as expected, but …. it’s tedious. The friend who was driving me around recently, for the 3+ weeks I couldn’t drive, got the sniffles, passed them on to me. Then we had the Covid outbreak, so we both had to be tested, yet again. Yet again, negative. At least you don’t have to face that.

    Hope everyone else is doing well. I’m going to snuggle up with a good book for the afternoon. Bye for now.

    Hi all from another cold and wet day here in Kaiteriteri.

    In fact, it rained here all day yesterday, has been raining here all day today and is forecast for the same tomorrow so I guess this weekend it is our turn for the massive deluge. Loads of surface flooding throughout the site but certainly nothing like they got in Ashburton last weekend, no rivers with banks to burst here, plus we are on the edge of both the Tasman and Kahurangi National Parks, so all the tall trees on the hills tend to pull in the rain clouds. I shall soon be out of rainy day jobs! OH loves it ‘cos I always end up baking something, today it was wholemeal date scones.

    I do hope you are enjoying that book this afternoon Betsy, kinda one of those days here today too, might be on the cards for tomorrow seeing as it’s a long weekend, Queens’ birthday. We have decided, so far anyway, to stay on the South Island this winter for a change. The good thing is we are not too far from the ferry across the Strait if we should change our minds. Well done with the hand outcome.

    Great results from those letters and tests Cinque, are you still eating the red cabbage, did you find any favourite dishes with it.

    Great you get to come across the ditch again next Feb Anzac for wedding celebrations, what a motivation for your weight loss. I have felt the same trying to lose weight without an end goal as such, having that focus at the end date does seem easier for me. I know you can do it.

    Great news on your weight loss Neil, have you managed to work out what the culprit was which stopped you from losing weight, or, made you gain weight? Could it have been the Jelly Beans? How are you going with the weather, not too much rain down there I hope?

    Good luck with the next round of primer Thin, surprising what degreaser exposes? I know what you mean about the heatwave over there, Summer seems to have arrived though. We have been watching the cricket from Lords, two days of sunshine and a day of rain so no play! My mum can finally get out in the garden but she is also watching the French Open, such a dilemma! Hope you still find time to cook your chicken tikka masala for your fast dinner tonight?

    Speaking of which, it must be time for dinner here too, enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone,


    Turn, you seem to be enjoying your travels despite the rainy days. That’s funny about your mum being torn between the TV and the sunshine. In which part of the UK is she living? I recently mentioned my dismay at seeing so many overweight, immobile young people in Rugby. My faith was restored in Britons’ fitness levels when dozens of people passed the boat last weekend on a ‘Birmingham to London’ walk/run – 145 miles in 45 hours. They didn’t have time to stop overnight.

    Betsy, hopefully, the track and trace programme will reveal the sources of the latest outbreaks, I read that Australia’s is very good. I hadn’t realised until a friend in Perth recently mentioned that in WA, it’s necessary to scan a QR code on entering hospitality venues as we do here, so if that’s nationwide, that’s good. Why do you have to get a covid test when you have cold symptoms? We can get a box of seven covid tests free from any pharmacy which is a useful tool for the rare occasions that we want to meet friends. One good thing about adhering to social distancing is no colds or ‘flu! Hand shaking is hopefully a thing of the past – what a germ-spreader.

    FD is here. It’s Chicken Bhuna, Turn. Weigh in 58.7kg so I’m expecting a clean slate of 58kg tomorrow.

    Good morning, even better than expected – 57.9kg. That’ll be short-lived but it’s a good start to the week. Hoping you all have a great one.

    Good morning, the rain has finally stopped and the sun is shining and I finally broke through the 68’s. Woo hoo! Could be short lived too, but a great figure to see and a lovely start to the short week.

    Enjoy your day everyone, it’s so quiet on here at the moment?


    Morning all, I had a productive weekend. I got some pruning done at the local frisbee golf course, had a few rounds of frisbee golf, got my glasshouse frame and windows completed, got a batch of kombucha brewing and spent some time with the wife and kids chilling out with some movies.

    Still struggling with my eating. I know I shouldn’t be eating the stuff that I do, but I just can’t seem to stop myself from eating it.

    I’ll redouble my efforts this week and try to get the crap out of my diet.

    Good morning everyone from cold nasty-weather Melbourne (snow down to 900m), although I think you are having the shocking winds SA and you got the terrible flooding NZ.

    I had my fast day yesterday instead of Sunday and had a really good fasty fast one, plus (even though I am still having breathing problems) feeling like I can get some things done. I am going to vacuum, make fish pies, and work on all the things piled up in the back room.

    However, Miso is on my knee, purring, so I am writing this first.

    Thanks Thin, I have heard from a disability worker that I can request someone vaccinated. I’ll ask.

    I wish, re the blood clots associated with the AZ vacc, they would make clear we have a 99.999% chance of no clotting. Emphasising the likelihood of not getting it seems easier on the mind that pointing out the tiny possibility of getting it.

    Yes re QR codes are go here as the ‘covidsafe app’ was a failure. Victoria only just got it narrowed to one QR system here and making it mandatory including in supermarkets as a result of the current lockdown.

    Excellent Fast Day result!

    I really love that a special treat like a piece of baked cheesecake is part of a wonderful occasion and then remembered fondly. After all, your memory of a year ago is probably as much of a pleasure as LJoyce’s memory of last week.
    I can still remember the beautiful taste, texture and scent of my favourite baked ricotta cheesecake, and it doesn’t make much difference how old the memory is. Mine is many years old.

    But Wo! Did you have to reprime and repaint the entire roof because of ten little rust bubbles? Sheesh! I hope not.

    Betsy, hoping you are nicely low carbing since your last post, to continue that lovely downward trajectory. That will be more satisfying that the status quo.

    My mission too. I’ve been too much status quo-ing, and not enough downward trajectory-ing. Hence my fasty fast day. Especially as I have the energy now.

    I am annoyed that the goal posts change every few years, and what would have been a fine diet then, doesn’t suit me now. I need to be even more ‘not too much’ than I used to be.

    AN HOUR LATER… (Miso the cat is outside now)

    I agree with you, Betsy about the Delta worry, I’ve missed most of today’s presser but glad to see they think they are getting closer to find the source.

    I’ve a telehealth appt with my doctor tomorrow to discuss my lung function test and next steps. I am still having the breathing trouble, but on the other hand I am able to do so much more, because I stopped the skipping. Conundrum!

    Turn, hello! Has it stopped raining yet?
    Ooh yum, wholemeal date scones.
    I must have made at least 8 meals from the 1/2 red cabbage, and my favourite was braised with onions and a bit of relish, but next time I buy it I really want to have fun with roasting wedges, and maybe even filling Chinese steamed buns.
    Last shop I bought green savoy cabbage and purple carrots 😀

    Best wishes for your South Island wintering.

    Cheers to everyone. Happy mindful eating.

    Kiwi contingent posted meanwhile! Hello Turn and Neil.

    Big congrats Turn, I hope you have a nice long time in the 68s. And that the sun keeps shining.

    Sympathy Neil, congratulations on all the good stuff you have been doing with, and for, your family.
    Keep doing the best you can, and hopefully something will click into place and make eating less easier again. Be kind to yourself, there is so much going on that we don’t understand.

    I’m off to get some things done. Woot.

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